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August 08, 1949 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-08

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'Free' Tickets;
ow Cost Texts
Cost of Tickets Included in Tuition;
Union Student Exchange Has Books
Cheap books and "free" football and basketball tickets.
That's what the Student Book Exchange and your tuition will
help you get during your stay at the University.
* * * *
OLD BOOKS WILL get you cash and the price of a season foot-
ball and basketball pass are included in your tuition.
You can buy or sell your books at the Student Book Exchange
set up in the Union at the beginning of each semester. Freshmen
won't have any books to sell, but they can buy most of the
textbooks for a semester's work.







ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION LECTURES-Speaking in the University's 1949-50 Lecture+Series
Sare: (left to right) Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt; Leland Stowe, journalism Pulitzer Prize winner; John
Mason Brown, associate editor of the Saturday Review of Literature; Adolph Menjoy, distinguished
actor; (not pictured) King Peter II of Yugoslavia and Mary Garden, former opera singer. Miss
Garden will open the series on Oct. 5 with her talk, "My Memories of the Opera." Stowe will give
the second lecture, "We Still Have Time to Win Peace," Oct. 26. On Nov. 7, Menjou will talk
on "Stairway to Stardom." Bunche will deliver the fourth talk, "United Nations Intervention in
Palestine," on Nov. 28. The date of Mrs. Roosevelt's talk, "The Citizens' Responsibility to the UN,"
has not been set. Brown will lecture on "Broadway in Review," Jan. 19. In the final lecture on
Feb. 15, King Peter II will tell, "The Story of My Country."

Groups Plane
For Fall Term
Lane Hall Center
Of Campus Work
(Continued from Page 1)
followed by a program of speak-
ers, panels, student discussions,
forums, and worship services.
Week-day activities of the group
include Tuesday tea, discussion
groups, and social functions. Dir-
ector of the guild is Rev. H. L.

Episcopal student foundation on
campus. The guild works under
the leadership of Rev. John H.
Burt. Communion breakfasts, Sun-
day evening meetings, and Friday
Open Houses are featured in the
group's program.
The Ann Arbor Friends Meet-
ing has its headquarters at Lane
Hall. In addition to worship
meetings, it holds frequent work
parties to prepare clothing and
other material for the Ameri-
can Friends Service Committee
foreign relief program.
The Orthodox Students Society
was established for all Greek Or-
thodox students on campus. Un-
der the guidance of Dr. S. M.
Sophocles, the group holds Wed-
nesday evening open house and
sponsors religious, educational and
social programs.
*~* *
sociation is the local unit of the
National Lutheran Council, and
is under the direction of Rev. Hen-
ry O. Yoder. The group meets
every Sunday evening and holds
Tuesday evening discussions, Wed-
nesday Coffee Hours, and week-
end social events.
Moving into a new chapel this
fall will be Gamma Delta, the
Lutheran Student Club. The
group is part of an all-student
congregation under the super-
vision of Rev. Alfred Scheips.
Activities of the guild include
Sunday Bible class and evening
supper and program.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship, affiliated with the Inter-
varsity Christian Fellowship, is
an organization of Protestant stu-
dents who subscribe to the faith
of historic Christianity. Activities
of the group include weekly Sun-
day program and tea, Wednesday
Bible study, and such social events
as parties, picnics, and hikes.
THE STUDENT'S Evangelical
Chapel just completed the build-
ing of a new church. Organized
chiefly of Christian Reformed
students, the group is under the
direction of Rev. Leonard Ver-
Wesleyan Guild has planned
its 1949-50 program around the
theme, "Developing Christian
Attitudes and Social Action."
The Methodist guild is under
the guidance of Rev. James
Brett Kenna. Activities of the
group include Sunday evening
supper and fellowship, Wednes-
day tea, and Friday recreation.
Serving Presbyterian students
on campus is Westminster Stu-
dent Guild. The group holds a
student seminar in 'religion, a
Sunday evening fellowship meet-
ing, Wednesday tea, and a Friday
social. Rev. William H. Hender-
son is advisor to the guild.
Improve Your F
Lan ua es

' Run by the Interfraternity
Council as a non-profit organiza-
tion, the exchange will put a stu-
dent's book up for sale at his own
price. If the book doesn't sell, he
may claim it after the exchange
closes. If it sells, a check will be
mailed to him later.
The exchange charges a 10 per-
cent fee to cover overhead. Un-
sold books not claimed are sold to
local bookstores.
DURING THE last semester, the
exchange did between $4,000 and
$5,000 worth of business.
Textbooks don't come free to
students, but football tickets do.
They aren't absolutely free, but
the student doesn't feel them so
much because they are included
in the price of the tuition.
Basketball tickets are included,
too, as well as League or Union
memberships, health service privi-
leges and general University dues
and fees.
STUDENT seating in the newly-
enlarged stadium will be assigned
according to the number of semes-
ters in residence at the University.
Freshmen will sit in the end
zone and the longer a student
stays in school the nearer he
gets to the 50 yard line-the
best spot on either side of the
Basketball seating is different-
all students have to do is show
their University identification and
make a mad rush for the seating
in Yost Field House. Generally, if
a spectator gets there soon enough,
he can find an excellent seat.
Mystery Death
Spurs Drive
On Affliction
Mutiple Sclerosis
Research Given $100
When.a mysterious disease took
the life of Audrey Crawford, a
University coed, last fall, everyone
who knew her was stunned.
Only five weeks before her
death, Miss Crawford had com-
plained to her Alpha Omicron Pi
sorority sisters of a numbing sen-
sation in her right arm. When the
died in University Hospital, t.:e
diagnosis was multiple sclerosis,
with complications.
ALTHOUGH the disease itself
may not be fatal, it is a baf-
fling but unfortunately common
affliction, it may lead to other
conditions will will take the life
of its victm.
The members of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi gathered a fund at the
end of the school year which
they designated as a memorial
for Audrey Crawford.

Plans are now under way for a
formal dedication to the new
studios of WUOM, the University's
student-operated radio station.
The station's new studios are on
the fifth floor of the administra-
tion building. It is staffed by 13
full-time employes, eight of whom
are graduates.
Varsity Band
Fall Audition
25 Vacancies
Exist for Freshmen
Auditions for positions on the
University Band will be held dur-
ing Registration Week at Harris
Instruments primarily needed to
fill the estimated 25 vacancies on
the Marching Band are cornets,
bass horns, and saxophones, but
students who play other instru-
ments may also apply. All inter-
ested campus musicians should
contact Mr. John Lee, assistant
director of the band, at his Harris
Hall office.
*F * *
ALTHOUGH THE far-famed
Marching Band is regarded as one
of they finest in the country and
last year won enthusiastic acclaim
in all cies in which it played, Lee
encourages freshman tryouts.
He emphasized that in the
past a large part of the band's
make-up was of freshmen. '
With the sole exception of the
Stanford game, the Marching
Band will perform at all home
and away football contests. After
football season, the band will
transfer its activities indoors and
will make up the Varsity and Con-
cert Bands.
* * *
to women.
The two groups will spend their
winter season playing at basket-
ball games and performing on
other occasions when band music
is desired.

utilized commercial stations for
25 years, the new outfit was con-
structed by engineering students,
and opened for operations in July,
1948. The first campus station,
WCBC, had ceased functioning in
The station is operating on a
five andi one-half hour schedule,
from 2:30 to 8 p.m. Monday
through Friday and from 9:151
to 11 a.m. on Sundays. The be-
ginning of the fall semester will
see the schedule change to 12
to 9 p.m.
Under present plans, the stationI
will devote two thirds of its broad-
cast time to music. The remaining
time will be apportioned to edu-
cational talks, interviews, round-
tables, and dramatic programs.
* * *
CONCERTS AND evening reci-
tals will be broadcast from the
Auditorium in which they take
The station's transmitter and
radiator tower are located atop
PeachMountain, near Portage
Lake,16 miles northwest of the
campus. Reception is possible
within a 60 to 100 mile radius
of Ann Arbor.
WUOM has frequency modula-
tion transmission and operates on
a frequency of 91.7 megacycles,
with a radiated power of 45,000
Travel Office
Aids Students
A travel office designed to aid
students making trips abroad is
located in the Office of Student
The travel office is run by the
National Student Association Com-
mittee of the Student Legislature.
* * *
mation on the annual summer
NSA tours through Europe, the
office is the campus clearing house
for information on tours spon-
sored by other groups as well.
The travel office also has the
facts on work camps and study
opportunities abroad.,
Over 100 University students
were in Europe last summer.

WUOM Dedication
Plans Now Under Way

Will Provide
Sky-writing will herald Engi-
neering in October, sponsored by
the Engineering Council.
The week will begin with a mass
parade and-will be climaxed by an
Engineering Show Oct. 28. All
engineering groups are expected
to take part in the show, whie.
will feature displays and exhibi-
tions of the engineering college'sl
* * *
PURPOSE OF the Week is to
build engineering spirit and coop-
eration, and to promote Closer re-
lations between the engineering
school and other colleges of the
The Engineering Council is
the student administration body
of the College of Engineering.
Made up of qualified engineer-
ing students and the presidents of
each engineering class, the Coun-
cil reviews cases involving en-
gineering students and is a liaison
to the faculty and engineering ad-
* * *
LATEST accomplishment of the
Council was the drafting of an
Engineering Honor Council Con-
stitution, which wil go into effect
this semester. The Honor Council
is a group of eight engineers chos-
en from petitioners by the cab-
inet of the Engineering Council
which reviews cases involving en-
gineering students and the Honor
The Honor System, at present
the only such system in the Uni-
versity, puts engineering stu-
dents "on their honor" during
exams. Students are not super-
vised and sign a pledge that
they have neither given nor re-
ceived aid during the exam.
The Honor Council will con-
tinue to be subject to control by
the Engineering Council, its par-
ent group. The new constitution is
the first in the Honor Council's
* * * ,
makes up nearly one-quarter of
the University population and is
operated by a near-independent


Fresh Air Camp Ready
For More Student Use

The University Fresh Air Camp
will be available shortly for more
general student use than ever.
The camp is a popular recrea-
tion spot. When all planned im-
provements are completed it will
be open the year round.
* * *
THE CAMP began as a service
project for underprivileged and
maladjusted boys and during the
summer months its facilities are
administered for this purpose by
the University's Institute for Hu-
man Adjustment.
This work is supported by a
yearly tag day.
The camp, located 26 miles from
Ann Arbor, is on Patterson Lake
which provides fine swimming for
the summer, and skating in the
winter. "
* * *
AT PRESENT, the chief facility
available for student use is the
main lodge consisting of two large
rooms which can be made into one
for dances. In the past the use of
this building has been restricted
to the warm months, but winter-
ization is expected to be complet-
ed this year.
For the past threeyears many
of the major campus organiza-
tions have been collecting fuik1s
to be used for improvements at
the Fresh Air Camp.
Last May, students presented
to Alexander G. Ruthven, Univer-
sity president, $16,000 to be used
for winterization.
* * *
undertaken will be revamping the
main lodge. Plans call for a new
well and year around pumping
equipment, wall insulation and a
forced air heating system.
When this is completed, stu-
dents will be able to make use
of the lake and the hills sur-
rounding the site for skating,
skiing and other winter sports.
Other projected improvements
include a new floor for dancing
and a public address system to
furnish music.
* * *
beach house does not appear to be
too far in the future, and long

range plans include improvement
of the cabins.
Student participation in the im-
provement of the camp will con-
tinue, and according to Dr. Wil-
liam Morse, director of the camp,
both the students and the camp's
summer users will benefit.


Former King
Of Yugoslavs
Will Speak
Talks To Open
On October 5
Seven famous figures from the
fields of government, art, drama
and journalism will visit Hill Au-
ditorium in the University's 1949-
50 Lecture Course.
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt;
Ralph J. Bunche, United Nations
mediator in Palestine; King Peter
II of Yugoslavia; Adolphe Men-
jou, actor; Mary Garden, former
opera singer; John Mason Brown,
critic; and Leland Stowe, journal-
ist, will take part in the lecture
THE SERIES, sponsored by the
Oratorical Association, will open
on October 5 when Miss Garden
speaks on "My Memories of the
For a quarter of a century
Miss Garden was one of the
most colorful figures in the op-
eratic world.
In the past, she has sung at Hill
Auditorium under the auspices of
the Choral Union. At the age of
72 she wlil return from her home
in Scotland for a speaking tour
sponsored by the National Arts
* * *
winner in journalism, will talk on
"We Still Have Time to Win
Peace" in the second of the lec-
tures, on October 26.
A distinguished foreign cor-
respondent with the Chicago
Daily News, Stowe is now for-
eign editor for The Reporter, a
news magazine.
Menjou, a distinguished actor,
also known as one of America's
best dressed men, will speak on
"Stairway to Stardom" on No-
vember 7. He is the author of
"It Took Nine Tailors," an auto-
** *
"United Nations Intervention in
Palestine," will be delivered by
Bunche on November 28. He has
distinguished himself by his work
in Palestine as Chief of the Trus-
teeship Division of the United Na-
Bunche was offered the posi-
tion of Assistant Secretary of
State a short time ago, and was'
named the "Alumnus of the
Year" by the University of
Southern California.
Mrs. Roosevelt will visit the
campus sometime after the United
Nations Assembly adjourns, prob-
ably in January. The exact date
of her talk on "The Citizen's Re-
sponsibility to the United Na-
tions" will be announced later.
* * *
the Saturday Review of Litera-
ture, will speak in Ann Arbor for
the fourth successive year on Jan-
uary 19. He will discuss current
Broadway plays and recent books
in his talk entitled "Broadway in
Anchor man for the lecture
series will be King Peter II. His
reign saw the dark days that
were finally climaxed by the in-
vasion of Yugoslavia by Hitler
and the later Communist strug-
gle for control of the country.
The King will tell "The Story
of My Country."
The . Oratorical Association is
now acepting mail orders for sea-

son tickets for the series, and the
Hill Auditorium box office will
open on Sept. 19.
Service Adds
Catering to an audience equal
to the University student body
and with the whole state as its
campus, the University Extension
Service takes education out of Ann
Arbor to the people.
lectures to 60,000 and courses to
21,000 in the last year. It sent out
157 faculty and student teachers
who lectured in all of Michigan's
87 counties.
The courses offered by the
Extension Service range from
Bach to Biology. A total of 651
courses are offered, full college
credit is given for 351 of them.
The Extension Service was
founded in 1911 and has grown
with the Tniversitv

Rubinstein, Boston Group To Appear in Concerts
---___ -___ -_______________________________________

*1 * *
Dean Walter
Runs Student
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter will greet incoming freshmen
and transfer students on Monday
evening of orientation week.
Dean Walter is head of the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, a second
campus home to University stu-
* * *
throughout the day with students
who are requesting eligibility
cards for extra-curricular activ-
ities, getting automobile permits,
checking the social calendar, look-
ing for vacancies in rooming
houses, or maybe reviewing the
account of one of the many stu-
dent organizations.
Besides that, the office has a
personal record card for each
student on campus.
The post of dean of students
was formed by the Board of Re-
gents in 1921. This was the first
job of this kind in the country.
students is to be "friend, counse-
lor and guide to the student body
with general oversight of its wel-
fare and its activities."
As a result, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs has become catch-
all for the entire University.
Even mail clerks who find them-
selves with letters they don't know
what to do with drop them off
at the office.
IN ITS YEARS OF existence the
post of dean of students has ac-
cumulated the jobs of ex-officic
membership in the University Sen-
ate, Council, Conference of Deans
Board in Control of Student Pub-
.ications, Board of Directors oi
the Union, Board of Governors of
Residence Halls, and many more.
Back in 1921, the dean's office
was one small room with two
desks in it-one for himself and
one for his secretary.

A sum totaling $100 was sent
to the National Society for Pre-
vention of Multiple Sclerosis.
* * *
gaged in research regarding both
the causes and cure of the disease.
It is very important work because
nobody can be sure where or when
the disease will strike.
Miss Crawford was not sickly
in any way. She was 20 at the
time of her death, a normal
senior student in the University,
working for her degree in dental
hygiene. She was active in col-
lege life, studying hard and dat-
ing a good deal.
Practically every test doctors
made trying to determine what
was the matter proved negative.
Meanwhile the numbness spread,
affecting her arms especially.
f.ha. -- miht p. ns-v mnth

The 1949-50 music season at Hill
Auditorium will bring 26 major
concerts to the public, the Univer-
sity Musical Society has announc-
In addition to the 10 Choral
Union concerts, there will be an
Extra Concert Series of five con-
certs. There will be two perform-
ances of the "Messiah," three con-
certs in the Chamber Music Fes-
tival and six concerts in the May
S* * *
MANY TOP orchestras and so-
loists will be heard. Some of them
will be new to Ann Arbor audienc-
es, others are favorites of long
The 71st Annual Choral Union
Series will have the following pro-
Artur Rubinstein, pianist -
Oct. 4.
Vienna Choir Boys-Oct. 15.
aton Svmnhnnv Orestra

Zino Francescatti, violinist-
March 20.
The Boston 'Symphony Orches-
* *

tra will also be heard in the Extra
Series, on Oct. 25. The rest of the
series will feature engagements of
* * -

Nelson Eddy, baritone (Oct. 9);
Tossy Spivakovsky, violinist (Nov.
29); Carroll Glenn, violinist and
Eugene List, pianist, on the same
program (Jan. 6); and the Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra, guest
conducted by Fritz Reiner (March
' * * *
tet will give three chamber music
recitals in January.
May Festival soloists have not
yet been announced, but the
Philadelphia Orchestra, the
University Choral Union and the
Festival Youth Chorus will be
heard again, as in previous
Eugene Ormandy and Alexander
Hilsberg will conduct the Phila-
delphia Orchestra, Thor Johnson
and Lester McCoy the Choral
Union, and the Youth Chorus will
be under the direction of Mar-
aoiuprit Hood.

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