ATLANTIC PACT See Page 2 Yl r e tr t 1T Daiti 410 f 47 \ Latest Deadline in the State V6L. LIX, No. 17S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949 SOME THUNDERSHOWERS PRICE FIVE CENTS President Slashes at Econom~ly Advocates Pope Orders Ban Militant Communists Excommunicates Red Catholics VATICAN CITY - (') - The Pope has ordered major excom- munication-denying the sacra- ments and comforts of the church against militant Communists anywhere in the world who also are Catholics. The excommunication was an- nounced yesterday in an historic decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, approved by Pope Pius XII. IT APPLIES to all members of the Roman Catholic faith "who make profession of the materialis- tic and anti-Christian doctrine of the Communists." The decree marks the fourth time the Pope has used excom- munication to fight back at the Communists in recent years. Previous decrees had been dir- ected at those who tried Arch- bishop Alojzijc Stepinac in Yugo- slavia in 1946, and sentenced him to 16 years imprisonment on char- ges of collaborating with the Axis; at those responsible for the im- prisonment of Hungary's Josef Cardinal Mindszenty for life on treaso ncharges, and at the foun- ders and willing members of a separatist, government-controlled Catholic Action Society in Czecho- slovakia. THE NEW ORDER applies the church's major weapon if disci- pline to Catholics everywhere who might be wavering under Com- munist pressure. There are some 330,000,000 Catholics in the world, according to a recent unofficial estimate. Informed Vatican sources in- terpreted the decree's wording to be in effect a last warning to Catholics who still may defend or follow Communism. They saw in its wording a "per- iod of grace" for such Catholics to remove the stigma of Commun- ism from their consciences and return wholeheartedly to the church. THERE WAS NO such explicit reservation, however, in the un- officially translate dtext of the Holy Office decree. The decree announced the de- cision that "Christian faithful who make profession of the materialistic and anti-Christian doctrine of the Communist, and, in the first place, those who de- fend it (Communist doctrine) or propagate it, incur, ipso facto excommunication reserved es- pecially to the Apostolic See." This is major excommunication. It denies the sacraments and com- forts of the church to offenders and ostracizes them from the faithful. * * *1 COUNTRIES WHERE there are many Catholics and also many Communists include Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary in eastern Europe and France and Italy in the west. Italy's population, almost 100 per cent Catholic, includes 2,- 000,000 Communists, The sacred congregation of the Holy Office is composed of Card- inals-Princes of the Church- who are charged with defending the faith against false doctrines. -Daily-Ray Okonski Young Progressives Picket Speech by Williams CARNIVAL CAPER: Huge Ice Cream Cone To Stroll About Campus By NANCY BYLAN Have you ever seen a walking ice cream cone? Such a phenomenon is planned for students and Ann Arbor resi- dents by Congregational-Disciples Guild, which has erected a mam- moth replica of the popular summer -refreshment as a pub- Carnival. * * * TEN FEET HIGH, the cone will be borne around campus and the town by an occupant of its hollow interior. According to Wym Price, co- chairman of the event,the cone will be used on Friday and, Appeal Made By'Trumnan in Steel Disp'"ute WASHINGTON-(P)-President Truman yesterday made an ur- gent appeal to three large steel companies to avoid a steel strike by accepting his plan for a fact- finding board outside the Taft- Hartley Act. After a day of scrambling de- velopments in Pittsburgh and Washington, the threat of a steel shutdown at midnight Friday over wages, pensions, and group insur- ance stillnhung precariously over the nation. MR. TRUMAN and Philip Mur- ray, president of the CIO United Steelworkers, were both putting pressure on U.S. Steel, Republic, and Bethlehem, trying to win their agreement to appear before a non- Taft-Hartley board which the White House is appointing. In Pittsburgh, the union accept- ed the President's proposal for a 60 - day postponement of the strike - but Murray announced that the truce would apply only to those firms which agree to ap- pear before the board. He said that tomorrow he will order a strike against firms which don't. Saturday nights to lure people out of movies and the play and lead them, Pied Piper-like, toj the corner of State and William Streets, where the Carnival will be held. The cone was built in the back yard of the Congregational-Dis- ciples Guild house. Passers-by who viewed it in its early stages be- lieved they were witnessing the construction of a wind tunnel or a weird flying contraption. As the co-chairman of cone building, Phil Culbertson, is anaeronautical en- gineer working at the Willow Run wind tunnel, their belief seemed substantiated. * * * CULBERTSON, however, denied any connection between the cone and aeronautics and rejected the contention that he is challenging the' reputation of Darius Green. Material used in the construc- tion of the cone consists of sticks of wood, binder twine, and wrapping paper, all put together in a basket weave used exclu- sively for ice cream cones, Price stated. The ice cream itself- raspberry flavor-is made out of crepe paper. , At present, guild members are working on a drip which they hope will add mouth-watering realism to their creation. FIFTY MAN HOURS went into the building of the cone. According to Culbertson, no union covers this type of construction; consequently only non-union labor was used. The cone builders secured per- mission from Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., to put their enterprise on the streets. The Mayor could find no ordinances prohibiting walkingice cream cones, Culbert- son said. Success of the cone will depend largely on a windless weekend and the absence of "small boys with mischievous intents," Price de- clared. The Carnival, a project to raise money for the sponsorship of a displaced student, will be held from 7 p.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday. YP Pickets Governor's TalkHere By CRAIG WILSON (Co-Managing Editor) Student Young Progressives picketed Gov. Williams last night. More than a dozen carried pla- cards demanding action from the Governor on almost every politi- cal issue of 1949. * * * TWO-HUNDRED persons wait- ed outside the auditorium, some shouting the slogans to the Gover- nor as he left the building. He did not answer them. In an interview later, he called the pickets' posters "unfair" but defended their right to picket as a "legal method of expressing their views." The Governor declared that he was supporting continuing "52-20" payments to unemployed veter- ans, a state FEPC law and other proposals they raised. HE EXPLAINED that most of his program was blocked by hte Legislature and that he could not be blamed for their failing to act. Among the signs were: "Restore the cut in appro- priations for state universities -Young Progressives." "Where is the FEPC yoo promised?" "We can't eat Red herrinps." "We need jobs and Peace." They chanted their slogans over and over as they filed around in a large loop in front of the Rarkham Building. One said: "Governor Williams has the power to call a special session of the Legislature to re- store the appropriation cut. Write and wire your Congressman and make sure the Governor does this." Investigation Of LewisSeen WASHINGTON - (M - One of President TTuman's economic ad- visers hinted yesterday that a House Committee investigating monopolistic practices would do well to look into such develop- ments as John L. Lewis' order for a three-day work week in the coal mines. John D. Clark, a members of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, said that if coal mine operators got together and de-: cided on a three-day mining week they would violate the anti-trust laws. But because unions are ex- empt from those laws, he said, Lewis and his United Mine Work- ers were able to put such a week into effect. "I NEED NOT describe the op- portunity for future production control, with management being complacent but carefully avoiding any open collaboration, if this pio- neer experiment becomes a pra- tice in the great industries which deal with single unions," he said. Testifying before a House Ju- diciary subcommittee, Clark said that failure to check the growth of monopoly poses the alterna- tive of direct government control over big business. Free and fair oamnptitinn must he nreserved Williams Hits 'U'Money Allowance Funds Said To Be 'Iisij fficient' By PAUL BRENTLINGER Gov. G. Mennen Williams last night sharply criticized the state legislature for its failure to pro- vide "sufficient" funds for the University. "It is regrettable that the leg- islature did not see fit to appro- priate more sufficiently for the University and other state col- leges," he said in his Rackham Building address. * * * THE GOVERNOR described the University as a "living organism- it cannot be starved one year and fed the rest without disastrous re- sults." Gov. Williams' talk climaxed the Placement and Guidance Conference which was spon- sored by the Bureau of Appoint- ments on the campus yesterday. The governor said that the leg- islature has chosen to avoid the issue of how to meet the state's budget deficit for the time being. * * * "HOWEVER," he added. "the question will have to be faced. We shall have to have additional taxes." "In the meantime, the damage to our colleges will have been done," he asserted. "Double or triple expenditures will be need- ed to repair this damage." Gov. Williams warned that be- cause of recent appropriations "a generation of Michigan youth will have less than the best in higher education." ALL IS NOT DARK, however, according to the governor. "I believe in the people of Mich- igan," he said. "They will ask the legislature to correct the situation before it is too late. In spite of the present distress, there are no grounds for losing hope." "I believe that the people of Michigan subscribe as earnestly today as their forefathers did 162 years ago, to the words of the Northwest Charter." The governor based his talk on the famous clause of the North- west charter which adopted the words of George Washington's farewell address, saying that: * * * "RELIGION, MORALITY and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be en- couraged." Yesterday marked the 162nd anniversary of the passage of the Northwest Ordinance. -Daily-Ray Okonskil GOVERNOR G. MENNEN WILLIAMS SPECIAL TO DAILY: Williamts Scoffs At Loyalty Oaths By B. S. BROWN (Co-Managing Editor) "I don't think loyalty oaths are worth two cents," Gov. G. Mennen Williams told The Daily last night. The Governor explained that a truly disloyal individual planning harmful action would certainly sign the oath in order to continue his activities. * * * * THE OATHS WOULD only enrage those who are loyal, he added. Gov. Williams said that he would not go along with any legislation prohibiting Communists from holding governmental or educational posts which would turn into a "tobaggon slide." "This matter must be given careful consideration," Michigan's Chief Executive added. "I AM OPPOSED to Commun- ists in state or city or national government," Williams said, "They, by party manifestations are opposed to our farm of gov- ernment," he added. To Iitinfor Gov. Williams claimed that a Wants More Government Expenditure Deficit Financing Recommended WASHINGTON- (P)-President Truman lashed out at economy ad- vocates last night, linking them with "selfish interests" who he said will drive the country "into a ditch," if they get their way. But he said that even though many people "would like to have a depression for political reasons," the nation is not now in a de- pression nor does it face the pros- pect of one if the "selfish inter- ests" are thwarted. * * * "THE TOOLS are at hand for continued economic expansion," Mr. Truman added. "All we need is the courage to use them." He made plain he felt the tools were provided in the eco- nomic kit he handed to Con- gress in a special message on Monday. They provide for ex- panded social welfare programs, government aid to spur lagging businesses and steps to ease the unemployment program. In a special "fireside chat" with the American people-via the ra- dio and television-the President yesterday defended his controver- sial plan for a temporary period of deficit financing (operating in the red) to stem the recession. 1. THE $42,000,000,000 outlay he has budgeted for the current fis- cal year is not a "waste of money" as he said the cut-Federal-spend- ing advocates charge. Rather, he said, it is an "investment in the future of America" which will pay "untold dividends in human hap- piness." 2. If those expenditures are slashed "we will decrease em- ployment, cut down investment, weaken our defenses and injure our efforts for peace." The President then went on to give an itemized accounting of the government's spending plans. He said $32,000,000,000 dollars of the total budget are allotted for pay- ing the costs of pastw ars or for "insurance" against a new one in the form of 'defense outlays and the European Recovery Program. * * * "IF ANYONE thinks it extrava- gant to maintain the peace," Mr. Truman said, then they should re- member the fact that it cost "100 bi.l iondollars to conduct the last war.'n Then in a cautiously worded hope for an early peace, Mr. Truman said: "I do not believe that our de- fense and international expendi- tures will have to remain at their present high level indefi- nitely. I hope that they may be reduced as our program for peace takes effect. "But, as of today, I regard these expenditures as the most valuable insurance we can take out against the enormous expense and the ter- rible loss of another war." Turning to the domestic phases of the Administrative program, Mr. Truman said the remaining $10,000,000,000 of the budget total provides for all other functions of the government such as poblic works, farm price supports, edu- cation, and housing projects. "For a country of this size, with a $200,000,000,000 economy," he said, "$10,000,000,000 for such es- sential programs is a reasonable sum indeed." Deadline for Make-Ups Near Incomplete work in the literary and engineering colleges will have to be made up within the next few days if students wish to get any credit for such work. Tomorrow, July 15, is the final day for removal of incompletes in the engineering college. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the college secretary's office by tomorrow. * * * THIn ITTFARV PA11mcT ,nd. four percent corporate income tax would solve part of the state's fiscal difficulties which prompted the legislative branch to slash the University's appro- priation request. He backed up his claim to the justice of such a tax by citing sim- ilar taxes instituted by other states. "Business pays eight per- cent of the taxes that come in in Michigan, while that figure is 36 percent in Pennsylvania. and 31 percent in New York and New Jer- sey," the Governor said. "PERHAPS IF conditions were ameliorated, selective reduction in the state sales tax would be pos- sible, say on food," Williams said. This was in answer to a question which asked if he would favor such reduction, assuming that a cor- porate tax were legislated. Williams emphasized that an extension of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, the rapidly expiring "52-20," was necessary, especially in light of the increas- ingly important unemployment problem. He told of his actions in behalf of the act which included the cir- culation of a petition among the nation's governors calling for ex- tension of the benefits. * * * TWENTY-FOUR governors signed the petition, Williams said, and it was sent to the U.S. Senate. According man's great given him problems to day world. to Gov. Williams, material progress has myriads of complex solve in the present * * * Reelection NEW YORK -(P)-Mayor Wil- liam O'Dwyer announced yester- day he will run for a second term! after all. For two months he has been saying he wouldn't. The announcement, which wasl no surprise after several days of unprecedented backing and filling in one of New York's worst polit- ical tangles, came less than 24 hours after O'Dwyer had conferred with President Truman in Wash- ington. * * * NEITHER THE President norI the Mayor commented on that meeting but a White House aide said it had to do with "the general political situation in New York." O'Dwyer's decision to seek re-1 election thus was widely inter- preted as a part of Democratic strategy top resent the strong- est possible ticket this fall, withj a U.S. Senate seat as well as control of city hall at stake. Former Gov. Herbert H. Leh- man, who has been asked by the party leadership to make the race for the U.S. Senate, has been re-< ported willing to run if O'Dwyer heads the ticket in the city. The Mayor himself strongly backs Leh-' man for the Senate post. THE DEMOCRATS are partic- ularly eager to win the November election since the Republicans now; hold both New York Senate seats' for the first time in 22 years. Dulles serves until Dec. 1. The person elected in November then will fill out the balance of Wag-1 ner's term until Jan. 3, 1951. 1 TO SAVE A LIFE: U' Blood Bank Provides Transfusions for Needy PO~V0s de e /211 ACL To Give I '36 Movie Hit "A Star Is Born" will be the Art Cinema League's next pres- entation this summer. The film will be shown at the Architecture Auditorium at 7:30 and 9:30 tomorrow and Saturday., Tickets will be on sale in the lobby of the League from 2 to 6 p.m. starting today, and also in the Architecture lobby before each performance. .a 4 1 A W 7'1 n .I 11 1.. 3 t By HERB KRAVITZ There's a bank down at the University Hospital. But unlike most banks, this or- ganization deals with a substance far more valuable and precious than money-Blood. THE BLOOD BANK is a system through which a person in need of a transfusion can obtain whole blood by borrowing the required amount from a "storage vault" at the Hospital. Dr. Otto T. Mallery, who is in charge of the Hospital's Blood Bank, explained that blood tak- en from the Bank must be re- placed in one of three ways: First the natient may have his In this case the patient is charg- ed at the same rate as the Hos- pital must pay the donor. Dr. Mallery said that profes- sional donors must be used to pick up the places of slack when de- posits are low and also to replace rare blood types. FOR THIS PURPOSE, the Hos- pital relies on the contributions of from 300 to 500 student-s a month. However, the greater portion of blood is supplied by volunteer do- nations from friends and rela- tives of patients. Students, and others who wish to become donors are given a phy- sical examination and a sample of their blood is taken. "MAN STANDS TO lose his very soul in the confusion of this un- balanced world," he said. Because of this, "We would do well to consider the words of the Northwest Ordinance at a time like this," he declared. Emphasizing the role of youth, the governor said that the "man of tomorrow must bring some sadly needed balance to this topsy- turvy world." Education is very important in, the development of this man of toworrow, but the leaders of the future "must not only be sharp- ened with knowledge, but tem- pered with religion and morality," Gov. Williams said. 1" There is a general unemploy- ment problem in Michigan, the Governor said. He pointed out that it was especially severe in the Upper Peninsula, where ap- proximately 18.5 percent of the people were out of work. E FOSSIL HUNTERS: Geology Class Makes Field Trip to Detroit' - ' I _ . ,i, i ! ! I