PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN D WItY SUNDAY, JULY 3. 1949 TH.MCIG ND.L TlY 1TL -1& L74 1 lll71 al {lltj J 1JYJ pw Unemployment THE PRESENT RECESSION is more ser- ious than it is usually reported. This is one of the main points of a recent report issued by the Public Affairs Institute of Washington, D.C. Almost six million people will be un- employed by the end of the year, accord- ing to the report. Largely responsible for this are the al- most two million who have lost agricultural jobs in the last seven months, as well as the full pipelines of supply in every kind of consumer goods. Only the government can take the neces- sary steps to avert a depression, says the report. On the basis of information supplied by Several government agencies, the Public Affairs Institute goes on to make several recommendations of steps that the gov- ernment should take. Included in the suggestions are that: Unemployment benefits for veterans should be extended for another year instead of being allowed to expire this month; Social security benefits should be ex- tended; A public works program should be begun immediately; The Civilian Conservation Corps should be reestablished; Tax exemptions in the lower incomq brackets should be increased and the rates in the middle brackets should be reduced to increase consumer purchase power; In education, the provisions under which veterans are now attending school should be liberalized so that they can continue their education a little longer, and there should be a similar plan to extend education to qualified young -people who are not vet- erans so that these people will not compete for jobs just yet. A few of the above recommendations were used effectively to remedy the last depres- sion, but it seems. that now, more than ever, only over all-economic planning will be enough to forestall or maybe avert another depression. -Arlynn Rosen Medical Fallacies IT IS UNFORTUNATELY a common ad- ministration fallacy that by bringing big government control into the picture we can cope with any national problem. This is aptly seen in the cry for President Truman's multi-billion dollar compulsory health program. Supporters of the proposal do not seem to have analyzed the basic prob- lem and then analyzed the bill to ascertain whether it tackles the national health prob- lem effectively. The basic inconsistency that has befal- len these proponents of socialized medi- cine is their putting the cart before the horse. Most persons will readily admit that there is a national health problem, due primarily to the shortage of trained medical men. But some people stubborn- ly refuse to admit that you cannot better overall medical care by increasing the demand tremendously while having the supply of doctors remain constant. If demand for medical care (and by de- mand I mean economic demand) were to increase suddenly, as it would under the Truman proposal, either the price for ser- vice would necessarily increase sharply or the quality of care provided would deter- iorate. Since the cost would be a controlled cost, under the National Health Insurance bills, there would be no alternative but a deterioration in the quality of medical care. Overfilled doctors' anterooms do not nec- essarily mean good health service; they can mean careless, mass-production medical at- tention on a hit-or-miss basis. Surveys in Great "Britain show that under socialized medicine some doctors are making more than fifty house calls within four-hour periods. Also British dentists are booked up solid for periods ranging from three months to a whole year, depending on the community and the skill of the individual dentist. There is, however, a means of meeting our national health problem more effec- tively. It would involve government aid, but not government control of the medical profession. We can best see it through out case of supply and demand. If there were an increase in the supply of doctors, the price of medical care would drop, while there would be no decrease in the quality of overall medical care. No multifarious government bureau- cracy is needed in a program of expan- sion of medical training facilities. Grants in aid to universities can be made through existing state agencies, and national par- tisan politics and red tape can be kept out of medicine. Health insurance plans on a low-cost, voluntary basis would, of course, be available and would probably expand with an increase in the number of doctors in this country. In order to further medical research and clinical care, government funds could be used as proposed in the Taft plan, a bill which prosdes for a minimum of inter- ference by governmental agencies in the national health picture. The able senior senator from Ohio rea- lizes that there is some need for goyern- ment aid, but that government control to the tune of a minimum of $6 billion a year would be dangerous both to the nation's economy and the nation's health. The doctor worships the almighty dol- lar no more than any other citizen. If the government insists on controlling the medical profession, it might as well con- trol the activities of every other profes- sional man, business man, wage earner, salary earner, and farmer in the United States. Compulsory health insurance under the Truman plan is no panacea. On the con- trary, it is more like a nightmare of medi- cal fallacies. -David W. Belin "There's A Few Backward Areas On The Hill, Too" t- -y BGqg ; . S y 7 i Letters to the Editor - «Fsst w AI9f9 lw llks V.a . CA _ 'a }y C RA fr The Daily accords its readers thet privilege of submitting letters for1 publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature andaddress. Letters exceeding 300~ words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Gargoyles*... To the Editor: I do not know if a certain de- lightful bit of campus statuary has been brought to your attention. Glowering down on the passersby from the rear dock of our new nerve center, the Administration building, are two gargoyles, or at least two examples of the modern cement workers' craft. These bits nf flotsam seem to be monkeys, or with their human-like bodies and leonine heads, perhaps baboons. These creatures are strumming a lute-like instrument. I do not wish or feel qualified to comment on the artistic merit of these objects, )ut the juxtaposition of monkeys and lute to our financial headquar- uers provides many opportunities for puns that are delightful to contemplate. I will not bore you further by bringing any into being. -Hubert Paul Malkus * * * Federal Aid ... To the Editor: Federal Aid to Education and the Catholic Church, which make good reading when well mixed, formed the fabric of a column on the editorial page of "The Daily" this morning. (Ed. Note: Drew Pearson's 'Waslhington Merry-Go- Round > Naturally, everyone is aware of why two Congressmen and a Car- dinal are at pen points. For the few who aren't, perhaps they might care to read the opinoins of an unmitigated reactionary who al- most saw the light at a state teachers college. The extreme Catholic position is that Federal Aid be distributed among the secondary and elemen- tary schools in the ame manner as were the educarinal benefits under the GI bills. What I believe to be the pres- ent, more moderate and more pop- ular position among Catholics is that health programs, including hot lunch programs, be furnished students regardless of the type of school they attend. Such other items as transportation and books should also be furnished the stu- dents equally. Personally, we dread the day when the logic of the separatists leads them to the conclusion that fire protection for church-main- tained schools is a serious breach of the wall that separates church and state in this country. --Martin Stewart P.S. Does someone want to know why Catholics are that way? Most anyone knows the main reasons- ask them. I have a secondary rea- son, for I have seen how effectively the high school canisolate a child from God. I also know that dear old State could take its freshmen of all faiths and turn out teachers, sufficiently paganized to become trusted leaders of educational pro- gress. It's hard for we Catholics to perpetuate our mores, then. M.S. I'd Rather Be Right BY SAMUEL GRAFTON Current Movies At the Michigan ... "Sorrowful Jones" with Bob Hope, Lu- cille Ball, and Mary Jane Saunders. RUNYON FANS will regard this picture as a mild fraud, and Hope addicts will be faintly disappointed. On one hand, Bob is not in a position to offer much of his usual brand of high com- edy, while much of the human warmth a.nd insight that characterizes the original story has been lost. Paramount appears to have set two goals for the picture, and it has largely failed to reach either one of them. They wanted to provide Bob with a few chances to get a laugh, and in doing this forced a number of irrelevant and unnatural "jokes" into the Runyon setting. At the same time, the producers felt obligated to do some sort of justice to the story, and so left untouched a number of Runyon- isms which are somewhat beyond Hope's acting scope. Nonetheless, a top story and a nation's favorite comedian necessarily result in a movie that has much to recommend it. Hope does exhibit unexpected understand- ing of .emotional motivation, and is some- times quite believable as a hardened Broad- way bookie. Newcomer Mary Jane Saun- ders is probably the most savory of the current crop of Hollywood child stars, and logically succeeds in softening Hope's hard heart. Lucille Ball is fine in a role that offers little intense acting opportunity. And, unlike so many race track pictures, this one does not dwell on a group of overemotional fencehangers, or on horses that all but talk out loud. The audience is net called upon to fret over the chances of a favorite pony to win the crucial race. In spite of our original comment, the picture still makes fine summertime enter- tainment in its own right. Also ran-an engaging short on the evo- lution of sex on the American beach, and a fair hawk-chicken-dog cartoon. -Chris Roberts MEN IN GENERAL, but more particularly the insane, love to speak of themselves, and on this theme they even become elo- quent. -Cesare Lombroso. WAR ON THE one hand is such a terrible, such an atrocious thing, that no man, especially no Christian man, has the right to assume the responsibility of beginning it. -Tolstoy. 'Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER THE RAINS MAY have come by the time this piece appears, but as I write we have had thirty-'four days of drought where I live, unbroken except for a couple of in- conclusive thunder showers. First I noticed there was a drought was when a yellow spot appeared in the middle of the lawn, which, after a couple of days, turned white. Then, one day, in a bit of woods, I missed a familiar sound, and looked around and found that a brook was gone. I walked to the garden, dug my finger into the dust, and the familiar brown did not turn up underneath. It was al- most as dry below as it was on top. * * * At the beginning, we tried sporadic wat- ering. We picked out our favorites, say the roses, or the Kentucky Wonder beans, and let them have a few gallons, lugged by hand, soaking it in, deep around the roots. But this makes an intolerable situation. You look out on the baking meadow, on which even the weeds are gasping, and you realize that a few selected plants out there are rolling in water. This outrages deep in- stincts, especially in a liberal; you begin to find it hard to look at the faces of the plants you have passed over. It's the old drama of the haves and have-nots, but o4 your own acres it's a little too close for comfort. *- * One man I know said simpluy: "I'm not going to worry about it. If my stuff goes, it goes. I'll give it three more days, and then plow my vegetables under. At least it'll add to the humus in the soil." The preventive war type of mind, I guess. * * * I settled on a different routine, which was to water one or two rows at a time, but good. At least break the drought for them -better than a futile sprinkle over every- thing. But here you run into a moral prob- lem. Some of the rows are falling over, and are obviously near the end; others are still pretty good. Which do you try to save? Do you reward the weak-ones with water, or do you keep it for those that have put on a pretty good show and are more likely to pull through, anyway? That's not an easy de- cision, out on a burning field. * * * And then one night, I don't quite know how it happened, we gave up all decisions, and just carried water to everything. We filled a garden cart, which holds about three cubic feet, trundled it out to the field, and dipped and poured and dipped and poured, and then refilled it and did it all over again, time after time. Abigail, aged eight, took the limas and the string beans, and it be- came more and more exciting for her, until at the end she was shouting and singing. John, aged five, worked on the cucumber hills with a quart bottle, counting three to a hill, and he'll never forget how to count to three again. I had a two-and-one-half gallon can and did the raspberries, blueberries, and miscellaneous, the biggest category of all. We stopped picking and choosing, dousing everything, and when we thought we were through Abby said: "We've forgotten the squash!" and we did the squash, and then "Corn!" and we did the corn. I keep thinking now of how Mr. Herbert Hoover wants to reserve federal aid to edu- cation to the nineteen most educationally backward states, but we sure didn't follow any such policy that night; we gave the water to anything that could use a drink, and it became the highest moment we've had in a year on the place. * * * We stopped only on account of the dark, and then we realized that it had been too dark for half an hour to see at all, and if we'd have been doing anything else that night except what we were doing, we would- n't have been able to find our way across the meadow. Just Relax HYPNOTISM, the new high in party en- tertainment, has been condemned by the Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion as a dangerous tool in the hands of in- competent persons. Envisioning neurotic symptoms as the ad- verse effect of an unskilled handling of hyp- nosis, the author of the article urges that it be prohibited by law from being used for entertainment purposes. This warning and advice should be well received. Beneficial hypnosis has suffered much from misconceptions born at parties and nursed along by comic books and movies. Distorted ideas of hypnotism have caused many rational people to shun its medical application as an exploitation of the subconscious. So party-goers must bid goodby to the solitary candle flickering from the floor of a darkened room; to the soft, compelling voice breathing: "You are falling asleep, relax, relax . . ."; to smothered laughter from the nervous audience; to those moments of open-mouth awe when the victim complies to suggestion-under-hypnosis and sings this "Star Spangled Banner" ten minutes after being "awakened"; to all the hocus-pocus and dramatics of party hypnotism. I It looks like we'll have to go back to playing post office. --Nancy Bylan. A HIGHER STANDARD of living, especial- ly in the so-called backward countries of the world, is an essential ingredient of peace. Throughout Asia, there are plain signs that people are *unwilling to endure the ordeals of poverty and disease in a century which offers so many examples c4 a better way of life. These people must be helped to use the machine rather than the sword for their betterment. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch Week in Review By CRAIG WILSON (Co-Managing Editor) President Truman had a rough week trying to prod Congressional action on Administration bills, but in Canada his contemporary, Louis St. Laurent was having no trouble leading the Liberal Party to a sweeping victory. He took 193 seats out of 262 and a Detroit paper said the Pro- gressive Conservatives-corresponding to our GOP-were just an- other "me too party," and that's why they lost. IN WASHINGTON, Conservatives won their battle to save the Taft-Hartley Act in a rewritten form by co-author Sen. Taft. It kept the injunction and seizure "essentials" and Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach, of the political science department, predicted that labor would take the issue to the people in 1950. And House Republicans went "not me" when they joined a bi-partisan Senate majority in demanding that the President chop government spending. A resolution called for 5 to 10 per cent reductions-which would sa've more than $3 billion. House Majority Leader John W. McCormick counter-attacked, saying that the resolution was "an admission by Congress that its members have not got the courage to cut appropriations . . . legislative cowardice." But Congress did see its way clear to spend an estimated $16 billion over the next forty years for President Truman's "Fair Deal" National Housing Bill. Slum clearance, low-rent housing, home con- struction research and help for farm housing are included in the measure. Still feeling benign, Legislators began consideration of a bill to permit $4 million of ECA funds for aid to Chinese students in the United States and also a cut of $550 million from excise taxes. * * * * And Then There Were Two .. . A Federal Grand Jury convicted Judith Coplon as a spy for Russia and Judge Albert L. Reeves sentenced her to 40 months to 10 years in prison. The jury decided that she had attempted to betray her country as- a spy for Soviet Russia. She still said she was innocent. * * * * THAT LEFT ALGER HISS and the Communists. The Hiss Trial was relatively quiet although testimony from former wife of Gerhart Eisler, Mrs. Hede Massing, was thrown out by Judge Samuel Kaufman. He said that the New York World-Telegram printed a sum- mary of what Mrs. Massing was "prepared to say." He called that "trial by newspapers"-that process by which sympathetic or un- sympathetic treatment in newspapers sways enough people to almost predetermine the outcome of a trial. Reports on the trial continued to come direct to The Daily from staffer Roma Lipsky in New York. The trial keeps her busy-and more so now: New Yorker has asked her to submit an article on the trial. AT THE COMMUNIST Trial, defendant Gilbert Green, Illinoi chairman of the CP put his foot in his mouth again, saying the Truman regime was a "dictatorship." Last week, he said the CP would not advocate violence under any circumstance efeept if the nation were to become a "fascist dictatorship." He and ten others are being tried on charges of advocating violent overthrow of the government and criminal conspiracy. Brief But Significant . Pranksters blasted the Sigma Alpha Epsilon nameplate in a valiant effort to maintain a long tradition that SAE nameplates lead short lives. Mounted on a huge stone, the brass plate remained. The Student Directory met the buyers' market with a lower priced book one week earlier than usual and promptly sold out. The House Un-American Activities Committee called the Amer- ican Slav Congress subversive. The Student Legislature held its first meeting with a member of the University administration present. A good time was had by all. Polio funds ran short of requirements as National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis officers said the last five years have brought a 100 per cent increase in cases. Prejudice has deep roots in the human heart, and mind and these cannot be eradicated simply by stating that prejudice is against the law. The day certainly will come when Negroes and whites may play and swim together, as they do now in- some cities, with no more friction than arises between any other human beings in close proximity. It is not here yet, except in areas where education and careful preparation have combined to produce acceptance of racial tolerance. We are, obviously, still far from the millenium if policemen are needed to enforce the rights guaranteed to minorities under the law. -Louisville Courier-Journal All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to theOffice of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced- ing its publication, except on Satur- day when the notices should be sub- mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad- ministration Building. SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1949 VOL LIX, No. 10S The Civil Service Commission of the City of Detroit announces ex- aminations for Junior and Assis- tant Industrial Hygienist and for Assistant Superintendent of Pub- lic Service. Additional informa- tion may be obtained at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building. Attention, Women Students - Closing hours overholiday week- end : Friday, Saturday and Sun- day, July 1, 2 and 3, 12:30 a.m.; July 4, 11:30 p.m. The Public Schools of Modesto, California, are in need of Kinder- garten teachers, elementary teach- ers, grades 1-6; and a seventh grade woodshop teacher. For fur- ther information, call at the Bu- reau of Appointments. The Public Schools of Minne- apolis, Minnesota, are in need of elementary teachers. Persons hold- ing the A.B. who do not have an elementary certificate may apply for a Limited Emergency Certifi- cate. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments. The General Library and all Di- visional Libraries will be closed Monday, July 4th. Orientation Seminar in Mathe- matics: Tuesday, July g, 3-5 p.m. Refreshments at 4. Mr. Spitzer will speak on "Dirac's Delta Func- tion and its Applications to Linear Systems." Lectitres Lecture Series in Chemistry Building, Room 1300 on Wednes- days, 4:00 p.m.: July 6-Professor Luis W. Al- varez, "High Energy Physics." July 13 - Professor Frederick Seitz, "Theory of Semi-Conduc- tors." July 20-Professor Leigh C. An- derson, "Adsorption Spectra and Quinoidation." July 27-Professor Raymond L. Garner, "Energy Relations in In- tracellular Enzyme Reactions." August 3-Professor William A. Nierenberg, "Influence of Nuclear Quadrupol Moments on Chemical Binding." August 10-Professor G. B. B. M. Sutherland, "Infrared Analysis in Chemical Research." Concerts Student Recital: Ralph H. White, graduate student of piano with John Kollen, will present a pro- gram at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 5, 1949, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. His program will include compositions by Mozart, Beethoven, Herbert Elwell, and Chopin, and will be open to the general public. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will pre- sent a recital on Sunday, July 3 at 2:15 p.m. His program will in- clude selections by Phile, Stephen Foster, 5 American compositions for carillon and a group of spiri- tuals. Student Recital: Ralph H. White, graduate student of piano with John Kollen, will present a program at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 5, 1949, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Mas- ter of Music degree. His program will include compositions by Mo- zart, Beethoven, Herbert Elwell, and Chopin, and will be open to the general public. Woodwind Recital: The Wood- wind Faculty - Lare Wardrop, oboe; Theodore Evans, French horn; Albert Luconi, clarinet; and Lewis Cooper, bassoon; assisted by Mischa Meller, pianist; will give a recital in the Reckham Lecture (Continued on Page 3) ~- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of MchigA uder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff B. S. Brown ...... Co-Managing Editor Craig Wilson......Co-Managing Editor Merle Levin ............Sports Editor Marilyn Jones.......women's Editor Bess Young ...................Librarian Business Staff Robert C. James.. Business Manager Doe Nelson...... Advertising Manager Ethel Ann Morrison ...Circulation Mgr. Jame McStocker ......Finance Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mat matter. BARNABY Oh, so you're looking for O'Malley,] I F 0 Ah yes, the old confidence game. lt V.- We figure the crook could be operating out of According to the complaints, THIS one didn't.. Thanks for lookipg out for Gosh! My Fairy Godfather must