BELT TIGHTENING See Page 2 *r Aa :4 aii CLOUDY, WARM Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 24-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1950 FOUR PAGE I ---l' New Baruch Control Plan Hits Senate Truman Opposes Sweeping Plan WASHINGTON-(P)-A n e w built-by-Baruch plan for stand- by price, wage and rationing con- trols hit the Senate yesterday, but the White House stood firm against such a sweeping measure. President Truman's council of economic advisers, it was learned,. believes the buying wave is a "speculative flurry" which will subside without serious inflation- ary harm. * * * EVEN WITH a possible $4,000,- 000,000 boost in foreign military aid still to come, the arms pro- gram is estimated to be only 20 per cent or so of the World War II production effort. When consumers and mer- chants realize that this is un- likely to cut deeply into civilian goods output, the Council be- lieves, much of the panic buy- ing and hoarding should die down. However, Bernard Baruch pro- posed that price, wage and ration- ing controls be approved on a "standby" basis, and the Senate Banking Committee decided to vote Monday on the idea. BARUCH'S PLAN calls for a rollback of prices to the highest level in the month preceding the Communist invasion of Korea on June 25. TheAdministration is divided, even though the President him- self has rejected an earlier Ba- ruch plan for a quick "freeze" on prices and wages. A few of Truman's top-ranking aides hold the view that all-out nobilization powers should be sked, lest the country miss a l:ssible last chance of building its military machine to match Russia's. Government Commences SecurityDrive WASHINGTON-()-The gov- ernment yesterday opened a drive to catch and prosecute spies and saboteurs on the home front. This was disclosed in two sep- arate announcements. 1. J. EDGAR HOOVER, FBI di- rector, said each citizen can play an important part in stopping Communists who would bore from within. The citizen's job: to report quickly to the FBI any evidence of subversion or sabotage. 2. Attorney General McGrath announced that the Justice De- partment intends to be ready for any evidence that might be turned up. Effective Oct. 1, he said, four Federal grand juries - instead of the usual two - will be kept on duty here. At least one grand jury will be used exclusively to deal with charges of subversive activity. McGRATH SAID top priority will be given "to all criminal mat- ters in the internal security and defense fields." In New York, United States Attorney Irving H. Saypol said that of six grand juries sitting in his district "some have been listening to evidence concern- ing espionage and subversive ac- tivities." He would give no details. CONGRESS, TOO, was worried about security. The Senate took final action on a bill which has this pur- pose: to kill off the chances of an enemy ship launching a sneak atomic bomb attack on the U. S. MAY NEED MORE MEN: Another Draft Call Possible This Year WASHINGTON-(.)-There is a strong possibility that the Army may issue another draft call this year. This become apparent yesterday after Chairman Vinson (Dem.- Ga.) of the House Armed Services Committee gave this breakdown on the Army's plans: Present strength: 594,000; proposed strength: 834,000; recruits needed: 240,000. THE ARMY ASKED Selective Service to draft 50,000 men in September, another 50,000 in October. e This will leave the Army 140,- Call Troops In Belgian Disorders BRUSSELS-(/)-Rioting anti-' Leopoldists yesterday attacked street cars, taxis and stores opera- ting in defiance of a strike call in Belgium's capital. Then the government 'called troops for the first time in two days to keep disorders from get- ting further out of hand. * * * OPPONENTS of King Leopold III, who returned from exile Sat- urday, have resorted to violence to support the strike called in an at- tempt to force the King's abdica- tion. Premier Jean Duvieusart warned over the radio the Govern- ment would take energetic mea- sures to protectkvital installations. An unconfirmed report said troops also were being brought from their occupation sector in the British zone of Germany. Government officials declined to comment., Throughout the afternoon win- dows were smashed, smoke and stink bombs were hurled, police whistles shrilled and ambulance bells clanged. The violence was a follow-up to the battle anti-Leo- poldists staged with police guard- ing the King at Laeken Palace. * * * SOCIALIST LEADERS of the King's opponents .have threatened political and industrial chaos un- til Leopold steps down from the1 throne. The pro-Leopold cabinet of' Social Christian (Catholic) par- ty members announced last night it had taken "a certain number of measures" to main- tain public order and freedom to work. The nature of these mea- sures was not disclosed. In his radio message, the Pre- mier called for an end to threats and violence and hinted a com- promise to satisfy Leopold's op- ponents might be considered. Speaking after an audience with the King, he said Leopold wanted to consult leaders of all opinions. Test Sirens Today Ann Arbor's two air raid warning sirens, recently install- ed in the Fire Department tow- er will be tested at noon today. The "all clear" signal - a steady one-minute blast follow- ed by two minutes of silence and then another one-minute blast, will be sounded. 000 men short of its goal unless there is a flood of volunteers. Vinson talked with reporters after Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Army Chief of Staff, had explained the Army's plans to the Committee. * * * THE ARMY expects to get $3,- 000,000,000 of the $10,500,000,000 in extra military funds which President Truman asked for Mon- day. More than half the Army's share - $1,651,000,000 - will go for tanks, guns and field artil- lery. It is understood that a con- siderable amount will go for a new anti-aircraft gun, the Sky- sweeper. Maj. Gen. E. L. Ford, Chief of Army Ordnance, and Brig. Gen. Leslie Simon, Chief of Ordnance Research, also appeared before the committee. No Survivors In Brazilian Plane Crash RIO DE JANEIRO-(/)-A Bra- zilian Constellation plane crash- ed and caught fire last night out- side Porto Alegre, killing all 49 persons aboard. Among the 43 passengers was an American, Ralph Motley, 48, Sales Manager for the Atlantic Refining Company. He came here from Richmond, Ind., some years ago. All others aboard apparently were Brazilians. The crew num- bered six. The crash was the worst air disaster in Brazil's history and the fourth in 16 months. The big plane, which belonged to Panair do Brazil, had left Rio de Janeiro in the morning. It encountered bad weather while approaching Porto Alegre, a port city on the Atlan- tic Ocean about 700 air miles southwest of Rio de Janeiro. 'Worker' Delivered In CityNightly , Copies of articles reprinted from the Michigan Worker, Communist publication, denouncing U. S. ac- tion in Korea are being circulated' in Ann Arbor residential districts. Police said the newspaper re- prints are being deposited on front porches late at night. The cir- culators apparently are hitting dif- ferent sections of the city every night, officers reported. Headlines on the articles use such phrases as "Truth on Korea," "Tell Congress: End Korean War," "War Throttles People's Rights"; and "What Every American Should Know About the Korean War Plot." Senate OKs Budget Fund' For Defense WASHINGTON-(P)-The Sen- ate yesterday approved the big- gest item in the one-package ap- propriation bill - $13,294,581,821 for national defense. This is the regular, initial fund sought under the 1951 budget re- quest, and does not include the ad-j ditional $10,500,000,000 that Presi- dent Truman asked last Monday to improve the nation's military set- up. That will be handled in later, separate legislation. * * * A HUGE increase in foreignj arms aid - reportedly "s much as $4,000,000,000 -'will be dis- cussed with Democratic and Re- publican congressional leaders at a White House conference Mon- day. President Truman, already on record about the need for stepping up the common secur- ity program on non-Communist nations, will lay the projected increase before the lawmakers in the presence of Secretary of State Acheson and Secretary of Defense Johnson. It would augment the $1,222,- 500,000 authorization already ap- proved by Congress to furnish arms during the current fiscal year to the nations abroad. * * * TRUMAN yesterday also called for large increases in the govern- ment's stockpiling program of vi- tal war materials and its output of synthetic rubber. He also asked $18,000,000 to ex- pand the work of reconditioning merchant ships in the national defense reserve fleet. Mr. Truman asked Congress for $600,000,000 to buy critical mater- ials, which would make a total of $2,635,000,000 for stockpile pro- grams since the last war. Last Chance To SeeFields Fields' fanatics have just one more chance to see their idol in "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man," double-billed with "Hang- over Square" at 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. This is one of the famous fun- nyman's later pictures, after he left the stage for good and turn- ed to the films. But his well known juggling acts, his card tricks and his crooked cue are all included. Fields just couldn't make a pic- ture without them. CREGAR LEADS daring Linda Darnell into the labyrinth of Lon- don's apartment house area, while playing an insane pianist. Cregar was so anxious to play this different part that he went on a rigorous diet and took off about forty pounds to slim him- self down to creepy proportions. A double feature calculated to bring wriggles, then giggles, Fields' comic antics provide a pleasant relief to the dimly light- ed, fog-filled streets of London. The first feature, "Hangover Square" starts at 8 p.m. and co- median Fields will be seen at 9:15 p.m. today. Tickets, costing fifty cents for both films, are on sale at the Union and the box-office of Hill Au- ditorium. USSR RETURNS-Come Tuesday, the vacant Russian seat in the Security Council will once again be occupied. Russia's Jakob A. Malik ended the Soviet boycott Thursday when he informed the UN that he would take over the presidency of the Security Council on August 1. U N Guesses On Russian Motivation LAKE SUCCESS - () - UN delegates speculated yesterday the return of the Soviet Union to the Security Council next Tuesday may signal the start of another Russian peace offensive. One high delegate, voicing the concensus of several persons at the UN, said the so-called Stock- For more speculations see page 2 holm Peace Petition campaign by the Soviet Union has failed and the Russians must try something else. * * * ANOTHER ENVOY, who has a background of four years service in Moscow, said he believed So- viet military leaders figure the Communists may win the Korean war soon and that the Kremlin had decided to step back to the Council and demand peace at that stage. It was noted widely the an- nouncement of Russia's decision came about the time the North Koreans launched a major of- fensive in a tremendous effort to drive the Americans and oth- er UN forces off the Korean peninsula. But regardless of what the So- viet Union does when Deputy For- eign Minister Jakob A. Malik takes the Council chair for August, the blunt-spoken president for July, Arne Sunde of Norway, said flat- ly, "We will not allow anyone to sabotage the work of the council." I7 w World News By The Associated Press LONDON-The civilian directors of the North Atlantic Alliance an- nounced a unanimous agreement last night on ways to accelerate defense production in Western Europe. The directors are Deputy For- eign Ministers of the 12 member nations. They opened secret ses- sions here last Tuesday under the chairmanship of Charles Spofford of the United States. WASHINGTON-Telegrams be- gan going ott yesterday ordering slected Air Force reservists to ac- tive duty, a limited number of re- servists of the WAF, women's branch of the Air Force, are being called to active duty and the Air Force announced that it will order 50 reserve Chaplains to duty. ** * LONDON-The British War Office last night halted release of all army regulars whose en- .. ....t ,... ..,,,;,, , a 4 . A ustralia To Pirepare For Future -- Menzies WASHINGTON-(A)-Australia's Prime Minister said last night his country will not be found neutral "in a world struggle for human freedom" and has decided to be prepared for the future. The official, R. G. Menzies, told a CBS radio audience that he is in the United States to discuss for one thing the best way to carry out Australia's new decision to throw ground forces into the Korean struggle. MENZIES EXPRESSED pride that his country, with 8,000,0000 population against 150,500,000 in the U.S., acted instantly to back up American forces by placing underO American command "our crack fighter squadron of the Royal Aus- tralian Air Force, and certain ships of the Royal Australian Navy." Menzies recalled that the American people "were our pow- erful and unforgettable allies, our friends and deliverers" in the last war. "Further, we have decided to be prepared for the future," Menzies said. "The Australian government, which was elected only just over six months ago, has already an- nounced its plans for the introduc- tion of national service training on a compulsory basis" with a strengthening of naval and air forces, and military supply. { "There need be no idea any- where that Australia will be neu- tral in a world struggle with hu- man freedom," he added. Murray Wins In Oklahoma OKLAHOMA CITY-(P)-John- ston Murray defeated William O. Coe by 1,009 votes for the Demo- cratic nomination for Governor of Oklahoma last Tuesday, the State Election Board announced yester- day. J. William Cordell, Board Secre- tary, announced official tabula- tions gave Murray 235,943 and Coe 234,934. * * * MIKE MONRONEY won the Democratic nomination for U. S. Senator with 240,432 votes to 213,- 665 for Sen. Elmer Thomas. The difference was 26,767. UAW, Bendix Agree on Three Year Contract DETROIT-(J')-An Agreement between the CIO United Auto Workers and the Bendix Corp., carrying a three-cents-an-hour wage increase, old age pensions and a union shop was announced yesterday by the union. Martin Gerber, UAW Bendix Director, estimated new benefits total 19 cents an hour for each of Bendix's 12,000 workers. * * * LOCAL UNIONS at Detroit, El- mira, N.Y., Teterboro, N.J., South Bend, Ind., and North Hollywood, Calif., must ratify the agreement before it becomes effective. The contract is for three years, reopenable annually regarding wages. Thescompany agreed to contri- bute 7 cents per hour per worker to a hospital-medical-insurance program, and to add /2 cent an hour to increase vacation pay. THE PENSION agreement pro- vides $117.50 monthly, including federal social security, to workers 65 with 25 years. It is similar to that worked out with General Mo- tors. Besides accepting a union shop, under which all workers must join the UAW after a probationary period, the company agreed to eliminate three intermediate wage clasifications. Workers now will get journeyman's pay when they complete probationary periods. Communist Drive Halted; Front Secure But Northerners Improve Flank BULLETIN TOKYO, Saturday - (P) -- Fresh American troops from Okinawa have been sent to Ko- rea to stop the Communists' sweeping flanking movement along the Southern coast, it was learned today. The reinforcements moved se- cretly to South Korea directly from Okinawa, the big Ameri- can airbase island in the Ry- kyus. By The Associated Press Slashing U. S. and South Ko- rean counterattacks yesterday ap- peared to have stalled the big Communist attempt to overrun the shrunken foothold in South- east Korea. Field dispatches and a U. S. Eighth Army Communique re- ported a stablized front except far to the south. There small but virtually unopposed Red forces were about 60 miles west of the main port of Pusan. * * * U. S. COUNTERATTACKS hurl- ed back the Red push in the cen- ter of the flaming, 200-mile front. South Koreans along the eastern segment of the line likewise were attacking. The 90,000 or more Red troops involved in the North Korean drive still kept up the pressiuf, particularly on the American center. A field dispatch said an Ameri- can counterattack regained posi- tions lost Friday night in furious fighting. THE LEFT FLANK of the 25th Division north of the main Yong- don-Taegu highway received heavy Communist pressure throughout Friday and again at dawn today. the communique said. Two companies were overrun Friday, but the "line was rees- tablished without loss of ground.' The 24th regiment advanced 2,000 yards in their area but later "con- solidated their positions slightly to the rear to avoid creating a salient in the line." "Some enemy activities" were reported on the front' and right flanks of the First Caval- ry Division in the vicinity of Yongdong. The communique reported that a cavalry battalion made an at- tack on its right, presumably Fri- day, to relieve pressure against the left flank of the 25th Divi- sion and "help stabilize the situ- ation." S* * * MEN OF TWO U.S. companies, which were cut off, have return- ed to American lines, but a third group remains surrounded. It is being supplied by air with ammu- nition and food. Concentrations of Communist troops are reported in the southwest where the Fourth Communist Division is making a wide drive along the southern front. The situation there re- mains fluid but no action was reported. One South Korean unit seized Chobong, northwest of Ham- chang, after an attack. Farther east around Yechon, one South Korean unit was driven back 1,000 yards but lost ground was re- gained in a successful counterat- tack by another Republican force. Communist forces still hold Yongdok on the East area. The 23rd South Korean regiment hold- ing favorable terrain south of the town has resisted all Communist efforts to dislodge it. AIR OBSERVERS said that a SOOK OR TISSY WILL GET CALF: Expert Speaks on Minnesota Speech NEGRO SPIRITUALS: 'Wings Over Jordan' Chorus To Sing Here By PAULA STRAWHECKER It's a nicker, a snicker, a neigh, a squeal, a bray, a whine, or a whinnow (-y, -er). What do you think a horse does when he wants to lend expression to his soul? Well, it all depends on where you come from and if you ing "watch," because that's a test ing word and you are in danger of becoming a statistic if there's a field researcher nearby. Be careful when ordering a baby buggy, baby carriage, per- ambulator, or pram - that's another variable that denotes THE RESULTS of the question- naires concerning calf-calling are not to be considered too authora- tative, however, since only two- thirds of the people asked had ever taken the trouble to call a calf. In Minnesota you may eat contta cheeseo r sou milk "Wings Over Jordan," a famous U.S. choral group, will present a public concert at 8 p.m. Monday in the Methodist Church. The choir, a Negro organization, directed by Rev. Glynn T. Settle hails from Cleveland and is mak- ing a tour of the country to fos- ter friendly race relations. * * * which will sing here, and such old favorites as "Old Man River," "Golden Slippers," "Ezekiel Saw the Wheel," and "Nobody Knows De Trouble I Seen," are sure to be heard. * * * THE "WINGS OVER JORDAN" choir started in 1937 when Rev. IT'm '.4. ,1...