Inner Circle of the GOP
EVER SINCE the G.O.P. soiree in Philadel-
phia, Republicans in political positions
and the Republican press of the nation have
been touting Tom Dewey and the party plat-
form as exponents of the "new liberalism."
Dewey has suddenly emerged as the peo-
ple's friend, the fellow with the big liberal
ideas, the fair-haired boy who will clean re-
action out of the government and give Amer-
ica a foreign and domestic policy she can
be proud of.
Throughout the convention Republicans
resoundingly patted themselves on the
back for the accomplishments of their
80th Congress, responsible for such "lib-
eral" legislation as the Taft-Hartley Act,
the Mundt Bill, the tax cut bill and the
bill providing for entry into this country
of 200,000 hand-picked displaced persons.
And they promised to continue giving the
American people more of the same, if re-
It is ridiculously obvious, or ought to be,
to anyone who has been reading factual
accounts of Congressional action in the pap-
ers recently that this is just so much gum-
beating. It is equally obvious that Tom
Dewey as governor of New York was not the
great innovator and renovator his backers
make him out to be.
Campaign boasts are taken for granted in
our society, and no one is too seriously wor-
ried about extravagant claims made by pres-
idential hopefuls.
It is when one examines the records of
Dewey strategists, campaign workers and
the men he has in mind for his cabinet, if
he gets the nation's top job, that one real-
izes that maybe the whole story isn't as
obvious as it should be.
In the rush to get the latest campaign de-
velopments and "color" stories into their
papers. the nation's newsmen missed out on
some salient points about personalities at
the G.O.P. convention.
John Foster Dulles has been named by
Dewey as his choice for Secretary of State.
John Foster Dulles, before the last war, was
head of the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and
Cromwell, representatives, in this country,
of many Nazi-American cartels. Other or-
ganizations with which Dulles had close
contact as their representative were the
banking houses of J. Henry Schroeder and
the Schroeder Trust Co.
According to a charge made in 1944 by
Senator Claude Pepper of Florida, "It was
from Schroeder, an international banker,
and from the coal and iron interests of
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
western Germany represented by him, that
Adolf 'Hitler obtained the finances neces-
sary to start him on his career.
"The law firm which Mr. Dulles heads ...
was at that time closely connected with the
Schroeder banking interests, which extend-
ed to this country .. .
"It is this intimate relationship of Dulles
. to the interests that made Hitler's rise
to power possible, that should, in my opin-
ion, be one of the central points of investi-
gation before entrusting the making of peace
into the hands of any man wits these past
loyalties," Sen. Pepper said.
Then there's Dewey strategist Edwin F.
Jaecle, who played an important past in en-
gineering the nomination. Some of his for-
mer activities include the incorporation of
(remember the name?) the German Ameri-
can Bund in this country. In 1937, Jaecle,
then New York State GOP chairman, "ex-
tolled the historic background of the German
race" at a "German Day" celebration. Other
speakers on the program included Nazi Am-
bassador Hans Dieckhoff, Martin Ederer,
local Bund president, and three Nazi consular
And while we're at it, let's not forget
Rep. Hugh D. Scott, new GOP national
chairman. A "liberal" of the highest order,
Scott's record in Congress shows votes for
such "liberal" legislation as the Taft-
Hartley Act, the Mundt Bill, all GOP tax
cut bills except the one easing the tax
burden of low income families by increas-
ing family exemptions from $500 to $600,
and rent increases of 15 per cent.
In 1943 he summed up his "liberal" views
in a Lincoln's Birthday speech. ". . . it is
time the Republicans took over (because)
we are the best stock. We are the people
who represent the real grit, brains and back-
bone of America."
Sounds strangely like some things we've
heard from America Firsters, Father Cough-
lins and their ilk.
Scott's little speech fits right in with
the smear tactics employed in Dewey's un-
successful 1944 presidential campaign.
Lithuanian born Sidney Hillman, chair-
man of the CIO Political Action Commit-
tee became the scapegoat. Billboards read-
ing, "It's Your Country - Why Let Sid-
ney Hillman Run It?" defaced the country-
side. Obvious implication - Roosevelt's
main support comes from the foreign-
born labor bosses, Jews, and Communists.
Three million postcards bearing Congres-
sional franking stamps were sent out. They
read, "Browder-Hillman and the Commun-
ists Will Vote. Will You?" The Republican
National Committee footed the printing bill.
Reporters who have covered Dewey's ac-
tivities for years have said that "You have
to know Dewey to dislike him." I wouldn't
even go that far . . . you merely have to
know about him to dislike him.
-Fredrica Winters
Irnns in the Fire
WITH U.S.-SOVIET tension at a new high,
it seems appropriate to search back over
the past few years to discover what became
of those "heroic ally" salutations which were
bandied about so freely in the world con-
flict. It would be overly cynical to ascribe
this mutual esteem entirely to the exigen-
cies of war. There undoubtedly existed a
genuine fund of good will, at least between
the peoples of the two nations.
Whether the two governments ever trust-
ed one another is open to question. Stalin
certainly admired the democratic pragma-
tism of FDR, and respected him for his
prompt recognition of the Soviet Union upon
taking office. For Truman he has dislike
and not a little contempt. Harry Truman
has a sad talent for off-the-cuff remarks,
and the Kremlin has a long memory. The
day after the German invasion of Russia,
the then Senator Truman was quoted as de-
lighted, and suggested that we aid whichever
side appeared to be losing, so as to sustain
the struggle to the ultimate extinction of
both behemoths.
However slight one may rate the moral
edge of Soviet totalitarianism over the
Nazi variety, one can scarcely blame the
Russians for a policy rooted in fear and
mistrust of the nation whose chief exe-
cutive is given to such ideas. The so-called
Truman Doctrine, whereby we made wards
of half a dozen bankrupt reactionary re-
gimes scattered over the globe, hardly
strengthened our moral position.
Yet, having cited these extenuating cir-
cumstances, and after making further al-
lowance for the physical and psychological
hurts received in its recent battle for sur-
vival, the American conscience must assign
the major responsibility for the present im-
passe to the Soviet Union. The world ex-
pects of the great powers a balanced and
adult approach in all their external actions.
Instead, Russia has made her international
relations into a succession of temper tant-
rums. A nation so insecure within that it
can tolerate no deviation from the Moscow
mold by its satellites, whether it be the
Czech heresy of free elections or the minor
nationalist aberrations of Tito. A nation so
unsure of its place in history that it must
resort to stealing credit for a host of sci-
entific developments made in other coun-
tries. A nation which makes freedom a slo-
gan and a catchword, but not a way of life.
The world is not yet so maddened that
it cannot recognize a genuine case of par-
The widespread sentiment among Con-
gressional hacks for adjourning the special
session the instant it hassconvened bodes ill
for Republican election chances. An elert
GOP will make good use of the double-edged
sword the President is waving at it, by press-
ing at once to enact his civil rights program.
In so doing, they can both vindicate the
sincerity of their platform promises and
complete the split-off from the Democratic
party of the Southern primitives.
-David Saletan
'Mixed' Matches
WHEN THE UPPITY United States Lawn
Tennis Association went so far last
winter as to permti a Negro to compete for
the first time in a national tournament, it
looked as though the game had finally been
rid of its discriminatory restrictions in the
North. A recent Associated Press dispatch,
however, indicates that at least one North-
ern city has so far escaped enlightenment
in this respect.
That city is Baltimore where several per-
sons were booked for disorderly conduct last
week after refusing to play "mixed matches."
Mixed matches in this case referred to con-
tests between whites and Negroes. It seems
that Baltimore's crusty municipal code still
carries an ordinance designed to enforce
segregation in the city's public parks, the
word "public" being used very loosely of
When a group of Wallace Progressives
attempted to test the segregation, rules,
they were ordered to break up their
matches and, after reasonably refusing to
obey such a ridiculous injunction, were
carried bodily to patrol wagons.
On the surface their venture appears to
have been a futile one. The group was ef-
fectively restrained from play and the
statute is apparently still a part of the
city's legal structure.
There was one incident by way of sequel,
though, that makes the entire affair look'
somewhat promising. This is the fact that,
shortly after the scene at the tennis courts,
more than 500 persons staged a demonstra-
tion outside Baltimore's police headquarters
in protest against the action by the city
officials. This suggests that, while Balti-
more may be a delightfully old-fashioned
community and one that is unaccustomed to
the bright light of liberalism, it contains
some citizens at least who are moving along
forward lines and not running forever in
the same spot, like so many sewing-ma-
-Kenneth Lowe.
THERE CAN BE no doubt that the Rus-
Connolly Circus
1 \ f'
.. , 1' .: 14:..:
e y ' "' s,
"I wonder what that old pest wants now?"
/C -
'I - \
1 1
"You'd think there would be a better way to make him stop biting
his fingernails than this."
ald J. Bogue, Sociology; thesis:
"The Structure of the Metropoli-
tal Community: A Study of Domi-
nance and Subdominance," Mon.,
July 19, East Council Room, Rack-
haln Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chair-
man, A, H. Hawley.
Doctoral Examination for Ya-
kira Hagalili Frank, Linguistics;
thesis: "The Speeh of New York
City," Mon., July 19, 208 Angell
Hall, at 11 a.m. Chairman, Hans
Doctoral Examination for Floyd
E. An ders on, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry; thesis: "Cyclic Ace-
tals," Mon, July 19, East Council
Room, Rackhan Building, at 2
p.n. Chairman, F. F. Bhlicke.
Doctoral Examination for Don
B. Feather, Education; thesis:
"The Relation of Personality Mal-
adjustments to the Pattern of Oc-
cupational Interests," Tues., July
20, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, 3 p.m. Chairman, I. C.
History Language Examination
for the M.A. degree: Fri., July 30,
4 p.m., Room B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own
dictionary. Please register at the
History Department Office before
taking the examination,
Carillon Recital: 7:15 Sunday
evening, July 18, by Professor
Price, University Carillonneur.
The program will consist of com-
positions by Mozart: Selections
from "The Magic Flute," Ro-
mance, from "Eine kleine Nacht-
musik," Two Ave Verum, and se-
lections from "The Marriage of
Events Today
All students from China, and
former students now in Ann Ar-
bor, are invited to the house of
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Blakeman, 5
Harvard Place, 2-5 p.m. Sun., July
18 to an outdoor mixer to welcome
to Michigan the new students
from China and other universities.
Games in the Arboretum under
special Chinese Club Commitee.
Rev. Howard Sugden of the
Ganson Street Baptist Church in
Jackson, Mich., will be the speaker
at the Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship meeting Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Sugden will-speak on the sub-
ject, "What Claims Did Christ
Make for Himself?" There will be
a coffee hour following the meet-
ing', which is held in the Lane Hall
Coning Events
University of Michigan Radio
C1ub: Tuesday, July 20, Rm. 1084
East Engineering at 7:30 p.m. Al
e Forman will discuss the activities
of the CCNY Radio Club.
l The Christian Science Organi-
zation will hold its weekly meeting
- Tuesday, July 20, 7:30 p.m., Uppei
Room of Lane Hall. All are cor-
dially invited to attend.
University Community Center
- 1045 Midway Place, Willow Run
Village: Tuesday, July 20, 8 p.m
Bridge Session. Everyone welcome
L Delta Kappa Gamma: Luncheon
w on Monday, July 19, at 12:00 ir
0 the Michigan Union.
All-Education Parley. Ralph C
f Wenrich, assistant Superintenden
a of Public Instruction of Michigan
- will speak on "Present and Futur
- Aspects of Elucation in Austria.
1 University Elementary School Li-
d brary. Sponsored by Phi Delta
Kappa and Pi Lambda Theta.
Z, - -
- Pi Lambda Theta: All Educa-
a tion Parley, 7:30 Wednesday, Uni-
n versity Elementary School Library
1 Initiation, 7:30 Thursday, Wo
k men's Lounge, Rackham Building
Phil Delta Kappa: Initiation
Wednesday at 5:30 p.m., Michigan
Union, followed by All-Educatio
n Parley, 7:30 p.m., University Ele
n mentary School Library.
ll Linguistic Institute Luncheon
r Conference: Lecture by Professo
Fang-Kuei Li of the Academi
- Sinica (Natural Research Insti
tute), "The Glottal Stop as a Pho
neme in Siamese." Wednesday
n July 21, Union Building. Lunch
eon 12:10, Anderson Room, Lec
- ture 1:00, Room 308.
e Churches
11 Westminster Guild will meet w
is 5:-00 in the Social Hall. Dr. Ed.
y mund M. Wylie will speak or
"What Is Christianity." Refresh.
ments will be served.
- EI"oger Williams Guild will mee
se at ; 6:00. Colvin Peterson, Pai
le Griswold, Carol McCrady and Jin
d George will speak from their ex
e- perfence in the Students in Indus
I- try project.
<- LUtheran Student Associatioi
will meet at the Zion Luthera
Parish Hall at 5:00. The grot
; will leave for the home of Mi
Jeannette Graf on Miller Ave. fo
or a picnic supper and program.
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege, of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pot-
i'y is to publhh In the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding, 300 words, repeti-
tiu letters ani letters of a defarna-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The S
editors reserve the privilege of copa-
densing letters.
Closed Door Policy
To the Editor:
I was particularly taken with
your article, "Coed Crashes Gate"
in Friday's Daily, but quite in dis-
agreement with her comment
"stupid but forgiveable;" I would
call it stuDid but unforgiveable.
This is a tradition which is a
hangover from the horse and bug-'t
gy days, and as the horse was re-
placed by the car, there is no rea-
son why this bit of antiquity'
should not be replaced by a more
common sense approach. On one,
occasion, I saw a girl trudge
through the front door with a
wardrobe case in one hand and a,%
suitcase in the other, only to be
told she would have to go around
to the side door.
Because of the growth of our
student body and the general util-,
ity of the Union building (such
as for the purchase of bus tickets)
to others besides men, such a tra-
dition'becomes held only for tra-
dition's sake and has no value in
our present campus life. Tradi-'
tions in our society are only valu-
able in themselves, and to main-
tain them for tradition's sake is
a poor excuse.
For the Michigan Union to have -
on salary a person whose only ob-
vious function is to keep women
from entering the front door cer-
tainly is ridiculous.
-Bob Santway
* * *
Slosson Suggestion
To the Editor:
The Battle Is Joined
WASHINGTON-Since -the President's de-
cision to call the Republican'Congress
back to "hold their feet in the fire," there is
only one really safe prediction of what
Washington will be like during the coming
months. Washington will be hot, and by
no means only in the atmospheric sense of
that word. The hot rage of the Republicans
at Truman's special session call is giving a
good many Democrats a deal of malicious
pleasure. Even so, some of the wiser Demo-
cratic heads are already beginning to doubt
that in three months or so the President will
feel like congratulating himself on the de-
cision he has just taken.
As one of them put it: "In a prize fight,
unless it's a push-over one way or the other,
both fighters are apt to get hurt." Presi-
dent Truman is no doubt capable of giving
the Republicans in Congress a bloody nose,
by loudly contrasting their promises in Phil-
adelphia with their forthcoming perform-
ance on Capitol Hill. But it will be sur-
prising if the Republican Congressional lead-
ers, who are by no means stupid men, do not
succeed in administering a number of tell-
ing blows somewhere near the President's
political solar plexus. The fact is that in a
battle between Congress and the President,
the results are apt to be about equally un-
happy for both, unless the President is a
man of such stature as not the warmest of
his admirers claim for Harry S. Truman.
Thus the real beneficiaries of the sav-
age battle which is about to be fought in
Washington's humid heat are likely to be
those who are not directly involved in the
fight. These include those Democratic
politicians who are trying to beat the Re-
publicans in local contests.
Such local leaders as New York's Mayor
William O'Dwyer and Chicago's Colonel Ja-
cob Arvey are delighted with the special
session call. This is perfectly understand-
able. So is the towering rage of such men
as Colonel Robert R. McCormick's fair-hair-
ed boy, Illinois Republican Senator C. Way-
land ("Curly") Brooks.
The case of Senator Brooks is illuminat-
ing. His Senate seat is being contested by
an able liberal, Paul Douglas, with the back-
ing of Arvey's Democratic machine. Because
Henry Wallace's third party, never averse
to aan- JaiAA.nni .P'nuhbins_ is it nut-
Republican mentors will permit him to
take a popular stand on these issues.
Second, while the unfortunate Brooks is
sweating in Washington, Douglas will be
free to build his political fences in Illinois,
with the help of Arvey's energetic cohorts.
No wonder the Brooks blood-pressure has
risen. And precisely the same sort of situa-
tion exists in a number of other cases, as
for example between Minnesota's Hubert
Humphrey and his Republican opponent,
Senator Joseph Ball.
Thus the President's bold move should help
Democratic candidates in a number of local
contests in the North. But will it help the
Certainly it was designed to do so, and
certainly it seems calculated to put Gov-
ernors Dewey and Warren in an agonizingly
embarrassing situation. On the stump, they
will be offering the country modern, en-
lightened government. But on Capitol Hill,
most members of their party will be balking
at such measures as Senator Robert A. Taft's
relatively mild housing bill, which most Con-
gressional Republicans, like Taft's Ohio col-
league, Senator John Bricker, regard as
nasty Socialistic nonsense.
Moreover, although neither Republican
nominee is in Congress, they will not be
able entirely to escape responsibility for
what Congress does. This means in turn
a running series of conferences between
Dewey and such Republican Congression-
al leaders as the Senate's Taft and Joe
Martin of the House. Since Dewey and the
Congressional leaders by no means see
eye to eye on all matters, these occasions
may well be distinctly painful.
Even so, Dewey will be able to remain to
some degree above the battle. The Presi-
dent cannot. Moreover, the President has
clearly decided to cast aside the statesman's
toga which he has worn so uncomfortably,
and to indulge in some really tough political
infighting. The unedifying spectacle of a
long, rather squalid Presidential squabble
with the Congress will scarcely add to the
President's stature in these times. For more
is involved than the. political fortunes of
Harry S. Truman. And the savage bitter-
ness of the fight which the President has
now initiated can hardly contribute to the
unity of the country, as the grim crisis
abroad continues to grow more grim.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc)
(Continued from Page 2)
panel will be the general editor of
the pamphlet, 1rofessor C. D.
Music Forum: Tues., July 20, 8
p.m., Hussey Room of the Michi-
gan League. The subject, "Con-
temporary Music," will be ap-
proached from the standpoint of
the performer and the listener.
Raymond Kendall will act as
chairman of the panel. Partici-
pating are Webster Aitken, pian-
ist, Ross Lee Finney, composer,
Erik Leidzen, conductor and ar-
ranger, and Curt Sachs, musicolo-
gist, members of the School of
Music Summer Session staff.
Sponsored by the Phi Mu Alpha
music fraternity, is open to the
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
The Clevelanl Electric Illumi-
nating Company will have a rep-
resentative here on Tues., July 20,
to interview men for their ac-
counting department. Men should
be accounting majors. They also
have an opening for an assistant
economist--graduate in economics
or business administration with
master's degree or one year of
graduate work in public utility ec-
onomics. Complete information is
on file at the Bureau. Call exten-
sion 371 for appointments.
Initiation of new members of
the Xi chapter of the Pi Lambda
Theta will be held Thursday, July
22, in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building at 7:30
Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences: Open meeting at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday, July 20. Meeting
will be held in Room 1084 East
Engineering. Guest Speaker: Prof.
J. A. Bolt of the University of
Michigan Mechanical Engineering
Department. Topic: "Fuel Systems
for Jet Airplanes." Guests are
The weekly conversation groups
of La Sociedad Hispanica will
meet at 4 p.m. in the League Cafe-
teria on Wednesday and at the
International Center on Thursday.
All interested in speaking Spanish
informally are cordially invited.
The fourth in the series of sum-
mer meetings of La Sociedad His-
panica will take place Wednesday,
July 21, at 8 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham
Building. The program will be
"Una noche venezolana" featuring
a talk. "Analisis historico cultural
Summer Session Lecture Series
Clair Wilcox, Professor of Eco-
nomics Swarthmore College, "Re-
construction and World Trade.'
July 20, 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lee
ture'Hall. The International Trade
Organization Charter, Thurs.
July 20, 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lec
ture Hall. The Internationa
Trade Organization Charter
Thurs., July 22, 4:10 p.m., Rack
ham Amphitheatre.
Symposium on Theoretical ani
Nuclear Physics
Program for the week begin
ning July 19th. Lecture schedule
Room 150 Hutchins Hall
Professor H. B. G. Casimir wil
continue his discussion of "Lou
Temperature Physics" at 1
o'clock on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.
Professor Julian Schwinger, o
Harvard University, will begino
series of lectures on "Recent De
velopments in Quantum Electro
dynamics." Meetings are at 1
o'clock Monday, Wednesday, an
Professor Edwin M. McMillan
University of California, will pre
sent the first three lectures ofo
series on "Recent Experiments i:
High Energy Physics" at 10 and 1
o'clock on Tuesday and 11 o'cloc
on Thursday.
Physics Colloquia: 8 p.m. Eas
Conference Room, Rackham.
Professor F. J. Belinfante, Pur
due University, will discuss "A
Introduction to 'Subtractio
Physics'" on Tuesday evening.
Professor H. B. G. Casimir wi
speak on "Symmetry Relations fo
Irreversible Processes and Elec
trical Networks" on Thursday e:ve
Monday, July 19, at 4:15 p.m. i
the Rackham Lecture Hall, Dr. E
E. Dale of the University of Oklv.
homa, Professor of Research His
tory, will speak on the "Romanc
of the Cow Country." On Wednes
day, July 21, at 4:15, Dr. Dale wi
speak on "The Indian and hi
Problems." The public is cordiall
Linguistic Institute Forum Lee
ture. "The Syntax of the Claus
in Hittite," by Miss E. Adelaid
Hahn, Professor of Latin an
Greek and Chairman of the De
partment of Classics, Hunter Co
lege. Tuesday, July 20, 7:30, Rack
ham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations fo
Would it not be wise to ask'
Preston W. Slosson, professor of
history, to write a few articles in
The Michigan Daily upon such'
topics of current interest as:
Two Party Platforms Now Be-
fore Us, The Near East - On
Stage and Behind It, Control of
Atomic Energy and Politics, Can
Taxation Methods Evade Us in
Michigan? Some Things a Con-
gressman Should Know, Are the
Local Issues Knit into World Af-
fairs? How Does the Taft-Hart-
ley Bill Halt Production? What
of the Human Side of Our 1948
By affording him the chance to
discuss questions in the general,
field of current history, he can
correct the harm done to his
candidacy, inadvertently or other-,
wise, in the recent 'headlines.
It is proper, no doubt, for the
Dean of Students to recognize
the major not the narrower cleav-
ages, and for the campus to de-
bate its local issues with fervor.
But these affairs h'ave resulted in
deadly headlines. It is that head- 4
line write in the main office of a
newspaper who can turn the
switch and direct the thinking for
his readers as to the new candi-
Give Preston Slosson a place of
given length in seven issues in The
Daily and he will keep the rule&
of this political game and begin
to win the campaign. I thank you.
-E. pW. Blakeman
Mr. Blakeman's proposal would
be out of the question inasmuch
as The Daily policy does not
permit partisan stands on politi-
cal issues.-ED.
Fi fty-Eighth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications..
Editorial Staff
Vida Dailes ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor
Joseph R.LWalsh, Jr .Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James.......Business Manager
Rarry Berg.......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
ThedAssociatedsPress is exclusively,
-ntitled to the use for re-publication
>f all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.