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DailyBusiness Manager Urges Thrift
Daily Special Wrlte7~ ;
Some people are born thrifty.
Others are born into newspaper
families. And still others are reac-
tionaries. They all get kidded
about any one of these three z
claims he is all three, life is often
wry uncomfortable. "In the first TE V
place, he's The Daily's summer >.
Business Manager-and one sim O
ply must be thrifty to hold that
In the second place, he's a d
"newspaper brat"--the son of a
Chicago Tribune man, and is
also former editor of a Navy .. _.'{
ship's newspaper. He'll graduate r !;
from Business Administration{
school in August and move on
to Northwestern Law School,
which is near his home town of>
Palatine, Ill.
There's also been some discus-
sio Jamout'the so-called "Cadillac-
for-James" fund, which has led
to further kidding for James. Said
automobile according o rumor, is
to be bought fromsae Daily rev-
enue-if svdany.
JAMES DENIES the whole ugly
business, however. He's settled for
a '46 Ford instead-and also adds
that the purchase of that 'car
had nothing to do with the fact
that he was Theta Delta Chi's
house manager at the time.
His job as business manager
of The Daily involves general
supervision of all business func-
tions-including advertising, cir-
culation and finances.
"The purpose is to keep the old
revenue rolling in," James ex-
plained. "I constantly get into
budget battles with the editorial
staff, trying to convince them that
money doesn't grow on trees. But
they siply have no conception of
what money is!"
* * *
calls to Czechoslovakia and South
' * *
America, and the times The Daily'
wanted to send cabs and kids into
Detroit on stories.
And that's not all! Daily
staffers consume gallons of
Coke every day, and it's up to
James to keep the Coke machine
filled. If it's empty, he hears
about it in no uncertain terms.
James first got into all this
trouble in: the spring of 1947 when
he joined the business staff. This
-Daily-Ray Okonski
* * .
is his second summer as business
* * *
he's occasionally called upon to
promote "National Prevent Ath-
lete's Foot Week," or something
equally significant, James finds
there are advantages to his job.
He's one of the richest men on
There's just one hitch-however
-he can't spend a cent!
Available to
War Orphans
Plan Designed to
Aid U.S. Children
The opportunity to receive a
college. education is being made
available to America's war or-
Through the War Orphan's
Scholarships, Inc., qualified stu-
dents whose fathers were killed in
either world war, may receive fi-
nancial aid in furthering their ed-
ucations. .
AN EXPECTED 100,000 orphans
of World War H may be con-
sidered for aid by this organiza-
tion which began in 1943 to honor
the children of deceased veterans
by providing them with financial
aid to partially defray college ex-
Approximately $500 per stu-
dent is available at this time
but the non-profit group ex-
pects to increase this sum as
more people learn of the plan
and contribute to it.
"We don't offer them charity,"
William E. McKenney, chairman
of the group, emphasized. "Rather
it is a token of gratitude and ap-
preciation of their fathers' gallant
and meritorious service," he feels.
* * *
ANY WAR ORPHAN is eligible
to apply for the scholarships or
other educational assistance.
Unlike other scholarship or-
ganizations, the group does not
consider the scholastic record
as its sole basis for selection
for one of the awards.
Each apblicant is required to
fill out a form which i reviewed
by a committee composed of mem-
bers of the various branches of
the armed forces.
Bach Concert
The 7 p.m. Classical Concert will
offer an all Bach program, includ-
ing a chorale Prelude: Der Heiden
Heiland, the Concerto No. 2 in E
major and the Cantata No. 4.
2:30-Band Rehearsal.
2:55-Daily Bulletin.
3:00-Campus Varieties.
3:30-Angell Hall Playhouse.
4:00-UNESCO World Preview.
4:15-About Books.
4:30-Requestfully Yours.
5:00-Books by Radio.
5:15-Songs of France.
5:30-Children's Story.
5:45-Musical Profiles.
6:00-Dinner Music.
7:00-Classical Concert.
Student Players on
WHRV Tonight
Intrigue behind bars awaits lis-
teners of the Angell Hall Play-
house at 11:00 tonight over WHRV
when the student players present
"The Key."
Written by I;Ielen Dore Boyston
and adapted for radio by Edward
Goldberger, "The Key" depicts life
in a mental institution for women.
Leading roles in the Department
of Speech production will be
played by Shirley Loeblich and
Donna DeHarde.
Versatile Trees
OKEECHOBEE, Fla.-Palm trees
are good for something besides ro-
mantic backdrops, according to the
Chamber of Commerce.
Among other things they pro-
duce oil which can be used to make
soap and margarine.
PROF. REVELLI, who is con-
ductor of all University bands, will
conduct the Summer Session band
at its open air concert, to be given
at 7 p.m. today in the Law Quad-
This is the first itme the Law
Quadrangle has been used for
a concert. Prof. Revelli explained
that no precedent is being set,
but Hill Auditorium is unavail-
able this summer because of ex-
tensive remodeling.
However, Prof. Revelli is highly
in favor of holding band concerts
outdoors instead of in the stifling
heat of an auditorium. He lopes
that~ some day the University will
be able, to build a shell at some
spot not too distant from campus
-possibly the Arboretum-so that
outdoor band music can become a
regular part of University life.
* * *
PROF. REVELI thinks that
the acoustics of the Law Quad will
be fine. Because there are walls
on each side of the Quad, he
thinks that the 110 members of
the band, who will be stationed
at the library steps, won't have
to play much louder than they
would have to play in a concert
But, just to make sure, the
cornet trio, which will be one
of the featured attractions, is
having a rehearsal on the spot.
The trio will be heard in Gold-
man's "Echo Waltz," a composi-
tion made famous by Edwin
Franco Goldman's "On the Mall"
concerts held in New York's Cen-
tral Park.
Markle and John E. Maier are the
three cornetists.
Kirsch played with the Naval
Academy Band in Annapolis
while he was in the service. He
is a regular member of the
Michigan Bands.
Markle, also a Navy veteran,
served with the Ray Anthony Band
in Honolulu. He has studied with
Joseph Gustat, of the St. Louis
Symphony, who is here at present
CORNET TRIO-The three musicians who will play Edwin Franco
Goldman's "Echo Waltz" at today's summer band, concert are
(left to right): Milton J. Markle, second cornet; John E. Maier,
third cornet; and Charles H. Kirsch, first cornet. They are all
taking music school courses and have had considerable previous
Band Concert in Law Quad Tonight
"Bring your blankets ! "
That's the advice given byProf.
William D. Revelli to those who
plan to attend tonight's open air
band concert.
Prof. Revelli says those blankets
are more comfortable to sit on
than the grass or old newspapers,
and it also helps to keep the
Quadrangle clean when no papers
are used.
* * *
experience with concert bands.
* *
as guest lecturer on brass instru-
* * *
JOHN MAIER, also a veteran,
is cornet soloist with the Coast
Guard Band in St. Louis, where
he is also an instructor at the
Ludwig College of Music. He is
studying for a master's degree in
music education.
The band will also play works
by Wagner, Gounod, Sousa,
Creston and Philip Lang.
Philip Lang will be guest con-
ductor and direct three of his own
compositions and arrangements.
He is guest lecturer in band ar-
ranging this summer, and is well
known for his orchestration of
Broadway musicals.
* '*
Forestry Expert
E. W. Tinker, of the American
Paper and Pulp Association, will
speak at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre on "Gov-
ernment Policies and Our Forest
This is one of the lectures in the
current series on natural resources.
Tinker was formerly assistant
chief of the U.S. Forest Service.
will receive its world premiere. It
is his second work for band and
was written especially for the Uni-
versity band. The composition is
published in the University of
Michigan Band Series, of which
Prof. Revelli is editor.
The presentation of meritorious
new compositions is in keeping
with the tradition of the Mich-
igan Band to perform "The Best
in Band Music," Prof. Revelli said.
In case of rain, the concert will
be held in the Union Ballroom,
also at 7 p.m.
Last Grad Mixer
Of Term Planned
The last graduate mixer of the
summer session will be held at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Rack-
ham Building.
All graduate students have been
invited to attend. The mixer will
feature dancing, bridge, and re-
freshments. The terrace will be
This function is sponsored by
the Graduate School Student
Council. Admission will be 25
* * s
Needs Public,
Prvate Aid
Canadian Calls
For Cooperation
Government and private enter-
prise must work together to con-
serve natural resources, said H. L.
Keenleyside in a lecture last night
on Canadian-American relations.
Keenleyside is Canada's Deputy
Minister of Mines and Resources
and Commissioner of the North-
west Territories.
between American and Canadian
problems, he said that in both
countries these problems are so
serious as to call for the best
efforts of both government and
private interests.
Canada hasstremendous re-
sources in mining, agriculture,
fisheries, forests, and water, ac-
cording to Keenleyside. Within
the last two years enough oil
and gas supplies have been dis-
covered to make Canada inde-
pendent of foreign sources in
the very near future.
It must not be forgotten, how-
ever, that these supplies are not
inexhaustible. Canada and the rest
of the world may have to cope
with acute shortages within a
* * *'
"NEW TECHNIQUES of discov-
ery, conservation and utilization
must be developed and employed,"
he said. "The flying magnetome-
ter, the Geiger counter, and other
geophysical methods must be in-
creasingly employed."
If the state is to make its con-
tribution to the discovery and
conservation of natural re-
sources, Keenleyside said, it
must take advantage of all pos-
"There must be willingness to
try new methods, to experiment
in research, to speed up govern-
ment bureaucracy so that it serves
the nation through direct, prac-
tical assistance to those who are
developing our basic resources,"
he added.
No More Spankings
DILLINGER, Wyo. -- The child
who is punished will be ruled by
fear instead of reason, according
to psychiatrists.
Self-discipline should be empha-
sized in the place of punishment,
they claim.
Geology Class Tries Hand
At Well-Digging, Coal-Mning
The summer geology class
turned well-diggers and coal-min-
ers yesterday on their latest field
trip, more or less. Mostly less.
At least they visited two gas
wells and dug a little coal in a
tiny deserted vein.
The gas wells are at Howell,
some 40 miles north of Detroit.
The first one they visited is a'
rotary-dug well 1,400 feet deep.
BUT THIS is only part of the
well, for it has 2,600 feet more to
go before geologists expect to
strike the "pay zone," in this case
natural gas, which can be used for
domestic or industrial purposes or
distilled into gasoline.
Actually drilling through solid
rock is done with a complex
bit, somewhat like a dentist's
drill, but with three to five in-
dividual "barbs" on the tip. This
is attached to a pipe connected
to the turning apparatus.
The pipe is in 50 foot sections,
and pulling it up and down to
change the bit is what takes the
time of the five-man crew.
The other well, which already
struck gas at 3,965 feet in the
same pay zone, is about a mile
from the shorter well.
done here is to knock out the
cement plug put in the shaft to
keep the gas pressure from blow-
ing the top off the well.
This drill is the "cable and
churn" type, which works on
the principle of a pile driver.
The bit is chisel shaped and lit-
erally pounds rock to pieces.
The bit, plus 4,000 feet of cable,
weighs some six tons, so it isn't
very hard to cut the rock. When
finally running, the wells will each
produce 2,000,000 cubic feet of gas
a day.
THE COAL MINE, which was
only a few deserted veins of very
low-grade coal, was just past East
Lansing, where the University bus
got several dirty looks from MSC
pedestrians. Here the students had
the privilege of digging their own
This was the last official field
trip of the summer.
(Continued from Page 1)
The parade on Bastille Day, July
14, was provocative. The French
military, largely composed of youth
groups, marched down the
MUCH OF THE equipment was
American, but this was no Ameri-
can parade.
In spite of the -brass and the
smart uniforms, France seems
to be resigned to its new role as
one of the "has-been," faded na-
Perhaps more than the Eiffel
Tower and the Rodin Museum, we
will remember the Belgian pro-
fessor who said, "We are a small
country that doesn't count in big
decisions. You Americans don't
know what occupation means -
fear of even talking in your sleep."
* * *
THEN THERE was the German
boy who dared to tell incredulous
French students, "We Germans
didn't want Hitler, but what could
we do?"
Stocked with impressions and
whistling the latest French bal-
lad, those of us who sailed on
that hopeful S.S. Volendam con-
tinue our journey more soberly,
but no less enthusiastically.
There is one genera'lization we
are sure of-there is no breed or
species quite the same as an Amer-
ican in Paris.
Use a Classified To Sell
Member of the Associated Press
420 Maynard Street
. . -
Report New
Polio Cases
July 28, 1949
In Michigan
LANSING-(IP)-Michigan's in-
fantile paralysis cases counted to
270 yesterday as 27 new cases were
The new high compared with 59
polio cases on the same date last
WAYNE COUNTY reported 14
new cases for a total of 110. Of
these, 91 were reported from De-
troit. Four cases were reported
from Gratiot County, two from
Chippewa County, two from Ber-
rien County and one each from
Allegan, Isabella, Kent, Van
Buren and Washtenaw Counties.
The death toll reached nine
as one more death was recorded
in Ingham County. The victim
was Mrs. Shirley Weaver, 22, of
The state health department
said two cases, previously report-
ed as polio, were deducted from
the total after it was discovered
they had been improperly diag-
* * *
DR. F. S. LEEDER, head of the
department's Bureau of Disease
Control, said that the death toll
from polio was reported to the
department monthly.
He admitted that the actual
figure might be somewhat. ahead
of the official count given by the
The annual Fall Supplement of THE MICHIGAN DAILY is
now in preparation.
This special edition has particular interest
(Continued from Page 2)
School Student
Council invites you to attend its
final mixer for the Summer Ses-
sion, to be held Friday evening,
July 29, 8:30 to 12 in the Rack-
ham Ballroom. Dancing, bridge
and refreshments. Admission 25c.
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy - Saturday, July 30,
8:30-10 p.m. in Angell Hall, fifth
floor, for observations of the Moon
and Jupiter. Children must be ac-
companied by adults. Visitors'
Night will be canceled if the sky
is cloudy. This will be the last
Visitors' Night during the summer
Lecture: Friday, July 29-"Opti-
mum Structural Design." (D. F.
R. Shanley, Consulting Engineer,
Rand Corporation. 4:00 p.m., Rm.
445, West Engineering Building.
Play, presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech. "The Trojan
Women." by Euripides, 8:00 p.m.,
Friday, July 29, steps of the Clem-
ents Library.
to all University of Michigan students. It contains general infor-
mation on all University activities and events for the coming
school year.
The Supplement has the following comprehensive circulation:
1. It is mailed to all incoming freshmen and transfer
Values to 10. 95
* Whites
i1 Colors
2. It is distributed free to all University of Michigan
students on campus during registration week.
Here is your opportunity to put your name before the college
market. Get your advertising copy ready now.
The deadline ,is
Sizes 4B to 9'2B
August First! Do not hesitate to inquire for further information.
Verv trlyvorsr
I ., - .1:rAT " . f - 7 - iI.1I