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July 28, 1950 - Image 1

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VOL. LX, No. 23-S







* * * * * * * * * * *
First davalry Launches Big Counterattac


* * * *

House Group
OK's Price
Control Bill
House Banking Committee yester-
day approved 20 to 1 President
Truman's plan of partial controls
but Congress threatened to
junk it and adopt a drastic price-
wage freeze to combat inflation.
Stirred by ominous warningsc of
Bernard Baruch as he appealed
for all-out home front mobiliza-
tion in the face of zooming prices,
House members backed his ideas
in growing force. There was talk
the House might adopt the Ba-
ruch plan.
BARUCH'S proposals narrowly
missed replacing the Truman pro-
giam in the Banking Committee.
A bill embodying drastic controls
lost by a single vote - 10 to 9 -
before the Committee went on to
work on the Administration's mea-
sure. The Committee finally voted
to give the President most of the
powers he asked to control pio-
duction and credit.
Mr. Truman himself rejected
at his news conference the
sweepingsuggestions of Baruch,
elder statesman who wants a
"ceiling on everything" to check
inflation and assure "equal
treatment for all." The Presi-
dent said the measures he fa-
vors are all that the nation's
economy needs at this time.
But the Baruch plan was catch-
ing on, showing some signs of a
groundswell in the House. Talk
about it increased in the Senate
t too.
Chairman Vinson (Dem.-Ga) of
the House Armed Services Com-
mittee came out for it. Rep. Wol-
cott (Rep.-Mich), senior Republi-
can on the Banking Committee,
announced he will support on the
House floor the bill which the
Committee rejected. This embodies
price-wage controls and rationing.
Evacuation of
Mason Hall
will Continue
Evacuation of Mason Hall, the
oldest building on campus, is
scheduled to continue Monday.
The removal of personnel and
equipment is a part of a general
and temporary re-arranging of de-
partment offices and workers in
order to leave Mason Hall, Univer-
sity Hall and South Wing, free to
be razed, in that order, according
to University officials.
* * *
A PROJECTED $3,500,000 Liter-
ary College building will take the
place of the three halls, as neces-
sitated by the destruction of Ha-
ven Hall in a fire June 6.
University officials said that
plans for razing the three an-
cient landmarks have not been
The first group to leave Mason
Hall was a contigent of psychology
department teaching fellows who
moved Wednesday to the old
9OTC Building beside the Union.
Monday the exodus will continue
r with teaching fellows in English.
history and phiosophy moving to
the West Medical, Rackham Build-
ing and Angell Hall respectively.

THE SOCIAL Psychology and'
Conference Research Projects, both
sponsored by the psych depart-
ment, will move to the Natural
Science Building.
Finally, personnel from the
sociology department will go to
the Rackham Building.

Field's Filmy Plot
Fills Comic Fil
King Comedy will reign for two nights in Ann Arbor, as W. C.
Fields, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy reap the rewards of cir-
cus management in "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man" playing at
8 p.m. today and tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Sharing the double bill is "Hangover Square," a thriller starring
Laird Cregar and Linda Darnell -in an eerie mood piece of the sacred
and profane set in London's 'homeless men' area.
*- *. * *
FIELDS, WITH ABLE ASSISTANCE from his crew, spends his
time juggling the filmy plot to enable him to display all the separate
routines which made him famous.
He began his adult life as a
petty thief, but had blind self-
confidence in his theatrical abil-
ities from the time he saw his
first juggling act; it was in the
art of ball, cigar-box and hat-
tossing that Fields won his first
acclaim at the tender age of
His first big juggling job was
on an Atlantic City amusement
pier where, in addition to his dex-
terity with the bobbling balls, he
was expected to stage a drowning
every time the crowds around the
refreshment stands began to di-
* * *

Pretty Boy
LANSING-OIP)-G o v. Wil-
liams, who has crowned a lot
of beauty queens, knows how
it feels now himself.
He's been voted the handsom-
est Governor in the United
States. This is according to the
good people of Fayetteville,
Draft Request
Increased to
100,900_ Men
my yesterday upped its draft re-
quest from 20,000 to 100,000 men.
It called for 50,000 draftees in
September and another 50,000 in
The idea, the Army said, is to
bring the armed services up to
their authorized strength.
IN LANSING, local draft boards
are going to be "very strict" about
both industrial and agricultural
occupational deferments this time,
Lieut. Col. Arthur A. Holmes, Dep-.
uty State Selective Service Direc-
tor, said yesterday.
ments in Washington:
1. The Air Force is increasing
its strength from 48 groups to 58
within the next 12 months. By
January, 1953, it will be expanded
to 69 air groups. Another 136,311
men will be needed.
2. The Army extended the tour
of duty of all Army personnel in
foreign service. Effective Aug. 31,
the tours of duty will be extended
for another six months - with
one important exception, the Far
East command. It had been au-
thorized to extend foreign service
tours "as may be necessary,"
3. President Truman signed an
executive order extending for 12
months all enlistments in the
armed services.

Largest U.S.
Action in War
TOKYO, Friday -W)- Heavy
North Korean attacks drove back
the left flank of the First Cav-
alry Division on the Yongdong
front today, General MacArthur
U.S. artillery fire alone took a
toll of between 1,600 and 2,000
Communists, a release said.
MacArthur did not pinpoint
the action but the cavalry's left
flank is near the main Yong-
dong-Taegu highway.
By The Associated Press
U.S. First Cavalry troops hit
North Korean forces at Hwanggan,
about eight air miles northeast ofj
Yongdong, on the vital central
front guarding allied supply routes
from Pusan yesterday.
Maj. Gen. Hobart Gay, com-
manding the First Cavalry, order-
ed the counterattack with one
regiment supported by a battalion.
THIS WAS considered the larg-
est counterattack yet attempted by
the Americans.
Two hundred and nine men
reached American lines after

NEW U. S. WEAPON IN USE-Unidentified soldiers use the Army's
new tank killer, the 3.5 bazooka, against North Koreans on the
fast-fluctuating Korean war front. Smoke swirls from the weapon
as it is fired.
Bach Anniversary Bust
Sweeps Record Stores

covered that a drowning made the
crowds hungry and amusement-
Fields liked to date his dis-
like of water from this aquatic
period. "I once drowned twelve
times a day for two weeks.
Would you like to swim if you'd
drowned 168 times?" he'd query.
"HOW ABOUT including a scene
where I'm cutting cat-tails in a
field and then a Manx cat . . ."
was vetoed by every studio in
town, but producers had to keep
alert to prevent Fields from shoot-
ing schemes on his own.
Tickets for his circus antics and
the British chiller are on sale to-
day in the Administration Build-
ing from 1 to 4:30 p.m., at the
Union from 1 to 6 p.m. and at the
HH1 Auditorium box-office from
1 p.m. till show time, at 50 cents.
The double-bill is sponsored by
Art Cinema League and The Daily.
'King Lear' To Be
Presented Today
An all-English presentation of
an all-English drama is on the
playbill for 8 p.m. today at Lydia
Mendelssohn, when the Oxford
Players enact Shakespeare's "King
Lear," under the auspices of the
University's speech department.
This will be the first U.S. pro-
duction of 'Lear' by the company
which arrived in the States only
last Wednesday.
"Play production conditions at
Oxford may be difficult," the
group reported, "but we get extra
satisfaction out of producing a
top-flight drama with little equip-
ment and space. We improvise


IKahn -F reund
Lands British
Health Service
The British people "can not af-
ford not to afford" their National
Health Service, Otto K a h n-
Freund, of the London School of
Economics, said yesterday in giv-
ing an appraisal of the British Na-
tional Health Service.
Speaking at the, sixth of the
summer lecture series on "The
Quest for Social Security," Kahn-
Freund said that the simple fact
that more medical care is avail-
able to more of the English, popu-
lation is indicative of the success
of the new system.
vantages of the plan such as cost,
lowering of doctors' standards of
living, and incentives, and unnec-
essary red tape have not mater-
ialized, while ruinous impact of
diseases on family welfare is dis-
appearing, Kahn-Freund asserted.
Kahn-Freund explained that
comprehensive services provided
by the new system, including
general and specialized services,
costs the government $25 per
person each year.
Once the doctors in Britain be-
come adequate to the needs of
the population there will be no
problem of incentive because they
will have to render adequate ser-
vice or lose their patients who are
free to change doctors at will,
Kahn-Freund revealed.

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man yesterday ruled out the use
of the atomic bomb in the present
struggle in Korea. And, to make
sure there is no atomic sneak at-
tack on American shores, the
House quickly whipped through a
bill authorizing search of all for-
eign flag vessels entering Ameri-
can waters.
* *
BRUSSELS, Belgium -- With
shouts of "Leopold to the scaf-
fold," opponents of Belgium's
newly returned King last night
invaded the grounds of suburban
Laeken Palace. Rifle and saber
swinging gendarmes drove them
* * *
WASHINGTON-National Com-
mitteeman Arthur Summerfield
has resigned as chairman of the
Republican Party's Strategy Com-
mittee, complaining that National
Chairman Guy G. Gabrielson sen-
tenced the strategy unit to death
through inactivity.

TOKYO-(AP)-A U.S. cruiser
blasted the Yongdok area on
the East Korean coast with
eight-inch guns for the first
time yesterday, a navy statement
Allied fighter planes poured
rockets and machinegun bullets
yesterday on North Korean forc-
es building up for a push on the
central Korean front, Far East
Air Forces Headquarters an-
shooting through encircling Reds.
They were supplied by air drops
from cub planes during the strug-
* * *
NORTH KOREAN troops at-
tacked the First Cavalry positions
at dawn. Red tanks rumbled to-
ward the American right flank
emerging through drizzle under
low hanging clouds.
The Red attack was part of a
series of thrusts along the curv-
ing 200-mile Korean front. It
appeared to be the prelude to
possibly the biggest battle of the
AP correspondent Tom Lambert
in a separate dispatch said the
Reds at Hwanggan attacked with
400 men and were thrown back
by artillery and small arms fire.
LAMBERT reported one Red
force of about 200 men had swung
around the flank of the Hwanggan
position and unless dislodged
might force the Americans to re-
treat once more.
After a flying visit to the front
yesterday Gen. MacArthur told
war correspondents in Korea he
was never more confident of vic-
tory-ultimate victory, he added,
rather than an immediate turn of
the Red tide.

Today is a big day for organs
and claviers, sonatas, toccatas and
It's the 200th nniversary com-
memoration of the death of Jo-
hann Sebastian Bach.
Brahms men have stilled their
partisan voices to honor the first
of the trio, one of the greatest or-
ganists-his nearest competitor
accorded him triumph in a musi-
cal tournament between the two
by fleeing town the day of the
contest-and composers the world
has ever seen.
Normally m u s i c-conscious
students and Ann Arborites
have virtually started a Bach
boom in the past two weeks.
Sales of Bach records have been
tremendous, music stores re-
Leading in popularity are the
Brandenburg Concerti, closely fol-
lowed by "The Well-Tempered
Clavier," played by Wanda Lan-
dowska, and Concerto in D Minor
for Two Violins, both parts ren-
dered by Jascha Heifitz.
* * *
OF SPECIAL interest have been
three recordings of Bach by Uni-
versity organist Robert Noehren:
The Great Catechism Complete,
Preludes and Fugues and Trio-
One record store clerk credit-
ed the upswing in Bach-buying
to the increased output of Bach
music by the record companies.
The Long Playing catalogue of
one company contains two whole
pages of new Bach releases.
* * *
WHILE MOST of the Bach-pur-
chasers are aware of the bicenten-

nial, many customers have been
influenced by the current abund-
ance of Bach advertising, wheth-
er interested in the anniversary
or not,, a music store manager
Another record store clerk
held that sales in Bach were
augmented by Holy Year, as well
as by the composer's anniver-
NOT ONLY the music stores but
the radio stations are feeling the
impact of the anniversary. WPAG
will present an all Bach program
at 2:30 p.m. today, and WUOM
will follow with another all Bach
concert at 9 p.m.
Commemoration of the bicen-
tennial will continue through the
weekend, Noehren presenting an
all-Bach program at 4:15 p.m.
Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
The University organist will
play Prelude and Fugue in F Min-
or, Canonic Variations on "Von
Himmel hoch da Komm' ich
hier," Fugue in G Major, Canzona,
Trio-Sonata No. 6 in G Major and
Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor.
It will be open to the public.
Daily Worker Still
Peddled in Detroit
DETROIT-(,P)-Vendor I z z y
Berenson, 57 years old, peddled his
Communist literature at his old
corner - minus newsstand - yes-
terday, but business was slim.
Police, on orders of the Detroit
City Council, removed Berenson's
stand as a "public nuisance" yes-
terday, but conceded nothing could
be done to stop Berenson from
selling his papers "off the arm."

Soviets Still
Snub Other
UN Groups
Security Couna
To Meet Tuesday
Jakob A. Malik suddenly ended
the Soviet boycott of the United'
Nations yesterday and informed
the UN he would take over the
presidency of the Security Coun-
cil Aug. 1.
He also called a meeting of the.
council for that date.
The decision of the Soviet Dep-
uty Foreign Minister was trans-
mitted to Secretary-General Try-
gve Lie as the UN received as-
surances of almost a division of
combat troops to help the United
States fight .against Communist
North Korea's invasion of the UN
sponsored Republic of Korea.
THERE WAS no hint from Ma-
lik whether the Soviet Union
would return to the 29 other UN
organizations the Russians are
boycotting over the issue of Na-
tionalist Chineose representation.
But some UN observers specu-
lated that Maliks return might
mean a decisive development in
the Korean war. They recalled
that Malik and U.S. delegates
started conversations here which
ended the Berlin blockade.
It was stressed that if the Rus-
sians move to hamstring actions
in the Security Council, the Amer-
ican and other delegations were
ready to demand an immediate
session of the UN General Assem-
bly. Malik can veto future deci-
sions in the Council, but has no
such power in the assembly.
* * *
Aug. 1 was sent to Lie in a letter
telephoned to the Secretary-Gen-
eral. It was the first move Malik
had made toward the Counil
since he stalked out of the cham-
ber last Jan. 13 when the Council
refused to oust Nationalist China,
Malik's return to the Council
makes it certain that future de-
cisions on the Korean war will
face either long debate or 8
Russian veto. But Council dele-
gates have insisted that the Rus-
sians cannot veto decisions alr
ready taken.
Some action from the Russians
had been expected during August,
since the Soviet- Union normally
would have the chairmanship un-
der the regular alphabetical ro-
tation plan.
Council delegates also were dis-
cussing a possible sudden break
in the impasse over Chinese rap-
resentation in the UN. They sug-
gested that Malik as chairmn
might make a ruling that the Na-
tionalist Chinese Delegate, T. F.
Tsiang, was not a member of the
* * *
TSIANG MIGHT challenge this
ruling, and Malik would put the
challenge to a vote. With the line-
up in the Council almsst evenly
divided on the China question, it
appeared likely that Tsiang would
not get the necessary majority of
seven votes needed to overturn
the ruling.
Delegates discussing this re-
port said Tsiang might count
only on the votes of himself,
the United States, Cuba, Ecua-
dor, Egypt and France. They
said the Soviet Union, Yugosla-
via, India, Norway and Britain
- all of which have recognized

Red China - cretainly would
vote for the ruling, since they
no longer recognize Tsiang's
If such a vote should material-
ize, the Nationalist delegation
would be unseated, but, on the
other hand, there appeared little
or no chance that the Chinese
Reds would get the necessary ma-
jority to win a seat. Thus it might
develop that the Chinese seat
would remain vacant for a while,
at least.
Malik has kept in touch with
the UN since his walkout. His sec-

Weird Prohpecy In Korea Gains Credence Iaj. Rhoads

A weird tale of a 500-year-old
prophecy of the current Korean
war and of the subsequent rise of
a legendary popular leader, aided
by recent rumors giving it ever-
increasing credence, is rapidly
working its way into the minds of
the Korean people.

tually in 1895 Japan assumed con-
trol of Korea.
The story specified that in the
year. 1945 the foreign power
would be defeated and Korea
occupied for seven years by the
conquering powers, during which
time the country would be di-
vided North and South.

to the effect that a boy of that
name, possessing unusual ability
and intelligence is living near
Major Rhoads asserted that a
colony of refugees from North
Korea has settled in a fold in the
hills thereabouts to await the com-
ing of their expected sovereign.

New Inner Capital," that the
Lee dynasty first decided to
build its capital in 1392. But af-
ter the ruling Lee had been
visited by a mountain god in
a dream, who told him that
this spot was reserved for the
future Chung dynasty, the Lee
capitol was moved to Seoul.

elsewhere, even though this land
was of poor quality.
However, Major Rhoads re-
ported that there is some skep-
ticism toward these legends in
Korea. One of the most skeptical
is Hong Ki Moon, editor of the
Seoul Shinmun. Hong possesses
the oldest known copies of the

HE DECLARED that whether all
this is merely another example
of a disillusioned people grasping
at a straw and indulging in a bit
of highly wishful thinking, or
whether it indicates the existence
of an intentional program on the
part of some group to inflame the
public mind for political purpose,

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