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July 08, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-08

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qtOND te

Modern Society and Insanity

(Edior' Not iswriten y CoMangin


(Editor's Note is written by Co-Managing
Editor Craig Wilson.)
moved in on du Pont Company, General
Motors Corporation, United States Rubber
Company and several holding companies who
seem to be one big happy family, controlled
by the du Pont family.
A mere run-down of the charges levelled
by Clark is enough to justify this intrusion
into "free enterprise."
"1. Du Pont requires that each of the
three manufacturing defendants, du Pont,
General Motors, and U.S. Rubber, pur-
chase substantially all of its requirements
of products needed by it and which are
manufactured by the other two manufac-
turing companies from such other two
companies, thus depriving outside sup-
pliers of an opportunity to compete for
such business.
". Du Pont has expanded its own produc-
tion facilities, through acquisitions of com-
peting concerns and enlargement of its
existing plant facilities, so as to be able to
produce the types, kinds, and quantities, of
products in the chemical and related fields
needed by General Motors and U.S. Rubber
in the manufacture of their products;
"3. Du Pont has forced General Motors
and U.S. Rubber to expand their major fields
of manufacture, such as automobiles apd
trucks, and tires and tubes, as well as to
enter into new fields, such as household ap-
pliances, etc., for the purpose of enlarging
the closed and guaranteed market available
for the sale of du Pont products;
"4. Du Pont has subsidized its own ex-
pansion by using the profits accruing from
its sales to General Motors and United
States Rubber in a closed and non-com-
petitive market, as well as from the profits
secured by it as a result of its ownership
of General Motors stock;
"5..Du Pont has subsidized the expansion
of General Motors by granting to such com-
pany systematic secret rebates and preferen-
tial prices on certain products sold by du
Pont to General Motors on a closed-market
basis, and has sold the same products to its
other customers at higher prices. Likewise,
du Pont has required United States Rubber
to sell tires and tubes to General Motors
for use on new cars and trucks at preferen-
tial prices, while selling the same products
to outsiders at substantially higher prices;
"6. Du Pont has subsidized the expansion
of. United States Rubber by using for such
purpose the profits derived by United States
Rubber from its sales to General Motors and
du Pont in a closed market;
"7. Du Pont, General Motors, and Unit-
ed States Rubber have induced the out-
side suppliers of each of them to purchase
products which such suppliers need and
which the three companies produce, from
General Motors, du Pont, and United
States Rubber, rather than purchase such
products from competitors of such three
"8. Each of the three manufacturing de-
fendants, du Pont, General Motors, and
United States Rubber, has made available
to the other two, patents, technical data, and
trade information on an exclusive or prefer-
ential basis;
"9. Du Pont, General Motors, and U.S.
Rubber have eliminated competition among
themselves by dividing fields of manufac-
ture. No one of them invades the manufac-
turing fields allotted to the other two. In
fields where the activities of two have over-
lapped they have formed jointly-owned
subsidiaries such as Kenetic Corporation."
* * *
These are the charges levelled by Attor-
ney General Tom Clark. They are inter-
esting not only in themselves but as a
representative case of the way monopo-
listic enterprise may operate.
Such systems break down the competi-
tive factor and take the "free" out of free
enterprise. The result is complete control
of supply factors without regard to demand
-or to put it bluntly: sky-high prices.

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
BACK IN 1940, Wendell Willkie preached
that the answer to 'the economic prob-
lem was "production, production and more
production." And to that extent he was
right. But heumight have rounded out the
picture by putting as much emphasis on
"consumption, consumption and more con-
It is becoming rather painfully clear these
days that, if anything, consumption is the
more important of the two. That is the basic
fact behind the sobering Federal Reserve
Bank reports and other recent readings of
the market signs.
h-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
DISSIMULATION isinnate in woman,
and almost as much of a quality of the
;cupid as of the clever.

LITTLE PEE-WEE EATON thought he was
a nice man except he was abnormal
enough to slash away the life of a tot who
trusted. In justice to Dudley Watson and
to conform with our legal ethic, if in fact he
is determined insane he will receive no crim-
inal punishment but rather will be confined
in a mental institution. Yet even if he is
"insane" it might be hard to prove; and
prove it or not, little "Pee-Wee" Eaton re-
mains the victim of a man with an aberra-
tion. .
The grave concern of the law in this case
shall be, "was Dudley Beatty suffering from
a permanent defect or disease of the mind
which rendered him incapable of entertain-
ing a criminal intent?" If he was, he cannot
be punished as a criminal.
If he was, no enlightened person would
so want him punished. But the tragedy
remains, and the tragedy is that the law
doesn't concern itself with "insanity" until
the same foul deed has called the cum-
brous machinery into motion. The unfor-
tunate with the mental disease is pro-
tected rather well, but society lies almost
helpless under the present legal techni-
"Insanity" is a legal concept. It is used
by the advocate to prevent a trial, prevent
a criminal liability, or to prevent a criminal
sentencing of a man who is thus sought to
be protseted. The tests of insanity naturally
vary. The classic rule is that of McNaugh-
ton's case-the defendant at the time of
the act must have been acting from a defect
of reason or from a disease of the mind so
as not to know the nature and quality of the
act he was doing; or if he did, that he did
not know he was doing what was wrong.
The most liberal variation of the rule is
the "irresistible impulse" idea, that even
though the man knew the act was wrong,
if he could not stop himself, he is not guilty
but rather insane. Criminal intent presup-
poses the will to choose between right and
And if a man is sane in all particulars
but one, he is to be judged as if his de-
lusion were true, a particularly invidious
concept for even if the delusion were true,
often the crime still would not be jus-
tified, though the tan was indeed insane.
The states also vary as to who applies
these tests-judge, jury or special commis-
These rules are not framed in medica
terms. Perhaps it is well that they are not
for the law is incomprehensible enough in
itself without freighting in the "mumbo-
jumbo" of another profession. Yet the rules
are narrow, backward and after the fact
in good part. What about the psychotics

walking about today who some bleak day in
the future will carve out another life? Even
if they are known to some psychiatrist or
another as potential murderers and or rap-
ists, nothing can be done.
True enough if they are "crazy as a loon"
they will be put away, but the truly dan-
gerous ones with some subtle fissure in thsin'
mental structure are hard to remove. Legally
they cannot be put away for legally they are
not "insane."
The law is designed to protect the in-
dividual in this case. The law changes
slowly. Into the law, moreover, there can-
not be brought the concepts of a yet un-
settled science. When psychology and
psychiatry agree as to basic concepts per-
haps then the law can be modified. And
so the legal arguments run, or run down.
There is merit in what the legalist must
say. There is a conflict as to how far so-
ciety should be protected from the individual
and vice versa. Undoubtedly stability is a
corner-stone of the law. But any discipline
that can differentiate between a rock being
hurled through a window by an explosion
and the same window being broken by con-
cussion of the same blast calling the latter
a "consequential" damage of the blast, must
bear up under the label archaic.
The truth of the matter seems to be that
the law is backward and that psychiatry is
sufficiently developed to spot the potential
murderers. "The test of the pudding is in
the eating."
There have been too many cases where the
scientists have prognosed the deeds that
eventuated from the head of some socially
unfit person. Because a science cannot agree
within itself as to its basic premises or re-
concile all its theories, it must not obscure
the power it has to predict. Even the die-
hardist legalist comforts himself recognizing
the law of gravity, despite the fact that
modern physics is in a state of flux.
The sciences of the mind have the power
to predict many of these calamities. More
often than not, the social misfits had been
in the hands of medical men who could
tell then but were helpless to restrain. Ma-
chinery much be set up to permit and
effectuate the incarceration and attempted
curing of these types before the crimes
are committed.
In the final analysis, the embodiment of
scientific advances explaining human be-
havior will simplify the law, not to mention
making it more just. A modern society can-
not pay the price of a Pee-Wee Eaton with-
out a most searching investigation of the al-
ternative costs.
-George Vetter.

"Maybe It's A Solution To The
Unemployment Problem"
S - 4 I
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WASHINGTON-Before Secretary of the Treasury Snyder left for
Europe he had a highly important and secret talk with President
Truman in which he outlined his plans for getting the British to
devalue the pound.
This is the real purpose of Snyder's sudden trip-despite all the
publicity camouflage about consultation with U.S. financial experts.
Reason for the camouflage is that the treasury doesn't want the
British public to know that we are trying to run their currency
from this side of the Atlantic.
Sir Stafford Cripps, head of British economy, had informed
Washington even before Snyder left that if the United States
insisted on devaluing the pound he would resign. This would
probably mean a general election in England.
Three members of the Truman cabinet also disagree with Snyder
-Secretary of State Acheson, Secretary of Agriculture Brannan and
Secretary of Labor Tobin.
Brannan anal Tobin don't want to devalue the pound because
the less value the pound has the less it will buy of American cotton,
tobacco, pork, etc. Sir Stafford Cripps has somewhat the same thing
in mind-though from a different angle. If the pound is depreciated,
the British consumer will not be able to import as much food for
his money-though Cripps wants the food to be imported from the
British dominions and Argentina, not from the U.S.A.
Backing up Snyder against the three cabinet members is Paul
Hoffman, head of ECA, who fears the collapse of his Marshall
Plan unless the pound is devalued. In fact, Marshall Plan Am-
bassador Averill Harriman has been pressuring the British so
vigorously, even before Snyder arrived, that lanky Sir Oliver
Franks, the British ambassador in Washington, was rushed to
London by air to help take the heat off.

Letters to the Editor

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to s}act limitations, the general pol-
ioy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be pulblished. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
a *a *
MiIva'tionls. .
To the Editor:
willing to wildly slash Uni-
versity appropriationsuregardless
of the effect upon education be-
cause of their party's unalterable
opposition to placing any tax on
corporate income in Michigan as
suggested by the Governor.
That was the essence of a recent
letter in which I suggested that
it is about time that the Repub-
lican party found itself a few con-
structive principles.
Subsequently The Daily has
printed an editorial which pur-
ported to answer that letter.
The flimsy nature of the reply
makes it seem apparent that the
writer has no real justification for
the Republican action, but as
chairman of the campus Young
Republicans he felt a kinship with
his party's leaders in Lansing and

thought that there ought to be
some alswer.
To justify the fact the House
Republicans sought to reduce the
University's appropriation nearly
$1,000,000 below the Governor's
recommended budget message, our
Republican editorialist could only
whimper that Governor Williams
had made the first cut in his bud-
get message.
Instead of dodging the issue by
talking about national problems, I
suggest that the gentleman ex-
plain the motivations of his party's
actions in the state . . . if he can.
Let him explain why his party
chose to slash the appropriations
of the University and other state
services to cut down the amount
of the state's next year's deficit
instead of enacting the four per
cent corporate' income tax with
which the budget could have been
balanced. Thirty two states now
have such a tax. Was there a rea-
son besides the fact that the cor-
porations which support ojur Re-
publican Legislators wouldn't like
Perhaps he can explain the vote
of Ann Arbor's own representative
Lewis Christman who says he is
"intensely interested in the Uni-
versity" but who was forced to
vote for the House reduction by
the Republican party .line?
-Tom Walsh.


Clqu E



At the Michigan ...
ert Young, Shirley Temple and John Agar.
RKO MADE A BIG mistake in the pro-
duction of this show; the mistake began
in the first sequence of thumbing back
through time in an attempt to illustrate
how naive and retired lassies of days gone
by were in comparison to the gals of the late
Anyway, the thumbing back proves
fruitless and we find that Shirley is as
forward and impulsive as any norwal red-
blooded girl is not supposed to be.
Getting the heave-ho from finishing school
because she wants to paint nudes (a natural
desire), Shirley immediately proceeds to get
into all sorts of difficulties because of the
wagging tongues of puritanical neighbors.
Bob Young doesn't do justice to his fine
acting ability, but I suppose he deserves
some &edit for maintaining the same
level of histrionics as his Baltimore co-
Bob and Shirley are sharp as a dance
team, but that's about all. John Agar, Shir-
ley's real-life hubby, staggers along in no
uncertain fashion.
Shirley still deserves one nod. She is very
easy on the eyes, though I'd swear I could
only spot a few differences between mature
Shirley and the kid I used to froth over
back when I didn't know why I was frothing.
-Sheldon Browne.
* * * .
At the State .. .
FORCE OF EVIL, with John Garfield,
Thomas Gomez and newcomer Beatrice
THIS MOVIE was so short that the theatre
ran it six times during the day to pack
'em in a little thicker, and added three good
shorts and a newsreel to make the time of
the fare run the regular two hours.
The story is a mamby-pamby expose
of the wicked and illegal numbers game.
Of course, the racket is definitely and ob-
viously fixed, and all the little numbers
"bank" men lose their shirts to the glee
and profit of the big men behind the game.
Garfield, a tough shyster lawyer but a
good Samaritan at heart, gets mixed up in

the racket so much that his brother (Gomez)
gets killed along with three other char-
acters. After the butcher session, Garfield,
helped along by a cute but too, too innocent
woman (Miss Pearson), peals off a sermon
or two and they walk off arm in arm to lick
that wicked game soundly.
The acting was consistent-consistently
bad. -Paul Brentlinger.
Directed by Pierre Billon.
THE FRENCH have not been hesitant of
filming Dostoievsky. In recent years, we
have seen "The Idiot" and "Crime and Pun-
ishment." They have been faithful to the
original novels. That is, they have not dev-
iated from the story.
To capture all the psychological insight
and the conflict between personalities is a
more difficult matter. On the whole, they
have succeeded very well.
The novel on which The Eternal Hus-
band is based is not as well known as Dos-
toievsky's other masterpieces. Thus it has
more of a chance to stand on its own feet.
They say it isn't quite up to the book, but
as a movie it is well worth while.
Those who have not seen Raimu in a
serious role should not miss the chance.
Here he even abandons his Provencal
accent and uses only diction approved by
the Academie. Many of the supporting cast
are members of the Comedie Francaise,
and they talk so clearly that even those
who don't know French claim to under-
stand some of it.
Raimu plays the pathetic widower who
has been cuckolded twice and who seeks re-
venge on his dead wife's lovers and hie
own little daughter. He sees himself as the
eternal husband and his main opponent
as the eternal seducer.
At the climax of the cat-and-mouse game,
he tells the seducer: "One can do terrible
things when one is terribly unhappy." How
right he was .. .

Despite the strong differences within his own
above ramifications, Truman gave secretary Snyder
hand in dealing with the financial crisis.
* * * *

cabinet, and the
a completely free

Governor Dewey telephoned his old friend, Senator Irving Ives,
from Albany the other day to get some advice on who he should
appoint to the temporary Senate vacancy left by retiring Robert
"Why don't you come down to Washington yourself?" urged Ives.
"No," replied Dewey, "I don't want to."
Instead, he said he was considering two alternatives-one
to appoint a personal friend such as John Foster Dulles or
Roger Strauss to finish out the Senate year; or to appoint a
strong politician who would have a chance to win against the
Democrats next November.
In the latter category he placed General "Wild Bill" Donovan,
famous World War I hero and head of the OSS super-spy agency
in World War II, or Tom Curran, New York Secretary of State.
Ives suggested that Dewey should appoint the latter type-one
who could use the four-month period before November to consolidate
his strength and try to win against the Democrats. Ives also added
that, since he was a Presbyterian, he thought the new Senator should
be a Catholic.
Note-Dewey also mentioned two women as possible Senatorial
choices-Jane Todd and Mary Donlon.
* * * *
Several of John Foster Dulles' New York law associates were
discussing the report that Gov. Dewey would nominate the elderly
New York lawyer to the Senate.
"Remember last year," said one, "Ve thought that Dewey
would be elected and we would be able to divide up Dulles' share
of the firm's profits?"
"Yes," replied another, "the day after the election we were afraid
Dewey would join the firm, and we would have to cut up our share
to divide with Dewey."
* * * *
Virgil Chapman of Kentucky, who owes his election entirely to Alban
Barkley, voted against Barkley and the Administration right down
the line.... There was a lot of fuss over Senator O'Conor of Maryland,
who was brought back to Washington for the Taft-Hartley vote.
O'Conor lived up to his advance billing and voted with the Admin-
istration. However, when the heat was off, he quietly switched over
to Taft's side and voted for the injunction that he had earlier opposed.
This was also true of Tydings of Maryland, Frear of Delaware
(Democrats) and Lodge of Massachusetts (Republican).
(Copyright. 1949. by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin areto be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 13S
The Wayne County Civil Service
Commission announces the fol-
lowing employment opportunities
with the County of Wayne: In-
structor of nursesandiattendants,
psychologist, and medical technol-
ogist. Additional information may
be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
The Public Schools of Newark,
N.J., announces examinations for
teachers in the following fields:
Kindergarten; Elementary Grades;
Elementary Music-Vocal; Second-
ary Home Economics; Teacher-
Clerk Junior Grade. Date of ex-
amination is September 1, 1949.
Applications must be filed by Aug-
ust 8, 1949.
The Public Schools of Sanger,
California, are in need of the fol -
lowing teachers: Kindergarten-
Music; Early and Later Elemen-
tary Grades; Teacher of Mentally
Retarded; Social Studies-Langu-
age; Seventh and Eighth Grade
slow groups; School Nurse.
The Public Schools of Walsen-
burg, Colorado, are in need of ele-
mentary teachers and a man to
serve as elementary principal. For
further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments.
History Language Examinations
-French, German and Spanish
language examinations to be given
in 1035 Angell Hall, Saturday, July
16, 10-11. Master's candidates in-
tending to take this examination
must register immediate in the
History Office, 119 Haven Hall.
The third annual business edu-
cation conference at the University
of Michigan will take place on
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12
and 13. The program has been
jointly planned by the University
of Michigan, Ohio State Univer-
sity, and Northwestern University.
General sessions will be held in
Room131, Business Administra-
tion Building.
The first general session at 10
a.m., Tuesday, July 12, will be a
discussion of "What Should We
Teach in the Business Subjects?"
The second session at 2 p.m., Tues-
day, July 12, will be a discussion
of "Basic Business-Yes or No."
The third session at 10 a.m., Wed-
nesday, July 13, will be a discus-
sion of "The New Look in Gregg
Shorthand." A Royal typewriter
demonstration by Cortez Peters
kvill be given at 1:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday, July 13.
All business education students,
business administration students,
or other interested students are
invited to the meetings. Registra-
tion for the conference will take
place in Room 131, Business Ad-
ministration Building, between
*9:30 and 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 12.

The Michigan State Civil Service
Commission announces an exam-
ination of Blind Services Place-
ment Counsellor. Additional infor-
mation may be obtained at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building.
The Departments of Aeronauti-
cal Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics are sponsoring two lec-
tures on "Stresses in Aircraft
Shells." The lectures will be given
by Paul Kuhn, Structures Research
Division, National Advisory Com-
mittee for Aeronautics. The first
will be at 4:00 p.m., Friday, July
8; and the second at 11:00 a.m.,
Saturday, July 9. Both meetings
will be held in Room 445, Westj
Engineering Building. All who are
interested are invited to attend.
Student Recital: Jose Bornn, a
student of piano with John Kollen,
will present a program at 8:00
p.m., Friday, July 8, in the Kel-
logg Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music. His pro-
gram will include compositions by
Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms,
Schubert, Bornn, and Chopin.
Museum of Art: Drawings by
Isamu Noguchi : What is moaern
Painting? Alumni Memorial Hall,'
daily 9-5, Sundays, 2-5. The public
is invited.
Paintings by Willard MacGre-
gor, East Rackham Gallery, week
days 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., through
August 5. The public is invited.
(Continued on Page 4)
3icl4vxn 4nig

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan u der the
authority of the Board in C~ntroi of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown ......Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson....Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin ............. Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones.......Women's Editor
Bess Young ...................Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James .....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. ..Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison ...Circulation Mgr.
James McStocker ....Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
4entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ant,
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mat:


-Tnhn Nenlfeld.


I ~-ul.11 uiviu


She'sed! Hed! There's>

Mr. O'iixgy! YOU'REACK!

Certain Elves, Gomsand rY5Teol oo~l
t onrrnwth whom 3 ll

Yes. The only honorable
Mina to do is oav off..

Maybe that rock through the window
was a diversion. To get us out of the

What's that racket

Barnaby! Are you all right? Yes. Mr. O'Malley.
Did you see anyone?. . . But he doesn't want




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