Berlin Express
AT THE RISK of being called warmonger,
hot-headed or of offending the Wallace
throng, we should like to suggest that the
U.S. Government order an armed convoy
into Berlin.
This action should be taken immediately.
The consequences? War? Perhaps, but we
doubt it. Twice in successive generations the
United States, confused, vacillating, fum-
bling, eager for peace, has been prodded into
devastating ruinous world conflict. War has
never come to a well-armed, firm goverre-
ment that convinced its potential enemy
from the onset that it meant business and
would not buckle in the face of outrageous
provocative bluffing.
It has been repeated so often, it is time
worn, that Hitler issued strict orders to his
commanders to withdraw from the Rhine-
land if the French so much as fired a shot.
That shot was never fired. And Hitler
went from one ill-begotten success to an-
other, only because the democracies-
seized to their very marrow by fear-
refused to draw the line and say, "Stop,
you pass no further."
In Berlin, the Russians, contrary to all
signed agreements-agreements, we thought,
made in good faith-have created an un-
tenable situation by their present land and
rail blockade. The gigantic Allied air-lift-
very impressive to be sure and a testimony
to our ingenuity-is costing the American
and British taxpayers prohibitive sums of
money. The burden cannot, and should not
be carried much longer. And when winter
IEditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
sets in, it is almost inevitable that air op-
erations will be seriously curtailed.
To withdraw from Berlin now would be a
serious blow to Allied prestige not only in
Germany but all over the world. To knuckle
now to Russia would be, in the words of
Winston Churchill, the spectacle of "another
By agreements made previous to and con-
firmed at Potsdam in writing the Allies are
legally in Berlin. They have made known
in no uncertain terms their intent to stay.
There can be no doubt that the Allies will
But how? It has been suggested that the
United States invoke economic sanctions
against Russia by such devices as closing the
Panama canal to Russian ships. But the
Panama canal is far removed from Berlin.
Marshal Sokolovsky will hear about it, cer-
tainly, but indirectly.
An armed convoy pushing its way from
Helmstedt in the British Zone across the
autobahn into Berlin, however, will leave
nothing to the imagination. Perhaps some
shots will be fired. But Russia neither
wants nor is prepared for a full-scale war
now. And it is almost sure that this show
of determination and armed might will
accomplish infinitely more than a thou-
sand protest notes or a thousand economic
It has been pointed out that should Rus-
sia decide on war, her armed forces could
sweep across the Rhine and through France
in a matter of weeks. Then what? An air
attack on New York? But what of our ace
-the atomic bomb? No, it is unlikely that
Russia will tangle with America at this
point. She knows full well that our industrial
potential far outweighs hers, and that war,,
unwanted as it is, will be the choice of the
American people if the alterntaive is a "New
Order" with its headquarters in the Krem-
-Kenneth Lowe.
The Great Risk
WASHINGTON-It is hard to believe that
war is not a serious possibility-the mind
refuses to accept it. Yet every one in a
position to know the facts, from President
Truman and Secretary of State George Mar-
shall on down, is grimly aware that the
Russian blockade of Berlin might lead to
war before next winter.
This terrible fact is underlined by the
dispatch a few days"ago of sixty B-29 bomb-
ers to England. This means simply that the
situation is now considered so serious that
the American trump must be readily avail-
able for use against the Soviet ace, and the
Soviets must know that it is available.
The Soviet ace is of course the fact.
that the Red Army can, at the word of
command from the Kremlin, fight to the
shores of the Atlantic. The American
trump (by reason of our unpreparedness
a far less decisive trump than most peo-
ple imagine) is the capacity to strike at
the vitals of the Soviet economy with
long-range bombers. By reason of its huge
army, the Soviet Union is always poten-
tially in a position to make war. And the
United States, because of Berlin, is now
beginning to move into a war position.
This does not mean that any one in a
position of authority wants war, or beheve'
that war is inevitable. It does mean that the
Americans and the British have made cer-
tain crucial decisions.
The Anglo-Americans have decided that
a retreat from Berlin under the blockade
threat would be wholly disastrous and would
in time lead inevitably to war. Therefore'
we will not leave Berlin, at least while the
Soviet pistol is pointed at our heads. This
in turn entails the certainty of some sort'
of showdown with the Russians this summer,
since the air lift operation is purely a
temporary expedient.
The decision not to retreat, at least as
far as the Americans and British are
concerned, is wholly firm. Yet no firm
decision has been taken, despite the con-
stant humming of the wires between the
three Western capitals, on the specific
course of action which the, Western
Allies should pursue. One course, consist-
ing of five separate steps has, however,
been seriously discussed.
Step 1. The Western reply to the Soviet
note will be delivered soon after the end
of the Brussels five-nation conference. It
will take a firm line, but it will not close
the door to further negotiation, subject only
to the proviso that we cannot negotiate
while the blockade is in force.
Step 2. If the blockade is not lifted, the'
Soviet action will be referred to the Security
Council as a threat to peace. The Security
Council will order the blockade lifted.
Step 3. If the Soviets veto, an emergency
meeting of the General Assembly will be
called. The Western Allies will place the
case before the Assembly and announce
their decision to supply blockaded Berlin by
whatever means may be necessary. Support
for this decision by the Assembly will pre-
sumably be forthcoming.
Step 4. We shall then notify the Russians
that an armored train or truck convoy will
depart from the Western zones at a speci-
fied date with the mission of supplying
Step 5. If the Russians have maintained
their blockade through this whole series of
steps, the convoy will be ordered to proceed
on its fateful mission.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc)
Special Session
POLITICAL SPLITS in our country have
now reached a stage so intricate that
they require esthetic appreciation rather
than analysis and comment. We start with
the big fact of the Wallace movement, which
regards both major parties as reactionary
beyond redemption, and intends to say so in
convention toward the end of this week. But
at the Southern "states rights" convention
just concluded in Birmingham it was firmly
announced that both major parties are lib-
eral beyond hope, at least on the question of
civil liberties.
This takes us to the coming special ses-
sion of Congress, at which Southerners will
certainly filibuster against any mention of
a civil liberties program. Here, for the first
time in a long time, we may see the Re-
publicans and Northern Democrats work-
ing together.
As we further trace out the lines on this
rare bit of cloisonne, we become aware that
there is indeed something curious about the
special session, for Truman's own party i'
against a number of legislative items on
which Truman is challenging the Repub-
licans to stand and deliver. Accordngi to a
New Republic survey, eighty-eight Demo-
cratic representatives, for example, voted
with the right in favor of a meaningless no-
housing bill, while only 85 voted against
it. One hundred and one Democrats voted
with the other side to take thousands of
Americans off social security; only twenty-
four were opposed. On these and other mat-
ters, 'Truman isn't challenging the Repub-
licans to match his party's stand and rec
ord; he is challenging them to match his
personal program, which he has been pow,
erless to put over even within his own party,
let alone in Congress. But so intricate is
the political muddle today, that the Re-
publicans may have to go along with Tru-
man at the special session, in order, na-
turally, to show that they deserve to beat
him and replace him.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.)
[Current Movies
At the Michigan .. .
EMPEROR WALTZ, with Bing Crosby,
Joan Fontaine and Roland Culver.
YOUR DELIGHT with "Emperor Waltz"
will depend on two factors-your dispo-
sition towards Bing Crosby and your capa-
city for two-way conversations between
adult human beings and dogs. Personally,
though I don't think Bing's voice is what it
used to e. I like him. However, his pres-
ence, of itself, is not enough to carry a pic-
ture. And as for the dog conversations, my
capacity is nil. I'm afraid that "Emperor
Waltz," despite some nice moments, is a very
dull movie.
If Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder,
about the most gifted producer-director-
writer team in Hollywood, had allowed their
fairy tale to get its feet off the ground, they
might have gotten away with it. As it is,
when Sig Ruman psychoanalyzes a French
poodle, reclining sofa and all, it's not funny
-just embarrassing. They have Bing play-
ing an American phonograph salesman in
sursuit of the Emperor Franz Josef (Rich-
ard Haydn). He meets Joan Fontaine, a
member of the Court, or, rather, their dogs
meet. The dogs fall in love. They fall in
love. Fadeout. Though the dog love affair is
pretty undoglike, it's a lot more interesting
than Bing's.
Of the tunes in the film, it is safe to say
that only "The Emperor Waltz" and "The
Whistler and His Dog" will be around any
length bf time. On the credit side: nice
color photography of Jasper Park in Al-
berta, a fine, likeable cast, a trickily re-
corded yodeling number by Bing, and a de-
lightful little comic ballet that lasts all of
thirty seconds.
-Jack Sokaloff.
** *
At the State"...
Johnson, June Allyson and Butch Jenkins.
IN COMPARISON with the reaction of Ann
Arbor's matinee set to the situations in
this comedy, the behavior of the bride in
question was practically on the dignified
side. While it's simply the old story of "boy
needs child for day to get girl, girl discovers
lie, child solves all," the three parties to the
plot have themselves and the audience a
high old time as they run through the plays.
Van Johnson is an irresponsible playboy
that bats out children's stories to keep his
penthouse under his feet, and while the fair
sex is not exactly unknown to him, his new
illustrator in the person of blond Miss Ally-
son complicates his pleasant tippling and
typewriting routine more than somewhat.
Orphan Butch Jenkins is called in as the
problem son who accounts for Papa's way-
wardness, and until the kid goes soft and
gets adoption minded, the little darling is a
Bugs Bunny in human form. Van Johnson
nmugs more than is necessary, but his muscles
still photograph well, and Miss Allyson has
enough sass and sex appeal for two well-
bred lady artists.
The slapstick situations omit only the old
pie throwing incident, but since the bride
N.Y. Hierald-'T" ibi.
Hope in Palestine
AT BEST, on the face of the rec-
. ord, it is just a truce that pre-
vails in Palestine today. Armed
men confront one another in the
hills and stories cities of the Holy
Land; men on both sides who are
still angry, still passionately de-
voted to goals that have not yet
been achieved.
Above all there is the major,
problem of translating the present
condition of affairs in Palestine
into a durable settlement which
will be respected by Jews and
Nevertheless, there are signs
that it is not inappropriate at this
time to speak of "peace" in Pales-
tine. It may be long before it is
more than an uneasy, disturbed
peace, longer still before the mu-
tual bitterness which brought on
the war subsides. But it is by no
means impossible that the major
test of strength between Israel
and the Arab League on the field
of battle has been concluded. For
one thing, the present truce,
backed by the United Nations with
more than a hint of the interna-
tional organization's great latent
power, is to run for an indefinite
period. There is no point at which
fighting, once it has ceased, will
automatically be resumed. More-
over, the acceptance of the terms
by King Abdullah of Trans-Jor-
dan, is ungrudging and concilia-
tory. The Arab king may have his
own ambitions in Palestine, and
be moved by other forces than
those of pure reason and human-
ity. But he also possesses the most
effective Arab military organiza-
tion. When he speaks of the Arab
position as one of "wise assent"
to the pressure of the United Na-
tions and the great powers, it is a
hopeful augury.
Moreover, King Abdullah goes
on to say: "The way to settle the
Palestine problem is to negotiate
-a negotiation which need not be
unduly hurried but which should
be carried out carefully and
Both sides will be under certain
controls in respect to the intro-
duction of arms and men of mil-
itary age during the truce, and
these are likely to bar harder upon
the Jews than the Arabs. An in-
definite truce, however, if sin-
cerely and effectively adminis-
tered by the UN will not permit a
resort to arms. It will, on the
other hand, enable Israel to estab-
lish itself so firmly as an admin-
istrative and economic organism,
that its status cannot be ques-
tioned or perverted. And with ac-
ceptance of Israel as an accom-
plished fact by the Arab world, or
even by a realistic segment of it,
the hope of an enduring peace in
the Near East can take on reality,
though it is simply an enforced
truce that governs relations
among the states in that portion
of the globe.
* * *
N.Y. Star
Mi'uskrats and Labor
tions Board has just handed
down a decision that muskrats are
wild and that the men who trap
them are skilled workers entitled
to bargaining rights under the
Taft-Hartley law.
This is an epic decision which,
probably, neither Senator Taft nor
Representative Hartley a ever
dreamed their loosely drawn law
would encompass. In fact, the de-
cision would bespeak some virtue
in the loose wording of the law,
were it not for the fact that it !
took the Board 100 pages to arrive4
at its 3 to 1 verdict.
Weunevertheless are gratefuldfor
this upholding of the rights and
virtuosity of trappers and of the
sterling qualities of the muskrat.
The muskrat is only one of an all
too numerous family. Like the rest
of the family he is prolific, unlike
most of his kinfolk he is useful. He
builds elaborate homes on the
banks of rivers and in swamp
He is a fine example of free
American private enterprise. He
pioneers, works hard, and won't,
the Board noted, produce in any
slave state. He provides jobs by
his industry. If, in the end, he
gets skinned it is not because
of his virtues but only because
he has a valuable coat. And be-
sides, it's another entrepreneur
who does it.
Now that the Board has thus
established the worthiness of the
muskrat, we hope it someday gets
around to examining the virtues
of another member of the rat
family. We refer to the wood rat,
or, as he is called in the Far
West, the pack rat. It will take the
Board more than 100 pages to
sing the praises of this creature.
The pack rat is only about half as
big as his cousin in the swamps
and cleaner and gentler by far
than his big city cousin.
But he works a lot harder, and
his rewards stack up in those
shiny symbols we all worship. Ask
anyone who has ever cleaned out
a pack rat's home in the attic
of a mountain cabin about the
wealth of silver knives, forks,
spoons, gold rings, watches, coins
(how the pack rat loves a silver
dollar), and costume jewelry, to
be found. And anyone who catches
the pack rat and grabs his wealth
is more than a skilled laborer; he
is in every respect a captain of in-
- I/I
r. f
Editorial Rounds
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angeli Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
theday preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVHI, No. 189
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information, 201 MasonI
The Boeing Aircraft Company,
Seattle, Washington, has openingsI
for aeronautical, mechanical,
electrical, and civil engineers. Men
who are interested in this com-
pany may pick up an application
form at the Bureau of Appoint-I
August Industrial - Mechanical
Mr. David Thomas of GOOD-°
PANY, Akron, Ohio, will inter-
view for positions in production
supervision with that organiza-
tion, Thursday, July 22, in Room
218 West Engineering Building.
Students may sign the interview
schedule posted on the bulletin
board at 225 W. Engineering Bldg.
Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: All August candidates for'
the teacher's certificate may take'
the Teacher's Oath on July 21 and
22 between the hours of 8-12 and'
1-5 in Room 1437 U.E.S. This is a
requirement for the teacher's cer-'
Approved Student Social Events.
Week-end July 23-25, 1948
July 23
Inter-Cooperative Council, Con-
gregational Disciples Guild
July 24
Delta Tau Delta, Theta Xi
Golf for Beginners
Women students are invited to
attend. a beginning golf class at
the Women's Athletic Building on
Fri. afternoon, 2:30. Bring balls.
Summer Session Lecture Series:
Clair Wilcox, Professor of Eco-
nomics Swarthmore College, "Re-
construction and World Trade."
The International Trade Organi-
zation Charter, Thurs., July 22,
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
Linguistic Institute Luncheon
Conference. Lecture by Professor
Fang-Kuei Li of the Academic
Sinica (National Research Insti-
tute), 'The Glottal Stop as a
Phoneme in Siamese." Wed., July
21, Union Building. Luncheon
12:10, Anderson Room; Lecture
1:00, Room 308.
Linguistic Institute Forum Lec-
ture. "A Re-examination of the
English Juncture Phonemes," by
Dr. Bernard Bloch, Associate Pro-
fessor of Linguistics, Yale Univer-
sity. Thurs., July 22, 7:30, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Professor E. E. Dale, Research
Professor of History, University of
Oklahoma, will speak on "The In-
dian and His problems," Wed.,
July 21, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. All invited.
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Sciences,
and the Arts, Schools of 'Educa-
tion, Forestry, Music, and Pub-
lic Health
Students who received marks of
I, X, or "no report" at the close of
their last semester or summer ses-
sion of attendance will receive a
grade of E in the course or courses
unless this work is made up by
July 21. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date
in order to make up this work
should file a petition addressed to
the appropriate official in their
school with Room 4, U.H. where it
will be transmitted.
(Continued on Page 5)
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in theorder in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or suchrletters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Peace and the Military
To the Editor:
Miss Dailes, in writing her ex-
cellent editorial, "Gen. Spaatz'
Line of Attack," is to be congrat-
ulated for so boldly exposing the
sinister war plans now being pub-
licly etched by our war-eager mil-
itarists both in and out of the pre-
sent Washington Administration.
(For illustration, see Gen. Spaatz'
article, "If We Should Have To
Fight Again," in a recent edition
of Life Magazine.)
For many months now, Mr.
Wallace has valiantly been re-.~
peating this simple truth (under
a complete newspaper blackout):
namely, that to entrust the career
militarists with important posi-
tions in shaping our bipartisan
foreign policy is much like put-
ting on arsonist in charge of a fire-
fighting brigade.
Neither the Republicans nor the
Democrats in their highly voluble
and comic-opera conventions have
gone beyond the mere hinting of
resolving the cold war which is
daily growing hotter. And if we
are to judge by their platform, a
program based on promises rather
than performance, it appears ex-
tremely doubtful that their in-
terests will direct them along the
path of a sane and peaceful reso-
lution of the cold war.
It will therefore be immensely
interesting (that is, if the "paper
curtain" is sufficiently lifted) to
contrast them with Mr. Wallace's
practical peace proposals deliv-
ered at the New Party's National
Convention in Philadelphia.
May I urge those that are fear-
ful of the military plan for war in
Phase I (war in Phase I is des-
cribed by Gen. Spaatz as being
mostsadvantageous to the United
States, because of our atom bomb
supremacy), to pay careful atten-
tion to the program for Peace, Se-
curity and Prosperity as enunciat-
ed at the New Progressive Party
National Convention in Philadel-
phia on July the 23rd.
-George Antonofsky
Fifty-Eighth Year
,Xe tter4
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dales ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ..Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation'Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
An rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal.
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press
J Iis l AS s1 0- ® s1 c l
THE FOURTH PROGRAM in the current
Faculty Concert Series was presented at
Rackham Lecture Hall Monday evening, in
the form of a piano recital by Webster Ait-
ken. Present for the occasion was a good
sized audience that overflowed the left hand
side of the auditorium, i.e., the "keyboard
The opening work on the program was a
collection of Beethoven Bagatelles, Op. 119.
These short character pieces, anticipated in
the harpsichord suites of Couperin, were
adopted by the succeeding composers of the
19th century, and became the most popular
and typical form for their piano literature,
as in Impromptus, Moments Musicaux, Ca-
priccios, etc. This "light" series of Bagatteles
made an excellent appetizer for the next
number, and also enabled Mr. Aitken to get
sufficiently warmed up for the many diffi-
culties ahead.
As with the symphony and concerto, one
finds that the climax of the 18th century
piano sonata is found in the works of
Beethoven. The Sonata in B-flat major,
Op. 106, the next work performed, repre-
sents his most monumental creation in
this form. Written in the last period of
most difficult in piano literature. It has been
accused by many of transcending the boun-
daries of pianistic ability, and has even been
orchestrated as a symphony by Weingartner.
Performances such as that of Mr. Aitken,
put the lie to these arguments. His truly
excellent technique surmounted the techni-
cal difficulties involved, and resulted in mus-
ic, rather than in a contest of strength.
The confident ease of this conquest allowed
Mr. Aitken the necessary freedom to render
4n exceedingly happy over-all interpreta-
tion of this work. In his hands, it emerged
as a very successful opus, exciting, and even
strange. The highly modulatory third move-
ment received an inspired reading, and with-
out benefit of fireworks, stood out as the
high point in a performance that was lofty
After the intermission, the program con-
tinued with Four Transcriptions from
"Emerson" by Charles Ives. This work of a
74 year old American composer, though
written in 1920, still sounds "modern." An
experimenter in atonality and polyhar-
mony, far advanced of his time, this mus-
ic shocked contemporary ears.
Actors! My friend Gus merely passed the word
Qaround Walgreen's basement that I was casting
a play and see the result!.. . Doesn't that look
like Katherine Cornell, Barnaby? And the Lunts?
0 And Helen Hayes, Charles Laughton, May West-
Where's Gus
the Ghost?
'tor.g 1 949 N... 3, . ..r ne\
7-19 I# U , p,00'
A battered old truck!
They've come with the
summer theater spirit
all right, haven't they? °
There he is,
Mr. O'Malley.
GUS! e
This sunshine, P'Malley. It's ghastly!
Barnaby's grandmother's preserve
The entire summer theater company, by a 1