)AY, JULY 10, 1949 Vnr ' JTCqIGk ,'j' DAILY PAGE. mv I7HE 1~UCH1GAN flAITV PAI~ PIVR AL Cl %-A lga a 1 Y lI a a Summer League Keeps Fall Pace Hot Weather Features Include Dance Classes, Recreational, Study Facilities Del Elliott . -Fridays, Saturdays I it a d e t o j s+ t x. Quebec Stop Preludes Tour Of Continent by 'U' Students By PATSY PARKIN 1 probably will not leave before 3 (Speeial to The Daily) QUEBEC-Standing on the pier a.m. Friday. n Quebec City last night, gazing it the huge ship, the S.S. Valen- ALONG THE PIER our Michi- dam, which is to be the home of gan stickers on our purses were eighteen hundred students for the the means of our meeting some iext week. I suddenly realized that people from Detroit whose son is I soon would be en route for Eur- leaving today also. We have seen ope. several more Michigan stickers and Even driving through Canada, some from Smith. seeing Sandy Brown, my partner We are about ready to leave. in adventure arrive in the Mon- The pier is being filled with cars, The Michigan League is open during the summer semester to give students the many opportun- ities which are provided during the regular session at the Univer- sity. During this summer, the Under- graduate Council, which plans and carries out League activities, is headed by Helen Strieho, Council President and advised by Miss Ethel McCormick, League Social Director. Miss "Mac's" new assistant is Miss Margaret Morgon. Miss Mor- gan, and the Council members Au- drey Robinson, Barbara Leichty, Nancy Finch, Jo Collins and Jo Wilson, keep the wheels of social events roling. DANCING CLASSES, which are New Counseling Plan To Begin Fall in Dorms An increase of women in resi- dence halls next fall with the full opening of the New Women's Dormitory has fostered the plan- ning of a new system of residence counselors. Set up by the Office of the Dean of Women, the plan will allow each woman dormitory residet a per- sonal counselor. THESE CAREFULLY selected graduate students from all fields will acquaint the students with the resources on campus, social functions in and out of the dormi- tory and anything of an educa- tional or social nature which will supplement class work. Although the function of the counselors will not be academic, they will be able to carry out study plans students are advised to follow. As well as individual advisors, the counselors will also serve as group advisors to a student com- mittee on matters such as ath- letics and extra-curricular activi- ties. According to Associate Dean Bromage, it is hoped that the stu- dents "will get the enthusiasm of the graduate woman for their own education." AGING 25 to 30, the counselors will handle the types of problems that would be discussed with a person with whom students live, in a large part talking out a prob- lem so that the interested persons themselves understand it. The system is planned with the idea of personal contact with students in order to really make use of the advantages of a larger university. Resident directors will supervise the residence counseling. Coun- selors will be given pre-orienta- tion briefing on such subjects as the University calendar, analysis of resident staff responsibilities, description of campus resources, student activities, University stan- dards and rules and regulations. It's Sanitary, Too PINGELAP, Micronesia-Every man in the family must have his food cooked in a separate pot over a separate fire, according to mis- sionaries. This procedure is necessary if the man is to keep his social standing. <->0<-o<->o<>o<-> Fine Imported Gifts INDIA ART SHOP v 330 Maynard Ph. 2-3600 c P0<=>C<=;>C)<=> 0<=>o<=>o<- TYPEWRITERS Office and Portable Models of all makes Sold, Bought, Repaired, Rented STATIONERY & SUPPLIES G. I. Requisitions Accepted 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. a year-around League feature, are continued in the summer. These classes are open to men students and are being taught by John Lekas, a professional dance in- structor. Women students can still sign up as hostesses, according to Nancy Finch, chairman. Two classes are held every Tuesday, the beginners meeting at 7 p.m. with the intermediate section receiv- ing instruction at 8:30 p.m. In addition, a series of weekly square dances are held, at 7:30 p.m. each Monday for the in- struction of mixed groups. These classes are under the direction and calling of David Palmer. All dance classes are held in the League ballroom. Jo Collins, ballroom chairman, is in charge of the weekly Friday and Saturday night dances. Music for dancing is furnished from 9 p.m. to midnight by Dell Elliott and his orchestra. Hostesses are present to facilitate mixing so that students can easily meet a great many people. There is still a need for more hostesses, according to Miss Collins. * * * RECREATION facilities are pro- vided for women students and their dates on the second floor of the League, according to Barbara Leichty, publicity chairman. The Grand Rapids Room is equipped with a television set, a piano and a juke box and ping pong table is set up outside the ballroom. Women's Judiciary Council, headed by Audrey Robinson also continues in the summer. Miss Robinson is assisted by Betty Kuusisto and Agnes Wadell. The main purpose of the council is to uphold campus regulations and to aid the students in a better understanding of campus policies. The air conditioned atmosphere of the League Library offers a comfortable place in which women students may study. The hours are from 1 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. during the week and 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. on Sunday. The Library is under the direction of Jo Wilson, who said that so far this semester it has not been crowded and that a quiet, living room atmosphere is provided. Any questions or suggestions for additional student projects should be brought to the League Under- graduate Office where they will be more than welcome. SUMMERTIME SWAYING-Pictured above are Del Elliott at the piano, his vocalist, Beth Skidmore and his orchestra providing the musical background for a weekend campus dance. Throughout the summer session, Elliott's band will play from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday in tre League Ballroom. * * * * *. * * * treal railroad station with a can- vas pack and dining on the beau- tiful terrace of the Chateau Fron- tenac overlooking the pier did not seem events prior to departure1 for Europe.- YESTERDAY, I viewed the points of interest in this fasci- nating old city as the traditional tourist to Quebec. The narrow winding streets, each on a dif- ferent level, filled with horse and buggies and laughing brown-eyed children, quaint shops filled with hand-made merchandise and the sound of French being spoken g ave this city, in part, an Old World atmosphere. Campus M Dancing enthusiasts will have little cause to worry about losing their smooth technique during the summer session as they have a chance to keep in step with the music of Del Elliott and his or- chestra, who are occupying the bandstand at the League every Friday and Saturday night. Elliott and his men are well ac- quainted with favorite campus music as they have provided the musical background for numerous dormitory, fraternity and sorority dances for several years. They have also played at Michigan State Normal College and for high school dances. Elliott organized his band wrile in school before the war. He re- zeived his Bachelor's degree in Music Education and minored in music theory at the University and played piano for Herb Miller's, orchestra at the League at this time. *. * * FOLLOWING three years war experience overseas, he returned to the University. He expects to receive his Master's in August at which time he will head with his wife for the East coast to teach. Clyde House will take over the leadership of the band for the next year. .. He has always been interested in music, beginning his career in high school at Sault Ste. Marie. He professes to like classical mu- sic best which is easily shown by glancing at his extensive record collection which includes mainly Haydn, Mozart, Hindemith and Beethoven with a few hot jazz albums. The vocalist of the band, Beth. usicFillsElliottHistory Skidmore, is a versatile person and in 1948 she had her own week- with a broad singing background. ly radio show over WPAG in Ann When Miss Skidmore attended Arbor. University High School, she held Miss Skidmore likes to sing the leading role of the operettas ballads and semi-classic songs. during her junior and senior yeais. She favors the "old standards" IN 1947 SHE was picked as one of the ten best vocalists of Detroit in the annual Belle Isle contest, Children's Story To Be Broadcast "King Woodenhead's Crown," this week's drama on Tales From The Four Winds, will be heard at 6:45 pm. today over station WPAG. The story, designed especially for children, is about a kingdom long ago in which everything was made of wood . . . even the King. According to the ancient laws of the land the King must always wear his crown or he will be sent to the saw mill. One day he loses his crown, and the subsequer; search for it proves to be quite hectic. The cast includes Bob Thomp- son, Jo Collins, Richard Jennings, Lawrence Johnson, Virginia Var- land, and George Lumsden. Tales from The Four Winds for the remainder of the week will present "Winnie the Poo" on Mon- day, with Carolyn Block narrating, Wednesday "The Squeegie Bug" narrated by Elva Van Haitsma, Mary Lou Bramwell will narrate "Ella the Elephant" on Thursday; and Friday "The Antique Cat" will be narrated by Doris Medina. These programs are all produc- tions by students in the Speech Department. and danceable tunes, and hopes' some day to sing musical-com- edy in the opera. will 0')Wi4p4 ... by Betty Crawford The Willow Village Wives Club1 will sponsor a dance to be given from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday at the Community Center. "Country Capers" will feature both round and square dancing. Dave Palmer will be the caller for the square dancing with records providing the music. In addition, bridge and pinochle will be avail- able to the guests. Decorations will be based on a backwoods theme. Red and white checkered table clothes and candles will add to the atmo- sphere. Guests are urged to wear informal clothes to the party. Ad- mission will be twenty-five cents per couple. * * * THE WIVES CLUB will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Community Center. Mrs. Helen Tewes, a lecturer and teacher for the University Ex- tension Department will give a talk on budgeting. The subject of her talk will be "Mrs. Green Goes to Market." Arriving at the side entrance of the Chateau Frontenac, I saw shiny cars drive up and out would step beautifully dress- ed men and women ready for a vacation in the luxurious hotel. While eating on the terrace, I watched people walk casually along the boardwalk in front of me-girls in summer cottons and gold sandals, fellows in palm beach suits-and I wondered if any of them would be going on the Val- endam. * * * BUT THAT WAS yesterday! To- day I feel less like a tourist and more like someone about to leave on a long journey. Sandy and I are in jeans and plaid shirts, car- rying shoulder bags and cameras. Entering a branch bank this morning for some information, we found ourselves the objecs of many staring eyes. But since our first self-conscious moments we feel very much at ease, for we have seen boys in dungarees and girls in outfits like ours. A large truck passed by filled with jean clad students singing, "Goodbye Quebec" and "We're On Our Way" so I imagine they are bound for the ship which began loading passengers and baggage: at 8 am. We plan to get on the ship about noon. The Valendam taxis, trucks and people carry- ing every imaginable piece of luggage. There is a large red building through which we have to pass before getting on the ship. There is a line'formed already. I'm hoping the immigration of- ficers will not do much checking here. No parents, relatives or friends are allowed on the Valen- dam so we will have to say our good-byes on the pier. I'M LOOKING forward to meet- ing people on the boat and walk- ing on the decks where it should be cool. The ship has recreation rooms and dance floors I was told last night. I am sure the eight days on the ocean will be very pleasant. IHowever, we actually won't be on the ocean until the second day because we have to gg around the Gospi Peninsula on the Saint Lawrence River. In eight days I will land in Rot-, terdam, Holland, our starting point for our tour through Eur- ope Dormitory News (Editor sNote: Contributors to What's lip in the Dorms should contact Mar- tha Bazar at The Daily or 4037 New "om.) Pastry, punch and pulchritude will be served from 2-4:30 today at the New Residence Hall's Open House. The first two floors of the dor- mitory will be open to inspection. There will be bridge 'and other favorite Michigan sports in the lounges. A special invitation has been ex- tended to the East Quad, however everyone is welcome. On July 14 the men of Fletcher Hall will travel en masse to De- troit to attend a night baseball game. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ,IE (Continued from Page 4) St. Lutheran Student Association Meeting in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St., at 5:30 p.m. Prof. Henry Veld of AugustanaiCollege will speak on "The Relation of the Church to Music." Choir Rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw: Bible Study Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Morning Service at 11:00 a.m. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club : Supper ,nd Program Sun- day at 5:30 at the Center, 1511 Washtenaw. "The Geological Im- plications of Genesis." Christian Science Organization: The time of the regular Tuesday meeting has been changed from 7:30 to 7:00, starting next Tues- day, July 12. University Community Center, 1045 Midway Place, Willow Run Village, Mich.: Sun., July 10, 10:45 a.m., Interdenominational Church Service. Nursery and Church School. Exhibitions Rackham Galleries: Paintings by Willard MacGregor, Visiting Professor of Piano, School of Mu- sic (July 8-August 5), East Gal- lery. Education Conference Textbook Exhibit: Corridors of University High School and University Ele- mentary School buildings. Events Today Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:15 p.m., Sunday, July 10, at the Northwest Entrance of the Rackham Building, for outdoor sports and games. Coming Events The Glass Menagerie by Ten- nessee Williams will open its four- day run at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. This play, a recent Broad- way success, was given the New York Theater Critics' Circle Award for the 1944-45 season. Tickets are on sale at the Theater box office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (ex- cept Sundays). SPECIAL I - ;., , ila f ,.. -:- 1 " _, r k ' ,- L----- ! . At such little prices you will really be able to go places! - , , . i' < ' ':.""::...................... . .. Jacobsin's Exclusive COMPLEXION S Offered for the first time at a special price ... Box of 12 Cakes 1.15 Regularly 1.50 / ' C,, I group of DRESSES * spun linen " cords * cottons * shantungs originally to $16.95 1 group of DRESSES . pure silks * sheers « crepes * cottons originally to $29.95 1 group of DRESSES * sheers " crepes originally " shantungs * cottons to $25.00 W tQr1 :r:..... . : ::7+ IY "1. 1f " t ry ; 7j ii?'1..1th } :}; ' 6r.,: y.::. . "tr kt 4 t . " f.X F / 1 -- ."4 . ... F' ° " f, r + r r .. 'f Nobr " for the shorties! " for the taller women! " for the average figure! " for the half-size ladies! $t.O l-group of DRESSES " better cottons " prints " shantungs * crepes sunbacks included originally to $39.95 $1800 $14.95 ::«":":::"::..:"::.... . . . . . . . . . . . ..............:........ o vP :ev n' mar° ti " . GyF1 'a . . o YP - Oy\t np .r eN co e ' ., A'lJ I \.t ~ F ., y 0 yu V " GpM ' " pv l t.N t$ $' s " . c 1 group of SUITS delightful washable fabrics, cords and chambrays in cool pastels. originally at $10.95 $809S 1 group of SUITS nationally famous summer suits - reduced when you want them most. regular $25.00 value. . 18So0 * tailored styles . dressmaker styles " short sleeves * 3/4 sleeves " long sleeves 1 0 1 group of SUITS from our regular stock, all styles- all colors, originally to $19.95. $14.95 i I Closing for Summer 30 to 40% discount on all our go Ib.I U 1 group of SUITS famous Printzess Cool-timers, dark and pasted shades, originally to $29.95 ~22.5 Save During the Special 10-Day Sale! TWELVE hard-milled, long lasting cakes of Jacobson's own complexion soap, containing lanolin and other fine skillfully blended ingredients to help keep your skin soft and smooth . . . ow specially priced during this limited period. Quick lathering, thoroughly cleansing and scented in three lingering frangrances; lavendar, apple blos.som and bouquet. Stock up now for yourself and for gifts . . . prices go back to regular F 71 :': ii:isiiiiSVii l:i .'i:: ii:.::":.i :.".'..:::":44 :.... ..... .............. ..... ....rte ............... ...........r ...." ................. ..r .........., .. ....... .... S":................ ..................................,............................................r............,.............,............................ ...,.......... ..........................................................................,.........,................ .....................................,....... I