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August 07, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-07

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aites tiiae
Latest Deadline in the State





Quake Death
Toll Mounts
In Ecuador
Reports Say 2700
Dead in Ambato
By The Associated Press
Late reports from inside and
outside Ecuador last night said
that probably as many as 2,700
persons were killed in Friday's
devastating earthquakes. The in-
jured ran into many thousands.
Direct communication with the
stricken area was almost impos-
sible, and latest reports of Fri-
day's tragedy were being unfolded
to the world by radio accounts
heard outside Ecuador itself.
1 p.m. Friday and continued un-
til 1:45 p.m. in a series of six
violent shocks. During the longest
shock-which lasted 40 seconds-
most of Ambato's biggest buildings
crashed to the ground. It was
Ecuador's worst disaster since
colonial times.
The entire Ecuadorean cab-
inet, except interior minister
Salazar Gomez who went to
Ambato with President Galo
Plaza Lasso, was on 24-hour
uduty coordinating relief work.
Railway officials said the Yuito-
Guayaquil line was blocked by so
many landslides it will take a
week to reopen it. Twenty-seven
slides were reported on one three
mile stretch of track. This line,
principal freight carrier between
Quito and the Pacific Coast, passes
through the entire earthquake
FLOODS ADDED to the distress
in the quake area. Landslides
blocked streams which then
changed their courses and inun-
dated farmlands. The first con-
tingents of troops helped to calm
panicky Ambato residents when
they arrived there this morning.
Ambato, which was destroyed by
an earthquake in 1797, again was
a scene of desolation. Great cracks
opened in the streets.-Water mains
burst and communication lines
were ripped apart.
Bridges crumbled into bits.
Nearly the whole population was
left homneless.
The Cathedral was destroyed
while 50 children were inside tak-
ing a catechism lesson. The mili-
tary barracks crashed to the
ground killing 150 soldiers and in-
juring 60 others.
Don't Look to
For .Exam 'Lift'
Studying Still Tops
For Harried Students
With exams just a few days
away, many students are looking
for that certain "lift" to help
them through.
But if you're counting on using
the contents of a Benzedrine in-
haler, you'd better substitute
studying instead.
BENZEDRINE inhalers, intend-
ed for, use inp roviding relief from
head colds and hay fever, are be-
ing withdrawn from the market.

Some students had discovered
that the exhilarating effect of
Benzedrine is an aid in keeping
them alert through long hours
of studying, besides replacing
any feelings of depression with
one of confidence.
Although Benzedrine is compar-
atively harmless, misuse may
cause convulsions, excessive nerv-
ousness, heart trouble symptoms
or even effect the user's mental
Realizing the inherent danger of
their product, Smith, Klein and
French Laboratories announced
last week that they were with-
drawing Benzedrine inhalers from
the market in favor of a new in-
haler containing Benzedrex.
THE COMPANY said that Ben-
zedrex is just as, or more effec-
tive than Benzedrine in a nasal
inhaler but at the same time
cannot be used for "stimulation
People in search of the stim-
ulating effects of Benzedrine
ro« 1- .,--_ +h ;-2a. ramnvp

My, My!

corporation lawyer, UN delegate and an old hand at tradition
breaking, tries her luck at poking fun at the Union's cloistered
custom. And she succeeded, much to the consternation of Union

s *


Woman Defies Union's
Closed' Door Tradition

Governor of
Hawaii Calls
End of Strike
Proclaims State
Of Emergency
HONOLULU-(P)-Gov. Ingram
M. Stainback yesterday proclaimed
a state of emergency in Hawaii's
98-day-old dock strike and called
upon the stevedoring industry and
the strikers to resume operations.
The Governor acted under a
law passed early yesterday by the
Hawaii legislature in emergency
session. Stainback signed the bill
yesterday afternoon.
The governor said if dock work
is not resumed immediately he+
would issue orders "taking posses-
sion or any or all stevedoring
sued after a three-hour meeting of
the territorial attorney general'sE
staff, officials of two Honolulu
stevedoring companies and the
president of Hawaii Stevedores,
Ltd., a non-union firm formed af-
ter the strike began 98 days ago.
There was no discussion with
the CIO International Long-
shoremen's and Warehousemen's
Union. The Union had an-
nounced earlier it would not
work for the government.
Harry Bridges, ILWU president,
declared that "legislation will not
load or unload ships."
The union furthermore an-
nounced it would challenge con-
stitutionality of the act as soon
as the government made its first
move to operate the docks.
UNDER TERMS of the law,
the Governor must first call on
the union and the seven struck
companies to resume operations.
If advised that they cannot or will
not, he then must proclaim an
emergency and take over opera-
tion of the docks for 180 days or
until the strike ends.
"We will seek a restraining
order, challenge constitutional-
ity, and seek to recover any
losses suffered, by longshore- -
men because of the law," said
ILWU President Harry Bridges.
Shortly before the Legislature
completed passage of the act early
yesterday, the approximately 2,000
strikers voted unanimously not to
work for the government.
* * *
BRIDGES, WHO flew to Hon-
olulu Friday, said no law of the
Hawaiian legislature could force
handling of Hawaiian cargoes on
the Pacific Coast.
Ford Loses
Court Decision
On Strike Vote
DETROIT-()-The Ford Mo-
tor Company failed today to ob-
tain a court order to halt the
holding of a strike vote among its
employes at polling places close
to headquarters of the CIO Unit-
ed Auto Workers.
In Lansing, Supreme Court Jus-
tice Leland W. Carr denied the
company's plea for an order to
force the state labor mediation
board to change the election setup.
* * *
THE DECISION meant that the
strike vote among Ford's 80,000
employes in Michigan will start

Monday as scheduled.
The company immediately put
full page advertisements in all
three Detroit Sunday morning
newspapers appealing to the mem-
bers of Walter P. Reuther's big
The ads appeared over the sig-
nature of Henry Ford II, and
urged the workers to weigh their
strike decision carefully.



* *

Prof. Angell Sees UNESCO
Research as Aid to Peace



Urges Fresh



The Union nearly fell down yes-
It happened in the early after-
noon when Dorothy Kenyon, a
corporation lawyer and one of the
two American women delegates to
the United Nations, walked boldly
* *~ *
Comments on
Union Policy
Students on campus remained
split on the issue of women enter-
ing the front door of the Union,
according to a Daily survey.
Jack Bergstrom, 52E, said tra-
ditions such as the sanctity of the
Union front door will "lead to
moral degeneracy."
Another student, who refused to
give his name, said:
The boy stood on the Union steps
Whence all but he had fled.
The compacts and the saddle shoes
Were whizzing 'round his head.
Ten thousand strong, with a battle
With eyes and cheeks aflame,
Marching onward in stout array
The women's army came.
Women, women everywhere
As far as he could see.
Women, women everywhere,
And he the only he.
The days of chivalry were gone;
They recked him not a jot;
But oh, my friends, they wrecked
him, and
They downed him on the spot.
"Tell the alums," our hero gasped,
"How gallantly I tried
To keep the door forevermore
For menfolk," and he died.
They found him a tomb on the
basement floor
Beyond the coed's ken.
All marble it was, and over the
The slogan he died for: "Men."

into the front door of the Union
and walked boldly out again.
* * *
AS SHE WENT in, a bellboy
timidly approached her and said,
"I'm sorry, but women must go
through the side door."
Miss Kenyon replied, "No
spikka English," and swept right
on by.
She said that she enjoyed this
as much or more than the Union
people enjoy throwing women out
in protecting their tradition.
* * *
MISS KEYON is an old hand at
breaking traditions. She was one
of the few women lawyers of her
class at New York University and
her biggest enjoyment is belittling
the "ridiculous tradition" of Har-
vard barring women from its law
As a delegate to the UN Com-
mission on the status of women,
Miss Kenyon is an upholder of
women's rights in any profes-
sion, whether it be practicing
law or digging ditches, but in
some of the heavy jobs, women
are not quite physically fit.
"Basically, men and women are
alike, nothwithstanding the out-
side veneer," she said. "Women
are certainly fitted for some pro-
fessions which take both physical
and mental exertions.
* * *
"A WOMAN is less emotional
than a man, and in delicate work
they are better adapted by their
small hands and more delicate
Miss Kenyon staunchly ignor-
ed the traditions of "being nice
to the weaker sex," such as
opening doors and walking on
the outside.
"I'd . like to see this tradition
used in a utilitarian manner, suchj
as opening doors for older people,
or letting older men, as well as
women, sit on buses.

"We've got to learn more than
we already know about why na-
tions don't get along together."
That is how Prof. Robert C. An-
gell, chairman of the sociology de-
partment, views the importance
of the United Nations Educational,i
Scientific and Cultural Organi-
zation (UNESCON project--on in-
ternational tensions.t
* * *
PROF. ANGELL has been ap-
pointed director of the project for
a one-year tenure and will leave
in September for Paris, where he
will make his headquarters.I
Fall Football
Ducats To Be
Football tickets will be distrib-
uted during registration week this
year because of the early date of
the Michigan-MSC game.
The game, on Sept. 24, will be
at the end of registration week and
tickets will be distributed to stu-
dents as they pay their fees dur-
ing registration.
Freshmen, with less than two
semester residence, will sit in the
north end zone with sophomores
(two to four), juniors (four to
six) and seniors (six to eight)
given progressively better seating
up to the east side 50-yard line.
Students in the engineering, lit-
erary education, music, public
health and pharmacy schools must
have their transcripts to pick up
Students in the graduate, bus-
iness administration, medical,
nursing, dental and law schools
must pick up their tickets in their
respective schools.
Distribution is so arranged that
students on Wednesday won't get
a better deal than those on Fri-
day, VanBurgel said.
There will be no group seating
because of the early distribution,
he added.

"The project was organized
two years ago "to discover
through research what are the
most promising lines of attack
on tension and frictions among
nations,"' Prof. Angell explained.
There are already 12 to 15 stud-
ies in this field being conducted
by scholars from all over the
world:Some of these have been re-
quested by the Economic and So-
cial Council, which wants guid-
ance material for its work, the
professor said.
* * *
HE STATED that results of the
research will be published as they
are completed, in hopes that they
will "point out" ways in which
international friction can be elim-
What effect the work of the
project will have on Russian-
American relations is uncertain,
Prof. Angell believed.
"American-Soviet tensions are
cumulative, and the main differ-
ence between the two countries
is ideological."
* * *
"BUT THERE are a great num-
ber of other factors which in-
creases the tension and which per-
haps can be controlled. If we
learn how to understand and
handle them, we can better rela-
tions considerably."
Even if we don't get along
with Russia, we can still profit
to learn how to get along with
the rest of the world, he added.
Prof. Angell will be the third
director of the tensions project,
his predecessors being Prof. Had-
ley Cantril of Princeton University
and Dr. Otto Klineberg of Colum-
bia University.
He will join the staff in Paris
in "initiating and coordinating
research projects."
The professor stated that he has
long been interested in the prob-
lems of social integration on the
local, national, and international
He has written a book on "The
Integration of American Society"
and has just completed the manu-
script of "The Moral Integration
of American Cities."

SL Wants,
NSA Meet
Here in '50r
(Co-Managing Editor)
The Student Legislature has
asked the National Student Asso-
ciation to hold its 1950 Congress
University administrators have
given SL the green light for the
Congress to be held Aug. 21-Sept.
1, 1950.
* * *
will introduce the invitation at
this year's Congress, at University
of Illinois, Aug. 24 to Sept. 3.
Dean of Students Erich A.
Walter announced the Univer-
sity's approval after confer-
ences with vice-president Mar-
vin L. Niehuss and business
manager of residence halls,
Francis Sheil.
This is the third year Michigan
has sought the Congress, accord-
ing to Dick Hooker, chairman of
the SL NSA Committee.
"ANN ARBOR is an ideal loca-
tion-transportation for the more
than 1,000 student delegates and
educators is excellent, and costs
should be reasonable," Hooker
Plenary sessions will be held
in Rackham School of Graduate
Studies auditorium, and work-
shop sessions in Angell Hall,
according to the NSA Commit-+
tee's request to the University.
MICHIGAN regional NSA Presi-
dent, Harvey Weisberg expressed
confidence in the bid.
"NSA national officers who have
visited the campus are enthusias-
tic about Ann Arbor for the loca-
tion of the 1950 Congress," he said.
Air Fair Today
The gigantic Willow Run Air
Fair will go through its paces
again today from 1:30 to 6 p.m. to
amaze spectators by the thou-
One of the climaxes of the show
will be a landing on the "world's
smallest airport," a 15-foot plat-
form on a car moving 50 miles
an hour.

Tells U.S. To
Put Aside
Prej udices
Senator Speaks
On White Paper
WASHINGTON - () - Senator
Vandenberg, Republican foreign
policy leader, said last night that
the United States must 'take a
fresh look at its China policies and
determine its course "unhampered
by past prejudices or emotions."
Speaking out on the govern-
ment's China policy "white paper,"'
the Michigan Senator said this
country must make "relentlessly
clear" its support for the Chinese
people and for freedom in the Far
* * *
IN SEVERAL ways Vandenberg's
statement coincided with views ex-
pressed by Secretary of State
Acheson, who has abandoned
hope of saving China by prop-
ping up the Nationalist regime,
has before him the problem of
shaping a positive new-approach.
Vandenberg, top Republican on
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, declared that the United
States must not accept results of
"aggression." He said he did not
believe the aggression in China
can permanently succeed.
Officials believe that Acheson,
in the expected three lines of
anti - Communist action, may
urge aid for any resistance for-
es showing signs of a determined.
stand against the Communists.
Delivery of aid direct to gen-
erals in China's unconquered
Western provinces thus would be
considered possible, offidals sug-
THE THREE lines along which
policy moves are expected to be
ordered are these:
1. Resistance to any threat of
aggression by the Chinese Com-
munists against China's neigh-
bors-such as Burma and French
2. Promotion of political poli-
cies among China's neighbors
from Korea through Japan and
the Philippines around to India
which will better living condi-
tions of the people and thereby
weaken the position of Com-
munism working from the in-
3. Take advantage of all oppor-
tunities to weaken the position of
Communism inside China by giv-
ing encouragement and, where
practical, assistance to any Chi-
nese movements aimed at restor-
ing the country's independence of
Loan Print
Help in Fall
Interested in art?
The Student Legislature has an
interesting opportunity for stu-
dents willing to do a little picture
hanging in the fall.

STUDENTS ARE needed to help
hang the more than 1,000 student
loan prints in Alumni Memorial
Hall Sept. 16 and 17, according to
Mrs. Eloise Wilkenson.
The prints must be hung by
them for display to students who
wish to borrow them for the
semester, Mrs. Wilkinson said.
Students might enjoy the work
and get some art education in the
process, she commented.
Those interested may contact
Tom Walsh, 2-7816, this week.
Last Chance
Giacomo Puccini's "La Boheme"
will conclude a five-day run at 8
p.m. tomorrow at the Lydia Men-
Ap-ce n hn+.P

Daily Looks Back to Some Hot Times in Hot Weather

The University has passed
through another summer with the
usual heat, sweat, and frustration.
But some things of interest and
some excitement have occured in
the good old summer time in Ann
June 22-University enrollment
reaches 8.824. 350 below the record

tion of $11,436,315 for the Univer-
sity's operating budget for the
coming year-more than a million
dollars below the sum asked for. I
June 27-"On Borrowed Time,"
marked the first of a hit parade of
plays for the summer season given
by the speech department's play

it turned out that the powerful
weed killer was slightly hard on
the grass, too.
July 3-Mirabeau, the famous
Michigan cat with the M on his
forehead, set off a craze of cat
pictures and stories - it turned
out that the majority of tiger cats
have forehead M's, but Mirabeau

was upset when a dark-haired
University junior won the title of
Cherry Queen at the Traverse
City Cherry Festival.
July 14-While Young Progres-
sives picketed him for "failing to
act to stop the death of 52-20,"
Gov. G. Mennen Williams said
+11- 1- Mor nr-in'79A h a

Arbor for a hair cut. Haynes is
literally welded into a car and has
$25,000 riding on his nose to drive
140,000 miles. He has some 25,000
miles under his wheels at latest
July 20-The Sun Never Sets on
th Neur wnmen's norm was the

hand clappers who want to swing
their partners.
July 22 - The University in-
creased its tuition to $150 a year
for Michigan students and to $400
for out-of-state students in order
to meet running costs which the
reduced budget would not provide

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