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August 02, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-02

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- 7 NEA -t-A DST2, 1950


UNESCO & Korean Crisis


WASHINGTON-While the United Nations
has moved with commendable boldness
and promptness from the very start of the
Korean crisis, there is one function which
thus far it has failed to perform adequately
to meet its first challenge by aggression.
This-and a highly important one-is in
the field of education and enlightenment
on what might be called its moral position.
That is essential to its political function,
in the execution of which it has rallied the
support of 56 of its 59 members in sup-
port of its Korean action, and to its en-
forcement function, which it has carried
out by establishing an emergency inter-
national police force under General Doug-
las MacArthur.
This emphasis on its legal and moral posi-
tion is especially needed because of the pro-
paganda barrage by the Russians against the
UN action, which is increasing in distortion
and intensity. The, truth must get out to the
people of the world who are being reached
by the Russian attacks.
The UN has an agency for just this pur-
pose in UNESCO-United Nations Educa-
bional, Scientific and Cultural Organization
-whose purpose, as set forth in its consti-
tution, is the "unrestricted pursuit of ob-
jective truth and the free exchange of ideas
and knowledge."
IT IS TIMELY, therefore, that the U.S. Na-
tional commission for UNESCO, embrac-
.ng our representatives to this UN agency,
iow has come forward with a request for ari
immediate emergency session of UNESCO's
executive board to carry out its ordained
ole, among other ways by:
"Devising and utilizing all available
means for the dissemination of the facts
concerning the causes of the present sit-
uation in Korea, and other actions which
may threaten the peace in other areas of
the world."
In its request, which was transmitted to
TNESCO headquarters in Paris, through Lu-
her H. Evans, Librarian of Congress and
vice chairman of UNESCO's executive board,
;he U.S. National Commission thus clearly
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

recognizes that similar aggression may occur
elsewhere from the pattern indicated in Ko-
rea. This compels UNESCO to take cogniz-
ance of a general situation that threatens
the peace of the world.
It bases its call for action on UNESCO's
primary obligation "to promote peace and,
security" and "to further universal res-
pect for justice and the rule of law."
Of the North Korean aggression and its
meaning it says:
"Never before had such an act taken place
against so complete a background of interna-
tional collaboration and organization as that
represented by the United Nations. Never be-
fore were the issues involved in a breach of
the peace conditioned 'so fully by the funda-
mental consideration that even defensive
military action must have as an underlying
objective 'the building up of the defenses of
peace in the minds of men'."
WHAT IS REQUIRED thus, is a simple ex-
planation - repeatedly stressed - of the
UN's role to preserve peace by checkingag-
gression as proclaimed in its charter solemn-
ly subscribed to by 59 nations. At the out-
set, the U.S. Commission recommends that
the UNESCO executive board adopt "a
strong staement of support for the action of
the United Nations."
It would seem imperative that it move
fast because of indications that Russia
now, apparently, plans to capitalize its
return to the UN Security Council, to use
that agency as a forum to continue its
attacks on UN procedure in Korea, and
otherwise to harass and obstruct the UN's
mission. Russia's return to the UN, after
an abstention since last January, was de-
noted in notifications by Jacob A. Malik,
Russia's Security Council representative,
that he would assume the presidency of
the Council for the month of August. This
comes to him under the rotation system,
but his acceptance had not been expected.
UNESCO has many avenues through
which to tell the story of the UN's function
in cases of aggression, such as that in Korea,
including the UN radio facilities which it
could well use far more than for the brief.
program it now presents, as well as publica-
tions of all sorts that circulate widely
through national commissions in member
states. The request for the executive board
emergency session also suggested that re-
gional conferences be called on education
and information about the aggressive threat
exemplified in Korea.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)


WashingtonMerry- Go-Round

THE ALCHEMIST, by Ben Jonson, and
KING LEAR, by William Shakespeare.
Presented by the Oxford University Play-
THE OXFORD PLAYERS' final appearance
in LEAR last Friday night quite plainly
left their audience about as impressed as
Ann Arbor audiences ever get, and with,
reason. They are an organization equipped
with an unflagging competence rarely
enough met with amongst either professional
or amateur groups, and with an enthusiasm,
versatility and imagination which made
both their ALCHEMIST and their LEAR
There were a number of discernible rea-
sons for the sustained excellence of the
two performances in question. Direction is
on of them. Alan Cooke and David Wil-
liams, who directed the two plays, are ap-
parently both pretty much guided by a
single idea: a kind of confidence in the
play and in the dramatist which causes
them to go at it from the beginning with-
out the usual furbelows often found clut-
tering up modern "versions" of older
plays. There is, in short, a willingness to
take things literally; to move the perform-
ers around to fit the play rather than to
move the play around to fit the perform-
ers. If you were present at the recent lo-
cal attempt at the same B. Jonson's 'Vol-
pone," you probably understand what I'm
getting at here.
The inevitable result of this laissez-faire
point of view is, of course, a rather lengthy
presentation, little cut and not at all revis-
ed; a production which comes out pretty
much as you had read it, and done in this
particular case with an unstudied and un-
sophisticated boldness which was a joy to be-
Then there are the Players themselves, not
one of whom is anything less than gifted,
and one or two of whom appeared to me to
be already equipped for the Big Time. I re-
fer specifically to Jack May, who was Sif
Epicure Mammon on Thursday and on Fri-
day the Earl of Kent, and to John Schles-
inger, who appeared as Subtle in the Al-
chemist and as Oswald in Lear. May's man-
per is reminiscent of the late George Arliss
he performs with a polish and urbanity pa-
tently come by through hard wcrk, much ex
perience, and a clear idea of what he }s
about. Schlesinger's most valuable asset is a
volatility, a bounce, particularly apparent in
The Alchemist, which carries him a long waY
out to his audience.
Only slightly less impressive were the per-
formances of Jocelyn Page as Doll of the
Alchemist and Goneril in Lear; Ronald Eyre
as first Drugger and then The Fool; and
Peter Parker as Lovewit and Lear."
The sets the Players are using on their
American tour are entirely functional: they
provide a door"where a door is called for,
without much attempt at a particularly
doorlike door. This has to do, of course, with
purposes of simplicity and portability.
It became quite evident, Thusrday and Fr-
day, that in spite of the fact that they have
neither a School of Drama nor a University
Theatre,athe Oxford Players seem to be bet-
ter than most American undergraduate
groups, our own included. This observation
has resulted in a certain amount of con-
jecture about why our own Play Production
organization, with whatever advantages,
doesn't do as well by, say, King Lear, as they
do. Such controversy usually is about as use-
ful as pouringsandintoagopherhole,butit P.
ful as pouring sand into a gopher hole, but it
does occur to me that there are a few com-
parative points to be made.
It is worth noting, for example, that the
average age of the Oxford Players is some-
where well along in the twenties. While this
doesn't mean anything by itself, it ought to
be pointed out that most of the Players'
have already spent several years in radio,
film, and on the stage. Apparently much of
their experience is behind them before they
begin the academic stage of their careers;
obviously not the case with Michigan's
group, which is designed to accept totally in-

experienced people at the ages of seventeen
and eighteen.
Some attention ought to be paid, also, to
the element of selectivity. American under-
graduate groups must accept whoever ap-
plies, talented or not, and hope that a few
capable actors and directors may be made
of the lot. The Players, on the other hand_,
represent the cream of a number of unoffi4
cial groups. The fact that their cream seems
to be of a better quality than our own is the
While all this is not to be construed as
an apologia for American play production
groups in general and our own in particu
lar, it seems to me that these are obser-
vations which ought to be made before
comparisons begin, and that the problem
isn't the rather non-profitable one of why
aren't we better, but whether or not our
system pays off as well as it ought.
In any case, it is obvious that the Oxford
system, with poverty on its side, does pay
off, and, in this case, to our advantage.
-W. J. Hampton
token payment, but continue to draw regu-
lar salaries from their own companies.
Some of these men performed skilled
and patriotic jobs for their country dur-
ing World War II. But many, suffering

"I Don't Need You To Protect Me, Junior"
s f ..

.port r1w WINSKkT .v T-14 Y°A c y



WASHINGTON.-It has now developed
that the Washigton police tapped the
wires of a U. S. Senator while they were
working for private individuals on govern-
ment time.
The Senator in question is the late Josiah
Bailey of North Carolina, and his wires were
tapped in the basement of the apartment
house in which he lived on Q Street, by the
same police lieutenant, Joseph Shimon, who
tapped the wires of Howard Hughes.
Lt. Shimon sat, with a pad of paper, in
the basement of Senator Bailey's apart-
ment house every evening for about two
weeks while the Pan American Airways
controversy over the "chosen instrument"
was hot, and scribbled notes on the Sena-
tor's conversation. He had run a wire
from the apartment-house switchboard
down to the little room in the basement.
Sometimes, when Bailey was not in a
talkative mood and wasn't using his phone,
the police lieutenant had his girl friend
come and visit him in the apartment-house
Who paid Lt. Shimon for this private-
eye job is not known. It was not part of his
regular police work, and Maj. Robert Bar-
rett, chief of police, has emphatically op-
posed wire-tapping. He also transferred Shi-
mon to an obscure precinct when he caught
him wire-tapping, but, thanks to interven-
tion from higher-ups, Shimon is, now back
at one of the most important precincts in
the city.
SOME LIGHT on who paid Shimon to tap
the wires of Senator Bailey may be shed
by recalling the fact that Shimon also tapped
Howard Hughes' wires at the height of the
controversy between Pan American Airways
and Hughes' Trans World Airlines. At that
time, Senator Brewster of Maine, great
friend of Pan American, was chairman of
the Senate committee investigating Hughes.
Furthermore, the police officers who helped
Shimon tap Hughes' wire have mentioned
Pan American Airways in one of their sup-
plemental reports to the Justice Department.
It is also disclosed that Lt. Shimon in-
structed the three policemen working with
him especially to listen for any conversa-
tion regardingTrans World Airlines and
In other words, the District of Colum-

SENATOR BAILEY'S tapped wire fits right
into this picture. The late Senator from
North Carlina was chairman of the Inter-
state and Domestic Commerce Committee
which passed on aviation policy. Brewster
was a member of this committee, and had
pushed the "chosen instrument" bill, a poli-
cy devised and urged on Congress by Pan
This bill would have eliminated compe-
tition between U. S. airlines overseas;
would have picked one "chosen" line in-
stead to handle all U. S. air traffic abroad.
It was when this bill was under considera-
tion that Senator Bailey's wires were tap-
ped by the District of Columbia police.
Bailey was opposed to Brewster's and Pan
American's plar of a "chosen instrument."
Instead, he stuck to the old principle of free
competition. Senator Brewster, who was
trying to change his mind, once flew to
Raleigh, N. C., in a special Pan American
plane to argue with chairman Bailey, but
he refused to budge.
Partly because of Bailey's opposition,
Brewster's "chosen instrument" bill was
defeated. But during the debate, it now de-
velops that Senator Bailey was subjected
to police-state eavesdropping by the po-
lice of a city which is supposed to be the
opposite of Moscow.
And the police lieutenant who tapped Bai-
ley's telephone now continues to hold one
of the most important jobs on the police
force, while the Jusice Department has let
the wire-tapping report gather dust for
nine months.
Meanwhile, Senator Neely of West Vir-
ginia, Democratic chairman of the District
of Columbia Committee, shies away from a
probe of police wire-tapping.
Note - Pan American Airways now ap-
pears headed toward the attainment of
its "chosen instrument" goal, despite its
defeat by Congress. Thanks to maneuver-
ing by Secretary of Defense Johnson and
White House Secretary Matt Connelly,
President Truman has just reversed the
Civil Aeronautics Board and ruled that
Pan American can swallow up American
Overseas Airlines. Truman also gave Pan
Am the choice routes to Paris and Rome
- a long step toward eliminating competi-
tion and giving Pan Am the monopoly it
has long coveted.
Every agency of the government opposed
the Pan American overseas merger. h ut.Tru-

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 25-S
Approved Student Sponsored
Social Events for the Coming
Wee-end: August 5, 1950; Nelson
International House, Michigan
Christian Fellowship, Zeta Beta
A representative of the Owens
Illinois Glass Company of Toledo,
Ohio will be at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments on Thursday, August
3 to interview August graduates
for the sales training program in
their glass container division. Men
selected will be given one year's
training in all departments of
the company. For further infor-
mation and appointments for in-
terviews call Ext. 37'
The City .of Detroit Civil Ser-
vice Commission announces ex-
aminations for Student Technical
Assistant (Electrical or Mechan-
ical Engineers) with the closing
date August 8; andtJunior Mech-
anical Engineer with the closing
date August 14.
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments,3528
Administration Building.
Notice: The Office of the Sum-
mer Session is holding an Air Mail
letter for Miss Julia Allen from
the Young Women's Christian As-
. sociation of the United States of
America. National Board. Will
you please call for it at 3510 Ad-
ministration Building. It will be
held until Friday, August 4 be-
fore being returned to sender.
Chemistry Lecture Series:
Chemistry Building, Room 1300.
Wednesday, August 2 at 4:00 p.m.
Professor John C. Slater, Head,
Department of Physics, Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology.
Topic: "Ferroelectricity."
Guidance Workshop: Floyd
Cromwell, State Supervisor of
High Schools, State Department
of Education, Baltimore, Mary-
land will be the guest lecturer and
consultant at the Guidance Work-
shop, Room 267, Business Ad.
Bldg., Tuesday through Friday of
this week. His topic will be "Or-
ganization and Administration of
Linguistic Institute. Wednesday,
August 2. "Derivatives ,of ME iu
in the North Central States." Al-
bert H. Marckwardt, Professor of
English, 1:00 p.m. Michigan Union.
Student Recital: David Larson,
student of piano with Mischa Mel-
ler, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, in a program given in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music de-
gree. Open to the public, the re-
cital will include works by Bach,

Mozart, Brahms, Kabalevsky, and
Student Recital: Kenneth Lang,
student of violin with Gilbert Ross,
will present a program at 4:15
p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. It will
include compositions by Tartini,
Bach, Bruch, and Ross Lee Fin-
ney, member of the School of Mu-
sic faculty. The general public is
Student Recital: Andrew Lisko,
Violinist, will present a program
at 8:30 Thursday evening, August
3, in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of Mu-
sic degree. A pupil of Gilbert Ross,
Mr. Lisko will play compositions
by Locatelli, Ross Lee Finney, and
Brahms. The recital will be open
to the public.
Student Recital: Jean Deal, pia-
nist, will present a program in
partial fulfillment of the Master
of Music degree requirements at
4:15 Thursday afternoon, August
3, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss
Deal will play works by Bach, Mo-
zart, Chopin, Gail Kubik, and De-
bussy. The general public is in-
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will be
heard in a program of carillon
musci at 7:15 Thursday evening,
August 3. It will include two songs
by Foster, Preludes 1, 4, & 7 by
Professor Price: five Polish airs,
and instrumental compositions by
J. S. Bach, Haydn, Weber, and
General Library, main lobby
cases. "Trochiledae, Family of
Humming Birds," by John Gould,
supplement, 1887. (July 27-August
Museum of Archaeology. From
The Daily welcomes communications
from its readers on matters of gen-
eral interestaand will publish all let-
ters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding
300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which
for any reasonsare not in good taste
will be condensed, edited or withheld
from publication at the discretion of
the editors.
'Peace' Petition ...
To the Editor-
NOW THAT the obvious facts
have come to light, and since
I, like many others, desirous of
having my name retracted from
the Stockholm Peace Petition, I
publicly request that my name be
stricken from the petition which
I recently signed, and suggest to
The Daily that it solicit the names
of other misled citizens who wish
the retraction of their signatures,
as a Copenhagen newspaper has
recently done.
-William L. Mayo

Outlawing Communists

4 .

AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
PRAVDA, official mouthpiece of the Communist Party's top brass
in Moscow, is generally proud of the way the American Commu-
nists have conducted themselves recently,
For the "firmness under fire" of American Communists in
opposing the UN-U.S. Korean policy, however, the Party organ
has nothing but praise. The paper reiterates a statement by Wil-
liam Z. Foster, national chairman, that this group in America, des-
pite its small size, is destined to play a decisive role in history.
The means of handling any group, which operates on the border-
line between legitimate political protest and actual treason, is diffi-
cult. Some pretty deep pinpricks still seem preferable to tinkering
with American safeguards for civil rights. The country still shies away
from outlawry.
* * * *
ONE WITNESS, however, whose experience entitles him to be heard,
advocates outlawry. He is Lieut. Gen. James Van Fleet, retiring
director of the U. S. military and advisory planning group in Greece.
After two years in which he played a major role in the victory of the
Greek government over international Communist guerrilla infiltra-
tion which once held two-thirds of the country, Van Fleet says:
"As a matter of fact, civil liberties exist in too great a measure
for the good of Greece. Authough the Communist Party is out-
lawed as it should be here, Communist collaborators, masquerad-
ing under different labels, are still in the government."
Well, that seems to raise both the question and at least a part of
thi answer. Outlawry doesn't work, and to make it work you have to
play the totalitarian game.
It is necessary to kill mosquitos when they attack directly. But
real mosquito control depends on wiping out their swampy breeding
places. No more economic swamps, no more Communism.

Tombs and Towns of Ancient
" tiseums Building. Rotunda ex-
hibit; "The Coal Flora of Michi-
gan." Exhibition halls, "Microsco-
pc Life."
1i4w Library. Legal cartoons
(basement, July 24-August 18).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. "Tourists
in Michigan-Yesterday and To-
Museum of Art. Oriental ceram-
ics (June 26-August 15). Modern
graphic. art. (July 2-August 15).
Clements Library. Michigan rar-
ities. (August 1-18).
Events Today
University of Michigan Soaring
Club: The first flights were made
last Saturday, and more are plan-
ned for the coming week-end. So
that a schedule of flights can be
prepared, a short meeting is be-
ing held on August 2, 1950 in room
1042 ast Engineering at 7:30 p.m.
Anyone interested in joining is
welcome to attend.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, "Upper Room," Lane
Hall, 7:30 p.m. Tog+.c: II Thessa-
lonians, chapter one and verses
1 to 12 of chapter two.
Geometry Seminar: Wednesday,
Aug. 2, 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Miss Ingersoll will discuss Gam-
bier's: "Perpendicular Circles and
a Paradox Relative to Complex
Craft Group meets at Lane Hall,
7:30 p.m. Materials are available
at cost.
University Community Center,
Willow Village, 8 p.m. Wives' Club
Refreshment Committee Meeting.
Sooiedad Hispanica: Mr. Medar-
do Quitierrez will discuss, with the
aid of unusual recordings, "The
Music of Spain"; East Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 8 p.m.
Wednesday. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Graduate History Club: Dr.
Chester G. Starr, visiting professor
in the history department from
the University of Illinois will draw
a parallel between the Modern Cri-
sis and the GrecoRtoman Crisis
of the Second Century B.C., at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Interna-
tional Center.
Botanical Seminar: at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Rm. 1139 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Prof. R. J. Lowry will
speak on "Some Practical Consid-
erations in the Use of Radio-Ac-
tive Materials in Botanical Stu-
dies." All interested are invited to
Opening Tonight: "Hansel an
Gretel," world famous opera, pre-
sented by the Department o
Speech in conjunction with the
School of Music, at Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre at 8 p.m. Based
upon the Grimm fairy tale of
"Babes in the Woods," the opera
is set to some of the most beauti-
ful music in opera literature. Per-

formances will be given tonight
through Saturday at 8 p.m. There
will be no matinee. Tickets are
on sale at the Mendelssohn box
office from 10 a.m. through 8
Coming Events
French Club: Soiree Amicale at
the French House, 1027 E. Un[-
versity, on Thursday, August 3, at
8 p.m. Songs, games, dances, re-
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics will meet Thursday, August
3, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West
Engineering Building. Professor
S. Chandrasekhar of Yerkes Ob-
servatory, Univ. of Chicago, Wil-
liams Bay, Wisc. will speak on "A
class of non-linear integral equa-
Classical Studies Coffee Hour.
Students in the Departnent of;
Classical Studies and others who
are interested are invited to at-
tend on August 3 at 4:00 pam. in:
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. There will be
an informal talk by Professor C.v
A. Forbes.
Graduate Student Council meet-
ing Thursday August 3, West Lec-
ture room, Rackham Building, 7:30
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting
Thursday, 7:30, Rm. 311, West
Engine. Prepare for Barton Pond:
TeamRace this Sunday.
Deutsches Haus 1101 Church
Street will hold Open House,
Thursday, August 3 from 7:30 to
10 p.m. There will be games, sing-
ing, and refreshments will be serv-
ed. Everyone is cordially invited.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the.,
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson........Managing
Peter Hotton...............City
Marvin Epstein........Sports
Pat Brownson......Women's


Business Staff
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Walter Shapero...Assoc. Business Mr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it' or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.,
All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular schoc
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KCushlamochree, Barnaby!-

Yes. Those ungrateful Pixies.

At any rote, the PEOPLE I

IYes. It's p01's parade. thePE:03pI

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