P'AGE TWO~ TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948 i' Convention Footnote THE CURTAIN has dropped on the second act of the nomination drama-or melo- drama-but it has not hidden from view cer- tain features of that frenzied program. Rather, spectators have merely been re- minded again of several flaws that have long characterized the national convention system. These flaws were recently analyzed by a correspondent for the New York Times, who prepared a five-point indictment against the system. In view of tIe recent goings-on in Philadelphia, his findings are particularly timely. Specifically, the indictment reads: 1. That convention delegates are often not representative of the areas from which they were selected. This means that a traditionally Republican state, such as Maine, had almost as many votes to cast for or against Truman as it had for or against Dewey. In other words, Maine, in spite of revised convention rules, was near- ly as influential in selecting the Demo- cratic candidate as it was in choosing the Republican nominee, even though the electoral votes of that state will almost certainly be spent on Dewey. 2. That, although a few states grant their, electorate the opportunity to indicate their preferred candidates, the large majority of states have no provisions for a popular ex- pression of the voters' choice. Selection of the nominees in these latter states is often controlled by the whim of politicians seek- ing patronage benefits by supporting some particular candidate. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. OWN NIGHT EDITOR: IVAN KELLEY 3. That the President of the party in office is customarily backed for re-nomina- tion, regardless of his record in office and largely, again, for patronage reasons. This, one feels, was one of the prime factors behind Truman's victory Wednesday night. 4. That large states are heavily favored by the distribution of national convention delegates. The case of New York's Dewey is in no way exceptional in this respect since one candidate from his state has been on every Presidential ballot since 1920. 5. That the conventions are preceded by so little creative planning and conduct- ed in such haste and to the accompani- ment of so much fol-de-rol that thorough consideration of candidates and platforms is virtually impossible. Several suggestions have been drawn up for correcting the situation. One calls for the selection by the delegates of several possible candidates whose names would be placed on a party ballot which would then be voted on by the people in a uniform, nation-wide primary election. Another pro- posal would abolish the convention nominat- ing procedure, leaving the decisions to be made on a national direct primary held simultaneously in each state. Still another suggestion simply urges that the people soehow recover from their chronic leth- argy and acquire an active interest in pol- itics at the local nominating stage. Objections to the present system are based for the most part on the feeling that it permits an undemocratic state of affairs and allows a select few to control the designation of nominees, a right that should belong exclusively to the people. And the central question involvel in the entire existing procedure, as the New York Times has observed, is not whether the na- tional convention defies the will of the people but whether it is as responsive to that will as it might be. -Kenneth Lowe. MATTER OF FACT: The Democratic Split By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP PHILADELPHIA - In the long run, the final, open split between the Northern and Southern Democrats is likely to prove a more important event of this convention than any mere nomination of candidates. The passage yesterday afternoon of the strong civil rights resolution of Mayor Hubert Humphrey Minneapolis leaves a split far more embittered, far more difficult to heal, than the splits of the Northern and Southern Democrats of the '20s. Then the issues were merely rum and romanism. Now they are civil rights and social change. The convention's action was, of course, the result of the mounting rage of the Northern Democrats against the Southern shouters for white supremacy. Some of these have gone so far, at this heart-breaking con- vention, that one began to expect the Mis- sissippi delegation to propose repeal of the anti-slavery amendments of the Constitu- tion. The general odor of the Southern bloc was not improved, either, by its almost equally impassioned advocacy of the Tide- lands oil grab, no doubt not unconnected with the reported financing of the forth- coming Southern rump convention by the oil interests. In the passion of the moment, men more representative of the real South, like Senator Lister Hill of Alabama, were rendered powerless. And in the passion of the moment, the Northerners became in- furiated with all Southerners and hit out with little regard for immediate conse- quences. President Truman had desperately hoped to patch up a compromise. By his instruc- tion, his few faithful henchmen like Senator J. Howard McGrath of Rhode Island and Senator Francis Myers of Pennsylvania, tried frantically to pass the resolutions com- mittee's weasel-worded civil rights plank. But the plans of the insurrectionists had been well laid, mainly at a meeting of the Americans for Democratic Action, for whom this is a big score. John Shelley of California was prepared to lead his men in a march on the platform if convention chairman Sam Rayburn tried to gavel the rebels down. The A.D.A. had men in every Northern dele- gation, ready to demand delegation roll calls if delegates tried to go along with Truman. And the big city leaders-Ed Flynn, Paul Fitzpatrick, Ed Kelly, Jake Arvey, David Lawrence-formed part of the combination. They had the votes, and they won:. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc) CINEMA At Hill Auditorium BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, with Jean Marais and Josette Day. HERE IS A FAIRY TALE, with all the fantasy and artful magic of a children's fable, but in reality this delightful style of presentation is the whipped cream covering of a highly sophisticated love story. It is the age-old theme of the pure young maiden, afraid to leave her father's home for the uncertainties of marriage. Her maturation to accept love, though it comes masked in ugliness, is told in beautiful allegory and intricate symbolism. A prologue asks credulity for the fantasy employed, and without further ado we are taken to the tree-encompassed lair of the Beast, where Beauty comes as sacrifice for her father's trespasses there. Pictorially amazing, the forest hideaway is at first a frightening place of candelabra, enchanted mirrors and statues with moving heads. The first appearance of the Beast is almost as terrifying to the audience as it is to Beauty, and at one point the poor girl does one of the most justified swoons on film. But as the pure-hearted Beauty comes to sense the loneliness and inner torment of her hideous captor, her fear gradually diminishes until love replaces it, and she at last frees the unhappy beast from the evil spell that has made him this horrible demi-monster. I took the moving statues to be sym- bolic of the interest people take in a love affair, and fitted Beauty's two selfish sisters, her friends at home and the magic of jewels from dust into my own an- alysis of the story. Although students of Freud will have a heyday with the net- work of symbols employed, this is a picture to which everyone can give a personal in- terpretation. Jean Marais does a skillful job of his tri-charactered role, and his make-up ar- tistry as the Beast should make Max Fac- tor sit up and cry "How?" Josette Day, as RBauitv liveswimtn the nameand monve I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Change of Heart By SAMUEL GRAFTON PHILADELPHIA-The Democratic party now embarks upon that old college try, and as a result many of the lobby clutterers who have come here to observe this conven- tion are beginning to feel that maybe it will be a real fight, after all. This feeling has nothing to do with the merits; it arises at one moment or another before almost all prize fights, no matter how the contestants stack up, and it is coning up noy. The boys are beginning to feel better about Truman. There is a touch of anger now and then aganist anti-Truman cracks, which is a big change from last Sunday. That adulatory something which comes along to make a man a president after his election also op- erates, in a lesser degree, to make a man a candidate after his nomination is secure, and I guess it was about 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon that a movement set in to con- sider Truman a pretty good nominee. You could almost see people coming to this con- clusion, and you felt that if you stood close enough to them as they did it, you would hear a little "ping" as the change of mind was accomplished. The liberals are being taunted with having hurt Truman's chances by being too pessimistic, by raising a holler against him, and by plugging for Douglas, etc. It is a poor sort of year in which to be a liberal. They came down here to com- plain that Truman was bad for the liberal movement, and the answer they have ob- tained is that the liberal movement is bad for Truman. It just goes to show what sort of week this has been; it even ends by muddying the question of who has been bad for whom. Anyway, the virtue hunt is on. It is being found that Truman is courageous and also serene. And it is among Republican observ- ers here and in Republican editorials, that I have found some of the strongest and ear- liest statements to the effect that Truman is not such a bad candidate and is in some ways a good one. Strangely enough, I do not feel that it is because they consider Truman to be their pigeon that Republicans say these things about him. I think they have been really shocked by the liberal clamor which has been raised within the party against the President, and I sometimes wonder whether they have not been disturbed by it, as by the sight of something naked, something which upsets the complacent assumption that explicit liberalism is a past phase in American life. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.) Current Movies] At the State ... TENTH AVENUE ANGEL, with Mar- garet O'Brien. Although her acting is becoming more stylized with each performance, Margaret O'Brien is still the kid that likes to dress up in all kinds of costumes and produce, at will, the biggest and rollingest tears in filmland. As the Angel, she dresses up as a little girl in the "not so good" 10th Avenue district of New York and stains her freckled cheeks when the world of wishes is replaced by the cold facts of life. Without her make-believe, Margaret falls down on the job of helping out the people on the street, including her jobless parents, the ex-con making good and the blind newspaper dealer on the corner. Later, Margaret finds a cow kneeling in a stock yard full of gangsters which restores her faith. So' with several plot pirouettes and a few minor miracles, a typically Dick- enesque ending finds all the good people ecstatically happy and most of the bad people in jail. Fittingly enough Margaret holds most of the scenes, leaving the rest of the cast little to do but fill in with straight, underplayed performances. Although this one is in the "life can be beautiful" bracket, it fails to ring the bell because all its situations, homey incidents and tragedies are trite. Yet Margaret is good, the action moves rapidly and it is better entertainment than the run-of-the- mill Hollywood extravaganza. -Craig H. Wilson * * * At the Michigan .. . WINTER MEETING, wih Bette Davis and James Davis. AFTER "WINTER MEETING" had been panned by practically every reviewer in the nation, the rumor arose that Bette Davis had been forced to make it under the threat of another Warner Brothers suspen- sion. She denied the rumor, saying that she had been quite eager to make the pic- ture. That is an unparalleled confession of sin. Miss Davis and I suffered through two hours of this thing and I, for one, still don't know what it was all about. As far as I could tell it consisted of two colorless people recounting their dreary lives. There was the endless business with cigarettes and the lofty, vapid talk that have come to characterize a Betty Davis film. It seemed like a glimpse of eternity. The writing and direction are terrible and the acting is not much better. The picture .; z. it ' : MA Yoh D Z S +( S ?. rr,"4 - r;i , 9em4 2XF .o E._.r; Editorial Rounds Christian Science Monitor .. . j For the Arabs Dangerous Corner j WHAT MAY be the beginning of a fundamental change in the Pal- estine situation has now been registered in the major world capi- tals and in the United Nations. It is the result of Arab refusal to ex- tend the truce period, after the Israeli had agreed to do so. This looks like a diplomatic blunder on the Arabs' part. Hereto- fore the approach of international opinion to the Palesine problem, through the UN and in all visible diplomatic moves, has been based on a theory of equal innocence for both contenders. Neither was to be regarded as an aggressor, at any rate so long as the armies operated in a manner that could be construed as defending the territories al- lotted to Arabs and Jews in the UN partition plan. Bombings of strategic points in either territory did not violate this concept so long as the ultimate objective was not clearly aggressive. If there was an element of fiction in all this, there were also ele- ments of reality. The formula's usefulness, however, is put to a se- vere test by the latest events in the Holy Land. By refusing to extend the truce at the suggestion of Count Bernadotte, the UN mediator, and at the request of the UN itself, the Arabs have invited world cen- sure. They are immediately confronted with Israeli charges, laid be- fore the UN Security Council, of violating the truce some hours be- fore its expiration. There have of course been charges of violations from both sides on several occasions. But the importance of this Jewish charge is that, if sustained by the Security Council, it could lead to UN action against the Arabs under Chapter VII of the Charter, including imposition of sanctions against them. THAT DEVELOPMENT, if coupled with a lifting of the American embargo against arms shipments to the Middle East, would be a serious blow to the Arabs' military prospects. The Arabs are talking a great deal about British treaty obligations to them, but the British have said that if the UN finds the Arabs guilty of illegal acts Britain's obligations to the UN will override those in its treaties with Arab states. Aside from the loss of prestige which the Arabs have suffered over the entire diplomatic front, there are known also to be weaknesses within the Arab League. Egypt and Syria seem more intent on resum- ing warfare, for example, than does King Abdullah of Transjordan. Moves to exploit Arab divergencies are part of the general effort to bring the Arabs into line with a world opinion otherwise due to turn sharply against them. And today there is much less probability than a few weeks ago that the Arabs can counter with efforts to split the United States and Britain. The Nation.. A Turn for the Worse' THE CRISIS IN BERLIN seems to have taken a turn for the worse with the presentation of notes from Britain, France, and the United States to Moscow protesting against the Russian blockade. The fact that, after several days and numerous consultations, three notes were sent instead of one reflects the differences among the Western allies as to the proper policy to follow. We still believe it is most unfortunate that France has lost its natural role of mediator, and evn more so that the Berlin crisis finds the two blocs facing each other without any other force in a position to intervene. Had it not been the policy of the great powers to reduce the initiative of the United Nations, this would be the moment for Trygve Lie to offer its good offices. But an appeal of .the Berlin Municipal Council to the Danish government asking that it request the intervention of the United Nations was turned down in Copenhagen as condemned in advance to futility. Consequently, we see the Western Allies and Russia heading toward a situation in which agreement will become more difficult with the dispatch of each "more serious" note, and retreat more painful as prestige and honor become involved in the controversy. The best hope is that once the dispute has been taken out of the hands of the military commanders, the governments may decide that if the German problem is ever to be solved by a peaceful means it had better be done before disintegration has gone so far that even the will to repair the damage will have disappeared. * * * * r e New York Herald-Tribune ... The Platform APPLE OF ALL EYES 40~~ * ~ \\ 41' ,JK r. iAN°T1 ' Publications in The Daily Officiala Bulletin is constructive notice to all0 members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in type- written form to the Office of the Sum- mer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publi- cation (11:00 pm. Saturdays) * * S NoticesV FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948 c VOL. LVIII, No. 186 F Former holders of a Regents- Alumni Scholarship who have lostJ the scholarship for academic rea- sons may apply at the Scholar- ship Office, 206 University Hall,I for reinstatement of scholarships providing a significant improve-i ment has been made in academic record. All petitions must be filed4 by August 20, 1948.C Bureau of Appointments & Occu- pational Information, 201 MasonE Hall The Cleveland Electric Illumi- nating Company will have a rep- resentative here on Tues., July1 20th, to interview men for their accounting department. Men should be accounting majors. Theyf also have an opening for an as- sistant economist-graduate in economics or business administra- tion with master's degree or one year of graduate work in public utility economics. Complete in- formation is on file at the Bureau. Call extension 371 for appoint- ments.1 The third Fresh Air Camp1 Clinic will be held on Friday, Julyl 16, 1948.tDiscussions begin at8 8 p.m. in the Main Lodge of the1 Fresh Air Camp located on Pat- terson Lake. Any University stu- dents interested in problems of individual and group therapy1 This approach is no novelty in) party platforms, and it might be harmless enough if in this in-1 stance it did not embrace the whole area of foreign policy. One of the hopes for the coming months is that foreign policy will be kept free of narrowly partisan discussion. Through his adviser, Mr. John Foster Dulles, Governor Dewey has been preparing to keep in touch with current negotia- tions, so as to take no stand which might needlessly complicate or distort them. In his keynote speech Senator Barkley was care- ful to give Republicans in Con- gress due credit for shaping for- eign policy. But the platform affords no intimation of the statesmanlike efforts which have marked both parties, and by its exaggerated claims threatens to bring into the heat of the cam- paign questions which should be dealt with solely from the point of view of national interest. SON DOMESTIC ISSUES the platform restates positions which the majority of the Con- gress has again and again over- ridden; it might have been framed, indeed, on the basis of an exclusive reading of Mr. Tru- man's numerous veto messages. By its demand for an outright re- peal of the Taft-Hartley law, in particular, it goes clearly against the popular mandate to under- take a new approach to labor problems; and it goes against that majority of the Democrats in Congress which voted for the bill. The chief weakness in this field is less that of the platform than of the party which stands back of it. The Democrats at the end of their long regime, divided among themselves and with control of only a portion of the government, have grown incapable of putting into effect even their more desir- able measures, and incapable of administering with a minimum of efficiency the day-to-day af- fairs of government. The bright spot in the plat- form is the plank of civil rights, which achieved its present form after a bitter fight on the floor. But this clear and notable state- ment was not won without weak- ening the party and threatening a bolt of Southern elements in November. By a curious irony this plank, specially commending Pres- ident Truman for his courageous stand, was a belated tribute to the man whom the party had done so much to discredit and belittle. Mayor Humphries of Minneapo- lis, who led the fight to have it adopted, was one of those who a short while before had been sug- gesting that President Truman was not fit to run. If this respect ( for Mr. Truman's considerable qualities had been expressed by the liberal wing at the start of the convention, the Democratic party would be able to go into its cam- paign with some inner.. integrity and confidence. are invited to attend. The discus- sant will be Mr; Herbert J. Booth of the Flint State Child Guidance Clinic, Flint. Visitor's Night, Department of Astronomy-Fri., July 16, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m., in Angell Hall, for ob- servation of Moon. Visitor's Night will be cancelled if the sky is cloudy. Children must be accom- panied by adults. (The second and last Visitor's Night during the Summer Session will be held on July 30). Survey Research Techniques: There will be a conference for students and instructors attend- ing the special summer session in Survey Research Techniques at 4 p.m. Mon., July 19, in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Approved Social Events Weekend July 16-17, 1948 July 16, 1948 Robert Owen Coop, Wallace Progressives, Wilcox House. July 17, 1948 Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sig- ma Phi, Congregational-Disciples Guild, Delta Tau Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Lectures Dean V. A. Tan, College of En- gineering, the University of the Philippines will give a lecture on "Certain Features of the Rehabili- tation Program of the Philippine Republic," Fri., July 16, 3 p.m., Room 445 West Engineering Bldg. Everyone cordially invited. The fourth lecture in the spe- cial lecture series sponsored by the Department of Engineering Mechanics will be presented by Mr. D. B. Steinman, Consulting Engineer of New York. Mr. Stein- man will speak on "Bridges and Aerodynamics" on Friday, July 16, 8 p.m. in the Rackham Am- phitheatre, and Saturday, July 17, at 11 a.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations for Doctorate in School of Education. Examinations will be held on Au- gust 16, 17 and 18, from 9 till 12 noon. Anyone desiring to take these examinations should notify Dr. Woody's Office, 4000 Univer- sity High School, by July 19. Coming Events Chinese All students from China, and former students now in Ann Ar- bor, are invited to the house of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Blakeman, 5 Harvard Place, 2-5 p.m. Sun., July 18 to an outdoor mixer to welcome to Michigan the new students from China and other universities. Games in the Arboretum under special Chinese Club Commiee. 2-3 Mixer-5 Harvard Place. Fifty-Eighth Year I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t "1 h i 1 It MUSIC YESTERDAY EVENING a highly enjoy- able recital was given at Rackham Lec- ture Hall by Andrew White, baritone. A fair sized audience repeatedly indicated its great pleasure at his fine singing, and gracious stage presence. One temporary lapse of memory was successfully bridged with a hu- morous anecdote, and created a pleasantly informal diversion that completely won the audience's heart. This happy ability to put the audience at ease, plus a very good mu- sical performance, combined to make the evening a happy event for all concerned. Throughout the recital, Mr. White dis- played a large well-trained voice, pleasant in all registers, accurate in intonation, sure in phrasing, and excellent in projection of the softest pianissimos, and also the text. His general good musical feeling, success- fully established the mood of each work on the program.' In Gerard's Monologue "Nemico della Pa- tria" from Andrea Chenier, Mr. White was especially successful in creating the melo- dramatic atmosphere of the opera. In the songs of Delius, Strauss and Wolff, he showed a marked ability for sustaining a good cantabile line. Equally successful was his humor in Gruenberg's "Two Old Crows." . nmP ivznC noim +"mn++arna and t cn+- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan underthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staf Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor Joseph R.LWalsh, Jr. Sports Editor Business Staff Robert James .......Business Manager Harry Berg......Advertising Manager Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 I THE DEMOCRATIC platform is' lengthy, and filled with the self-praise which the party needs to keep up its courage through the months ahead. There is no ad- vance of the past sixteen years, whether political, social or eco- nomic, which is not attributed entirely to the Democrats' fore- sight and statesmanship; and no setback but is laid squarely at the feet of Republicans. The plat- form didn't quite say that all the soldiers, sailors and airmen who fought in the war had been Demo- crats, but it comes close to giving that impression. BARNABY R "4 I fh lmh ns rvI ' At l %nrn #^1,4 I no ^nr1 lr L-,o 1 1;.P r-ghr, 1948, N- Y $yt 1A 9G o isg t3. S ¢oF I Fr rm,,nerrofive noncourn1 .r 1