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July 21, 1948 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-21

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f Ii

AVCRuns on Town Meeting Principle

City Beat


Campus Highlights

The New England town meeting
principle will govern the conduct
of the American Vetbrans Com-
mittee meetings this summer, ac-
cording to chairman Everett W.
This abandoning of the rigor of
parliamentary debate and Roberts
rules for the process of group dis-
cussion and decision has been
Sen. Barkley
Ends Problem
To Notify Himself
Of Dem. Nomination
PADUCAH, Ky., July 20-(AP)-
Senator Alben W. Barkley, Demo-
cratic nominee for vice-president,
cleared up at least one personal
problem yesterday in his speech
to a huge homecoming crowd
gathered here.
The Senator, who, as tempo-
rary chairman of the recent Dem-
ocratic convention was chairman
of the committee to notify official-
ly the vice presidential nominee of
his nomination.
"When I get home," Senator
Barkley told the crowd, "I'm going
to stand in front of a full-length
mirror in the hal and say, 'You
old plug-ugly, you've been nomi-

idopted by both the executive
°ommittee and the general mem-
bership for all their meetings.
The new procedure, different
from any other campus organiza-
tion, was undertaken on the
theory that democracy in a group
does not necessarily involve the
taking of votes so much as the
meeting of members to talk things
:>ver and decide among themselves
what should be done.
More Informal
AVC meetings are made more
informal by having the members
sit around in a circle. In order to
achieve better participation and
encourage discussion, the leader is
reduced to one of the group whose
only real function is to occasion-
ally summarize the will of the
Most important of all is that
members are not told what their
goals are to be, as by a constitu-
tion, but are asked their personal
goals in joining AVC. The goal of
the group is then taken as a com-
posite of the agreed upon indi-
vidual goals.
During the first meeting under
this procedure, it was found that
members wanted comradeship of
vets their own age, and desired a
friendly group on campus with
whom they might associate. They
wanted to make AVC a group they
could feel at home in.
There was also general agree-
ment to the idea expressed by
Ralph Jackson, that veterans, as

citizens, have a responsibility to
society, and that AVC should make
a positive contribution to the wel-
fare of the community and the
Five Projects
In keeping with these aims, five
projects were decided upon. The
first of these was the completion
of the book drive, handled by Jack
Elliott. In line with the desire to
educate themselves and others to
political realities, the group will
present a political speaker in the
near future. The arrangements
for this rally are under Louis Ber-
man and Mary Gladstone.
Ed Tumin will try to arrange
for the movie "Grand Illusion,"
which treats the futility of nation-
alism. A non-partisan vote reg-
istration drive will be led by Pete
Hill, and a free vacation at the
fresh-air camp for married vets
will be arranged for by Andy War-
Democracy In Action
The new administration feels
that AVC can contribute best to
human brotherhood by setting an
example of democracy in action
rather than by "outworn political
propaganda and mass education
techniques which have shown
themselves to be worse than use-
less in changing people's hearts."
Bovard, chairman of the group,
said, "It is my conviction that the
basic goal of human brotherhood
cannot be imposed from above by
political parties or by an elite, but
must come as a spontaneous reali-
zation from within. What can be
done is to make it possible for
conditions to exist that permit
people to abandon power relation-
ships with each other, and feel
and act towards each other as the
brothers they are."
Prof. Brumm
Will Lecture
To Talk at Workshop
For School Boards
Prof. John L. Brumm, retired
chairman of the journalism de-
partment, will address the Work-
shop for School Board Members,
which will meet here next week,
July 27 and 28.
Prof. Brumm's topic at Wednes-
day's luncheon will be "Chasing
Your Hat."
Other speakers will be John A.
Heien, Chrysler executive, Lewis
Kearns, member of the Flint
Board of Education, Albert J.
Phillips, executive secretary of the
Michigan Education Association,
and John A. Perkins, Michigan
budget director.
The purpose of the Workshop is
to discuss problems which con-
front school boards throughout
the state. The Workshop is spon-
sored by the School of Education,
the University Extension Service,
the Michigan Department of Pub-
lic Instruction and the Michigan
Education Association.

for the
BUY at
State Street at North University

brother of "Pretty Boy" Floyd,
one-time U. S. Public Enemy
No. 1, may be the new sheriff
of Sequoyah County, Okla. He
is E. W. Floyd (above) who ran
first in the Democratic primary
and will vie for the post in a
runoff July 27 with Henry
War Assets
To EndSales
Five Billion Dollars
In Goods on Hand
WASHINGTON, July 9-(/P)-
The biggest bargain counter in
the country is preparing to close
up shop and go out of business.
It is the War Assets Adminis-
tration, which has sold, leased and
given away surplus war property
originally costing the Government
23,000,000,000. It still has $5,400,-
000,000 worth of odds and ends to
get rid of.
Date Set
Congress has decreed that WAA
shall be abolished next Feb. 28.
So today administrator Jess
Larson told his regional directors
to clear their shelves and get their
books in order.
Since WAA was established
shortly after the war ended, it
has done a land office business in
war factories, jeeps, blankets,
flashlights, life rafts, air fields,
and practically any commodity
Property On Hand
Larson said that as of July 1
he had this property on hand:
Real property land and build-
ings) $4,200,000,000 including $1,-
000,000,000 on lease; personal
property $475,000,000; and air-
craft parts $760,000,000.
What has the Government real-
ized in cash from its bargain sale?
The books show, an agency
spokesman told a reporter, cash
income from sales and leases of
approximately $4,000,000,000.
But, he hastened to explain, the
$23 billion original cost is consid-
erably above the sale or second
hand value of the property.
Government Gifts
Besides, the Government gave
away property costing $9,000,000,-
000. Of the remaindera consider-
able amount is represented by
leases. Also said the WAA man,
some of the property was good
only for junking.
Larson today outlined this
timetable for his agency:
Dispose of all surplus personal
property by Dec. 31.
Dispose of all aircraft and parts
by Feb. 28.
Dispose of at least half of the
real estate holdings by Feb. 28.
Complete reconcilation of rec-
ords by Jan. 31.
Surplus Property
Larson said the $475,000,000 in
surplus personal property is held
in the various regions as follows:
Chicago $114,884,000; CQncin-
nati $81,945,000; New York $98,-
430,000; Philadelphia $67,851,000;
Atlanta $15,920,000; Grand
Prairie $21,822,000; Kansas City
$21,735,000; San Francisco, $19,-
737,00; Denver $4,487,000, and
Seattle $9,108,000.
Find New Comet
BERKELEY, Calif., July 20-
(P)-The University of California
announced today the "accidental"
discovery of a new comet by as-
tronomers at Lick Observatory.

Mrs. Carl Wenk, 39, of 106
Pleasant Place, was injured Mon-
day when the car in which she
was riding collided with a train
on Madison St.
The vehicle was driven by her
son Hugh, 15, who said he didn't
see the locomotive. Her injuries
were not serious.
* * *
William Swope, 26, of Wayne,
died yesterday morning when he
was trapped in the cab of his
burning truck after ramming an-
other truck on the Expressway, a
mile east of US 112.
The driver of the other truck,
Charles C. Roth, of Detroit, who
was uninjured was unable to re-
move Swope from the cab. The
vehicle had jack-knifed and the
gas tank exploded.
* * *
The City Council extended the
lease on life of all house trailers
to June 30, 1949.
The change from the former
deadline of Oct. 30, at which time
all house-trailer licences would
have become void, was passed
Citizens and councilmen at-
tending the meeting expressed
doubt that local housing would be
sufficient to take care of all per-
sons who now occupy trailers.
The Council also authorized is-
suance of $300,000 in parking
system revenue bonds to finnce
construction of a three-decker
parking structure at the city's
First and Washington St. parking
The proposed structure would
house 240 cars.
* * *
Local bee-raisers are getting
A second hive of bees disap-
peared last week. The loss was re-
ported to Sheriff's officers by Eu-
gene Haas, 913 S. Main St., east of
the city.
He told officers he hoped the
thieves would get stung too.
Older People's
Problems Will
Be Considered
On the average, the nation's
population is gowing older-there
are more older people now than
there were 50 years ago.
That is the reason for the
Charles A. Fisher Memorial In-
stitute on Aging, which will con-
sider the "Growing Problem of
Aging," continuing through to-
morrow, according to director
Clark Tibbitts, of the Institute for
Personal Adjustment.
The Institute will attempt to
"write a prescription for success-
ful living after 50," he said.
Speakers today will include
Prof. Moses M. Frohlich, in charge
of ' the Veterans Readjustment
Center, Dr. Leroy Waterman, Pro-
fessor emeritus of semitics, Dr.
George Lawton, consuting psy-
chologist and author, and Mrs.
Patricia Rabinovitz, of the Wayne
County Bureau of Social Aid, De-
Thursday, Dr. Ewan Clague,
Commissioner of the U. S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics and Charles V.
Kidd, economist, will lecture. Con-
cluding the conference, Harry A.
Overstreet, author and lecturer,
will speak on "A Comprehensive
Program for Personal and Social
Adjustment in Old Age," Thurs-

For your printing needs and
personalized gifts . ..
119 East Liberty
-. (Across from P-Bell)
. Phone 7900 ,

Pi Lambda Thieta ...
An All Educational Parley will
be held in the Elementary School
Library at 7:30 p.m. today.
* * *
Sociedad His pnica . ..
A "Una Noche Venezolana" will
be held at 8 p.m. today, in the
West Conference Rm. of the
Rackham Building.
French Film
To Be Shown,
"Fanny," sequel to the highly
popular French film, "Marius,"
will be shown Friday and Satur-
day at Hill Auditorium.
Second in the series of Pagnol
comedies centering around the ro-
mantic life of a discontented
young Frenchman and his sly fa-
ther, "Fanny" opens with the re-
turn of its hero from the sea.
The film, which is the fourth
summer presentation of the Art
Cinema League, features the same
cast that appeared in the preced-
ing movie, including Orane Dema-
zis in the title role, Pierre Fres-
nay as her lover, Raimu as his
father and Charpin as Panisse, his
rival for the hand of Fanny.
Tickets for the film may be pur-
chased at the Hill Auditorium box
office. Admission charge is 50
Wasps are very helpful to man,
says the World Book Encyclopedia.
They sometimes damage fruit, but
they also destroy large numbers
of caterpillars and other harmful
insects. They do far more good
than harm.

COOL WATERS-Summer ses-
sion for pert Libby Dean means
turning occasionally to wave at
a photographer before dipping
herself in the drink at Newport,
R.I. In case you want to know,
friend Libby is wearing an ab-
breviated zebra-striped bathing
Wilcox Cites
Big Obstacles
To U.S.Plans
(Continued from Page 1)

Santos Rodolfo Cortes will dis-
cuss "Analisis Hitoricis Cultural
de Venezuelo." Group singing will
be lead by Alonzo Gamero.
* * *
Student Concert . ..
Arlene Lucille Sollenberger,
contralto, accompanied by Len-
nis Britton Swift, pianist, will pre-
sent program including works by
Purcell Donaudy, Monteverde,
Handel, Lenormarnd, DeBussy,
Faure, Saint-Saens and Mahler at
8 p.m. today in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
* * *
Linguistic Institute . .
Luncheon Conference Lecture
will be given by Prof. Fang-Kuei
Li of the Academia Sinica Natural
Research Institute). Subject will
be "The Glottal Stop as a Pho-
neme in Siamese." Luncheon will
be at 12:10 p.m. today in the An-
derson Rm. at the Union. The lec-
ture will start at 1:00 p.m. in
Room 308 in the Union.
* * *
Roger Williams Guild. .
The weekly "chat" of the Roger
Williams Guild will take place
from 4:30 to 6 p.m. today in the
Guild Garden. Some letters from
Baptist church members in Stutt-
gart, Germany, will be read at
that time.
"Home of the Official
Michigan Ring"
12:30 to 5:30
Monday thru Friday
L. G. Balfour Co.
1319 S. Univ. Ph. 9533
Fraternity Jewelry
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termed the "obstacles abroad."
They include Europe's passionate
desire to become industrialized by
using restrictive measures to curb
trade with other nations and their
preoccupation with immediate re-
Prof. Wilcox traced the devel-
opment of our economic foreign
policy from the end of World War
I explaining how attempts to re-
build a free world economy failed
because at every crucial point, the
U. S. took an isolationist line.
Tariff Relation.
The Hawley-Smoot tariff, in
1930, brought retaliation from
other nations and then, in 1933,
when the World Economic Con-
ference at London was prepared
to do something about knocking
d wn the trade barriers that had
arisen, President Franklin D.
Roosevelt ended all hopes with his
letter to the conference saying
that the United States would not
do anything to guarantee a sta-
bilized cfiri'en'cy, he stated.
Continuing his discussion of re-
construction and world trade,
Prof. Wilcox will discuss, "The In-
ternational Trade Organization.
Charter," at 4:10 p.m., tomorrow,
in the Rackham Amphitheatre

"You'll love hers'-Morris

Fri., Sat.

8:30 P.M.




Hurry -- Cone in Early Today
for Ann Arbor's best bargains

Summer Dresses
Huge group of crepes,
prints, Bembergs, shan-
tungs and linens, includ-
ing many not formerly
Values to $25.00

100 Dresses
All sizes 9-15, 10-44 and
181/2-242 for daytime or
evening wear. Also many
not formerly reduced.
Values To $29.95
" COATS-Shorties and long
styles. All wool.
* SUITS -100% wool crepes
and gabs. Sizes 9-15, 10-44,
* DRESSES - Evening and
daytime styles. Fine fabrics
and design.
Values to $49.95

8 Shortie Coats'
Black and colors all wool.
25 Summer Suits
White or pastels-famous
names. Sizes 10-20.
Better Dresses. One or
two piece crepes and
Values To $35.00.

Black or white. Sizes
32 to 38. Were $5.00.


Black or red patent
plastic, also pastel
plastic zipper styles.
Values to $7.95.





Satin, crepe, taffeta
and nylon. Sizes 9
to 15 and 32 to 44.
Were $8.95.



Sterling silver, 10k gold,
pearl and jeweled pins,
earrings, necklaces.
Values to $5.00.


Crepe -- Cotton -- Jersey
Jersey, crepes and cottons.
Also peasant styles and long $2.49
sleeved cottons. Sizes 30 to to
44. $5.00
Values To $8.95

Sheer White or Colored
Sheer frilly styles or tailored 49e
types in white or colors. 98e
were $2.00 to $6.00 $1.98

Summer Fun
with a
Kodak Camera
No summer camping





? ;>

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