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July 13, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-13

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by b. s. brown
Co-mlanagt'ing ed ior

No Freedom of Choice


speak on "The State Looks at Educa-
tion" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
It's no secret that Michigan has a very
serious educational problem. Our recent ex-
perience with the University's appropriation
brought that very close to home.
The Sales Tax Diversion Amendment
which was defeated last fall points up the
urgency of Michigan's devising some com-
prehensive method of financing our entire
educational structure.
And if more young people are to receive
college educations, there will have to be
some state action on the development of a
junior college system if present facilities like
the University are not to be pushed beyond
the assembly-line stage.
Then there are questions about adult edu-
cation, workers education, placement of
graduating students, and the possibility of
setting a minimum wage for elementary and
high school teachers.
These are probably only a few of the
questions that the Governor will be asked in
the question period following hisd speech.
The Summer Education Conference is to
be commended for bringing one of our out-
standing alumni here for a discussion of our
most pressing state problem.
t hope that the student body will respond
to the opportunity being offered them and
turn out in full force.

HOW FAR CAN the proverbial ostrich see?
A fine speculative question, but to give
an absolute answer would be difficult. A
relative answer though is a different thing.
Any bird with a burred head can 'see fur-
ther than thep resent Mayor of Detroit. With
much smoke and noise the combined intel-
lects of the Detroit City Hall gave still
birth to the idea that the Communist Party
should be banend in Michigan. Undoubtedly
not original, but as every other reactionary
area in the country was witch hunting, the
city fathers felt Michigan should have its
share of the burnings.
With what magnificent inconsistency do
the fathers rationalize their position? Com-
munists in the public services must be root-
ed out. As we (the city fathers) are having
a hard time doing this, it must be because
the Communists are organized as a party
in Michigan. Therefore, to extirpate them,
we must ban the party.
Rarely do men have the courage to
display such non sequitors as the bright-
est jewel of their "reasoning." Honesty
would at least suggest that tre thought
be advanced as dogmatically as the phi-
losophy that indoctrinated it.
Rarely do the people see their elected
officials publicly repudiate democracy. "Ban
the Communist Party because the people are
not fit to pass on it. The people cannot
and shall not have the freedom to choose.
We, experts in political science and govern-
ment, have been told and hence know better
what is proper fare-for the people." And so
the city fathers confess their love of democ-
racy-by denying it.
These are hectic times in which certain
groups are taking advantage of a situation
to advance their vested interest. They roil


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At the State .. .
Scott, Jane Wyatt, J. Carrol Naish, Victor
Jory and introducing Nancy Olson. In
USING THE SAME photography, the same
plot, but switching the locale from the
US.. to Canada, Twentieth Century has suc-
ceeded in turning out a usual version of
those "I've been working on the railroad"
The einecolor is good; so is J. Carrol
Naish; Randolph. Scott is his usual self;
Nancy Olson evokes all sorts of audience
instinct; but that's all that can be said
for the picture.
Besides the conflict of whether the rail-
road will be able to span the Rockies, there's
then decision Scott has to make between the
two lassies. He selects the one with equal
intellectual ideas, but fortunately she turns
out to be by far the more attractive of the
With the trite plot, there are only two
scenes worth mention-one for the humor
and the other for the deftness of the direc-
tor's hand.
Naish provides the humor when he
hands three obnoxious (they're going to
kill him ( Indians a stick of dynamite each.
They think the 'NT twigs are cigars and
try to smoke them, with an obliging light
by Naish, but only succeed in getting a
fast ride to the happy hunting grounds. As
Naish says later, "They lost their heads."
The director's touch comes late in the
picture when the renegade Indians approach
the camp site and the leader buries the
hatchet, literally. The self-satisfied audience
feels as though it knows all as the scalp-
cleaver is flipped into the ground, even
though Scott and his cohorts have to trans-
late some Indian lingo to find out that the
red-men are looking for peace.
It seems unfortunate that villainous Vic
Jory had to have a part in this picture. His
many sterling performances on Broadway
merit better treatment than that.
-Sheldon Browne.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

At the Michigan..
WE WERE STRANGERS, with Jennifer
Jones, John Garfield, Pedro Armendariz,
directed by John Huston.
ANYONE WHO goes to see this picture ex-
pecting a run-of-the-mill Central Amer-
ican spy melodrama will be pleasantly sur-
prised. There are many familiar situations-
the American who gets involved in local
politics, the beautiful native girl, corrupb
politicians, and a fair amount of gunplay.
But "We Were Strangers" is definitely
superior to the average cops-and-robbers
The plot is laid in Cuba in 1933, whenl
an underground movement was working to
overthrow the dictator, Machado, and his
police state.
Jennifer Jones joins the movement to
avenge the death of her brother, shot down
in cold blood by policeman Pedro Armen-
dariz. John Garfield, ostensibly an American
theatrical producer looking for Cuban talent,
turns out to be an ex-Cuban and one of the
leaders of the underground.
Garfield hatches a brilliant scheme to.
blow up most of the government big-wigs,
which involves digging a tunnel from Miss
Jones' basement to the nearby cemetery.
A large part of the film is devoted to-
this digging operation, with unusual and
telling effect. As the conspirators dig, the
police close in, and tension mounts.
Creditable performances are turned in by
Garfield and Miss Jones, who struggles val-
iantly with a Spanish accent. The other
conspirators are well played, and there is
a bit of pleasant calypso singing by one of
The picture's best feature, however, is
excellent acting by Pedro Armendariz, par-
ticularly one splendid scene in which he
eats crab and browbeats a terrified heroine
while Garfield and his friends are hiding
in the cellar.
The photography is good. Some of the
digging scenes are eloquent without a word
of dialogue.
The direction is by John Huston. Although
this effort is not quite up to the standards
of his masterpiece, "Treasure of the Sierra
Madre," he has turned out a picture which is
well worth seeing.
-Virginia Von Schon.

the turbulent waters Ind throw in more mud
to forestall any clear settling of the.problem.
No one will doubt that aberrations of the
Communists are a challenge, but we can
not let those self-appointed doctors wore
interested in their cure than the patient
foist their remedies upon us
In matters of politics at least, the peo-
ple must be the final judges. The people
must have the freedom to choose what-
ever alternatives can be offered, even
though that amongst those alternatives
be Communism and fascism.
If the democratic ethos be granted-as
indeed our intellectual covy does not grant
-the people, by definition, have the right
to choose their form of government. The*
right to choose, to be a right at all, pre-
supposes that all alternatives be presented.
The withholding of an alternative is a
denial of the right. No college of dogmatics
has the ethical sanction to tell the people
Communism is wrong. Only the people can
decide this, for this is a political question,
upon which, ex hypothesi, only they can
Hence for the city fathers to suggest that
the Communist Party be banned is to imply
that the people are not able to govern
themselves. If they cannot be trusted to de-
cide whether they want Communism, there
is no justification for the people being trust-
ed to decide any other political question.
The whole foundation of democracy is thus
rejected-we can only suspect which form
of authoritarianism stands ready to seize
Our country is not the weak vessel the
witch hunters would have us imagine it.
Politically it is still strong and virile as
the last election proved. We do not need
to fear the American Communists.
Granted that we must realize they are
about, that we must contain them and
strive to cure the causes. But the remedy
must not be forse than the disease.
We must not kill liberty trying to cure
Communism. Should the day ever come
when the people shall want to vote in abso-
lutism, that is their right. But at least until
that sad day, they shall remain free. And
that freedom includes the power to choose
the chains of Communism.
-George Vetter.
Looking Back
A new understudy for the Bambino Babe'
Ruth was Wallie Pipp, elongated first-sacker
for the New York Yankees. When Ruth
was out of the lineup for a few days, he
(Pipp) didn't want to disappoint the fans
so he knocked out three home runs in three
The two "tough hombres" out for a record
airplane endurance record were forced to the
ground in California when their engine
konked out, but not before flying for 246
hours, 43 minutes and 32 seconds, bettering
the old record by more than 72 hours. The
plane was refueled in flight 37 times.
Twenty navy men narrowly escaped death
when the U.S. Submarine Squalus, after
seven weeks of salvage work which got her
hooked onto pontoons, stuck her nose out of
the sea like an angry shark and slid 'back
to the bottom.
Thirteen Michigan coeds teamed up and
picked 640 quarts of cherries when they
helped out a farmer short of help. Later, 155
army men picked 5,000 quarts. The gals
picked 50 quarts each and the men only
33, but they did it in five hours compared to
the women's eight.
The American League All-Stars, behind
the pitching of Vic Raschi of the New York
Yankees, clobbered the National Leaguers
5-2. Raschi clinched his own game when he

singled home two of the winning runs.
-From the Pages of The Daily.
ANGRILY, the public school teachers of
the United States have spoken out
against loyalty oaths. Good for them! In
doing so, they have demonstrated that they
know more about American principles than
do the fear-ridden legislators who believe
that a teacher's loyalty-or that of anybody
else-can be tested by an oath.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

-Daily-Bill Hampton
" ...and for next week I should like you to read . . ."
ASHINGTON-Here are two international developments which
may or may not be related:
1. In contrast to other years, there is not a sign of military
activity on the Russian horizon. American intelligence, steadily
improving behind the iron curtain, reports that never at any
time since VJ-Day has there been less sign of military prepara-
tion. As far as the eye can tell, all is serene.
2. Last spring, Europe was booming. Business seemed better
than ever. The Marshall Plan was hailed as a great success. At
that time, Russia for the first time adopted a conciliatory policy.
U.S. diplomats at the United Nations almost keeled over when the
Russians first proposed ending the Berlin blockade. At long last
it looked as if Moscow realized the Marshall Plan was working
and it would be wise for the Kremlin to be conciliatory.
Then two things happened:
During the few brief weeks between the preliminary talks in
April and May and the calling of the Paris Conference in June
appeared the first cracks of economic depression. British business
began to slump. American unemployment rose.
Immediately Russian policy shifted. At Paris, Vishinsky was
polite, but obstinate. The Paris conference was a failure. In Berlin,
the blockade was only partly lifted.
Thus it looked as if the Russians figured the big break they
had been looking for-depression-had arrived. Also they probably
figured that the more sabre-rattling in Moscow, the more money
spent on armament in Washington, with more resultant industrial
activity and business prosperity. Likewise the less military activity
behind the iron curtain, hte more chance of economic doldrums
outside the iron curtain.
But whatever the Russians figured, this has been the result. And
none of us have to do any figuring to know also that what Moscow
has wanted most is world-wide depression-after which she could
go around picking up the remaining pieces of the capitalist system.
* * * *
An earlier column dealt with the causes of the British monetary
collapse-which also extends in varying degree to other West European
countries. Briefly those causes are failure to produce as much as
Europe eats, which is induced, in turn, by lack of labor efficiency,
outmoded machinery and the loss of Asiatic colonies..
There is also another important factor-failure of the Mar-
shall Plan to cope with Europe's basic problem of economic
When this writer was in Europe with the Friendship Train, far-
sighted Italian Foreign Minister Count Carlo Sforza remarked:
"Our only salvation is a United States of Europe. We can never
be economically self-supporting as long as we are cut up by national-
istic boundaries. Moreover, we will never abolish war until we banish
"And we won't banish nationalism by ourselves. We can only do
it if you put the pressure on. You can do it through the Marshall
Plan. You are the only people who can make us set up a United
States of Europe. But you will have to be tough. Otherwise the
Marshall Plan will be only a chapter-a pleasant chapter, but a passing
Count Sforza was right. The British crisis has proved that the
Marshall Plan is going to be a pleasant, passing chapter-pleasant
for Europe, but not for the American taxpayer.
Marshall Plan administrators have tried to get goods ex-
changed between European countries; and in a minor way they
have succeeded. But they have not been tough. They have broken
down no real barriers.
One reason is that we put the cart before the horse. We put the
Marshall Plan before the Atlantic Pact.
For instance, it is impossible to persuade France that she does
not need her own exclusive steel industry, and that Belgium could
better manufacture steel for her, as long as there is no political
alliance in Western Europe guaranteeing steel to France in case of
Now that Belgium and France are aligned under the North
Atlantic Pact-or better still in some future United States of
Europe-then the need of each little country to have its own
indusrial steel industry is not so vital.
The same might be true of Italy's Fiat automobiles. If European
trade barriers and political boundaries were broken down, one or
two auto factories could supply all of Europe's needs. Because of boun-
daries, the Fiat plant in Italy has only a skimp, impoverished market;
wikewise the Renault auto plant in France, the Austin in England,
and so on. Their markets, hemmed in by nationalist barriers, in the
eyes of a Detroit manufacturer, aren't worth sneezing at.
Yet each country is determined to keep up its motor production,

partly because automobile plants can be turned into tank and air-
plane factories. With the North Atlantic Pact, this is less necessary.

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.rn., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 16
The third annual business edu-
cation conference at the University
of Michigan will take place on
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12
and 13. The program has been
jointly planned by the University
of Michigan, Ohio State Univer-
sity, and Northwestern University.
General sessions will be held in
Room 131, Business Administra-
tion Building.
The first general session at 10
a.m., Tuesday, July 12, will be a
discussion of "What Should We
Teach in the Business Subjects?"
The second session at 2 p.m., Tues-
day, July 12, will be a discussion
of "Basic Business-Yes or No."
The third session at 10 a.m., Wed-
nesday, July 13, will be a discus-
sion of "The New Look in Gregg
Shorthand." A Royal typewriter
demonstration by Cortez Peters
will be given at 1:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday, July 13.
All business education students,
business administration students,
or other interested students are
invited to the meetings. Registra-
tion for the conference will take
place in Room 131, Business Ad-
ministration Building, between
9:30 and 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 12.
College of of Literature, Science
and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion,Forestry, Music, and Public
Health: Students who received
marks of I, X, or "no report" at
the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance, will
receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by July 20. Students, wishing
an extension of time beyond this
date in order to make up this work,
should file a petition addressed to
the appropriate official in their
school with Room 1513 Adminis-
tration Building, where it will be
The International Labor Office
announces an examination for the
position of translator in Geneva,
Switzerland. Applications will be
accepted until July 20, 1949. Fur-
ther information may be obtained
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Students, College of Engineer-
ing: The final day for removal of
incompletes will be Friday, July 15.
Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Friday, July
-W. J. Emmons, Secy.
Students, College of Engineer-
ing: The final day for dropping
courses without record will be Fri-
day, July 15. A course may be
dropped only with the permission
of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.
-W. J. Emmons, Secy.
The Seventh Region of the U.S.
Civil Service Commission (Chica-
go) announces an examination for
Actuary with the Railroad Retire-
ment Board in Chicago, Illinois.
The Lawson Air Force Base in
Fort Benning, Georgia, announces
a vacancy for a civil service dental
Additional information may be
obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Dean of Women-It is suggested
that student government presi-
dents and residence directors in

women's dormitories, cooperatives,
sororities and league houses plan
fire drills immediately.
Thurday, July 14th, the Dow
Corning Co. of Midland, Mich.,
will have a representative here
from 9 to 12 a.m. to interview
chemists with a BS or MS degree.
Appointments may be made by
calling Ext. 371, or by stopping in
the office, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events :
July 15,1 949: Alpha Omicron Pi.
July 16, 1949: Hostel Club, In-
tercooperative Council.
July 18, 1949: Maison Francaise.
Placement and Guidance Con-
ference, Wednesday, July 13. Em-
ployment Opportunities for Wo-
men. Dora Heilman, County Su-
pervisor, Bureau of Social Aid,
Saginaw; Harriet Russell, Direc-
tor of Training, Wurzburg Co.,
Grand Rapids; Olive Saunders,
Personnel Department, Chrysler
Corp., Detroit. 4:10 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Address: "The
State Looks at Education" by Hon.
G. Mennen Williams, Governor,
State of Michigan. 8:00 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall. Sponsired

theran Student Club, Graduate
Outing Club, Graduate Student
Council, Hillel Foundation, Hindu-
stan Students' Association, Hostel
Club, Inter Arts Union, Intercoop-
erative Council, Interguild, Inter-
national Students' Association, Lu-
theran Student Association, Mich-
igan Christian Fellowship, Michi-
gan League Undergraduate Coun-
cil, Russian Circle, Sailing Club,
Social Research Club, Sociedad
Hispanica, Student Legislature,
Unesco, United World Federalists,
Young Democrats, Young Progres-
sives, Young Republicans.
Engineering Mechanics Lecture:
Another in the series of informal
talks on "History and Strength of
Materials and of the Theory of
Elasticity" will be presented
Thursday evening, July 14, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 311 West Engineer-
ing Building. At this time, Profes-
sor S. Timoshenko will speak on
"Strength of Materials at the Be-
ginning of the 19th Century; Work
of Navier and Thomas Young."
All who are interested are invited
to attend this meeting,
Lecture Series in Chemistry
Building. Professor Frederick Seitz
of Carnegie Tech will talk on
"Theory of Semi-Conductors" on
Wednesday, July 13 at 4:00 p.m.
in Rm. 1300, Chemistry Bldg.
Speech Assembly: Prof. Harlan
H. Bloomer, director of Speech
Clinic, will lecture on "Palatial
Function in Voice Production," 3
o'clock today in Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Sound movies will accom-
pany the lecture.
"The Folklore of French Can-
ada." Dr. Charles Marius Barbeau,
distinguished folklorist at Laval
University and the Canadian Na-
tional Museum. 7:30 p.m. Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Botanical Seminar-Wednesday
evening, July 13, in Room 1139,
Natural Science Building. Profes-
sor E. B. Mains will present some
of his genetical studies by discus-
sing "Linkage of Shrunken Endo-
sperm with the 'A' Factor for Al-
eurone Color." Everyone interested
is invited to attend. There will be
refreshments and a chance for
visiting after the meeting.
Lecture: "Some Educational
Problems." The Honorable G.
Mennen Williams, Governor of
Michigan. 8:00 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Education Conference. General
Lecture: "Essentials in Statewide
Community College Planning."
Leonard V. Koos, Professor of
Secondary Education, Univer.sity
of Chicago, 4:00 p.m., Auditorium,
University High, School.
Luncheon Conference. "Some
Characteristic Features of the
Dravidian Languages of India "
Prof. A. C. Sekhar, University of
Pennsylvania. Luncheon, 12:30
p.m., Anderson Room, Michigan
Union; lecture, 1:00 p.m., Room
Student Recital: Joseph Cun-
ningham, graduate student of
piano with Marian Moore and
Helen Titus, will present a pro-
gram at 8:00 p.m., Thursday, July
14, 1949, in Rackham Assembly
Hall, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music.rHis program will
include compositions by Mozart,
Bach, Alban Berg, and Schumann.
This recital is open to the public
The University Musical Society
announces two major concert se-
ries for next season, as follows:
Choral Union Series (10 con-

certs): Artur Rubinstein, pianist,
Tues., Oct. 4; Vienna Choir Boys,
Sat., Oct. 15; Boston Symphony,
Charles Munch, conductor, Sun.,
Oct. 23; Cleveland Orch. George
Szell, conductor, Sun., Nov. 6; Italo
Tajo, bass, Wed., Nov. 16; Rise
Stevens, mezzo - saprano, Mon.,
Dec. 5; Cincinnati Orch., Thor
(Continued on Page 4)


APPLAUSE of a single human being
of great consequence..
-Samuel Johnson.


Are you feeling better, Mr. O'Malley?
Yes. This warm sun has
cleared my head. Perhaps
I can now concentrate on
some financial wizardry-

Soyo cn aythsepepl yu we
Soth olcewn'b fteryou

Why don't you just wave your magic cmry
wand and M AK E the money?
That's a Federal offense-
Barnaby, are you carrying
.a concealed squirt gun?

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan upder the
authority of the Board in C6ntrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown ......Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson..Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin ............. Sports Editor


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