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VOL. LIX, No. 20S
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Off for Europe
Daily Reporters Begin Summer Jaunt
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles on the National
Student Association summer tour of Europe by Barnett and Dolores Lasche-
ver, Daily staff members. Mrs. Laschever is the former Dolores Palanker,
night editor of The Daily.)
ABOARD THE S.S. VOLENDAM-(Delayed)-This Dutch-Amer-
ican ship left Wolfe's Cover, Quebec, today for Europe where some
1,400 American and Canadian students will spend the summer in
travel, work and study.
Aboard are 600 American students participating in the National
Student Association sponsored tours of western Europe, including
Home on Wheels
Two High Army
oMen Suspected
Of Irregrularities
Feldman, Waitt Suspended Pending
Hearing on Congressional Charges
WASHINGTON-(A)-The Army yesterday suspended its Quarter-
master General and the chief of the Chemical Corps because of
evidence turned up by a Senate committee investigating alleged
influence in Army contract awards.
Those relieved of duty were:
Maj. Gen. Herman Feldman, 57, who enlisted as a private 42
years ago and rose through the ranks to head the Army's quarter-
master section.
Maj. Gen. Alden Harry Waitt, 56, who has served most of his 26
years in the Army as a chemical warfare specialist.
SECRETARY OF THE ARMY Gordon Gray, who announced
the suspensions, said in a statement that a Senate investigating Com-
groups heading for work-camps
New SpeecI
in Finland,
- Germany,
I Netherland:
Great Britain, France,
Switzerland and the
Kane Featured
In 'White Steed'
Whitford Kane, noted Broad-
way and Hollywood actor, will
direct and star in Paul Vincent
Carroll's "The White Steed," the
fourth presentation of the summer
by the Department of Speech.
The play, a comedy, based on
clericalism in Ireland, will open
next Wednesday night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre for a four-
day run.
KANE, WHO WAS born in Ire-
land, created the part of Canon
Lavalle in the pre-Broadway try-
out of "The White Steed" and
took the role in the Theatre Guild
production which toured the coun-
One Chicago critic said of the
performance, "My hat is off to
veteran Whitford Kane, whose
Canon Lavelle is a joy, read with
immense unction and understand-
Ruth Livingston, who played
Ann Rutledge in the depart-
ment's presentation of "Abe
Lincoln in Illinois" last spring
with great success, will take the
role of Nora Fintry.
;,Miss Livingston is a 1949 grad-
uate and' is taking special work
in speech this summer. She has
been in play production for two
enacted Clarence in "Life With
Father" last week is Father
Shatighnessy in the latest offering
of the speech department.
Jeanette Grandstaff will play
Rosieanne; Earl Matthews will
take the role of Denis Dillon;
Arthur Fleming will be seen as
Phelimr Fintry; and George Cre-
peau will play Patrick Hearty.
Others in the cast are Robert
Holston, Ruth Mohr, Aurelia Gu-
towski, Bruce Huffman, Betty Lou
Robinson, Craig Tenney and Mor-
ris Winer.
THE PLAY, which in 1939 won
author Carroll the New York
Drama Critics Circle. Award for
the best play by a foreign author,
opened on Broadway January 10,
Carroll was the recipient o the
same award in 1948 for his play,
"Shadow and Substance."
Termed a "beautiful, richly elo-
quent and immensely moving"
play, "The White Steed" is sym-
bolic, though not mystical. Deal-
ing with the problems of the
church of Ireland, it is important
enough to have universal appli-
Oren Parker is in charge of the
set and will be assisted by Har-
old Ross. Both are members of the
Yale Drama School. Costuming is
by Helen Forrest Lauterer, while
Jack Bender is the technician.
Hit HissTrial
publican House members con-
demned Supreme Court Justices
Frankfurter and Reed yesterday
for testifying in the Hiss trial and
said they will urge a law against
such appearances.
Rep. Keating (Rep., N.Y.) said
the nation has been shocked by
what he calledthe impropriety of
the two justic~es. So he said he
will introduce a bill Monday to
forbid U.S. justices from being
OTHER STUDENTS are travel-
ing under the auspices of the Ex-
periment in International Living,
the Westminster Foundation, the
University Travel Company, the
International Student Service, the
American Friends Service Com-
mittee and the Northampton
School for Girls.
While no head count has been
possible yet, University of Mich-
igan students are everywhere
evident. A Michigan club is in
the process of formation.
Living quarters aboard the ship
are austere with men and women
students sleeping in separate
dormitory style holds on canvas
bunks. A note of luxury in the
form of a thin mattress distin-
guishes the accommodations from
the conventional troopship.
* * *
BUT THERE are no complaints.
Food is ample and tasty and a
varied program of ship's activities
including cultural lectures, movies,
one-act plays by a Dutch student
group, language classes, dancing
and a ship's newspaper promise t.o
make the voyage lively and enter-
On schedule tomorrow is a
pillow fight and a. turtle race.
Also slated are group singing
sessions and discussion groups.
There will be a classical music
hour and library facilities.
The daily programs are organ-
ized by George Vogelaar, head of
the economic information division
of the Dutch Ministry of Eco-
nomics, who serves as Dutch gov-
ernor of the ship, and Robert
Stanforth, of UNESCO, acting as
American dean of the ship.
* * *
VOGELAAR was chosen for his
position by students of the N.B.
B.S., Dutch equivalent of the NSA,
while Stanforth was asked to serve
by NSA leaders.
Their suggested programs are
presented at the daily staff meet-
ings where leaders of the various
groups aboard ship vote upon and
approve them. Problems which
arise each day are also brought
up and ironed out at these meet-
Official Criticizes
U.S. Visa Policy
WASHINGTON- (P) -Senators
were informed yesterday that the
State Department repeatedly has
overruled its visa division and or-
dered the admission to the United
States of foreign officials whose
entry had been questioned on se-
curity grounds.
Herve J. L'Heureux, chief of the
visa division, told a Senate Judi-
ciary Subcommittee that he had
appealed such decisions of the de-
partment's "political desk" three
to five times in the past five years.
In each case, he testified, "high-
er echelons" rejected the appeal,
permitting entry of the officials.
140,000 MILES IN ONE PLACE-Don Haynes, Oregonder traveling across the country eight times in a welded and barred sedan,
stops in Ann Arbor for a haircut. The dark round circles on the sides of the car are seals of all the states that Haynes has gone
through. The stunt started out strictly as a stunt, but turned into a dead earnest effort after a skeptic bet Haynes $25,000 he
couldn't do it. Besides traveling the 140,000 miles, part of the bet stipulates that Haynes visits the capitols of the 48 states.
* * *
., , ,
Most of GOP
Will Suport
Atlantic .Pact
WASHINGTON-P) - Informal
checks yesterday indicated that
more than two-thirds of the Sen-
ate's 43 Republicans will support
the North Atlantic Treaty next
They will be casting their lots
with Sen. Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.) in a foreign policy split be-
tween the two top GOP leaders.
* * *
OHIO'S SEN. TAFT has said
that he will oppose the pact, and
nearly a dozen Senate Republicans
seemed likely to go along with
him, judging from yesterday'sl
Chairman Connaily (Dem., Tex.)
of the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee told a reporter he doesn't
think there will be more than 15
votes against the treaty. Ratifica-
tion requires two-thirds approval
of those balloting. Thus the Re-
publicans will supply the bulk of
the expected unsuccessful opposi-
Taft's decision last week to op-
pose the treaty because he said it
can't be separated from the pro-
posed $1,450,000,000 foreign armsI
program may have repercussions
in the 1950 Congressional cam-
Canned Man' Stops in Ann.
Don Haynes, the "canned-in-a-
car" man from Oregon, possed
through Ann Arbor yesterday and
got a haircut.
Haynes got his weird monicker
as a result of a bet that he could-
n't drive 140,000 miles in 14
months. That wouldn't be so bad,
but he's literally sealed up in his
white Kaiser sedan--the doors are
welded and the - windows are
THE BET came when he started
to have himself sealed up in a
car simply for a cross-country pub-
licity stunt, but one man, a former
Oregon champion rodeo rider, did-
n't believe it and offered 25 to 1
if he could do it. So Haynes put
up $1,000 and the skeptical rider's
$25,000 is in a bank in Ashland,
Haynes' home town.
Haynes has been on the road
for almost five months, with
20,000 miles under his tires, and
I'm holding up fine," he said.
He doesn't look any worse for
wear-he's 39 years old, red-
headed, married and has two
children, one born in Ashland
after he had been sealed.
Local citizens built a special
hoist to lift Haynes and his car
to a hospital window to see his
wife and new-born.
The 140.000 miles that Haynes
has to travel is eignt times across
the country (one way). One part
of the bet is to visit the capitols
of every state. He plans to go
south for the winter.
** *
FINANCES for the trip are be-
ing raised through nation-wide
radio and television hookups. The
loser of the bet also has to pay
for some of the expenses.
Just returned from Atlantic
City, Haynes attended the Ki-
wanis International Convention
there-it was the first time a
member had attended a meeting
in a car. And he's breaking rec-
ords as he goes along, too.
On his last trip across the coun-
try, he will attempt to break the
world's cross-country speed record
for an ordinary automobile. The
record stands; at 46 hours and 48
minutes, in the same type car, but
two men drove.
* * *
HAYNES is onw getting per-
mission from the governors of each
state from New York to San Fran-
cisco to get clear passage all the
way across the states.
Haynes' car has all the com-
forts of home-almost-at least
he has a bathtub and a chemi-
cal toilet, record player and two-
way radio, fan and of course a
He eats at drive-in eateries and
keeps up with the movies at drive-
in theatres.
* * *
THE CAR started its long jour-
ney a gleaming white, with a
green and orange map of the
United. States showing where he
had been, but since then it's turned
a light grey with the signatures
of anyone in the United States
who wanted to write his name.
Also beginning to cover the car
are the gold seals of each state
he's been in.
Besides the signatures and the
seals, the car fairly shouts in big
black letters Haynes' pseudonyms
-"The Marvel" (he isn't masked),
"The Seaman of the Sealed Car"
and "Eight Times Coast to Coast
cates that Gen. Waitt improperly
furnished personnel data to an in-
mittee "has evidence which indi-
dividual not in the military serv-
ice and who was not entitled to
receive such data; and that Gen.
Feldman furnished to a contrac-
tor's representative procurement
information under circumstances
which appear irregular."
Gray said that he was "not
attempting to draw conclusions
on the basis of an incomplete
investigation" but that he had
ordered the officers' release
pending the outcome of a com-
plete inquiry by the Inspector
General of the Army.
He acted, he said, "because evi-
dence secured to date indicates
that each officer had exhibited
a lack of that judgment and sense
of propriety which must be ex-
pected of persons in their posi-
THE SECRETARY added that
"each officer would be given ample
opportunity for a full hearing."
Shortly after Gray's an-
nouncement, Waitt left the
Pentagon saying he had no
comment at that time. Feldman,
reached by telephone later, also
said he had no statement.
The suspension order first was
disclosed by Chairman Hoey
(Dem., N.C.) of the Senate expen-
ditures subcommittee which has
set out to find out about persons
"who hold themselves out as
peddlers of influence" in obtain-
ing government contracts, with
particular attention to large com-
mission fees.
touched off by a story last month
in the New York Herald Tribune
about a contract that James V.
Hunt, a former officer in the
Quartermaster Corps, had with
Paul Grindle, a Framingham,
Mass., furniture manufacturer.
Grindle was quoted as saying
he gave Hunt a $1,000 fee, to
be followed by $500 monthly
payments for a year, plus 5
per cent of the gross on any
government contract he received.
Grindle said Hunt had men-
tioned several government offi-'
cials, implying he had consid-
erable influence.
Both Feldwan and Waitt were
listed by Grindle as among those
Hunt had mentioned as contacts
in the Army. Both officers denied
"influence" figured in the award
of contracts.
'U' Professors
Author New Book
Prof. Chester O. Wisler, profes-
sor of hydraulic engineering, and
Prof. Ernest F. Brater of the civil
engineering department have co-
authored a new book, "Hydrology,"
which has just been published.
The book presents the funda-
mental principles of hydrology, as
applied to engineering, forestry
and agricultural practice.
Czech Reds
Launch War
On Catholics
'Church Or'der'
Is FightAttack
By The Associated Press
PRAGUE - The Communist
Party called yesterday for a no-
quarter fight to crush the Czecho-
slovak hierarchy of "our greatest
enemy-the church."
A party manifesto which reach-
ed western hands declared victory
was necessary to complete Com-
munization of the nation, espe-
cially the collectivization of farms
against peasant resistance.
"WE WANT to give good Catho-
lics the opportunity finally to get
rid of elements which are damag-
ing us," the manifesto ad"I
is not a question of liquidating
churches entirely, but of liquidat-
ing the church order."
About three-fourths of Czech-
oslovakia's 12,000,000 people are
Roman Catholics. The archives
of the national parliament list
three ministers of the Commun-
ist government as Catholics.
One of the three is justice min-
ister Alexi Cepicka, who Friday
accused Czechoslovak bishops of
treason, termed the Vatican a foe
of the state and threatened to
prosecute anyone who tried to
enforce the decree of Pope Pius
XII excommunicating Commun-
IN ROME, a vatican source yes-
terday gave a sharply worded an-
swer to Cepicka's threat.
The Czech justice minister's
remarks were described as
"laughable nonsense."
According to the Vatican, fellow
travelers as well as Communists
of the Roman Catholic faith incur
excommunication under Pope
Pius' new decree.
* * *
THE DECREE, it was said,
clearly includes all who support
Communism. Furthermore, the
order needs no physical enforce-
"The consciences of the guilty
take care of that," the Vatican
Czech archives also name De-
fense Minister Ludvik Svoboda
and trade minister Antonin Gre-
gor as Catholics. Most of the
other ministers are listed as
"without religion." These include
President Klement Gottwald, Ce-
picka's father-in-law.
* * *
would be no compromise in the.
fightdagainst the church. It laid
down these directives:
1. Sever all ties betwen the
Czech Catholic hierarchy and the
2. Build a wall between Czech
bishops and archbishops and the
3. Turn the people against
Archbishop Josef Beran, the na-
tion's primate (who is under po-
lice guard in his palace).
"As long as they (Catholics) are
not completely divided, we will not
be able to liquidate the church
'U' Research Workers Find
Better Anemia Treatment
World News A t A Glance
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND-Death came yesterday to A. F. Whitney, 76 year
old labor leader and political liberal.
He had gained his greatest public notice in his celebrated 1946
feud with President Truman. But he was Mr. Truman's most promi-
nent labor backer in the last election.
The tall, broad-shouldered man with a plume of white hair had
been president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen since 1928.
. . . .*
University medical researchers
have developed a compound con-
taining factors essential to the
building of red blood cells.
The compound, which can be
taken by mouth, is composed of an
extract from the duodenum of
hog intestines and the recently
isolated, vitamin B-12.
IT HAS BEEN found valuable
in the treatment of pernicious
(deadly) anemia.
Present treatment of this type
of anemia involves the intra-
muscular injection of liver ex-
tract. Large doses of this ex-
tract can also be administered
by mouth, but this method is
much less effective than injec-
tion and some patients do not
respond to it.
However, researchers have found
that Vitamin B-12 and duodenal
extract given by mouth are an
effective treatment in the build-
ing of red blood cells.
, * ,
VITAMIN B-12 alone is only
effective in treating perniciouzs
anemia when introduced into the
body through injections.
Pernicious anemia is a type
of red blood cell deficiency.
Normal stomach juices contain
substances (the intrinsic factor)
theblood forming activities of
the body in this type of anemia.
But upon the addition of Vita-
min B-12 to these extracts, the
compound becomes an effective
Thus, it has been concluded that
the vitamin and the extrinsic food
factor are either identical or close-
ly related.
* *
VITAMIN B-12, a member of
the B-Complex group, was isolated
last year from liver extract by a
New Jersey chemical company.
The vitamin has been found to
be so powerful that treatment with
even one microgram doses per day
is successful.
SOUTH BEND, Ind.-The re-
appointment of the Rev. John J.
Cavanaugh to a three-year term
as president of Notre Dame Uni-
versity was announced yester-
NIW YORK - The Federal
Bureau of Investigation was de-
nounced yesterday at a 'bill of
rights" conference whose spon-
sors have been a target of Pres-
ident Truman.
One of the speakers was City
Councilman Benjamin J. Davis,
Jr., a defendant in the trial of
rica-Peter Chandler Pringle is
set to blow out 119 candles on
his birthday cake today. He
claims to be Africa's oldest white
man, maybe the oldest in the
* * *
ATLANTA-Georgia today set
up a school program under the
GI Bill of Rights for veterans
serving time in the state peni-
Prisoner-veterans will be given
regular courses in first through
twelfth grade work. Later, voca-
Oil Magnate To Give Lecture Here
The next in the summer session
lecture series will be a talk at 8
p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
lecture hall, by Robert E. Wilson,
chairman of the board of the
Standard Oil Co., of Indiana, on
"America's Future Oil Supplies."
Wilson is a graduate in chem-
ical engineering from the Massa-
* * *
has been awarded both the
Chemical Industry Medal and
the Perkin Medal.
The general topic of the lec-
ture series is "Natural Resources
in World Affairs."
The second lecture of the com-
ingr w axcwill h rivn n-T hnr