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July 17, 1949 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-17

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NC AA Seeks To .educe
'Wildcat' Bowl Contests

terday capped 2% years of spade-
work aimed at stamping out what
it terms wildcat, promotions of
football Bowl games.
The collegiate organization em-
powered a nine-man committee to
map a code of st.andards govern.
ing post-season grid iron enter-
* *.*
. .THE MOVE was to restrict to a
reasonable number post - season
games which in the after-wai
boom has mushroomed from a
standard six to an incredible 50
or more scheduled from December
through Jan. 1.
Like the NCAA's "sanity code,"
which strikes at recruiting- of
athletes, the new "bowl blow"
levels off against promoti-anal
schemers who try to fatten their
pocketbooks on the Bo)wl craze.
There is no indication that the
four granddaddies of bowl games
-Rose, Sugar, Cotton and Orange
-will come under NCAA scrutiny.
Athletic conferences, r: er than
personalities or syndicates, reap
the rewards of these so--called reg-
ulation New Year's Day classics.
* * *
HOWEVER, an NCAA spokes-
man, perhaps significantly, up-
held the North-South anid East-
West tussles as ideal post-season
affairs staged strictly for worthy
Although the list of post-sea-
son contests is as long as a pawn
shop's credit sheet-and about
as varied-the NCAA spokesman
did not specifically name any
Bowl games which might cone
under attack.
"The NCAA, national athletic

'cdy for some 390 universities and
colleges," the official announce-
ment said, "took steps toward
restricting post - season football
games in San Francisco Jan. 7-8.
The Association's aim is to es-
tablish certain standards for con-
duct of such games and then pre-
scribe that its member institu-
tions cannot compete in games
that do not subscribe to the proper
THE committee studied spon-
sorship, management, participa-
tion and promotion.
"In some cases visiting teams
were not even paid their travel-
ing expenses-they were lucky
to get away with their uniforms
still in tow," the spokesman said.
"Proceeds disappeared."
Pending the drafting of a code
of standards, the NCAA has re-
quested that its members do not
make or renew commitments to
engage in any Bowl games until
after the code is submitted at the
44th annual convention in New
York Jan. 13-14, 1950. This order
excludes games in November or
December, 1949, and January,
** * *
.."SHOULD the convention legis-
late so as to exclude prior commit-'
ments, a requirement of good faith
will be attached and any failure
to honor this request will be con-
sidered a breach of good faith,"
the spokesman explained.
The nine-man committee will
meet in Chicago, Aug. 13-14, and
then submit its completed report
and resulting code to the 44th
NCAA convention in New York,
next January.

Eddie Goes
CHICAGO-O')-Eddie Wait-
kus, the 29-year-old bullet-
punctured Philadelphia Phil-
lies' first baseman, says todaty
will be a red letter day.
He plans to leave Billings
Memorial Hospital and fly to
Philadelphia. It will be the end
of more than a month in hos-
pitals. And-"Boy I'm telling
you hospital life is driving me
nuts," he says.
Eddie was shot June 15 by
an addled woman fan. She is
Ruth Steinhagen, 19, who has
been committed to a mental
Czee bExiles
Move to Swiss
Doubles Finals
GSTAAD, Switzerland - (P) -
Jaroslav Drobny defeated his fel-
low Czechoslovakian exile, Vladi-
mir Cernik, 6-0, 6-1, to gain the
final round of the Swiss tennis
championships yesterday.
Drobny and Cernik also worked
their way into the doubles final
Lookee Bert!
ard Evans, Cleveland, an 18-
year-old University of Michi-
gan sophomore, won the Ohio
Amateur Golf Championship
yesterday by defeating Vince
Leskosky of Youngstown, 4 and
3. The match - was scheduled
for 36 holes.

By The Associated Pres
BROOKLYN -- Walker Cooper
slammed two home runs yesterday,
his second coming with a mani on
base in the top of the 10th inning
to enable the Cincinnati Reds to
defeat the Brooklyn Dodgers, 7-6.
The Dodgers made a determined
rally in their half of the 10th.
Jackie Robinson opened with his
10th homer, off Ed Erautt. Gil
Hodges was safe on Red Stall-
cup's fumble, but was forced by
Carl Furillo. Billy Cox lined out
and Roy Campanella 4'alked.
Pinch-hitter Mary Rackley then
hit a single on which Bobby Adams
made a sprawling dive and stop
behind second, preventing the ty-

on as many hits plus two bases
onl balls.
Sai not underway by passing
Frankie Baumiholtz and that
pitclec' shutout hoe.;e died when,
withi two out, 1lank Sauer and
Hank Edwards singled.
NEW YORK-The Pittsburgh
Pirates moved to within two
and a half games of fifth (lace
yesterday by whipping the New
York Giants in a doubleheader,
9-0, and 7-6.
After bombarding Clint Har-
tung and Sheldon Jones with
six home run blasts in the first
game, the Pirates took advan-
tage of a bloop single by pinch
hitter Vic Lombardi in the 11th
inning to win the second game.
Lombardi's single, a pop fly
that fell untouched in short
right field, scored Stan Rojek
from third in the top of the
11ith :ad breke up a (-6 tie. The
Giants hadi Eoult an uphill
battle, seoirn two -runs in the
5(. and four in the eighth
to oercome a 60 deficit.
Bob Chesnes pitdhed the first
game stotout for the Bues, lim-
iting the Giants to six hits. Out-
fielder Wally Westlake, who also
hit a homer in the second game,
smshed two round trippers in
the o r s wel as Iwo singles.
I~ i~i;r bele o. 24. Ed
Cef o e a u i or the
ST. L{)S -- The F. Louis
Bl3nm tivie 'th( 1.e ii: le of a
t s ue ~ine >crie~ \\ n h jj N ('\
Yowil make ;,mi nih d_
tt'ie ._ 1id a I i a
e" to fiX e is .
eThe Browns got all their runs
in the first inning with lefty
Tommy Byrne on the inound.
Bobby Dillinger opened with a
single, advanced to second on a
one-bagger by Gerry Priddy, and
to third on a walk to Whitey Platt.
Roy Sievers delivered a two-run
single, and when Johnny Lindell
threw the ball past the plate, Platt
went to third and Sievers to sec-
ond. Jack Graham's long fly scored
Platt. Sherm Lollar grounded to
Phil Rizzuto, who threw wide to
first, Sievers scoring.
CLEVELAND--Gene Bearden,
the Clevehand Indians' top
rookie last year, won his first
victory since June 15 yester-
day, defeating the Philadelphia
Athletics, 7 to 3.
But he won it as a relief pitch-
er and had to be relieved him-
self in the seventh. Satchel Paige
took over for him with two outs
and the bases loaded and coolly
fanned Hank Majeski.
Then Satchel went to work,
finished the game by retiring the
next six men. In the eighth, he
fan'ned Don White and forced

Browns, Reds IaU Y anks and Bums;
Cards Fall, but Indians Bosox Win

Pete Suder and Mike Guerra to
fly to the outfield. Again in the
ninth, Buddy Rosar fliedl out,
Eddie Joost was out on an in-
field popper and Elmer Valo
grounded out to Joe Gordon.
The A's got only two hits off
Bearden in 4 2-3 innings but
they were liven five walks. The
losing pitcher was Lou Brissie.
* * *
DETROIT - Four home runs
and Mel Parnell's four-hit pitch-
ing enabled the Boston Red Sox
to humble Detroit's Tigers 11 to 1
The circuit blows accounted for
nine of Boston's runs. Ted Wil-



by eliminating Franjo
Yugoslavia and Fritz
Austria, 6-3, 6-2.
** *

Puncec of
Weis: of

out to end the game,


Major League Standings



W. L.
Brooklyn.......49 32
St. Louis.......48 34
Boston........45 37
Philadelphia . . .43 39
New York ...... 39 40
Pittsburgh......37 43
Cincinnati......32 47
Chicago........31 52


6 i
111 /

New York . .
Cleveland ..
Boston ....
Detroit ....
Chicago ...
St. Louis ..

W. L.
....52 28
....46 33
...45 37
....44 37.
....42 41
....34 44
....35 48
....25 55


18 2

Cincinnati at Boston (2) -
Vandermeer (2-4) and Black-
well (1-2) vs. Voiselle (4-2) and
Antonelli (3-3).
Chicago at Brooklyn (2) -
Rush (7-10) and Schmitz (4-6)
vs. Branca (10-3) and Palica
St. Louis at New York (2) --
Staley' (6-5) and MYdnger (6-1)
vs. Koslo (5-2) and Kennedy
Pittsburgh at Philadelphia
(2)-Chambers (4-1) and Dick-
son (3-11) vs. Meyer (6-4) and
Donnelly (1-1).,

New York at Chicago (2)-
Raschi (13-3) and Sanford
(4-3) vs. Gumpert (7-7) and
Pierce (4-7) or Surkont (2-3).
Boston at Cleveland (2) -
Stobbs (3-2) and Kramer (0-5)
vs. Wynn (6-1) and Benton
Philadelphia at Detroit (2)-
Scheib (3-6) and Coleman (7-8)
vs. Gray (4-6) and Kretlow
Washington at St. Louis (2)
-- Haynes (2-4) and Calvert
6-7) vs. Fannin (2-5) and Ken-
nedy (1-6).

THEY WILL meet Rolf Geop-
fert and Werner Beuthner of Ger-
many, who whipped Cochell and
Massip, 6-3, 1-6, 6-3, in the other
Asked how he felt concerning
today's match against the two
Germans, Drobny said:
"You have to remember that the
Germans were in our country for
six years, and I couldn't play ten-
nis during that period. We Czechs
naturally are not too enthusiastic
about the Germans. But tennis
is a game, not politics. They are
mixing sports and politics in
Czechoslovakia now and that is
why we wanted to stay here."
* * *
MEANWHILE, in Prague, the
Communist Press announced that
a program of "tennis camps" will
be put into effect in an attempt
to replace the two "treacherous"
stars, who Friday announced they
would not return to their country.
Drobny and Cernik, who have
represented the Czechs on Davis
Cup teams since the end of the
war, were ordered to return to
Prague Thursday because the
two Germans and the Spaniard
were participating in the Swiss

man Willie Jones made three I.
the seven hits the l'biladeipd:a
Phils got off Harry Breeheen
yesterday as the Phils defeated
the St. Louis Cards, 4 to 2. One
of Jones' hits was a home run.
Hank Borowy held the Cards
to eight hits but needed help in
the ninth inning when the Cards
pushed over two runs. Borowy
developed a blister and retired
in favor of Jim Konstanty with
two men out and two runs in the
With two out in the ninth, the
Cards started a rally. Outfielder
Enos Slaughter singled. Ile was
forced by Northey who in turn
was forced by first baseman
Glenn Nelson. Kazak doubled
scoring Nelson and tallied on a
double by catcher Joe Garagiola.
Konstanty came in and threw
out pinchhitter Lou Klein.
BOSTON-The Boston Braves
took the odd win of a three-game
series with the Chicago Cubs, 9-1,
yesterday by blasting three pitch-
ers for a total of 14 hits as Johnny
Sain turned in his best pitching
performance of the season.
The Tribesmen clinched matters
in the second inning by whaling
lefty Bob Chipman for four runs

ha .1 _ _ a A te st cue in tim-
(4 1W , ill 114 i e aboardi.
I-'~ ~~~~P i; ht1 ea l iiarilla 1i(1,
I- and fouirth in
Li41. r 1- I Oyanl eh Caine
\Cith ItvO on ha. c
In tie :i xi. Bobby Doerr, who
had oood on TebbeIs and Zar-
ila's blo g a omer of his
own with the bases empty.
Virgil Trucks, first of three De-
troit pitchers, lasted only three
innings but was charged with the
loss, his sixth against ten victories.
CHICAGO-Pitcher Bob Kuz-
ava and second baseman Cass
Michaels ganged up on the
Washington Senators to give
the Chicago White Sox a 5-1
victory for a 2-1 series edge here
Michaels batted in four runs
with a double and single. Ile
also started three double plays,
the second of which paved the
way for Washington's only run.
Kuzava's bit was a neat six-
single performance for his fifth
victory and his third route job
of the season.
Personnel - -Workmanship
Sanitation - Service
Liberty near State



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