Daily Women's Editor Haunts Fraternity Houses
Daily Special Writer
The fraternity men on this cam-
pus just don't seem to understand
that The Daily has to write up
their parties!
At least, so Marilyn Jones, wom-
en's editor for this summer, found
out when she called the fraterni-
ties for her column, "On the
* * *
"I'D ASK THEM what the re-
freshments were to be," Miss Jones
related, "'Oh, Champagne and
whiskey sours,' they'd answer cas-
Then she'd cut it down to tea
and cakes. Surprisingly enough,
however, the column often put
ideas into the heads of party-
goers, Miss Jones discovered. I
A sort of competition sprang up
among campus social chairmen
and a rash of specialty parties
broke out this year.
MISS JONES originated the
column when she was first on The
Daily. This year, she has been a
night editor on the women's staff,
and this summer she has put her
experience in page make-up to
good use.
One of her major duties, be-
sides writing stories and assign-
ing them, has been putting the
pages together. Fortunately, a
lot of people got engaged and
married this summer. After all,
one can discuss summer fashions
for just so long!
Miss Jones has found The Daily
"a wonderful experience" and is 'a
little wistful about leaving. She
graduates this week in elementary
education and will go home to
teach in Jamestown, N.Y.
ONE DAY she entered the halls
of The Daily with a hoard of kin-
dergarten children trailing behind
her-they were on tour with their
teacher, Miss Jones.
Several people wondered if
the paper was inaugurating a
new class of try-outs--starting
them early on propaganda, so
that they'll join the staff when
they are of age!
It's also rumored that among
her talents, Miss Jones has an
amazing knack for making color-
ing books to use in demonstrations
for the children.
In spite of the fact that the kids
and the fraternity men create mul-
tiple problems in putting out the
woman's page, however, Miss Jones
found one interesting fact - al-
though most men joke about the
women's page, an amazing num-
ber of them follow it religiously!
White Paper
(Continued fromn Page 1)
OW TO MEET A SHY DEE R-Auiss Frances
rasit, a visitor to the Kendall. Fla., Rare Bird Farm, feeds
p "' , to Nicki, pet deer, w hich is seldom friendly to strangers.
O RsI G I N AL . WAI N L H i E L D S- Transportation is
diftllult in suthwest China, and people travel as far as 60 miles
in charcoal-propelled buses equipped as the one above.
-Daily-Ray Okonski
Civil Service
Library Tests
Examinations for the position of
Librarian were announced today
by the United States Civil Service
No written test will be given ap-
plicants who have had four years
education or experience in library
work plus additional professional
library experience.
* * *
PERSONS appointed to fill po-
sitions in Wasifington, D.C. and
vicinity. Salaries range from $3,727
to $6,235 a year.
The work will involve profes-
sional library techniques such
as: cataloging, bibliography, ref-
erence and classification. A few
successful candidates will have
the full administrative responsi-
bility for the operation of a li-
Further information and ap-
plication forms may be obtained
from Edward Hellner, local sec-
retary of the Civil Service Com-
mission, with offices in the Main
Post Office. The application must
be received in the Commission's
Washington office by August 23.
'Prof. Mamloek'
Continues Tonight
"Professor Mamlock," Russian-
produced film about the early days
of Hitler Germany, can still be
seen at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. today
at the Architecture Auditorium.
This is the Art Cinema League's
last presentation for the summer.
** *
IN ITS EFFORTS to bring for-
eign noteworthy and unusual
movies to the campus, the ACL
has sponsored five films this
summer, consisting of one Swedish
picture, one French movie, one
from Russia and two from the
United States.
Mel Bondy of the ACL says that
"Professor Mamlock" is being
shown in different zones of Ger-
,many with wide success. The film
was made about 13 years ago and
was never shown in pre-war Ger-
many, for obvious reasons.
Tickets may be obtained at the
Architecture Auditorium or at the
Up, Up, and Away
DOZIER, Ala. - Superballoons
may soon carry scientific instru-
ments to heights even greater
than those now reached, accord-
ing to nuclear physicists.
The balloons can carry equip-
ment weighing as muc has two
'U' Summer Session Choir
To Give Concert Tomorrow
The University's Summer Ses-
sion Choir will present a con-
cert at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Ballroom of the League.
The chair will be conducted by
Henry Veld, who is director of the
Augustana College Choir in Rock
Island, Ill., and who is -a guest
faculty member this summer.
Between two groups of religious
songs, a chamber music ensemble
Picks Director
Don Decker, Grad., will direct
the buccaneering antics of the
"Pirates of Penzance" when the
University Gilbert and Sullivan
Society presents that famous light
opera in the. fall.
Decker brings a lot of Gilbert
and Sullivan experience with him
to his post as top director of the
local group's productions.
* * * *
HE SERVED as dramatic direc-
tor for "Yeomen of the Guard"
and "Patience," last year's Gilbert
and Sullivan Society productions.
Before joining the group, he had
been active in the Willow Run
Village little theatre group.
Jimmie Lobaugh, '50SM, Bill
Boyer, '51SM and Gil Vickers,
'50SM will assist Decker by direct-
ing the musical end of the show.
Dates for the showing of "Pi-
rates of Penzance" have not yet
been announced.
Campus, Willow
YP Join in Picnic
The Campus Young Progressives
will join with- the Willow Village
Young Progressives in co-sponsor-
ing a "Victory Picnic" for the
"Trenton Six" this Sunday at Sa-
line Valley Farms.
The group will meet at the east
side of Hill Auditorium at 2 p.m.,
where transportation will be pro-
vided for the trip. All interested
persons are invited to the after-
noon of swimming, games and
The "Trenton Six" are six Ne-
groes who were sentenced to die
for the murder of a storekeeper
in New Jersey. Last week the New
Jersey Supreme Court ordered a
re-trial on the basis of new evi-
Frances Price, Negro woman
lawyer associated with the Civil
Rights Congress will be the guest
speaker at the picnic.
will perform Beethoven's "Quartet
in A minor, Op. 132."
* * *
BACH'S "ST. Matthew's Pas-
sion" will be sung at 7:30 p.m.
on Wednesday, Aug. 10, at theI
First Presbyterian Church, by the1
class in the choral literature of
Bach (Vocal Literature 165).
Harold Haugh, who will con-
duct the work, has tried to realizeE
Bach's intentions rather than ourc
own contemporary tastes. The
presentation is to be offered not1
as a finished public performance
but as an open class meeting,I
simulating actual performance;
string-quartet-in-residence which
made its debut during the summer,
session and has already given
three performances, is scheduled,
to give three more concerts dur-
ing the fall semester.
Dates for the programs have
been set for Nov. 1, Nov. 15 and
Dec. 6.
Other major concerts to be
given by the School of Music are,
programs by the Collegium Musi-
cum and the Little Symphony,
Nov. 20 and Nov. 3, respectively.
Grad Club Will
Hold Last Outing
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
northwest entrance of the Rack-
ham Building for its last outing
of the summer term.
Graduate students may sign up
for between-terms outings at the
check desk in the lobby of the
Rackham Building.
"2. The United States desires to
support the creation in China of
economic and political conditions
which will safeguard basic rights
and liberties and progressively de-
velop the economic and social well
being of its people.
"3. The United States is op-
posed to the subjection of China
to any foreign power, to any re-
gime acting in the interest of a
foreign power, and to the dis-
memberment of China by any for-
eign power, whether by open or
clandestine means.
"4. The United States will con-
tinue to consult with other inter-
ested powers in the light of condi-
tions in the countries concerned
and in the far east as a whole, on
measures which will contribute to
the continuing security and wel-
fare of the peoples of that area.
"5. The United States will en-
courage and support efforts of the
United Nations to achieve these
objectives and particularly to
maintain peace and security in
the far East."
** *
ACHESON TOLD his news con-
ference that the big problem now
is to determine how these prin-
ciples can be effectively translat-
ed into action. As a method of at-
tack on that problem, he said the
State Department has brought in
outside consultants to advise him
on what may be done. In addi-
tion, he said, responsible officials
are engaged in a comprehensive
survey of the far Eastern situa-
Questioned about American
relations with the Chinese Com-
munists, - Acheson said that if
and when they create a govern-
ment and the question arises of
recognition, he will consult fully
with the foreign affairs commit-
tees of Congress.
S OL DIE R S TLP50 - ereant Mor
Murphy, of the Irish Guads, 82, teLs a da ncin partnr,
Smith, 21, of his camaigns, at Old Time Ball il.
Apache chief, is made up for his role in "Winnetou," Indian story,
by German poet Karl May, played by Munich actors in Bavaria.
- uagret Thors, daughter of
the linister from Iceland, visits
an orchard during her reign as
Queen of the Apple Blossom
Festival at Winchester, Va.
Riding Horses For ire
Instructions Available
Golfside Stables
3250 E. Huron River Dr. Ph. 7772
on the Huron River
P K 2 0 Y E A R $ F 0 R T W A - A 1949 Constellation (top) flies past a Ford Trimotor
of 1929 as TWA prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary of coast-to-coast air service.
"4 4'4M.44Y " 441 :Y:: r" . ."::" . :f :::::..t... ** ***.":*.: ":. ' .: ""." "' :
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