Bath Tub?
THE HEAT'S on again
ButParched University students must
continue to be parched.
With over 2,000 lakes in the state,
somehow in Ann Arbor, swimming oppor-
tunities are few and far between.
A solution exists, however, right here on
Located on the Mall, between the Michi-
gan League and Burton Tower is the Thomas
M. Cooley Memorial Fountain-commonly
known as "Ye Gods and Little Fishes."
Local tots seem to have a whale of a time
splashing around in the fountain. Just think
of what weary music and speech students
(not mentioning the rest of the student
body) could do there.
Students should develop the habit of
cooling off in the fountain whenever they
get the urge. There are no trees in the
immediate proximity, so a lovely tan could
be had by all.
Enlarging the fountain would be nice, of
course, to make room for us scholars who
happen to be somewhat larger than the
local tots.
We can't have everything, however.
The main point is that we have a cooling
off spot right in our own yards, and we've
probably never before given it a serious
thought-enlarged bathtub that it might be.
-Arlynn Rosen
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
R HETORIC MUST BE expected in the
courtroom. Lawyers love to make speech-
es, and many do so well that they decide to
go into politics, where they can make all
the speeches they want to. Lawyers in gen-
eral know that juries, and people in gen-
eral, are more easily swayed by emotional
appeals than by cold, logical. reasoning.
Lawyers want to win their cases, and we do
not object to a lively debate now and then,
as long as it stays within bounds
But in the trial of Alger Hiss we feel
that both the prosecution and the defense
went too far in their use of invectives. In
a case which turned out to be a battle of
personalities, unhampered by any real
evidence, moral judgments were unavoid-
able. The government based its case on
the present reliability of Whittaker Cham-
bers as a witness.
The defense had not only to attack
Chambers' integrity as a witness, but to
prove Hiss' loyalty to the United States. A
verdict of "innocent" keeps a defendant out
of jail, but it does not automatically re-
habilitate him. Even though he gets out
of a technical charge, a defendant may carry
a stigma for the rest of his life.
Outright name calling and the deliberate
smearing of witnesses, often by dragging in
irrelevancies from the days of yore, is un-
justifiable. We did not like it when defense.
attorney Lloyd Paul Stryker called Cham-
bers a moral leper ("Unclean! Unclean!")
and pointed out any actions and possible
flaws in Chambers' character which are
frowned upon by the American public.
Thus it was charged that Chambers
wrote erotic poetry in his youth, cavorted
with someone called "One-Eyed Annie"
(he denied it), and other acts that go
against the mores, whether or not they
have a direct bearing on truthfulness and
motivation of Chambers.
Thomas Murphy, the assistant U.S. attor-
ney, came back and called Hiss a Benedict
Arnold and a Judas Iscariot. To call him
a traitor would have been sufficient. During
the summation he said, speaking of Hiss:
"Inside that smiling face is a black and can-
cerous heart, the heart of a traitor."
All that isn't necessary. The atmosphere
of the court should be free of strong words
or violent emotions. The lawyers should
bring the facts. It is up to the jury to
decide about the blackness of hearts.
-John Neufeld
WHY HAS THE House Judiciary subcom-
mittee dropped its investigation into ter-
rorism in the South just at the time when
it has the most reason to realize the neces-
sity for proceeding full steam ahead?
Attorney General Carmichael of Alabama
says the steel, coal, utility and railroad bus-
iness and Dixiecratism are behind Ku Klux
terrorism in Alabama. He says their pur-
pose is to wave the bloody shirt to inflame
racial prejudices before the primary cam-
paigns start.
In Tennessee, terrorism by hooded hood-
lums has been as rife as in Alabama, accord-
ing to the Chattanooga News-Free Press, a
newspaper that can hardly be said to be
overexcited about the rights of ordinary
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
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My First Fourth. of July
"Minid Slepp ig IntlThe Fioii Office A iMIinute, "
(EDITOR'S NOT: Dalal is a graduate student
from Bombay, India.)
THAT WAS THE first fourth of July I
was going to see. But it was a Monday
so we had the most ideal setting for a
longer week-end. Some of my friends went
home. Some others went to longer excur-
sions to the lakes. My friend thought of
going to Washington D.C., and suggested
that I could accompany him. I have not
seen that capital city. The newspaper head-
lines warned all the motorists that there
are going to be many very unfortunate and
fatal accidents during the mad week-end
rush, so we thought, we better drop out of
that rush.
"It is no easy task driving five cars on
the highway," my friend said.
"Five cars? How?" I was surprised.
"To avoid an accident." He explained,
"You drive your car, the car ahead and
the car behind you; the car in the oppo-
site lane and the car that is going to hit
you any moment."
I think he was right. We decided to go
with the Lane Hall group to Camp Talahi,
about 26 miles from Ann Arbor. Having
come to Ann Arbor only two weeks back, I
didn't know many who joined the party.
We were, in all, twenty-seven from the
University-all varied backgrounds and var-
ied interests.
Camp Talahi is a beautiful woodland es-
tate of about 200 acres with a half a dozen
cabins and a ranch house, It has a fair -
size crystal clear lake of its own. So we had
plenty of boating and plenty of swimming.
We reached the place about 4 p.m. on Sat-
urday afternoon. All of us immediately
jumped into the lake; it was much cooler
and fresher than the stuffy and chlorine-
laden Union Swimming Pool. Only the din-
ner-bell brought us out of the lake-tired
but fresh and light.
The girls made a wonderful joke out of
making the dinner; no sooner was the din-
ner over than Joanne (she was in charge
of the party) got all the party together
to have a round table talk - strangely
enough - on International Religions.
Perhaps you will wonder as to how we
could discuss such a heavy subject after
such a heavy dinner. I will leave it to
your imagination - the camp possesses
such a stir in its serene atmosphere and
its king-size mosquitoes!
Ingenious (and sometimes stupid) party
games and square dancing followed in quick
succession. By that time I knew all by
their first names. No two names were simi-
lar; no two Marys, or no two Barbaras; no
two Bobs or no two Toms! I didn't have a
very easy time finding that out!
I was reminded of many village homes
when I went to my cabin that night. No
tiled floors and no painted walls; no elec-
tricity and no plumbing! You may not be-
lieve me, but it was true and enjoyable too!
I am not a hard star-gazer, so morning
came to me pleasantly. Once again, I
found myself in the lake. Pleasant sur-
roundings need pleasant company to make
it more pleasant. I found plenty of it and
I enjoyed it.
We left the camp with hope that we could
stay longer. But, you will agree with me;
in such a summer as we are having, many
things happen that one does not hope for.
Maybe you are luckier than I am if you got
what you wanted. In that case, I wouldn't
see you on the campus in this sweating heat.
After all, we didn't escape the highway
unscratched. Halfway from the camp, our
car had a loud burst. We found to our sur-
prise that half of the tire and the tube got
completely torn to pieces and thrown 50
yards behind us! That too was due to this
All this was last week-end. When I got
the snapshots from the camera shop, my
memory was refreshed. I don't know how
you fared. Can you tell me?
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ILet ters to the Editor
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The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a deiama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-'
densing letters.,
52-20'.. .
To the Editor:
On July 25 Veterans Unemploy-
ment Compensation (52-20) will
die unless action is taken to fight
for passage of HR 3818. This pro-
posed bill extends allowances for
two more years, increases benefits
from $20 to $35 a week, permits
veterans on strike to receive pay-
ments, and extends benefits to
GIs who have already exhausted
52-20 benefits.
The bill in its present proposed
form is not entirely satisfactory.
The increase in benefits and the
extension of exhausted benefits
strikes too much of another grab
like the Rankin bill, but the ne-
cessity of maintaining benefits at
this time to me is obvious. 34,000
vets are now drawing 52-20 in
Michigan, the MUCC director
states that the job situation is
critical, and I believe that any de-
crease in the purchasing power of
the nation at this time would start
us on a downward spiral.
To veterans who are now hunt-
ing for jobs or soon will be in di-
minishing fields of employment,
this lapse of benefits is particu-
larly important. The state com-
pensation is only open to those
who previously have had jobs and
the services of the state employ-
ment agencies are only open to
the previously employed as well.
Thus the extension of 52-20 is the
only hope for large groups of vet-
erans. In Michigan alone 200,000
vets are affected.
Each of us can add our voices
to those of Governor Williams, the
Michigan Unemployment Compen-
sation Commission, all of the vet-
eran organizations, and many of
the UAW locals including. Loca
600 and Local 3. We can sign pe-
titions and more effectively still,
individually write our Congress-
man and Senators to support HR
3818 and prevent the demise of
these sorely needed benefits and
--Hubert Paul Malkus
WASHINGTON-We are in the midst of
an exceedingly grave monetary crisis,
witrout anyone having noticed it very much.
The cause is the business recession in the
United States, which has led Americans to
reduce their purchases of British goods.
This, in turn, has brutally interrupted the
remarkable progress the British were making
with Marshall aid. They have had to start
again drawing on their national nest egg
of dollars and gold, in order to pay their bills
to us. Britain's nest egg has now dropped
below the $2 billion minimum that is con-
sidered absolutely essential to maintain
sterling as a world currency. And thus the
British are in the position of bankers whose
cash in hand is getting perilously low, while
withdrawals continue.
These significant but dry-as-dust facts
have produced more tense conferring, and
more anxious exchanging of top-secret
cables than has been seen since the great
European crisis that forced the President
to ask for the special European interim
aid bill in November, 1947. The danger,
in fact, is wholly genuine and very great.
If the British go on the monetary rocks,
the Marshall Plan will go with them, and
so will European recovery and the whole
effort to contain Soviet imperialism.
After Herculean struggles, in which Paul
Hoffman and his ECA staff have played
the leading part, the American administra-
tion has achieved something like unanimity
on policy in the crisis. The State Depart-
ment, the Treasury Department and the
ECA, at least, are agreed that the time
has come for sterling to be devalued.
If the Britiish lower the dollar price of
sterling frow the present artificial level of
$4.03 for one pound, British goods will auto-
matically become cheaper to those who can
pay for them in dollars. Thus, British prod-
ucts will be better able to compete in dollar
markets, instead of being, as at present,
badly over-priced.
Furthermore, almost all of the other Euro-
pean currencies, with the possible exception
of the Belgian franc, need devaluation. The
French, Italian and other European govern-
ments are willing and anxious to take part
in a general plan for realignment of currency
prices. And the American experts argue that
if sterling is devalued as part of a broad,I
European plan to put everyone's money
on a sensible basis, most of the non-Euro-
pean currencies will automatically go along.
Thus, even although they have cheap-
ened their pound, the British will con-
tinue to trade with the rest of the world
on almost the same basis as before. Only
in the dollar area, where they must in-
crease their exports at all costs, will the
value of the goods they make be really
affected. And they must lower their ex-
port prices to the dollar area, if they want
to sell anything for dollars. So runs the
American argument, which Secretary of
the Treasury John Snyder will make on
is present visit to London.
In London, however, the brains fo the
British government, the Chancellor of the
Exchequer, Sir Stafford Cripps, is passion-
ately anxious not to devalue sterling. His
reasons are partly sentimental-no man-
ager of a nation's affairs likes to devalue
that nation's currency. But he also main-
tains that the way to cheapen British prices
to the dollar area is to lower British pro-
duction costs, and predicts that devaluation
of the pound will lower the already depressed
British standard of living.
In the end, it seems likely that sterling
will none the less be devalued, as part of a
general European plan, some time this
month or next. There is hardly any other
way out of the immediate difficulty. And a
general monetary realignment on a more
realistic basis will probably produce good
resulst. In short, with wise management,
there is no reason why the present crisis
should lead to disaster. All the same, what
is happening is deeply alarming, as a sign
of the difficulties of the new prase into
which our affairs have passed.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
'WHATEVER is felicitously expressed risks
being worse expressed; it is a wretched
taste to be gratified with mediocrity when
the excellent lies before us.
-Isaac Disraeli.
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WASHINGTON-It looks as if the U.S. Army didn't consider itself
part of the U.S. Government. Or at least that was the conclusion
drawn by Western Senators when they called Secretary of the Army
Gordon Gray on the carpet the other day to explain why the Army
is buying beef from Argentina when 100,000,000 pounds of canned
beef is going to waste in Government warehouses.
This tremendous quantity of canned beef has been paid for by
the U.S. taxpayer through the Commodity Credit Corporation-the
same taxpayer who supports the Army. The beef is of excellent
quality and was purchased under the U.S. program to fight the
hoof-and-mouth disease in Mexico. In the past, Mexico's largest
buyer of beef on the hoof has been the United States. When hoof-
and-mouth disease broke out below the border, however, the ship-
ments had to be stopped in order to protect American cattle. Thus,
to assure Mexican cooperation in killing cattle, the United States
agreed to buy beef in cans instead of on the hoof.
Senator Milton Young, North Dakota Republican, brought all
this to the attention of Secretary Gray, pointing out that the
Mexican beef is free from disease, and just as good as Argentine
The Secretary of the Army replied' that the Army was bound by
law to buy beef at "reasonable prices."
"I interpret this to mean the cheapest price," he added.
* * * *
Argentine beef, the Secretary continued, is two cents per pound
cheaper than the Army can buy elsewhere. In the same breath, how-
ever, he admitted that the army had bought less than half its supply
from Argentina-only 14,000,000 pounds.
"If it is your duty to buy at the cheapest price," snapped
Nevada's Senator Pat MCarran, who had summoned the off-
the-record meeting, "why haven't you bought all your beef from
The Secretary seemed to thing that Argentina didn't have enough
But the real issue was raised by Senator Young, who pointed out
that the same taxpayers who were financing the Army's food bill had
already paid for the Mexican beef, and it is now going to waste.
Hence, he couldn't see how the taxpayers would save money by buying
more beef from Argentina-even assuming it was cheaper than what
we had already paid for the Mexican beef.
Gray's only answer was that he didn't realize the Commodity
Credit Corporation was stuck with such a stockpile, and he prom-
ised to do business with it in the future.
The CCC informed Senator Young, however, that it has been
trying to sell to the Army for several months.
Note--The Western Senators met with Gray at an off-the-record
dinner in the Capitol building. The menu: beef.
Venerable, white-haired Senator Pat McCarran, Nevada Demo-
crat, had a field- day tossing monkey wrenches into the legislative
machinery the other day.
When routine matters come up for the unanimous consent
of the Senate, there is frequently tacit agreement by both Repub-
licans and Democrats that noncontroversial bills will pass with-
out debate or objection. However, McCarran kept popping out of
his seat shouting a deluge of objections.
One item that McCarran blocked, for no apparent reason, was
extending tin allocations Senator Burnet Maybank of South Carolina
explained that all other allocations had been lifted, but that extension
of the right to allocate was considered necessary in case of Com-
munist-inspired trouble in the Bolivian tin mines. He added that
the House had approved the extension unanimously and that his
Senate Banking Committee, polled idividually, had offered no ob-
But McCarran jumnped up, sputtering: "Mr. President, the ex-
planation of the Senator from South Carolina does not clarify the
situation so far as I am concerned."
Surprised at McCarran's attitude, Majority Leader Scott Lucas
broke in: "Will the Senator withhold his objection?"
"I do not think the leader of the majority here should advo-
cate the passage of a bill of this kind . . ." snapped back the
Senator from Nevada.
"I think in all fairness to the administration," retorted Lucas,
"it is my duty to advocate the passage of the bill."
"The administration is one thing . . ." McCarran snorted.
But Lucas, growing impatient, cut him off: "One moment. I have
the floor if I may talk just a moment . ..
The appeal from the majority leader, however, didn't faze Mc-
Carran, who continued to object.
Finally Lucas gave up, but announced: "Sooner or later this
afternoon I am going to ask that the Senate take up the bill which
the Senator from South Carolina has tried to have taken up."
But McCarran sang out: "And I will say to the Senator from
Illinois that later this afternoon I will be here."
Neither Maybank nor Lucas tried to extend tin allocations again
that afternoon, but Senator Warren Magnuson, Washington Demo-
crat, asked for unanimous consent to extend the authority of the
(Continued from Page 3)
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Friday, July
-W. J. Emmons, Secy.
Botanical Seminar-Wednesday
evening, July 13, in Room 1139,
Natural Science Building. Profes-
sor E. B. Mains will present some
of his genetical studies by discus-
sing "Linkage of Shrunken Endo-
sperm with the 'A' Factor for Al-
eurone Color." Everyone interested
is invited to attend. There will be
refreshments and a chance for
visiting after the meeting.
The International Labor Office
announces an examination for the
position of translator in Geneva,
Switzerland. Applications will be
accepted until July 20, 1949. Fur-
ther information may be obtained
in the office of 'the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
The third annual business edu-
cation conference at the University
of Michigan will take place on
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12
and 13. The program has been
jointly planned by the University
of Michigan, Ohio State Univer-
sity, and Northwestern University.
General sessions will be held in
Room 131, Business Administra-
tion Building.
The first general session at 10
a.m., Tuesday, July 12, will be a
discussion of "What Should We
Teach in the Business Subjects?"
The second session at 2 p.m., Tues-
day, July 12, will be a discussion
of "Basic Business-Yes or No."
The third session at 10 a.m., Wed-
nesday, July 13, will be a discus-
sion of "The New Look in Gregg
Shorthand." A Royal typewriter
demonstration by Cortez Peters
will be given at 1:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday, July 13.
All business education students,
businessiadministration students,
or other interested students are
invited to the meetings. Registra-
tion for the conference will take
place in Room 131, Business Ad-
ministration Building, between
9:30 and 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 12.
Education Conference. General
lecture: "Issue in Public Rela-
tions," Francis J. Donohue, Pro-
fessor of Education and Dean of
Instruction, Gannon College, 4:00
p.m., Mon., July 11, Auditorium,
University High School.
Summer Session Lecture Series:
General subject, third week: Min-
erals and National Security. James
Boyd, Director, United States Bu-
reau of Mines. "The Mineral Posi-
tion of the United States." 8:00
p.m., Mon., July 11, Rackham Am-
Education Conference: General
lecture: "Inservice Education of
Teachers," Edmund H. Thorne,
Superintendent of Schools, West
Hartford, Connecticut, 4:00 p.m.,
Tues., July 12, Auditorium, Uni-
versity High School.
Lecture. "The Church and the
Revival of Classical Humanism in
the Early Middle Ages. M. L. W.
Laistner, John Stambaugh Profes-
sor of History at Cornell Univer-
sity, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
Lecture: "Structural Linguistics
and Syntactic Laws,." Professor A.
Willem de Groot, University of
Amsterdam, 7:30 p.m., Tues., July
July 12, West Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
Academic Notices
Teachers Certificate Candidates:
The Teachers Oath will be given
to all August candidates for the
teachers certificate on Monday and
Tuesday, July 11 and 12, in Room
1437 University Elementary School.
This is a requirement for the
teachers certificate.
Doctoral Examination for Allen
Perdue Britton, Musicology; the-
sis: "Theoretical Introductions in
American Tune-Books to 1800,"
Tuesday, July 12, East Alcove of
the Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg.,
at 3:00 pm. Chairman, J. HL
Fencing Classes for men in foil,
epee and saber will be held on
Monday and Tuesday afternoons
from 4:30 to 5:30 in the wrestling
room of the I.M. Building. Wea-
pons, masks and jackets are avail-
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will pre-
sent a program on Sunday, July 10
at 2:15 p.m. His compositions will
include the Andante from the Sur-
prise Symphony by Haydn; a
group of 5 songs; Fantasy for car-
illon by Price; and 3 hymns.
Faculty Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Willard MacGre-
gor, pianist, 8:00 p.m., Tuesday,
July 12, Rackham Lecture Hall.
Student Recital: Howard Street,
a student of voice with Philip
Duey, will present a program at
8:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 13, in
the Rackham Assembly Hall, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music
degree. His program will include
compositions by Handel, Schubert,
Brahms, Gretchaninoff, Rachman-
inoff, Mo us so rgsky, Balakireff,
Parker, Holst, and MacGimsey.
First Presbyterian Crurch: The
morning worship service takes
place at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Lemon's
sermon topic will be "Things That
Matter Most." The Summer Ves-
pers are held at 5:30 p.m. in the
Social Hall. This evening, Dr. o.
R. Yoder of Ypsilanti State Hos-
pital will speak on "Christianity
and Mental Health." Supper will
be served at 6:30 p.m.
Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m., Dr. Parr's subject: "Wrong
Prayers and Lean Souls." Student
Guild, 6:30 p.m. Supper. Speaker,
Dr. Benoy Sarkar, University of
The Congregational - Disciples
Guild will meet at the Congrega-
tional Church at 6:30 for supper
and program. Professor Benoy Sar-
kar, professor of economics in Cal-
cutta University, will speak on
"Bases of Understanding between
the East and the West."
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
4:30 p.m., Lane Hall, "The Imper-
atives of Prayer," by Paul DeKn-
ing. Refreshments.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
will hold Open House Sunday night
at the Foundation, 2101 Hill St.,
from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Canterbury Club, 218 North Di-
vision St.: 9 a.m., Holy Commun-
ion, followed by student breakfast
at the Canterbury House at 9:45
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown ............... ... Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson . ..Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin .........................Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones ..................... Women's Editor
Bess Young ..............................Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James..................Business Manager
Dee Nelson.................. Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison...........Circulation Manager
James McStocker................Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Memnher of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second-class mail matter.
Mr_ O Mo/lev! Don't you have to Fide onv more? !
I had 1to come ot *for some ushn
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