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SUNDAY, ULY 19, 1949
Oleo, Ration
Bills Awaitincg
WASHINGTON, July 17-(P)-
Meat rationing and oleomargarine
tax repeal were added today to,
the legislative bill-of-fare thatl
Congress will look over when it re-t
turns a week from Monday.
A new anti-Communism bill also
was an added starter. Proposals
for all three came from the law-1
makers themselves, not from the
White House.
The trend appeared likely to
spread. President Truman can1
and did call Congress back; he
can tell Congress what he wants;
but he can't make Congress stick
to the program.
Some guarded talk was heard of±
possible investigations-inquiries
conducted by the Republican ma-
jority which would probe the
workings of some of the executive
agencies controlled by Democrats.
But the Republicans weren't tell-
ing-yet---just what they had in
The Republicans, as well as Mr.
Truman, face some prospective
headaches in the dog-days ses-
sion. But they also have an ab-
solute majority in both Houses.
Rep. Javits (Rep., N.Y.) brought
up > the meat rationing proposal.
What he wants is a law which
would let the President set up ra-
tioning and let Congress end it1
when it chose.,
U.S. Journalist
Will Discuss
Spain's Unrestt
A first-hand account of under-l
ground activities in Spain will be
presented at 8 p.m. Thursday in
Kellogg Auditorium by David1
Nussbaum, American correspond-1
ent recently returned from Europe.
Nussbaum said Spanish guerilla
forces have doubled in the past
two years and are priming for thec
overthrow of Franco.
The Spanish Republic fell nine1
years ago following the capture of
"The underground is now or-
ganized under a unified com-
mand," Nussbaum said. "Engage-
ments between government troops
and guerillas occur regularly."
Nussbaum reported the enemies
of Franco planning for his over-1
throw include Communists and]
Socialists on the Left, Monarchists
on the Right, the trade unions
and the Basque Catholics.
Nussbaum will speak under the
auspices of the American Veterans
Campus Events Preview
"Macbeth" and Taming of the Shrew," productions by the Shakes-
peare Festival Players, Ohio Wesleyan University, sponsored by the
University Department of Speech. 8 p.m. Friday, Lydia Mendelssohn
"Fannie," French Film starring Raimu. 8:30 p.m. Friday and
Saturday, Hill Auditorium.
"Emperor Waltz," with Bing Crosby and Joan Fontaine. Sunday
through Friday at the Michigan Theatre.
"Cary and the Bishop's Wife," with Cary Grant, Loretta Young
and David Niven Starts Saturday at the Michigan Theatre.
"Bride Goes Wild" with Van Johnson and June Allyson. Sunday
through Wednesday at the State Theatre.
"Sainted Sisters" with Veronica Lake and John Garfield. Starts
Thursday at the State Theatre.
"Voice of the Turtle," with Ronald Reagan and Eleanor Parker,
and "Out of the Past" with Robert Mitchum. Sunday through Tues-
day at the Wuerth Theatre.
"Trade Winds." with Frederic March and "So Well Remembered"
with Martha Scott and John Mill. Wednesday and Thursday at the
Wuerth Theatre.
Music Forum on "Coiiemporary Music." Sponsored by Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia, national professional music fraternity, Webster Ait-
ken, pianist, Rose Lee Finney, composer, Erik Leidzen, conductor and
arranger and Curt Sachs, musicologist, will be participants.
Lectures and Forums
International Law Forum: Part II, "International Law and Public
Rights." "Legal Problems of German Occupation," by Charles Fahy;
2:30 p.m. Thursday. "The Present International Status of Germany,"
by Prof. Max Rheinstein, University of Chicago, 4 p.m. Thursday "In-
ternational Crimes and Their Prosecution," by George Burke, Judge,
Military Tribunal No. 5, International Military Trials, Germany, 8
p.m. Thursday. "Codification of International Law," Prof. James
Brierly, 2:30 p.m. Friday. "International Law and Human Rights,"
by Prof. Hersch Lauterpacht, Cambridge University, England, 4 p.m.
Friday. "Peace Treaties of World War II," by Prof. William Bishop,
Jr., 8 p.m. Friday. All lectures will be held in Rm. 120 Hutchins Hall.
School of Education Lecture Series: "The Place of Vocational Ed-
ucational Education in Public Education," by Prof. Thomas Diamond,
4:05 p.m. Monday. "The School as a Laboratory for the Training of
Citizens," byProf. William C. Reavis, University of Chicago, 4:05 p.m.
Tuesday. "The Function of a Campus Teacher Training School," by
Prof. John M. Trytten, 4:05 p.m. Wednesday. "Let's Come to Grips
with the Guidance Problem in High School Mathematics," by Prof.
Raleigh Schorling, 4:05 p.m. Thursday. "Education in Oregon," by
Dean Clair Langton, Oregon State, 4:05 p.m. Friday. All lectures will
be held in the University High School Auditorium.
Charles A. Fisher Memorial Institute on Aging: "The Growing
Problem of Aging, Ernest W. Burgess, University of Chicago, 10 a.m.
"Personal Challenge of Aging: Biological Changes and Maintenance
of Health," by Dr. Edward J. Stieglitz, Washington, D.C., 1:30 p.m.
Monday. "Demonstration of Leisure Time Activities" by William G.
Robinson, Extension Service, 8 p.m. Monday. "Mental Health in Old
Age: What It Is and Tow To Have It," Dr. Moses M. Frohlich, Veter-
ans Readjustment Center, 9:30 a.m. "Relian and Religious Obeser-
vance in Old Age, Prof. Leroy Waterman; "Mental Health in Old Age;
What It Is and How To Have It," Dr. Moses M. Frohlich, Veterans Re-
adjustment Center and "Religion and Religious Observances in Old
Age," Professor Emeritus Leroy Waterman, 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. "Aging
Creatively," Dr. George Lawton, and "Living Arrangements for Older
People, Mrs. Patricia Rabinovitz, Wayne County Bureau of Social Aid,
1:30 p.m.
Student Veterans' Wives Club semi-formal. Al Rice's Orchestra.
9-12 midnight Saturday, University Building, Willow Run Village.
Square Dance. sponsored by American Youth Hostels. 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Ann Arbor High School.
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T O T S D R E S S E D' A L I K E - Children in Holland are dressed alike-except for caps--until
they are 8 years old. Boys' caps are of 6 pieces of cloth; girls' of 3 pieces. Child on left of these four
at Marken, Holland, is girl. The others are boys.
SEVEN-STORY C A R D E N- Workmen manicure
a lawn and garden on seventh floor of La Maison Francaise, one
of the fifteen buildings of New York's Rockefeller Center. The
spires of St. Patrick's Cathedral are in background.
M 0 T M E R G U A R D S B A B Y - A sealion, Catalina, stands over her baby, Guppy I, to
prevent two others from getting closer to it on rock at Chicago's Brookfield Zoo.
0 A N C I N G 0 U T-A lad performs in a tavern in the ey
of Rhodes on Island of Rhodes, in the Aegean Sea.
C 0 W - M I L K I N G C O N T E S T - State Senator Charles Olsen (right) of Massachusetts
observes technique of State Rep. W. Arthur Simpson of Vermont during cow milking contest on
Boston Common between legislators of the two states. The Massachusetts men won.
B A M B I H A S A P A L-Bambi, month-old fawn at the
Bronx Zoo, New York, plants a kiss on cheek of his toy panda.
The little white-tailed deer is being hand-raised by Mrs. Helen
Martini, who keeps the Zoo's nursery.,/
Figure-hugging one-piece swim suit, seen at the beach this
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