FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1949 PAGE TO THItl MTfIA NDP'It 11 1. . W. r Campaign Assertions L AST SUMMER President Truman cam- paigned in my home state of Iowa with the cry that the Republican party wanted low farm prices. The mean Republican Congressmen had lowered the price support for wheat in an effort to bring down the abnormally high cost of grains. Several weeks later the Pres- ident reversed his line; this time the mean Republicans were for high food prices, ac- cording to Mr. Truman in a speech directed to labor union members. A reader of The Daily made assertions of a similar nature in a recently published letter to the Editor. This time the Re- publican majority in the Michigan state legislature was accused of being singly responsible for the deleterious cut in the University's appropriation request. But what was not mentioned in the letter was that the original proposed cut was in- troduced by Governor Williams in his bud- get request early this year. Let us look momentarily at the national record of the Democratic Party wheelhorses Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN NEUFELD in the White House and on Capitol Hill and see how they have followed through on their emotional appeals to the people for Federal aid to education. It would seem that this would be a comparatively easy program to adopt, since leaders of both parties have voiced their support for the idea. However, although this would be one of the easier bills to pass, it has been relegated a back- seat position while precious time has been spent on debate of legislation that is of less feasibility and some of which is of dubious merit. , There seems to be an utter lack of a planned program of action; the most con- troversial bills have been introduced on the floor by majority leaders in an effort to coerce Congress to adopt administration proposals. As a result there is a log jam of legislation that has piled up because of the stubborn refusal of Democratic party leaders to be practical in their program of national action (which can more ap- propriately be termed national inaction.) In any case, as in the letter I would like also to conclude with a suggestion: What the Democrats really need is an integrated co- herent program of sound national action in- stead of glib assertions and promises. They are the party with both Congressional ma- jorities and executive control; the burden of proof rests with them. -David W. Belin. + CINEMA + TORMENT, with Stig Jarrel, Mai Zetter- ling, Alf Kjellin. Directed by Alf Sjoberg. AKE A GOOD STORY, fine acting, fine directing, fine photography, and what have you? A fine picture. Torment shows that academic qualifica- tions are not enough to make a good high school teacher, even if he is politically non- suspect. Stig Jarrel, as a Latin teacher appro- priately nicknamed Caligula, does his best to make life miserable for the hero and the heroine, and he succeeds remarkably well. He has all the kindness and the gentle humor of a Heinrich Himmler, and he is mighty sore that he is unloved by his students. Jarrel plays the part of the lonely, frustrated sadist to perfection, and the rest of the cast are quite convincing in their roles. Mai Zetterling, who plays the frightened cigarstore girl, is especially outstanding as the shady, possessive less-than-demimon- daine women made famous by Marlene Diet- rich. rh.* * * * "Torment" is full of suspense and emotion, but what makes it creditable is its straight- forward, unromantic, yet, sensitive presen- tation. Caligula, with the good headmaster who is a veritable Mr. Chips, and the over- sensitive adolescent hero (Alf Kjellin) are certainly not typical but they are entirely possible. There are such people. There is no caricature involved in any of them, and that gives the movie its power. The arch-villain is not an escaped in- mate of an asylum but the kind of psycho- neurotic who can function in society for years until he is found out. The movie, in establishing his character, certainly does not offer any sympathy, but neither does it show its moral condemnation.- Somehow European movies succeed in por- traying high school students as real people, not as moonstruck kids or juvenile delin- quents. - Perhaps the average young Ameri- can is free of real problems. The teachers also have problems. I was thinking of "Der Blaue Engel," the classic German study of a teacher's disintegration under the influence of a woman. That pic- ture was a strong indictment of the Prussian system of education. I don't think "Torment" quite falls in the same category, but it does show the terrific strain put on the Abiturient, or graduating high school senior, who in some European countries must undergo an ordeal of examinations before he can get his diploma. Certainly most students don't quite col- lapse at that time, but it is easy to see how a combination of native sensitivity, callous or hostile teachers and outside emotional problems can lead to just such a collapse. The subtitles make the action very easy to follow. -John Neufeld Irons in the Fire THE DEATH OF PREMIER Sophoulis, the Methuselah of Greek politics, is a good stopping point for a re-evaluation of our policy in Greece in this, the third year of the Truman Doctrine. What have we to show for our expenditures of words and money? Plainly, very little. Our sole success is an essentially negative one, viz. Greece has not gone Communist. The rub is that Greece has not gone anything. There is nothing to indicate that we shall be able, at anytime in the foreseeable future, to extricate ourselves from the scene, leaving behind a healthy and democratic Greek society. The Communist guerrillas are back in possession of Mt. Grammos after being twice laboriously dislodged by the sluggish gov- ernment regulars. Necessary fiscal and ad- ministrative reforms have not been forth- coming, although to be sure promises of them are daily forthcoming. The exit of Sophoulis promises the early return of Tsal- daris, as insipid a conservative as can be found in Europe. It seems time to stop this ceaseless shuf- fling of a very much dog-eared deck in Greece. Since we cannot reasonably quit the country, and since the Russians will be damning us as imperialists no matter how corretly we behave, let's at least get a run for our money. The pro-Com- inform guerrillas are now estranged from Titoist Yugoslavia. If a pro-Tito coup in tiny Albania can be realized, the greater part of the northern border which nour- ishes the rebels will be sealed. This, coupled with some direct action to clean up the corrupt and unwieldy Greek civil service and institute a stiff personal income tax may yet save the day. It would be foolish, however, to expect any final solu- tion in Greece while the cold war continues, -David Saletan MATTER OF FACT: U.S.: Midwife By STEWART ALSOP BATAVIA, DUTCH EAST INDIES-In a very special sense, the exploration of the Indies is a peculiar experience for the American traveller. A great new nation is coming to birth here, that will some day be one of the strong powers of the Orient. But the delivery is grimly difficult. And the American traveller is startled to find the United States playing the JItal role of mid- wife at this new nation's birth. On the surface, it is curious that there should be any trouble here at all, for everyone appears to agree about what the new free, independent Indonesian nation ought to be like. The Dutch, to start with, have at last fully accepted Indonesia's right to freedom, partly in response to American diplomatic persuasion. The Dutch ask only that the new Indo- nesia retain some tenuous connection with the Dutch monarchy; sign a trade agree- ment to protect Dutch economic interests here; and grant a Dutch naval base, prob- ably at Sourabaya. They would also like to see their technicians and administrators kept on, by invitation, to serve the new In- donesian government. * * * ASK ANY INDONESIAN republican what he wants, and he will say he wants the same things as the Dutch. And this is even true of the Indonesian federalists-"the men who eat cheese" as their rivals call them-who dislike the Dutch a little less than they dis- like theupredominant Javanese leadership of the republican movement. This reporter asked the federalist leader, Sultan Abdul Hamid II (an astonishingly handsome dandy who suggests an Asiatic version of Lord Mountbatten of Burma) why he was still opposing the Republicans. After a moment's reflection, he replied with some surprise: "You know, I don't think we have any differences any more." The sad thing is that despite this uni- versal accord, a good many Dutchmen are still due to die at the hands of the Indo- nesians, and a good many Indonesians are likely to be killed by the Dutch, before there can be a final settlement. * * *,- ONE REASON IS THE guerrillas. All guer- rillas are hard to control. Some are Com- munists, who loathe the Republicans. Others are led by the spell-binding demagogue Tan Malaka who calls himself a Trotskyite. A large number have become plain bandits. Because they have trouble controlling the guerrillas, the Indlonesian leaders can- not absolutely enforce a cease-fire. Thus the Dutch have an excuse-in some sense a quite honest reason-for refusing to make any settlement final. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) MERRY-GO-ROUND: 13a(rdien WASHINGTON-One Congress- man who has vigorously de- fended North Carolina's Graham Barden from the charge of "bigot" hurled at him by Cardinal Spell- man is Rep. Andrew Jacobs of In- dianapolis, himself a devout Cath- olic. Jacobs, a freshman who in six months has made an outstanding record, serves on the same educa- tion and labor committee with Barden, where the Aid-to-Educa- tion Bill is now bottled up. Citing the late Al Smith onsthe separa- tion of church and state, Jacobs' contends that a great many Cath- olics disagree with Cardinal Spell- man. "AS LONG AS WE have the same right to send our children to public school as anyone else we are not discriminated against," ! Congressman Jacobs says in a special statement to Catholics. "And as Catholics we do not have the right to a separate, publicly supported school sys- tem, nor does any other group of people have such right. "Whatever can be constitution- ally done to aid a child will win my support. However, I cannot and will not support any measure that grants public financial aid to private or parochial schools. "WE HAVE THE right to build and maintain our churches," con- tinued the Indiana Democrat, "but not to build or maintain them with public funds. Our parochial schools are an adjunct of our re- ligion, established for educational use instead of using public schools, solely for the sake of the child's religious training. "The issue is clear. Either you keep parochial schools and maintain them or take public funds andconvert them into public schools, and they will then no longer serve the relig- ious purpose for which they were established." Congressman Barden of North Carolina, whom Cardinal Spell- man has attacked, is a quiet, hard- working, middle - of - the - roader who is viewed in Congress as any- thing but a bigot. Actually, he agrees with Cardinal Spellman on many things, especially on the point that the Federal Govern- ment should not control educa- tion. BARDEN is a man of deep, fighting convictions, and one of these is that we must raise our public-school standards. "I happen, to be a Presbyter- ian," says Barden. "But I don't believe it's the duty of the gov- ernment to provide money for Presbyterian schools any more than for the private schools of Methodists, Catholics, Quakers, Episcopalians- or any other faith." Barden was a battler for better education long before he came to Congress in 1934. As a member of the North Carolina Legislature he led'the fight for the improvement of both white and colored schools. * * * THE FACT that Negro school- teachers are now paid the same as white, and that money is di- vided impartially between Negro and white school buildings and transportation is due in part to Barden's untiring efforts. "I am wrong about as often as the next fellow," says the North Carolina Congressman. "But I try to be always sincere. My constituents don't blame me if I make a mistake once in awhile. However, if they ever find me wrong and insincere at the same time, I expect them to get after me plenty-and rightly so." * * * BRITISH BUSINESS CRISIS- Paul Hoffman, the Marshall Plan administrator, held a secret conferenceawith top government officials lart week to report on the British financial crisis. Britain, according to Hoffman, had bungled its way into a first- class recession that may lead all Europe into a depression and wreck the Marshall Plan. Hoffman was especially bitter about Brit- ain's trade deal with Argentina, said it is typical of the way Brit- ain has refused to practice what it preaches. HE INTIMATED that if Britain doesn't show more signs of coop- eration he may cut off Marshall Plan aid-if Congress doesn't beat him to it. Tom Finletter, head of the ECA mission to Britain, was present at this briefing, and agreed that Britain would have to take drastic action in a hurry to keep from going bankrupt and dragging all Europe under with it. This is something the Russians have been praying for ever since the cold war started. (Copyright, 1949, Bell Syndicate. Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. im 11, 1 I I , 11, -- . I I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: B~yrnes, welfare State All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 pa. of the day preced- ing its publication, except on Satur- day when the notices should be sub- mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad- ministration Building. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 8S Notices The first Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held at the main lodge, Patterson Lake, Friday, July 1. Dr. Rabinavitch, Director of the Children's division of N.P.I., will be the psychiatrist. Any Univer- sity students interested in prob- lems of individual and group ther- apy are invited to attend. The Civil Service Commission of the City of Detroit announces ex- aminations for Junior and Assis- tant Industrial Hygienist and for Assistant Superintendent of Pub- lic Service. Additional informa- tion may be obtained at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building. "On Borrowed Time," Paul Os- born's tender, lovable comedy will have only two more performances, tonight and Saturday evening, at 8 p.m. Good seats are still avail- able for both performances. The box office at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Graduate Students expecting to receive the Master's Degree in Au- gust, 1949, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the Graduate School by July 1st if they have not already done so. Overseas Positions. Representa- tives of the Department of the Army will be at the Bureau of Appointments Thursday and Fri- day, July 7 and 8, to interview people interested and qualified for the following teaching positions in Dependant Schools: In Japan- Men with math, science, physical education combination; physical education men to coach basketball and baseball; combination French and Spanish teachers; music and art teachers. In Germany: elementary teach- ers to handle four grades in two- room schools. Age limits: 22-40. Two years successful teaching experience re- quired, five years preferred. For further information and appoint- ment, call at 3528 Administration Bldg., or call extension 489. The Department of the Army is also recruiting recreational work- ers (women) for Army Service Clubs in the Pacific theater. (Ja- pan, Okinawa, Guam, Korea). Qualifications: Assistant Service Club Director - graduation from college and experience in adult recreation; age limits 30-40. Rec- reational Director - graduation from college and practical knowl- edge of arts and crafts, music, dramatics or group recreation. In- terviews will be held the latter part of next week, for further in- formation, call at 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg. Lectures Lecture Series in Chemistry Building, Room 1300 on Wednes- days, 4:00 p.m.: July 6-Professor Luis W. Al- varez, "High Energy Physics." 4'Nobody Cian Stay Finl Not Working" July 13 - Professor Frederick Seitz, "Theory of Semi-Conduc- tors." July 20-Professor Leigh C. An- derson, "Adsorption Spectra and Quinoidation." July 27-Professor Raymond L. Garner, "Energy Relations in In- tracellular Enzyme Reactions." August 3-Professor William A. Nierenberg, "Influence of Nuclear Quadrupol Moments on Chemical Binding." August 10-Professor G. B. B. M. Sutherland, "Infrared Analysis in Chemical Research." Mr. R. K. Kapur, Education Of- ficer, Indian Embassy, Washing- ton, will talk on "Gandhian Phil- osophy" at 4:15 p.m., July 1st, in Rackham Amphitheater. Lecture: "Practices and Trends in Canadian High Schools," Char- les E. Phillips, Professor of Edu- cation, University of Toronto, 3:00 p.m., Auditorium, University High School. Academic Notices Preliminary @xaminations in English: Candidates for the Ph.D. degree in English who expect to take the preliminary examinations this summer are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 3220 Angell Hall, at once. The ex- aminations will -be given as fol- lows: English Literature to 1550, July 20; English Literature 1550- 1700, July 23; English Literature 1700-1900, July 27; and American Literature, July 30. These exami- nations will be given in Angell Hall, 3223 at 9 a.m. Doctoral Examination for Don- ald Guy Sheets, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Derivatives of Thianaphthene," Friday, July 1, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Concerts Carillon Recital: By Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m., Friday evening, July 1. The program will be a Dominion Day Canadian Program, and will in- clude some school songs, a sonata by Donnell, some Chansons du terroir, and O Canada by Lavalee. Exhibitions Museum of Art: Michigan Water Color Society, 3rd Annual; Islamic Pottery; Alumni Memorial Hall, daily 9-5, Sunays 2-5. The public is invited. Clements Library. Unique Ca- nadiana: A Selection of Fifteen Canadian Rarities in the Clements Library. (June 20-August 19). Events Today Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Tea and Open House for all students and their friends. German Coffee Hour: Friday, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Russian Tea Room. All interested students and faculty members are invited. Classical Studies: There will be a coffee-hour on Friday, July 1, at 4:00 p.m. in the West Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Build- ing, for all students and staff Xettep4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy Is to publish In the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or suchrletters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * laims , , To the Editor: BEEN READING THE paper again. If the Russians can bolster a patriotic response by lay- ing claim to all human discovery, why, more power to them. Any- body could tell you Columbus was a Russian. We have our own meth- ods over here. Look how Chrysler told us all about their carburetor air filter - the marriage of re- search and advertising. And all today's cars have the makings of a clothes drier strewed about them while the clothes line dominates. Talking about forms of govern- ment, how many different ways can you make this oil burner of ours spell democracy. -Thure Rosene, T ATE IN THE GAME-almost too late-labor is showing some brass-tacks sanity on the question of labor legislation. Nationally the latest gesture to- ward recognition of union respon- sibility comes from James C. Pe- trillo, Caesar of the American Federation of Musicians. It's easy to become amused by Petrillo's ex- plosion against John L. Lewis for Lewis' dictatorial disregard of la- bor's best interests; here, if ever, is a pot-and-kettle situation at a mutual blackest. But the inadvertent humor of Petrillo's attack doesn't wash out the basic sense of his endorsement of compromise on Taft-Hartley re- peal. Petrillo is no more fond of Taft-Hartley than any other la- bor leader. Still he does not in- sist, as President Truman stub- bornly does, on total discard of the act. He endorses the Douglas- Aiken proposal for a compromise between Taft-Hartley and the Wagner act; he would retain the new sections that have proved themselves valuable, toss out only some punitive sections. -St. Louis Star-Times. members interested in Classical Studies. Professor Pearl will speak informally on the papyri. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, July 4, at the Northwest Entrance of the Rackham Building, for an all- day canoe and swimming trip. Ev- eryone should bring his own lunch. Everyone should sign the canoe- reservation list at the Rackham check desk, and indicate whether or not he intends to stay for sup- per. Coming Events Square Dance, sponsored by U. of Mich. Hostel Club. To be held Saturday evening, July 2, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Women's Athletic Building. ~f ,I By SAMUEL GRAFTON FORMER SECRETARY of State James F. Byrnes has started a real, sure-enough, big-time national argument with his charge that the Administration's domestic policies Would lead us toward a "welfare state," in which the individual may become "an eco- nomic slave." That makes "welfare state" the key words for this week, which commentators and Con- gressmen are quoting, and if you want a reputation as a hep character you will make sure to introduce this topic early at dinner. parties to show that you know what is going on and what is hot in the way of public issues. * * * BUT, SOMEHOW, as I follow this argu- ment, I have the most curious feeling that it is a kind of great irrelevancy. As I listen to the pro and con about the "wel- fare state," I get the strongest conviction that this discussion is only sidetracking us from what we should be talking about if we are concerned about the future shape of our society. And what we should be talking about is the fact that we are in a gathering recession. That recession, and the way we handle it, or fail to handle it, will have a great deal more to do with shaping the future of American civilization than any- thing Byrnes has said, or anything that anybody else has said about what he said. And Byrnes' somewhat abstract argument doesn't really help us to solve our prob- lems because it keeps us from talking about them; there are only so many hours in the day, and if we spend them debat- ing the virtues or lack of virtues of the "welfare state," then we can't use them for discussing unemployment and deciding what to do about it. Nobody knows how far the current re- cession will go. But the New York Journal of Commerce published an article last Mon- day, revealing that "most government labor experts "feel that unemployment will go to "5,000,000 or higher" this year. Nobody is placing any very heavy money bets as to what will happen after that figure is reached. And it is on this level, on the level of what we propose to do about unemploy- ment, that the real decisions will be made as to our political and social futures. BYRNES makes it all seem a little too easy. A "welfare state"'is no good, he indi- cates, let's decide, he says in effect, not to have one; bingo, it's done. But decisions as to the future of a society are not made in this way; they are made by its success in solving its problems, or by its failure to solve them. And one of the ways in which a nation can fail to solve its problems is by failing to talk about them-and the picture of a country of 145,000,000 people hotly de- bating the virtues and defects of the "wel- fare state," in the abstract, while real unemployment clamors for our attention is not, to me, a heartening indication that we are attacking our problems directly We can keep control over the future state of our society, but not by indulging ourselves in abstract arguments that are not' solidly based on the issues, not by concentrating our attention on wistful formulations that lead us away from the problems we need urgently to solve. (Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation) 4 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. AI Editorial Staff B. S. Brown .....Co-Managing Editor Craig wilson ......Co-Managing Editor Merle Levin............Sports Editor Marilyn Jones.......women's Editor Bess Young...................Librarian Business Staff Robert C. James. Business Manager Dee Nelson.....Advertising Manager Ethel Ann Morrison ...Circulation Mgr. Jame McStocker ......Finance Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of.. all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. BARNABY ...crd Mr. O'Malley stood on the .._._., '3 I C ,,,,I .. and Mr. O'Malley took the message But are you SURE your fairy ',jiI',efffhp did ol thosefMinas? And Mr. Van Ess, the vice-presidentf I I Everything will work out fine. Iriy Okayo sone I'l/in f' I !I II