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July 27, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-27

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Latest Deadline in the State



Senators OK
Slash in ECA
Prevent Passage
Of Other Changes
cratic Senate leaders agreed today
to slash $419,820,000 off the funds
asked by President Truman for
the Marshall plan's second year.
They fought other changes
which they claimed would "crip-
ple" the European Recovery Pro-
gram, however, and won 41 to 37
in their first Senate test on this
THE VOTE came on a proposal
of the Senate appropriations com-
mnittee to cut $74,000,000 off the
pending appropriation for the Eco-
nomic Cooperation Admiiiistra-:
tion, in addition to the general
10 'percent slash to which the
Democratic leaders agreed.
Paul Hoffman, the ECA Ad-
ministrator, had allocated the
$74,000,000 amount during the
final quarter of the year which
ended July 1.
Sen. McKellar (D-Tenn.), chair-
man of the appropriations com-
mittee, told the Senate Hoffman
had no legal right to allocate this
amount. He said Congress was
not morally obligated to vote the
sum just because Hoffman had
made his plans. McKellar also
predicted that, if the fund were
granted, it would set a precedent
which would "return to plague
the Senate" in later years.
*~* *
BUT SEN. Vandenberg of Mich-
igan, Republican supporter of the
bi-partisan foreign policy, came
to the ECA's defense. He said
Hoffman had had every reason to
The Senate held a night ses-
sion, but it did not get around
tp voting on this question, or
even to debating it. It called the
calendar of routine legislation,
which required more than three
hours, and then recessed until
think the $74,000,000 would be
available because the appropria-
tions committee had not challeng-
ed the item in the appropriation
passed by the House.
Vandenberg said the appro-
priations committee had cut out
the sum without any hearings
on, the question and without
giving Hoffman a chance to
testify about it.
Vandenberg urged the Senate
not to "reach back into the last
quarter of the last year" to reduce
European recovery funds. He said
Hoffman had not actually spent
the money but that he had plan-
ned in advance on getting that
sum, with every reason to believe
he would get it.
supported McKellar's argument.
The vote cleared the way for
the Senate to take up another
controversial amendment tacked
onto the bill by the Senate appro-
priations group.
This amendment would pre-
vent ECA from using about $1,-
500,000,000 and the Army about
$500,000,000-for anything but
surplus U.S. farm commodities.
Hoffman has told Senators this
amendment would threaten the
entire recovery effort and support
Communist claims that America

is trying to use Europe as a dump-
ing ground for surplus farm pro-
The decision to accept the ap-
propriations committee's general
10 percent reduction in the ECA
fund asked by the Administration
was made by the Senate Demo-
cratic policy committee.
Majority Leader Lucas (D-Ill.)
said the co'mmittee had decided
to "go along" on the 10 per cent
cut voted by the appropriations
committee in the $4,198,200,000
fund asked by the Administration
for the second year's operations of
the Marshall plan.
A big groep of Republican Sen-
ators has demanded a major
whack in the foreign aid appro-
Canadian To
Lecture Today
"Development of Natural Re-
souirces of Canaida" will be the

Republicans Plan
Cut mI Arms Bill
Sen. Vandenberg Doubts Present
Aid Bill Could Pass Congress
WASHINGTON-(P)--An "economy size" substitute for President
Truman's history-making program of military aid to non-Communist
nations was reported taking shape arong Republican supporters of
the bi-partisan foreign policy yesterday.
Senators Vandenberg of Michigan and Dulles of New York, to-
gether with Representatives 'Vorys of Ohio, were reported working
on a plan to start the new program of military assistance with
$602,000,000 in cash and existing arms originally worth $450,000,000.
* * * *
The cash outlay they were said to have in mind compares

with $1,450,000,000 asked by


Chinese Reds
Ordered To
Take Canton
Communists Push
Forward in Hunan
NANKING- ( ) -The Chinese
Communist high command has or-
dered its armies to capture the
Nationalist provisional capital of
Canton before Aug. 15, it was re-
ported authoritatively yesterday.
A general Red offensive in South
China is rolling forward despite
widespread floods which are ham-
pering the advance. Red forces
are driving through the rich rice
bowl province of Hunan. Though
it runs the mainline railway from
Red-held Hankow to Canton.
* * *
NATIONALIST garrison head-
quarters in Canton meanwhile
proclaimed martial law in the ref-
ugee capital, effective Wednesday.
The proclamation-along with a
strict midnight-to-5 a.m. curfew-
came as the government military
situation in Huan admittedly was
Communist leaders are delay-
ing organization of a new na-
tional government pending occu-
pation of Canton. A political
consultative conference is sched-
uled to be called into plenary
session shortly after the provi-
sional capital falls.
This conference will set up a
Communist - sponsored "coalition
* * *
THE COMMUNISTS hope to or-
ganize their national government
within 60 days after the confer-
ence. This will make possible for
the first time diplomatic recog-
nition of the Communist regime.
Until that time the Nationalist
government will continue to have
the only legal claim to recogni-
Under dominant Red influence
the new government will include
such minor Chinese parties as the
Kuomintang (Nationalist Party)
Revolutionary Committee and the
Democratic League.
MOOSA reported most foreign-
ers in Canton think that city's
life expectancy as the Nationalist
capital is six or seven weeks. Their
opinion is that the time depends
upon Communist intentions -
whether the Red armies press di-
rectly down on Kwangtung prov-
ince, where Canton is situated, or
invade neighboring Kwangsi prov-
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A House armed
services subcommittee voted unan-
imously yesterday to order an im-
mediate stop to "special order"
sales of luxury merchandise
through Army post exchanges and
Navy ship's service stores.
* * *.«
QUITO, Ecuador - A revolt
against the government of Pres-
ident Galo Plaza Lasso flared
and died in a matter of hours
here early yesterday.
Commented the President:
"I am witnessing a demon-
stration of the national sport."
TARACON, Spain - Twenty-
five men, women and children
were killed early yesterday in an
explosion at an army amnui-
tion dump here.

More than 50 others were ser-

president. The amount of exist-
0 ing arms that would be turned
over to "free nations" under
both the presidential and re-
ported Republican plans would
be the same.
These are the arms which the
state department says are "ex-
cess to the mobilization require-
ments of the United States." Of-
ficials say they include no very
heavy bombers, big warships or
atomic weapons.
SENATOR Vandenberg disclos-
ed to reporters that he has told
the State Department "the facts
of life"-that it can't get Congress
to approve Mr. Truman's full pro-
gram in its present form. But he
said he will withhold a decision;
on the amount of arms to be sup-;
plied foreign nations until depart-
ment officials give details of the1
President's proposal to Congres-
sional committees.
The idea of the Republican
supporters of the bi-partisan
foreign policy was said to be
that long-range outlays on arms
for Europe should wait until the
North Atlantic defense council'
is formed, probably in Septem-
ber, and determines overall'
Administration officials prepar-
ed to support the President's full
program with information about
Russia's huge army, which the
State Department calls "the great-
est peacetime army the world has
ever seen."
* * *
have already told reporters that
Mr. Truman's program is designed
to bring 1,500,000 fighting men in
five European countries up to
fighting strength.
These countries are Britain,
France, Belgium, the Nether-
lands and Luxembourg. In ad-
dition to bringing their troops
- up to combat strength, officials
said, the President's program is
intended to strengthen the com-
bat effectiveness of relatively
small forces in Norway, Den-
mark and Italy. The U.S. would
continue also to send arms to
Turkey, Greece and Iran.
The 1,500,000 men in the armed
forces of the five-nation Western;
European Union compare with a
reported Russian military strength
of more than 4,000,000 men.

29 Dead as
Typhoon Hits
200,000 Wifhout
Homes in Flood
SHANGHAI - (P) - Typhoon-
lashed Shanghai yesterday was
clearing streets of silt, mud and
wreckage left by the worst storm
since 1915. The toll: 29 dead, 23
injured, possibly 200,000 homeless.
The typhoon churned in across
the East China Sea Sunday, the
day after it raked Okinawa.
Shanghai was deluged with 3.94
feet of rain in 25 hours. Water up
to six feet deep surged through the
A TENEMENT collapsed in the
crowded Chapei district, killing at
least 14 persons. In downtown
,Shanghai a three-story Chinese
restaurant and an old hotel caved
in. Communist authorities said
more than half the huts making
up lower residential areas in north
side districts were destroyed.
High winds ripped dow trees
and power lines. Short-circuits
started fires in which 10 persons
perished. Five were electrocuted
by fallen wires.
Despite Shanghai's heavy dam-
age, it was believed the typhoon's
greatest havoc was in surround-
ing agricultural areas. Acres of
truck gardens were destroyed or
damaged. The lower Yangtze val-
ley rice crop, within 40 days of
harvest time, was hard hit.
THE STORM came on top of
devastating floods which already
had ruined crops, flooded cities
and made hundreds of thousands
homeless in central and south-
central China.
The typhoon struck Shanghai
after leaving two dead on Oki-
awa, big American air force is-
land base. Sixteen Americans
were injured. Damage to U.S.
installations was estimated un-
officially at $20,000,000.
The U.S. Army in Tokyo made
arrangements to transport relief
supplies by plane and ship to
Okinawa, 300 miles south of Ja-
MEANWHILE, another typhoon
moved toward Japan after passing
Iwo Jima. If it keeps its present
direction and intensity, it is ex-
peted to hit Shikoku Island in
southwestern Japan or the dense-
ly populated Kobe-Osaka area of
Honshu, farther northeast.
The new storm was placed about
125 miles northwest of Iwo Jima
last night, moving at 12 miles an
hour. Iwo Jima is some 750 miles
southeast of Japan.
Shanghai's damage toll prob-
ably would have been heavier ex-
cept for the absence of important
shipping in the Whangpoo River.
In the storm of July 28, 1915, the
death toll was 200 and 26 ships
were wrecked.

Post Office Area

Bill Passes House
As South Protests
Truman's Civil RIigylits Measure
Over First C.oigressional Hurdle
WASHINGTON---(A-After an angry debate, the House passed
an anti-poll tax bill yesterday, 273 to 116.
It would outlaw the poll tax as a requirement for voting in pri-
maries and elections in which federal office-holders are chosen.
* * * *
THE MEASURE, the first item of President Truman's civil rights
program to be acted on at this session of Congress, now goes to the
Senate. Opponents are confident it will be pigeonholed or filibustered
to death if any move is made to

Anti-Poll Tax

NEW POST OFFICE SITE-Arrow on map of campus indicates
the location of the proposed branch post office, to be built on
East University Ave., diagonally opposite the Engineering Arch.
The new branch is planned to ease the load on the Nickels Arcade
branch office.
* ' * *
Ne Post Office Planned
For S. University Area

Contracts have been signed for
the construction of a new post
office on East University Ave.
The new branch, which will be
located justoff South University
Ave., was required to relieve con-
gestion at the post office in Nickels
BEFORE THIS a bank opened
a branch office on the south side
of campus in order to alleviate
congestion at the main campus.
branch, also located in the Arcade.
A rooming house now located
at 615 E. University Ave. will be
torn down to make way for the
branch office which, it is esti-
mated will cost $125,000.
The plans for the two story
structure, drawn by Albert Kahn
and Associates, provides for the
post office on the first floor, while
the second floor will be rented for
* * *
BESIDES providing facilities for
SL Makes
'Meet Your
Regents' Plans
Student Legislature last night
gave the go ahead'signal to Sum-
mer President Quent Nesbitt to
renew efforts to install the "Meet
Your Regents" program at the
Regents' first meeting of the year
Sept. 24.
SL also passed a resolution of-
fering their services to the Univer-
sity's Phoenix Project for the com-
ing year.
AS SL'S GUEST this week, As-
sistant Dean of Women Mary C.
Bromage told the legislature the
functions of her office were to act
as a liaison between the Univer-
sity and all women students.
Its first concern is finding
housing and establishing admis-
sion for women, she said.
Another function is finance -
this office acts as a women's loan
depot for loans not large enough
for the regular University loan
service, Dean Bromage explained.
"We also keep a 'scholarship
notebook' containing on each page
complete information on every
scholarship available to Michigan
women," she added.
-* * *
THE OFFICE keeps in cont ct
with Ann Arbor stores and dormi-
tories, the League and the Union
where women can get part-time
work, Dean Bromage declared.

the mailing of packages and sales
of stamps and other postal items,
the new ,post office will speed the
delivery of mail on 24 city and
rural routes which were formerly
handled by the main office.
The authorization from Wash-
ington specified that the building
was to be completed in 180 days.
However, Fred Ulrich, Jr., presi-
dent of the East University Build-
ing Co., who was awarded the
contract, commented that the time
allotted was too short since it
would take 60tdays to tear down
the present building.
Anderson To
Farm Aid Bill
ton Anderson (Dem., N.M.), for-
mer Secretary of Agriculture,
guardedly discussed today a com-
promise farm price support pro-
gram he said he would offer to-
All he would say about it was
that it entails flexible support pro-
gram under which the level of
government loans land purchases
could be lorered to counteract ex-
cessive production.
* * .*
ANDERSON LET out word of
his proposed compromise after his
successor, Secretary of Agricul-
ture Brannan, reportedly had
stiff-armed all proposals for com-
promises in his own subsidiary
payment plan. Brannan attended
a long session of the Senate agri-
culture committee, held behind
closed doors.
Brannan wants to abandon, in
large part, the .present system of
government loans and purchases
which take price-depressing sur-
pluses of farm products off the
market. Instead, he would let the
prices of perishable products go
for whatever the market would
bring. Then, if the average price
the farmers received for their
crops was less than a previously
calculated "fair return," the farm-
er would get government subsidies
to make up the difference.
The House last week rejected
the Brannan Plan, and the Senate
agriculture committee has given
not the slightest indication it will
approve it either.
In turning the Brannan Plan
down, the House voted to continue
for another year the high, rigid
wartime price support program for
major crops.

take it up there.
Four times previously the
House passed similar bills, only
to see them die in the Senate.
Southerners fought the bill bit-
terly in the House, saying such
measures encourage the rise of the
Ku Klux Klan. Northerners re-
plied that the poll tax disfran-
chises large masses of people and
enables narrow, bigoted" men to
control some southern states.
that if the poll tax is to be out-
lawed it should be done by con-
stitutional amendment. They
failed, 266 to 123, to send the bill
back to committee so a constitu-
tional amendment could be sub-
stituted for it.
The bill says the imposition
of a poll tax as a voting prere-
quisite is "an interference" with
elections and "an impairment of
the Republican form of govern-
Virginia, Arkansas, Texas, Mis-
sissippi, Alabama, South Carolina
and Tennessee could continue to
levy poll taxes as they do now.
But under the bill's provision, they
could not make the tax payment a
condition of voting for president,
vice president or members of Con-
REP.,HOBBS (Dem., Ala.) tried
to knockout the reterence to pri-
mary elections and make the poll
tax ban apply only to general elec-
tions. His amendment lost by a
vote of 87 to 62.
The Klan was injected into
the debate by Rep. Sims (Dem.,
S.C.), 28-year-old freshman,
who challenged claims of pro-
ponents that the tax disfran-
chises millions of potential vot-
South Carolina's poll tax of $1,
he said, is not cumulative, applies
only to adult males and its pay-
ment is not a requirement for vot-
ing in primaries which in many
southern states are "the real elec-
* *
Klan 'in the South," Sims said.
"is a direct result of President
Truman's endorsement of the re-
port of his civil rights committee.
"By his action, the President
has done more to destroy liber-
alism in the South than any
single man in America."
"If you are sincere in your de-
sire to enfranchise the Negroes
and poor whites of the South,"
Sims continued, "I urge you to
support legislation which will help
those on the bottom rungs of the
economic ladder.
"Extend social security, raise
the minimum wage, repeal Taft-
Hartley, pass a bill providing fed-
eral aid to education, continue the
fight for the Brannan farm plan."
Michigan Polio
Up Four-Fold
LANSING-(MP)-Michigan's in-
fantile paralysis case count stood
at 245 yesterday as 22 new cases
were reported.
This compared with 58 cases at
the same time last year.
The state health department
said no new deaths were reported
today. The death toll for the year
stands at eight.
WAYNE COUNTY accounted for
nearly a third of the polio count
with a case load of 80. Eleven new
Wayne county cases were report-
ed today. One previously reported
case was deducted because it had
been mistakenly diagnosed.
Meanwhile, New York's city

52- 20 Still
Has Backers

Michigan Lobbyists
Back fromCapital
Several Michigan Congressmen
still favor renewing the 52-20 pro-
gram, according to Al Fishman,
Fishman was one of seven Mich-
igan delegates who traveled to
Washington last week to lobby
for retention of the 52-20 pro-
vision, which expired Monday.
Fishman represented the Young
Progressives, but the Washington
lobby was non-partisan and in-
cluded trade union and veterans
organizations, he said.
* * *
FOUR HUNDRED people from
ten states p'4rticipated in the Na-
tional Lobby To Save 52-20. Each
delegation tried to buttonhole the
Representatives and Congressmen
from its own state.
The lobby was originally
scheduled for just one day,
Thursday, July 21. But the
Michigan delegation was deliy.
ed by an automobile accident on
the way down and had to spend
an extra day in Washington.
Fishman said that all hope of
getting the bill through the
Veterans Affairs Committee was
abandoned, and instead a dis-
charge petition was sought. By
getting the signatures of 218 Rep-
resentatives and the suspension of
certain rules, the bill could be
brought on the floor of the House
without Committee approval.
FISHMAN said that Speaker
Rayburn, who holds the key for
suspending rules, refused to see
the delegation, and used police to
eject the members.
The Michigan delegates man-
aged to see eight of the 17 Mich-
igan Congressmen. According to
Fishman, one of them, Sadow-
ski (Dem.) has already signed
the discharge petition, another
said he would sign. Two Con-
gressmen were reported hostile
to the deletation.
Other lawmakers said they
would support the bill on the floor
but they did not want to bypass
the Veterans Affairs Committee,
which is headed by John Rankin
Neither of the Michigan Sena-
tors was in, but the Senate has
been more favorable to continuing
the legislation than the House.
The Senate Labor Committee un-
animously voted on Friday to ex-
tend unemployment benefits for, a
Consequently, it is the House's
delay that is holding up the meas-
As the 52-20 program entered its
final hours, some 650,000 veterans
were on its rolls.
Greek Play
To OpenHere
Euripides' "The Trojan Wom-
en" will be presented on the
steps of the Clements Library at 8
p. m. tomorrow and Friday by the
Department of Speech, as another
in the series of summer dramatic
The Greek tragedy, the first to
be held in the unique outdoor set-
ting, will be directed by Claribel
Both performances will be op-

Third Top Secret Conference
To Discuss Sharing A' Bomb

Mahon (Dem. - Conn.) yesterday
announced that a third high pol-
icy conference on sharing atomic
secrets with Great Britain and
Canada will be held in the capitol
The chairman of the joint Sen-
ate-House Atomic Committee said
in a brief statement that the-group
will meet with Secretary of State
Acheson and Secretary of Defense
Johnson "to continue its consid-
eration of foreign relations in the
field of atomic energy."
THE FIRST conference was held
July 14 at Blair House when Pres-
ident Truman called the Congres-
sional, military, state and atomic
leaders to a highly secret discus-
sion of the problem.
This was followed by a larger
meeting July 20 at the Capitol,
the details of which also have
been kept secret.
The issue of sharing the nation's
advances in atomic know-how with

Britain reportedly is interwoven
with the question of uranium sup-
plieo for this country.
THE TWO MAJOR sources of
uranium now available to the
United States are Canada and the
Belgian Congo where the mines
are controlled by British inter-
One member of the joint com-
mittee, who asked not to be
named, said over the weekend that
unless some satisfactory agree-
ment is worked out with Britain,
this country can't expect to get
more than half of the Congo ura-
nium in the future.
Several members of the com-
mittee have come out flatly against
sharing the nation's atomic secrets
with Britain or anyone else. And
Sen. Knowland (Rep.-Calif.) a
committee member, has threatened
to carry to the Senate floor a fight
to block President Truman from
giving away information by execu-
tive agreement.

'Papa Is All'

To Be Given


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