PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29. 1949 REPORT TO THE DAILY: Alger Hiss Trial Background' . . . Adder's Fork, And Blind-Worm's Sting, Lizard's Leg, And Howlet's Wing ". etters to the Editor - Editor's Note: Staffer Roma Lipsky has been covering the hiss Trial for The Daily. The follow- ing article is her frank, background report of last week's dramatic trial climax.) By ROMA LIPSKY NEW YORK - The Hiss trial--and also the Communist Conspiracy Trial are be- ing held n the Federal Building, one of lower Manhattan's tallest and most impres- sive-looking sky scrappers. Coming across the Manhattan bridge from Brooklyn in the morning, the gold pointed top catches the sun and glistens so brightly that the rest of the NY sky line looks drab in comparison. The building is on Foley Square, a miniature excuse for a park where elderly men sit on benches reading the Times and younger men-and women-look through the want- ad sections. The front entrance-looks somewhat like Angell Hall, with tall Roman columns and wide steps. Several policemen and uniform- ed guards, all armed, stand around giving directions and maintaining strict "no loi- tering" rules. * * * * I GOT DOWN THERE a few minutes after 9 a m. Thursday, and immediately dis- covered that covering and whiting about the trial was going to be a cinch compared to the task of getting into it. The Hiss courtroom is on the thirteenth floor. Only one elevator stops there. To get into that elevator, you must have a special pass which is checked by a uni- formed guard standing at the entrance to the corridor where all elevators stop, and again by the elevator operator. My only credentials were two issues of The Daily which were marked "Roma Lipsky, night editor," and a drivers license to prove that that's really me. I whipped both out, and was told to go up to Rm. 406, where Press passes were given out. The man in charge of press seating, a Mr. Chenkelian, was out, but his secretary, a short rather dumpy looking girl who the good Lord endowed with the ability to talk a blue-streak while engaged in arranging flowers, could not give me a pass. * * * * MR. C. HAD LEFT STRICT orders that no more were to be handed out. She was, however, very willing to talk about the trial. "I know popular opinion is with Mr. Hiss," she said, "but among the people who know in New York, it is generally conceded that when Stryker takes a case the verdict is guilty." (I'm still trying to figure out who fits into the category of "people who know": the re- porters tell me that they are waiting for Hiss to be cross-examined before making any speculations on the verdict, and even before coming to final conclusions for themselves.) * * * * THIS SECRETARY seemed to completely disregard Alger Hiss as a person in the drama; he was merely a tool for a debate between two experts, and being a fellow employee in the same firm (Federal Justice) as Murphy, she of course "was all for Mur- phy." She conceded that this case has got- ten "a lot of publicity," but the basic issue for her was not the guilt or innocence of Hiss, but a two-way battle of wits between Hiss and Murphy. (All this information was not solicited on my part, but granted gratis while I continued to argue for a press pass and she continued trimming flowers.) She was most sympathetic to my requests for a pass, but told me she couldn't go abou for a pass, but told me she couldn't go about the "no more passes" order. She said that lumbia Spectator had been refused. * * * * FIRMLY CONVINCED, however, that the Michigan Daily is far superior to both the Harvard and Columbia papers, I went up to the 13th floor, and by using Mr. Chenke- ian's name and some fast talking, managed to get in. The trial is being held in a high-ceilinged, dark-panelled courtroom, fairly large, but not half large enough to accommodate all the people interested in seeing it. Judge Kaufman, a rather expresssion- less man, looked rather lost in his large black robes and tall green-backed seat. He rocks back and forth through most of the testimony. Occasionally he and Mur- phy engaged in verbal battles, at which times Murphy naturally came out on the short end. He severely lashed out at Mur- phy a few times; but never, while I was there, at Stryker. That was probably be- cause I have been present while the de- fense was presenting-its case, and not for the prosecution's part. All the actors in this drama are tall. Mur- phy looks as if he was a terrific fullback in his Harvard days. He rises to his feet about once every 15 minutes to object "on the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HERB KRAVITZ grounds that that's a leading question." His batting average is about one-third sus- tained, two-thirds overruled. * * * * STRYKER, a large man with closely- cropped grey hair, has been seen in a most favorable light these last two days, natur- ally, since he is now engaged in coaxing Hiss along the road of a brilliant career. He has a loud, booming voice, but is never offensive. His tone is appreciated by reporters, since he speaks slowly enough to allow for com- plete and accurate notes, and clearly enough to be heard in the last row of the courtroom. Hiss looks his part perfectly: Tall, lanky boyish looking, modest, with clear and idealistic-looking blue eyes. His soft- spoken but emphatic denials are quite convincing. NY papers report that the only sign of nervousness is his hands. I couldn't see his hands from where I was sitting. Before he was called to the stand, he sat with his wife, and kept his eyes concen- trated on whoever occupied the witness box. On the stand, he looks at Stryker, the jury, and Mrs. Hiss alternately. While he was tracing his career, names of the "greats" in recent political history were konstantly being brought up-Roosevelt, Stalin, Holmes-but were mentioned so sim- ply and modestly by Hiss 'that he might equally have been referring to his next-door neighbors. The importance of the posts the man has held is overwhelming, but he tells his story shyly, usually prefaced by the words, "One of my duties . . .," or "It was my responsibility to . . . ." (Hiss practically single-handedly organized the Dumbarton Oaks and San Francisco conferences, and was at Yalta to iron out remaining UN prob- lems.) I hear that the contrast between Hiss and Chambers on the witness stand is quite striking. Chambers is milking cows in Mary- land now. I'm sorry about that; I'd like to see him. * * * * MRS. HISS looks like a dried up librarian in her pictures, but she's a very sweet-faced woman whom Alger seems ,to idolize. Some of the looks he gives her would melt an iceberg. About mid-way in Thursday morning's session, Mr. Chenkelian came into the courtroom, and motioned to me. The man,' who knows everyone who walks into the press section, and has assigned seats to all of them, looked slightly baffled as he asked me, "How in the world did you ever get in here?" I mumbled something inco- herent and began talking Michigan Daily. He was a bit ruffled, told me he couldn't give press passes to every out-of-town pa- per, but as long as I was there already I could stay for that day. He warned me not to come back, though. One of the most interesting aspects of the trial is the spectators. The number who go there, many before 8 o'clock, always far ex- ceeds the number who get in. You find all sorts of people on the line. Many are Harvard and Columbia law stu- dents. Some are want-ad searchers who have decided to spend a day at the trial instead of pounding the pavements. One middle- aged man who apparently was a frequent visitor kept repeating over and over, "It's Roosevelt who's on trial, not Hiss. It's Roose- velt they are trying." (That, incidentally, is a rather common. feeling around New York. Many people, in- cluding Marquis Childs in a long NY Post article, feel that Hiss is being used as an instrument for a trial of the whole New Deal.) Another spectator, who has won the hearts of the courtroom guards, is a 64-year-olds former History teacher, who comes every day. She told me she has given up vacation plans to be able to attend the rest of the trial. THE PRESS SECTION is generally pack- ed. Age range of the reporters averages from about 28 to 60. It's impossible to tell from looking at them who is covering for what paper, so I decided that for "shop talk" my best bet was the many Associated Press men floating around. I figured they'd have to at least be civil to me, since I .was from an AP paper. AP and United Press phone all their sto- ries in from a small room outside the court- room corridor. Other people wire stories in from a West- ern Union press room on the first floor. The man in charge there is very nice, helpful in things like letting the Michigan Daily type its stories on. machines belonging to the New York newspapers. The mad pace! If anyone ever thought time pressure and deadlines made The Daily fast-paced, they should see the way these fellows work. They beat out six- page stories in 10 minutes, and their sto- ries were already going over the wire while I was still writing. Getting into the trial the second day was a two-hour job. I got past the first line of guards by telling them I was going to the fourth floor, but failed to get to the 13th via stairs. (They are smarter than I am- they locked the doors leading from the stair- way to the 13th floor.) * * * * I WENT DOWN to the first floor and tried to convince the elevator operator in that one special elevator which stops at floor 13 that the AP men would get me a pass if he would just take me up. I couldn't see Mr. C again, or use his name this time, as he had told me not to come back. While wandering around, I talked to a ghost-writer who was trying to get in too. Apparently he was doing a story to go un- der a pretty big by-line, because he could- n't tell me whether it was a newspaper or a magazine, anything about the man, or the angle he wanted to write the trial from. He could have gotten a pass through this man, but just to maintain the secrecy he had been told to get in on his own. He did have a Newspaper Guild card, but that's all. * * * * AFTER MUCH PERSUASION, the ele- vator man finally agreed to take me up, and I promised to go straight to the AP office, not to the trial room. As I was talking to him, I noticed another man in the elevator, but didn't pay any attention to him. When we got upstairs, I discovered that he was one of the top AP men. He told me later that he was most amused by my using him to get up while he was standing right there! He also told me that if I had seen him earlier, he could have gotten me a judge's pass. I intend to see him tomorrow to get a judge's pass for Tuesday. My ghost- writer friend was still downstairs, but I saw him later in the day and found out that he did get in finally-about an hour after I did. The AP men were very friendly, but except for the judge's pass which it was too late to get, they couldn't help me get in. They were going grey haired trying to get another of their men in, and couldn't even do that. FINALLY, AFTER MUCH talking to the guards, I was in. I had missed about 10 min- utes of the trial, but a UP man very kindly gave me notes and info on that. Hiss was on the stand all morning-up to a few min- utes before the 1 p.m. adjournment, when another character witness, a Massachusetts district judge, testified briefly. Most of Friday's testimony was a repeat of Hiss' grand jury testimony, and every- one was going mad deciding how to write the stories-no "made-for-you lead" (op- ening paragraph) as had been the case Thursday. After the trial, as I was pound- ing out my story on the New York News typewriter, and wondering if I should send anything at all, I was talking to Ned Brooks, NBC news broadcaster who was pacing the floor in the Western Union press room trying to think of an "angle." No one down there knew quite what to do, especially the Michigan Daily reporter. I finally ripped my first page out of the typewriter and hopped on an uptown bus to the AP office. I decided to see what they were sending, and then decide whether to finish and wire mine. * * AFTER READING the leads (all 18 of them) which AP had sent out to afternoon papers, I finished my story and filed it with the Western Union men at about 4:30 p.m. NY time. When I finished my story, one of my buddies from Federal Court Building walked in, and I spent the rest of the after- noon talking to him. I told him what you sweet people had said about my story the day before, [Ed. Note: We liked it.] and asked him why, if the trial was over before 5 p.m. and they didn't start sending out night leads from New York until 7 p.m., a rewrite man hadn't combined all the stuff from the whole day into a real good story. His answer convinced me that AP is fine for up-to-the-minute, complete coverage, but poor on the writing effort that goes into stories. AP men at the trial phone bulletins in about every five minutes, and the story is sent out just the way they phone it in. Later a man who wasn't at the trial takes all the day leads, a pair of shears and a pot of paste, and throws together a night lead. The office is a mad-house, with millions of clicking machines, and all sorts of people running around looking as if they wonder what they are doing. None of them seem quite to know. IF THE ARMED SERVICES are to have good leadership on which all depends in time of war, they must pay for it. Gen. Bradley himself has pointed out that at present rates of pay the Army is in danger of second-class leadership. The new scale would cost but $300,000,000 more annually. The services can find many other places to save that amount where it would not in any way endanger the national security. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations,the general po- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste wil not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * Appropriations ... To the Editor: A RECENT SURVEY indicated that four out of every five col- lege graduates voted for Dewey in1 the last election. Upon hearing this, one party wheelhorse is reputed to have cried, "I always said that what we needed in this country was more education." But today, it is not that little man's "Grand Old Party" that is championing the cause oftcollege education. In fact, the actions of our Republican-controlled state legislature might give some folks quite the opposite idea. Our University is run by eight Regents-all Republicans. (They make another good controversy.) Yet when they, andour officials, went to Lansing to talk appropria- tions with the House of Represen- tatives, they had a choice of talk- ing to stone walls or to represen- tatives concerned with the Uni- versity's welfare. And just by coin- cidence, the stone walls happened to be 'Republicans following a party line while the fellows who weren't interested in slashing the University's appropriations to ribbons turned out to be Demo- crats. And just why are the Democrats interested in supporting colleges and universities that turn out pre- ponderant Republican majorities? I can only suggest that the Demo- crats believe in higher education as a matter of principle. What about the House Repub- licans? Oh. they had a principle too. They were registering unalter- able opposition to Governor Wil- liams' proposed four per cent cor- poration income tax. What about this corporate in- come tax that the Republicans are so bitterly against? Is it some rad- ical new proposal that will have socialistic influences on the state? By House Republican standards, it probably is. Only 32 states now have such a tax. Governor Wil- liams asked for a four per cent tax. Two-time loser Tom Dewey's state supports a four and one half per cent tay. How do the House Republicans justify this principle of preserving the immunity of corporate income regardless of the cost of education or other state services? Darned if k[ know; and judging from appear- ances, I don't think they know. either. It'sno secret that more educa- tion generally means a higher in- come and a greater tendency to be conservative (Republican). To the Republican wheelhorse who thought that more education was the answer to his party's prob- lems, I suggest that what the Re- publicans really need is a little less income and a great deal more in the way of constructive prin- ciples. -Tom Walsh. CURRENT MOVIES At the State ... At the Michigan .. A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN EDWARD, MY SON, with Spen- KING ARTHUR'S COURT, with cer Tracy, Deborah Kerr, Ian Bing Crosby, William Bendix, Hunter and Leueen MacGrath. Sir Cedric Hardwick and some HIS TALE asoled child interesting feminine topography. THI TL o spoile hl offers a standard sort of a plot THIS IS ANOTHER one of those in a rather unusual manner. hot-weather movies-the type Edward, the spoiled child, that's good for cooling off and for- never appears in the film. In- getting one's blues, if one doesn't stead, the audience sees how mind hurling all Mark Twainisms the lives of Edward's parents are to the Wind. affected by his father's desire to Bing sings, Bendix and Hard- do everything to make the world wick clown and Rhonda Fleming Edward's oyster, by fair means that aforementioned pulchritud- or foul. inous creature, just stands there, Most of the means used are breathing. somewhat foul, and Spencer Tracy The movie is the "modern" does an excellent job of portray- adaptation of the old Mark ing a father who doesn't always Twain fantasy, which should play the game according to the have stayed as is. It concerns rules. He succeeds in making him- itself with a young New England self likeable and despicable at the blacksmith who gets knocked on same time because of his roguish the head and finds himself in behavior. 6th century England, land of Deborah Kerr is adequate as Ed- monsters and unassorted drag- ward's mother. While her role ons. He charms his way into the called for a considerable amount hearts of all gentry and the of coldness, her performance in heroine, of course, and ends up the first portion of the film seemed going back to the 20th century a little bit too "wooden" and and winning the descendant of stilted. the heroine, who looks remark- Leueen MacGrath is very im- ably like her ancestor. pressive as father's sensuous Most of the music is uninter- secretary who eventually be- esting except "We're Busy Going comes his mistress, thereby Nowhere," sung by the three males thickening the plot no end. Ian of the picture. We won't go into Hunter didn't do much with a the acting, role which didn't offer many Most disconcerting, part of the opportunities for doing much. picture to me was its portrayal of After an excellent introduction, Merlin as an evil genius and of the pace of the film slowed to that King Arthur as a stupid old man. of a slow freight through Arkan- Maybe it's the romantic in me, sas, at least for its first half. The but I thought the king was a good pace picked up a bit during the and wise man and Merlin was even latter part of the movie, but it was wiser, quelling all the evil spirits somewhat soap-operaish all the which roamed the countryside in way. those days. Instead Merlin is the The closing scene, like the in- chief villain and Arthur is a sappy troduction, was somewhat unique. old man who can't stand tradition In my opinion, the technique used and is simply a tool of the great was very effective. Sorcerer. Throughout the movie, one About the best entertaining of gets the impression that much the show is done by old faithful of the spice has been deleted Bendix, who plays a lunk-head- from the original play, written ed knight very adequately. His by Robert Morley and Noel squeaky armor is tops. Bing, Langley. Many of the situations however, falls short of his usual which arise do not appear to song and dance. Here he doesn't have very good reasons for aris- seem to have his heart in it, ing. and the movie sags as a result. Despite its flaws, the film man- Maybe he thought the story was ages to maintain a reasonable spoiled, too. amount of interest as it moves Most of the characters were too along, thanks to better than aver- ludicrous to be amusing. It is age acting vand production tech- grossly overdone in all quarters, niques. which is just about Hollywood's A completely picayunish news- speed. The jousting scene, the time reel, and a below-the-usual stand- for unlimited opportunities, was ard Bugs Bunny cartoon complete badly handled and left me with the program. a bad taste in my mouth. -Paul Brentlinger. 35 YEARS AGO: The east half of the south stand of Michigan's new concrete sta- dium will be finished at the end of the week, and other sections will be ready for the football season. The new section, seating 13,200 peo- ple, will cost $55,000. The entire stadium, when finished, will cost $285,000 and seat 54,000 spectators. Prof. W. R. Parker of the University said that between 6,000 and 7,000 of the 64,000 blind persons in the United States have potential sight. He added that these people could be helped and other persons' sight saved by lectures, compulsory legislation, and parent-teacher cooperation. -From the Pages of The Daily DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) in the University High School, 3:00 p.m., Auditorium, University High School. Exhibitions Museum of Art: Michigan Water Color Society, 3rd Annual; Islamic Pottery; Alumni Memorial Hall, daily 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today "On Borrowed Time" will open tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8 o'clock. This first play of the summer season pre- sented by the Department of Speech will have a four day run, Wednesday through Saturday. Single admissions are on sale at the theatre box office and season tickets are still available through- out the remainder of this week. The box office is open from 10 a.m. to & p.m. Phi Delta Kappa-The second in a series of five informal dinner meetings will be held Wednesday, June 29, 6:00 to 7:30 in the Uni- versity Club Dining Room, Mich- igan Union. Dr. Leonard V. Koos, Professor of Education, University of Chicago, will discuss the Com- munity College Plan for Pennsyl- vania. Members of the faculty and Phi Delta Kappans are invited. Bring a guest. Obtain your dinner in the cafeteria line and proceed to the Club Dining Room. Open House at German Lan- ugage Residence-Deutsches Haus -1101 Church Street, Wednesday, June 29, 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. All German-speaking faculty and stu- dents are cordially invited. Re- freshments. Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 29th, in Room 3-D of the Union. All mem- bers and visiting brothers are urged to be present. dents and faculty are cordially in- vited. Michigan Christian Fellowship, Bible Study Class, Chapter I, Ephesians. 7:30 p.m. Lane Hall. University Community Center, 1045 Midway Place, Willow Run Mich: Wed., June 29, 8 p.m. In- terdenominational Church Choir. Coming Events There will be a meeting of the U. of M. Young Republican Club Thursday evening, 7:30, in the Tea Room at the League. New stu- dents interested in the club as well as all members are invited to- attend. Young Democrats: Open meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union, Thurs., June 30. Prof. John P. Dawson, of the Law School, will speak on, Democratic Party prin- cipals and policies, current and future, and will then lead a dis- cussion from the floor. All stu- dents, faculty, and the general public are cordially invited to at- tend and actively participate. The first meeting of the Cercle Francais will be held Thursday, June 30, at 8 p.m. in the Mich- igan League. Professor Marine Leland will talk informally on Un Romancier Canadien - francais: Germaine Guevremont. Miss Carol Nielson will sing several selections from her French repertoire. University of Michigan Sailing Club: Regular business and open meeting at the Union, 7:00 p.m., Thurs., June 30, 1949. AMm- Deutsches Haus Open Wed., 7:30-10 p.m. 1101 St. Everyone invited. House, Church There will be a square dancing class sponsored by the Graduate Outing Club on Wednesday, June 29, at 8:00 p.m. in the Women's Athletic Building. Everyone is in- vited. Small admission charge. Sociedad Hispanica: First meet- ing of the summer will take place on Wednesday, June 29, at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Two Latin American films with dialogue will be featured on the program. Stu- Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff B. S. Brown ......Co-Managing Editor Craig Wilson ......Co-Managing Editor Merle Levin...........Sports Editor Marilyn Jones....... Women's Editor Bess Young ...................Librarian Business Staff Robert C. James ...Business Manager Dee Nelson ....Advertising Manager Ethel Ann Morrison ...Circulation Mgr. Jame McStocker ..Finance Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of au other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at AnilĀ° Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall matter. t BARNABY n,,, nein^ Pete, Mr. Van Winkle here was Pete, Mr. Van Winkle here ws The whole pailful? Say, we'd[ttokmtwnyeasothdy 771 .I""'-'" 17 07 I = 1 z I --- -- --. ~" "'"' I I hmIyahookmmeawenty years to the dayd1A ..- I r -1 Oh, 1; may have miscalculated a 1 ...that later a badly garbled r t .r . .. U/1,.,., 1 iv.un rn rnm i r