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June 30, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-06-30

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Latest Deadline in the State





Jury Weighs
Evidence in.
Coplon Trial
No Prospect for
Early Decision
eral Court jury deliberating the
fate of Judith Coplon failed to
reach a verdict last night. The
jury asked to be taken to a hotel
for the night at 9:40 p.m. (CST)
after earlier indications that a
verdict might be near.
Only a short time before the
jury had come in to ask Federal
Judge Albert L. Reeves for further
instruction, particularly in regard
to interpreting "intent" of the de-
* * *
THE FORMER government girl
is charged with taking secret gov-
ernment documents with intent
to pass them on to a foreign pow-
When the jury asked for new
instructions, its foreman, An-
drew H. Norford, 34, a telephone
company employe, said they,
wanted to deliberate further to-
Shortly after they resumed de-
liberations, however, they gave up
hope of reaching an early verdict.
They were taken to a hotel under
guard of marshals.
* * *
JUDGE REEVES went to his
hotel, but left word to be called
in 'the event the jury reached
As the hours passed, the group
waiting in the federal court-
house to learn the outcome of
the sensation-packed trial grew
larger. By 6:30 p.m., with still
no sign of a verdict, more than
100 persons were standing in
the corridor outside the jury
Miss Coplon herself showed few
signs of worry. She smiled as she
posed for cameramen on the
courthouse steps and again pro-
tested her innocense to clicking
iewsreels. She wore a light tan
skirt and two-tone dark brown
IN CHARGING the jury this
forenoon, Judge Reeves said they
must convict Miss Coplon as a
spy if they found that she delib-
erately committed an injury "how-
ever slight" against the United
But the Judge said the jurors
must acquit her if they believed
she had no actual "intent" to
aid a foreign power, Soviet Rus-
THE JURY OF six Negroes and
six whites began its deliberations
at 9:12 a.m., Central Standard
Time, after Judge Reeves had de-
livered a delicately balanced 25-
minute summation of the points
of law involved.
Miss Coplon seemed pale and
much thinner than when her trial
on espionage charges began last
April 25.
She is accused of passing on
government secrets to Valentine
A. Gubitchev, her alleged Russian
sweetheart, with the intent to aid
a foreign power, Russia.
Throughout the trial, which
lasted nearly 10 weeks, Miss Cop-
lon has vehemently contended that
she was being "framed" by her
rtme n owere she Jus tie
fmer co-workr itheJutc

Dpate, where she was em-
ployed as an analyst.
Politicos Plan
Open Meetings
Student politicians will begin
flexing their collective muscles to-
The Young Republicans and
Young Democrats will extend wel-
comes to all students on campus
in discussions of vital political is-
THE YOUNG Democrats will hear
Prof John P. Dawson, of the law
school, presiding over an open de-
bate on state and national Demo-
cratic policies, 7:30 p.m., Michigan
Meanwhile, the Young Re-
publicans will discuss high-
lights of the recent national
convention of the Young Re-
publican Federation, 7:30 p.m.,
Lichigan League.

i _ _ __



Trial Publicity

Hampers Justice
A -* - *

(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK-"If we are going
to get into trial by publicity the
function of the courts is ended,"
Judge Samuel Kaufman declared
yesterday at the Alger Hiss per-
jury trial.
Kaufman's remarks followed a
request by defense attorney Lloyd
Paul Stryker out of the jury's
hearing, that "someone should be
cited for contempt of court."
* * *
STRYKER BASED this charge
on an article appearing in yester-
day's New York World Telegram.I
The article quoted William
M. Bullitt, Louisville, Ky., law-
yer and former Solicitor Gen-
eral of the . United States, as
saying, "Despite Mr. Dulles'
(John Foster) semi-official sug-
gestion that Hiss should resign
as President of the Carnegie
Endowment for Peace, Mr. Hiss
did not do so."
"In effect," the article continues,
"government sources pointed out,
the issue is: Who is lying, Mr.
Dulles or Mr. Hiss?"
* * *
HISS HAD previously denied
ever discussing his resignation
with Dulles, a trustee of the En-
Judge Kaufman -replied that
he did not know what could be
done about the matter, but indi-
cated that no action could be
taken until the conclusion of the
"It is most unfortunate that so
much has been printed about a
case of this importance. Our
American systemmprovides that a
case shall be judged merely by the
evidence presented in the court.
* * *
written about this case, some have
been in this courtroom, but others
have not."
Mrs. Hiss was on the witness
stand most of the day, under ex-
acting cross-examination by As-
sistant U.S. Attorney Thomas
She denied ever having typed
secret government documents to
transmit to the Communist
arty through Whittaker Cham-
bers, or having had the type-
writer on which the government
claims the documents were typed
in her possession during 1938.
Speaking in a voice so low that


. . . who is lying?
Sr* * *
Stryker had to repeatedly ask her
to talk louder, the petite Mrs. Hiss
said that the Chamberses were
"acquaintances, but not intimate
friends" of the Hisses during 1935-
SHE SAID SHE had seen Mrs.
Chambers on only one occasion,
when the Chambers family stayed
in the Hiss home for "two or three
The Chamberses were at that
time sub-letting the Hiss apart-
ment, and could not occupy it until
their possessions arrived.
Earlieri mthe trial, Mrs. Cham-
bers had testified to repeated
meetings with Mrs. Hiss, and to
close friendship between the two

Czech Police
Use Force on
Papal Envoy
Diplomatic Ties
Near Rupture
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia -- ()
-Czechoslovakia's Communist po-
lice used force in trying to ques-
tion a Vatican diplomat, a source
close to Vatican spokesmen said
The informant said secret police
forcibly entered the car of Msgr.
Gennaro Verolina, counselor and
charge d'affaires in the Papal
Nunciature here, and made him
drive to police headquarters at
Kosice, Slovakia, last night.
* * *
(AN INFORMED Vatican source
in Rome said the Vatican expects
its diplomatic links with Prague
to be severed soon by the Czech
government. The hand-writing on
the wall, it was said, was the re-
cent Communist charge that Msgr.
Verolino, is the "mind behind the
anti-state activities of the
(Vatican sources believe the
rupture might be brought about
by "immobilizing and gagging"
Msgr. Verolino the way Catholic
bishops were silenced by for-
bidding their movement and in-
terfering with church func-
The Church source said a formal
protest has been made to the
Czech foreign ministry against
"this violation of the rights of a
THE NEW development high-
lighted another day in the spread-
ing church-state strife. It also was
disclosed that Communist author-
ities have begun censoring sermons
of Catholic Bishops and imposing
a gag on any who try to criticize
the government.
Rumors spread that Primate
Josef Beran, Archbishop of
Prague, had been formally ar-
rested after the defiant 60-year-
old clergyman failed to appear
today at a service for consecra-
tion of new priests.
A source close to the Arch-
bishop's palace, however, said he
had not planned to take part in
the service. He was saill in his res-
idence under a police watch which
was imposed two weeks ago.
* * *
IT WAS NOT known whether
he could leave his palace if he
Msgr. Beran has been accused of
anti-State activity by the Com-
munist regime because of his op-
position to government moves to
gain control of the church and
shatter its ties with the Vatican.
Msgr. Verolino reportedly sat
tight and refused for two hours
to answer any questions after po-
lice picked him up.
Nationalists Hit
Shanghai with
Bomber Raid
SHANGHAI-M-)--Chinese Na-
tionalist heavy bombers made
their first raid on Shanghai yes-
terday. First reports were that two
Chinese were killed and possibly
100 others injured in the populous
northern district.
At least two four-engine Lib-

erators flew in low and leisurely.
They ignored machine-gun fire
from the ground and dropped
sticks of bombs in the crowded
Chapei district of tenements and
* * * .
THEY SEEMED to be aiming at
the raliroad yards around Shang-
hai's north station in Chapei. If
so, their aim was poor. The bombs
fell to the northeast into the ten-
ement district.
(These raids, previously made
by fighter planes, are to enforce
the Nationalist order closing
Shanghai and other Red ports.
Meanwhile, the United States
bluntly rejected an attempt by the
Chinese government to block trade
between Communist China and
the western world.
Secretary of State Acheson told
a news conference he understood
the British were taking a more
extreme position than this coun-
try. This appears to be borne out
by London diplomatic sources, who
said they believed a British note,
fn ho rlali arlff -nrrnxr a

Union Heads
Declare Bill
Senate Disputes
Injunction Issue
WASHINGTON -(A)- Foes of
the Taft-Hartley Act surrendered
yesterday in their fight to get rid
of the labor law this year.
The Senate debate appeared to
be rushing to a conclusion with
the entire program of Senator
Taft (R.-Ohio) generally expected
to prevail. The Senate unani-
mously agreed to vote on the pro-
gram tomorrow.
* * *
LABOR LEADERS made it clear
they prefer to keep the Taft-Hart-
ley act unchanged-using it as a
campaign issue in 1950-rather
than accept the Taft program for
"improving" the law.
Senator Lucas of Illinois, the
Democratic leader, predicted a
Presidential veto if the Taft Bill
should pass the Senate and
It was generally conceded that
the bill may never reach the White
House. The House has been in a
stalemate on labor legislation and
any Senate bill may be pigeon-
holed by the House labor commit-
Green asked the Senate to defeat
the Truman Administration's
amended labor bill. He declared
that by writing 60-day emergency
injunctions into it yesterday, the
Senate had made the measure
"absolutely unacceptable" to la-
In a subsequent statement,
Green said that "Labor will
never swallow the injunction."
But he also declared "This is
not the end of labor's fight to
repeal the Taft-Hartley act,"
and that its sights are trained
on the 1950 elections.
CIO President Philip Murray is-
sued a similar statement, making
clear that organized labor htr
given up hope of knocking injunc-
tions out of the Labor law this
session, but is determined to con-
centrate on the election of a
friendlier Congress next year.
* * R
GREEN'S LETTER was read to
the Senate by a clerk. It brought
an indignant retort from Taft.
Taft said Green was "under-
taking to veto the bill" in ad-
vance. He said Green's state-
ment was the most "presumptu-
ous" ever sent to the Senate by
an individual. Taft refused to
accept a Presidential veto as
Taft was in the unusual posi-
tion of fighting hard for changes
in the 1947 law that bears his
* *.*
he is seeking to tone down the
law, eliminating some portions
about which complaints have been
made, but at the same time pre-
serving the "essentials" of the
The Taft program, of which
Senators Donnell (R.-Mo.) and

H. Alexander Smith (R.-N.J.)
are co-sponsors, is divided into
two "substitutes" for the ad-
ministration bill for Taft-Hart-
ley repeal.
Substitute No. 1 was the na-
tional emergency provision which
the Senate adopted yesterday by
a 50 to 40 vote. This provision
would deal with "national emer-
gency" strikes by means of a 60-
day injunction or a 60-day seizure
of plants, or both actions running


4 --

Pass Public


SALE BEGINS-Summer Student Directory editors
stacks of the 1949 book for distribution today. Assoc
Louis Wirbel, '51L, (left) flashes a "first edition" w
Paul Rider, Grad., looks on.


* * *


Student .Directory So
.Begin on Campus Tt
Sale of the 1949 Summer Student Directory will begi
Salesmen will be posted on the Diag and at the Engii
10 to 12 a.m., and from 1 to 5 p.m.
STUDENTS MAY ALSO purchase the 50 cent direc
Michigan Union, Michigan League, and in several state
Sale of the directory will continue until the limite
blue-covered books is entirely sold out, according to e
Rider, Grad.
This year's directory-which will hit campus earlie
-will list names, Ann Arbor addresses, home addresses, a
numbers of the more than 8,000 students on campus.
Other vital statistics about campus are included in th
Educator Emphasizes v
Of Civic Training in se

\w 'Fair Deal'
.ilfS: W ins First
House passed a trimmed down ver-
sion of President Truman's multi-
billion dollar Housing bill last
night after once removing, then
restoring, the key section on public
The final vote by the tense,
nerve worn representatives was
228 to 185. A mighty shout went
up from the Democratic side as the
vote was announced.
* * *
SUPPORTING the bill on, final
passage were 193 Democrats, 34
Gene Kiddon Republicans and one American
haul out Labor Party member. Opposing
iate Editor were 131 Republicans and 54
hile Editor Democrats.
For a couple of hours it ap-
peared that Mr. Truman might
be denied this first major vi-
es tory for his domestic program
that he calls the "Fair Deal."
The President's forces took a
y licking in the Senate yesterday
on the Labor bill, another im-
portant item on his program.
But the Administration men in
n on campus the House rallied from their
mid - afternoon setback and
ne Arch from pressed the housing bill through.
With Republicans crying that
the bill was based on "scialism,"
tories at the the opposition temporarily forced
Street book- through, by 168 to 165, an amend-
ment which would have killed the
d supply of publicly-owned housing program.
ditor Paul * * *
THE OPPOSITION argued, to,
st in history that the measure would cost about
nd telephone $16,000,000,000 in 40 years, im-
periling the financial stability of
e book. the government.
But when the roll was called
two hours later, that opposition
victory was reversed, 209 to 204.
The measure - with public
ague housing, slum clearance and
farm housing aids-then was
1 S passed and sent to a Senate-
House conference, where the
slight differences in the bills
approved by the two chambers
program in will be ironed out. The Senate
passed the measure April 21 by
ion of Prof. a 57 to 13 vote.
shead of
son, teas of Administration men predicted
ol speakings the measure will be dispatched to
series of the the White House by the week-end.
BEFORE THE temporary vic-
ck to the tory of the opponents of public
the complete housing, the House by a voice vote
iools are giv- had slashed the number of public
vics, Stphen- dwellings from the 1,050,000 that
school gives Mr. Truman asked to 810,000, and
hance to un- the yearly rental subsidy for ten-
ito live ac- ants, from a top of $400,000,000
tions." to$308,000,000.
That made the House bill con-
that indi- form with the trimming the Sen-
of every 100 ate gave the measure before that
intelligence, body passed it.
prison sen- * * *
4 will have MICHIGAN'S five Democrats
convicted of voted for the measure and were
nson added. joined by two Republicans. The 10
of those who other Republicans were opposed,
hose of lower The vote:
who do not Democrats for-Dingell, Lesin-
ong as they ski, O'Brien, Rabaut, Sadowski.

red. Republicans for-Engel, Ford.
Republicans against--Bennett,
n exists be- Blackney, Crawford, Dondero,
dents spend Hoffman, Michener, Potter, Shaf-
the number er, Wolcott; Woodruff.
rivicted for a
es of Jackson EXert To Talk
re university
n 200 haveOn Dialect
school, about E IL
d the ninth
00 never got Prof. Fong-Kuei Li, visiting pro-
de, Stephen- fessor at Yale University and per-
manent member of the Academia
Sinica, will lecture on "Tones in
the Riming System in the Sui
Language" at the Forum Lecture
of the Linguistic Institute at 7:30
p.m.,tomorrow, in the Rackhau
ill Amphitheatre.
The Sui language is one of a
little known and hitherto unre-
tterling has corded groun of angages nf

'U' Celebrates Fourth of July
With Vacation from Classes
Students will enjoy a welcome day of rest from the grind of
summer academic life when the University celebrates the nation's
birthday by doing without classes next Monday, July 4. -
Various vacation vistas will lure students away from Ann Arbor
for a few precious days of relaxation. Nearby lakes and beaches will
draw more than their share of patrons from the student body.
OTHER STUDENTS will journey homeward to greet ma and pa
and the livestock again, or perhaps to see the old girl friend.
Still others plan a round of gala holiday parties at the
" homes of students who are va-

Rosecrans Lecture
W. S. Rosecrans, vice-president
of the United States Chamber of
Commerce, will deliver the second
of the current summer lecture ser-
ies on public affairs at 4:15 p.m.
today in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Also chairman of the California
State Board of Forestry, Rose-
crans will speak on the topic
"Above All, the Land." The topic
of this year's public affairs lec-
ture series is "Natural Resources
in World Affairs."

cationing this summer in nearby
So far, The Daily has received
no reports of subversive shipments
of firecrackers to be sold illicitly
to fun-loving students. Also, there
are apparently no spectacular fire-
works displays planned for the
center of the diagonal.
In general, prospects are bright
for another Glorious Fourth.
In general, prospects are bright
for another Glorious Fourth. But
less bright for those who would be
driving-accidents will rise, police

If the tide of juvenile delin-
quency is to be stemmed, educa-
tors must give more attention to
.Realism Seen
In Canada's
Recent Fiction
Living issues are currently re-
ceiving the most emphasis in
Canadian fiction, according to
Prof.Edwin J. Platt of the Uni-
versity of Toronto.
"There has been a definite swing
away from historical romance to-
wards an analysis of society," he
PROF. PRATT, a noted Cana-
dian poet himself, spoke last night
on "Recent Canadian Fiction and
He predicted that the trend
toward realism will be further
developed in the future by Can-
ada's leading novelists.
"The only novelists in Canada
today who are getting interna-
tional recognition are that type,"
he declared. "The ivory tower ap-
proach to art is crumbling. The
question Canada's novelists are
asking themselves today is: 'Where
are we going?'"
Turning to thoughts of con-
temporary poetry Prof. Pratt ex-
plained that there has been a
radical change from the nature
poetry written by the old school.

the civic training
This was the opin
Orlando W. Stephen
the department of soc
University High Schc
in the summer lecture
School of Education.
BIGGEST drawba
present programs is#
dirth of time that sch
ing for the study of ci
son said. "Staying in
a student a better cr
derstand society and
cording to its expecta
He cited statistics
cate that seven outc
persons of normal
will have to serve a
tence. More than 1
to pay a fine or be c
some crime, Stephex
And the majorityc
get into trouble are tl
intelligence or those
stay in school as 1
should have, he decla
* * *
A HIGH correlatio
tween the time stu
studying civics and
of those who are con
Of the 5,000 inmate
Prison, less than 10 a
graduates, less thai
graduated from high
700 never got beyon
grade and some 4,00
through the fifth gra
son emphasized.

Police Still Search for Car
In Hit-Run Highway Death

(Co-Managing Editor)
Peggy Moore wore a white dress
the night she was killed by a hit
and run car two weeks ago.
And it was the white dress which
led- to her death.
Walking along the lonely high-
way with a schoolmate, Peggy
offered to stay on the outside,
feeling that it would be safer, since
she was wearing a white dress. The
decision cost her her life.
* * *
POLICE TODAY are still search-
ing for the car which was the in-
strument of death in the highway

GACH ALSO suggested that the
dress which Peggy was wearing
when she was killed be flown to
the Washington Laboratory of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation
for analysis.
Vincent Fox, head of the
Identification Bureau of the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's of-
fice, and Gach flew a private
plane, donated by Henry Karner,
of Ann Arbor, to the nation's
capitol where the FBI ascer-
tained that the car was dark
green, newly-painted, previously
wing blue and probably a 1942
-_ - , ,


Advance. Tickets Available for 'Tor


ment." and Mai Ze


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