MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1949 'TNF MTf'T- '7 "! A N Ti A TT 7" WNDYAUUT , 94 1 11k. 1II11~sAl 1 IA11. Y PAGE THREEL Phoenix Project To Be Launched This Fall r * * * * * * * * * WHEN CLASSES ARE OVER IN ANN ARBOR TOWN -Di v-Gene Kiddon Al Worsk k * y -* in * * A All W ork anid Nvo Play? ---Not in AA!I Jil 'Rah-Rah' Returns to Campus Life Frosh-Soph Week To OpenRevival After a lapse of eight years, campus "rah rah" is coming back to Michigan. "Rah rah," to the uninitiated freshman, is commonly known as school spirit, to be revived this semester after a five-month, one- man battle by Bill Gripman, member of Student Legislature. SCHOOL SPIRIT will be all wrapped up in a Freshman-Soph- omore Week in October-the week just before the Minnesota Home-' coming football game. The week will be largely to in- augurate freshmen into the so- cial doings of the campus, but will also be a major factor in determining whether the fresh- man or sophomore class is su- perior. Starting off the battle of the classes will be a 100-man tug-of- war across the Huron River, Ann Arbor's only wet stream. A HUGE PEP rally at Ferry Field with a big bon-fire and ap- propriate pepping up by cheer leaders and singing will prepare the newcomers and sophs for the game Oct. 22. The night before the game, a huge freshman-sophomore tal- ent show will be held to de- termine further the superiority of one class over the other. Climaxing the week will be Stu- dent Legislature's big homecom- ing dance. * * * FROSIT-SOPH WEEK won out over a more sedate orientation program in the student elections last semester by a narrow margin. The only part of the rah rah that met with defeat was the wearing of beanies by freshmen. In preparation for the week last semester, two fraternity groups staged a tug-of-war over the river and other groups whipped up spirit in the old tradition. The revival of "rah rah" at Michigan marks the revival of school spirit in colleges all over the country. In 1941 it hit a low ebb which stayed at zero throughout the war until this year now and younger blood brings raccoon coats, pen- pants and cow bells. PHOENIX PROJECT TO HARNESS POWER OF THE ATOM FOR PEACE ON THE SERIOUS SIDE: Lane HallMain Spring Of'U' Religious Groups What to do in Ann Arbor? As a University town of some 39,000 population, the city offers much in good entertainment. For the steadiest entertainment, the two campus theatres present a change of program twice a week. The Art Cinema League, a Univer- sity organization specializing in foreign movies and revivals, brings such films each weekend. * * * DOWNTOWN, two theatres pre- sent last-rate pictures and a re- Student Legislature Plans Broadcasts, Innovations Part of Student Legislature's meetings next year will be broad- cast, according to John Ryder, president. Another SL innovation is to have Michigan Story (Continued from Page 2) Other new construction called for a chemistry building-now an interior part of the Economics Building-and later, a law build- ing. By 1860, Tappan's improve- ments had lured a total enroll- ment of 519 students-90 of them from other states. But the apparently cyclical movement of University fortunes was again in sudden descent. * * * TAPPAN-although a Presby- terian clergyman-had refused to take an active part in conducting chapel services to avoid giving the University a denominational as- pect. Thus, there grew statewide rumblings over "moral laxity" and "discouragement of prayer" in Ann Arbor. Vicious criticisms were made of the school's non-sectar- ian nature, and there were rumors of the students' Bohemian extra- curricular pursuits. In addition, faculty members demonstrated a growing resent- ment of the president's single- handed formulation and ad- ministration of policy. Likewise in the Legislature, there were recriminations over his "Prus- sian" ideals, and some individ- uals, ignoring the vast improve- ment he 'had broudfht about, proposed limitations of his pow- er. And as the ill-feeling toward him increased, the proud and aloof president found himself no longer able to secure essen- tial state appropriations. In 1863, the terms of office of all the Regents once again expired simultaneously - marking, inci- dentally, the last time the State allowed this to happen - and Tappan was made the victim of hasty, ill-advised action. After the Board had tried in vain to secure his resignation, he was summarily dismissed in the summer of that year. * * * A STORM of protest immed- iately broke out, but all efforts to have him -reinstated were doomed to failure. In September of 1863, he sailed for Europe-remaining there until his death in 1881. In his years in office, Henry Philip Tappan lifted the Uni- versity from comparative ob- scurity to a position of national special guests and speakers from the University administration and faculty, as well as any student who wish to, sit in on the meet- ings. - * SL, IN ITS FOURTH year of existence and gaining, power as it goes, is the government and spokesman of the student body, elected to two-semester 'terms by' the students twice a year. One legislator represents 400 students. Organized on a Congress-Cab- inet principle, the Legislature meets bi-weekly to discuss stu- dent policies and projects. The cabinet, composed of offi- cers elected from the Legislature and two representatives-at-large is the axis of the group. THE CABINET' members con- sider allCproposed legislation and decides which will be presented at meetings. The cabinet also acts as coordinator with the adminis- tration, other schools and the gen- eral public. Members of the Legislature serve on standing committees which do the work of the gov- ernment. The Campus Action Committee most directly reaches the students, by conducting polls and investi- gations for the information of the Legislature and students. * * * SCHOOL SPIRIT IS the con- cern of the Varsity Committee. The Homecoming Dance and ac- tivities are directed by this group, as well as smoothing out seating troubles for students at football games. Cooperating with the Wolver- ine Club, the Varsity Commit- tee also sponsors pep rallies and team sendoffs and welcomes. Representing the Unitversity na- tionally and internationally, the National Student Ass ociation Committee keeps up on activities of the parent group. THE COMMITTEE also enforces the Student Bill of Rights, adopt- ed by NSA. As a part of this, the Committee on Discrimination is now investigating discrimination in dormitories, professional schools and the community. Latest brainchild of the Na- tional Student Association is the NSA Purchase Card System, now operating all over the country. Students may buy purchase cards for $1.00 and get five to 30 per cent reductions on such items as gasoline, shoe repairs, clothes and jewelry at PCS stores in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and other cities. Any progress on faculty rating or movie entertainment is the job of the Cultural and Educational Committee. THIS COMMITTEE also con- cerns itself with suggesting new vival every now and then, plus campus - quality movies several months late. The only advantage here are the reduced prices. Also downtown is a quaint theatre op- erating only on weekends, bring- ing excellent foreign pictures and revivals at popular request. The University Choral Union and Extra Series bring 15 con- certs to Hill Auditorium during the year with topflight artists, including Artur Rubenstein, Rise Stevens, and the Boston, Cleve- land, Pittsburgh and Chicago Symphonies. Also in the line of music, the University presents a Messiah program with top soloists and the Choral Union, a chorus open to qualified students meeting once a week. A CHAMBER music festival is brought each January by the Uni- versity, plus a May festival with the Philadelphia Symphony and soloists. Another Universityoffering is the lecture series, bringing lec- turers from all over the country who speak on every subject imaginable. Drama flourishes throughout the year, with speech department's play productions in the winter and a drama festival just before and during finals, bringing a series of plays direct from Broad- way and featuring Broadway stars. TO THE FOOTLOOSE observer, the University offers its museums and galleries for cultural purposes. Michigan's social life brings weekend dances at the Union, plus several collosal dances put on by student groups. Social highlight of the year is the J- Hop, a two-day shindig during the between-semesters vacation. Other student groups keep life active. A few of them are the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Jun- ior Girls' Play, Union Opera, Soph Cabaret, Theatre Guild and Stu- dent Players. IF YOU AREN'T 21, tavern life is pretty well out, unless you have a new Identification trick up your sleeve, because most of the taverns keep a sharp eye out for abusers of the State Liquor Laws. And the University Liquor Laws prohibit drinking on cam- pus or in University housing, so you'll just have to stew in your coke till that famed birthday. For those loaded with identifi- cation, there are several student bars downtown where you can get beer, wine and good meals, but Washtenaw County is "dry" (no liquor by the glass) so you have to adjust your taste to beer. But :there's plenty of beer--good, bad and dark. And if you tire of all these of- ferings, there's always the Ar- boretum, if you have a girl. The Arboretum, University-owned, is some several hundred acres of wooded hills, absolutely unlit. Counseling... *0 (Continued from Page 1) FOR INFORMATION on cam- pus activities of all sorts, the Of- fice of the Dean of Students is quite happy to answer these ques- This fall Student Religious As- sociation will inaugurate another semester's program of religious and social activities. Housed in Lane Hall, SRA in- cludes the interests of all faiths and cultures on campus and is the central organization for more than 20 student religious groups. * * * ALL UNIVERSITY students are entitled to participate in SRA ac- tivities and to use the facilities of Lane Hall - its library, music room, auditorium, kitchen, meet- ing rooms, and lounge. SRA's program is student- created by the various depart- ments in the organization: Study and Discussion, Social Action, Public Relations, Inter- cultural, Social and Recreation- al, Outstate, and Relief. Combined activities of the de- partments include luncheon-dis- cussions, religious seminars, par- ticipation in campus politics and community service projects, radio workshop broadcasts, intercultur- al "retreats," Friday Coffee Hour, Orientation week program, work with community centers and churches in other parts of the state, and relief projects such as CLUB TRUMPS: Students Face 145 Groups (..) In Oeraton tUnrsity (Continued from Page 1) another non-partisan organization is the American Veteran's Com- mittee, part of the National AVC and open to all ex-servicemen, or women. Also the Committee to End Discrimination, composed of representatives from approxi- mately 21 campus organizations who have joined together to in- vestigate the possibility of dis- crimination in the acceptance of new students to the campus and to advocate the removal of questions which might be used for discriminatory reasons from all application blanks used by the University. Sports groups are also active on campus. Included here are the ULLR Ski club, the Sailing Club, and the Flying Club all open to students for a minimum charge. A newly organized campus Youth Hostels combines all types of ath- letics under its general policy of going anywhere "you can travel under your own steam." CONNECTED with the various fields of study are numerous clubs which the Michigan newcomer can join. There are special clubs for architects-to-be, for anthropology students, for journalism enthus- iasts, for future doctors and would- be barristers. Social research students have their own special club, as do those interested in public ad- ministration or in international relations. For those whose fu- ture careers lie in the business worIl dthere is a group which studies particularly marketing procedure; another concerned with industrial relations. The pharmacy school has its own after-hours club as does the music school and the forestry stu- dents. There are clubs for art the German language students, Sociedad Hispanica for the Span- ish lover, Cercle Francais for those who are learning the French tongue and the Russian Circle for those studying that language. ** * THERE ARE ALSO separate groups of students from many far- away lands who meet regularly to bring to their college life the bit of the home country they have been missing. There is an Arab Club, an Armenian Student's As- sociation, a Chinese'Student's Club, a Chinese Student's Mutual Help Club,iaHindustan Associa- tion, a Polonia Club, a Hawaii Club, a Turkish Club, a Club Eur- opa, a Philippine-Michigan Club, and a Committee for Displaced Students. A newly formed Persian Club is the latest to join this group which show students how the rest of the world lives. A relatively new idea in cam- pus groups is the formation of clubs for students living in a certain area in the United States. There is a Toledo Club, a Texas Club, an Ishpeming Club and a Hiawatha Club, (both concerned with students from Michigan's Upper Peninsula), and a St. Louis Club. The main purpose of these organizations, which are open to all residents of the particular area concern- ed, is to acquaint people from the same section with each other so that they may continue the friendships made on campus when they return to their homes. For those who are lured by the footlights and the magic of the theatrical business, there are a number of clubs to join. Besides the Theatre Guild and the Stu- dent Players who present shows throughout the school year, there are more specialized groups. The Gilbert and Sullivan Society pro- '1.nn n"_ o a h cot- n nn ioly m . World Student Service Fund and other campus drives. THERE ARE 18 student relig- ious groups at the University. They sponsor a wide variety of activities - discussions, worship, picnics, intramural athletics, hikes, dances, social and politicalsaction, Bible study, drama, and music. Most of the groups have pro- fessionally trained leaders who serve as religious counselors to the students. Newman Club is the campus or- ganization of Catholic students. It is a part of St. Mary's Student Chapel, which is under the guid- ance of Rev. Frank J. McPhillips. Newman Club's program includes a Wednesday discussion group and Friday and Saturday night open houses. Christmas and St. Pat- rick's Day parties highlight the social activities. The club also sponsors frequent communion breakfasts to which it invites guest speakers. B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL Founda- tion serves as the religious center for Jewish students at the Univer- sity. Under the direction of Rabbi Hershel Lymon, the group spon- sors social forums, religious activi- ties, welfare drives, and publica- tion of the Hillel News. It also offers a program of lectures, so- cials, and Friday evening services. Topping Hillel's year is its annual musical revue, Hillez-apoppin'. A chapter of the Intercollegiate Zion- ist Federation of America is ac- tive at Hillel. The Christian Science Organi- zation has its headquarters at Lane Hall and holds meetings every Tuesday evening. Among its activities it sponsors two lec- tures on Christian Science each year. The organization keeps a reading room off the Lane Hall library. Grace Bible Student Group is under the supervision of the Rev. Harold J. DeVries, pastor of the Grace Bible Church. Every Sun- day the group holds a Bible class, and in the evening, a supper. THE UNITARIAN Student Group under the direction of Rev. Edward H. Redman, sponsors a program of discussions and for- ums on the important social, poli- tical, and campus issues of the day. Activities of recreation and service are also prominent in the group's program. Social action projects are occasionally under- taken in cooperation with other religious groups. Inter-Guild is a student or- ganization which integrates the activities of most of the Protes- tant religious groups, or "guilds," on campus and promotes coop- eration between them. Among its activities are leadership training "workshops," held in the fall, and retreats. Roger Williams Guild, closely affiliated with the First Baptist Church, is under the direction of Rev. C. H. Loucks and his assist- ant, Faith Whitnall. Guild activi- ties include Sunday Bible study and supper discussions, and a Fri- day social function. * * * EVANGELICAL and Reformed Student Guild meets every Sun- day evening for supper, discussion, and fellowship. The program is student planned with the help of Rev. Walter S. Press, student SL Experts To Guide Freshmen Student Legislature's "Student Experts" will again be on hand this fall to assist bewildered fresh- men and transfer students on choosing courses and registering. The experts will be headed by Frank Butorac, '51. Chairman of the Literary Experts is Charles Murray and Engineering chairman is Herbert VanBurgel, '50E. * * * THE PROGRAM is designed to supplement the University's Ac- ademic Counseling services which assists students. The service will be of great help not only to freshmen and transfer students, but also to sophomores who plan to start concentrating in one field. Experts will be available 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 19 through 21. Literary- College experts will be in Rm. 25 Angell Hall and Engi- neering Experts in Rm. 348 West Engineering Bldg. LITERARY EXPERTS will be available in the following fields: astronomy, Marilyn Mears; bot- any, Mary Walsh; business admin- istration, Gil Schubert; chemistry, Jeanne Lange; dental hygiene, Sue Parker; economics, Jack Wirth, Donald Coombs; education, Betsy Vial; English, Dave Thomas, Jake Jacobson; extra-curricular activi- ties, John Ryder. The list continues with: fine arts; Fred Erickson, German, Jack Hess; geography, Ann Coe; geology, Jim Kistler; Freshman- Sophomore Week, Bill Gripp- man; history, Don Mattison; journalism, Craig Wilson; math- ematics, Mary Powers; music, Barb Kelso; philosophy, Mar- shall Weinberg. Other experts are: political sci- ence, Dick Hooker; pre-law, Bob Russell; pre-med, Jim Paircloth; psychology, Margaret MacDougal; Romance Languages, Dixie Cos- sitt; ROTC, Donald Coombs; so- ciology, Ed Reifel; speech, Marg Price; zoology, Doug Covert. * * * EXPERTS FOR THE College of Engineering will be announced later. Fields covered in engineering will include: mechanical, civil, aeronautical, electrical, chemical, metallurgical and marine engi- neering, engineering mechanics, engineering physics and engineer- ing mathematics. Funds Sought For 'Living' Memorial Atom Research Set ToBegin Plans for the establishment of the Atomic Energy Phoenix Proj- ect this fall have begun. The Phoenix Project is the Uni- versity's "living" war memorial de- voted to research in the peacetime uses of atomic energy. * * *. A FUND RAISING campaign for a $5,000,000 "special gift" drive will begin this fall, while the for- mal drive for $6,500,000 will be launched in the fall of 1950. "The Phoenix Project is the most' important all-University project Michigan has ever un- dertaken," President Alexander G. Ruthven commented. The concept of a functional war memorial originated Dec. 18, 1946, by the Student Legislature. On that date, SL approved of the idea of a functional war memorial and laid tentative plans for a fund- raising campaign. OFFICIAL SANCTION came when the University Board of Re- gents named a faculty-student War Memorial Committee in Sep- tember, 1947. The War Memorial Committee was guided by an Alumni Asso- ciation request that the war me- morial be something more than a "mere mound of stone, the purpose of which would soon be forgotten." The idea for an atomic research center first began in the mind of Fred J. Smith, prominent New York publisher and one-time Uni- versity student. He suggested that a project designed to make atomic energy the slave rather than the master of mankind would be a fitting tribute to the University's war dead. * * * SMITH'S PLAN was enthusias- tically accepted by the War Me- morial Committee in October, 1947, after rejecting scores of other pro- posals as being unsuitable. The committee immediately set to work to break through the shroud of security whii sur- rounded all matters dealing with atomic energy in the Unit- ed States. The committee needed the ap- proval of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission before work on the project could begin. * * * IN FEBRUARY, 1948, Dean of Students Erich A. Walter, Dean of the Graduate School Ralph A. Sawyer, and Prof. Fred J. Hodges of the roentgenology department appeared before the Atomic En- ergy Commission in Washington, D.C. to explain the proposed peacetime atomic researchcenter. They emerged from the his- toric meeting with the solid backing of the Commission which applauded the move. The Office of 1naval Research joined the list of Phoenix Project supporters in March, 1948 when ONR officials promised to "render support in any way possible to- ward the organization of such an institute." WITH THIS HURDLE passed the project was taken to the Board of Regents where it received speedy approval on May 1, 1948. Representatives of the major student organizations on cam- pus met and laid plans for sup- port of the project. On May 17, 1948, the Phoenix Proj ect was revealed to the public for the first time in a special edi- tion of The Daily. * * * THE FUND RAISING campaign is under the leadership of Chester H. Lang, '15, of Schenectady, N.Y., who appointed 14 University alumni as regional chairmen to collect funds throughout the Unit- ed States and the Territory of Hawaii. 1. A MEMORIAL ROTUNDA will be constructed on campus as a magnet to draw together the great scholars of the age interested in every possible humanitarian, physical and intellectual phase of atomic development. 2. RESEARCH LIBORATORIES more complete and better equipped for these purposes than any peace- time atomic -laboratories now in existence will be established here. The facilities will be open to the use of every thinking man. 3. A CLASSIFICATION of all known atomic research data will be assembled at an elaborate in- formation center to coordinate on Freshman . 0 0 (Continued from Page 1) not completed "College Night" plans at the time The Daily's fall supplement went to press. *~ * * THE LEAGUE and the Union will take care of Thursday eve- ning for newcomers to the cam- pus. The League will have pro- grams at 7 and 9 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for freshmen women and transfer women respectively. The pro- gram will include skits 'from Junior Girls' Play, Soph Cab- aret and Fresh Weekend. A stag party at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom will feature re- freshments, a football movie, and reptesentatives of various campus activities who will talk briefly to the new male students.