PAG TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949 Cool Water' ['D RATHER BE RIGHT: National New Look., "All Us Democracies Got To Stick Together" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN T HESE WARM SUMMER DAYS at a large land-locked university are most conducive to day dreams of beaches, break- ers, and even of old swimming holes. As things are in Ann Arbor now, however, day dreaming is about all that a student can do about such things. About the only outdoor swimming facilities available to summer school students are those at Whit- more Lake and other nearby lakes, all quite a few miles from the campus. With trans- portation facilities limited, most students find it very difficult to indulge in much bathing and sunning at such places. The University or a local business man could do a great service for students and residents of Ann Arbor by constructing a first class outdoor swimming pool within walking or cycling distance of the campus. Such an enterprise could begin to oper- ate during the last month or so of the spring semester. It would certainly provide health- ful and relaxing relief from the tension of final exams, as well as pleasant week-end recreation. WITH THE social whirl slowing down dur- ing the summer, and the rather limited recreational facilities available, the pool would receive an enthusiastic welcome from summer scholars and Ann Arborites alike. September heat can often be just as oppressive as July heat, and the pool could probably operate -profitably for at least the first month of the fall term also. Whether c6nstructed by the University or by private enterprise, an outdoor swimming pool should be a sound business proposition in this city. Properly built and operated, it would be an asset to the entire community. It would fill a glaring gap in the Ann Arbor recreational picture. -Paul Brentlinger Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER By SAMUEL GRAFTON I AM GLAD President Truman feels that the wave of hysteria which is now sweep- ing the country over the questions of dis- loyalty, subversion, etc., is going to pass away. I don't know whether this wave of fear is going to end quite as automatically and obligingly as the President seems to think. But, as I say, I'm glad he thinks so; if a Chief Executive can set styles, as some- times happens, in hats or neckties, then perhaps he can set a style in calmness, too. The plain truth is that we have been living, politically, in a melodrama for the last year or two, and the President has perhaps dealt it a hard blow by indica- ting that he is bored with it. A melodrama can stand anything but that. If it can't keep the customers on the edges of their seats, it is a dying show, and the Presi- dent's yawn may turn out to have been a first-rate political contribution. The theme of the melodrama in which we have ben living is that the great 'questions of human destiny can be decided, in our age, by a sinister figure creeping down a back alley at night. The idea is that the fruits of one hundred and seventy-five years of our history can be blown up, if we are not careful, by one person's dirty work, by our failure to shut a window somewhere, or to notice a clue. * * * * U NDER THIS CONCEPTION, everything that Washington labored for, and Jef- ferson too, everything that Lincoln strug- gled to achieve, and that we, all of us, have built with our hands, can be set at nought by any nondescript rascal with a mind to do us dirt. It was for this, then, that mankind struggled up out of the original muck, and went through an agony of thousands of years-to build a structure that can be knocked down by any casual individual out- fitted with a secret number and an expense account. ' It is a pretty spectacular piece of plot- ting, and I can see that it has its fasci- nations. After all, what is the function of melodrama? The function of melodrama is to make us forget the real drama of life. The mind that is tired of the reali- ties of the struggle to win success in life finds refreshment in a tale of a criminal who can ooze through locked doors, and of a detective who can catch him by snif- fing the wind. Politically, a good many of us have spent the last year or two curld up in a hammock with a detective story. For such as these, the human drama has ceased to be a story in which nations win success by standing up manfully againt their problem, against homelessness and de- pression. Life has become something like a rattling good yarn, instead, a much more garish, more superficially exciting tale, in which the great questions of our destiny are decided, not in the innermost places of our hearts, but in the hall bedrooms of plotters and spies. Give us, we say to the invisible librarian of our spirit, none of your dreary stories about the long, hard struggle of mankind to solve its age-old problems; let us have, instead, a corking good tale of cops and robbers. * * * * I AM WILLING to admit that there are probably odd characters around who would like to do us harm but it is my strong feeling that the police are probably well equipped to deal with them, and I have never heard it stated as a principle of law enforcement that an aroused or perhaps even hysterical public is of any great assis- tance in this type of work. Yet-let us admit it-it is sometimes hard to turn from Sherlock Holmes to Hamlet, from the fascinations of incident -to the terrible strains of decision, from stories which are too frightening to be quite real, to problems which are so real as to be rather frightening. (Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation) kt 00 A,6 PAQ "tEtygtK fl y. L MATTER OF FACT: F Looking Back' Nvational .Defense NEWSPAPER HEADLINES in the past few months have focused the attention of many people on the struggle among the Army, Navy and Air Force. Of at least equal importance, however, are the manifold in- efficiencies within each service. Campus con- versation and evening bull sessions often contain references to the red tape that was a constant source of irritation to every service- man. "File Thirteen" and "Thru Channels" in retrospect may seem humorous, but there is little humor in our present need for an in- tegrated system of national defense. The Hoover Commission in its research on organization in the Executive branch of the government has noted much of the misman- agement occurring within each of the three military establishments. Among the com- mission's findings were defense requests without regard for costs. For instance, the original Army budget for 1950 contained an item of more than $100 million for the purchase of "Tropical Worsted Uniforms" for enlisted men at a price of $129 for each uniform. In another case a figure of $30 million had somehow slipped into the budget estimate. It was merely a misplaced additional, figure, but no one seemed to notice this minor amount in the 1950 estimate. Additional costs have also arisen from the lack of unified planning and the prevalence of wasteful spending that is a direct result of an absence of cooperation among impor- tant elements in each of the services. The investigating group also reported that padding of appropriation requests has be- come a general practice in Navy, Air Force and Army budgets. In the light of the ex-- haustive research done by the Hoover Com- mission the National Military Establishment appeared as one of the worst examples of entangled bureaucratic organization. T HE PRIMARY recommendation by the commission outlined plans for achieving real unification of the services and firm centralized civilian control. These proposals must be adopted, for there is a real danger that unnecessary military spending in a huge defense budget may wreck the na- tional economy. Already more than $100 for every person in the United States is being spent for na- tional defense, and unless there is a general overhauling of military organization and ex- penditure, the per capita cost will undoubt- edly continue to increase. According to the Hoover Commission's report, complete and accurate current inventories of materials should be kept, at least in peacetime. "Performance budgets" setting forth in definite terms how each department pro- poses to spend its money should be adopted as a part of a general overhauling of the entire Military Establishment budget system. Armed forces leaders must direct more at- tention to operational effectiveness. The present confusion within the organization of our national defense endangers both the economy and.the security of our country. -David W. Belin. IN THE DEATH of DeWitt Henry Park- er, professor of philosophy, the Univer- sity has lost a well-known and respected teacher, a distinguished scholar, and a man whose personality endeared him to students and colleagues alike. His course in aesthetics, an institution in the literary college for more than 20 years, continued to inspire students until the day of his death. University alumni, always rememembered it as one of the highlights of their college days. Prof. Parker was more than learned; he was a creative scholar. In a famous book, Aesthetics, he remarked: "By help- ing to create a freer and more intelligent atmosphere for the artist to be born and educated in, and finer demands upon hire, when once he has begun to produce and is seeking recognition, the student of aes- thetics may indirectly do not a little for him . . ." Prof. Parker's contribution was not only to the growth of aesthetic ap- preciation .but also, it will be found, to the arts. A gentle and humane man, he will be remembered most of all by colleagues and students for the altruism, wisdom and humor that distinguished his relations with his fellows. In this, as in his teaching and his study, those who knew Prof. Parker felt the touch of high distinction, if not of greatness. -The Senior Editors. 35 YEARS AGO: The fifth volume of the Summer Daily, then called the Wolverine, hit the streets in -June, 1914, with a front-page splurge on the "new Natural Science Building, the largest and most-equipped building on campus." Ex- cavations were well underway and the tri- angular structure was expected to be ready for use in the fall of '15. 25 YEARS AGO: As Volume 15 came out June 13, President Marion L. Burton of the University nomi- nated Calvin Coolidge for Republican presi- dential candidate. Coolidge won the neces- sary majority for nomination just after half the votes were in on the first ballot. 20 YEARS AGO: The Board of Regents approved a pro- posal to build a 450-woman dormitory next Sept. 15. The dorm would cost approxi- mately $995,000. (It later was named Stock- well Hall.) 10 YEARS AGO: More than 6,000 students, largest enroll- ment in the University's 46 summers, was expected this year for the summer session. Tass, Russian News Agency, claimed 25 Japanese planes shot down in a 120-plane engagement with only 2 Russian losses. The air battle resulted in a string of incidents on the troubled frontier between Mongolia and Manchukuo. 5 YEARS AGO: American troops made surprise landings on New Guinea, capturing an airdrome only 800 miles from the Philippines. Meanwhile, troops in Europe launched a full-scale at- tack along a 40-mile front on the Lower Cherbourg peninsula. Across the continent, the Russians captured Minsk, the last major Red city in German hands. 1 YEAR AGO: In the rip-roaring race for GOP presiden- tial nomination, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey looked like the young man most likely to succeed, but a pending Taft-Stassen-War- ren coalition was determined to stop him. Dewey persuaded Sen. Edward Martin, Penn- sylvania's favorite son, to pull out of the race and also to nominate him. Gov. Kim Sigler called Martin's move a "great break" for Michigan's favorite Vandenburg, and added that it was a good sign that the "Dewey Blitz was slowing down." Re: Ternpus LOST, YESTERDAY, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever. -Horace Mann TIME TRAVELS in divers paceswith di- vers persons. I'll tell you who Time ambles withal, who Time trots withal, who Time gallops withal, and who he stands still withal. -William Shakespeare The Fighting Chance By STEWART ALSOP SAIGON, Indo-China-The French cannot reconquer this country. French colonial power cannot be restored here, not with all the jet planes in the world. The French know it. Therefore what the French now plan here is simply a holding operation, an attempt to buy time. For the West, the French holding operation will have an obvious value. It will postpone the chain reaction which the loss of Indo- China to the Communists, following immediately on the heels of the loss of China, would almost certainly produce throughout Southeast Asia. But postponement is not enough. The French plan to create what they call a "redoubt," a center of military power, across the eastern coastal route of infiltration by the Chinese Communists. To this end, they mean to root out Ho Chi-minh's guerrillas from a quadrilateral area bounded by Langson, Moncay, Hanoi, and Haiphong. This redoubt will not seal the Indo-Chinese borders. In the mountainous thick jungle of the interior, that is impossible. But, by cutting off the coastal route, the redoubt will confine contact across the borders to jungle trails. It will thus be difficult for the Chinese Com- munists to deliver any decisive aid to their Indo-Chinese com- rades. The ultimate purpose of this holding operation is to allow time for the organization of an independent Viet Nam government and army under the titular and possibly temporal leadership of the former Emperor, Bao Dai. This government and army will then have the task of doing what the French cannot do-reducing Ho Chi-Minh's following to a hard Communist core and establishing a truly indepen- dent Indo-China. * * * * . THERE ARE THOSE here who believe this French plan is nonsense. Bao Dai is a rather pathetic French stooge, so the argument runs. He can never attract the essential nationalist support. The French Army and colonial services are determined to sabotage an independent Viet Nam government in any case. For these reasons it is said that the last and only hope, here as in China, is an attempt to promote the apostasy of the Communist leadership. This argument is now being presented to the State Department, as the same argument was made about China. It is true that the same conditions for Communist independence exist here as in China. It is also true that Ho Chi-Minh flatly told an American diplomat some time ago that he had lost his faith in Communism and was no longer a member of the party. This is very, very far for a national Communist leader to go. But the signs are that Ho Chi-Minh's non-Communism is about as real as the Chinese Communists' alleged gentle agrarianism. For it is known that Ho has been regularly dispatching emis- saries to Moscow (through Paris interestingly, not China). In the meantime Ho's radio (which at first never mentioned the word Communism) now spouts the straight Kremlin line. We cannot take the risk of falling twice into the same silly trap. The plain fact is that, after what has happened in China, the West simply cannot afford any risk at all of losing Indo-China. This country is like a great muscular finger crooked around Siam and probing into the heart of Southeast Asia. * * * * BEFORE COMING TO THE Orient, this reporter suspected that the new post-war Asiatic nationalism was largely a surface phenom- enon, articulated by a handful of intellectuals. It is nothing of the sort. It is a deep and universal force. Already we have been maneuvered into the position of seeming to be the enemies of Asiatic nationalism, while Moscow masquerades as its champion. If this process is allowed to continue indefinitely, in the unanimous opinion of the best observ- ers in the Orient, we shall surely lose Asia. We must halt the process. Thus what we cannot do is obvious. An American policy which supports, or seems to support ,the moribund remnants of French colonialism of Asia would be sheer folly. An American arms program in aid of a French colonial army in a war which that army can never really win would be absolutely fatal to American interests throughout Asia. What we can do is also obvious. We can support the Viet Nam experiment here with energy and determination. We can publicly insist, so to speak, on the reality of Viet Nam's independence- which will certainly deeply irritate a good many of the French. To this end, we should as soon as practicable offer generous American diplomatic, economic and military aid to the independent Viet Nam government and Army which the French are now officially promoting. The real weakness of Viet Nam does not lie in the fact that Viet Nam's ruler, Bao Dai, was a playboy in his youth. It lies in the universal conviction that Bao Dai is the puppet of French colonial- Iism, and thus as clearly doomed as French colonialism, while Ho Chi- Minh rides the wave of the future. If the West is to have even a fighting chance in Indo-China, this conviction must be changed, and only a determined American policy can change it. (Copyright, 1949. New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced- ing its publication, except on Satur- day when the notices should be sub- mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad- ministration Building. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949 VOL. LIX-No. 2S Notices Specific Standards of Conduct, Regulations of the Committee on Student Conduct: (a) The presence of women guests in men's residences except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events or during calling hours approved by the Office of Student Affairs, is' not permitted. (Calling hours in University Men's Residence Halls, daily between 3 p.m.-10:30 p.m) Exchange or guest dinners will be authorized for organized house groups operating a din- ing room provided they are held between the hours of 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. on week days and 1 p.m.-3 p.m. on Sundays, and provided notification is given the Office of Student Affairs at least 24 hours in advance. Fraternities without resident housemothers and fraternities operating as rooming houses during the summer may en- tertain women guests only at exchange or guest dinners or for social events approved by the Office of Student Affairs. (b) The use or presence of intox- icating beverages in student quarters is not permitted. Bureau of Appointments' Regis- tration. Students or faculty mem- bers who have not previously reg- istered with the Bureau of Ap- pointments and who desire to avail themselves of the services -of the Bureau for job placements should attend the registration meeting Monday, June 27, 4:10 p.m., Room 25 Angell Hall. The Bureau offers free services to all University stu- dents and alumni. Women Students registered for the Summer Session who expect to remain for the fall semester and who have not made housing ar- rangements for the fall should apply at once to the Dean of Women, 1514 Administration Building. Householders interested in se- curing the services of women stu- dents to live in their homes in ex- change for board and room during the fall semester are asked to call the Dean of Women, 3-1511-Ex- tension 341. Householders interested in se- curing the services of women stu- dents in their homes in return for board and room beginning in Sep- tember are asked to call the Office of the Dean of Women. Women Students wishing to do baby sitting may sign up with the Dean of Women, 1514 Administra- tion Building. Householders wishing the serv- ices of baby sitters may call the Dean of Women,3-1511-Exten- sion 341. Office of the Dean of Women- Summer office hours. Office hours duringthe summer will be Mon- day through Friday 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Summer Session closing hours for undergraduate women stu- dents: Sunday through Thursday -11:00 p.m.; Friday and Satur- day - 12:30. Dean of Women Students wishing to take their meals at the French or Spanish residences may get in touch with the manager, Mrs. Pauline Elliott, 1027 E. University, 2-5147 to se- cure information. Those interested in the German residence may call Mrs. B. P. Bakrow, 1101 Church, 2-6753. All conversation is con- ducteduin the foreign language. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Educ- tion, Forestry, -Music, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I, X, or "no report" at the clase of their last semester or summer session of attendance, will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by July 20. Students, wishing an extension of time beyond thi date -in order to make up this work, should file a petition ad- dressed to the appropriate officia in their school with Room 1513 Administration Building, where it will be transmitted. Students in Business Education An experimental class for be ginners in Thomas System Short- hand will be offered to intereste students without charge. Mis Elsie Freitag of Fordson Higi School, instructor. Organization meeting will be lheld this afte noon at 4:00 o'clock in Rm. 268, Business Administration Bldg. Student Print Loan Collection: Students interested in obtaining a picture for the Summer Session may make their selection at Ri 517 (basement), Administration Building now. The prints will be assigned and distributed through June 30.A rental fee of 35 cents is charged for each print. The of- fice is open from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. daily except Sat- urday. The United States Civil Service Commission announces examina- tions for Wage-Hour Investigator, Highway Engineer and Highway Bridge Engineer, Electronic Sci- entist, Park Ranger and Trade- Mark Examiner. The Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Office has a vacancy for a Junior Petrographer, at the Test- ing Laboratory in Marietta, Georgia. The Civilian Personnel Office, Chanute Air Force Base, Illinois, is accepting applications for filling the following type positions In- structor, Cruise Control (Flight Engineer) ; Instructor, (Aircraft Maintenance--Sheet Metal); In- structor, (Aircraft Maintenance- Parachute Rigging); Instructor, (Aircraft Maintenance). The Connecticut State Personnel Department announces an open competitive examination for So- cial Worker. The City of Detroit Civil Service Commission announces examina- tions for the following positions: Junior City Planner, Intermediate and Senior City Planner; Social Case Worker; Chemistry Aid (Male), Sanitary Chemist (Male); Junior and Senior Accountant; Junior and Senior Medical Tech- nologist; and Assistant General Superintendent of Public Welfare. Additional information may be obtained at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Building. Women Students wishing to take meals during the summer session at Stevens Cooperative House may call Resident Director, Miss Adele Haddad at 816 S. Forest Street, Ph. 5974. Cooperative Houses for men and women have openings for the summer session. Rates are up to $9 per week for room and board, $6 for board only, plus several hours work per week, and full membership in the Inter-Coopera- tive Council. Contact Bill Kritzer, Membership Secretary, 315 North State St., Phone 6284. Library Hours During the Summer Session: The general Li- brary will be open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 'a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. There will be no Sunday service. The Graduate Reading Rooms will be open as usual except Graduate Reading Room 5 which will be closed evenings. The Divisional Libraries will be open the usual hours except Vo- cational Guidance which is closed, and Physics Library which will be closed on Saturdays. Schedules are posted on the doors. Eligibility: Officers of student organizations and staff members of student publications should apply immediately in the Office of rStudent Affairs, Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg. for a certificate of eligibility. Certificates will be issued from.1 (Continued on Page 3) j JUST RETURNED from a European tour on which he condemned the United States and lauded Soviet Russia, Paul Robe- son lost no time in giving a repeat perform- ance before 3500 persons at a Harlem meet- ing. He declared that he loves the "Soviet people more than any other nation" and that American Negroes never would go to war against Russia . . . It is to the credit of the Negro people that they have paid small heed to Robeson. As the Pittsburgh Courier said: "The colored citizens of this country have fought in every war waged for the defense of their country and they will continue to do so." Robeson, a four-letter man at Rutgers, a Phi Beta Kappa, a singer and actor of re- nown, and a striking figure of a man, has allowed his misguided crusading zeal to cut him down to pygmy size. He could do far more for his people if his remarks were tinctured with temperance and truth." -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 1 4pnse p . .; Fifty-Ninth Year l Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the eauthority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. S Editorial Staff S B. S. Brown ......Co-Managing Editor Craig Wilson ..Co-Managing Editor l Marilyn Jones.......Women's Editor 3 Business Staff Robert C..James ..Business Manager Dee Nelson.....Advertising Manager Ethel Ann Morrison ...Circulation Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press _The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication d of all news dispatches credited to-it or ;sotherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other h matters herein are also reserved. nEntered at the Post Office at Ann ArborrMichigan, as second-class mail r-matter. e04 R J - __ _ __. BARNABY A couple of days offteryour [ Barnaby's giving 'me fascinating V7M o +Maa ,.. r . ,and Mr. O'Malley dropped the rtri l tha t mn11,~Vn flc hnd/. -rind/, But my fairy godfather said we should leave 2 Barnaby's giving me fascinating material fir my arfirle fir fhe a i E li ll E I