vr IN THIS CORNER See Page 2 V Latest Deadline in the State Duii4i +r . t # . ' ., ' t"' / V '1r FAIR, TEMPERATURE STEADY VOL. LX, No. 22-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1950 FOUR PAGES GI's Stall North Korean Drive Near Pusan S, Truman Asks Congress For k More Control Baruch Terms Policy Ineffective r WASHINGTON -(A)- President Truman called on Congress anew yesterday for limited economic controls, documenting his request in a message transmitting his reg- ular mid-year economic report. Once again he said that if the controls he seeks over credit and materials prove insufficient, he will not hesitate to ask for com- plete economic mobilization. He also renewed his request for $5,- 000,000,000 in new taxes. BERNARD M. BARUCH, adviser to the nation's leaders in two world wars, made it clear, however, that he considers the contemplated in- itial course ineffective. "Put a ceiling on everything," Baruch advised the Senate Banking Committee; impose tax- es "higher than a cat's back- a high cat's back." He said the limited control bill being considered by the committee is only "an invitation to inflation." No system of priorities can work effectively for long without price control and rationing, he said. * * * MR. TRUMAN, on the other hand, said prompt application of the tax boost and the limited con- trols should preclude the need for more drastic legislation. Senator Taft of Ohio told re- porters after a meeting of the Senate Republican Policy Com- mittee which he heads that the nation faces the prospect of a $50,000,000,000 a year budget for the next ten years, plus semi- permanent economic controls. The budget before the Korean outbreak was $42,500,000,000. Taft favors a pay-as-we-go sys- tem of financing the military out- lay and said there is no question the Republican lawmakers will go along with an early tax increase.., In the House Rep. Kunkel (R- Penna.) introduced a bill propos- ing a general freeze of prices and wages, and authorizing a system of rationing. Foreign Arms, 'Aid Bill Signed By President WASHINGTON-(/P)-President Truman signed the $1,222,500,000 1Foreign Arms Assistance bill yes- terday with a new warning that freedom loving nations will stand together to thwart "those bent on aggression." Secretary of State Acheson dis- closed at the same time that the use of ECA billions is being con- sidered as a means of speeding the military buildup of countries re- sisting Communist pressure. * * * THE ARMS BILL authorizes a second year of American assis- tance specifically for 14 nations in Western Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Voted almost unanimously by Congress after the Korean cri- sis arose, it also permits mili- tary aid "in the general area of China." The President can add other nations without con- sulting Congress if he decides this is necessary to American security. Mr. Truman signed the measure into law at a White House cere- mony and issued a statement say- ing this event marked another step toward the common goal of blocking aggression. * * THE "RAW aggression in Ko- rea," he said, does not lessen this country's concern with other areas where aggression also would s - ct the security of free nations. Prof- WilliamR To -Daly-Frank Selly DRAMATISTS ON TOUR-Oxford Players look over a recent issue of The Daily in the Union. Stand- ing, left to right, Alan Cooke, Michael Malmick, Richard Evans; seated, John Schlesinger, Norman Painting, Esme Carter, John Carter and Jack May. * * *s 4--_____________ Oxford Players.Deplore Lack of Theatre Space By WENDY OWEN "Conditions for producing a play at Oxofrd are an outrage," according to Alan Cooke, director of "The Alchemist" which will be produced by the Oxford University Players at 8 p.m. today in the Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre. "Space just isn't available," he continued. "I've put on plays in my college dining hall and in a Y.M.C.A. hall that was just about as big as from here to there." The distance roughly equalled the size of the Burton Tower elevator shaft. * * * ONE PLAY we tried to produce required only the white-washed back of a barn, but we had to drop it when we couldn't even lo- cate that rustic setting, he added. But plays are produced at an amazing rate. Terms at Oxofrd run for eight weeks, and Cooke estimated that between four to 16 dramas were shown during an average term. A further difficulty to the Amer- ican student contemplating 'tak- ing' acting at Oxford is that there is no college nor department in the faculty devoted to the theatri- cal arts. The many dramas are produced, acted and staged by juniors - undergraduate stu- dents, Cooke revealed. All the efforts of the past few years to have a theatre at Ox- ford have failed, Cooke declared. "Buying a theatre brings out all the old traditionalists at Oxford to declare that it isn't for their college and they will have none of it." * * * TRADITIONALISTS at Oxford take a dim view of dramatics, John Carter, technical director for the Players reporter. "They say actors are more of the 'pansy' type. Of course, athletics have been accepted all along, and we have plenty of equipment for sports." "Meanwhile," C o o k e com- mented, "we actors will just im- provise, and wish for the best for our great-great-grandchild- ren." The Oxford players' tour is the culmination of two years of con- tinental touring for the group. Their first show abroad was "Ri- chard II" which they presented in nglish in France. "Surprising- ly enough," Cooke reported, "they understood it and enjoyed it." * * * THEIR commitments start in the Middle-West and will take thoem as far as New York's Pro- vincetown Theatre. Ann Arbor theatre-goers will be seeing their first U.S. production of "King Lear" tomorrow night. Tickets are sold out for the two Ann Arbor performances, accord- ing to Ann Drew, publicity mana- ger for the speech department which is sponsoring the Players here. K alhn-Freund To Lecture Today Otto Kahn-Freund of the Lon- don School of Economics and Po- litical Science will give "An Ap- praisal of British National Health Service" at 2:15 today in Rack- ham Amphitheater. Kahn-Freund's address will be the sixth in the summer lecture series on "The Quest for Social Security'' A Reader in Law at the Univer- sity of London, Kahn-Freund has studied at the German Universi- ties of Frankfurt, Heidelberg, and Leipzig. Audience To Wiggle, Then Giggle at Hill The cheapest double feature in town-guaranteeing no cowboys- and-Indians - will star W. C. Fields, Charlie McCarthy and Ed- gar Bergen in "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man" and Laird Cregar in "Hangover Square," at 8 p.m. Fri- day and Saturday at Hill Audi- torium. The price is 50 cents for both; and tickets are on sale from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in the Administration For more about Fields, see page 4 Building, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Hill Auditorium Boxoffice and the Union, and at the boxoffice before performances. * * * THE SHOWS are a contrast in wriggles and giggles. Cregar, in- trigues with a murderer who toss- ed his wife into a pyre during the annual English St. Guy's day fes- tivities. The lighthearted killer is chas- ed all over the block, or "Square" as it is known in England, in an upper-middle class, gaslighted, melodramatic hunt. Fields and crew provide the pro- per antidote to all this suspense in their rollicking balloon escapades as W. C. tries to operate an un- usually unmanageable crew of per- formers, in the face of sizeable opposition from the local sheriff. The double bill is sponsored by the Art Cinema League and The Daily. w orld News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Senate yesterday confirmed the nomina- tion of John E. Peurifoy of South Carolina to be U.S. Ambassador to Greece. There was no oppo- sition. Peurifoy has been Assistant Sec- retary of State for Administration. He has had charge of the depart- ment's loyalty and security pro- gram and has been under fire from Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) He will be succeeded as assistant' secretary by Carlisle H. Humel- sine of Maryland, who likewise won confirmation without opposition. * * e WASHINGTON - (A ') - An army spokesman said yesterday that "as of this hour" individual reserve units being ordered to active duty, are not being forced into federal service against their will. Get It 'Cheap' WASHINGTON - (IP) - Max Rosenthal, grocer, isn't sure just what he proved yesterday, but- He stacked sugar outside his store and put up a sign reading "special five pounds sugar, 98 cents." Lines formed, he said, and he sold about 800 pounds in four hours. Grocers across the street con- tinued selling sugar at five pounds for 59 cents and had no rush. "I just wanted to see the re- action," grinned Rosenthal. "I wanted to prove that the price doesn't mean a thing. If they want it they buy it" Britain Will Send Troops Into Korea L O N D OpT--(1P)-Britain an- nounced yesterday she is sending a combat group of her regular ar- my, including armor,.to Korea and is putting her Far Eastern fleet on a war footing. T w o British Commonwealth countries, Australia and New Zea- land, also announced that they will send land forces to join United Nations units under Gen. Douglas MacArthur. * * * THESE reinforcements aug- mented an offer of 4,500 trained combat troops by Turkey, 4,000 soldiers by Thailand, 30 officers by Bolivia, and a limited force by Cuba. Nationalist China also has offered 30,000 veterans, but that offer was declined for stra- tegic reasons. How many British troops will be sent was not disclosed on security g r o u n d s. Qualified sources previously had indicated the force might consist of a bat- talion or a brigade - from about 1,000 to 5,000 men. British regulars will make up the hard core of the expedition, Defense Minister Emanuel Shin- well said, with already trained conscripts making up the rest. * * * SHINWELL ALSO announced that Britain is plunging into a 100,000,000 pound ($280,000,000) emergency defense spending pro- gram outside the regular budget. Much of the money will go for reserve airplanes. Great Lakes Calls Reserve GREAT LAKES, Ill.-(P)-The Ninth Naval District yesterday is- sued first calls to service to se- lected members of the organized naval reserve. The call was not for entire units, only for selected personnel. A navy spokesman said orders have been sent direct from Wash- ington to naval reserve officers within the district who will be required under the first call. Reservists were directed to re- port to the nearest navy recruit- ing station by Aug. 7, ready to go into service. After processing at the recruiting stations, the re- serivsts will be sent to receiving stations. After examination, they will be given a 10-day leave to put their affairs in order. States in the ninth naval dis- trics include the Dakotas, Minne- sota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Mis- souri, Illinois, Indiana and Michi- gan. -Daily-Frank Kelly CHRISTMAS IN JULY-Ann Arbor's streets, like the one pic- tured above, were not deserted for long yesterday morning and all afternoon, and probably won't be today. They are the scene of the town's big Bargain Days, when city merchants slash prices and welcome shoppers. Bargain hunters converge not only on local stores but on the entire city from many Michigan points, including Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. Some customers busily scrutinized Christmas shopping lists. Last Chance Today for 'Christmas' Shoppers It was Christmas in July in Ann Arbor today, and the holiday will continue until this evening. Shoppers converged on Main and State Streets, some with Christ- mas gift lists, others armed only with ready cash and a hope for a bargain. * * * * SOME MERCHANTS couldn't resist the early shoppers and opened their doors at 8 a.m. Few waited until the traditional 9:30 a.m. opening time. Only an occasional man could be spotted in the crowds, and they were usually accompanied by a feminine shopper. In the crowded women shops, they pre- M'Arthur at Front Againi For Close-Up Officials Report SlightSet-Backs By The Associated Press TOKYO - Allied forces yes- terday blunted a menacing North Korean thrust 70 miles west of the main port of Pusan and stalled or shoved back the invader else- where on the 200-mile front. General MacArthur and key of- ficers made a second visit to the Korean front to get a close-up of the situation, it was learned. * * * GENERAL MacArthur's head- quarters said the First Cavalry Division had made "slight with- drawals" east of Yongdong, 95 air miles northwest of Pusan. These were to strengthen hill po- sitions. Headquarters declared there had been no important change on the front in the last 24 hours. Field dispatches, however, told of U.S. and South Korean attacks both south and northeast of Yongdong. U. S. troops, supported by jet fighters, were reported to have recaptured Hadong, high point in a south coast Communist thrust to within 70 miles of Pu- san. Another aerial onslaught was said to have aided South Koreans in driving the North Koreans WASHINGTON -(P)- The Defense Department reported nine killed in action, two wound- ed and 37 mising in action it the Korean fighting in casual- ty list no. 43 made publie yes- terday. fered to sit down and smoke a cigarette instead of advising or taking advice on what best to buy. One merchant declared that his business was up some 30 percent over the same day last year. SUMMER CLOTHES sold brisk- ly in all categories, in anticipation of some warmer summer weather. Out-of-season clothes also sold well. Jewelry and gift stores showed brisk sales early in the day, but bargains weren't quite so plenti- ful as the afternoon wore on. Clothes sizes became more scarce as more customers walked out- satisfied with a bargain. But for today, many bargains will be marked down even more. Sunny warm weather raised the spirits of buyers and sellers alike. Many previous bargain days had dawned very wet and soddened everyone's spirits-and sales. Today it's reported to be the same spirity weather, and though the bargains have been thinned out, second-day shoppers and re- peaters still have a good chance to cash in on Ann Arbor's super sale of the year. See No Rise in Local Fag Cost Although a three-cent per pack price boost in cigarettes, attributed to a six-cent per carton raise by wholesalers, is announced for Jackson, Ann Arbor smokers will not be heavily affected. Managers of three drug stores contacted offered encouraging statements. George Katona felt that despite the wholesale raise, an increase in retail prices would not be justified. H. W. Brown said that prices would "have to go up a little," but only from twenty to twenty-one cents a pack, while the manager of a chain drug store declared that he had had no official notice con- cerning a retail price raise. U. S. Warships, Carriers Sent-, Into Service WASHINGTON - (/P) - Three more big aircraft carriers and 45 other U.S. warships were ordered into service yesterday as members Congress pressed for faster and faster rearmament. The Senate passed unanimous- ly and returned to the House a bill lifting all limits on armed ser- vices personnel strength until July 31, 1954. The House had pass- ed a bill simply removing the ceiling with no time limit speci- fied, and now must consider the Senate amendment. * * * APPROVAL of President Tru- man's request for $10,486,976,000 more in military funds was re- garded as a pure formality. Many lawmakers thought the total was- n't enought and were prepared to vote much more if it is needed to offset the armed might of Rus- sia and her satellites. Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of the House Armed Services Com- mittee announced the expansion of the active fleet following a closed door meeting of the com- mittee. In addition to the three large carriers, the Navy is going to send to sea six light carriers, two cruisers, 32 destroyers and five submarines. THAT WILL PUT a total of nine large carriers in service, plus 14 light carriers, 15 cruisers and 172 destroyers. The Navy wasn't giving out the total of its sub- marines. While Vinson's group continued its study of the nation's defense capability, Secretary of Defense Johnson and the nation's military chiefs went before a Senate ap- propriations subcommittee to back up the President's request for $10,- 486,976,000 more money. back north of Hamchang, which is 35 air miles northeast of Yong- dong. * * * MacARTHUR'S headquarters said nothing about this South Korean attack. Its release said the Communists were attacking in the Hamchang area both frontally and a flanking movement. Headquarters said, however, that the entire line running all the way from Yongdong ap- proximately 100 miles eastward to the coast was fairly stable. Headquarters said a Communist force had advanced to within 15 miles west of Hamyang, which is 48 miles south of Yongdong and about 70-84 miles west of Pusan. * * * ANOTHER Communist force, which apparently seized the prime rail and road city of Sunchon on the south coast, was striking southeastward down the Yosu Peninsula. U. S. and British carrier planes flew in close support to battle- front forces. The U. S. fleet hammered at enemy troop concentrations in the Communists' east coast an- chor positions around Yong- dong, about 90 air miles north of Pusan. The British warships blockaded the west coast. They bombarded an enemy concentration- of Kun- sarn west coast port about 65 miles west ,of Yongdong. Police Enforce 'Worker' Ban DETROIT-M-P-The downtown newsstand where 57-year-old Izzy Berenson has been selling Com- munist literature was hauled away by police yesterday. But Berenson promised a crowd of hecklers he would "be back sell- ing papers tomorrow." * * * THE VENDOR, labeled a "public nuisance" by the Detroit City Council which ordered his stand off the corner of Michigan and Griswold, indicated he would car- ry his papers and get along with- out the stall. Lt. George Pell ordered Beren- son to move the newsstand. Ber- m am n rplapdAnn .the1 *1. a -/Zl * 4 * COMPULSORY PLAN DEBUNKED: Public Health Program Blasted by Dr. Hawley A compulsory program of na- tional health insurance is a cheap, lavish substitute for bona fide medical care that would operate without regard for costs or the needs of the people, Dr. Paul R. Hawley, director of the American College of Surgeans, declared yes- terday. Speaking before an audience of the summer lecture series on "The Quest for Social Security," Dr. Hawley declared adoption of a public health insurance plan would ance program would make avail- able would do more harm than good. Greater opportunity for preventive medicine would only result in an increase of the num- ber of neurotics and not cause an improvement in the national health, he said. Dr. Hawley, formerly chief exec- utive officer for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Commissions, denied that 80% of the population can not afford adequate medical care, a figre r~that. some of the proponents DEPLORES ARMS SECRECY: Holcombe Asks Peace Preparation "In time of war we should pre- pare for peace." This thesis was presented yes- "The plans of all kinds of peo- ple are incorporated into this report; they should be consid- mast a n c wnnrf. niv.n tofthe must be the basis for determining decisions to the very people who should make decisions in a de- flo r PU. I