CONVENTION FOOTNOTE See Page 2 Y 41t 4UU ti1 CLOUDY WITH SCATTERED SHOWERS Latest Deadline in theState VOL. LVIII, No. 186 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS [JN Orders Arabs, Jews To Halt Warfare Truman Calls New Session Of Congress Special Meeting . To Start July 26 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 15-With a pointed challenge for action in "the public interest" President Truman today formally called " Congress back for a special summer session. Back in the White House, the President told the lawmakers to assemble July 26---a week from next Monday. Republicans slammed at the special session call as "cheap politics," "sheer desperation," and a "trick." Some-but by no means all-of the Democratic legislators hailed Mr. Truman's decision as a constructive move. Others shook their heads and predicted little will be accom- plished. The President has a dray-load of legislative requests ready to dump at the capitol door. He reeled off a dozen of them in his speech accepting the Democratic Presidential nomination at Phila- delphia early today. Practically all are crammed with controversy and double- dipped in dissension: civil rights, price controls, housing, federal aid to schools, broadened Social Security, a boost in the statu- tory minimum wage, an "ade- quate and decent" revision of the law permitting the entry of displaced persons from Europe. His call for more public power could set off the fight over "Valley Projects" modeled on the Tennes- ' see Valley Authority. There were possibilities for a sharp difference of opinion over a national health program, particularly if it includ- ed pl ns for compulsory pre-paid health insurance. Whether any, all or none of the President's broad recommenda- tions will be written into the law could not be forecast. But one thing was very clear: the extraor- dinary session is certain to mold the shape of this year's presiden- tial campaign. U' Cautions City Motorists Italy Communist Leaders Yield, Order Strike End By The Associated Press ROME, Friday, July 16-(IP)--Italy's Communist labor leaders yielded to the government early today and ordered the nation-wide general strike to end at noon (4 a.m., CST). Troops patrolled the streets of Genoa tonight as the government apparently decided to get tough and stop the general strike resulting from the shooting of Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti. The prefect of Genoa province proclaimed a state of emergency today. Interior Minister Mario Scelba sent troops in armored cars to THE PRESIDENTIAL SMILE-Harry S. Truman and Sen. Alben Barkley of Kentucky, presidential and vice-presidential candidates, respectively, face the Democratic Convention with a big, happy smile. The President (left) arrived in Philadelphia Wednesday night to accept his nomination, after the first ballot had put him in, with more than 300 votes to spare. LEGAL PROBLEMS: Preuss Cites Supremacy o International Law at Forum Safety Program Protect Terrace Will Area The University took steps yes- terday to crack down on alleged speeding violations by motorists driving in the University terrace area following numerous com- plaints from parents of small chil- dren. "A special plea will be sent to all Terrace residents and more safety signs will be erected," Fran- cis C. Shiel, residence hall business manager, announced. City and University police will continue to patrol the area carefully, he add- ed. Terrace residents contacted were "alarmed about the speeding sit- uation." They cited residents with- out children and taxicab drivers for allegedly "forgetting that there are more than 100 children in the area." Besides speeding, residents claimed that cars have run up on the sidewalks on occasion and al- most rammed parked cars several times. Children playing in the Terrace development are "endangered," residents said. However, there has been no ser- ious accidents reported in the area so far,.according to manager Shiel. Although the University prom- ised more signs similar to the "dummy" signs used near schools, The Daily found thirteen 15 miles per hour signs already posted in the roadway, which is less than a mile long. Law Forum Will Hear Two Lectures Today Charles S. Rhyne, international and aviation law expert, will pre- sent the third lecture in the For- um on International Law at 2:30 n mfnrnv n NifincT-AII International law has become supreme over a nation's internal law, Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the political science department de- clared yesterday. Speaking at the Forum on Current Problems in International law, Prof. Preuss added that it is incorrect to suppose that the di- rect application and enforcement of international law is confined to the practice of the United States and Great Britain. International law has been adopted intothe municipal law of Germany, Rus- sia, China and other nations, he said. Elementary "An elementary principle of in- ternational law and one that is constantly upheld in practice is that the internal law of a state does not determine its interna- tional responsibility," Prof. Preuss asserted. In the second lecture, Dr. Yuen- Li Liang, speaking on "The Legal Status of the UN in the U.S.,", said that the legal facets -of or- IW orld News At LaGlance By The Associated Press SALINA, Kas., July 15-Nine men were killed today inbthe crash of an Army B-29 bomber return- ing from a simulated bombing mission over four mid-western cities. It was one of a group which made simulated bombing runs over St. Louis, the two Kansas Citys and Omaha, Neb. * * * WASHINGTON, July 15-(P)- Tb- Army, Navy and Air Force will begin accepting special en- listments of 18-year old volun- teers under the new draft act on next Wednesday, July 21. * * * PITTSBURGH, July 15-Re- ports were persistent tonight that U.S. Steel Corp. and the CIO United Steelworkers have reached an accord on wage in- creases. for nearly 300,000 em- plo'yes- * * * HALIFAX, July 15-A United States Navy Skymaster made an emergency landing at nearby East- ern Passage Airport today after developing engine trouble 30 min- utes out of Halifax. None of its 35 passengers and crew was in- jured. * * * WASHINGTON, July 15 - John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers Journal asserted today that organized labor itself should work for repeal of the Taft- Hartley Act rather than depend on the Democratic party plat- form. The Journal said that Presi- dent Truman, "by his champion- ship of anti-labor injunctions ..+amnr *a1. ii . ... ,.uran ganizational problems today are not different than those that faced other international organ- izations after World War I, but that they are merely extended by today's largeness in the scale of organization. He compared the body of 800 See BRIERLY--Page 4 Young Demts Ask for Talks ByCandidates Efforts were begun last night by the Young Democrats Club to co- sponsor with the Young Republi- cans a joint meeting at which all Congressional candidates from the Second District would be given an opportunity to speak. The action was in response to a request from "Students for Slos- son" supporters and followed the statement by Associate Dean Wal- ter B. Rea outlining reasons for denial of recognition to the Slos- son club by the Student Affairs Committee. Walsh Statement "While we are not able to work directly on the campus, we believe that students should have an op- portunity to contrast Prof. Slos- son with the other candidates," Tom Walsh, temporary chairman of the Slosson group, said. "Such a meeting will enble both students and townspeople to make a more intelligent comparison of both the candidates and the is- sues in the coming election," Bob Collins, chairman of the Young Democrats, said after the club had voted to approve the requests at last night's meeting. Endorse Civil Rights The Democrats also discussed the party platform and endorsed the adoption of a "specific and meaningful" civil rights plank by the national convention. Commenting on the denial of recognition to the Slosson organi- zation, Collins said, "It now ap- pears that the reason for non-rec- ognition of the group is that its purpose is the endorsement of a candidate who is also a univer- sity professor." help him maintain order. Workmen who seized factories 'Solidarit' in Berlin'Praised By U.S._Army Blockade by Russia Called Intolerable' BERLIN, July 15-(P)-The U.S. Military government told the German people tonight "the civil- ized world has demonstrated its complete solidarity" against Rus- sia's "brutal starvation blockade" of Berlin. A military government radio broadcast called the Soviet block- ade "intolerable" and compared it to the actions of Adolf Hitler's Nazi government. 'Right To Demand' The official broadcast told the Germans they had a right to de- mand the lifting of the blockade. It told Berliners that "all free Germans" are supporting them and that the crisis here has given "the exponents of German unity a rallying cry behind Berlin." More aid through the British- American air life was promised Berliners with the prospect that new techniques and the expansion of landing fields might permit B- 29s to join the air supply fleet. The British gave notice tonight that Russian military action is the only way the Soviets can clamp down on Berlin's air corri- dors. Britain's Position Britain's position was stated by group Capt. H. M. Wright of the RAF at a news conference. Asked about threats in the Rus- sion official press to restrict trav- el along the three corridors, Wright said: "I can't think of anything they could do about changing the agreed corridor rules except by military action." Death Comes To Pershing WASHINGTON, July 15--()- General of the Armies John J. Pershing, who in his 87 years had fought Indians and led American forces to victory in World War I, died today. The country's flags were low- ered to half-staff in grateful re- spect, by Presidential order. Death, which had hovered near the ailing old soldier for many months, came quietly in the pre- dawn hours. At Walter Reed army Medical center, here he had been a pa- tient since 1941, the doctors said a blood clot was the immediate cause of death. But a heart condi- tion, produced by extreme age, had paved the way. The General will be buried Mon- day in Arlington National Military Cemetery after ceremonies such as the nation reserves for its great men. in Turin were said to have broken out red flags over the buildings. Sources close to the office of Premier Alcide De Gasperi said the government felt the "political strike" had lasted long enough for Togliatti's followers to blow off steam. If it continued, it was said, the government would use all means to break it-including us- ing troops to operate trains. The Communist- dominated General Labor Confederation, which called a general strike last night, was reported far from unit- ed on it. The pro-government mi- nority demanded an immediate end to the strike, which it called political. Scelba's interior ministry re- ported early today that the grip of the strike was loosening, with Sicilian and Neopolitan railway workers, government employes and many other joining a back-to- work movement. Seven persons have been killed so far in riots throughout Italy. The seventh was a baby shot through the stomach last night when a mob fired on a landown- ers' home near Bologna. Tito Attacked As 'Betrayer' By Cominformn LONDON, July 15 - (/P) - The Russian dominated Cominform denounced Marshal Tito today as a "betrayer of the working class" who rules Yugoslav Communists with a "regime of terror." The Cominform renewed its battle with Tito, making its sec- ond attempt to discredit the Yugo- slav Premier. It sounded an ap- parent call for Yugoslav Commu- nists to break with Tito. Appears in Bulletin The blast appears in today's is- sue of the Cominform Bulletin, scheduled to go on sale in Buchar- est tonight. Rejecting Tito's "defense against the Cominform" charges of anti-Soviet nationalism, the ar- ticle said the Yugoslav replies "taste of nationalist hate directed against world-wide Communist movements." In what appeared to be its call for Yugoslav Communists, to break with Tito, the Cominform de- cleared: "It Is. Clear" "It is clear for all Marxists that the Communist party of Yugo- slavia will remain loyal to Marx- ism-Leninism, will weed out the plague of bourgeois nationalism and will step forward under the banner of Leninist-Stalinist in- ternationalism on the way to the construction of socialism." The article accused Tito and his top ministers of packing the fifth congress of the Yugoslav Com- munist party, due to open next Wednesday, with handpicked del- egates. The article accused Tito and his top ministers of packing the fifth congress of the Yugoslav Com- munist party, due to open next Wednesday, with handpicked del- egates. "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST"-Josette Day is the sleeping Beauty, Jean Marais is the insomnious Beast. The French movie will have its Ann Arbor premiere tonight at Hill Auditorium. * * * * BEAUTY AND BEAST Faculty Guests Laud Cocteau Movie After Sneak Preview Provides for' Backing by Armed Force Final Vote, 7-1; Russia A bstains By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, July 15-The Security Council tonight ordered the Jews and Arabs to halt the war in Palestine. The decision was backed up with provisions for United Nations force if necessary. The final vote was 7 to 1 with Syria alone in opposition. Russia, the Soviet Ukraine and Argentina abstained. The decision, taken on an Amer-. ican resolution, gave the Jews and Arabs three days to cease fire. It went far beyond previous UN ac- tions which merely asked the two ,ides to stop fighting and allowed hem to reject the pleas without consequences. A sneak preview showing of "Beauty and the Beast" last night drew delighted comments from a group of specially-invited faculty members. Using such adjectives as "won- derful," "magnificent" and "en- chanting," they registered unani- mous approval for the new French film, to be shown to the public as 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow at Hill Auditorium. Newcomb Approves "Most people I know will like this show," wrote Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the sociology de- partment. "I'm sorry for them if they don't." Another professor commented, "An excellent film, original in its presentation and in its spirit. The characters are well cast; the im- age is good." The film told "a very delightful and beautifully partrayed story," according to another comment. Fairy Tale Told in fairy-tale fashion, "Beauty and the Beast" is a devel- opment of the familiar childhood story from an adult point of view. Jean Cocteau, director of the pic- ture, attempted realism only in that the characters have some of the sugar-coating taken off. Cocteau continues, "To fairy- land as people usually see it, I would bring a kind of realism to banish the vague and misty non- sense now so completely outworn." Extra Feature Featured on the same program is "One World Or None," a short film telling in pictorial style of the relationship between the atom bomb and world cooperation. Tickets for the films are on sale Dr. Condon Given New Clearance WASHINGTON, July 15-(I)- After a double check, the Atomic Energy Commission today gave Dr. Edward U. Condon a renewed clearance to have access to res- tricted atomic data necessary to his work as director of the Na- tional Bureau of Standards. The commission issued a mem- orandum declaring it has "no question whatever" concerning Condon's loyalty and that his con- tinued clearance is in the best in- terests of the atomic energy pro- gram. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Univer- sity Hall, and from 3 p.m to 8:30 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. An open house today at Robert Owen Co-op, 1017 Oakland, will follow the movies, which are spon- sored by ,Art League and the In- ter-Cooperative Council. Israeli Plane Gives Cairo First Bombing CAIRO, July 15--( P)-An Israeli plane bombed Cairo tonight. It was the first Jewish air attack of the Palestine war on the big Egyp- tian capital. The Egyptian Defense Ministry issued a communique saying "at 7:55 this evening (11:55 a.m. CST) an enemy plane raided Cairo and dropped some bombs." The com- munique did not specify where in Cairo the bombs fell, whether there were any casualties or the extent of the damage. King Farouk's capital of 1,500,- 000 had escaped air attack from the Jews, although its suburbs suf- fered a few minor bombings dur- ing World War II. Cairo is about 350 miles from Tel Aviv, the. Is- raeli capital, which the Egyptians said they bombed today. The same communique said Egyptian planes raided Tel Aviv, adding that "our heavy bombers dropped high explosives and in- cendiaries on objectives, causing considerable damage and many fires." The Iraqi government issued a communique in Baghdad saying its planes raided Haifa harbor, scoring a direct hit on one large vessel and left it burning. Cairo was the third Arab capital bombed by the Jews in the Arab- Jewish war. Israeli planes raided Damascus, Syria, and Amman, Trans-Jordan, before the United Nations four-week truce early in June. The Egyptians have consist- ently bombed Tel Aviv since the war began. In Tel Aviv, an Israeli military spokesman said tonight a lull had occurred in the Palestine ground fighting. No major clashes took place on any front during teh day, he said, although artillery shelling continued. Israeli claimed her troops are poised along three sides of Naz- areth, the home of Christ, and that their forces had hammered Arabs near Jerusalem. The Holy City was bombed shortly after midnight by Egyptian planes which hit Jerusalem resi- dential areas. It was the second raid in Jerusalem's history. Unof- ficial reports listed one person killed and seven injured. Open Air Dance The Fresh Air Dance, with mus- Russia supported the order to the Jews and Arabs to lay down their arms. The Soviet Union, however, refused to endorse parts of theAmerican plan call- ing for further mediation efforts by Count Folke Bernadotte and the abstention on the final bal- lot apparently was in protest against inclusion of these sec- tions. Russia could have killed the whole plan with a veto. Argenting. abstained because of opposition to the use of force. Arab delegates have told the Council that they could see no pos- sibility of the Arabs accepting the order. Israel vas expected to com- ply. The resolution also ordered an unconditionalcease-fire in Jeru- salem to take effect within 24 hours. Weary delegates tools the final vote at 7:95 p.m., (CS't) ater three full days of debate. Para- graph by paragraph voting took nearly four hours and the re- sults became official only when a ballot was taken on the entire American resolution. Cairo and Tel Aviv were bombed while the Council debated. The resolution said there is now a threat to world peace in Pales- tine. If either the Jews or Arabs ignore this order, the situation is automatically ruled a breach of world peace. The council then must consider immediately which steps to take to enforce the or- der. The UN charter lists diplo- matic sanctions, economic sanc- tions and as a last resort the util- ization of international land, sea and air forces. Count Folke Bernadotte was instructed to supervise the cease-fire, which is of unlim- ited duration, and to continue his efforts at Jewish-Arab me- diation. Russia refused to sup- port the sections concerning Bernadotte in the paragraph voting, contending he is trying to wreck the partition plan. After some wrangling, Syria agreed not to press at this time for a vote on the proposal to ask the International Court of Justice for an opinion on the status of Palestine. The council adjourned at 7:58 p.m. (CST). No date was set for the next meeting. Bernadotte has reservations for Saturday to fly back to his Middle East headquar- ters on the Island of Rhodes. Dates Set for Post Summer Courses The Post Session, to be held after the regular Summer Session, will last from Aug. 16 to Sept. 10. The four weeks session was in- stituted to allow graduate and un- dergraduate students to earn an extra three hours credit. Courses offered are Economics 153ps (Modern Economic Society), His- tory 139ps (Nineteenth Century Europe: A Study of Nationalistic Movements), and Sociology 154ps (Modern Social,Problems). Economics 153ps will be taught by Prof. William B. Palmer, and Sociology 154ps will be taught by Prof. Werner S. Landecker. His- tory 139ps will be taught by Prof. ------- ------ DAIL Y CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS: State Delegates Have 'jittery' Time in Philadelphia By JOHN CAMPBELL (Daily Correspondent) PHILADELPHIA, July 15 - Michigan's Democratic delegation had to ditch favorite son Frank Hook early this morning to get on the Barkley band wagon. But that was all right with the former congressman from Iron- convention. The long list of sec- onds for the Kentucky senator on the early part of the roll call how- ever, made it apparent that the Barkley band wagon was starting, and Michigan jumped on. Hook is scheduled to oppose Re- publican senator Homer Ferguson in his bid for reelection this fall upon returning home. They had in mind what happened to Gov. Kim Sigler after the GOP convention. * * * The more optimistic DemocratsI left town wearing buttons read- ing: "We did it to Dewey once and we can do it again." * * * the gun during the Democrats' week. They sent an elaborate sound truck around the city. The sound truck carried a merry-go- round on which both the Repub- lican and Democratic parties were travelling. Henry Wallace's supporters are sure he will get the brass ring. E