SLIGHT CASE OF CANCER See Page 4 Y A6F r n Dairltit1 IAlR COOLER Latest Deadline in the State__||||_||__|sih VOL. LVIII, No. 184 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Preuss'Talk Will Keynote Law Forum International Law To Be Chief Topic Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department will be the first speaker at the Law Forum opening here tomorrow. He will discuss "Conflict Be- tween International and Domes- tic Law," at 2:30 p.m., Rm. 120 Hutchins Hall, where all sessions of the Forum on Current Prob- lems in International Law will be held. Sessions The forum will hold sessions to- morrow and Friday on the general ' topic of "International Law and Private Rights, and two more sessions on Thursday and Friday, July 22-23, dealing with "Inter- national Law and Public Rights." Other speakers tomorrow will be Dr. Yuen-Li Liang, director of the Division of Development and Codification of International Law for th e,IN, and James L. Brierly, professor emeritus of intern ation- al law at Oxford University. Prof. Brierly has taught international law since 1923, served on a League of Nations legal committee and is the British candidate for election to the permanent UN Commission on International Law. Dr. Yuen-Li Liang will discuss "The Legal Status of the United Nations in the United States" at 4 p.m. Lecture Taopics Prof. Brierly will talk on "The British Approach to International Law" at 8 p.m. Friday's lectures will be given by Charles S. Rhyne and William W. Bishop, Jr., who is scheduled to join the University Law School faculty in the fall. Mr. Rhyne will speak at 2:30 p.m. on "International Law and Air Transportation. Prof. Bishop's topic will be "The Legal Status in the United States of Foreign Government Owned Corporations." His lecture will be- gin at 4 p.r%. The forum will be attended not only by lawyers from many parts of the United States, but also by a judge from Oslo, Norway, who is visiting a faculty member here. All sessions are open to the pub- lc. Refute Russian Accusation of Air Violatio11 To Fly Food to Berlin Claim U.S. Has Right BERLIN, July 13--(P)-The American Deputy Military Gov- ernor rebuffed tonight Russian protests that American planes bringing food to Berlin are guilty of "disorderly flights." He also challenged quickly a Russian hint that the, American airmen must have Soviet permis- sion to use the 20-mile wide air corridor to"Berlin. He said Ameri- can rights to the corridor are clear. Preliminary Check The official, Maj. Gen. George P. Hays, said a preliminary check showed the Soviet charges are un- founded. He promised a thorough investigation. Hays said each complaint in the past-about 30 since April-had been investigated and not one vio- lation of safety regulations had been found. The Russians complained July 10 that Americans violated flight safety rules in the corridor on three occasions recently and flew over Soviet military installations. Sufficient Food L. T. Steck, food chief for the American Military Government, said tonight that thanks to the air lift, Western Berlin has food stocks on hand sufficient to feed its 2,000 000 Germans for at least four weeks. New controls on travel by Ger- mans between Berlin and Western Germany were imposed tonight by the Russians. The order, announced by the Soviet-controlled German news agency ADN, said henceforth any German. in Berlin wishing to travel to the Western zones must 'Students for Slosson' Not Recognized By SAC Walsh Attacks Action as 'Infringement' Of Students' Rights to Work in Activities The Student Affairs Committee yesterday denied recognition to the newly-formed Students for Slosson organization. No reasons were released by the committee in explanation for its action. The Students for Slosson club was organized last week to coordi- nate support for the Congressional candidacy of Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department. Prof. Slosson has the backing of the Washtenaw County Demo- cratic Club. Thomas Walsh, literary college senior who organized the Stu- DMs Defeat ivil Rights Plank U. S. Calls for Cease-Fire Order k 7' * * * 13uirr Predicts Victory Over Prof. Slosson Cites Experience as Key to Nomination By JOHN CAMPBELL (Daily Correspondent) PHILADELPHIA, July 13-"I have experience and I am close to the masses." TAis is the keynote of Redmond Burr's campaign against the Uni- versity's Prof. Preston Slosson, of the history department, for the Democratic nomination for Con- gress from Washtenaw, Jackson, Monroe and Lenawee counties. The 65 year old railroader from Ann Arbor now attending the Democratic National Convention is confident that he will beat Slos- son in the primary to be held Sept. 14. For' experience, he can point to ten years as an alderman, six of those years in Ann Arbor, and two years in the State Legis- lature. Not Even Alderman "As far as I know," he says, "Slosson never even ran for alder- man." Burr claims wide support in each of the four counties. "I have lived among the masses and they know I am interested in their wel- fare." Candidate Burr describes him- self as "a railroad man and a farmer." He works for the Chesa- peake and Ohio Railroad and has been an executive in the railroad union. He thinks his background and experience will go down better' with the voters than Slosson's "academic" approach. Truman-Like Liberal As for politics, Burr considers himself a "liberal" of the Truman shade. He favors the President's civil rights program and wants to see the man from Missouri nom- inated. "How can a party repudiate its leader?" he asks. On the other hand, Burr doesn't think Slosson's constant defense of the liberal element on the Michigan campus will help him any in the election. "He's too close to the fringe," according to Burr. "Didn't he stand up for Gerhart Eisler? The people are getting fed up with the Communists." International Relations Burr shrugs off the accent on international relations in Slos- son's campaign. "Doesn't he knowI the Senate makes the treaties, not the House?" The self - assured railroader, however, is making no predictions about his chances in the Novem- ber election. He admits the Re- publicans are strong, especially inj Washtenaw County. %dents for Slosson group, com- menting on the Committee's ac- tion said: "I cannot help but con- sider this action by the Student Affairs Committee as an infringe- nent of the rights ofnUniversity students to organize and engage freely in any legitimate activity. "I have written the University suggesting that since it has re- fused recognition to a group sup- porting the Congressional candi- dacy of Preston W. Slosson, that it be consistent and take a parallel Prof. Slosson's comment late last night from Jackson, where he was speaking, was: "The only topic on which I don't want to be quoted by The Michigan Daily is my candidacy of office. I am running not as a professor, but as a citizen - independent of the University. I will gladly discuss any political matter except myself in The Michigan Daily." action by contacting Gov. Dewey and insisting that he refrain from using the Victors Song in his cam- paign since it might conceivably indicate that the University was all for him, which is certainly not the case." Walsh added that the reason for the formation of a Students See'SLOSSON, Page 2 * * * Leaders Ask S AC Reason Immediate reaction from stu- dent political club leaders fol- lowed the denial of recognition to the Students for Slosson organi- zation by the Student Affairs Committee. Bob Cobbins, chairman of the Young Democrats, said that the action is, on the face "arbitrary and discriminatory." The SAC should take note that it recently recognized the Students for Doug- las. . . "At a minimum there should be forthcoming a statement from the SAC outlining its pres- ent stand." James Terrell, Wallace Progres- sives' chairman, asserted that "In view of President Ruthven's statement upon the announcement of Prof. Slosson's candidacy, that he hoped that more faculty men' would take an interest in politics, I feel that the Students for Slos- son should be encouraged rather than denied recognition." ..the SAC should at the earli- est possible moment, clarify its stand and reveal its reason for the action." Young Republican Club chair- man, Jack Warren suggested that "If the reason for the refusal is failure to meet the July 2 regis- tration deadline then, in view of the late organization of this group, it would seem that this is an in- cident in which the rule should be waived." Includes Use Of UN Forcee In Pialestinle Jessup Demands Speedy UN Vote By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, July 15-Te United States today demanded that the SecuritydCouncil order an immediate cease-fire in Pales- tine. The proposal provides for use of United Nations force if the Arabs or Jews fail to comply. U. S. deputy delegate Philip Jessup asked for a speedy vote and the Council plunged into debate. Sir Alexander Caogan an- nounced British support of the American plan with minor qualifications. Syria immedi- ately opposed it, with Faris El Khouri re-introduicing an old Arab plan to refer the whole Palestine problem to the Inter- national Court of Justice. El Khouri conceded the UN could suppress the Arabs but he sai the moment UN forces pulled out of the Holy Land fighting would start all over again. A spokesman for the Israeli gov- ernment complained the Ameri- can plan would keep in force a worldwide arms embargo and re- strictions on Jewish immigration. The Council adjourned until tomorrow morning when Russia is expected to speak on the American motion. The cease-fire would take ef- feet within three days and would remain in effect until the situation in the Holy Land could be peacefully adjusted. It was the strongest proposal ever laid before the Council. En- forcement would come through in- voking diplomatic and economic sanctions or an international army. Jessup introduced the proposal after Count Folke Bernadotte ap- pealed for an order to stop the war. "The United Nations must not allow the Palestine problem to be worked out on the field of battle," the Swedish Count said before a Council jammed with spectators. ** * * Arab Leaders To Intensify PalestineFight CAIRO, July 13 - (P) - Arab leaders huddled in Amman today to plan intensified war - against the Jews but a well-informed Jewish source said a new Pales- tine truce is likely. In the battle areas, air and ground action ' mounted. Haifa had its first air raid of this war. Two bombs were dropped. The arab office, an information service maintained in London by the seven Arab states, said the Arab peoples see themselves being blackmailed by a campaign of tremendous diplomatic pressure from the West to coerce them into acceptance of a Jewish state in Palestine. It said Britain is taking a. leading part in the campaign. Truce Discussion The Arab League secretary, Ab- del Rahman Azzam Pasha, said "There is no question of a truce." In Amman, the Trans-Jordan capital, Azzam Pasha said his meetings there with Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese and Trans-Jordan offi- cials were "in the interest of in- tensifying the Arab war effort in Palestine." Arab and Jewish artillery blazed away in the bitter battle for the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway. The Jews seemed to be preparing for an attack to drive the Arabs from Jerusalem. Reported Mutiny WANT A CONVENTION SEAT-Balcony seats for the opening session of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, attracted few takers. This is a view of seats at the rear of the hall, halfway through the session. The Convention got off to a slow start, but with a promise of a speedy finish and with President Truman forces in full control. LECTURE SERIES: Europe Can Pull Itself Out Of Reconstruction Crisis-n- tt With support from the Western Hemisphere, Europe can pull her self out of a difficult economic situation if she is willing to do her part, Camille Gutt, representative of the International Monetary Fund, commented in two lectures this week. "There is no basis for despair," he commented, speaking on "Fi- nancial Factors in European Re- construction," in the fourth week of the University summer lecture series on economic reconstruction in Europe. Favorable Factors He called attention to "favor- able factors," which included U.S. aid, favorable markets provided by prosperity in the Western Hemi- sphere, and the existence of es- tablished means for international cooperation through the Interna- tional Monetary Fund, of which he is managing director, and other institutions. "Even with this breathing spell, the task confronting Europe is difficult since an almost revolu- tionary pattern of international trade is necessary to provide a proper European balance of pay- ments." Mr. Gutt called for elimination of current inflation and the "leg- acy of the past" which he de- scribed as the latent inflation gen- erated in the post-war period when consumers have been un- able to purchase goods because of shortages. Latent Inflation He said this latent inflation could be wiped out by some edict to reduce* the amount of private wealth, or by increasing the amount of goods which consumers are seeking. On the international scene, Eu- rope's problems stem from at- tempts to make payment for im- ports of goods needed for recon- struction. To purchase these goods, all the world needs control of dollars, he said. No Useful Purpose "However, any move to have the International Monetary Fund de- clare the dollar a "scarce curren- cy" would not achieve any useful purpose because the present situa- tion is not like the one which was envisaged at the time the fund was planned at Bretton Woods," Mr. Gutt said. The reason for the shortage of dollars is not curtailment of im- ports into the United States, but rather that the United States is the only country with the capac- ity to produce export goods which are clearly needed abroad, accord- ing to Mr. Gutt. .Pulitzer Prize Comedy Wil Begin Today The Pulitzer Prize-winning play, "You Can't Take It With You," will open a four-day engagement on campus at 8 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Leading roles in the speech qe- partment's production of the Hart-George Kaufman comedy hit will be played by Helen Garling- ton as PenelopebSycamore; Grace Foster as her daughter, Essie; Lawrence Johnson as Mr. de Pinna and James Lynch as Martin Van- derhof. Supporting them will be Ted Heusel, William Bromfield and Richard Etlinger. They will por- tray Paul Sycamore, Tony Kirby and Boris Kolenkov, respectively. Other members of the cast in- clude Beulah Bond, Al Nadeau, Willis Pitts, Shirley Loeblich, Sam Rich, Ann B. Davis, Donald Barbe, Sarah McBride, Stephen Irving, Jack Campbell, Nelson Harvey and Geraldine Wolfe. The comedy, which became a Broadway favorite and was later converted into an Academy Award film, will be performed on cam- pus today through Saturday at 8 p.m. only. No Saturday matinee performance will be given. Platform Favors T-I3I Law Repeal; Arming of Israel Delegates Still Wage Heated Battle Over Mayor Humphrey's Proposal By The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, July 13-The Democratic platform committee tonight overwhelmingly defeated an attempt to commit the party to specific legislation along the lines of President Truman's Civil Rights Program. Before plunging into the climactic Civil Rights fight the plat- form committee came out for repeal of the Taft-Hartley Labor Law and the sending of U.S. arms to the new state of Israel. Senator Scott Lucas of Illinois told reporters that "thunderous no's" and very few ayes greeted the proposal by Mayor Hubert Hum- phrey of Minneapolis to incorpor- * * * ate the Civil Rights program inB[l y e the party platform. ar ie een The Humphrey proposal, spon- sored by the Americans for Democratic Action, would haveI C o pledged the party to support Federal action to guarantee to vice-President all Americans these four things: (1.) Personal safety from lynching and mob vioelnce; (2) Rayburn Smashes at equal opportunity in employ- ment; (3) full and free political Republican Policies participation; (4) equal treat- ment in the armed forces. CONVENTION HALL, Philadel- Lucas also reported that the phia, July 13 -(P) - Democrats committee defeated an attempt brushed up their vice presidential by an Alabama delegate to weaken toga for Senate Leader Alben the tentative Civil Rights plank Barkley tonight while House in the platform by knocking out a Leader Sam Rayburn slugged the sentence which calls on Congress GOP as a party that helps the peo- "to exercise its full authority to ple only by "mistake." the limits of the Constitution to Delegation after delegation at assure and protect" the right to the Democratic national conven- live, work, vote and have equal tion scrambled -onto the Barkley protection of the law. for vice president bandwagon. The actions taken so far by Truman Push the 108-member platform com- President Truman gave it a mittee did not determine-.con- push himself. He passed the word clusively whether the ancient he'd be "happy" to have Barley issues of race and states' rights become his running mate. would cause a bitter convention Evidently he's coming up from fight when the platform is of- Washington himself tomorrow or fered to the Democratic Conven- Thursday to accept the presiden- tion tomorrow. tial nomination. Secret service The Civil Rights battle was still men combed over Convention Hall. going on at a late hour, amid Barkley made himself the popu- steaming heat. , lar favorite for second place on The "secrecy" rule of the big the ticket with a hard-swinging committte had broken down. May- keynote speech to the convention or Hubert Humphrey of Minneap- last night. Tonight he turned over ohs popped out of the meeting, to Rayburn the presiding officer's and announced that he had made gavel and the cudgel he used on a second attempt to pledge equal the Republicans. treatment of racial groups in the teRpbias armed services. He said his And Rayburn flailed away with amendment was beaten by a 36Cboth. to 28 vote, and that he intended Calls Names to try it again. He called the Republican Party StilllaeHuprycm ot one of "privilege and depression, t lr 1ater Hmphrey came outnde i of the uproarious meeting again of boom and bust." The American and told reporters tha body by people know their real friends and voice vote defeatedtthebMoody enemies, he said, and: states' rights proposal and .two "They know which party is al- other states' rights motions. ways 'in there trying' to do the Humphrey said his group was best for them whatever its mis- reserving judgment on whether takes; and they know what party to carry their idea of a Civil never does anything for them un- Rights plank to the convention less by its mistake." floor. Senator Claude Pepper of Flor- AIThough he was fighting to ida gave up his two-day-old boom- make the plank more specific, let for the presidential nomina- he said the language as ap tion. He said Democrats are proved by the full committee is watching the breakup of their "broad and conclusive" and party. much better than the similar plank in the 1944 platform. ol L As for the rest of the platform, O S OrOUgl the Minneapolis mayor said it is "wondeful."Settles Strike He added, however, that it failed 1" to contain a pledge for a Federal Health Insurance Program-a pro- Of Coal Umnn gram which, he said, President Truman wanted the party to promise. WASHINGTON, July 13-(AP)- Fderal Judge T.T Aln Goldsbor INTERNATIONAL LAW: Brierly Says Legal Education Must Be liberal, Humane' "Legal education must be liberal and humane, otherwise the law becomes an arrid, uninteresting thing," Professor James L. Brier- ly of Oxford University said here yesterday in a special lecture. which inaugurated his participa-; tion in the new international law program. Speaking on 'The Place of In- ternational Law in the Legal Edu- cation," he pointed out that be- cause of the general lack of pub- lic participation in everyday in- ternational problems, the law stu- dent does niot bring to class the advance information he has ac- quired extra-curricularly in such fields as criminal and contract be absolutely necessary, because there are not enough qualified in- ternational lawyers to do the work that presently exists. The second reason for including law in the general legal curricu- lum is, that despite the demand for specialization, the lawyer must have a varied background, and "the student who evades these problems will be a less all- round lawyer." His last, but most important reason, is that there is a need for the trained lawyer to take the lead and help "the enthusiastic re- formers keep their feet on solid ground-which he cannot do if he DAILY COVERS CONVENTION: Philly's Face Changes in T By JOHNCAPBEL ough brought about a peaceful, out-of-court settlement today of a week-long strike of United Mine Workers in the "captive" coal mines of the steel industry. The contract quickly was signed and the 40,000 strikers were ad- vised to go back to work. In the dispute compromised to- day, the steel companies had re- fused to sign the July 1 contract accepted by the rest of the soft coal operators because it gave Lewis a union shop. But the. union shop urovision By JOHN CAMPBELL (Daily Correspondent) PHILADELPHIA, July 13--No matter how you look at it, the Quaker City just isn't the same lively place it was three weeks ago. The colored lights are still tion so far has been the activities of the Democrats for Douglas, mostly college students, including some from the University campus. They managed to decorate every lamp post in the center of the city with a Douglas poster and set anyone-he just knows Ike is the man the country needs. To the people "in the street, Snyder is probably the only inter- esting character around to make things lively at the Democratic convention, but to the newsmen