t~.. , r.,. 'WAR JITTERS' ARRIVE See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State Iaiitt PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LX, No. 24-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1950 FOUR PAGES 0 II [a " 2 1 ,,, , War Plane Production Order Given 'U' To Work on Guided Missiles WASHINGTON - (A') - In a move to speed the building of a big air armada, the Government yesterday ordered work to start on some $4,300,006,000 worth of planes without waiting for Con- gress. "' Certain the money will be voted, the Air Force sought to save weeks of precious poduction time by signalling 200 manufacturers of planes and parts to get going. * * * IT MAY be late August before Congress completes the appropria- tions. An official said the entire Air Force plane ordering program ask- ed of Congress for the fiscal year that began July 1 is covered by the order. The number of planes involved was not stated, although it is in the thousands. What manufacturers are get- ting is a letter of intention to place orders. This is "something they can start getting employes with," an official explained. De- tailed contracts will be signed later. " The official said the letters went to'virtually every manufacturer of planes and parts in the country. * * * This proposed three billion dol- lar expansion program for the U. S. Air Force may result in a lot of orders for Michigan firms. Air Force procurement offices here are getting ready to handle a rush of orders once the go-ahead signal is given. University of Michigan re- searchers were given nearly $1,- 000,000 worth of assignments. Among these was an. $800,000 research program on guided missile control systems. Col. Russell Keilor, commander of the Detroit Air Force Procure- ment Field Office, said yesterday no expansion orders have yet come from A i r Materiel Command Headquarters at Wright-Patter- son Air Force base, Dayton, O. TWO 'Charged With Planning Gold Perjury By The Associated Press A manufacturer and a woman ex-government employe were ar- rested yesterday on charges of conspiring with Harry Gold, con- fessed atom spy, to give false tes- timony to a federal grand jury investigating subversive activities. The Justice Department identi- fied them as Abraham Brothman, 36, head of the Ulster Chemical Company in Cliffwood, N. J., and tall blonde, Miriam Moskowitz, 34, principal stockholder and an official of the firm. U. S. ATTORNEY Irving H. Say- pol said they arranged with Gold to give "false, fictitious and man- ufactured information" to the fed- eral grand jury in 1947. Yesterday grand jury session was called at the last minute because the three-year statute of limitations covering the al- leged offenses was about to ex- * pire. In Washington, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said Gold and Brothman agreed to tell the grand jury falsely that they had been brought together by the late Ja- cob Golos, a New York importer previously identified as a Soviet SPy. Elizabeth Bentley, self-described ex-courier for a Soviet spy ring, has said Golos recruited her as a Soviet agent. ArIrvTAM. No 'I si. *then Risks a 'Must' for Peace Says Attlee Pays Tribute to U.S., Praises UN Intervention in Korean War Crisis TAUNTON, Eng.-(P-Prime Minister Attlee warned Britain yesterday that world peace could be obtained only by "positive ac- tion and willingness to take risks." He told a Labor rally that the United Nations might have gone the way of the defunct League of Nations if it hadn't acted to halt the Communist invasion of South Korea. * * * ,: Government To Press for ECA Funds WASHINGTON-(P)-The Ad- ministration, seeking to ward off any economic blows to the Mar- shall Plan, told Congress yester- day that the rebuilding of Eu- rope's strength is now more im- portant than ever. Secretary of State Dean Ache- son and William Foster, acting head of the Economic Coopera- tion Administration (ECA), urged in separate letters to Chairman Connally '(Dem-Tex) of the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee that adequate funds be voted for a third year of the aid program. * * * THE SENATE has agreed to start voting Monday on the for- eign aid section of the one-pack- age $34,688,000,000 appropriation bill. Some Republicans hope to slice a multi-million dollar chunk out of funds earmarked for the European Recovery Program. Foster said he realized that mounting military expenditures for the Korean fighting and for rearming against possible Com- munist aggression elsewhere re- quire that the nation's resource?; be husbanded for the most es- sential needs. But among these needs, he add- ed, "high priority must be given to the sums required for maintaining the economic strength of our friends and increasing their mili- tary strength as well." ACHESON ENDORSED Foster's views, saying that "the mounting economic strength of Western Eu- rope is of paramount importance to the fulfillment of the policy which the United States govern- ment has been pursuing." "I cannot urge too strongly that the Congress take action to' provide adequate funds to sup- port this mounting strength," Acheson said. Neither letter mentioned the in- creased Foreign Arms Aid Pro-, gram which President Truman is expected to put before Congres- sional leaders at a White House conference Monday morning. Advance reports were that Mr. Truman will ask for an additional $4,000,000,000 to h e 1 p rearm friendly nations. This would be on top of the $1,222,500,000 already authorized by. Congress for the fiscal year which started July 1. THEN, PAYING tribute to the United States' intervention in the Korean war, Attlee said: "All honor is due the U. S. who took the action, and we in this country and more than 50 other nations are backing them up in this endeavor to preserve world peace. "I know' this means risks and dangers but any other course would mean risks and dangers. I am quite sure that if we want to get an authority in the world that is greater than the will of an ag- ressor we have got to say here and now that aggression shall not succeed." * * * HE BLAMED the Communist states of Europe and Asia for keep- ing the world split into political segments. The Prime Minister echoed what is uppermost in the minds of many Western European states- men - the danger of rearming at the expense of domestic economic well-being. He said: "If you put too much into your armaments you may ruin your economy and make just the kind of conditions which will be fav- orable to the growth of totalitar- ianism. "If you put too little into your defense you may fail to preserve essential law and order. We have reviewed that balance." Local Draft Board Will Be OpenDaily Washtenaw County's D r a f t Board was authorized by the State Selective Service headquarters yes- terday to go on a seven-day week in order to fill the expanded draft needs. Only those men eligible for in- duction in September were order- ed to be sent to Detroit for pre- induction physicals next month. Draft board officials were ad- vised that the county would probably have to send "an ad- ditional three and a half times" its previous pre-induction quota into Detroit for pre-draft exam- inations. This will bring the county's pre- induction quota up from 102 to roughly 500. Out of these an es- timated 70 men will probably ac- tually be drafted. Wednesday the first group of eligible draftees since the start of the Korean crisis will take their physical examinations at the De- troit Induction Center. A total of 102 have been called for these tests. Korea Tough FAIRFIELD, Calif. - (P) - A Guadalcanal veteran, wounded in the Korean war, says "Guad- alcanal was nothing in compar- ison" to Korea. "This one is really 'tough," declared PFC George J. Stakes, 47, of Chicago. He was one of 18 wounded veterans of the 24th Infantry Division who reached here Friday in the third plane bearing wounded from Korea. Stakes has spent 17 years in service. "Those young boys are really] doing fine," Stakes said. "They do need better morale and bet- ter equipment." Step Up Air Barrage on N. Koreans TOKYO-(P)-U. S. forces yes- terday appeared to be stepping up their air attacks against the Com- munist war machine in Korea. B-29s from U. S. bases in Ja- pan went out "in some strength" early yesterday, striking supply and communications targets in North Korea, an air force spokes- man said.] THAT WAS taken as an indi- cation that Superforts were mak- ing bigger raids on supply lines to the advancing Communist troops in the South. Yesterday more than 90 per- cent of the Air Force's fghter and bomber missions was di- rected against Communists ad- vancing on the southwest flank] of the U. S. positions.1 B-29 bombers are blasting North Korean targets at a rate of 5,000] tons of bombs per month, accord- ing to Maj-Gen. Emmett (Rosie) O'Donnell. The bomber Command chief said 3,000 tons of bombs already had been dropped on both tacti- cal and strategic targets starting with the first mission by two new B-29 groups July 13. T H E INITIAL assault was] mounted eight days after the two groups first received orders to come overseas from their Ameri- can West Coast bases. Since then the B-29s have main- tained a daily attack schedule without much regard for weather. On Friday they completed their sixth consecutive day of visual bombing - conditions favorable for accuracy - in an intense at- tack on North Korean communi- cations. Between July 23 and 28 they dropped 1,250 tons of high explosives on 95 major targets. World News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON - Bricks were hurl- ed through windows of the Soviet Embassy last night by a chanting mob of demonstrators, apparent- ly members of Sir Oswald Mosley's fascist-style "union movement.' Witnesses said the demonstra- tors dropped leaflets mentioning Mosley and stating the "union movement" is the only effective defense against Russian Commu- nism. The leaflets were headed "Russia threatens war." LAKE SUCCESS - Russia kept the United Nations quessing last night what she will do when Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Jakob A.Malik takes over the Security Council presidency for August next Tuesday. HARTFORD, Conn.-(P)--Con- necticut Democrats, pledging ac- tion on the home front to aid the Armed Forces in Korea, yes- terday named Governor Chester Bowles and U. S. Senators Brien McMahon and William Benton to head their ticket in the fall elec- Chaos Gains As Belgians Riot,_Strike Anti-Leopoldists Ask Abdication BRUSSELS - (P) - Belgium plunged deeper into civil chaos last night and the government or- dered drastic new measures to deal with anti-Leopoldist riots, strikes and sabotage. Rioters singing French Revolu- tionary songs and howling for King Leopold's abdication push- ed mounted gendarmes aside in two missile-throwing battles in Brussels; smashed store windows, and marched with an effigy of the King in Gent; threw themselves across the rails to stop trains at Mons. V * * * * Ab SOy : - t 44 ~ ~lit y CRACKS APPEAR IN KOREA DEFENSE WALL-Communists cracked two holes in the last ditch lines of American forces. They captured the village of Chirye, ten miles south of Kum- chon (A) and pushed to within 50 miles of the vital seaport of Pusan (B). The drive in the center of American positions was considered the most serious of the two attacks. U.S. Vice Consul Shot While Escaping China Enemy Nears Port of Pusan THE GOVERNMENT ordered troops to occupy power stations, telephone exchanges and other places and was reported to have recalled two battalions from oc- cupation duties in Germany. It declared a state of emergency in Liege and banned all public meet- ings there and in the regions of Brussels and Verviers. Certain army units were or- dered brought up immediately to full war strength. A decree gave increased powers to pro- vincial governors, enabling them to seize public buildings, ban meetings and take other pre- cautions. With anti-Leopoldists busily preparing a massive "march on Brussels" for Tuesday, it did not seem likely the government or- ders, especially the ban on pub- lic meetings, would be heeded. * * * THE UPHEAVAL of strikes and violence threatened to spread into a separatist movement and split Belgium, a member of the West- ern front of nations. The Socialist Le Peuple said a states-general, or provisional par- liament, would be called shorly in Liege, center of violently anti- Leopoldist Walloonia. This report heightened rumors that an insur- rectional provisional government might be formed in the French- speaking south. Socialist Trade Union leaders boasted that 500,000 workers were on strike against their King; that not a single train could move in Charleroi, Mons, Namur and Liege; 45 in Detroit Council .Race DETROIT - (A) - Forty-five candidates had qualified by yes- terday's deadline for a City Coun- cil and a recorder's judgeship va- cancy to be filled in a special elec- tion Sept. 12. Among those qualifying for the Council race was former Mayor Eugene I. Van Antwerp and Lola Jeffries Hanavan. The Council vacancy was creat- ed by the death of Edward J. Jeffries, a brother of Mrs. Hana- van. The death of Judge Chris- topher E. Stein created the re- corder's court vacancy. Among those filing for judge was Charles W. Jones, appointed by Gov. G. Mennen Williams to serve until Stein's successor is elected. U. S. Platoon Caught South Of Kumehoi By The Associated Press KOREA - Communist capture of the village of Chirye, only 1C miles south of the vital U.S. com- munication and supply center of Kumchon, was indicated yester- day. AP correspondent W il111an Moore reported that an.Americar reconnaissance platoon was am- bushed on the road at a poini 18 miles south of Kumchon. * * * CHIRYE IS on the main Ko- chang-Kumchon railway, 30 air- line miles northwest of Taegu. . Reports about the ambush were sketchy. However, they In- dicated that North Korean ma- chineguns pinned down one American platoon. It was res- cued by another in a fierce fight. Casualties on either side were not reported. The strength of the enemy force was not' determined, but it ap- peared todberadvancing north- ward toward Kumchon and pos- sibly reached Chirye. TWO OTHER Red thrusts far- ther south had swept to withir 55 miles or so of Pusan, major American port and supply basE at the southeast tip of Korea. The Reds in the Kumchon area appeared to be the biggest immediate threat, however. MacArthur's headquarters saIk the Communists were attacking o executing movements for a prob able renewed attack all along thi 200-mile front. WASHINGTON-(P)-An Amer- ican Vice Consul seeking to escape Communist-held Northwest China by a dangerous trek through the lofty Himalayas has been shot to death by Tibetan border guards, the State Department revealed yesterday. The Department termed the kill- ing of Vice Consul Douglas S. MacKiernan a mistake, saying the Tibetans' mistook his party for bandits or Communist raiders. Ti- bet has apologized. 'THE INCIDENT occurred April 13 but was reported only yesterday by the State Department. First Capital Rounvadup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Senate Dem- ocratic Leader . Lucas suggested yesterday that giving President Truman stand-by-power to in- voke wage-price and rationing controls might add up to a work- able compromise in the hot dis- pute over home' front mobiliza- tion. Republican Senator Ives (NY), declared the world situation is grave, said last night President Truman should have at least stand-by power to impose wage, price and perhaps rationing con- trols. Rep. Mills (Dem-Ark), member of the fax-framing House Ways and Means Committee, announced yesterday he would seek prompt action on an excess profits tax "to curb profiteering." He said he would try to pin the profits tax on an Administration bill for renegotiation of defense contracts. news came from a native runner who took 27 days to reach Lhasa, capital of Tibet. MacKiernan and an American student had been en route by camel caravan from isolated Province in Northwest China since the Communists took over the area last September. They had gone 1200 miles when the border shooting occurred. While on his way, MacKiernan was charged repeatedly in Com- munist propaganda with organiz- ing Chinese bandits in Northwest China into anti-Communist bands. MacKIERNAN HAD the duty of closing down the United States Consulate at Tihwa, Sinkiang, fol- lowing the departure of Consul J. Hall Paxton, and two other Ameri- cans as Communist forces neared the city. Hall, his wife, and Vice Consul John Dreeson left Tihwa last August and reached India two months later over the same difficult route which MacKiernan and Bessac tackled in September. Alabama Man Arrested On Anarchy Count JASPER, Ala.-(IP)-A 44-year- old man delivered a tirade against President Truman and ;U.S. mili- tary leaders before a crowd of 500 yesterday and was charged with anarchy. The Police Chief said Wallace Haley, of Decatur, Ala., was. ar- rested after addressing a Saturday crowd in the courthouse square. The Commissioner said the speaker was arrested under au- thority granted by the code of Alabama, 1940. Chief Wilson said Haley was charged with "unlawful anarchy" an dheld on $2,500 bond. U.S. EIGHTH ARMY headquar- ters in Korea said, however, the pressure had slackened after coun- terattacks blunted the big Red drive that began Friday. MacArthur's public informa- tion chief objected yesterday to a disclosure that fresh U.S. troops in the Korean fighting had come from Okinawa bases. The officer, Col. M. P. Echols, also urged war correspondents again to use "discretion" in re- porting the battlefront behavior of some American troops. He said, however, that news cen- sorship is impossible in the Korean conflict. FIRST CAVALRY Division units abandoned the rail and highway town of Hwanggan early yesterday, then sent patrols back into the no-man's land. Field dispatches said the orderly withdrawal was made to consolidate defense lines some eight miles northeast of Yongdong. Hwanggan is on the main rail- road to Pusan, main U.S. supply port 85 miles to the southeast. Patrols found no North Korean troops had entered Hwanggan by midday yesterday. However, the North Koreans were rushing up masses of artil- lery, including at least one thought to be a railway gun, through a rail tunnel that U.S. Navy skip-bomb- ers had closed Friday. The Reds used horses and manpower to haul up a score of guns in an arc three to five miles from the westernmost American position, the dispatches said. LT. GEN. Walton H. Walker, Eighth Army commander, com- mented yesterday "there is no point in not telling the simple truth, which is that the war has reached a critical stage." He promised, however, "ulti- mate victory will be ours. Of that I am sure." He said he was confident U.S. troops, although outnumbered, could hold until reinforcements arrive. The general told correspondents that the fact the war had reached a critical stage "does not mean COLLEGIUM MUSICUM: Group Plays Seldom Heard Musical Works HANSEL ANi GRETEL: Humperdinck's 0pera'To Open Here Take your pick ... string groups, woodwinds, eager flutists, bounc- ing basses, all will be represented at the Collegium Musicum pro- gram at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Curt Sachs, Summer session mu- sic lecturer, will act as adviser was organized to arrange and perform little-known music, chiefly pre-1700 for listening pleasure. It owes its start to Prof. Louise Cuyler, of the mu- sic school, a musicologist in her own right. A fairy tale set to music will dance onto the Lydia Mendelssohn stage this week, when "Hansel and Gretel," an opera by Humper- dinck plays a four-day run start- ing Wednesday. It will be presented by the speech department in conjunction This tragic situation is solved in typically fairy-book style, and dissolves into song by the end of the third act. Hansel and Gretel was brought to American 50 years ago and since has entrenched itself in the innvertoire of every grand onera precisely naive melodies, what art and subtlety in orchestral treat- ment, what perfection in the shap- ing of the whole work . . . all so original and new, and yet so gen- uiuely German." THE OPERA will be directed by