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June 23, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-06-23

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Latest Deadline in the State



k... 7.T"X-_Nn 2C.

U.S. Justices
Declare Hiss'
Record Clean
Frankfurter and
Reed Take Stand
NEW YORK-(IP)-Two U.S. Su-
preme Court justices and an ap-
peals judge doffed their black
robes yesterday and became
common law court witnesses for
Alger Hiss, accused of perjury.
All testified as character wit-
nesses that Hiss enjoyed an ex-
cellent reputation when he was a
government employe in Washing-
The three were Justices Felix
Frankfurter and Stanley M. Reed
of the Supreme Curt, and Chief
Judge Calvert Magruder of the
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in
* * *
FRANKFURTER, who sent Hiss
to Washington in 1929 from the
campus of the Harvard Law
School, said it was his first ap-
pearance as a character witness in
his many years in the law.
Hiss was accused by Cham-
bers of feeding him State De-
partment secrets for a prewar
Soviet spy ring.
Hiss denied the accusation and
also denied ever seeing the self-
styled sp:y courier after Jan. 1,
* * *
ON THE BASIS of these two
denials, a New York grand jury
last December indicted Hiss on
two counts of perjury. Conviction
carries a maximum penalty of 10
years in jail and a $4,000 fine.
Asked to describe Hiss' char-
acter, Justice Frankfurter re-
"I would say it is excellent."
The justice said that when he
w professor at Harvard Law
Scho in 1929 he decided to rec-
ommend Hiss as law clerk for the
late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes,
then on the high court.
As a law clerk, Frankfurter said
Hiss was trusted with "secrets as
important as any in the affairs of
* * *
UNDER CROSS examination,
Frankfurter told U.S. Attorney
Thomas F. Murphy that Jerome
Frank, as solicitor of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, often came
to him at Harvard to obtain rec-
ommendations for candidates as
special counsel.
"I certainly would have rec-
ommended Mr. Hiss unqualified-
ly," the justice continued.
Murphy wanted to know if
Frank ever told Frankfurter some-
thing about Hiss "that wasn't too
good." The justice replied that he
recalled discussing Hiss with
Frank but added:
"Whatever the matter was, it
did not bear on loyalty or integ-
said he would deny "unequivo-
cally" that he ever heard anything
reflecting on Hiss' loyalty.
Justice Reed said he was U.S.
Solicitor General in 1935 when
Hiss became a special attorney
on his staff. Hiss went to the
State Department a year later,
remaining there until he left
government service after the

Reed said that "so far as I
know" Hiss had a good reputa-
Judge Magruder said he was on
the faculty at Harvard Law School
when Hiss was a student.
"I got to know him very well
and he and I have been friends
ever since," Magruder testified.
The appeals judge said he never
heard any reference to Hiss as a
"Communist or Communist sym-
pathizer" or that he stole State
Department documents.
Writng Prizes
To Be Given
Two literary fellowships of $2,-
400 each, given by the Houghton
Mifflin Company, are available for
waiters of fiction or non-fiction.
Finished manuscripts as well as
works still in progress may be
submitted in the competition.
* * *



An1 aReds Lift'

Anti-Reds Lift
' Lttle Blockade'
By The Associated Press
BERLIN-Berlin's 14,000 anti-Communist railway strikers agreed
yesterday to lift the "little blockade" of the city's western sectors
without calling off the rest of their walkout.
Union leaders, however, admitted doubt that the Russian-con-
trolled railway management would cooperate in the "em'ergency ser-
vice" plan.
THE STRIKERS SAID they would restore west Berlin's rail
supply lines to normal in accordance with the wishes of the Big Four
Foreign Ministers. The Big Four agreed in Paris that the U.S.,
British, French and Russian corn-

manders in the four-power city
were obligated to try to end the
city's tangled transport problem.
The non-Communist union
(UGO) called the strike five
weeks ago.
A union spokesman said the
decision to restore normal rail
freight traffic to west Berlin
without ending the strike
1. The western sector elevated
trains which carry nearly 1,000,-
000 passengers daily will remain
2. Any rail freight consigned to
the Russian zone will not move
through the western sectors, which
the strikers control.
* * *
FOLLOWING urgings from
American and British ocicials the
union admitted it was "obligated
to establish emergency service im-
"We will ocer inter-zonal trains
to Potsdam and accept them from
there," Heinz Bracht, chairman
of the union said. "If they (the
railwa ymanagement) don't co-
operate on this basis it means that
they are willing to impose the
blockade again."
Bracht explained the union
planned to operate trains only
during the daytime hours, from
8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The union leader said the men
would work the emergency service
without pay.
However, such service would in-
volve a certain amount of cooper-
ation with the Soviet zone signal
system. Such cooperation was
* * *
UNION LEADERS notified the
city's three western commanders
of their decision by letter. They
also notified the police and Ernst
Reuter, mayor of west Berlin.

A union announcement said
workmen would report to the
freight yards today to make
technical preparations for re-
storing normal traffic. By to-
morrow trains from western
Germany to Berlin actually will
be moving through the yards
toward unloading depots, the
announcement added.
Soviet authorities control the
rail system of west Berlin by vir-
tue of a 1945 four-power agree-
ment. Thus, the strike-snarled
marshalling yards in west Berlin
are an island in the Russian rail
* * *
THE UNION said it would guar-
antee the proper dispersal of west
Berlin-bound trains if Soviet zone
railway men send them into yards
in the western sector.
Legis lators
Start Funds
LANSING -W/)- As legislators
filtered into the city last night,
members of the conference com-
mittee on disputed college appro-
priations met informally.
Key members of the committee
said the meeting would be "en-
tirely unofficial" and that no an-
nouncement would be made even
if an agreement was reached.
* *
an agreement was not likely be-
fore the official meeting today
during the legislative session.
The disagreement between
the two houses onnthe amounts
to be appropriated to the Uni-
versity, Michigan State College
and other state-supported col-
leges was unsettled when the
Senate waled out in disgust
last month.
The long adjournment since
then and the sessions today and
tomorrow are provided for in the
constitution to correct errors,
consider overriding vetoes and
wind up unfinished business. The
constitution provides for final ad-
* * *
WHEN THE legislature ad-
journed last month, the House
was holding out for $28,734,802
for the educational institutions
and the Senate insisted on $30,-
One conference cobeittee
had failed to agree in thedis-
pute. The committee meeting
last night was the second and
last under legislative rules. Un-
less it reached an agreement,
the bill willkde and the colleges
will be without money until a
special legislative session could
be called.
Senator Harold D. Tripp, a
member of the committeesaid,
however, he would see to it that
the committee did not adjourn
until an agreement is reached.
Hogan President
Of Local 'U' Group
Jack Hogan, auditor of the Ann
Arbor district of the Michigan
Consolidated Gas Co., has been
elected presidentof the Ann Ar-
bor University of Michigan Club.
New board members are Under-
wood, Edmund Devine and Prof.
Willett Ramsdell.

Brawl Over
Housing Bill
Sabath and Cox
Have Slug Fest
WASHINGTON - (P) -A fist-
swinging brawl between the 83-
year-old dean of the House, Rep.
Sabath (Dem., Ill.), and Rep. Cox
(Dem., Ga.) plunged the House
yesterday into a roaring battle
over housing legislation.
Right on the floor of the House,
the veteran Sabath and the 69-
year-old Cox went one fast round
to no decision. Each landed once
or twice. Long after it was all
over they shook hands and said
BUT WHILE it lasted, they were
punching away solidly, and setting
the tone for debate over one of
the most controversial bills of the
session-a measure to authorize a
long range housing program.
The brief, toe to toe slugging
match developed, out of an ar-
gument over how much time Cox
could have for a speech.
The eye-witness version of Rep.
Walter (Dem., Pa.) went like this:
At the moment, Sabath was in
charge of allotting time for de-
bate. Sox asked for 10 minutes.
Sabath said he couldn't spare that
much. Walter said that Cox called
Sabath a liar.
mouth and knocked off his
glasses," Walter said. "Sabath
jabbed him with a left and right.
A couple of beauties."
Rep. Delaney (Dem., N.Y.)
pushed his 200 pounds between
them. That ended the scrap.
But it didn't settle the deep-
seated row over housing, although
the debate took on a distinctly
second-grade interest.
Before the House is a bill to
authorize a long-term public
housing program, slum clearance,
and development of farm homes.
It is one of the big parts of Pres-
ident Truman's program.
* * *
THE HOUSE Republican policy
committee is against the bill, but
some Republicans probably will
vote for it.
House GOP leader Martin
(Mass.) said today the bill would
help only 4 out of every 1,000
people and the other 996 would
"get nothing but increased tax
Democrats voted 147 to 8 in a
party huddle yesterday to back the.
bill-provided that the seven-year
program for 1,050,000 low-rent
public housing units is cut to six
years and 810,000 units.
That is what the Senate ap-
proved. But President Truman
asked for the 1,050,000.
Comop House
Quarters Open
For Summer
Offering the most economical
room and board in Ann Arbor, five
pf the University's co-op houses
will be open this summer.
Bill Kritzer, membership secre-
tary of the Inter-Cooperative
Council, governing body for the
co-ops's, announced that applica-
tions for both the men's and wom-
en's houses are now being accept-
ed. Vacancies exist for both room-

ers and boarders, Kritzer said.
* * *
igan campus for 16 years, Uni-
versity co-ops operate under the
Rochdale principle which provides
for open membership, equal vote
in the governing of all houses,
equal responsibility for all mem-
bers, no racial or religious segre-
gation or discrimination and equal
sharing of all house expenses.
As a result of pooled labor and
purchasing power co-op houses area
able to offer board for $6.00 per
week or room and board for $9.00
per week. Besides economy in food
and room, co-op houses also offer
a full program of social and edu-
cational events for members.





volunteers sandbagging the Verona Dam, Battle Creek, is being sucked over the waterfall in
whirlpool below as another volunteer tries to held him. Smith succeeded in grabbing the
thrown him from shore and was pulled to safety.
Huron River Called Unsafe


The Huron River from Ann Ar-
bor to below Ypsilanti, along with'
50 other Michigan lakes and rivers.
is too polluted for safe swimming,
according to a report by Dr. A. E.
Huestis, Jr., State Health Com-
Dr. Huestis' report was based on
findings by the Michigan Water
Resources Commission which car-
ried on inspection tests of all wat-

3rs in the
tional and

state used for recrea-
allied purposes.
* * *

"THERE IS NO question about
the pollution of parts of the Huron
River," said Joseph Price, Chief
Sanitarian for Washtenaw County.
There are several reasons for
the pollution of the Huron River,
according to Price.
Drainage from Ann Arbor,
Pittsfield Township,-and' East

Red Catholics
Undaunted by
Vatican Edict
Given 'Action' Group
PRAGUE-(A)-Leaders of the
Communist - sponsored C a t ho l i c
Action Society defied the Vatican's
excommunication last night and
accused the church hierarchy in
Czechoslovakia of anti-state activ-
The Catholic separatists thus
added their voices to that of
Premier Antonin Zapotocky who
Tuesday night accused Archbishop
Josef Beran of illegally inciting
the people against the government
and threatened that the law will
take its course.
* * *
Catholic action has been de-
nounced by Archbishop Beran and
the Vatican as a fraudulent and
"schismatic" organization be-
cause it intends to split the church
and make it ripe for subjugation
to anti-Christian ideas.
Promoters of the organization
have been declared automati-
cally excommunicated by the
In a statement tonight, how-
ever, the leaders of this group
claimed they were "loyal mem-
bers of the Roman Catholic
Church who also wish to remain
loyal to our beloved country."
CLAIMING to speak for "mil-
lions" of Czechoslovakia's 9,000,-
000 Catholics, they called upon-the
hierarchy in Czechoslovakia "not
to hinder us and the Catholic peo-
ple again in our endeavor for
agreement and cooperation be-
tween church and state."
Such an accord apparently
would have to be on the state's
terms, however. These terms in-
clude government control of
education in church schools on

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
MEMPHIS, Tenn.-An American Airlines convair-"The City
of San Antonio"-roared to a crash landing yesterday with 43 persons
aboard, injuring at least 34.
Miraculously, no one was killed as the twin-engine craft, en route
from Fort Worth, Tex., to New York, came down in a 200-yard-wide
clearing, skidded across a highway with an engine afire and smashed
into a tree.
"It was an act of God that we came through it safe," said Harry
Rosenbaum of Roanoke, Va., a passenger.

* * *
bama moved swiftly yesterday
on two fronts to unmask and
punish hooded hoodlums. A
congressional inquiry into the
white-sheeted mobs also was
ordered at Washington.
Such action was prompted by
a wave of fioggings, cross burn-
ings and threats in the Birm-
ingham area recently. All in-
volved white persons. No ar-
rests have been made.
Energy Commission's production
manager, Walter J. Williams,
testified yesterday that the na-
tion's security "as far as mak-
ing bombs is concerned is O.K."
Appearing before a Senate-
House investigating committee,
Williams declared:
"We have nothing to be
ashamed of, if you take it in
"I believe if we were permit-
ted to tell the public what has
been accomplished, the people
would feel the program is in
good hands."
* * *

* * *
WASHINGTON-Secretary of
State Acheson yesterday opened
an administration drive to get
approval of the North Atlantic
Pact and a $1,130,000,000 arms-
for-Europe program in this ses-
sion of Congress.
His call for action got quick
approval from the Senate's two
leaders in foreign affairs-Sen.
Connally (D. Tex.), chairman of
the foreign relations committee,
and Sen. Vandenberg (R. Mich.)
SHANGHAI - A Nationalist
warplane struck at Shanghai
yesterday in the third air at-
tack in as many days, dropping
a bomb near a British freighter
damaged and grounded in yes-
terday's raid. 0
It was believed the plane was
aiming at nearby oil installa-
tions on the Whangpoo River
and not at the freighter An-
The foreign office in London,
however, declared the Anchises
was straffed. It said there were
no casualties.
* * *

Ann Arbor reach the
Price commented that r
starts because of the pre
chemically untreated se
the drains.
* * *
ANN ARBOR is enlar
sewage treatment plant a
this is completed, the c
charges untreated sewage
river. Small creeks empty:
the Huron River, also adc
"There are Health C
sion signs posted along t
er," said Price, "and altho
one has become sick
swimming there as yet, by
son's being forewarned1
act accordingly."
Because of the pollution
000 damage suit has been
a resident of Geddes Pond
leged damages to his prope
resident is suing Ann Arb
Ann Arbor, Pittsfield Tow
dairy company located
river, and the managers an
holders of Pittsfield Villag
Prof. Gerald M. Ridenou
School of Public Health
contacted for a statement
pollution of the river, ref
comment because of the
"political angles" involve
result of the suit.
Arcfic 'eal
Seen Nearin
Mans' Gras
A treasure-trove of min
just beyond the fingertips
in the Northland of Canad
But the airplane is ex
our reach to large dep
uranium, iron, copper and
the arctic and sub-arctic
according to Lt. Col. Pa
Baird, director of the N
office of the Arctic Inst
North America.
* * *
great transportation bar
be overcome," he predicte
Col. Baird, an explor
geologist, based estima
mineral wealth in the
plored northern lands on
deposits within man's gi
upper Canada.
Expansion northward w
include agriculture, fores,
cattleeraising-to help fu
world's ever-increasing
food, he said.
"BUT THE mining indu
make the greatest strides
"Uraniumn, and crori exu

Choice Given
New Champ
Walcott Jarred;
Stagoered Twice
CHICAGO -(P- Ezzard Char-
les, a lean, hungry Negro from
Cincinnati, won the NBA share
of Joe Louis' vacated heavyweight
boxing championship last night
by a unanimous 15 round decision
over 35 year old Jersey Joe Wal-
cott, the ambling fighting pappy
from Camden, N.J.
Frizzle-tpped Charles failed to
flatten his ancient foe after hav-
ing him on the way to a knockout
in three different rounds. The
last three rounds were fought to
v:the accompaniment of booes from
of the the crowd.
to the * *
rope JUDGES FRANK (Spike) Mc-
Adams and Harold Maroutz scor-
ed the fight the same way, voting
for Charles by a 78-72 count. Ref-
eree Dave Miller found for the 27
year old new champion, 77-73. The
Associated Press card had it even
more lopsided with an 82-68 point
margin for Charles and a 9-4
Huron edge in rounds with two even.
In the same ring where Joe
pollution Louis wrested the crown from
sence of Jimmy Braddock, just 12 years
wage in ago last night, Charles gave
Jersey Joe a savage beating in
the seventh, tenth and eleventh
ging its rounds of a gruelling battle.
nd until Louis, whose retirement last
ity dhe March paved the way for this
ing into bout, was the first to congratulate
d to the Charles.
"Walcott never changed his
style," said Louis, who ought' to
ommis- know. "Ezzard had to force the
he riv- fight all the way. He deserved to
ugh no win."
after * * *
a per- CHARLES WON recognition as
he can new titleholder in 61 bodies that
are affiliated with the NBA (Na-
tional Boxing Association). New
a $50,- York and Massachusetts are not
filed by members.
3 for al-
rty. The There will be a mixup on who
or, East gets the real crown because the
nship, a British Board of Boxing Control
on the recently voted to recognize its
d stock- winner of the Sept. 6 Lee Sa-
;e. vold-Bruce Woodcock bout as
ir of the the new king. Charles may be
i, when matched with the winner at a
on the later date, but that is still vague.
fused to
various No shadow of doubt about the
d as a gameness of Jersey Joe can be
cast after this battle. He gave it
all he had which turned out tobe
not enough. But he just would
h not go down. That was the story
in a nutshell.
Walcott was not overly impress-
g ed by the new champion. In the
dressing room after the fight, he
said he did not consider Ezzard
a "great fighter" and would be
willing to fight him again "next
week." Jersey Joe said he thought
erals he won nine rounds and did not
of man plan to retire.

a. ICharles, who was almost mob-
xtending bed in the ring by his pals from
osits of Cincinnati, said he planned to go
lead in home and play a lot of golf until
regions, another fight is lined up.
trick D.
itute of UWF To Push
RS the WorldUnion
rier will
d. Plans for possible amendment of
-er and the U.S. Constitution to make way
tes of for a sovereign world constitution
unex- will be discussed on campus.
proven Working in conjunction with all
rasp in Michigan chapters of the United
World Federalists, campus UWF
will meet at 4:15 p.m. today, in the
will even Michigan Union.
try and A statewide petition campaign is
dlfill the expected beginning July 5. It will
demand ask the State Legislature to re-
quest Congress to summon a na-
tionalconstitutional convention,
stry will according to Allen Hurd, campus
J UWF president.
trf; flVA- Concu'cPe R would nalahp n oclpto*


WASHINGTON-Backers of the Taft-Hartley Law's provision
for injunctions against critical strikes won two preliminary victories
in the Senate yesterday.
First the Senate defeated, 55 to 27, the Douglas-Aiken plan for
government seizure of struck plants in national emergency labor dis-
putes. Then it defeated a plan backed by Sen. Ives (R. N.Y.) which
would have provided for dealing on a case-by-case basis with each
strike which threatened the national health or safety.

A-Bom May Not Decide Future War

I <





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