" THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, lSHIN and ted tl , thro Leges, ary b ne of aloA what AS L. STOKES: Congressional Immunity VGTON-Senators are very proud perience in this investigation indicates that jealous of the rights and privileges this privilege should not become a license hem as members of what has be- for the character assassination of Ameri- ough guarding of those rights and can citizens. It is believed that from such one of the world's great parlia- a study it may be possible to evolve leg- odies. islation which is designed to preserve this 'these is the immunity they en- immunity ... and, at the same time, in- ig with members of the House, sure that it does not become a shield to tihey say on the floors of Con- perpetrate injustice and fraud." ,s. This exempts them from prosecu- R for libel within those limits. is, therefore, significant when three ibers of the Senate all imbued with jeal- concern for its rights and prestige, and able lawyers, recommend a study to see ther this privilege of immunity should in some way circumscribed so that "it hot become a shield to perpetrate in- ice and fraud." IS RECOMMENDATION was in the re- port of the three Democratic members he special Foreign Relations Subcom- ee-Senators Tydings (of Maryland), m (of Rhode Island), and McMahon (of necticut)-that investigated the charges Senator Joe McCarthy (Republican of onsin), about Communism in the State srtnent. It reflected their deep sense of age over the way in which the Wiscon- Senator had slandered innocent persons nd. his cloak of immunity. ze recommendation has been overlooked awhat in emphasis on other parts of the thy report that bore directly on the arthy episode, and the political debate followed its presentation to the Senate, he immunity privilege the majority re- said: [t is recommended that a Joint Corn- tee of House and Senate be appointed make a careful study of the immunity n civil suit extended to Members of ngress, by reason of statements made them on the floor of either house and ore Congressional committees. Our ex- The privilege is imbedded in the Consti- tution, in Section 6 of the first Article, which, defines privileges of members, among them-"for any speech or debate in either -House they shall not be questioned in any oter place." The aim would be to define this Consti- tutional provision by legislation, so as to prevent such abuse of it as that by Senator McCarthy. This, admittedly, might be diffi- cult to do in a way that would meet the legal test of the courts. None of the three sena- tors has any solution ready at hand, ex- plaining that careful study would be re- quired. * * * BECAUSE OF tradition it probably would be hard to move Congress to restrict this Constitutional privilege, unless some similar abuse should follow quickly. But, by raising the issue in their report, the three senators pointed up forcefully how far their Wisconsin colleague went, to exploit a privilege of his office, which is a privilege that also carries with it a solemn responsi- bility. Furthermore, they gave notice to the American people of the danger of unbridled license which may hit innocents among them unless is is curbed, either by volun- tary observance of the proprieties by mem- bers of Congress, or by some sort of res- traint imposed by members on themselves. It has not been forgotten by Senator McCarthy's colleagues that when he first presented his general charges in a Sen- ate speech on February 20 he said: "I will not say anything on the Senate floor which I will not say off the Senate floor;" and added, "on that day when I take ad- vantage of the security we have on the Senate floor, on that day I will resign from the Senate." He has not fulfilled his pledge-on either count. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate) Inc.) *A rials published in The Michigan Daily riten by members of The Daily staff epresent the views of the writers only. t arT EDITOR: PETER HOTTO14 r DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-The only woman ambas- sador in the Washington diplomatic corps is Madame Pandit Nehru, the sister of the prime minister of Iiadia. She is a lady of frail figure, great dignity, and a sort of austere beauty. Wearing the traditional white veil and flowing robes of India, Madame Nehru went to the State Department the other day to hand Secretary of State Acheson a note written by her prime minister brother, ask- ing the United States and Russia for peace in Korea. 'Madame Nehru," Acheson said, after carefully considering the Indian peace ap- peal, "I sympathize with your views, but we cannot be appeasers." 'Appeasers!" the bird-like Indian am- bassadress almost leaped from her chair. "Appeasers! You call us appeasers! We in India, who know what it is to spend years in jail for a cause in which we be- lieve! You call us appeasers!" "When we lacked the arms to fight," she continued, "we developed our own weapons -nonresistance. Never did we appease: We in India know what it is to fight and to win." "But you don't understand the Russians," countered the Secretary of State. "You forget, Mr. Acheson, that I serv- ed as Ambassador to Russia," shot back Madame Nehru. "I know the Russians well. And I think also you forget your geography. India has a border with Com- munist Russia on one side and Commun- ist China on the other. We know them perhaps better than you. "But I am here pleading with you for your own good, Mr. Secretary. For the Uni- ted States must not lose India. We can be and are your best friends, your best ambas- sadors in the East. You must not lose India, Indo-China, and Indonesia. Unless you show them a way to peace, however, you will." Secretary Acheson agreed that the United States certainly could not afford to lose this vital part of the world, and promised a sympathetic study of the whole problem. * * * . W HAT MOST PEOPLE in this country don't realize is that the Communist radio pours a daily stream of propaganda into the villages of China, Northern Indo- China, and as much of the Orient as pos- sible, telling how the imperialistic United States has invaded Korea. Naturally, noth- ing is said about Russia's part in the North Korean invasion, or that the United Nations sanctioned the American resistance. And, since radio in the village square is the chief means of communicating with a large part of Asia, a lot of Orientals have come to believe this. That's why it is so important to send Philippine Gen. Carlos Romulo, president of the UN Assembly, to Korea to show Asiatics that other Asiatics are emphati- cally behind the United States. This has been proposed at Lake Success, but fear of treading on General MacArthur's toes as supreme commander has caused hesi- tation in Washington. That's also why thfb action of Senators Byrd, George, et al, who voted to cut Am- erican propaganda, is so short-sighted. HE NATIONAL DEFENSE Department has a clumsy way of winning new allies for the U.S.A. in the Korean war. Louis Foy, American correspondent for the Paris Presse, one of the largest French papers and vigorously anti-Communist, recently sought to attend the Defense Department briefing on the Korean war which is given to newspapermen every day. He was told by the office of Lee Har- gus, chief of the Pentagon Press branch, that it would take 24 hours to get per- mission. Foy, who had to return to New York, cpuntered that it had taken only 30 min- utes to get permission to attend a White House conference held by the President of the United States; that he is already ac- credited to the State Department, also to the United Nations; and that he has been a newsman in this country for 13 years. Later, when the Frenchman turned up at the Army briefing, he was stopped at the door. "This is a United Nations war," Foy protested, "and France has been fighting in the Far East for several years. I can talk to President Truman, but I can't listen to some General give out informa- tion that is going to appear in the papers next day!" Nevertheless, he was barred. Also barred at first was Swedish newsman Rolf Lam- born of the "Stockholm Tidningen," though later both were told they could attend. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAMA "Any Statement?" Cl tprE : U s ECONOM'C t- 4i *,,..Rij4 cs G. ' :2 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN s ti tette' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which arse signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any rason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. IN SPITE OF an over-zealous audience which grasped every opportunity, strange- ly enough even the depressingly tragic, to release exuberant laughter, the Speech De- partment production of "The Time of Your Life" Saturday night was a pleasant ex- .4rience, theatrically more convincing than the opening night performance. General restraint by almost the entire cast provided the transformation from. a bad to a good production. Chief criticism of the opening night presentation was gross overacting by a majority of the per- formers. - .~~ Ted Heusel (Joe), though he still failed to achieve the, brilliance attained in pre- vious departmental productions; exhibited a vast improvement over the initial perfor- mance. No longer in evidence was the sprawling intonation which seriously mar- red the play's opening. Gone, too, was the dreamy unreality of his actions -granted that a certain lofti- ness was desired of .the part, but, opening night it was taken to extremes - lucidly demonstrated at the point in the first act when Joe knocked the hat from Tom's head. In the first performance, the blow was graceful and fragile, far too tender even for Joe. Several of the protagonists, including Kit- ty Duval (played by Frances Ann Harring- ton), McCarthy "(William M. Taylor), Kit Carson (Dan Mullin) and Mary L. (Cyrene Bell) were commendable Wednesday; night; with one exception, that of the loquacious Kit Carson, the players concluded the run with the same skill that gave credulity to their roles at the outset. Carson, however, partially lost the breathless urgency which had supplemented his other unusual, but attractive, traits. Miss Harrington and Taylor accounted for the two outstanding examples of act- ing, both on Wednesday and Saturday nights. The fascinating combination of intellectual and physical strength which Taylor displayed as the idealistic long- shoreman was brilliantly handled; his sucess was complete with statement, "I'm a man with too much brawn to be an intellectual, exclusively!" Miss Harrington was masterfully indig- nant, suspicious, amenable, appreciative, melancholy and frightened, with her major triumphs coming in the bedroom sequence which, not incidentally, was artistically staged, and in the last act when Blick vulgarly bares the "toe-nails on his fingers" and attempts to assert his official "right- eousness." The ability of Larry Johnson, who play- ed Nick, the harshly tender, cynical, ,proprieter of the Pacific Street honky- reviewer has, some reluctance to accept Sa- royan's hulking, childishly grinning stereo- type. Myron Wahls, in his first appearance on the Mendelssohn stage, was more at ease Satuirday night - his piano renditions were superbly created both nights. Sarah Sharp, again too much a stereotype as the hard-up, bespectacled Lorene Smith, provided a comic touch as she, nasally, "only wanted to be of some help;" comic, that is, if a stereotyped character in a stereotyped situation can be amusing. Jeanette Grandstaff was eloquent as the Italian-speaking mother of Nick. (She had several lines, though the written version called for one - presumably because of her uncanny linguistic ability!) Though the production Saturday night was infinitely superior to the opening night per- formance, the reviewer maintains his posi- tion in respect to the play itself: Regardless of Saroyan's motives, there can be little artistic appreciation of ster- eotyped characters ,especially when they are used to express an obscure sentimen- tality which indicates that the author is an irrational "philosopher" who is appa- rently uncertain of his message's validity. Just as serious, too much of the play is found in the author's running commen- tary: a substantial part of the dramatic content can not be adequately staged. Tomorrow nigit; the Oxford players pre- sent Ben Jonson's "The Alchemist" at the Mendelssohn; and Friday night, the same group will be seen in "King Lear:" this week promises to be auspicious, dramatically. . -B. Sheldon Browne Incredible .Error A CANDIDATE for governor in Texas was found campaigning on Arkansas territory. It slins incredible. Texas has always seemed too big and too different from ordinary states to permit a mistake of that kind - especially on the part of a Texan. -St. Louis Star-Times Peace Appeal. . To the Editor: NOT ALL of those who cry "peace" in these days mean what they say. There are some, however, who do not cry "peace" as a strategy, but proclaim peace as a principle. It would be lament- able if in our proper revulsion from those who cry "peace" where there is none, we closed our ears to those who direct us to where peace may be found. In this con- nection, therefore, I would like to draw the attention of your readers to the following statement issued by the Ann Arbor Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): "We wish at this time to re- affirm our belief that all war, no matter how apparently good the cause, is contrary to the spirit of Divine Love as seen in Jesus, and that to those who seek to live wholly in this spirit, and have felt its life and power, war is ut- terly denied. We believe that in these days especially war is not even an effective method of na- tional defense, and that those na- tions, our own being no exception, which rely on it will perish by it. We conceive it to be our duty, therefore, both as lovers of Christ and 'of our Country, to urge all men to listen as never before to that spirit of Divine Love which is present in every heart, and to consider whether it does not com- mand them to abstain, at what- ever personal cost from partici- pating in this evil and disastrous course. "We are humble before the spir- it of Truth, and we do not pre- sume to limit that spirit as it moves the heartshand minds of men in ways that are not ours. But we invite all men, whether of our persuasion or not, to ask of themselves the following ques- tions: "1--Do we believe that all men are equally Children of God, and that He cares equally for all, whether Americans, Russians, or Koreans? "2-In our conflicts, do we real- ly care about the people with- whom we are contending? "3-Are we fighting for our enemies as well as against them, that they may come into a fuller life and knowledge of truth? "4-Are we lighting merely be- cause our national pride is at statke, and is this a motive worthy of lChildren of God? "America has sought to create a world at which she can live at peace. But she has tried to do this oy rimng men afraid of her wea- pons of destruction. In so doing she has become herself the victim of fear and has lost all freedom cf action. A handful of men i', shall we say, Moscow. or Korea, or Berlin, can pull the strings that jerk us into action, can impel u, to submit our young men to mili- tary enslavement through con- scription, can impel us to destroy by our own hand our religious and political liberties. And all this be- cause of our reliance on force anO fear. But there is a Spirit and tYere is a Powei that liberates from this fear. It is the Spirit of Truth that makes us free, of the Love that casts out fear. This Spirit we have known in our own lives in measure sufficient for our needs. To it we call you all." This statement represents a point 'of view with which perhaps not many of your readers will agree. Nevertheless I believe it de- ,rarvC r c enciripreti bursting at the seams, Saroyan cannot be accepted today." Why not? -Isn't the time of world chaos the opportune mo- ment for people to realize the good that exists, the good that is in every one of us, the good that if experienced correctly will insure a world of peace? War is attained through the efforts of people who pursue negative ideas, by people who try to change the law of na- ture through corruption. Saro- yan's people, too, have been guil- ty of evil or sin at one time or another, but it's "Joe's" duty as the author's interpreter,, to guide people in acknowledging the good and in obtaining positive results. Life, or living, ,is the enjoyment and appreciation of beauty, love, peace, harmony and happiness. Those in the world who promote disorder are not really living- getting the best from their stay on earth. All good springs from evil. Sar- oyan knew this, and, in order to have his message seem more real to the masses, he has presented his characters with sordid back- grounds, obstacles on all sides, and then the recognition of love, beauty, peace, harmony and hap- piness which come to each are the result which we all may expect if we would only admit these emo- tions into our everyday experi- ences. "All that the Lord has, so has his children," said Jesus. God, which is good, knows only good and offers it to all his children if they would but recognize their divine potential and use it wisely. Saroyan can and must be ac- cepted today, if only as a stepping stone to personal and world peace. *-Lyn Mendell To the Editor: WAS passing through town the other day and dropped in on the Speech Department's produc- tion of "The Time of Your Life." TIhe ending of the play bothered me. Why should this production end with the wounding of the old Westerner when in Saroyan's ori- ginal work he was hale and hear- ty? Perhaps the people who were responsible for the production could enlighten me. -Al Blumrosen , * * * Marriage in Iraq..*. To the Editor: AM NOT a reader of The Michi- gan Daily, but so many peo- ple have asked me about what ap- peared in it about Iraq, my own country, on July 13, that I was curious enough to buy an old copy of it and see for myself. I think that Mr. AI-Khafaji was either misquoted or misunder- stood. It is a great insult to our girls to say that they are like goods and have nothing to say about their mates. Yes, marriage has to be agreed upon by the parents of the bride and the parents of the groom, and the boy and girl have to know each other and like each other; that is what you principal- ly have in this country. It is wrong to say that the girl is unable to refuse the terms that the two fathers agree upon, be- cause no agreement is discussed unless the girl's opinion is taken into consideration in the first place. It is a sin to say that marriage in Iraq is based upon money be- cause the money that the couple get from the bride's father and the groom's father is spent on fur- (continued from Page 3) pointments, 3528 Administration Building. Preliminary Examinations in Linguistics: (1) General Linguistics, Friday, August 11, 2-5. (2) Comparative Grammar, Sat- urday, August 12, 9-12. (3) English, Chinese, etc., Sat- urday, August 12, 2-5. Candidates should notify Prof. H. Kurath of their intentions by August 1. The Counseling Division of the .Bureau of Psychological Services will be located beginning Thurs- day morning, July 27, on the sec- ond floor of the old ROTC Build- ing, on State Street between the Michigan Union and the Adminis- tration Building. The former ad- dress was 1027 East Huron. Approved Student Sponsored so- cial events for the coming week- end: July 28, 1950 Graduate Student Council. Omega Psi Phi. July 29, 1950 Lloyd Hall. Phi Delta Phi. Deutsches Hans. No "Open House" will be held this week, Thursday, July 27, because of con- flict with Oxford Players. Lectures Geometry Seminar: 3001 Angell Hall, 3 p.m., Wed., July 26. Dr. Leisenring will discuss "Polar Vec- tor Algebra." Conference of Summer Educa- tion Staff. Topic: "A Recent Im- portant Development or a Signifi- cant Trend in Education in States and Universities Represented by Visiting Staff Members." Wednes- day, July 26, 7:30 p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall. Pol. Scl. 279, Public Policy and Atomic Energy, Seminar meeting open to the public on Thursday, July 27, at 3 p.m. in the East Con- ference Room of the Rackham Building. Lyman Moore, City Man- ager of Portland, Maine, will speak on "Management of Atoiic Powers. Seminar in Applied 1Mathema- tics will meet Thursday, July 27 at 4 p.m. in Room 247 West Engi- neering Building. Mr. Paul T. Nims ofathe Chrysler Corporation will speak on "The vibration of aircraft engines." Chemistry Lecture Series, Chem- istry Bldg., Rm.1300, Wednesday, July 26, 4 p.m. Dr. Charles Kittel, Bell Telephone Laboratories, will talk on "Microwave Experiments in Organic Free Radical Com- pounds." Seminar: Thursday,' July 27 at 7:45 p.m. East Council Room, Rackham Building. Speaker: Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, subject: Illum- ination and Polarikation of the Sun lit Sky. Guidance Workshop: Delmont K. Byrn, Supervisor, Guidance Ser- vices, State Department of Educa- tion, Jefferson City, Missouri, will be the guest lecturer and consult- ant at the Guidance Workshop, Rm. 267, Bus. Ad. Bldg., Tuesday through Friday of this week. His topic will be "Follow-Up in Guid- ance." Linguistic Institute. "Morpho- phonemics of Standard Colloquial Japanese." Dr. Samuel E. Martin, Yale University. 1 p.m. today, Mi- chigan Union. Speech Assembly. "Time and Il- lusion." Alexander Wyckoff, Scene Designer, Guild O'Crafts, New York City, 3 p.m. today, Rackham Amphitheater. The Quest for Social Security. "Health Insurance-Public or Pri- vate?"' Paul R. Hawley, M.D., Di- rector of the American College of Surgeons. 4:15 p.m. today, Rack- ham Amphitheater. Michigan Memorial - Phoenix Project.'Lecture. "Modern Arms and Free Men." Arthur N. Hol- combe, Harvard University. 8:15 p.m. today, Rackham Amphithea- ter. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Har- ry Levin, Psychology; thesis: "Personal Influence and Opinion Change in Conferences," Wednes- day, July 26, 3121 Natural Science Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chairman, D. G. Marquis. Doctoral Examination for Ar- nold Fieldsteel, Bacteriology; the- sis: "The Effect of Thyroxin, Thi- ouracil and 2,4-Dinitrophenol on the Susceptibility of Albino Mice Council Rm., Rackham Bldg., at 7 p.m. Chairman, F. D. Curtis. Concerts Student Recital: William Stan- ley, tuba, will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday evening, July 26, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in a program presented in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. He will be assisted by Michael Polo- vitz, clarinet, and Mary Crawford, piano. The general public is in- vited. Mr. Stanley is a pupil of Harold Ferguson. Chicago Symphony Woodwind Quintet, Ralph Johnson, flute, Robert Mayer, oboe, Jerome Sto- well, clarinet, Wilbur Simpson, bassoon, and Philip Farkus, French horn, will be heard in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall at 8:30, Wednes- day evening, July 26. The pro- gram is being played as a part of the Second Annual Band Con- ductors Conference Workshop be- ing held in Ann Arbor, July 24-29. It will include compositions by Somis, Klughardt, Milhaud, D- Lamarter, and Hindemith. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Marilyn Mitt- ler, soprano, will present a pro- gram in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 Wednesday evening, July 26, in the Architec- ture Auditorium. Miss Mittler, a, pupil of Thelma Lewis, plans to sing works by Handel, Gluck, Cam- pra, Blech, Wolf, Szulc, Ravel, Du- parc, and a group of four English songs. The general public is in- vited. Carillon Recital, 7:15 p.m., to- morrow, by Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur. It will include Largo, from the "New World" Symphony by Dvorak, four Amer- icancairs, a group of compositions for -carillon by Menotti, and se- lections from the Mikado. Student Recital: Tait Sanford, Pianist, will present her program in partial fulfillment of the re quirements for the Master of Mu- sic degree at 8:30 p.m, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Marian Owen, Miss Sanford will play works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Debussy. The recital will be open to the public. Student Recital: Donald Morris, Violin student with Gilbert Ross, will be heard at 4:15 tomorrow in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in a program of compositions by Vitali, Mendelssohn, and Beethoven. Pre- sented in partial