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'Tete-A -T'ete
RECENTLY DEAN Eric A. Walter sat
down informally with a group of Uni-
versity students and talked for several hours
about "this and that" at the University con-
cerning officials, faculty members and stu-
dents. The occasion was Student Legisla-
ture's first meeting with a 'U' official as its
guest, starting what we hope is a long chain
of non-student personnel meeting and talk-
ing with SL.
The "tete-a-tete" was on everything from
scholarships to the print lending library.
Dean Walter outlined his duties as Dean of
Students and discussed the many problems
that come up between students and Uni-
versity personnel. He also explained the
function and "inside story" of many differ-
ent services of the University.
The discussion was like a private inter-
view-Dean Walter didn't pull any punch-
es in his outspoken comments and SL
members were not hesitant about putting
their cases in black and white before him.
After the meeting, students said that they
had learned a lot about the University they
didn't know before and of its countless ser-
vices, which isn't such a cold-hearted set-up
after all.
Some of the services are student financial
aid, aside from scholarships, that help down-
and-out students. And from these students
who have been helped by the University
come many contributions, large and small,
which they hope will help other students in
the predicament which they were once in.
These discussions will of course greatly
help SL in doing business with the Uni-
versity-already some of the suggestions
made by Dean Walter have been theoreti-
cally put to use. And some of the slightly
strained relations between students and
officials will in the future be greatly re-
In a couple of weeks another official will
be SL's guest, and others will follow. Not.
only administration personnel but faculty
members will be welcome and invited to
meetings. And this won't be just during the
summer, we hope. It should and will prob-
ably be continued into next semester.
We like the idea.
-Phyllis Cohen.
Mant vs. Man
THIS IS WHAT happened in a Washing-
ton, D.C..park when racial segregation
ended recently.
And it happened in St. Louis when the
mayor ordered an end to racial segregatioi
on municipal beaches.
And it has happened before and before
over and over again. In fact, it has happened
so many times, lots of people think race
riots will always occur if Negroes are allowed
to mix with white persons.
Because of their belief in this inevitability,
they turn the other way when they see open
acts of discrimination against a race which
is their equal.
They fail to realize that racial intolerance
is based upon an emotional fear of the un-
known-in this case, the Negro, who is as-
sociated with a stereotyped series of unde-
sirable traits. This fear of the unknown can
only be eliminated by direct contact with
DISCRIMINATION. The Dixiecrat formula
for "separte and equal" status for Negroes
and whites only polishes over the more ob-
vious forms of discrimination. It fails to
bring Negro and white together as they
must if discrimination is ever to end. For
each man must get to know the other man
and recognize their fundamental similarities
rather than their superficial differences in
* * * -
A fine example of how to MAINTAIN dis-
crimination is the action of the American
Legion Auxiliary in Ohio where a Negro girl
was elected "Girl's State Governor." (The
kids had forgotten her color!)
She will not go to Washington, D.C., as
Ohio's representative to the Auxiliary Girls'
Nation because of the "embarrassment posed
by certain social discriminations."
And so: race riots continue.
-Craig Wilson.
Bare Walls'
SINCE MUCH OF A university student's
studying is done in his room, it doesn't
seem unreasonable to suggest that a plea-
sant looking room might be conducive
to study.
The University, through its Student Print
Loan Library, is offering an unusually good
opportunity to students who wish to improve
the appearance of their rooms at a nominal
What could be better (except possibly
an Esquire calendar) for a bare wall than
a reproduction of a colorful painting?
The Student Print Loan Library has some
50 reproductions of the works of the
world's great artists which it will loan to
students at the rate of 35 cents per picture
for the entire summer session.
These reproductions, which are hand-
somely framed are guaranteed to satisfy
nearly any artistic taste. The collection of-
fers all sorts of works of art, from those
of the old European masters to the modern
day works of Picasso and Renoir.
This print loan library is just one of the
many services which a great university can
offer its students. Students can best show
their appreciation for such services by tak-
ing advantage-of them.
Drop around to the basement of the
Administration Building, and take a look
at the prints that the collection owns.
You are pretty sure to find just the thing
you have been wanting to cover up that
crack in the plaster of your room.
With the print loan library in operation,
there is absolutely no reason why any stu-
dent at this university should have to live
and study in a drab room.
-Paul Brentlinger.
I'd Rather Be Right
A NUMBER OF conservatives who are
quite definitely opposed to governmental
economic planning here at home seem to
feel it is perfectly all right for this country
to engage in a considerable amount of eco-
nomic planning abroad. They draw a line,
as it were. Here, within the country, they
'seem to feel, economic processes must re-
main more or less automatic, and must be
left largely to natural forces, while outside
the country it is permissible for us to make
up deficits, to lift up backward regions, and
to think and plan and plan and. think.
Nobody cries out that we are transform-
ing this planet into some sort of "welfare
world" by helping nations that are tem-
porarily embarrassed for lack of the ready.
When we discuss planning abroad, our ap-
proaches, even our tones of voice, alter, and
bear no relation to those we use when we
discuss planning at home. We gravely tell
each other, for example, that our prosperity
depends on our keeping other nations pros-
perous, yet the expression of similar senti-
ments on the domestic level, concerning the
need for lifting up our own underprivileged,
marks the utterer down as a sad dog of a
"liberal," probably addicted to "statism."
The idea seems to be that an unplanned
United States can follow a planned course
abroad; that we can keep order in the
world outside, while preserving happen-
stance within. We are to work with bril-
liance, daring and precision for world
prosperity, while taking no decisive mea-
sures, for example, against unemployment
at home.,
Our country, in other words, is to resemble
one of those masses of matter of which
modern physics has given us such striking
portraits-it is to follow an outwardly order-
ly course, while the atoms and molecules
within gyrate in happy disarray according to
the laws of their own being. We are to
travel in an orderly, even stately fashion
through the world at large, while the par-
ticles inside move economically up or 'down
or sidewards or stand still.
* * * *
THE ONLY TROUBLE with this concep-
tion is that economics isn't physics and
the behavior of the particles within the
mass is, in the end, going to influence the
course taken by the mass as a whole. If
our recession deepens, if we cut down on
our buying of imported goods, a great deal
of Marshall Plan figuring is going to be
thrown out of joint.
If times become sufficiently difficult so
that we send fewer tourists abroad, the
economies of other countries are going to
suffer. If our own tax revenues drop, so that
we have really serious trouble balancing our
budget, we are going to be less inclined, and
it is going to become politically less feasible,
to maintain the Marshall Plan at scheduled
levels, and to spend money implementing
Mr. Truman's Point Four for the develop-
ment of backward areas. What happens in-
side the country is going to affect the foreign
affairs course of the country as a whole.
The idea that this country can move
through a predetermined orbit, regardless
of what happens inside, is not a sound
one; for economically, the movement of
the mass must, in the end, be influenced
by the movements of the particles that go
to make it up.
The price for planning our way safely
abroad must be a certain amount of plan-
ning at home, at least to the extent of curb-
ing recession; the price for not planning at
home must be injury to our plans abroad.
It is a fascinating concept, and, to many, a
soothing one, that we can remain a pocket
of unplanfulness in an organized world, but
the trouble is that cause and effect leap
across national boundaries, and are not
stopped at the water's edge. Firmly, our age
puts upon us the sad obligation to be bril-
liant everywhere, at home no less than
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
ually spoken of in terms of
He has been called a great man's
great man because in his quiet
service to humanity and in his
search for truth he has tried to
follow the ways of God, promote
humanity and reduce suffering,!
unselfishly, without any thought
of worldly success or even recogni-
Dr. Schweitzer's greatness is cer-
tainly not due to the variety of
fields in which he has worked.
although he has'done outstanding
work in all of them.
A native of Alsace, he holds
four separate doctorates. Mu-J
sicians know him as the fore-
most authority on Bach and an
organist of renown, theologians
know him for his books and his
missionary work, doctors know
the hospital he built in the
French Congo, at Lambarene,
which has become his second
This week Dr. Schweitzer, now
74 years old, arrived in New York
on his first visit to the United
States. He is here to attend the
International Goethe Convocation
at Aspen, Colorado, and he is well
qualified to speak at Goethe's bi-
centennial, having been the secand
man to receive the Goethe Prize
from the city of Frankfurt and
having only last year published
his Goethe lectures. Some of his
personal philosophy may be
brought out by some of his obser-
vations on Goethe, as quoted in
"Albert Schweitzer: An Anthol-
* * *
I CAME ON THE real Goethe
when it struck me in connection
with his activities that he couldo
not think of any intellectual em-;
ployment without practical workf
side by side withit, and that the
two were not held, together by
their character and object being
similar, but were quite distinct and
only united through his personal-
It gripped, me deeply that for
this giant among the intellec-
tuals there was no work which
he held to be beneath his dig-
nity, no practical employment of
which he ever said that others
on account of their natural
gifts and of their profession
could do it better than he, and
that he was always ready to
prove the unity of his personal-
ity by the union of practical
work with intellectual activity.1
To the individual Goethe says:t
Do not abandon the ideal of
personality, even when it runs<
counter to developing circum-
stances. Do not give it up for
lost even when it seems no longer
tenable in the presence of oppor-
tunistic theories which would
make the spiritual conform only
to the material.
* * *
men of today is the same as to the
men of his time and to the men
of all times: "Strive for true hu-
manity! Become a man who is true
to his inner nature, a man whose
deed is in tune with his character"
* * *
WHAT DOES Goethe say to our
He says to it, that the frightful
drama that is being enacted in it,
can come to an end only when it
sets aside the economic and social
magic, in which it has trusted,
when it forgets the magic formulas
with which it deludes itself, whenf
it is resolved to return at any
cost to a natural relationship withr
-John Neufeld.
NO ONE IN THE wildest flightc
of imagination has ever calledt
the cautiously conservative Amer-
ican Legion a supporter of social-
ism. Yet the Legion, through Na-
tional Commander Perry Brown,
has said it would be "an irrepar-
able tragedy" if the House failed
to pass the administration's hous-
ing bill. Said Brown: "President
Truman has properly exposed the
motives wand techniques of thosel
attempting to kill the bill . . . It
is our hope that . . . members of
the House will weigh the relativet
merits of pressure put upon them
by propaganda and the hardshipa
exerted by inferior living accom-
modations upon thousands of
American families."
No one has ever suggested that
the mayors of the large cities of
this nation were infected in any
way with Communism. Yet the
mayors of 46 of the larger cities
of the country have filed with the
House a petition urging passage
of the Administration bill. These
mayors said that their cities,
neither "alone nor with the aid
of private enterprise, have yet been
able to provide sufficient housing
or clear our slums."
-St. Louis Star-Times.
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Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-A few months ago any move to scale down the
70-group air force would have brought howls of anguish from
Congress and certain air force advocates.
But it is indicative of the improved harmony slowly settling down
over the three warring armed services, that Secretary of Defense John-
son has quietly decreed a 48-group air force-and it did not cause
a ripple.
Johnson first broke the news to the joint chiefs of staff, in an
off-the-record session.
Briefly and succinctly he explained that the original 70-
group force had, been based on using the B-50 and the B-29, which
were cheaper planes and which the joint chiefs of staff now
had declared outmoded, in favor of the B-36. But the B-36, John-
son continued, is a much more expensive plane, and to build 70
air groups around it would send the military budget from $14,-
780,000,000 up to $17,000,000,000.
Furthermore, Johnson said that building too many B-36's now
would probably mean they would be out-of-date two or three years
hence. Therefore, he proposed spreading the building program over
a longer period.
Finally, he pointed out that, if war should come, production
could be speeded up in a relatively short time.
Johnson's presentation was brief, to the point and positive.
He left no doubt in the minds of the military men who listened to him
that he had made up his mind.
Note-Later that day Johnson made the same presentation to a
secret session of the Senate Armed Services Committee. They also
accepted the plan without argument. Some experts, incidentally,
figure the proposed 48 groups at 54 groups.
*.* * *
I do not know whether Alger Hiss was ever guilty of being a
Communist, but I do know that a lot of youngsters turned out by
the schools and colleges in the depression years of around his time
were discouraged and disillusioned.
Depression breeds discouragement. And the more the young-
sters pounded the pavements, the easier prey they became for the
rabble-rousers and the soapboxers.
That is why it is so important to give openings to the 1,600,000
youngsters graduated from high schools and colleges last month-
70 per cent of the college graduates being veterans.
That is also why the step taken by William Fulton Kurtz,
head of the Pennsylvania Company of Philadelphia, is so impor-
tant. Kurtz wrote to every firm doing business with his bank,
urging that they give openings to these youngsters.
"These young people," he said, "are the foundation stones upo2i
which this country must build. I sincerely urge that you make the
employment of as many as you can, your own personal project. This
will be good for you and me, good for them and good for the
All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session i typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. or the day preed-
ing its publation, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 9S
The first Fresh Air Camp Clinic
will be held at the main lodge,
Patterson Lake, Friday, July 1.
Dr. Rabinavitch, Director of the
Children's division of N.P.I., will
be the psychiatrist. Any Univer-
sity students interested in prob-
lems of individual and group ther-
apy are invited to attend.
The Civil Service Commission of
the City of Detroit announces ex-
aminations for Junior and Assis-
tant Industrial Hygienist and for
Assistant Superintendent of Pub-
lic Service. Additional informa-
tion may be obtained at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Attention, Women Students -
Closing hours over holiday week-
end: Friday, Saturday and Sun-
day, July 1, 2 and 3, 12:30 a.m.;
July 4, 11:30 p.m.
The Public Schools of Modesto,
California, are in need of Kinder-
garten teachers, elementary teach-
ers, grades 1-6; and a seventh
grade woodshop teacher. For fur-
ther information, call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
The Public Schools of Minne-
apolis, Minnesota, are in need of
elementary teachers. Persons hold-
ing the A.B. who do not have an
elementary certificate may apply
for a Limited Emergency Certifi-
cate. For further information, call
at the Bureau of Appointments.
The General Library and all Di-
visional Libraries will be closed
Monday, July 4th.
Lecture Series in Chemistry
Building, Room 1300 on Wednes-
days, 4:00 p.m.:
July 6-Professor Luis W. Al-
varez, "High Energy Physics."
July 13 - Professor Frederick
Seitz, "Theory of Semi-Conduc-
July 20-Professor Leigh C. An-
derson, "Adsorption Spectra and
July 27-Professor Raymond L.
Garner, "Energy Relations in In-
tracellular Enzyme Reactions."
August 3-Professor William A.
Nierenberg, "Influence of Nuclear
Quadrupol Moments on Chemical
August 10-Professor G. B. B.
M. Sutherland, "Infrared Analysis
in Chemical Research."
Student Recital: Ralph H. White,
graduate student of piano with
John Kollen, will present a pro-
gram at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, July
5, 1949, in the Rackhamn Assembly
Hall, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of
(Continued on Page 4)
Complete Security
Canine Exclamations
GRAD READING ROOM four is a reason-
ably cool place these summer days. With
the windows open, such breezes as there are
may waft through; and it is removed from
the bustle and chatter of more frequented
places. Indeed, it would seem an ideal place
for study and perhaps a quiet rest on hot
Very definitely, this is not the case. Un-
fortunately, the room receives a full share
of the howlings, yippings and barkings com-
ing from the pharmacology building next
door, from the dogs who are its guests. So
far from being a sanctuary where subtle
points of learning can pass unmolested into
the crevices of the mind, the room is now a
laboratory itself.
The analytical mind exposed to these
continued assaults cannot but classify
them. Instead of picking dry the thoughts
before him, as each cry comes piercingly
from the lab, it is put into a category
by the unwilling hearer. "Ah, that's
pitched a little higher;" or, "That dog
sounds like he is bored".
And if the person's mind be of an even
more orderly type, a whole system can be
evolved, and each howl can be labelled ac-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
cording to the imcression the listener has
of its origin. While fitting a yip or a yap
into "ululation category type 2a" may be a
scientific discipline, it is a useless and 'an-
noying pastime. Though the student might
even be reading of the noble savage of
Rousseau, sound effects of the state of
nature are out of place.
It is submitted, therefore, that the phar-
macology labs close their windows. From
the standpoint of the number of people
inconvenienced, the suggestion is fair.
Rather a few people swelter than a great
number have their time continually wast-
Also, it would seem-to be more politic not
to have agonized howls become the hallmark
of the center of the campus. With the win-
dows closed, and perhaps a pittance invest-
ed in fans, all concerned would be better
off-save the dogs.
-George Vetter.
ORDINARILY the opinions of ex-President
Hoover, reflecting the experience of an
elder statesman, merit closest attention. But
his new statement, that a chairman for the
Join Chiefs of Staff might lead to military
dictatorship, may be regarded as more than
a slight exaggeration ...
Staff work without a chief of staff is al-
most incomprehensible. A man with no more
power than to pound a gavel would be for-
tunate to bring order out of the long record
of inter-service rivalries, in meetings where
each service is represented.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
* *
Those who criticize J. Edgar Hoover for having a certain amount
of unchecked gossip in his confidential files might be interested in
this hitherto unpublished fact.
Two years before the expose of Maj. Gen. Benny Meyers in
connection with airplane procurement scandals, the FBI received
an anonymous letter stating that Meyers was engaged in irregu-
larities. Hoover sent the letter to Gen. Hap Arnold, then chief
of the Air Corps, who, instead of checking the letter, discarded
it because it was unsigned.
Later Arnold was severely criticized for having allowed Benny
Meyers to operate right under his nose.
Incidentally, this column also received rumors of General Meyers'
irregularities during the war, and published on Dec. 1, 1942, a charge
that Meyers was practicing deliberate deception regarding airplane
production figures. The charge, if untrue, would have been libelous.
However, it was made only after careful checking.
The anonymous letter received by the FBI could not be
checked by the FBI without permission from the Army, since its
own inspector general has jurisdiction over military personnel.
That was why Hoover sent the letter to General Arnold.
Note 1-Perhaps the solution for FBI files is to have two sets:
(1.) Strictly confidential and conta4ning unchecked data never to be
made public; (2.) A set of evaluated files, containing carefully
checked data, known to be true, which could be produced in court.
Note 2-On another point, Hoover says: "Some of my friends
in Congress think they are flattering me by proposing that the FBI
be constituted as a separate agency. I do not agree. The FBI is an
investigating agency for the Justice Department, which is the prose-
cuting agency. The two must work together, and thus cannot be
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of MichigaM nder the
authority of the Board in Cntrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown......Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson...Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin............Sports Editor
MarilynuJones.......Women's Editor
Bess Young................. Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James .....Business Manager
Dee Nelson......Advertising Manager
Ether Ann Morrison .. Circulation Mgr.
Jame McStocker......Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news despatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all othef
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mat
(Copyright, 1949, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
I didn't realize this was
fWe can lvea
Sure. Mri O'Malley, my wiry
$6rnaby, we're not going tOl
3 us rutn c l, r.Ixtr
We wanted you to know. Keep
..And if you see any suspicious characters...
( )