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July 09, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-09

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Revived Student Council'
Active on Grads' Behalf

Graduate students now have an
organization to settle their griev-
ances and arrange their social ac-
tivities, since the reactivation of
the Graduate Student Council in
the fall of 1948.
At that time half a dozen grad-
uate students, meeting with Mrs.
Beltran, house director at the
Rackham Building, to plan a
dance, decided that the graduate
students were in need of organized
WILLIAM KERR, Grad., pres-
ident of the Council, described the
problems which it has taken up.
Last March, with the aid of
the Survey Research Center, the
Council .took a poll of graduate
students and faculty on lan-
guage requirements for the doc-
tor's -degree.
It had been suggested that the
requirement of a reading knowl-
edge of French and German be
changed to allow the choice of
languages to be left to individual
** '*
THE RESULTS of the survey
are being prepared for submission
Y to the Graduate School Executive
The Council was also successful
in having the Rackham study hall
open for the use of students on
certain Sundays during the exam-
ination period last semester.
Thanks to a suggestion of the
GraduatesStudent Council, PhD
candidates may now use veter-
ans' requisitions to obtain books
for their research work, which
was not previously permitted.
Among the other accomplish-
. ,
City Beat
Motorists who double-park will
be ticketed from now on, Mayor
Brown said today.
Announcing a "crackdown" on
traffic violators, Chief Ehkemann
explained that drivers who double-
park while waiting for a passenger
will be charged with a violation.
The new nine-hole Huron Mu-
niipal Golf Course will be off i-
cially opened today.
A flat 50 cent fee will be
charged at all times on the 3,160
yard, par 35 course, located on
Geddes Rd. beyond the stables.
In a claim filed against the
city, C. E. Riehe asked for re-
placement of a hat he said was
damaged when he bumped into
a "One Way" sign on Fourth
University Music School stu-
dent, Albert C. Johnson, Grad.,
was injured in an automobile col-
lision at 2 a.m. yesterday. Ac-
cording to the driver of the car
in which he was riding, they were
hit after they were pulled from a
ditch their car had gone into, po-
lice said.
Painting Exhibit
Now at Rackham
An exhibition of oil paintings,
watercolors and washes by Wil-
lard MacGregor opened yesterday
at the Rackham East Gallery.
The one-man art show consists
of marine paintings and a num-
ber of figure studies and still life
The artist describes his work
as something "rather abstract,
sometimes rather fantastic, ex-
pressing personality, mood and
The art exribition room will be
open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily,

except Sunday.
A Lot of Fruit
LAKE CITY, Fla.-Nearly half
of all grapefruit and oranges
grown in the United States are
produced in Florida, according to
local citrus concerns.

ments of the Council is the pub-
lication of an orientation book for
new graduate students, distributed
for the first time this summer.
The social committee, under co-
chairmen Charlotte Halman and
Tom Hunter, has put on six or
seven mixers so far, generally in
the forn of a dance at the Rack-
ham Building, with a ,small charge
of 25 cents to pay for refresh-
ments and other expenses.
T row Urges
Support of People
Deemed Necessary
"UNESCO will be successful only
if the people in the various coun-
tries know about it and contribute
towards its objectives."
That is the opinion of Prof.
William C. Trow of the School of
"THE UNESCO Secretariat in
Paris is futile in itself. The under-
standing and support of people
who are concerned with the prob-
lem of peaceable settlement of in-
ternational questions as well as
the advancement of international
and intercultural understanding
are necessary," Prof. Trow said.
"The individual can contribute
by first knowing the ideas and
the organization of UNESCO,"'
Prof. Trow went on.
"The individual can then pro-
mote programs of international
understanding, such as the inter-
national exchange of students or
the system whereby a city in the
United States "adopts" a city in
Europe for a mutual exchange of
products," he continued.
. * * *
"UNESCO IS ONLY one of a
number of specialized agencies in
the UN which carries out world-
wide projects."
"A compilation of international
scholarships and fellowships, edu-
cational missions to countries for
reorganization of their educational
systems, and elimination of ma-
terial in textbooks that is unfair,
unjust, and untrue are some of
UNESCO's most recent activities,"
Prof. Trow added.
* * * s
dramatized at 9 a.m., Monday, at
University High School at a public
meeting of the Summer 'Educa-
tional Conference.
A panel discussion on "UNESCO
in Hometown, USA" will be pre-
sented at 2 p.m., Monday, at Uni-
versity High School.
Sawyer Elected
Dr. Ralph A. Sawyer, dean of
the Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies, has-been elected
a member at large of the Division
of Mathematical and Physical Sci-
ences of the National Research
Council, a division of the National
Academy of Sciences.

-Daily--Norm Steere
RELIGIOUS COUNSELOR-This is the Rev. William H. Hender-
son, victim of a Daily technical slip-up. Mr. Henderson, assistant
minister of the First Presbyterian Church and advisor to West-
minster Guild, was profiled by The Daily in last Sunday's paper.
His picture was to have been included with the article, but
was temporarily misplaced aod another substituted at the last

Issues War
Worms Invade
Central Michigan
igan's battle of the army worms
may be long and difficult, said
Dr. Ray Janes, Michigan State
College Entomologist, today as he
returned from .the front.
He reported to Ptof. Ray Hut-
son, head of the College Ento-
mology Department, that the in-
vasion of Central Michigan and
Thumb area farm fields "shows
few signs of slackening and has
yet to reach its height."
worms have appeared in two new
areas-around Owosso and in Bay
Earlier in the day, Prof. Hut-
son had expressed hope the
counter-attacks of DDT and
other insecticides were encircling
the invaders.
The worms are proving difficult
to get at, Dr. Janes said. They
start feeding at night and hide
under rubbish in the fields dur-
ing the day. Dr. Janes said night
spraying was most effective.
* * *
THE MARAUDERS, a kind of
cut worm, invade fields of small
grain first, then settle for any
available vegetation. They are
called army worms because they
wreck a field and then move en
masse to another.
Prof. Hutson said the worms
could even be an annoyance to
railroads. In the last mass in-
vasion in 1940, he reported, thou-
sands of squashed worms halted
heavy trains which lost traction
on the slippery rails.
Medical Prize
Winner of the Elizabeth Sar-
gent Lee Medical History Prize
was James H. Poppy, '50, Assist-
ant Dean Charles H. Peake of
the literary college announced
Poppy won the prize for his
essay, "Leprosy in Biblical Days:
An Examination of the Disease
from Earliest Days to the Time of
Poppy was awarded $25 for his
winning essay.
New Drift on Thrift
KANKAKEE, Ill - Too much
saving of money in childhood may
produce a miserly adult, accord-
ing to candyemanufacturers.
Big spenders are usually adult
models of children who treated
their companions.





-Lee Grossman, of Los Angeles,
demonstrates his new sideline
"down" marker for football
games. The number can be seen
by players, officials and fans.

S Y T 1 K A I N E K - Michael Fay, 13-year-old Granada,
Calif., high school student and a horse trainer, has his Palomino,4
Jimmy Hix, demonstrate how he releases his master from ropes.

(Continued from Page 2)

muth, contralto; Gilbert Vickers,
tenor; William B. Merrel, bass;
Jack Bryden, tenor and director.
Bass Ensemble-Richard Dun-
ham, cornet; Jean Chard, cornet;
Charles Yancich, horn; Charles
Houser, horn; Allen Townsend,
trombone; William Weichlin, bas-
soon; George Scott, director.
Museum of Art: Drawings by
Isamu Noguchi: What 1 moaern
Painting? Alumni Memorial Hall,
daily 9-5, Sundays, 2-5. The public
is invited.
Paintings by Willard Macdre-
gor, East Rackham Gallery, week
days 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., through
August 5. The public is invited.
Events Today
Russian Circle Meeting July 11
at 8:00, International Center. All
interested in Russian are welcome.
All Chinese students and their
guests are invited to attend a re-
ception for new Chinese students,
given by the Chinese Students'
Club on Saturday, July 9, 1949,

8:30 p.m., at the Rackham Assem.-
bly Hall.
Life With Father, the delightful
comedy by Lindsay and Crouse
will have its last performance to-
night, Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater, 8 p.m. Box office open from
10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Canoe picnic. Assemble Lane Hall,
3:00 p.m. Bring your own lunch.
Coming Events
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Tuesday, July 12, 3-5 p.m.,
3001 Angell Hall. "The Life and
Geometry of Lobachevski"-Mrs.
John S. McBride. "Use of Many-
dimensional Geometry in Statis-
tics"-S. R. Knox. Tea at 4.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at 2:15 p.m. Sunday, July
10, at the Northwest Entrance of
the Rackham Building, for out-
door sports and gf.mes.
Sociedad Hispanica: Prof. Ruth
Kennedy will speak on "El Madrid
de 1617 a 1625," Wednesday, July
13, at 8 p.m., East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
The public is cordially invited.

P E N - A I R A C A D E M Y '.- Artists arrange their exhibits in this"open-air "gallery", in
Victoria Embankment Gardens, London, each "exhibitor" being allowed 30 square feet of space. ';

Read and Use Daily Classified



Closing for Summer
30 to 40% discount
on all our
Large assortment - scat-
ters, runners, mats - in
all sizes . . Several 8x11,
9x12 consigned rugs will
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334 S. 4th Ave.
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Reading Room, 211 East Washington
Michigan League Ballroom
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon.
July 10-Sacrament.
11:45 A.M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening Testimonial
1432 Washtenaw Avenue
W. P. Lemon, W. H. Henderson, Ministers
'Marilyn Mason, Summer Organist
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Dr. Lemon's ser-
mon topi4 "Things That Matter Most."
5:30 P.M.: Summer School Vespers in the Social
Hall. Dr. O. R. Yoder of Ypsilanti State Hos-
pital will speak on "Christianity and Mental
Health." Supper is served at 6:30 P.M.
For National Lutheran Council Students
1304 Hill Street
Henry 0. YHder, Pastor
9:10 A.M.: Bible Hour at the Student Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and Trinity
5:30 P.M.: L.S.A. meeting in Zion Lutheran,
Parish Hall. Prof. Henry Veld of Augustana
College will speak on "The Relation of the
Church to Music."
4:00 P.M.: Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center.

1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Sunday at 9:40. Fellowship Breakfast, followed
by Bible Study at 10:00.
Sunday at 11:00: Morning Service. Sermon by
Cand. Edward Wessling, "Love-the Mark of
Christian Faith."
Sunday at 5:30: Supper and Program of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club. Talk and dis-
cussion by Prof. Fred Kramer of Winfield, Kan-
sas, "The Geological Implications of the First
Chapters of Genesis."
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
Divine Worship, 10:45 A.M.: "On Standing Still."
Church School and Nursery same hour as Church
7:00 P.M.: Executive Committee.
State and Washington
Ministers: James Brett Kenna and
Erland J. Wang
Music: Charles L. Taylor, assistant director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
Student Activities: Doris Reed, associate
10:45 A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's sermon
topic: "Life's Remainders."
5:30 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild. Wesley Lounge.

I O VI E OI F I A GiIT --Tootsie, of Skagit River,
Wash.,- calls on Mrs. Wanetia Murphy for a handout.- Rescued as
fawn, Tootsie is a pet and wears red ribbon during hunting season.

E X T R Y -. This familiar.
looking object is not today's
newspaper made doubly useful
In a shower, but is a scarf of
vaterproofed cotton designed by
Brooke Cadwallader.





~ Safe
too Practical
~ Thrifty
Buy them at any of

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Minister--Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Student Directors-Rev. H. L. Pickerill;
Miss Jean Garee
Music-Wayne Dunlap; J. Bertram Strickland
4 h AC AA . . . . __ L 7 '1 1 _ .:I .....

our three branches:


(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tooan

I 11011l .



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