THE MICHIGAN DAILY r~ Sun Never Sets on New Dorm -Daily-Norm Steere A THREE SECOND EXPOSURE AT 12:27, SATURDAY NIGHT, AT NEW DORM * * ** * * * * * HE SUN NEVER sets on the New Wom- en's Dorm. Last semester when the lampposts were installed everyone's immediate reaction was one of amusement and there was much speculation as to the purpose of the brilliant lighting. Some suggested that the deans had simply prowled about one night at 12:29 and wherever they saw a girl and boy, the had put a lamppost. Others began to whisper about secret rebates from the Edison Company, and the general attitude of the girls them- selves was reflected in an order of the day, posted on all floors. "Girls leaving the dormitory are requested to wear dark glasses and have their dates do the same. In addition everyone is invited to use our terrace facilities for studying after dark.' The ridiculous contrast between New Women's and its neighboring dorms may still seem quite funny to many, however, for the girls who live there the situation has lost most of its humor. All that is needed is a calliope and some cotton candy and it might be Coney Island. Everyone like a Coney Island, but no one wants to live there. Saying good night to a date is like playing to the balcony. There may be a time but there is certainly no place for the girls of the New Women's Dorm. With those lights blazing in the windows, it is impossible to fall asleep. In cooler weather the problem was solved by closing 1 l the heavy drapes, but with the temperature hitting ninety . . . To sleep or suffocate that is the question. Surely the venerable gentlemen who shape the destiny of the University of Michigan do not have any false delusions about safeguarding the morals of young America by this policy. And though they believe in lighting the way for weary trav- elers, these things can be carried to ex- tremes. There does not appear to be any useful purpose served. But even if there is a con- ceivable reason, would it be strong enough to outweigh the inconvenience and discom- fort suffered by the girls. They are all beginning to wish that Franklin had never flown his old kite. -Martha Bazar. 1, 11 MUSIC CJRREZN7 MOV /IEs DREW PEARSON ON a. %e WASHINGTON MERRYGOROUND WASHINGTON-It hasn't been published, but ECA Administrator Paul Hoffman has written a strong private letter to Senator Van- denberg, proteesting the plan to award a special $50,000,000 gift to Spain. This grant for the Spanish dictator, to be taken out of Marshall Plan funds, was slipped into the ECA Appropriations Bill by Senator Pat McCarran of Nevada, Democrat, at the prompting of Catholic leaders. It has aroused vigorous opposition from Protestant church- men because of their contention that Protestants in Spain are given only secondclass citizenship, and that the same principle of religious discrimination exists in Spain against Protestants as exists in the iron curtain countries against Catholics. Hoffman, in his letter to Senator Vandenberg, avoided religious references, but warned: "Because no work has yet started on a recovery program for Spain, it would be most unwise to attempt to gear such a program. It would also violate the principle of European initiative. Further- more, it would create the most difficult political problems for us if we were to attempt to force the OEEC to admit Spain. Admission of new members should, it seems to me, be initiated in the OEEC itself." NO SPANISH PLANS "Before granting or loaning Spain money," Hoffman continued, "we should first request that Spain herself develop a recovery pro- gram, just as we have insisted that the participating countries develop their recovery program. This program should then be studied, screened, and laid before the Congress as a separate project exactly as was done in the case of Korea. The Congress could then make its decision on a rational and informed basis. Any other course would constiute reversion to a practice which in past years has proved wasteful." Nevertheless the Senate Appropriations Committee granted dic- tator Franco a $50,000,000 share in the Marshall Plan, without even requiring him to tell how he was going to use the money-though this was demanded of all the other nations. Note-In addition to church pressure, two Spanish diplomats worked secretly with Senator McCarran and Senator Dennis Chavez of New Mexico to put across the $50,000,000. They were: Ambassador- at-Large Jose Felix de Lequerica, wartime ambassador to Vichy, who came to Washington several months ago for the official purpose of "inspecting the embassy" and has been here ever since; also Coun- selor Pablo Merry Del Val, nephew of the late Cardinal Rafael Merry Del Val, TRUMAN CUTS HOSPITAL BEDS While President Truman is preaching federal spending, he is also practicing economy-in veterans' hospitals. He has ordered 16,000 beds cut out of 24 hospitals, even though Congress has already appro- priated the money for these beds. All the persuasion Senator Claude Pepper, Florida Democrat could summon didn't change the President's mind of this the other day. Truman bluntly replied that he was standing on his original decision. Pepper then pleaded with hte President to take up each veterans' hospital individually, but he shook his head. He had acted upon the recommendations of the veterans administration, itself, he retorted. "Won't you designate someone we can argue with on this?" begged Pepper. "All right, argue with the Bureau of the Budget," Truman sug- gested brusquely. Pepper acted as spokesman for two Veterans of Foreign Wars leaders who accompanied him to the White House. They were Lyall Beggs, Commander, and Omar Ketchum, Legislative Chief, whose mission was to invite the President to attend the VFW national convention beginning August 22 in Miami. Truman promised to make a "flying trip" to the convention if Congress didn't load his desk with too many last-minute bills. And, inp assing, the President dropped a hint as to when Congress might adjourn. Turning to Pepper, Truman remarked: "I don't think there is a ghost of a chance of you fellows getting out of 'here until Labor Day." Ketchum said he understood they were shooting for August 20. "I think they will get out around Labor Day," Truman repeated. Note: The President had placed a cartoon on his desk to show the visiting VFW. "Which one of you guys was in the Navy?" he asked when they filed into his office. Both VFW officers had served in the Army, but Truman handed them the cartoon anyway. It showed a wife calling to her skipper husband-a Navy veteran-at the helm of a motor launch: "I wish you would quit saying eight bells and all is well, and tell me what time it is." CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULE Communism in Cuba-Ambassador Robert Butler in Havana has warned the State Department htat the Communists are going to launch a tremendous anti-American campaign throughout Latin America this summer. Butler learned from a Communist informant that this will be accompanied by a drive to seize control of the shipping unions. The drive will be master-minded from the Russian embassy in Havana-the center of all Communist activity in the western hemisphere. House for $5,900-Housing Expediter Tighe Woods has quietly built two attractive, low-cost homes-just to prove it can be done. He worked out the plans with Richard Barr, a Chicago architect. Each home will sell, complete with electric utilities, for $5,900-and still leave a fair profit. Ordinarily the same homes would sell at twice that price. Yet Woods figures the cost can be cut another $1,000 by mass-scale production. (Copyright, 1949. by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Looking Back FINE MUSICIANSHIP was the keynote of last evening's concert by the Stanley String Quartet before 1000 people in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The concert was the third in the summer series of Hayden, contemporary, and 19th century French music. On the program were the Hayden C Major Quartet, John Verrall's Quartet No. 4, and the Franck Quintet in F Minor. An invigorating first movement in the Hayden quartet opened the concert. At once it was evident that the integration among the four players had definitely improved since their first concert. A very fine Andantino grazioso followed, in which the delicate nuance and shading was in the best Hayden style. To me, the playing in this movement was the best among all four. A typically Haydenish Menuetto followed by a technically difficult Vivace completed the performance. Except for one brief pas- sage early in the latter movement, the spici- ness of the playing was very well co-ordin- ated among the instrumentalists. Tremendous contrast followed in the Verrall Quartet No. 4, composed for and dedicated to the Stanley Quartet. Five movements "centered generally in the tonality of F wMinor," and using a specially-constructed scale for unusual tonal variety, were played with vigor. A melodious Lento and lyrical third move- ment were the easiest parts to digest, and the delightful contrast from movement to movement coupled with the energetic inter- pretation by the Quartet brought forth the best in Verrall's work. Following intermission, Willard MacGre- gor joined the Stanley Quartet in a per.,- formance of the Cesar Franck Quintet in F Minor. It was typically Franck and was the highlight of the entire program. Tremendous emotion and expression in the playing of all five artists was in evidence. The quiet, but deep, inward intensity of Paul Doktor, Viola, and Emil Raab, 2nd Violin, was in fine complement to the strong outward expression of Gilbert Ross, 1st Violin, and Oliver Edel, Cello. Pianist MacGregor fitted into the Franck har- mony with natural warmth and fine tech- nique exhibited in his playing. Everyone in the audience was decidedly well-pleased with the entire concert. To put it in the words of a young coed who was sitting nearby, "They're powerfully good!" -David B i Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER rT. Ir POW "Thou Shalt Not Read" 4 _Letters to the ]Editor- k4 r r r At the Michigan . " NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER, with Red Skel- ton, Esther Williams, Keenan Wynn, Betty Garrett, Ricardo Montalban, Xavier Cugat and his orchestra. THE NAMES OF THE CAST should be enough to tell you what this movie is about. It is an inconsequential bit of entertain- ment combining Esther Williams' swimming, Red Skelton's comedy and Xavier Cugat's orchestra in a story that is the least important of the film's assets. The plot, what there is of it, involves Miss Williams, Keenan Wynn, and Ricardo Mon- talban (as a South America polo player named O'Rourke!) in a romantic triangle, and Skelton and Betty Garrett in a secon- dary love interest, plus a certain amount of confusion brought about by Skelton's passing himself off as O'Rourke to impress Miss Garrett. Skelton and Miss Garrett work hard at supplying the comedy, but succeed only moderately well. There is one hilarious scene in which Skelton tries to get on a horse, but for the most part the jokes seem a little tired, probably from being overworked. Miss Williams swims and poses on rocks as beautifully as ever, and Xavier Cugat supplies several interludes of not unpleas- ant Latin American music. There are two musical numbers by Miss Williams and Montalban, both of them good. One of these is the catchy tune, "Baby, It's Cold Outside." In spite of such high spots, however, the film suffers from triteness. So many of the situations and even the lines seem familiar that you will get the impression of having seen the picture several times before. -Virginia von Schon. At the State .. . THE STRATTON STORY, with Jimmy Stewart, June Allyson, Frank Morgan and Agnes Moorehead, and Gene Beardon, Bill Dickey, Jimmy Dykes and Mervyn Shea as themselves. F YOU LIKE baseball, see The Stratton Story; if you don't like baseball, see it anyway. I was pleased and happy to have the chance to review this movie-it's the best one I've seen in months. With the cast, it's a sure-fire hit, and with the story, it's a cinch. The story is good simply because it's a true story-about Monty Stratton the pitcher who made good with two good legs and made good again after losing one of them in a hunting accident. Jimmy Stewart is his charming self, as is usually the case, and June Allyson is convincing as his wife. Frank Morgan outdoes himself as an old' down-and-outer whodalso makes good,nand AgnesrMoore- head, usually seen in sinister roles, is charming as Monty's mother back home on the farm. The baseball players play themselves with no flowery additions and are exciting just because they are base- ball players. , , . . t , There is plenty of baseball in the picture, but not too much to make it slow-moving to the non-baseball fans. The romance reads a little like a whirl-wind in spots, but be- cause it's a true story, it is moving. There's some tear-jerking during some of the mo'vie, but it isn't a sob story. And the suspence, as well as the comedy, is excellent. But the best thing about the show is that it's about a man who's still living- it's a true tribute, and the best I've seen since "Sergeant York" and "Pride of The Yankees." This movie cannot go by the boards as just another film-'-I think it has Academy Award possibilities. -Paul Brentlinger TO KNOW is nothing at all; to imagine is everything. -Anatole France. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are receivedallletters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letterswof a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. r .ss Picketing.. . To the Editor: OUR "LIBERAL" friends are suddenly up in arms against the use of picketing by the Young Progressives. Where were the pro- tests of these gentlemen when the recent Peace Conference was pick- eted in New York? Where were the protests of these gentlemen when Progressive Party meetings were not only picketed last year, but were forcibly broken up? Where are the voices of these gentlemen when a-Negro is lynched, or denied theu seof a public swimming pool, or refused employment, or cast in the "Steppin' Fetchit" stereotype in our movies. I-t seems that it isn't picketing that bothers them but only who does it. It is important to note that these critics do not care'or dare to discuss 'the issues which were ex- pressed by the picketers. Not once do they mention that Gov. Wil- liams has the power to end dis- crimination in MUCC where em- ployers are permitted to ask for "whites only" or "gentiles only." Not once do they mention that Gov. Williams has the power- to end Jim Crow practices by state insurancec ompanies. Not once do they mention that despite his hyp- ocritical statements to The Daily, Gov. Williams is one of the leaders in inciting the present Communist witch hunt. Nor do they mention that Gov. Williams, if he wishes to, can recall the legislature to pass a program to meet the real needs of the people. If Gov. Williams does'not wish to be picketed, let him carry out ap rogram which meets the real needs of the people and use his powers to end discrimination and witch hunts in Michigan. -Ed Freeman. * * * To the Editor: MR. VETTER'S article on the Young Progressives was an fortunate piece of "journalism." The editorial was notably lacking in any constructive ideas. Instead the writer glutted his article with the unsubtle labeling effectively utilized by a prominent House Committee in Congress. Mr. Vetter would have the Young Progressives take no action on progressive measures, for the support of YP, he claims, is the kiss of death. If we carry the logic (a heavy burden) a bit fur- ther, we can see what the results would have been in the case of the "Trenton Six." The Progres- sives first broke the story. Even your paper carried the dispatch praising the Civil Rights Congress for their successful struggle for a retrial. And the Civil Rights Con- gress, Mr. Vetter, is a "subversive" organization! However, according to the editorial, it would have been more proper to forget about the whole affair even if it would have meant the lives of six inno- cent Negro men. Evidently, it's quite suitable to discuss the problems facing hu- manity, but the writer of the edi- torial objects to any concrete ac- tion which places these problems before hte public. Oh, Yes, Mr. Vetter is for a restoration of the full University budget, for a Fair Educational Practices Act, etc., -as long as we refrain from picketing the Governor; refrain from asking him to call a special session of the Legislature so that these measures can be enacted! Thus, after pruning his flowery verbiage, we find that the core of the writer's argument lies in the fact that YP dares to bring public issues before the public. Suffice it to say that no amount of red-baiting from any writer will halt our attempt to publicize those facts that affect all of us so deep- ly. -Hy Bershad. To the Editor: IN GEORGE VETTER'S diatribe against Progressives, (July 15 Daily) he commits a sin against understanding which is the hall- mark of those whom he berates. When he writes, ". . . so the lib- erals these sad days must not only fight fof the narrow-minded- ness of the groups ranged on the right ..." he impugns, by implica- tion, the freedom of thought of the non-left. Alas he is not alone in the duplicity of relegating think- ers with whom he disagrees to categories of undesirable labels, while saving for his own breed those appellations which are com- monly considered virtuous. After cleansing our language and our understanding, we must admit, with Webster, that a "lib- eral" (uncapitalized) is one who is independent in opinion and not bound by orthodox tenets. Why, then, may' not a free, broad thinker examine all conceivable political and economic systems, and conclude (rightly or wrongly) that one based on the primal char- acter of man is in greater equili- brium, and therefore is a better and more stable basis for a dy- namic world than one which is based on an arbitrary contem- porary concept of statism? Such a man would be the right of center, but, regardless of his con- clusion, would be liberal. Let us not perpetrate the twist- ed patois of the "Progressives" (another corrupted word) by call- ing names. Certainly what we gen- uinely seek is the right answer, not victory for our side. Moreover, in these days of continual and grow- ing paternalism in government, one who applauds the trends may find his position as "liberal" un- tenable, for he is not advocating the same trends that have existed for the last sixteen years, and is he not therefore performing as a conservative? ,--Taylor Drysdale. MEMBERS of the New York Meat Trade Institute have signed a contract to provide free eye examinations and spectacles for their AFL butchers. Eye trouble, an institute spokesman hastened to explain, is not an oc- cupational disease of butchers. Surely there are some housewives who will disagree-or are they just putting on an act when they demand a second reading of the scales? -St. Louis Star-Times. Fifty-Ninth Yeara Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff B. S. Brown ...................Co-Managing Editor Craig wilson ..................Co-Managing Editor Merle Levin......................Sports Editor Marilyn Jones...................Women's Editor Bess Young..........................Librarian Business Staff Robert C. James..............Business Manager Dee Nelson............... Advertising Manager Ethel Ann Morrison ........... Circulation Manager James McStocker .................Finance Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to -it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at.Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second-class mail matter. 35 YEARS AGO: The University Board of Regents blasted the faculty for "not prop- erly attending" commencement ex- ercises or being present during commencement week as a mark of respect to returning alumni. 20 YEARS AGO: On the tortured Manchuria- China border the Chinese Nation-. alists refused a Russian ultimatum demanding that they withdraw in three days from the Manshurian Railway they had seized a few days before. The refusal brought the severing of Russian-Chinese diplomatic relations. * * * 10 YEARS AGO: J. Louis Comiskey, 54, owner of the Chicago White Sox, died at his Wisconsin Summer Home af- ter a long illness. -From the Pages of The Daily. . BARNABY T, But Mr. O'Malley, you need money The sand I put in those clams irritates p' it,.__-h.v mnn : f~ i :- f a fn . Yes. So, if I can keep them sufficiently ;rr,.ed. tIvIl -mae, eali ;n no f;me- I'll need help, of course. To keep the clams irritated on a twenty- IN\ r here. That telegram should g ulnternI brinri Gus on the run. .. Itli Gus can work nights. His moans ought to irritate the clams. And 1'l takEc the day shift. 1I'l sit on .