THE 7~MTC'HTG A VT bA TV TLiTYRCrIAV. rr7AL, -3n "nA^ I - -urn .111 ..{1 llu 111U.4Am . P CR ± L7 I a U' . Ui.IC. Xj, I JUNI iaW.'* na - aI E 30, 1949 - -- - - , - ummommomm Pi'i te4 Pet by b. s. brown co-managing editor I'd Rather Be Right BY SAMUEL GRAFTON "In The Future, One Rini Will Be Enough" i-2 - 4 ps7 ~ - ~ - PEGGY MOORE, an 18-year-old Ann Ar- bor resident, was killed almost two weeks ago when she was struck by a car on Portage Lake Drive. The driver, fearing con- sequences or gripped by panic, left the scene of the accident without the least hesitation. I'm not going to condone the guilty party's actions. Even if he is not apprehended by the police, he will suffer, through the work- ings of his own mind, as much as if he were brought to justice. But what I am going to say is more im- portant. Though Peggy was wearing a white dress on the night she was killed (one of the first rules of night pedes- trians), she was walking with her back to traffic. She was disregarding all she had ever learned, if she had been taught to always walk towards oncoming cars when on a highway. If she hadn't been informed of the safety rule, then it is the fault of her par- ents and her school. Traffic fatalities in the United States reach appalling figures each year. Many of the accidents could have been avoided, and can be avoided, if only an effort is made to teach all people-not only youngsters-the rules of the road. Instruction should begin in the home and in the school. Many safety.organizations dis- seminate information through the mails; several states publish booklets which are required reading for all motorists (some states demand that a test be taken on the contents); and other organizations offer free lectures on the pitfalls of the open road. In spite of all efforts, thousands of persons continue to die each year, victims of ignorance. Written words and admoni- tions usually fail to strike home-but trag- edy does. And it's too late to learn, when you be- come a Peggy Moore in the obituary columns of your local newspaper. THE QUESTION BEFORE us is not whether we can do anything about un- employment, because we obviously can, if we want to. The only real issue is whether we are going to face up to the problem; the question is whether we are going to take up the question. Ours is much more a crisis of complacency than it is an economic crisis; it is, if anything, a moral crisis. The plain truth is that we have passed through a long period of complacency on economic questions, of which Mr. Dewey's complacent campaign last year was the cul- mination. And Mr. Truman won that elec- tion precisely because he wasn't complacent. He did not win because he knew all the answers; he won because he knew what the questions were. The American people voted for Mr. Tru- man not so much because they believed he would solve all their problems, but because they felt he at least identified those prob- lems correctly; they voted for him because he lived, politically, in the same world in which they lived, a world of concern about a potential decline in living standards and the threatened loss of extremely hard-won gains. And now the same curious fight has to be fought all over again; it is not a fight over whether we can solve our problems, so much as it is a fight just to get them on the agenda. It is a strange, almost a hidden quarrel, over whether we intend to continue with complacency for a little longer, or whether we propose to get hep to ourselves. The issue is whether we are going to face the issue. And the auestion before us isn't Lilienthal. It isn't even economy in government-ex- cept insofar as that question is always with us, like truth, beauty and what is love. These and other such issues are being raised for us, often and passionately, but they are not the problems which threaten our sta- bility at this moment. The problem which DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN is a threat to our stability is unemployment -the problem which, as I say, can't seem to get a place on the agenda. To put it another way, our problem is ourselves, and that is a more difficult and complicated problem than any straight eco- riomic issue could possibly be. The level of unemployment at the moment is not calami- tous; the seeds of potential calamity are not in the objective situation, but in that strange, deep-seated reluctance of ours t take up the question. For to take up the question means that we have to drop a good deal of patter which we have been using for several years now, and so hugely enjoying-patter to the ef- fect that such problems do not arise, in any really troublesome way, if only you let na- ture take its course, and stop messing thine up by thinking and planning. To admit that anemployment may be the leading question of the moment is to admit that there was perhaps something wrong with this patter -and to that degree our crisis is a crisis of patter.I We have no problem except a prejudice against problems of a certain kind. There is nothing in the whole situation that we can't handle, except perhaps ourselves, the stands we have taken and the postures we have assumed-not against certain solutions so much, as against even the recognition that there are certain situations which may need solution. But this kind of problem is the hardest there is. Compared with the psychological and other factors which prevent us from taking up what is so -clearly next in order of business, the actual specific and concrete difficulties in the situation are, by compari- son, almost child's play. (Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation) #6 10 E) RAMA East' Quad Mores ON BORROWED TIME, by at the Lydia Mendelssohn. Thompson, Jim Wessinger, Paul Osborn, With Robert Nafe Katter. 1N THE PAST, much has been said about dormitory food-both good and bad. But the kitchen staff of the East Quad- rangle should be applauded for the meals served this past week. In comparison with previous semesters, Quad food this summer has been vastly im- HurrenMoviesI At the Michigan... BAD BOY, with Lloyd Nolan, Audie Murphy, Jane Wyatt, James Gleason and Martha Vickers. A RATHER unpleasant tale of a juvenile delinquent is told in a fairly interesting manner in this movie. The plot concerns a "baby-faced" lad of 17 who is well on the way to being classed as an incorrigible criminal. Thanks to a sympathetic lady juvenile court judge, he landed in the Variety Club's Ranch for Boys instead of the reformatory, after what appeared to be his first major tangle with the law. It seems that the "bad boy," played very capably by newcomer Audie Murphy, is la- boring under the delusion that he had killed his mother. Since she was apparently the only person who cared much about the boy, this delusion caused a considerable amount of mental distress in his young mind, and sent down his road of crime. Lloyd Nolan, as the head of the Boys' Ranch, ferrets out the secrets of the boys' past, and in the end virtue triumphs, with the "bad boy" transformed into a full- fledged Texas Aggie, all decked out in the flashy military uniform of dear old A&M College. While the idea behind the story is hard- ly new, it does present some new twists to the old juvenile theme. The whole thing is marred by some rather trite lines which occasionally provoke laughter at the wrong time. Nolan gave an adequate performance as the young delinquent's friend, but he failed to create any great amount of enthusiasm for his acting ability on the basis of what he did in this role. Murphy gave a performance which seemed more real than those of the other actors. Perhaps this was because he had a trace of a Texas accent, which somehow seemed to be in keeping with the story, which took glace deep-in-the-heart of you-know-where. -Paul Brentlinger. proved. Meals seem to be better planned, better prepared and offer more variety. Let us hope that these better meals will continue throughout the summer and if possible, carry over to the fall. But there are still a few minor details, such as delays in serving, that might be polished up. Though this is perhaps a trivial matter, nevertheless, having to wait sometimes as long as ten minutes for food to be brought ip to the serving counter, can ruin a good appetite. One might expect that as the summer progresses, this occasional problem is work- ed out and any delays minimized. Recently, a strong objection has been raised to the policy of requiring Quad- rangle residents to wear a shirt and tie or sport shirt and jacket to evening meals. Perhaps it is befitting of college students and in good taste to dress for dinner. And this regulation might readily be accepted -if the dining rooms were air-conditioned. In hot weather, why #ot modify the rules pf good taste to meet practical conditions? Why not a clean sport shirt to replace the prescribed shirt and tie or sport shirt and jacket? Waiting on line or just eating 'a meal can become almost unbearable when cooped up in a personal "sweat cabinet." To meet this condition, many students remove their ties or jackets as soon as they pass the checker and enter the dining room. If neatness is the object of dress- ing, certainly a tie or jacket across the back of a chair does not add this quality to the dining room. The residents of the Quadrangle are not babies! Why not request that tie or jacket be worn to evening meals but also permit a person with a clean sport shirt to enter the dining room-putting the choice of clothing, at the discretion of the men in the residence hall. Tradition is sometimes out of place! -Herb Kravitz EVERY MAN who has declared that some other man is an ass or a scoundrel, gets angry when the other man conclusively shows that the assertion was erroneous. -Nietzsche. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by .members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PHYLLIS COHEN WHEN YOU ARE going to do a play in I which you intend to combine fantasy, old men and small boys, and mean old aunts, you have to be very careful that you don't produce a flock of stereotyped people in stereotyped situations. If the point of your play is to be that old people and children are just about the only people who have any faith anymore, and that death isn't such a dreadful thing after all, you have to be very careful that it all doesn't sound like what's been said a million times before. Paul Osborn's play accomplishes all of these things and avoids most of the pit- falls. Except for the fact that it probably makes more humor out of little boys who swear than it has a right to, it is a delicate and tender little play. Given this, plus a competent cast, intelligent direction, and some very fine staging indeed, last night's cast made a good thing of "On Borrowed Time." Chief contributor to this remarkable pro- duction was Robert Thompson as Gramps Northrup, a sharp and shrewd old coot, al- beit a profane one. Thompson's performance was chiefly distinguished by his refusal to render Granps in the old Rough-Exterior- But-Heart-of-Gold tradition, and by his as- tonishing ability to convince people that he was a pretty old man. He was abetted in. this by Jim Wessinger, who appears to be a small boy and who, fortunately, has a great deal of what actors like Margaret O'Brien have not. He is not at all precious, and for this reason demonstrated a talent which must have Play Production itching to have him matriculate on his own home grounds. Ann Husselman, whom I seem to re- member having seen last as a lady detec- tive, acquitted herself of the part of the avaricious Aunt Demetria Riffle with felic- ity and all proper piety, and, of course, found herself roundly foiled in the end. Ted Heusel, an old hand in Play Produc- tion, renders Dr. Evans, the medic who .runs up against a case of pure faith, with progressive confidence to bafflement to resignation. As Mr. Brink, Death's emissary, Nafe Ketter is properly omniscient, even in an apple tree. Completely competent in lesser parts were Jane Linsenmeyer, Lillian Boland, and, by George, another small boy, Erik Ar- nesen. The production was directed by Claribel Baird, who obviously knows what she's about. Art Director was Oren Parker, and costumes were by Helen Forrest Lauterer. Jack Bender was technical director. If the department's scheduled series of plays this summer go as well as last night's presentation, there ought to be cause for general rejoicing all around, and a sudden rush to the box office. -W. J. Hampton. MATTER OF FACT: Indonesian Report By STEWART ALSOP BATAVIA, DUTCH EAST INDIES-Batavia is an utterly character- less colonial town of unimaginable stuffiness, which boasts the most inedible food, the most outrageous prices and the most tireless mosquitoes in the Orient. Yet there are two things here which, to the weary traveller from other parts of Asia, make all the difference. The first of these unexpected phenomena is an actual, solid, under- standable, constructive American policy. The second is simply hope in the air. There is hope here-good, solid hope-of a final settlement be- tween the Dutch and the Indonesians. The settlement would transform a huge area in Southeast Asia, probably the world's richest area in natural resources ,into a great, savereign, non-Communist state. It is almost impossible to exaggerate the importance of such an event to the whole future of Asia, and indeed of the world. The drama which is being played out here may yet end in tragedy. But a happy ending is ultimately far more likely. To understand why, it is necessary to know something of three of the principal actors in the drama-a Dutchman, an Indonesian and an American. The Dutchman is H. J. Van Royan, a thoughtful, fair-minded, highly intelligent diplomat who has spent much of his life in the United States. Before he arrived a few weeks ago, Dutch policy here was largely in the hands of the high commissioner, Louis Beel, a conservative who looks a good deal like Senator Robert A. Taft. Beel was mainly responsible for the "second police action" last winter, when the Dutch tried to crush Indonesian resistance once and for all. This was a brilliant military operation. But it was political insanity. It confirmed the Indonesians' worst fears. And, perhaps more important, it forced the United States to make up its mind. Beel has now resigned, in protest against the new Dutch policy which Van Royen has brought with him from Holland. The Indonesian actor in the drama is Mohammed Rum, the leader of the independence movement with whom Van Royen has been negotiating. He is a small, shy, brilliant man, with a game leg (he was shot during the early fighting) and the jug ears, the pointed face and the sharp brown eyes of a particularly shrewd mouse. The third actor is the American, H. Merle Cochran, of the United Nations Commission-a large, pink, clever man who suffers the tropical heat uncomplainingly despite his vast bulk. These three men, the Dutch diplomat, the small Indonesian, and the large American, have only one thing in common. All three-and the governments they represent-now want the same thing. They want a settlement in Indonesia which, while protecting the Dutch economic interests, will lead to a transfer of sovereignty from Holland to a new state-the United States of Indonesia. This is the new policy which Van Royen has brought with him from Holland (although the Dutch, with more or less straight faces, deny that it is new). And this new policy springs very largely from the fact that the United States, which for a -very long time really had no policy in Indonesia, has at length decided that a free Indonesia is in the interests of the United States and of the whole Western world. Van Royen and Rum, tactfully but tirelessly prodded by Cochran, have accordingly reached a preliminary agreement. This provides that the Indonesian leaders will return to their former capital, Jogjakarta; that there will be a cease-fire, and that the Indonesians will then fly to the Hague to work out with the Dutch the terms of the transfer of sovereignty' to the new Indonesian state. Clearly this is no more than an agreement to try to agree. Similar agreements have been reached by the Dutch and the Indonesians before, and they have always ended in a bloody shambles. There are still great dangers, which will be considered in a forthcoming report in this space. Nothing is certain until there is a final settlement. Yet there is one new element in the Indonesian situation. This is the quiet, friendly pressure which the United States is now effectively bringing to bear on both sides. Without this pressure, the accumulated bitterness of the post- war years would, have made it impossible for the Dutch and Indonesians even to start toward settlement. The American pres- sure will continue. And this is the basic reason why a final settle- ment here appears ultimately inevitable, although a good deal of blood may be shed on the way. A free, non-Communist Indonesia is the best, and perhaps the last hope in Southeast Asia. It is pleasant to be able to report that this hope exists, and that a wise and well executed, if belated, Amer- ican policy is in large part responsible for its existence. Despite the contrary view in some Washington quarters, having a,policy is often a good plan. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced- ing its publication, except on Satur- day when the notices should be sub- mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad- ministration Building. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 7S Notices Student Organizations planning to be active during the summer session are requested to submit to the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 1020 Admin., not later than July 8, the following information: (1) a list of officers and members, (2) the acceptance of a member of the faculty willing to act as adviser to the group. ORGANIZATIONS NOT SO REGISTERED BY JULY 8 ARE ASSUMED TO BE INAC- TIVE FOR THE SUMMER TERM. Forms for reportingtherequired information may be secured in Room 1020 Admin. The I. M. Building will be open to men and women for swimming, basketball, paddle ball, and bad- minton on Friday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. during the summer session. College of Literature. Science and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I, X, or "no report" at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance, will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by July 20. Students, wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work, should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 1513 Adminis- tration Building, where it will be transmitted. Health Service Eye Testing- Students wishing eye tests for glasses are advised to securesearly appointments. Only emenrgency conditions can be attended after July 25th. Graduate Students expecting to receive the Master's Degree in Au- gust, 1949, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the Graduate School by July 1st if they have not already done so. Overseas Positions. Representa- tives of the Department of the Army will be at the Bureau of Appointments Thursday and Fri- day, July 7 and 8, to interview people interested and qualified for the following teaching positions in Dependafit Schools: In Japan- Men with math, science, physical education combination; physical education men to coach basketball and baseball; combination French and Spanish teachers; music and art teachers. In Germany: elementary teach- ers to handle four grades in two- room schools. Age limits: 22-40. Two years successful teaching experience re- quired, five years preferred. For further information and appoint- ment, call at 3528 Administration Bldg., or call extension 489. The Department of the Army is alsohrecruiting recreational work- ers (women) for Army Service Clubs in the Pacific theater. (Ja- pan, Okinawa, Guam, Korea). Qualifications: Assistant Service Club Director - graduation from college and experience in adult recreation; age limits 30-40. Rec- reational Director - graduation from college and practical knowl- edge of arts and crafts, music, dramatics or group recreation. In- terviews will be held the latter part of next week, for further in- formation, call at 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg. Lectures Dr.fW. F. Hilton, Aerodynami- cist from the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington, Eng- land, and Consultant, Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hop- kins University, will lecture on the subject of "Experimental Super- sonic Aerodynamics" on Thursday, June 30, at 4:15 p.m., in the Archi- tecture Auditorium, Room 102 on the first floor of the Architecture Building. Dr. Hilton has published exten- sively in the subject field, and his lecture should be of interest to students and faculty of the De- partments of Mathematics and Engineering Mechanics, as well as Aeronautical Engineering. Thursday at 4:00 in Room 247 W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Theo- dore W. Hildebrandt, a member of the design staff for the Whirl- wind Computer at MIT, formerly The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a'defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * Welcome... To the Editor: A T THURSDAY NIGHT'S meet- ing of the University of Mich- igan Young Democrats, Prof. John P. Dawson, of the Law School, will present a few introductory re- marks about the Democratic Party and its principles and policies. The purpose of this meeting was orig- inally to stimulate some construc- tive thinking on the part of Young Democrats about the issues of the day confronting our country and the position the Democratic Party has taken on these issues. It has occurred to us, however, that constructive thinking can be even more encouraged by enlight- ened debate which presents all views. Therefore, I hereby take this opportunity to invite all thinking students, faculty, and townspeople to attend our meeting which will be held at the Union, Thursday evening at 7:30. Unfor- tunately, one of the other major political organizations on campus will be holding its first meeting at the same time. To them, I extend a special invitation to join us; if for just part ofhthe time and if the press of their own activities permits. We would welcome an op- portunity to exchange views with them on this occasion. -Theodore Souris, '49L, Summer Chairman, Univ. of Mich. Young Democrats. 1 114'iuanSUM~ I associated with the computer de- velopment at the Institute of Ad- vanced Study speaks on "An Ex- ample of Coding for an Electronic Digital Computer." Lecture: June 30, 7:30, Rack- ham Amphitheater: "Tones in the Riming System in the Sui Lan- guage" Professor Fang-Kuei Li, Visiting Professor, Yale Univer- sity. Lecture: "Biosynthesis of Pur- ines." John Buchanan, Assistant Professor of Physiological Chem- istry, University of Pennsylvania. 4:15 p.m., Room 1300, Chemistry Bldg. Lecture: "Practices and Trends in Canadian High Schools." Char- les E. Phillips, Professor of Educa- tion, University of Toronto. 3:00 p.m.. Auditorium, University High School. Summer Session Lecture Series: Natural Resources in World Af- fairs, "Above All, the Land." Wil- liam A. Rosecrans, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce of (Continued on Page 3) T e tteO TO THE EDITOR Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff B. S. Brown......Co-Managing Editor Craig Wilson .....Co-Managing Editor Merle Levin............Sports Editor Marilyn Jones.......Women's Editor Bess Young ...................Librarian Business Staff Robert C. James. Business Manager Dee Nelson .......Advertising Manager Ethel Ann Morrison ... Circulation WVr. Jame McStocker. Finance Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. BARNABY Don't worry, we'll find them. The children haven't been out of mi s i l', fir Prvlnd--. BBarnaby! H - - -r I ,, I guess Pete the Sandman put us both to sleep- All in all, my friends have failed, despite the abundance of material, to give you the best incidents for In fact, you may omit everything that you have heard so far, Barnaby. n-- . --L , - , 2_ I'll tell you MYSELF of the *heroicmoments of my life- rn i hli,,,e ,, ~ n 'su rntw mn i I C I