PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1949 I _ _ Nation's Health IN VIEW OF the deepening controversy over National Health Insurance it might be profitable for one to examine the present area of government medicine. Present medical operations of the Federal government have been obscured in the shadow of debate on the merits of the Administration's health program. Never- theless, important data concerning the pres- ent activities by the government in the med- ical field have been gathered by the Hoover Commission on Organization of the Execu- tive Branch of the Government. One-sixth of the people in the United States are at the present time eligible to receive government medical care. Veterans comprise more than three-forths of this group, which is served by forty govern- ment agencies. These forty agencies connected with Fed- eral medical service are not integrated in any systematic arrangement. Frequently, in- dividual agencies work with little knowledge of or regard for the activities of their fellow bureaus. According to the Hoover Commission, "No one has responsibility for an overall plan ... The government is moving into uncalculated obligations without an understanding of the ultimate costs, of the lack of professional manpower available to discharge them, or of the adverse effect upon the hospital sys- tem of the country." It would appear that one of the most ef- fective uses for government funds for med- icine would be for research in the field. However, only 4 per cent of national medical funds are allocated in this vital area. Corrective measures must be taken if the one and one-quarter billion dollars of an- nual Federal medical appropriations are to be spent wisely. The primary suggestion of the Hoover Commission is that a "United Medical Ad- ministration" be created to coordinate all hospitals and services under the Federal government. Jurisdiction of this new bureau would include almost all armed services hospitals in the United States as well as every Veterans Administration Hospital. Unfortunately, operations of the govern- ment in medical activities have been hap- hazardly coordinated, resulting in- wasted effort as well as wasted funds. This should be kept in mind when thinking about the desirability of further expansion along the lines of socialized medicine. Meanwhile, it is vitally important that the suggestions offered by the Hoover Com- mission in the field of government medicine be taken to heart by Congress and the Na- tional Administration. David W. Belin. Genocide Convention ON DECEMBER 9, 1948, the United Na- tions General Assembly adopted a Con- vention outlawing genocide. On July 6, 1949, Ethiopia became the first nation to ratify the Convention. The question is now before all nations: Shall the world permit "deliberate acts committed with the intention of destroy- ing national, ethical, racial or religious groups"? That is how the Convention defines geno- cide, a word coined by Dr. Raphael Leniken of Yale University, whose entire family was killed by the Nazis. Crimes considered a part of genocide are listed by the Convention to include (1) kill- ing of members of the group in question, (2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, (3) inflicting on the group conditions designed to bring about its physical destruction, (4) preventing births within the group and (5) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. In the United States, chief opposition to ratification of the convention comes from the American Bar Association, which wants more time to consider the legal im- plications of ratification, before the Amer- ican people, in its opinion, rush headlong into a measure about which they under- stand little. Speaking for the association, President Frank E. Holman raises several objections to ratifisation, all of which indicate poor bogic, incorrect emphasis, or a sad lack of foresight. Holman falls back on the old claim that genocide comes under the jurisdiction of internal affairs and cannot be handled by international measures. He has previously advanced this argument against the Declar- ation of Human Rights, claiming it would interfere with domestic law and policy of United Nations members and would not con- tribute to world peace. According to Holman, such measures as the Genocide Convention are being "ac- celerated by pressure groups who have the urge to experiment with new social, polit- ical, and economic concepts." Indeed, the lawyer refers to them as "revolutionary" measures. Holman is right. The Genocide Convention is revolutionary. The international outlawing of an international crime is a new step in world development. This is an era of revolu- tionary change. Why shouldn't sociology keep up with science? But Holman and his supporters sit on that side of the fence where "revolutionary" means a chaotic ending to the "orderly per- fection" of the present system. Appalled by the thought that United States ratification of the convention will "supersede every city ordinance, every county ordinance, every state law and every state constitution," Holman fearfully envisions a squelching of "individual rights and free- doms" by a measure of "collectivism." This is much the same proest cur- rently offered against anti-discrimination measures. What prompts such logic is a fear that the individual will lose his right to destroy the rights of others. For lack of better arguments, lawyer Holman makes a semantic attack on the Convention. Pointing an accusing finger at the word "genocide" for being of "coined phrase" origin, he declares that "out of this generality, a Pandora's box of individual crimes is to be created." Holman criticizes the Convention from such a narrow, literal point of view that he predicts tribunals trying individuals for "genocidal" offenses of parallel importance to a failure to patronize a restaurant having a particular national flavor. Holman waxes especially indignant over the fourth crime listed by the Convention. As a result of this provision, he warns, an organization advocating birth control may be punishable for genocide. With this argument, Holman demon- strates that he has missed the whole point of the Convention, worrying about possible legal entanglements not even in- herent in the measure. It takes no re- peated emphasis to point out that the General Assembly is not concerning itself with birth preventatives. It's intepest lies in genocide-the deliberate destruction of a whole group of people. Holman's stand has exasperated even the patientest of anti-genocide supporters. It is an unfortunate indication of the state of international thinking when prominent and intelligent men work in opposition to the Convention. Trifling points and hair-splitting have no place in matters of such tremendous im- portance. The Senate should ratify the Genocide Convention without hesitation. It is only fitting that the United States outlaw the lowest of mankind's crimes with the highest type of ruling at its command. -Nancy Bylan LookingBackJ 25 YEARS AGO: A group of restless politicos got together in direct opposition to the Democrats and the Republicans and founded a new party, known as the Conference for Progressive Po- litical Action. They hoped to nominate Sen- ator Robert M. LaFolette of Wisconsin as their presidential candidate. Being called Red by most observers, the third party barred Communists from its convention. 20 YEARS AGO: Harry Kipke, captain of the 1925 football team and one of the best punters ever to dent a football, was put on the University coaching staff. + * +k 10 YEARS AGO: Lou Gehrig, who piled up the longest en- durance record in the national pastime, was given a royal sendoff at Lou Gehrig Appre- ciation Day at Yankee Stadium, where he earned the nickname "Iron Hors," * * * 5 YEARS AGO: Franklin D. Roosevelt announced that he would "reluctantly" accept the 1944 nomina- tion for presidential candidate for a fourth term. He said he would serve as a "good soldier." * * ,i' 1 YEAR AGO: The Arabs reported the deaths of 325 Jew- ish fighters in Palestine in the first day of fighting after the break in the truce. Media- tor Count Folke Bernadotte asked for a 10- day truce in the war. Meanwhile, the UN delayed its action on Palestine until Berna- dotte arrives at Lake Success, The United States kept shuttling supplies to Berlin via the air lift, and demanded that Russia lift the 21-day old blockade of the German capitol. Another source reported that the Russians had consented to allow automobile and truck traffic into Berlin if the vehicles had special Russian-approved permits. -From the Pages of The Daily. PRESIDENT TRUMAN asserted in a press conferc0"ce that Bernard M. Baruch, elder statesman to two wartime Presidents, was badly misinformed when he accused the Administration of taking a "needless gamble" with national security ... The facts remain that the nation is with- out a master mobilization plan for use if war comes and that the National Security Resources Board, one of the most vital de- fense agencies, is not only without a chair- man, but also has been stagnating since last December. Mr. Baruch's honest criticism can only be answered when these grave defi-. ciencies are remedied. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Drifting Down The River F ~ A PAY 1 LOST Taw - E it - POPoSEL - - - "I'll Do The Tallying On This One" e- e- NIi! V tZ: / i ( 1--- ( ~- -1-77 1 ,?_ j. / LE 0 [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to the Editor - The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. 'go* , , Too .Late .. . To the Editor: Yesterday I picked up my Daily after lunch (I suppose my delivery boy is tired before he gets around his route); an dthere I read that all graduate students must pay two dollars, procure a receipt, and hasten to Rackham in the middle of the civilized dinner hour to take an aptitude test. Having taken some six years to reach the dubiously exalted graduate posi- tion, and having learned that mine is not to question why, I rushed to Rackham, procured a Vet's chit and dashed to the Administration building with it clutched in my clammy paw. There I was greeted by the friendly remark that I was too late, the test was all sold out. Now I have a problem. Since the dictum has come down that I must be present or else be excommuni- ated, and since I arrived to pro- cure my receipt some six hours early, where did I err? Things like this almost make me doubt the wisdom of my mentors. Please, oh, please, sirs, find out why I'm not allowed to take a test that I didn't want to in the first place. Why is such a compulsory thing so popular that seats are sold out six hours before the performance and no SRO sign is out. -Hubert Paul Malkus by b. s. brown, co-managing editor DREW PEARSON ON z. theWASHINGTON MERKIrYGO-8ROu ND (Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) WASHINGTON - Gregarious, white-thatched Congressman Bill Whittington of Mississippi is in a strategic spot as Chairman of the Public Works Committee, to see that his state is not left behind when federal funds are ladled out for water conservation, rivers and harbors, and flood control. Mississippi ranks eighth in getting these improvements. However, the congressman is a strong believer in economy for other states. When Washington, which ranks 16th, and Oregon, 18th, and are partly arid, request water-control funds, they get nowhere with Whittington. When Charles Hodde, Speaker of the Washington House of Representatives, testified for the proposed Columbia Valley Authority in the Northwest, Whittington interrupted constantly. ..Why can't your state undertake the necessary development?"...,. "We know what you're here for," he said, "more federal money. Why can't your state undertake the necessary develop- ment?" Testimony by Oregon State Senator Vernon Bull met similar rebuffs. Whittington is a militant foe of the Columbia Valley Author- ity, though 35 Mississippi counties benefit from the similar Tennessee Valley Authority. So, as Bull took the stand, Whittington asked if he had testified before the Senate. Bull replied that he had not. Whittington: (to clerk recording testimony) "This is off the record." (Then to Vernon Bull) "Good, then we'll get rid of you fast. Are you in favor of this proposed CVA legislation?" Bull: "Yes, sir, I am. I believe that the people of the Northwest-" Whittington: (irritably) "Yes, yes, we've heard all that. Now give us your reasons-one, two, three." Note - Whittington's curt treatment of these witnesses probably won't show up in the official record. As chairman, he has complete censorship over testimony, can revise or delete his own- remarks. * * * * VICE-PRESIDENTIAL HUMOR Here is one story which Vice President Alben Barkley doesn't tell, but which his friends tell on him. It goes back to World War I when Barkley, then a member of the House of Representatives from Kentucky, was touring the Allied battle fronts with a group of Congressmen. The party included Rep. Marvin Jones of Texas, now Chief Justice of the U.S. Court of Claims; Rep. Charles H. Randall of California, Rep. Martin Welling of Utah, and Barkley himself. Arriving in London, the congressional committee found itself booked by the U.S. Embassy for a trip into the British countryside early the next morning. So, placing their shoes outside the door to be shined according to standard British custom, the party went to bed, leaving calls for 6:30 a.m. But about 3 a.m. the irrepressible Barkley got up, telephoned Congressman Welling's room and in a broad English accent an- nounced: "The carriage awaits without." Hastily, Welling dressed, couldn't find his shoes, but rushed down five flights of stairs of the swank Savoy Hotel in stocking feet to ask the sleepy night clerk to find his shoes and meanwhile to hold the carriage. The joke furnished London much merriment and even Welling enjoyed it. To this day, when Barkley and Marvin Jones, Randall or Welling meet, their greeting is: "The carriage awaits without." * * * * MOSCOW'S LONG MEMORY The story can now be told of how the Soviet government schemed to dismember Czechoslovakia following the war. It can be told because General Helliodor Pika is dead, exe- cuted last week by a Communist government firing squad. But the story was not buried with him. Pika, recently deputy chief of staff of the Czechoslovak army, had been military attache in Moscow during the war. It was there he hearq of the Soviet plan to reduce his country to a group of small states, as it had been before the Masaryk-Wilson concept of a union of the Czechs and Slovaks. Immediately Pika got word out of Moscow to President Benes in London. Benes promptly cabled Molotov and Stalin, asking for an explanation. The Soviets then started an investigation to determine who had leaked the story, and eventually pinned down Pika as the source. But since he was the diplomatic representative of a friendly govern- ment, and had been one of those to warn the Russians of Hitler's plan to attack the U.S.S.R., they could take no action against him -at the time. But the memory of Moscow is long. And when the Communists took over Czechoslovakia, Pika was tried, and a few days ago sen- tenced to be shot. The sentence was brief, but it meant a great deal PROF. NORMAN E. NELSON, of the Uni- versity Department of English, recently made public his views on the National Edu- cation Association's action in banning all Communist teachers. "I am against any restrictions on ac- ademic freedom," Prof. Nelson said. At the NEA confab in Boston, Willard Spalding, of the University of Illinois, said, "Are we free to advocate any damn thing we want to no matter what it does to the American nation! There are limits to free- dom in a democracy." This isn't a new problem. The University of Michigan fired one of its instructors eleven years ago for being a Communist. But as long as the situation has been brought to a climax, it should be resolved immediate- ly. Unfortunately, there are too many indivi- duals who have been influenced by the mass "witch-hunt" that is sweeping the na- tion. Hysteria never did lend itself to clear thinking. I cannot agree that instructors should be allowed to spout poison which might prove disastrous to America. By poison, I mean lectures calling for an overthrow of the government. However, I would never condemn a man for pointing out the many shortcomings of the American system. If this nation is to be run by educated people, then it is their duty to know just what is wrong with the American way. The corrections must be made, if the nation is to survive. It can be argued that America has with- stood all tempests thus far, but this is a changing world. In order to survive, we must change and progress accordingly. If a man is to be called a Communist be- cause he delivers intelligent criticism, then Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HERB KRAVITZ the ban should be forgotten. And somehow I feel that that is just what would happen. Any honest instructor should be free to say that he thinks lobbyists should be con- trolled so that they don't hold the Con- gressional reins in an unrelenting grip; he should be able to criticize the failure of the government to bring about the immediate demise of racial atrocities, such as exist in KKK dominated states; he should be al- lowed to point out that many great in- dustries have been escaping the law, mo- nopolizing production and setting prices, like the du Pont concern. Criticism of one's own system is not synonymous with Communism. On the contrary, it is a form of loyalty which is surpassed by none. This country has pro- gressed because of honest and construc- tive criticism. Many of the nation's school teachers have the insight to criticize, yet are prevented from doing so because of fear of being branded subversive, When they no longer criticize, the country suffers; it becomes stagnant and ripe for violent revolution. For when a country becomes stagnant it fails to correct the evils which are bound to crop up. And when the evils become too oppressive, the changes which should have come gradually, come all at once. Precedent has proved that. Students in colleges should be considered mature enough to recognize the pretchings of a traitor, if he happens to be a teacher. But students should not be deprived of stim- ulating criticism from loyal instructors. If everyone who criticizes is to be called a Communist, then the ban is aiding the formation of a quagmire which could even- tually prove disastrous. Prof. Nelson is right. We cannot hamper academic freedom. An infraction now may mean a complete loss in the future. i O LET FRIENDSHIP die away by neg- ligence and silence, is certainly not wise. tt is voluntarily to throw away one of the greatest comforts of this weary pilgrimage. -Samuel Johnson. All notices for the Daily Official Bulletinarc to be sent tothe Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced- ing its publication, except on Satur- day when the notices should be sub- mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad- ministration Building. SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 14S Notices The Wayne County Civil Service Commission announces the fol- lowing employment opportunities with the County of Wayne: In- structor of nurses and attendants, psychologist, and medical technol- ogist. Additional information may be obtained at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Building. The Public Schools of Newark, N.J., announces examinations for teachers in the following fields: Kindergarten; Elementary Grades; Elementary Music-Vocal;Second- ary Home Economics; Teacher- Clerk Junior Grade. Date of ex- amination is September 1, 1949. Applications must be filed by Aug- ust 8, 1949. The Public Schools of Sanger, California, are in need of the fol- lowing teachers: Kindergarten- Music; Early and Later Elemen- - r a tary Grades; Teacher of Mentally Retarded; Social Studies-Langu- age; Seventh and Eighth Grade slow groups; School Nurse. The Public Schools of Walsen- burg, Colorado, are in need of ele- mentary teachers and a man to serve as elementary principal. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments. History Language Examinations -French, German and Spanish language'examinations to be given in 1035 Angell Hall, Saturday, July 16, 10-11. Master's candidates in- tending to take this examination must register immediate in the History Office, 119 Haven Hall. Regents' Meeting: July 20, 2:00 p.m. Communications for consid- eration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than July 12. Fencing Classes for men in foil, epee and saber will be held on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:30 in the wrestling room of the I.M. Building. Weap- ons, masks and jackets are avail- able. Christian Science Organization -The time of the regular Tuesday has been changed from 7:30 to 7:00 startingnext Tuesday,3July 12. Lectures The Departments of Aeronauti- cal Engineering and Engineering Mechanics are sponsoring two lec- tures 'on "Stresses in Aircraft Shells." The lectures will be given by Paul Kuhn, Structures Research Division, National Advisory Com- mittee for Aeronautics. The first will be at 4:00 p.m., Friday, July 8; and the second at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, July 9. Both meetings will be held in Room 445, West Engineering Building. All who are interested are invited to attend. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations in English: Candidates for the Ph.D. degree in English who expect to take the preliminary examinations this summer are requested. to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 3220 to the few people who knew. It Soviet Union." read: "He was an enemy of the Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michiga a der the authority of the Board in C6ntrol of Student Publications. Editorial Staff B. S. Brown ......Co-Managing Editor Craig Wilson. Co-Managing Editor Merle Levin ............. Sports Editor Marilyn Jones....... Women's Editor tion of Louise Cuyer, will be per- formed Monday, July 11, 1949 at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall. The program: Fancies with Ayres, (1674), D minor, G minor, John Jenkins (1592-1678) (tran- scribed from MS by Robert War- ner)-strings and harpsichord. English Songs - An Evening's bung-J. S. Bach (1685-1750), Digby Bell, soloist. Madrigals: 0 occhi manza mia, Di Lasso (c.1532-1594); Ah Do- lente Partito, Giaches De Wert (c.1536-1596); Ecco L'aurora con L'aurato Fronte, Andrea Gabrieli (c.1510-1586), (edited by Alfred Einstein). Vocal ensemble. Music for Brass Instruments: BARNAB'Y e Mr. O'Malley has to stay under cover. Uil heI co,-n -n omemo'neyJA nd m There may be burglars in the house.. . Barnaby, as I flew by your living room win wI n.f.rr,4;, n rtrn., my f' I 1 1 I