THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1949 ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON THE MAIN DRAWBACK of the recent National Education Association ruling that Communists be excluded from the teaching profession is of semantic origin. Who is to be considered what the NEA calls a "Communist?" A man with socialistic leanings? A man who was a member of the Conrmunist Party 20 years ago? A pro- fessor who calls for complete academic free- dom? The NEA resolution could take effect slow- ly, gradually gain momentum and then turn into an uncontrollable weapon, striking indiscriminately. Gov. G. Mennen Williams termed an affair of that sort a "toboggan slide." It can't be stopped, and when it finally passes us by, only incompetent men are left, the Governor said, although his reference was to Commu- nists in government. The Governor is opposed to Communists holding government posts. I do not advocate Communists be handed the teaching reins. But to strike down innocent people because hysteria blots out all reason is another. matter. And it has happened. Rep. Nixon, co- author of the Mundt-Nixon bill, raised the roof-and many eyelids-when he demanded that the judge conducting the Alger Hiss trial be investigated. There were demands that the jury members who voted for ac- quittal be investigated. Incidentally, that seemed awfully typical of Nixon and his cohorts. Just look at what they were saying, in effect: "We're true Americans. We believe in the American way. Trial by jury is the American way-as long as you don't acquit someone we have black- listed!" But the point is that many innocent people have bben investigated and will continue to be investigated. If they are innocent, they have nothing to worry about except the loss of prestige, friends and commercial con- tacts which an investigation seems to in- voke. All of which means nothing to the ardent supporters of indiscriminate investigations. And the investigations are indiscriminate, because they're using an elephant gun to bring down a flea. Furthermore, Communist legislation be- comes a terrible and powerful weapon in the hands of ruthlets individuals. They can attack personal enemies, business competi- tors and political opponents under the guise of ferreting out subversive persons. But perhaps there's some beauty in the toboggan-slide type rulings. Any studei dis- satisfied with a 'grade can now report that his professor has presented Communist propaganda in his lectures and presto: In- vestigation, complication, possible incrim- ination, and revenge ! Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN NEUFELD WASHINGTON-Even the Senators' wives are embroiled in the Republican-Dixie- crat coalition that now really rules the Sen- ate. The Senate Ladies' Auxiliary, sometimes called the Senate Ladies Luncheon Club, is a friendly organization of all Senate wives regardless of politics, which ordinarily is presided, over by the wife of the Vice Pres- ident. But since Alben Barkley is a widower and the next Democrat in line-President Pro Tem of the Senate Kenneth McKellar -is a bachelor, the next ranking wife is Mrs. Millard Tydings of Maryland whose husband was elected to the Senate in 1927. Mrs. Tydings, daughter of ex-ambassador Joe Davies, is one of the loveliest ladies in the Senate, and it has always been taken for granted that the wife with the most seniority should be automatioally elected. However, the Club's bylaws call for an elec- tion in case there is no vice president, and this year Mrs. Taft of Ohio, as astute as she is charming, saw to it that the bylaws were carried out. Rather than see her rival, Mrs. Tydings, elected, Mrs. Taft rallied the Republican wives behind a Dixiecrat dark horse-Helen Ellender, wife of the Senator from Louis- iana. This was contrary to all tradition, since Senator Ellender wasn't elected until 10 years after Tydings. But, as in the Senate, the GOP-Dixiecrat coalition won and Mrs. Ellender became president of the Ladies' Auxiliary. That's the reason for the social icicles today when- ever Mrs. Taft and Mrs. Tydings meet. Note-Chief activity of the Ladies Auxil- iary is Red Cross work. Once a week, the wives don Red Crosstuniforms, meet in two spacious rooms allotted for them in the Senate office building. Meanwhile, Senate employees are cramped for lack of space. Yet Senator Ellender, whose wife has charge of the two empty rooms, is blocking a bill to construct a new office building. RELIGIOUS DEBATE IN CONGRESS Most important issue now being discussed in Capitol Hill cloakrooms is the religious fight over federal aid to education. This was brought to a head when Cardinal Spell- man hurled the "bigot charge at Con- gressman Graham Barden of North Caro- lina, author of the provision that no money from the education bill be used for any relig- ious school-whether Catholic, Baptist or Methodist. Ever since, Congressmen's offices have been deluged with mail-on, both sides of the question-some of it bitter. One Congressman who met the issue early is Rep. Andrew Jacobs, Indiana Democrat, himself a Catholic, but who has defended Barden against Cardinal Spellman's attaci. Going back to his home town, Indianapolis, some time ago, Jacobs attended a Knights of Columbus meeting where he put the issue of federal education up to a large group of Catholics. After lengthy debate the con- sensus of opinion was that federal money should not go to parochial schools. "The only one who disagreed," says Con- gressman Jacobs, "was the priest. The non- clergy Catholics all felt there was a great danger to the church if federal money was used for church schools. Eventually, the government might dominate the thinking of those schools. STATE OVER CHURCH Congressman John McSweeney of Ohio has taken a similarview. Writing to Father Edward S. Hannon of Wooster, ., Mc- Sweeney argued: "Although I realize that parents of parochial school children are tax- payers, I know that you will agree with me Loyalty Oaths " DON'T THINK loyalty oaths are worth two cents," Governor Williams told The Daily in an interview Wednesday evening. It is refreshing to find a man in public office who has not been carried away by the current hysteria that sees a Communist lurking behind every bush. Loyalty investigate tions, Congressional committees, and irre- sponsible name-calling are rapidly making a farce of a matter which should be ap- proached calmly and with a sober realiza- tion of its importance. No responsible citizen will deny the right or the duty of law-enforcement offi- cials to investigate, try, and punish male- factors. And this right and this duty certainly include the obligation to render harmless any persons who may plot to overthrow our government. But let us not be carried away by our fear of Communist encroachment to the point where we may ourselves do irresporl- sible harm to our democratic institutions. The principle that every man is entitled to his day in court is one of the proudest fea- tures of an enlightened government-one of the things that distinguishes a constitu- tional government from a police state. Criminals must be punished, yes. But let us first prove that they are criminals. Let us bring forward the charges against them and give them a chance to defend themselves before an impartial judge and in that these parents have the freedom of choice between sending their children to a public or a parochial school. "I wish to point out also that there is always the possibility that parochial-schools would lose their identity as such should they receive public funds since public school offi- cials are entrusted with the task of estab- lishing educational standards which may run counter to the teaching of the particular church sponsoring parochial schools. This would result in clashes of ideology. "I firmly believe that a great danger would be encountered by parochial schools should they receive public funds and thereby come under the control of state boards of educa- tion." On the other hand, Congressmen Lesinski of Michigan and Kennedy of Massachusetts, both Catholics and both Democratic mem- bers of the Education and Labor Committee, are endeavoring to bottle the bill in com- mittee and state quite frankly that they are motivated by church opposition. * * * CONGRESSIONAL BACKTRACK Representatives Richard Nixon of Cali- fornia and Harold Velde of Illinois, both Republicans, did some fast backtracking when the House Un-American Activities Committee held a showdown, closed-doo session on their demands to investigate Fed- eral Judge Samuel Kaufman and the Alger Hiss trial. In fact, the two Congressmen almost tripped over themselves denying that they made such demands though this did not come until after some blunt sermonizing by committee colleagues. "The charges you are making against this judge are little short of outrageous," crackled Democratic Representative Francis Walter of Pennsylvania, "particularly when you use this committee as a political sounding board. Even if the charges were true, this com- mittee has no business investigating judged- to satisfy the political grudges of any of its members."- Nixon and Velde fell back on the old de- fense of being "misquoted" by the press. "We never demanded that this committee investigate Judge Kaufman," they claimed. However, Representative Burr Harrison of Virginia pulled out the actual newspaper reports of their attacks on Kaufman. "Newspapers all over the country," he said, "stated that you did demand an investi- gation of the judge, speaking as members of this committee. That's pretty conclusive to me."~ The two Republicans didn't reply. Nor did they dissent when Chairman John Wood of Georgia, with an angry flourish of his gavel, ruled: "Without objection, we will inform the press that it is not the intention of this committee to investigate Judge Kaufman." (Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) THE HOUSE COMMITTEE on Un-Amer- ican Activities, at the moment having nothing more dramatic to do with its funds and facilities, has undertaken to punish cer- tain residents of the District of Columbia for* opinions and associations which the committee deems offensive but which have not yet been shown to be in any respect criminal. The procedure is very simple. Per- sons presumed to be Communists are haled *efore the committee and asked if they be- long to the Communist Party. The commit- tee, in most cases, seems to have evidence that they are party members, so it can scarcely be said to be seeking information. The witnesses might be better advised and would certainly seem more respectable if they were to answer the question frankly instead of hiding behind a constitutional right to avoid self-incrimination. In either case they are incriminated not in a legal sense but in the public mind. And the in- crimination may entail severe economic pen- alties. -The Washington Post. WHAT we obtain too cheap,. we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that -gives everything its value. -Thomas Paine. THE GOD who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time. -Thomas Jefferson. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff B. S. Brown..................Co-Managing Editor Craig Wilson.................Co-Managing Editor "I'll Show Ya Who's Doing The Driving!" \ \ t / y The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address.I Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of asdefamia- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing. letters. * * * Leave or Die ... To the Editor: This evening we had the effron- ery to enter the Hallowed Fronte Doore of the Men's Union. As we crossed the tradition-bound thres- hold, a strapping young gentleman (?) with muscles of steel accosted us, reminding us that women are not permitted to enter the Fronte Doore of the Union. "But why?" we innocently asked. "Yours is not to reason why, yours is but to leave or die." Thus spake he. Before we could raise an eyebrow in protest, he brutally heaved us down the front steps. In the en- suing struggle this Guardian of Tradition won out, leaving us panting on the sidewalk. We screamed, but to no avail. Our faces the color of our red sweat- shirts (Tovarich!) we found our- selves in tatters. Object we did. But as the stalwart man stalked away from the two bodies, he shouted, "I paid my fifty dollars for a life membership. Women shall not pass!" This incident brought home to Letters to the Editor - I us the point that in this commun- ity of scholars, silly and stupid tradition reigns supreme. It is time that we become realistic. Shall such tradition continue to hamper the freedom of women?-- NO! We shall fight on until the victory of our sex is won. Women of Michigan, students of Michi- gan, unite and fight! --Frances Suffness -Mary Hagelin (Ed. Note: This letter was dated "Bastille IDay.July 14, 1949-Vivent Les Fcmnics.") Ludus Tonalis . .. To the Editor: "All music of the past may be divided into such as existed for players and singers alone and such as was intended to be listened to; the preludes and fugues of the Well-Tempered Clavier into those that can be played for oneself and those that can be played. for oth- ers; Beethoven's sonatas into the intimate and the concertante. How barbarous our concert-life has be- come is shown principally in the fact ,that we no longer feel such distinctions." These words of Dr. Alfred Ein- stein, found in his book "Mozart, His Character, His Work," have significant bearing on the inclu- sion of Paul Hindemith's Ludus Tonalis in the recital perfomed by Willard MacGregor last Tuesday evening. --Carlos A. Soares I MATTER OF FACT: Singapore--wDouble City By STEWART ALSOP SINGAPORE-This great strategic outpost of British power is really two cities, mixed and mingled together, a Chinese city and a British city. The Chinese city is precisely like any city in China proper: the monstrously crowded streets, the unending rows o open, boxlike shops; the smells, the steady chattering noise, the violent colors, the ant-like energy. There are more than 700,000 Chinese in the Chinese city. The British city is diluted Rudyard Kipling, with its dull but imposing colonial architecture, its cricket lawns, its clubs from which Asiatics are rigidly excluded, and its air, a little shopworn now, of conscious power and conscious rectitude. There are less than 8,000 British in the British city.n * * * * * There is a facade of self-government in the crown colony of Singapore. But all real power stems from the heart of the British city-the Governor General's "Palace," with its well tended lawns and its well oiled cannon. It is hard to believe that the palce has seen any changes since -Kipling's time. In the Chinese city a change is taking place. From the walls of the boxlike shops, pictures of Chiang Kai-shek are being torn down. Furtively, pictures of Mao Tse-tung are being pasted up. What has happened in China is already clearly reflected here. How soon, and how decisively, will the great Chinese city challenge the power of the tiny British city? British power has already been challenged once-last summer, when the Chinese Communist high command ordered the Communist Chinese here to switch from agitation to direct action. When the riots and shooting started, the British reacted swiftly and toughly. The Communist leaders were seized, and some were hanged. The Communist party was broken in Singapore, and since then a great uneasy calm has descended on the city. * * * * The British believe that the calm will continue. They point out that they have certain assets in the struggle for power which is now silently being waged. In the first place, Singapore is an island, hemmed in by the power of British troops, ships and planes. Armed resistance is easy enough in the jungle, but it is not easy in an island city. In the second place, at least half of Singapore's population are aliens, and as aliens, deportable. This is a weapon which the British have already used, sparingly. From Singapore and Malaya, they have sent upward of 5,000 Chinese back to China, which means from com- parative prosperity to aching poverty. The mere threat of using this weapon may be enough to keep Chinese resistance down to the level of pasting Mao's pictures on walls. In the third place (and here is a sharp contrast to the rest of colonial Asia) the native Malays are the allies of the British. They are allies of the British not because they love the British but because they fear. the Chinese. After the Japanese surrender, when the Chinese Communists briefly seized power, the Malays learned a lesson -that if the British went, they would be reduced to near-serfdom by the richer and more energetic Chinese. The large and tough police force here is made up almost entirely of Malays. * * * * These are the assets which the British command. Yet the odds seem very great-thousands against hundreds of thousands. Much will clearly depend on the extent to which the Chinese city will support the new rulers of the Chinese homeland. This is, in fact, one of Asia's great political conundrums. For every city in Southeast Asia has its own Chinatown, though none so huge as Singapore. 4 British officials who should know do not take the pasting up of Mao's picture too seriously. Of the 700,000 Chinese here, they say, probably 500,000 are wholly indifferent to such matters. These Chinese are concerned only with making a living. Most of the rest are pro-Communist only because they do not want to alienate whatever government holds power in China; they want to protect their property, their avenues of trade and their family connections. For these reasons, the rich Chinese here are already financing the local Communists. But the rich men want no trouble. Those who do wantrtrouble, and are willing to take personal risks to make trouble, are probably less than 10,000 of the total Chinese population. And the weapons which the British command here will be enough to control this Communist hard core. Thus the British reason. There are those who believe that, as they have been before, the British are too complacent. But there is one point on which all agree. If much more of Asia goes, the Com- munists will take the Chinese city. The Chinese city will at length take the British city, and another vital outpost of the West in Asia will be lost. Such are the appalling risks we have run by letting China go. (Copyright. 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) 4 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN [ Looking Back' All notices for the Daily Officialg Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced- ing its publication, except on Satur- day when the notices should be sub- mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad- ministration Building.I SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1949 t VOL. LIX, No. 19S1 Notices College of of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, Music, and Public1 Health:- Students who received marks of I, X, or "no report" at the close of their last semester orl summer session of attendance, will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made3 up by July 20. Students, wishingt an extension of time beyond thist date in order to make up this work, should file a petition addessed to1 the appropriate official in their school with Room 1513 Adminis- tration Building, where it will be1 transmitted.t Lectures Lecture: "Transient Elastic Waves in Bedrock," by H. M. Westergaard, Gordon MacKay Professor of Engineering, Harvard! University, 11:00 a.m., Room 445 West Engineering Building. Academic Notices Doctoral Preliminary Examina- tions for Students in Education: Preliminary examinations for doc- toral applicants in education will be held August 15, 16, 17. All stu- dents who anticipate taking these examinations must file their names and fields of specialization with the chairman of the Com- mittee on Graduate Studies in Ed-~ ucation, Rm. 4012, University High1 School, not later than Aug. 1. Concerts Student Recital: Sister Mary Aiden Pick, graduate student of voice with Arthur Hackett, will present a program at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, July 19, in Rackham As- sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Her program will include compositions by Durante, Scarlatti, Stradella, Bononcini, As- torga, Schumann, Franck, Szulc, Pierne, Horsman, Bax, Wurth, Hageman, Dunhill. This recital is open to the public. Student Recital: Joyce Lawr- ence, graduate student of piano with Joseph Brinkman, will pre- sent a program at 8:00 p.m., Mon- day, July 18, at the Rackham As- sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Her program will include compositions by Bee- thoven, -Hindemith, Mozart, De- bussy, Brahms and Chopin. Exhibitions Rackham Galleries: Paintings by Willard MacGregor, Visiting Professor of Piano, School of Mu- sic (July 8-August 5), East Gal- lery. Museum of Art: Drawings by Isamu Noguchi, through July 31; Arabic and Persian Miniatures, through Aug. 3. Alumni Memorial Hall. Weekdays, 9-5, Sundays, 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today University Community Center, 1045 Midway Place, Willow Run Village, Mich.: Sat., July 16, 8 p.m., Square Dance, Marian Pierce, chairman. Have you done your part? Do you care? How about coming to the Benefit Ice Cream Carnival tonight and helping bring a DP to the Michigan campus. Join the rest of us for fun and good fellow- ship on the Congregational lawn, State and William, 7 to 12 tonight. Ice cream and cake, and all the trimmings. Square dancing on the tennis courts for everybody. Spon- sored by Congregational-Disciples and E.R. Guild. Visitors' Night, Department of Astronomy: Saturday, July 16, 8:30-10 p.m. in the Observatory, (Observatory and E. Ann Streets, opposite University Hospital) for observation of Jupiter, star clus- ters, and double stars. Visitors' Night will be cancelled if the sky is cloudy. Children must be ac- companied by adults. Closing Tonight: The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, 8 p.m. Voted the best Broadway play in 1945 for "its sensitive un- derstanding of four troubled hu- man beings." Tickets on sale now at the Theater box office, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Coming Events Open House at Maison Francaise, 1027 E. University, Monday, July 18th, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. French speakers welcome. Russian Circle meeting, Monday, July 18, 8:00 o'clock, at the Inter- national Center. Movie: Peoples of the USSR. All interested are invited. AND AMERICANS have solid reason to remember that in 1939, when Hitler was ready for war, he calculated that the United States could not marshal its vast power in time to prevent his con- quest of Europe. He was almost right-and had it not been for the fact that, no matter how tardily, we did acqu re pgerfu allies, h might wellube running the world today. Now we propose to name our allies in advance, to put the Rus- sians an notice, to express an atti- tude and a policy that in its very expression may save the peace. But to make that expression utterly convincing, we must logically back it with military power . . * -Louisville Courier-Journal. 35 YEARS AGO: A LOCAL HABERDASHER excitedly ad- vertised "one-piece" shirt-shorts for sale. The shirts had no tails-they just kept going down and down into the nicest pair of drawers you ever saw, the ad said. The best things about them are: no creeping and no bunching inside the trousers. Besides, you save yourself the price of one garment. 25 YEARS AGO: In the fourth day of the Olympic Games at Colombes, France, the United States was well ahead of the pack with 134 points, with Finland taking seconds with 83. Great Brit- ain trailed with 34. Out of 12 events so far, the Americans took six. * * * 20 YEARS AGO: Uncle Sam started taking consumers' money, but only ,lowly. The government began recalling all bills and started issuf4 the new money, which is only two-thirds the size of the old. The largest bills were of $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 denominations. There were even the now-defunct two-dollar bills. * * * 10 YEARS AGO: England told Hitler in no uncertain terms that she would side with Poland if Germany tried to take the free city of Danzig back into the Reich. A fourth face, that of Theodore Roosevelt, was being carved in the face of Mount Rush- more, along with three other famous presi- dents already sculptured. The sculptor had been working on the statuary in solid granite since August of 1927. * * * 5 YEARS AGO: United States soldiers advanced within sight of historic St. Lo and Lessay, France, strategic anchors of the collapsing German BARNABY fPearl culture, Barnaby! I can Oysters would be better. 9 Pearls are made up of Fine. Now to insert a speck