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July 10, 1949 - Image 1

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VOL. LIX, No. 158



1 1

Truman Asks
Congress Inquiry
Ready To Start
WASHINGTON -()-President
Truman yesterday threw the re-
sources of 12 government depart-
ments and agencies behind a Con-
gressional investigation of "mon-
opoly power" in this country.
Mr. Truman ordered the direc-
tors to give the "fullest possible
cooperation and assistance" to
Chairman Celler (D-N.Y.) of the
House Judiciary Committee which
plans to open the inquiry tomor-
* * *
MR. TRUMAN told Celler in a
letter that he is "whole-heartedly
in favor" of the Committee's ob-
jectives-to determine how and
where the anti-trust laws need
"There is no more serious prob-
lem affecting our country and its
free institutions," the President
said, "than the distortions and
abuse of our economic system
which result when unenlightened
free enterprise turns to monop-
Mr. Truman said that "this
long-standing tendency toward
economic concentration was ac-
celerated" during the war with
this result:
"That to a greater extent than
ever before, whole industries are
dominated by one or a few large
organizations which can resist'
production in the interest of high-
er profits and thus reduce employ-
ment and purchasing power."
MR. TRUMAN said he had ask-
ed the following agency heads to
do all possible to aid in the in-
The Attorney General, the Sec-
retaries of the Treasury, Defense,
Agriculture, Interior and Com-
merce; the Chairmen of the Fed-
eral Reserve Board of Governors,
Securities and Exchange, Inter-
state Commerce, Federal Com-
munications& and Federal . Power
Chiang Flies
To Philippines
For Meeting
MANILA - (M)-Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shek arrived in the
Philippines today for secret con-
ferences with President Elpidio
Quirino, it was learned reliably.
A Chinese Air Force plane
brought him from Formosa to
Basa Air Field, near Clark Field,
north of Manila.
FROM THERE, an informant
said, he transferred to a Philip-
pines Air Force plane for the
short hop to Baguio, the mountain
summer capital 150 miles north
of Manila.
1. An Anti-Communist Pacific
Alliance, such as Quirino several
times has publicly proposed; and
2. Possible establishment by
Chiang of a future home in exile
in the Philippines. (This would
imply that Chiang anticipates
eventual loss of his present re-
doubt, the island of Formosa, 250
miles north of the Philippines.)
President Quirino, who is his

own Foreign Secretary, arrived
in Baguio yesterday by train.
After his arrival, a spokesman
said: "We have no definite knowl-
edge of Chiang Kai-Shek's com-
ing in response to our previous
invitation for him to visit the
Jury Indicts
Flooded Men
jury today charged 14 persons with
taking part in hooded hoodlumism
in the Birmingham area recently.
The county jury returned 44 in-
dictments after a special session
called to investigate night riding
It recommended that the in-
quiry be continued by a new jury
to be organized Monday.
ARRESTS OF those indicted
.r1 he2 A


wife, Priscilla, are surrounded by group of spectators as they
leave Federal Court at New York during jury deliberation of his
perjury case. Later, Judge Kaufman dismissed deadlocked, jury
unable to agree on verdict. New trial may take place in fall.
* * * *
Washington Committee
Debates Hiss Reopening
WASHINGTON-(P)-Split in advance, the House Un-American
Activities Committee is heading into a showdown Tuesday over re-
opening the Hiss-Chambers case.
Chairman Wood (D-Ga.) is dead set against it.
Three Republicans and one Democrat on the committee are for
it-at least for prying into the case part way.
* * * *
PRIMARILY, THEY WANT to summon for questioning Mrs.,
Hede Massing, former wife of Communist leader Gerhart Eisler.
Eisler skipped the country last May.

* *
NEW YORK - P) -- Federal
Judge Samuel H. Kaufman's han-
dling of the Alger Hiss 'case was
defended yesterday by Robert P.
Patterson, former Secretary of
War and one-time federal judge.
Patterson said in a statement:
"I have known Judge Kaufman for
many years and esteem him high-
ly. I have followed his career on
the bench and I am convinced that
he is an able and conscientious
* * *
"HIS RULINGS in the Hiss trial
and his charge to the jury, as re-
ported in the public press, struck
me as eminently fair.
"It would be a blow to the in-
dependence of the judiciary and
to the sound administration of
justice if a judge were to be in-
vestigated by a committee of Con-
gress whenever the committee
didn't like the ruling made by the
judge or did not agree with the
outcome of the case tried by him.
"The statements of Congressmen
critical of the judge are therefore
to be deplored."
China Reds
Free Consul
SHANGHAI - (k') - U.S. Vice
Consul William M. Olive, who was
released yesterday by police of
this Communist city after three
days in jail, "was utterly, brutally
beaten," Consul General John Ca-
bot declared.
The Communist Liberation Daily
published a statement attributed
to Olive that "I have not received
any ill-treatment during my de-
* * *
"ANY STATEMENT such as that
which appeared in the Liberation
Daily was obtained from him as a
result of the barbarous treatment
he received," Cabot asserted in a
press conference late yesterday.
It was learned only that he
was fearful and highly nervous.
Consul General John Cabot
would not permit him to com-
ment, saying it "might endanger
It appeared that a State De-
partment protest had some effect
on the police attitude, which ap-
peared to have undergone some
yhange in the past 24 hours.

The prosecution tried to put
her on the stand in the New
York perjury trial of Alger Hiss,
former State Department offi-
cial, after Hiss had testified that
he did not know her.
Federal Judge Samuel H. Kauf-
man refused to let her testify. He
did not explain but termed her
testimony inadmissible.
Hiss was charged with lying
when he denied having known
WhittakeriChambers, former Com-
munist espionage agent, as late as
1938 and having given him secret
THE JURY failed to agree on a
verdict but was eight to four for
conviction. A new trial is planned.
It was the un-American Activi-
ties Committee which first broke
the sensational Hiss - Chambers
case. And now Rep. Francis Case
R-S.D)t says he will insist at a
meeting Tuesday that Mrs. Mas-
sing be called for testimony.
He said he and the Committee
can do nothing about the per-
jury charges against Hiss but
that her testimony might be of
value to the committee.
He said he would favor keeping
the testimony secret until after
the new trial. Rep. Moulder (D-
Mo.) told reporters he is for quiz-
zing Mrs. Massing but isn't sure
the testimony should remain sec-
ret. An inquiry, he said, would be
a "real public service."
* * #
Calif.) and Vede (R-Ill.) are
backing Case, too, on calling in
Mrs Massing.
Nixon says Congress also should
look into the way Judge Kaufman
conducted the Hiss trial. He says
Kaufman was prejudiced against
the prosecution.
Other members of the tn-Amer-
ican Activities Committee showed
little inclination to go along with
an investigation of Kaufman.
A ustralians Seize
Communist Files
SYDNEY, Australia -OP)-Two
truck loads of the Australian Com-
munist Party's documents and
files were seized by police today in
a raid reported aimed at tracing
labor union funds which might be
used to aid striking coal miners.

New Speech
Play To Open
'Glass Menagerie
Starts Wednesday
Tennessee Williams' fragile and
poignant "The Glass Menagerie"
becomes the third in the summer
series of dramatic productions of-
fered by the Department of Speech
next Wednesday, when the play
goes on the Lydia Mendelssohn
boards for a four-day run.
Direction will be by Hugh Nor-
ton, of the University speech de-
STARRING Lucille Waldorf as
Amanda, the Mother, Williiams'
first Broadway triumph follows
production of "On Borrowed
Time" and "Life With Father."
The latter closed last night, play-
ing to a sell-out house.
Shirley Loeblich will play
Amanda's daughter, the psycho-
pathic Laura. The son's role will
be taken by Jim Bob Stephenson,
who won recent praise for his
characterization of the unusual
Mr. Grimes in "On Borrowed
The final part, that of the
Gentleman Caller, will be taken
by Ted Heusel, "On Borrowed
Time's" convincing Dr. Evans.
Opening March 31, 1945, on
Broadway after a successful run
in Chicago, "The Glass Menag-
erie" became an immediate hit
and brought fame to author Wil-
liams. His success prompted one
New York critic to say, "He is a
composed, confident dreamer who
is both observant and self-cen-
tered, sympathetic and remote."
the play is based on conditions of
Williams' life in St. Louis. It pre-
ceded two other hits by the 35-
year old playwright --"Streetcar
Named Desire" and "Summer and
Awarded the New York Drama
Critics Circle Award for the
1944-45 season, Williams' initial
success was lauded for "its sen-
sitive understanding of four
troubled human beings."
All four roles offer a challenge
to the players in the speech de-
partment's latest endeavor. Mother
is both an amusing and pathetic
figure, dominating, impoverished,
and living on memories of a glor-
ous South.
* * *
TOM, HER SON, is a shiftless
-reamer, an inebriate and a rebel
of his environment. Laura, a shy,
tender, heart-broken cripple, is the
,enter of a hopeless love affair
lanned by Amanda for her daugh-
ter and the Gentleman Caller.
Incidental music, written es-
pecially for the play, is by Paul
Bowles and arrangement is by
Director Norton.
Helen Forrest Lauterer, of the
University of Oklahoma, is cos-
tumerfor the production and
Oren Parker, of the Yale Drama
School, is set designer.
Tickets for the four perform-
ances will be on sale at the The-
atre box office, in the Michigan
Expert To Talk on
Canadian Folklore
Charles Marius Barbeau, Cana-
dian ethnologist and student of
folklore and art, will present three
lectures here next week.

He will speak on "The Folklore
of French Canada" at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. This talk will be the
fourth of a series on American-
Canadian relations.
French-Canadian folk songs will
provide Barbeau with a topic on
Thursday, when he speaks at 4:15
p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium
under the auspices of the School
of Music.
He will address Le Cercle Fran-
cais Thursday night on "Les Arts
traditionnales au Canada."
An anthropologist at Ottawa's
Canadian National Museum since
1912, Barbeau is also a member
of the faculty of Laval University,
at Quebec City.

Communists with placards protesting the presence of U.S. soldiers
in England marched through the streets of London last week.
Women's parade was part of demonstration in which several
hundred Communists demanded that England accept "no more
Yank dollars" and that she "send the Yanks home." Mounted
police kept the marchers from approaching the U.S. embassy.
Truman Will Paesent New
Economic Suggestions
WASHINGTON-(P)-Reports of mounting unemployment were
sized up without alarm yesterday by a Congressional committee
while President Truman finished writing out his prescription for a
national economic tonic.
The President will send his recommendations to Congress to-
morrow in his mid-year economic report. It is being awaited with
more than usual interest because of business slumps in some fields
and the rise in the number of persons out of work.
THOSE CONDITIONS, a Senate-House economic subcommittee
conceded, are shortening the average work-week, forcing acceptance

Planners Discuss
Help for Britain
U.S. Multi-Billion Dollar Loan
Proposed as Stabilization Measure
WASHINGTON-(A')-Highly placed American and British policy
Manners, alarmed about Britain's economic crisis, yesterday were
reported considering a variety of remedies so drastic they probably
would require radical changes in the policies of both countries.
Perhaps the most dramatic project under discussion from an
American viewpoint is a proposal for a multi-billion dollar stabiliza-
ion loan. Under it, the American government would undertake, by
using the dollars when necessary to buy pounds, to support Britain's
nagging currency at some new rate of exchange lower than the present
$4.03 per pound.
OFFICIALS CONCEDED that this would raise several problems
)f its own. It would require devaluation of the pound which the Brit-
ish government thus far has stout-

of more part-time jobs, and wip-
ing out most overtime pay.
Even so, the subcommittee
said, the best estimates of gov-
ernment agencies show thatk
while joblessness is increasing,
it is "not now at unreasonably
high levels for the country as a
In fact, the lawmakers added,
figures compiled by the same
agencies show that, despite the
climb of unemployment, more
persons are working than in any
previous year except 1948.
* * 4
THAT NATIONAL job picture
was presented in a preliminary re-
port by the economic subcommit-
tee which soon will start what its
chairman, Rep. Hart (D-N.J.),
calls an "intensive investigation
of the unemployment problem"
Today's report simply summarized
data already available from gov-
ernment sources.
Meanwhile, the CIO United
Electrical Workers charged that
the Administration is misrepre-
senting the seriousness of the
unemployment situation.
The union sharply disputed the
accuracy of census bureau figures
estimating unemployment last
month at 3,800,000. The UE said
at least 5,400,000 were jobless at
that time.
"Administration officials ignore
the fact that it is the more than
3,000,000 unemployed who make a
recession, not the 59,000,000 em-
ployed," theunion said in a state-
ANOTHER economic indicator:
became available today from the
agriculture department. It report-
ed that American farmers had 10
percent fewer dollars to spend in
the first half of 1949 than in the
corresponding period of 1948. And
it predicted a further decline of
farm prices if production contin-
ues large.!
Those who help shape Adminis-
tration policy anticipate that the
President will outline a program
designed to boost production and
put a check rein on joblessness.
They are predicting he will set
a goal for the output of some
$300,000,000,000 of goods and ser-
vices a year-a level 18 per cent
above the present rate.

* * *



Employe Cut
Armed Forces are studying the
feasibility of a drastic cut in the
number of their civilian employes.
While the survey so far appears
to have produced no definite over-
all figure, it was learned that
there is a possibility it may run
from 100,000 to 200,000.
* * *
SUCH A FIGURE would be the
heaviest reduction in civilian em-
ployment by the Armed Forces
since the general reduction after
the war.
The total employed May 30
both at home and overseas was
An official reference to it was
tucked away in testimony by De-
fense Secretary Johnson before a
Senate appropriations subcommit-
tee considering the money bill for
the military for the fiscal year
which started July 1.
Johnson told the committee that
without hurting the combat effi-
,iency of the Army, Navy or Air
Force, he thought about $1,000,-
300,000 could be saved by eliminat-
ing wastage and duplication "and
oy cutting down unnecessary civil-
ian employment."
To Give Collegium
Musicum Concert
The Collegium Musicum will
present another program of Ren-
aissance music at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
The concert of 15th and 16th
Century music will be under the
direction of Prof. Louise Cuyler.
A vocal ensemble will sing mad-
rigals of Orlando di Lasso, Ciaches
de Wert and Andrea Gabrieli.
Samuel Durrance, baritone, will
sing two >urcell songs.
In addition, a brass ensemble
will play compositions by Pezel,
Holborne and Palestrina, a string
ensemble will perform "Fancies
with Ayres" by Jenkins, and
harpsichord music by Bach, Cou-
perin, Sweelinck and John Bull
will be heard.

ly resisted; Congressional approval
of the stabilization fund, a move
which many administration lead-
ars consider politically impractical
at present; and an unprecedented
agreement for the United States
and Britain to coordinate their fi-
nancial policies.
Despite all these problems, the
stabilization idea has been dis-
cussed as a possible line of at-
tack on Britain's economic diffi-
culties by Secretary of State
Acheson's advisers and-by the
British financial advisers who
help form the policies of Sir
Stafford Cripps.
Inquiry behind the scenes shows
that these official experts on both
sides are concluding that no stop-
gap measures can deal finally with
Britain's long-range crisis, and
that the Marshall Plan itself is
not enough.
expected to be arrived at in time
for the present session of Con-
gress-even if there was any dis-
position on Capitol Hill to tackle
such a great new foreign issue.
There is a growing belief in both
American and British government
circles here that action, when and
if taken, will have to come simul-
taneously on several fronts and
that this can only be arranged by
top-level conferences.
The point which both Amer-
ican and British experts here
emphasize in response to ques-
tions is that Britain is living be-
yond her means and cannot
change the situation solely by
increasing her dollar income, al-
though that would be an enor-
mous help.
The Britishers particularly argue
that the problem is much greater
and involves the fact that Britain
owes huge amounts of money to
other sterling countries.
Tied in with this is the fact that
Britain is sending goods to Ger-
many at the race of about $70,-
000,000 a year. Although this re-
quires few or no dollars it is never-
theless regarded here as a burden
on Britain's economy.
veterans Start
Drive To Keep
52-20 Clause
A group of veterans on campus
are starting a drive for the re-
tention of the 52-20 provision of
the 0.I. Bill of Rights.
They will meet at 7 p.m. at the
Union and are inviting student
organizations and individuals to
join in the campaign to save 52-
* .*
52-20 IS THE FEATURE of the
G.I. Bill which gives unemployedl
veterans compensation of $20 a
week for as much as one year. Un-
less Congress extends it, veterans

Governor To
Speak Here
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will
speak on "'he State Looks at Ed-
ucation" at 8 p.m. Wednesday in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public address will climax
a Placement and Guidance Con-
ference sponsored by the Univer-
sity's Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
rector T. Luther Purdom, college
placement officials and business
representatives from several mid-
western states will participate in
a day long program of workshops
on technique of placement in
business, industry and teaching, to
be heldsWednesday.
The workshops will meet from
10 a.m.. until noon and from 2
to 4 p.m. in the Business Ad-
ministration Building in place
of Purdom's summer, class in
placement techniques.
A special panel discussion on
"Employment Opportunities for
Women" will be held at 4:10 p.m.
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Par-
ticipants will be Dora Heilman,
county supervisor for the Bureau
of, Social Aid at Saginaw; Olive
Saunders, of the Chrysler Corp.
personnel department in Detroit;
and Harriet Russell, director of
training for the Wurtzburg Co. of
Grand Rapids.
Johnson Sees
N1o Danger in
Atom .Pictures
of Defense Johnson said today the
publication of pictures of atomic
energy facilities "caused no sig-
nificant harm" to national secur-
Senator Hickenlooper (Rep.,
Iowa) retorted: "Just another ex-
ample of minimizing vital secur-
* * * -
JOHNSON added, however, that
"some senior officers expressed
deep concern "at the time the pho-
tographs were published.
And the Secretary said that
the national military establish-
ment he heads will in the fu-
ture require military clearance
prior to publication of pictures
a of major atomic installations.
He said arrangements have been
made with the Atomic Energy
Commission to insure such

will be unable to get the money
after July 23. "Only information and photo-
So far, the AVC has pledged graphs which do not jeopardize se-
its full support, and has, con- curity will be released in the fu-
tacted local veterans' organiza- ture," Johnson said.
tions, such as the town's AVC,
the Legion and the VFW, withU
the view of forming a coalition U O
g Young Progressives have iills Russian
also been active in an auxiliary
canacity and have circulated ueti-



ae regor
T, is not forhiddin a nn the nro

To Play Hi ndeiith Work

AVC Chairman John Sloss hopes
that other student organizations
will support the movement. Gov-
ernor Williams has come out in
favor of the proposed extension.
FORMER AVC chairman Jack
Geist, now a graduate student
working on a research project, ad-

FRANKFORT, Germany-)--
A U.S. Army officer on border
patrol in the American Zone said
today he killed a Russian soldier
in a rifle duel at 30 feet.
Lt. William C. Linderose, of
Port Huron, Mich., said three Rus-
sians "began shooting at me so
I shot at them."
rr--;A-_- 4-^t- ",n- Vv4 nw

ER MUSIC to be heard on1
gram, which will take place i

country. He spends most of his:
time giving private lessons.

music, not as dry counterpoint,"
he exnlained. "Hindemith is a


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