PAGE FOUR' THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1949 COMPLETE EDITIONS: Local Shop Brings Out Printing of Three 13's By JOHN NEUFELD Are you looking for a copy of the complete works of the "Three B's?" A local printing establishment has undertaken to reprint all of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. * * * BACH, WHO is the oldest of the three composers, was the first on the list, and has 46 volumes devot- ed to him. Beethoven, who came next, was ready this summer, with 24 volumes. Johannes Branms, the last of the "Three B's," will be out next winter, with 26 volumes. A photo-lithographic process is used to copy the original editions, which appeared in Germany over a number of years. The Bach Society in Leipzig, for instance, took from 1851 to 1890 to finish its task of publishing authoritative scores of the master. One of Germany's oldest music houses brought out the standard U,' Mt. Wilson To Carry on Joint Research Launching of a co-operative re- search project between the Uni- versity and the Mt. Wilson Ob- servatory in California was an- nounced yesterday by Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman of the astron- omy department. The immediate object of the project to be conducted at the California observatory will be the obtainment of a complete record of the infra-red spectrum. TWO LONG - RANGE studies will also be carried out to supple- ment and check information gain- ed in solar observations made at the University's McMath-Hulbert Observatory near Pontiac. The,project has involved the in- stallation of an infra-red spectro- meter on a solar telescope at the Mt. Wilson Observatory. '.i Beethoven edition in the 1860's, and Brahms appeared from 1926 to 1928.' * * * COPIES OF THESE editions be- came increasingly rare, and in the War, many of the original plates were destroyed. Joseph W. Ed- wards, owner of the lithoprinting shop, says that $2,000 was paid for the last set of Bach sold before the war. It was shipped here by way of Russia, but shipments were never completed. Then Edwards was approach- ed by the music division of the Library of Congress, the Ameri- can Musicological Society and other national music groups, to republish those works.. Edwards had published a 167- volume Library of Congress cata- logue, but had put out no music except Alfred Einstein's Mozart index and the Fitzwilliam Vir- ginal Book. Photolithoprinting consists of photographing each page of the original and then using a litho- graphic method for making the new plates. BY REMOVING the plate dirt from each page before making the photostat negatives, the new copies are cleaner and sharper than the originals. Edwards also used specially prepared paper which can stand the test of time better than other kinds. He says that the deterioration of ordinary paper is caused by slight alkalinity or acidity of the paper itself and that his paper is neutral. In order to get the best-pre- served copies, Edwards borrowed original Bach volumes from four libraries, among them the Univer- sity's music library. The reproduction sets are of- fered to subscribers. After that, the remaining copies are sold "over the counter." Brahms will probably sell for $160. Most of the copies are bought up by libraries and musicians in this country. Dollar shortages lim- it sales to other countries. ChurchNews Today's picnics and lectures end the summer activities of the stu- dent religious groups. Canterbury Club will go on its weekly picnic this evening. Guild members will hear a talk by the Rev. Ronald Preston, study secre- tary of the British Student Chris- tian Movement. * * * GUEST SPEAKERS at the final meeting of Congregational-Dis- ciples Guild will be three summer school students who are mission- ary candidates under the Disciples church. Betty Burton, Daisy Ed- gerton, and Joann Pennell. They will speak on "A Candi- date's View of the Christian World Mission." Miss Burton and Miss Edgerton plan to do missionary work in China, and Miss Pennell will go to the Bel- gian Cogo as a medical mission- ary. Gamma Delta, the Lutheran Student Club, will discuss plans for the fall and evaluate its sum- mer activities at its last supper- program tonight. * * * HILLEL WILL hold its final open house tonight from 7 to 10:30 p.m. Tonight's informal farewell supper will mark the end of the Lutheran Student Associa- tion's summer program. Roger Williams Guild mem- bers will go on a picnic for their final meeting tonight. Students Evangelical Chapel will hold its regular Sunday Social af- ter services this evening. Wesleyan Guild will meet at the Willian Campbell Home on Barton Rd. fbr their final summer get-together. The Rev. Joseph Dutton will give a devotional on "Life's Completeness." Guild mem- bers will hold a panel reviewing the summer activities and discuss- ing "Obligations of Inner strength." By DON SIGMAN College Campuses Have Gone Queen Crazy. The University of Indiana "sweated out" a tie in the finals of the contest to pick the Summer Prom Queen. Their decision: Vir- 'U' Choir To Give Concert Here= Today The University's Summer Ses- sion Choir will give a concert at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ballroom of the League. The Choir will be conduced by Henry Veld, who is guest' profes- sor here during the summer ses- sion. He is director of the well- known Augustana College Choir in Rock Island, Ill. , * THE CHOIR will sing two ex- cerpts from Bach motets, Kodaly's "Hymn to King Stephen," and works by Lassus, Glinka, Tsches- nokoff, Willan and Cain. Also included in the program will be Beethoven "Quartet; No. 15, Op. 132," played by a string en- semble. Composed of four music school students. Doctors' Aids BLOODYVEIN, Md. - Leeches and bloodsuckers were a common part of a doctor's equipment back in the days when "bleeding" was considered a method of curing disease, according to medical his- tory. The insects were used to suck the blood from ailing patients. ginia Dare (same name as a brand canned foods.) The Ohio State Lantern wants a beauty contest for veterans' wives. They're also considering a faculty beauty contest . . . and why not a Summer queen? The editor of the Lantern apol- ogized to his readers for having gone "completely queen crazy." He explained if the contests increase at the present rate, the Ohio State female who hasn't been a queen at some time or other will be the celebrity. University of Indiana chemists just got a new ice making ma- chine. They're using 300 pounds of ice daily-Cold beer? * * * Ohio State coeds looking for a MRS. degree have their own- "Home Management House" spon- sored by the School of Home Eco- nomics to "provide practical ex- perience for the girls." When a traveling Shakespear- ean company played Hamlet at the University of Wisconsin, the star appeared on the stage some- wihat intoxicated. The Daily Card- inal, headlined its review "HAM Lit." * * * No comments on the Illini in- structor who bawled out his stu- dents for "hissing my mystery lec- tures." WUOM To Offer Sunday Music WUOM, the University's FM radio station which broadcasts at 91.7 on the FM dial, is presenting the following programs today: A.M. 9:15-Hymns of Freedom. 9:45-The Organ Loft. 10:00-Chamber Music. College Roundup Summer... (Continued from Page 1) group" is limited to faculty mem- bers and grad students. July 30-The Daily launched a series of articles on discrimina- tion, results of a poll taken by the University Survey Research Cen- ter on discrimination in housing, dates, eating, and general living. July 31-Puccin's La Boheme completed the speech depart- ment's highly successful summer run of plays from Broadway, sum- mer barn theatres and amateur groups. Aug. 3--After a summer of be- ing pounded, ripped, torn and gen- erally degenerated, Hill Auditor- ium was about to emerge an un- recognizable landmark - on the inside - with a cost of several hundred reduced seats, the hall had a complete new set of chairs put in-with a tiny bit more pad- ding and leg room. The walls and ceilings were also gone over and will be ready for full-time use in the fall. Aug. 4-Prof. Robert C. Angell, of the sociology department, has been given a position on the UNESCO project on international tensions in the fall. Aug. 5 -- Students looked for- ward to their last wveekend in Ann Arbor for the summer but turned reluctantly but thoughtfully to exam week before closing their books and taking off for parts known only to themselves. Aug. 6-Jet planes by the dozen swooped low over the heads of thousands of spectators at the Aero Club's gigantic Air Fair at Willow Run Airport.. Also includ- ed were bombers, fighters and fa- mous ships such as the 180-pas- senger Constitution and the Tru- culent Turtle, holder of the world's record. Aug. 7-The Daily folded its copy pencils and like Arabs, stole silently away from the cloistered halls of the Student Publications Building until September when it would resume publication for the fall semester. TYPEWRITERS Office and Portable Models of all makes Sold, Bought, Repaired, Rented STATIONERY & SUPPLIES G. I. Requisitions Accepted 0 o. oD ORRILL 314 South State St. Iake Good "Live" music is being performed at the University practically all the time, all sorts of music for all sorts of instruments, for all sorts of people. Besides the nationally known soloists and orchestras who come to Hill Auditorium, the music school has a year-around schedule of student and faculty recitals, as well as many special programs. * * * A TOTAL of 138 concerts and recitals were presented by the School of Music during the year from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949. This number does not include the Choral Union or the May Festival. Student recitals far outnumber faculty recitals. Student recitals are usually given as a require- ment for the degree of bachelor or master in music. Some musicol- ogy and music education students can give a recital in lieu of writ- ing a thesis. * * * THE STUDENT can select his program himself, but it must be approved by faculty members be- fore the public performance. Some standard works are usually in- cluded. Students generally want to have their recitals as late as possible, thus causing a heavy accumulation of programs toward the end of the term. Most of the soloists are pianists, singers or violinists, according to Mrs. Dorothy W. Sparks, music school recorder. Some instruments are hai'dly ever heard in solo re- citals. This summer, for instance, the first cello recital in many years Listening was given, and the tuba recital was the first in the history of the school. One of the biggest problems, according to Mrs. Sparks, is to find available places for giving concerts. The Rackham Assembly Hall and Lecture Hall are often used, but only by graduates and faculty members. * * * THE LYDIA Mendelssohn Thea- tre and the League Ballroom can be used by undergraduates. Kel- logg Auditorium has a more inti- mate atmosphere, but Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre is said to be a favorite because of its stage. Organ recitals are held in Hill Auditorium. Faculty recitals get more pub- licity and draw bigger audiences than student recitals. Publicity for student recitals is often limited to announcements in the D.O.B. and the forwarding of a program to the performer's home town by the University News Service. Student Honored TLmas E. Rector, '50E, was judged the outstanding individual cadet at the Infantry ROTC sum- mer camp which ended last week at Camp Campbell, Ky. In addition, the group from the University was honored as the outstanding group at the Inf an- try camp, according to Col. Karl E. Henion, professor military sci- ence and tactics. Judging was based on discipline, attitude, conduct of training and marksmanship. LET THEM HAVE MUSIC: Student Recitals Also _..- r ____ _ _ ____ .. _ __ _. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SCome CANOEING Tonight on the Huron River - ' i, ,- y ' . , __A . (Continued from Page 4) Wives' Club Bridge Night. Small fee. Everybody welcome. Tues., Aug. 9, 8 p.m.-Wives' Club. United Airlines movies on Yellowstone Park and Hawaii; Open to the public. New Villagers especially welcome. Wed., Aug. 10, 8 p.m.--Registra- tion for fall Cooperative Nursery. Thurs., Aug. 11, 8 p.m.-Ceram- ics. Last summer class. Churches The Lutheran Student Associa- tion-Rev. Ronald Preston, Study Secretary of the British Student Christian Movement, will be the guest speaker at the regular 9:10 a.m. Bible Class. The L. S. A. supper and program will be held at the Student Center, 1304 Hill Street at 5:30 p.m. Choir Rehear- sal at the Center at 5:00. The Congregational - Disciples Guild will meet for supper at 6:30 in the Congregational Church. Three members of the Guild will speak on "A Candidate's view of the Christian World Mission." Miss Betty Burton and Miss Daisy Edgerton are preparing for China while Miss Jo Ann Pennell plans to go to the Belgian Congo. Methodist students and their friends are invited to the conclud- ing Sunday program on the sum- mer calendar of the Wesleyan Guild. Cars will be leaving the Student Lounge at the First Meth- odist Church at 4:30 and 5:30 for Barton Pond. Rev. Joseph Dut- ton will lead devotionals, and a student panel under the chair- manship of Ollie Hook will pre- sent "The Obligations of an Inner Strength." Supper ditional fellowship the meeting. Canterbury Club: 9 a.m. Holy Communion, followed by Student Breakfast at Canterbury, House. 5 p.m. picnic supper and swimming followed by religious discussion led by Dr. Ronald Preston of Great Britain. University Community Center, Willow Village: 10:45 Interdenom- inational church service and Sun- day School. and the sing will I 1/2 Read and Use Daily Classified Ads 1DEARLY .-. tra- end Chase Away Those Xam Doldrums by shopping at Cbya~~'thet'dir Z J cc~onit Old Town Canoes for Rent Open Daily-- 10 A.M .'til Midnight CANOE(LIVERY Huron River at Longshore Drive - Phone 5004 v}.. I try this.;:.for sheer flattery! $350 I '/2 OFF SALE your chance to stock up your SUMMER and FALL wardrobe for 1 2 the price . and you'll have fun money for your va- cation! ALL DRESSES ALL in cotton, pure silk, rayon prints, shantungs and linens . . . many SUMMER SUITS pastel and darker crepes. Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 44, 1412 to 24/2. Orig. from $16.95 to $35.00. Orig. $14.95 to $39.95. SPRING SUITS ALL Mostly 100% gabardines and SPRING COATS crepe. Orig. from $39.95 to Orig. from $39.95 to $65.00. $69.95. Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 20, Suedes, Coverts, Gabardines - 14 2 to 2472. fitted and flared styles. SKIRTS Groups of JACKETS Cottons, rayon tweeds and wools. Wool Stripes, Denims and Cham- Orig. from $5.00 to $10.95. brays. Orig. $5.95 to $29.95. BLOUSES NIGHT GOWNS Cottons, Silk Prints, White and Satin and Crepe. Orig. $6.95 to Colored Crepes. Orig. $3.95 to $12.95. $10.95 ODDS and ENDS at a fraction of their original price. " Jewelry * Gloves - Hats WARNE~RS! I For fall, it's "Naturally" a WOOL SKIRT and JERSEY BLOUSE Nylon Alphabet®bra Here's an exquisite bra with a special-occasion look at an every- day price! It's nylon marquisette, and it's lovely on you because it fits as if it were made to order. Which it is! Like all Warner lovelies, it's "3-Way-Sized" to give you your choice of cup, band, and uplift. For allits fragile look, this breeze- light nylon bra has wonderful up- lift and support. The back is cut very low, adaptable to any decol- letage. Washing? Easy as flut- tering your eyelashes! And no ironing! Skirt: Cut to follow the trend for fall, a skirt straight and slim with hidden fullness in kicktleats Other Warner Bras " Slips * Scarves * Handba 39S Kill IH I I I 1 $2.50 to $5.00 111