PAGE TEN TTIF AlICIUCAN DAILY 1949 MONDAY. AUGVST S. THE _._.._ _..AYMON1)At mT ,lg . 1,; f 1V i Lill. L1 Qr LA l. l71 Z YJ : FRUM THE PAGES OF THE DAILY: University Se flers ummer NEIGHBOR NEARER: Some June You'll I Spoon on Moon *p * * *. * * The University has passed through another summer with the usual heat, sweat, and frustration. But some things of interest and some excitement have occurred i the good old summer time in Ann Arbor June 22-University enrollment reaches 8,824-350 below the rec- ord of last summer. University President Alexander G. Ruthven threw a stinging "NO" to the House Un-American Affairs Com- mittee's request for a list of texts used by the University. June 23-Eager swimmers were in for a jolt when the State Health Commissioner called the Huron River "too polluted for safe swimming," along with 50 other Michigan rivers and streams. June 24-The State Legislature passed a compromise appropria- tion of $11,436,315 for the Univer- sity's operating budget for the coming year-more than a million dollars below the sum asked for. June 25-A 100-year-old puzzle of Ann Arbor may be solved when a group of enterprising localities complete their plans to change the names of Fourth and Fifth Streets to better names so they U Ancient Buildings Will Remain Formerly Headed For Junk Heap Cramped quarters will force the University to continue using three old buildings which had been headed for the scrap heap. Instead of being torn down, University Hall, South Wing and Mason Hall will still be in use when the fall semester opens, ac- cording to Vice-President Robert P. Briggs. "WITH CLASSROOM space still at a premium and many depart- ments of the literary college forc- ed to put three or more faculty members in one office, it has been decided that the structures are needed too badly to be demolished, Briggs said. University Hall was built in 1873, Mason Hall in 1841 and South Hall dates from 1849. All have been called "unsafe" for mass student use in their pres- ent condition. To meet safety requirements, most of the space in the aged edi- fices will be used for offices, li- braries and research centers, with only a few classrooms in use. m* « THE INSTITUTE of Social Re- search will move from its base- ment quarters in the elementary school building to the first and part of the second floor of Uni- versity Hall. Tappan Hall, vacated when the Business Administration building was completed, will of- fer more space to overcrowded literary college departments in the fall. A scientific language laboratory for romance languages will be a part of South Wing in the fall. Recording and play-back ma- chines and listening booths will be provided for language students there. * - * OTHER SPACE in South Wing will be used by the mathematics and political science departments for additional staff offices. The English, history and psy- chology departments will ex- pand into Mason Hall, with the Psych. 31 staff taking over the old office of the academic coun- selors. What was once the registrar's office will house the Navy Con- ference Research program, and an Engineering Research Insti- tute business machines project. The Army ROTC has already left its Victorian mansion on State Street, and along with the Air Force unit, will join the Navy in North Hall for the fall term. won't be confused and Fifth Avenues. with Fourth June 26-Students ate more for less at an innovation in Ann Ar- bor: Club 211, where 18 meals a week cost less than $10.00. June 27-"On Borrowed Time,"' marked the first of a hit parade of plays for the summer season given by the speech department's play production. June 30-The Summer Student Directory, with vital statistics of 8,000 students on campus, hit the streets in a record short time this summer. It was the first time they were up for sale within the first week of school. July 1 - Strictly for heating purposes, a new tunnel was coin- pleted from the New Women's Dorm to the Maternity Hospital. July 2-The Daily went to town in inquiring into the strange con- tour lines on Angell Hall grass- it turned out that the powerful weed killer was slightly hard on the grass, too. July 3-Mirabeau, the famous Michigan cat with the M on his forehead, set off a craze of cat pictures and stories - it turned out that the majority of tiger cats have forehead M's, but Mirabeau still boasts that he's the first gen- uine Michigan Mascot Cat. July 4 - The University broke its heart and let the students out for the Fourth of July weekend. July 6 - A former University professor of engineering reared up on his hind legs and blasted the University administration as "ob- viously overpaid in respect to thcir producing and academic ability." July 7-The post-Fourth of July holiday simmered down to a slow trot as Ann Arbor fried through its third or fourth heat wave of the spring and summer. July 9-The old Michigan foible -four out of five women ,:re beautiful, the fifth goes to Mich- igan-was upset when a dark- haired University junior won the title of Cherry Queen at the Trav- erse City Cherry Festival. July 13 -- Bob Chappuis, All- American football star of the Wol- verines, married his campus sweetheart in Fargo, N.D. July 14-While Young Progres- sives picketed him for "failing to act to stop the death of 52-20," Gov. G. Mennen Williams said that he had criticized the State Legislature for providing "ins af- ficient funds to run the Univer- sity." At a Daily press conference later, he said, "I don't think loy- alty oaths are worth two cents." July 15-A huge walking ice cream cone heralded an "Ice Cream Carnival" on the lawn of Betsy Barbour to raise money for a displaced student. July 16-Ann Arbor's controver- sial zoning ordinance reared its ugly head in an attempt to pre- vent University fraternities Pnd sororities from expanding or build- Can a rocket be sent to the moon? The imagination of Jules Verne and the travels of Buck Rogers have helped to make us increas- ingly conscious of the possibilities' of interplanetary travel. But what was once just the dream of a fiction writer-a 240,- 000 mile trip to the moon-may in the near future become a reality. PROF DEAN B. McLaughlin of the astronomy department ex- plained that the main problem was building a rocket which would be able to carry enough fuel to make the trip. The speed of escape which a rocket or projectile must ob- tain to get out of the earth's atmosphere is seven miles per second or about 25,000 miles per hour. Once a rocket obtained this speed of escape, Prof. McLaughlin continued, it could coast until it reached the moon's atmosphere. Then fuel would have to be used to slow up any "space ship" so that it would not crash into the surface of the moon. * * * ASTRONOMICALLY speaking, Prof. McLaughlin said that a rocket could be sent to the moon. But he emphasized that the en- gineering problem of designing such a rocket still remains to be solved. Commenting on the possibili- ties of reaching the moon, Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, chairman of the aeronautical engineering department, said that multi-type rockets would have to be used. (Multi-rockets are composed of several chambers and as the fuel in each chamber is consumed, the chamber drops off.) Prof. Conlon felt that with enough funds and more research, it would be possible to send a rocket to the moon. RECENTLY, THE CANADIAN Rocket Society announced that it was planning a trip to the moon for about 1960. They estimated that the cost of a "moon ship" able to make a round trip would be about $5,000,- 000 with an additional hundreds of millions being required for re- search. However, the president of the U.S. Rocket Society, R. L. Farns- worth, advised the Canadians to drop the plan; calling them a "group of amateurs who got wrapped up in their own dreams." The plan is mathematically and theoretically possible, Farnsworth said, but the problem is one of fi- nance. The Canadian Society had planned using a rocket ship 200 feet long, 50 feet in diamheter, weighingabout 1,000 tons and powered by atomic energy which they felt would have practical ap- plications before 1960. JULES VERNE'S IDEA was to shoot a projectile to the moon by mWeans of a gigantic rifle sunk deep into the earth. But this is impractical be- cause the shock of the initial acceleration would be too great for any human being to under- go. The projectile would also be traveling through the earth's at- mosphere atrsuch a terrific speed that it would burn up. And then again, there would be no way of slowing down the pro- jectile to prevent it from crashing into the moon's surface. A I THE SUN NEVER SETS ON NEW DORM-A THREE SECOND EXPOSURE AT 12:27, SATURDAY NIGHT ing in residential zones. The leg- islation was later delayed. July 17-Don Haynes, the man "canned in a car," stopped in Ann Arbor for a hair cut. Haynes is literally welded into a car and has $25,000 riding on his nose to drive 140,000 miles. He has some 25,000 miles under his wheels at latest count. July 20-The Sun Never Sets on the New Women's Dorm was the' title of an editorial in The Daily in which also appeared a picture taken at 12:27 p.m. on a Saturday night - as bright as daylight. Later the University substituted 150-watt bulbs for the giant 500 watters formerly in the dorm lamp posts. July 21-Square dancing is fast becoming all the rage at the Uni- versity-even in the hot weather -for organizations now take up four nights a week for footloose hand clappers who want to swing their partners. July 22 - The University in- creased its tuition to $150 a year for Michigan students and to $400 for out-of-state students in order to meet running costs which the reduced budget would not provide for. July 25-Mirabeau, the M cat of Michigan, again broke into the headlines as he began to be rivaled by hundreds of other cats with M's, but also got two proposals, but unfortunately, they both were from male cats. Mirabeau's moth- er up and had another litter, this time with all M cats. July 27 - The summer geology class, 32 weeks rolled into 8, com- pleted its series of fieldtrips for the summer, which took them to Ohio; London, Ontario; Lake Erie; Lansing; and Detroit on six different occasions. July 28-A new campus group -The Gothic Film Society--was organized to study the fantasy and sometimes the horror of Hollywood and French movies- unfortunately, the academic "study group" is limited to faculty members and grad students. July 20-The Daily launched a series of articles on discrimina- tion, results of a poll taken by the University Survey Research Cen- ter on discrimination in housing, dates, eating, and general living. July 31-Puccini's La Boheme completed the speech depart- ment's highly successful summer run of plays from Broadway, sum- mer barn theatres and amateur groups. Aug. 3-After a summer of be- ing pounded, ripped, torn and gen- erally degenerated, Hill Audito- rium was about to emerge an un- recognizable landmark - on the inside - with a cost of several hundred reduced seats, the hall had a complete new set of chairs put in-with a tiny bit more padding and leg room. The walls and ceilings were also gone over and will be ready for full-time use in the fall. Aug. 5-Students looked for- ward to their last weekend in Ann Arbor for the summer but turned reluctantly but thoughtfully to exam week before closing their books and taking off for parts known only to themselves. Aug. 6-Jet planes by the dozen swooped low over the heads of thousands of spectators at the Aero Club's gigantic Air Fair at Willow Run Airport. Also includ- ed were bombers, fighters and fa- mous ships such as the 180-pas- senger Constitution and the Truc- ulent Turtle, holder of the world's record. Aug. 7-The Daily folded its copy pencils and like Arabs, ,;tole silently away from the cloistered halls of the Student Publications Building until September when ii would resume publication for the fall semester. For a Rainy Day OAK TREE, N.J.-Some wood- peckers are very thrifty and use the holes they drill in trees for storing acorns, according to local squirrels. sauea Try FOLLETT'S First USED BOOKS at BARGAIN PRICES .:is.. .t4. .... . Colorful Student Loan Prints Available for Fall Semester' If you feel that you need a dash of color to liven up your room, the Student Print Loan Collection has several hundred reproductions of oil and water color paintings which are guaranteed to improve even the drabbest of walls. The prints are available to any student at a rental fee of 50 cents a print for the semester. However, there is a limit of one print per student. "WE ARE GOING to have 49 new prints for the fall term," ac- cording to Mrs. Eloise Wilkinson, in charge of the collection. aThe new prints include reproductions of works of artists who have been especially popular with students. Currently available are many interesting reproductions of works by such artists as Renoir, Degas, Van Gogh, Picasso, and the popular American, Win lw Homer. In addition, the library offers works by the traditional old masters of Europe. The print loan library dates from the fall of 1947, when the J. L. Hudson Co. of Detroit pre- sented it with a gift of 400 repro- ductions. Since then, the library has received other gifts and has bought more prints so that it now owns 720 pictures. aL SCi SDoily BEER DEPOT .ET'S GO ... to the MIXERS NO PARKING ay, Noon - 7 P.M. Phone 7191 -.. ......- - --..a!y>Bi{{r;7,:4:"i"-.:l I BEER -1INE- i DRIVE-THRU OURTEOUS SERVICE I 10 A.M. - 10 P.M. - Sund 114 E. Williams I 1 I I )lade 7t14 4r.wlu //e 4quter4! Mdtiganr'sDOwn WO LVE RINE E Welcomes You to A Ann rbor Plan to spend your leisure hours at th 1sStudent mneeting place, enjoying our Delicious 1 m CicheoIIs tAld Iitners. HAMBURGERS - CHEESEBURGERS FRENCH FRIES - MALTS and SHAKES AT POPULAR PRICES TELEVISION at he EN 1509 South University at Forest A Drubs . . . ref A r " , {, t I F.: ., . ' '_r I1 1t Complete Stocks --Quality Merchandise Intelligent and Interested Service GOING TO SC OO We've got what it takes!! We I AL 0 lwa 4- Al rhbhl 1 11I I I I I I I