ECONOMY- ' SOPHISTICATED ART See Page 4 G L ts ra Latest Deadline in the State a ti e e 0- r CLOUDY AND SHOWERS VOL. LIX-No. 3S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS I 0 I 1 i -_ U' Students Asked To See Landseap in Provost Adams Invites Search By CRAIG WILSON (Co-Managing Editor) Students were urged to inspect the University's "Educationa. Landscaping" at a Summer Ses- sion Convocation last night. Provost James P. Adams asked students to "develop an inquisi- tive interest in the campus arounc them and help to further enrich2 the structure of education." The University is a theatre for important events," he said. He invited students to go out of their own particular field of specialization and tour facili- ties of the University. Provost Adams called the Uni- versity a "center in the search for truth." "THE TEST OF intelligence lies in the choosing of ideas-a search of great ideas and making them a part of your life," he said. Ideas must be judged within a free and democratic way of life, as contrasted to alien phil- osophies which base life on fear and suppression; he said. Places on campus, Provost Ad- ams called attention to were: * * * GENERAL LIBRARY, Clements Library, Museum of Archaeology, Museum of Art, music and sub- jects located within the University Museums Building. He also pointed to the bells of Burton Metnorial Tower the education school exhibits, Bu- reau of School Services and the Audio-Visual Aid Center. Recitals, concerts, dramas and lectures also provide fields for in- vestigation, according to Provost Adams. Thirty-Three Aboard Plane In Sea Plunge BARI, Italy-0:)-A big Dutch airliner carrying 33 persons plunged out of sunny skies into the Adriatic Sea today in view of hor- rified beach bathers off this southern port. There were no known survivors. The Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) said their plane carried a Dutch crew of eleven, 17 Dutch passengers and five Egyptians who got aboard at Cairo enroute non- stop to Amsterdam. WITNESSES SAID it seemed to fall straight downward from about 16,000 feet, level off at 1,500 and then fall tail-first into 120 feet of water. It settled less than 1,000 feet from Bari's sunny beaches. Bodies of 16 men, five women and three children were recov- ered quickly. An Italian news agency reported one additional body, that of a boy, also was found. The four-engine Constellation was .en route from Batavia, Java, to Amsterdam on the last leg of the flight via Mauritius, Aden and Cairo. Star Gazers Will Convene The first of four Visitors' Nights scheduled by the University De- partment of Astronomy for the summer is set for Saturday, June 25, from 8:30 to 10 p.m. The other dates are July 2, July 16, and July 30. This Saturday's viewing, at the University Observatory, will give visitors an opportunity to observe Saturn and star clusters. OBSERVATION of the Moon and double stars will he made from Alger Hiss Denies DeliveringSecrets (Editor's Note: Staffer Roma Lipsky is covering the Hiss Trial for The Daily. Miss Lipsky has been appoint- ed Night Editor for the Fall term.) By ROMA LIPSKY (Special to The Daily) NEW YORK-Taking the stand in his own defense, Alger Hiss de- clared yesterday that he did not "ever transmit or deliver any doc- uments to "the man who calls himself Whittaker Chambers." On trial for perjury, Hiss was calm and soft-spoken during an hour of questioning by his chief defense attorney, Lloyd P. Stryker. SPECTATORS, who had been awaiting Hiss' testimony all week, were hushed as the former State Department official declared that Guards See 'Laxness' at Atom Plant WASHINGTON - () -- Con- gresssional investigators yester- day received a report that guards at the Great Hanford, Wash., atomic plant are "appalled by the security laxness which has exist- ed for some time and still exists." The assertion was laid before the Senate-House atomic "watch- dog" committee in the form of a letter written by Merle E. Smith, Jr., President of the Hanford Guards Union Local No. 21. * * * AN OFFICIAL of the Hanford plant sharply disagreed witha Smith. Coincident with this develop- ment, Chairman McMahon (D.- Conn.) disclosed that the FBI has been called in to investigate what he termed an "inventoryt discrepancy" at the Oakridge,] Tenn., atomic plant. McMahon previously said the1 discrepancy might turn out to be a mere bookkeeping error. McMAHON ALSO released pre- viously secret testimony by Oak Ridge officials who appeared be- fore the Joint Congressional Com- mittee in a closed-door sessionf last Monday.2 This quoted Jesse Herndon, production superintendent, as telling the committee: t "We require our personnel to wear AEC clothing which theyt change in and out of. This cloth-r ing is washed right in the build- ing and water from it is processed for recovery (of uranium). "When their shoes are worn out, they are burned and the ashes re- covered. Nothing is thrown away from this operation in a solid state." * * .*- ANOTHER official, Dr. Clar- ence Larson, told about two very small slivers" of uranium beingv carried away from the Oak Ridget Plant in socks which two men hadt forgotten to change before they went home.k "They reported it and werep duly reprimanded," Dr. LarsonV said.t The Smith letter about alleg-a ed "security laxness" at Han-o ford was read to the committeeI today with charges of "incred- ible mismanagement" against AEC Chairman David E. Lilien-o thal.- George E. Trout, vice presidentS and general manager of the Gen-k eral Electric Company's nucleonics2 division at Hanford, told the Com-o mittee that Smith's union has notL been recognized as the bargain- ing agent for the guards at Han-d ford.p he was not, and had never been, a member of the Communist Party. During almost an hour of questioning, Stryker had Hiss review his career, tracing his life from Harvard Law School days to his work as Secretary- General of the San Francisco Conference which framed the United Nations Charter. Stryker, attempting to prove Hiss' loyalty in contrast to Whit- taker Chambers' statements that Hiss supplied secret government documents to Communists, stressed the integrity required in all positions held by Hiss. '* * * HISS SPOKE quietly and mod- estly as he described his duties as secretary of the late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, assistant to Francis B. Sayre, former Assistant Secretary of State, Executive Sec- retary of State, at the Dumbarten Oaks Conference. and advisor to President Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference. Earlier in the day, the defense continued its attempt to prove that the battered old Woodstock typewriter on which the govern- ment claims the stolen docu- ments were typed, was not in Hiss' possession in Jan. 1938. The government claims that it was during this time that the documents were stolen and re- typed on the Woodstock. Defense Attorney Edward Mc- Lean carried the battered ma- chine, introduced as evidence on Wednesday, to the witness stand several times, as witnesses iden- tified it. RAYMOND AND Perry Catlett, brothers who had worked at odd jobs for the Hisses in Washing- ton, both testified that the ma- chine was the same one which the Hisses had given to them. The gift was made about the time the Hisses moved from 30th Street in Washington to Volta Place, they said. Previous testimony showed that this move was made in De- cember, 1937. Raymond Catlett testified that an FBI agent named "Jones" of-. fered him $200 earlier this year to locate the typewriter. Prosecuting Attorney Thomas Murphy jumped to his feet and angrily attempted to shake Catlett's story. * * "WHO TOLD YOU to say that?" he asked. "They just asked me about it so I told the defense attorney here," Catlett said. He described Jones as about as See ALGER, Page 6 'U' Schedules Talks on Land A host of distinguished lecturers will descend on the University for this summer's series of special lec- tures on public affairs. The current series, sixth of its kind, will be concerned with the problem of "Natural Resources in World Affairs." Since their incep- tion several years ago, the public affairs lectures have proved to be one of the outstanding events of University summer sessions. ' * * * LEADING OFF for the parade1 of speakers is William S. Rosen- trans, vice-president of the United States Chamber of Commerce, who will speak at 8 p.m. Monday, June 27, at the Rackham Lecture Hall, on the topic "Under All, The Land." The lectures will be open to stu- dents, faculty and the general public.t Big Three Fail To Get Strike End Berlin Tie-Up To Continue BERLIN - W) -The Western Powers tried again today to find a solution to the tangled Berlin rail strike and failed. After a three-hour meeting of the U.S., British and French com- mandants, a spokesman said "no decisions were reached and noth- ing was agreed upon worthy of an announcement." * * * THE STRIKE of West Berlin's railway workers has bottled up freight shipments in the four- power city since May 21. It was called to stress union demands for full payment of wages in West marks, job security and union recognition. The union {UGO) is anti- Communist. The rail manage- ment for which the strikers work is the Russian-controled Reichsbahn (state railway). The rail system offered the workers part payment of their wages in west marks. Russian au- thorities also said no striker would be punished merely because he had walked off the job. They warned, however, that "saboteurs and criminals" would not expect pro- tection. THIS SOVIET warning, plus Russian refusal to recognize the union, stiffened the backbone of the strikers. They tossed the com- promise offer aside. After the Big Four foreign ministers' meeting in Paris urged a restoration of normal rail traffic, the strikers offered to move inter-zonal freight through the closed West Berlin yards. The union said it would do this without ending the walkout. It said West Berlin's elevated trains would remain stalled and freight consigned to the Russian Zone would not move through the West- ern sectors. British officials said it was "im- practical" for the strikers to try to run part of a railroad without approval of the railway manage- ment. World Charter Constitutional Change Asked The Campus chapter of the UnitedhWorld Federalists is join- ing other Michigan chapters in a campaign to have a world con- stitution passed as an amendment to the Federal Constitution, ac- cording to Allan Hurd, summer chairman of the group. By use of the initiative and ref- erendum process, the Michigan chapters plan to petition the State Legislature to apply to Congress for a Constitutional Convention, at which the proposed amendment can be ratified. * * * IN A MEETING yesterday, the United World Federalists discuss- ed their plans to implement the campaign. Members will be sent to address various Ann Arbor or- ganizations in order to stimulate interest in the project. Circulation of the petitions will begin July 15. Each petition will require the signature of twenty qualified voters. Six other state legislatures have already passed measures request- ing that Congress call a Consti- tutional Convention. RECEDING WATER DISCLOSES FLOOD DAMAGE--Receding flood waters show damage to high- way at Gap Mountain, not far from Petersburg, W.Va. Note sagging pole and roof of a house at left and car with front wheels over broken concrete abutment at right. Football Ducats to Away Games Available Now at Ferry Field Tickets for the away-from- home football games with Illinois and Northwestern next fall are available on a first come, first served basis at the ticket office at Ferry Field. The Illinois game is scheduled for Oct. 29 and the Northwestern game for Oct. 15. STUDENTS WHO buy tickets for either of these games will have a chance to buy special train tick- ets to and from the games, ac- cording to, Don Greenfield, pub- licity director of the Wolverine Club, sponsors of the train spe- cials. Train tickets to Illinois will be $12 round trip, a 50 percent reduction from ordinary prices, Greenfield said. The Northwest- ern trip will be somewhat less, he added. Students who wish to buy the train tickets must sign a list with Mrs. Alice Reynolds at the Office of Student Affairs. * *I * NO COMBINED game - train tickets will be sold this year, Greenfield said. The Illinois train will leave Ann World.News Round- Up Arbor early Saturday morning, ar- rive at Champagne an hour be- fore the game, and leave around midnight for the return trip. The train is made up entirely of re- clining chair coaches. Uniate Bishops Said Tortured VATICAN CITY - W) - Two bishops of Romania's outlawed Uniate Church have been tortured by Communist officials in an ef- fort to break their allegiance to Pope Pius XII, a Vatican source said yesterday. The Uniate Church, a Romanian branch of the Roman Catholic faith, was dissolved by Romania's Communist government last De- cember. THERE ARE SOME 1,500,000 communicants in each of the two allied Catholic rites, in Romania- the Uniate and the Latin. The pro - Russian Orthodox Church, only officially recognized religion in the country, has more than 12,000,000 adherents. The Vatican source identified the bishops as Msgr. Ion Suciu, papal representative of the Metro- politan See of Fagaras and Albia Julia, and Suciu's auxiliary, Msgr. Aftenie. It is known that Suciu was tortured, the source added, but it is not known whether he is still alive. Hungary Cuts' PartyRanks PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-(Y)- Hungary's strong man, Vice-Pre- mier Matyas Rakosi, said tonight 200,000 persons - about 18 per cent of the membership - had been expelled from the Hungar- ian Communist Party. He added the party is still rid- den with "spies and provocateurs." * * * HE REFERRED apparently to the recent expulsion and arrest of Laszlo Rajk, former Hungarian foreign minister, and Communist leader Tibor Secenyi on charges of spying and Trotzkyism.y Rakosi said a purge of Hungar- ian Communist ranks was found necessary to "strengthen our par- ty." He said it was trimmed to about 1,000,000 members. UMW Talks on Contract May Avert Strikes Lewis Baits Owners With Shutdown Hint WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. Va.-(P)--John L. Lewis dan- gled the bait of "no strike" be- fore three-fourths of the soft coal industry yesterday, hinting that operators who do not join in con- tract talks here might be shut down next month. The United Mine Workers' chief never mentioned strike. But he and operators from the North, West and part of the South, rep- resenting nearly 250,000,000 tons of annual bituminous coal produc- tion, sent out blanket invitations to the scattering of employers not in the conference to join in the talks. NO INVITATION went to the Southern Coal Producers Associa- tion, which is negotiating with Lewis' lieutenants at Bluefield, W. Va. Some segments of this group have withdrawn from negotiations there, obviously meant to isolate the Southern group, producing about 100,000,000 tons a year, be- cause it tried to push him into a separate agreement. The current contract expires June 30. The miners have, a 10- day vacation lasting until July 5. After that, any groups with- out a contract are threatened with a walkout. But the operators in the White Sulphur Springs meeting are con- fident they won't be struck on July 5. They point to the fact that Lewis notified them on June 14 that thencontractwould expire shortly and asked them to meet him. UNDER THE Taft-Hartley Act, a party/wanting to terminate a contract is required to give the other party 60 days' notice. In the opinion of the Northern operators, Lewis does not intend to shut down their mines before Aug. 14-60 days from the date of his notice. New Government OWOSSO-(')-This city, which put on a big celebration for Gov- ernor Thomas E. Dewey of New York last year, will welcome home another governor today. He is 16-year-old Bill Capitan, who was elelted to the highest post in the Wolverine Boys State at East Lansing last week. . $11,436,315 Final Figure Is Approved Ruthven Says Total 'Setback' By The Associated Press LANSING-The State Legisla- ture last night passed a compro- mise appropriation of $11,436,315 as the University's operating bud- get for the next fiscal year. The grant was included in a general appropriation for State- supported colleges which ended a month-long Senate-House contro- versy and barely averted a special session. UNIVERSITY President Alexan- der G. Ruthven said the appro- priation is "far below the Univer- sity's minimum needs of $12,000,- 000 for operations next year. "What we shall do . . . I can- not say at this time. The first thing, naturally, is for Univer- sity officials to get together and discuss what can be done in this situation. It is a serious setback for the University's total pro- gram." The final figure is more than $1,000,000 below the University's original budget request, and nearly $400,000 less than Gov. Williams' recommendation. BUT THE appropriation is a compromise between measures passed by the House and Senate which called for grants of $10,986,- 315 and $12,000,000 respectively. Michigan State College was given approximately the same compromise: $9,284,199, which was $350,000 more than th House wanted and $70,727 less than the Senate held out for. On appropriations to all the lesser State colleges, the House and Senate split the difference. The compromise came nearly 12 hours after the Legislature recon- vened for its final session and a month after the two chambers walked out for its final session and a month after the two cham- bers walked out on a Senate-House conference committee as it fought over the college appropriation. * * * OTHERWISE, the final session was a peaceful affair. A tight bloc of 39 House Dem- ocrats stuck together and pre- vented the overriding of any of Governor Williams' vetoes. Both Chambers voted to re- vive the 1948 Bates Law which takes home rule cities out from under the 15-mill tax limita- tion. It was repealed inadver- tently by the legislature last month. Before the House passed the Bates Bill reinstatement, two un- successful attempts were made to amend it. Rep. Louis A. Cram- ton (R.-Lapeer) was talked out of making a technical correction in- validating tax-increasing elections held before the new law takes ef- fect Sept. 23. He was persuaded the amendment was not neces- sary. * * -* REP. HOWARD R. Estes (R.- Birmingham) attempted to at- tach a bill which passed the House and failed in the Senate last May. The bill would permit'local units to tax property of the Huron- Clinton Metropolitan Authority at half the average rate before the property was acquired by the au- thority. In the Senate, the Bates mea- sure passed 27 to 2, with Sena- tors Perry W. Greene (R.-Grand Rapids) and Garland B. Lane D.-Flint) voting "no." There was no debate. The Democratic bloc prevented the Republicans from upsetting Williams' veto of bills permitting commercial fishermen to lower deep trap nets in Lake Huron to 100 feet and to return one-fourth of the oil and gas severance tax to the counties where the minerals are produced. THE SENATE, futilely, over- rode Williams' veto of a bill im- By The Associated Press NEW YORK-Communist con- spiracy trial proceedings were en- livened yesterday by a long fuss over the Judge's rejection of a party leader's 27,000-word state- ment and a defense lawyer's as- sertion that a government attor- ney had threatened to punch his nose. When defense attorneys tried to get it admitted as evidence, U.S. Attorney John F. X. McGohey ob- jected and declared it was "a piece of manufactured evidence pub- lished by a group of conspirators." * * * LANSING-The State Liquor Control Commission yesterday announced that price cuts in more than 40 brands of liquors will go into effect July 2. More than half of the items slashed are whiskies. The rest are gins, rums, cordials and a few wines. * * * JOHANNESBURG, South Afri- ca-A Regent's protests failed yes- terday to turn black Bamangwato tribesmen against their white queen-to-be, ex-typist Ruth Wil- liams of London. The regent, Tshekedi Khame, told 9,000 Bamagwatos gathered in Pow-wow at Serowe, Bechuana- land, he would fight to the last against her mounting the throne with chief -designate Seretse Khama. Only 20 per cent, however, vot- ed by show of hands that she would be unwelcome. PE~RTH AMBOY.N.J. - Two Sen. Butler Says Hawaii In Grip of Communists 4 ___ STANDARD LANGUAGE: Socialization Defines Speech WASHINGTON -()- Senator Butler (R.-Neb.) charged today that "International Revolutionary Communism at present has a firm grip on the economic, political and social life of the territory of Ha- waii." At the time of his visit he was chairman of the full committee. In the report, Butler express- ed high regard for the loyalty and achievements of "an over- whelming majority" of Hawaii's people. But, he said: "Since V-J Day, in Sept., 1945, i