StiTU FT3r Z'', ' 1Q, 19.18
FRATERNITIES, as E. B. White once
pointedly remarked, are the antithesis
of fraternity.
However, recent developments at a meet-
ing of collegiate groups may force Mr. White
to qualify his statement. A new national
collegiate fraternity, Beta Sigma Tau, which
grew out of the meeting, is returning to the
real meaning of fraternity - a common
brotherhood of men.
In one bold stroke, Beta Sigma Tau
brushed aside all the distasteful features
its contemporary Greek-letter houses have
adhered to for years, the same features
at which Mr. White's comments were di-
It has outlawed the "Black-Ball." That
means that new members will be chosen
without regard to race, religion or national
origin. And if that revolutionary step were
not enough to rock many frat-men back on
their collective heels, they announced them-
selves as being opposed to hazing of pledges,
secrecy of organization and high initiation
and membership fees.
Editorials publtsbed in The Michigan Daily
are written by nembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
~ - - --
l Fraternity
Altogether, the new fraternity's constitu-
tion represents a Bill of Rights for members
and for students hoping to enter fraternity
Two chararteristics of the fraternity re-
main: the fact that it functions as a fra-
ternity and the fact that it is identified
by the three Greek letters. Even the latter
symbols caused a furor at the group's or-
ganizing session and resulted in the
forming of a separate, but similar, frater-
nity called the American Commons Club.
Beta Sigma Tau is no "paper" organiza-
tion. Chapters are now functioning at Ohio
State University, University of Indiana, Uni-
versity of California, Roosevelt College, Uni-
versity of Buffalo and others. There can be
no question of its success; Beta Sigma Tau
is here to stay!
For the entire fraternity pattern on all
the nation's campuses, the new organization
is a distinct shot in the arm. The way has
been shown for other fraternities to liberal-
ize their constitutions. Eventually the re-
sult will be a greater acceptance of frater-
nities as a beneficial portion of college liv-
ing and not a snobbish class society as they
appear to be today.
A Beta Sigma Tau fraternity is badly
needed on the University of Michigan cam-
pus. We feel sure that many students would
welcome it whole-heartedly.
-Craig H. Wilson.
Sad Spectacle
WASHINGTON-One bitter anti-Truman
Democrat compares the unfortunate
President to Haiti's King Christophe. Chris-
tophe was the black dictator who ordered
his army to march to certain death off the
towering battlements of his mountain pal-
ace. The bitter Democrat asserts that Tru-
man is demonstrating his power in much
the same way, by insisting on his nomina-
tion and thus insuring the destruction of the
Democratic party.
No doubt the analogy is unfair, and cer-
tainly it is unsafe to make predictions of the
outcome of"the electionat this early date.
Yet it certainly seems likely that if Truman
is nominated, as now appears certain, his
electoral campaign will be about as sad a
spectacle as any in recent history. lndeed,
the mind boggles at the prospect.
Let us take Mr. Truman on an imag-
inary campaign trip. His first stop is, say,
Philadelphia. In Pennsylvania, the grow-
ing Democratic revolt against Truman
has recently forced the careful national
Fenile Soil
BANNING, a sport long popular in the
eastern United States, seems to be en-
joying another lively revival in New York
City this summer. At the moment 70 mem-
bers of New York University's School of Ed-
ucation are in dispute with the city Board
of Educators in a contest over the disposi-
tion of the weekly magazine, "The Nation"
A ban was imposed on that magazine last
spring after it had printed a series of ar-
ticles by Paul Blanshard in which he dis-
cussed Catholicism in its relation to such
topics as fascism, politics, science and cen-
sorship. Nine city school officials saw fit
at that timte to withdraw "The Nation" from
the approved lists of New York's schools on
the grounds that Blanshard's articles con-
stituted an attack on religion.!
Their highly questionable decision was
subsequently upheld by the Board, an act
which made many wonder whether they
were not witnessing yet another invasion
into the field of civil rights.
At this juncture, Archibald MacLeish,
former Librarian of Congress and present
member of UNESCO, drafted a letter to the
acting president of the Board in which he
labelled the ban on "The Nation" as "the
most dangerous" recent challenge "to the
American principle of freedom of mind and
freedom of expression."
In his capacity as head of a committee
formed to combat the shadowy action of the
public school officials, Mr. MacLeish had
this to say about the ban:
"It threatens not only the liberal press
but the whole press ... What it meansis
simply this: That any pressure group with
sufficient political power, wishing to sil-
ence criticism of its action, can do so by
suppressing that criticism in the schools
or on the shelves of public libraries. The
pretext that Blanshard's articles were an
attack on religion is palpable nonsense
unless 'religion' is to be understood to
mean whatever a church does, whether in
international politics or in national poli-
tics or in a city's schools or its hospitals
or its newspapers or its tax system, or even
the most intimate and least constitutional
aspects of the lives of its families."
Mr. MacLeish's letter was followed by one
signed by the 70 N.Y.U. faculty members.
Addressing the Superintendent of Schools,
they maintained that "this action is con-
trary to the fundamental principles of free
committeeman, David Lawrence, suffi-
ciently off the fence to remark wistfully
that Eisenhower could "sweep the coun-
Mr. Truman moves on to New Jersey.
There that statesmanlike figure, former
Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City, has pub-
licly branded the President as inadequate, in
response to pressure from the Democratic
rank and file, and the entire New Jersey
Democratic delegation has been committed
against Truman.
The President's next stop is New York. The
mayor of that city, William O'Dwyer, has
made it quite clear that he would prefer
any one to Truman, and both Bronx boss
Ed Flynn and national committeeman Paul
Fitzpatrick have played ill-concealed footy-
footy with the stop-Truman forces. Perhaps
somewhat discouraged by the coolness of
his reception, Mr. Truhan rushes on to Chi-
cago. Democratic boss Jacob Arvey of that
city has been a leader of the stop-Truman
forces from the beginning, and such other
influential Illinois political figures as Ed
Kelly have privately expressed an equal lack
of enthusiasm for the Truman candidacy.
Perhaps it is 'better to draw a veil at this
point over the reception Mr. Truman can
be expected to receive in a number of other
Northern states. As for the South, it would
be unkind to mention it. Altogether, as still
another bitter Democrat has remarked, "The
President had better confine his campaign-
ing to Missouri."
It is true, of course, that a nomination
for the Presidency can effect miraculous
changes in his party's attitude toward the
nominee, as witness the vast love-feast which
the Republican party has become after the
hotly contested nomination of Governor
Thomas E. Dewey. But it is difficult to
imagine the endless list of Truman's Dem-
ocratic enemies all kissing and making up.
It is unlikely that many of the Democratic
leaders who have declared against Truman's
nomination will actively oppose his candi-
dacy. But certainly a record number of
hands will be sat upon during the coming
campaign if Truman is nominated.
Thus the Truman campaign seems cer-
tain to be a pretty painful business. This
is so not only because of the publicly ex-
pressed hostility of so great a propor-
tion of the Democratic leaders.,It is also
so because the Democratic coffers are al-
ready almost completely empty-it is re-
liably reported that the money is flowing
more readily into even the Wallace party's
treasury-and are likely to continue so.
Things may change. Truman has a re-
markable record of political ups and downs,
and an up may be on the way after his
nomination. Yet this is very difficut to be-
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
A fiermchemtic s
rJ7HE THING I like about the Cold War
Is that it's different from the Old War
It isn't at all like Number One or
Number Two War
But rather itss a completely new war.
In fact, it is so new that nobody has yet
thought of calling it Cold War I,
To be followed by a cold peace, or none.
And it is obvious to laymen
From Monaco, Liechtenstein or Yemen
That World War III has been averted
by having One World split into two
worlds or worlds plural
So that a World War IIII would be
strictly intramural
(It is commonplace knowledge that one
world consists of Communism,
7 ~itn anth r rnlr nicct"co At+nmi
Berlin Blockade
1HE "COLD WAR" cliche has disappeared,
and few seem to have noticed that it was
replaced almost immediately by the "siege of
Berlin." The change was due almost en-
tirely to Russian planning, as was the fact
that the change was not noticed,
An analysis of Soviet propaganda directed
at American liberals showed more than a
month ago that the sole object of the series
of events termed 'peace offensive" was to lay
the ground-work for a policy-level confer-
ence, at which the Russians hoped to coax
the Western powers into withdrawing from
Berlin. It was not plain then how such a
conference would be arranged, since the
western governments were wary of such a
move. It is now more clear.
The Soviet blockade actions in Berlin
can be taken with a grain of salt for a time,
and the American people and State Depart-
nent have been doing just that. But the
State Department is looking ahead. Should
the blockade continue into the fall, heat
for the Berliners will become a problem.
Even before that, serious hardships may be
produced through the inability of our air
transport system to move out the products
of Berlin's industries.
Further, the Russians are robbing the
American taxpayers of the difference be-
tween the costs of land and air freight,
just as surely as if their army entered our
homes and confiscated our wealth and
Shall we go to war about it? That would
be throwing good money after bad, and lives
on top, some will argue. But even if we think
war is the only course open to us, there are
still serious problems. We are all sure we
could win, in the long run. But if we'are
to win, we cannot afford to have our troops
in Europe wiped out, as the Red Army has
the strength to do.
If Russian can engineer a conference (and
our government seems willing at this writ-
ing-it almost has to be), and can convince
our representatives that she is willing to do
anything we may force her to do to gain full
control of Berlin, it will take a brilliant
strategist to make it possible for us to stay.
-James E. Duras
* 'Last StronghIold
Miale Magnetism
W E WERE somewhat alarmed by one fe-
male photographer's statement in a
Chicago paper that the American woman
still wants her man to be a "caveman, al-
though well-mannered."
What we're really wondering about,
though, is how the Eisenhower fans will
take her final blast at American males:
"Dwight D. Eisenhower is about the last
stronghold of male magnetism."
- But is he so well-mannered when he re-
fuses so obstinately and consistently?
Cabbie's Comment
dOMING HOME in a taxi in the wee hours
of the morning, we were impressed by
the weary look of the driver. Upon inquiry,
we discovered that the man was looking
forward to the closing of the local veteran's
"But they're no different from any other
drunks," was his final philosphical comment.
* * *
WE'RE REALLY SORRY that we slighted
the British Commonwealth in a recent
issue of the Daily.
A telephone call to the editorial office the
other day engagingly pointed out that we
listed the British Commonwealth represen-
tation on the campus as 60, based on the 60
lIdian students in attendance.
This total, we were told, ignores the 49
Canadian students registered. And, it so
lhappens, neither India nor Canada has
withdrawn from the Commonwealth.
* * *
You Know Me, Al
O NE OF OUR staff members recently had
the opportunity to witness all the steps
in the installation of a telephone. He was
entranced by the entire operation, but what
struck him as being its most unusual feature
occurred when the installation man made
a check to see if the equipment was in or-
der. It was done this way, our reporter ex-
The fellow picked up the received of the
newly-installed telephone and dialed his
own number. Replacing the receiver, he
waited until the phone began ringing,
whereupon he lifted the receiver and said:
"Hello, is that you Al?"
"Yeah," Al answered himself, "this is me
-who'd you think it was?"
Helpful Hand
CLASSROOM over in Angell Hall con-
tains a large and striking painting of a
5 P r
, I i l 4
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.":- k;. r - '
rars. s. orsms saa. o Ee __
Publications in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices for
the Bulletin should be sent in type-
written form to the Office of the sui-.
mer session, Room 1213 Angell 1ail, by'
3:00 p.m. on the day preceding pul-~
cation (i1:00 pm. sattrdays)
VOL. LVIII, No. 182
Veterans enrolled under ublic
Law 346 are reminded that they
will automatically receive sub-
sistence for an additional fifteen
days beyond the close of the Sum-
mer Session. Consequently, fifteen
days of eligibility time will be de-
ducted from their remaining en-
titlement. It should be emphasized
that this procedure is automatic,
and that payments will be made
and entitlement reduced accord-
inglyeunless a veteran notifies the
Veterans Administration in writ-
ing thirty days prior to the close
of the Summer Session that he
does not desire the extension of
subsistence benefits. Veterans who
desire the fifteen days extension
are not required to give any no-
The following form is suggested
for notification: "This is to no-
tify you that I do not desire te
fifteen days extension of subllsist
ence benefits fllowing the close of
the Summer Session, 1948. Signa-
ture, "C" Number, Reference
29R7AA." The notice should be
sent to Registration and Research
Section, Michigan Unit, Veterans
Administration, Guardian Build-
ing, 500 Griswold Street, Detroit
32, Michigan.
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information
Immediate applications are in-
vited for the position of Principal
of the Kindergarten Training Col-
lege, Adelaide, South Australia.
Special training i. i re-school
work is required. For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information
The Mene Grande Oil Co., Bar-
celona, Venezuela, is im need of
teachers of the following subjects
for its school: Music-Art; Kinder-
garten; Early and Later Elemen-
tary Grades. These positions are
open in the company's school for
its American employees. For fur-
ther information, call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information
The Young Women's Christian
Association has many interesting
job openings in various parts of
the country for experienced per-
sonnel and well-qualified seniors.
A background in Health or Physi-.
cal Education or Recreation is
highly desirable. For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Symposium in Theoretical and
Nuclear Physics
Lecture schdule for the week
beginning July 12th: Room 150
Hutchins Hall
Professor Casimir, Director of
the Philips Research Laboratory,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, will
continue the series of lectures on
"Theoretical Aspects of Low Tem-
perature Physics" at 10 o'clock on
Mon., Wed., and Fri. mornings.
The concluding lectures on the
subject "Selected Topics in Nu-
clear Spectroscopy" will be given
by Professor Deutsch, Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, on
Tues. and Thurs. mornings at 11
A single lecture on the subject
"New Developments In The Clas-
sical Wave Theory of Light" will
be given Tues. morning at 10
o'clock by Professor F. Zernike,
University of Groningen, The
Physics Colloquia: 8 p.m. East
Conference Room, Rackham
Tues. evening Dr. D. L. Falkoff,
University of Michigan, will dis-
cuss "The Directional' Correlation
of Nuclear Radiations."
Dr. C. N. Young, University of
Chicago, will speak on the subject
"Angular Distribution in Nuclear
Reactions and Coincidence Meas-
urements" Thurs. evening.
A cademric Notices
History Final Examination
Make-Up: Saturday, July 17, 9
o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Stu-
dents must come with written per-
mission of instructor.
Evets Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
will be held at Lane Hall at 12:1.
Reservations may be made by call-
ing Lane Hall Ext. 2148 before 10
a.m. Saturday. Rev. Harold Sulli-
van of Princeton will speak on
"Community Service Programs for
Religious Groups.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for summer sports and
swimming at 2:30 p.m., Sun., July
11, northwest entrance of Rack-
ham Bldg. Sign up at Rackham
check desk before noon Saturday.
All graduate students welcome.
Members of the Roger Williams
Guild will go on a bike hike, meet-
ing at the Guild House at 2:30.
Married couples will meet at the
Guild house at 5:30 for a pot-luck
The Square Dancing Class spon-
sored by tlhe Michigan League will
be held in Barbour Gymnasium on
Monday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
(Epsilon Chapter) will meet Mon-
day July 12 at 7:30 at the Michi-
gan Union. All members on cam-
pus are urged to be present-or
contact Roderick Warren, 311
Fletcher Hall, Tel. 3-1511.
The Conversation Groups of La
Sociedad Ilispanica will meet at 4
p.m., Tues. in the Casa Espanola.
1027 E. University; Wed., League
Cafeteria, and Thurs., Interna-
tional Center. Native speakers are
cordially invited as well as stu-
dents who wish to practice speak-
ing Spanish.
THERE IS STILL an under-
standable tone of disappoint-
ment in the first round of Demo-
cratic criticism of the Republican
choice of Governors Dewey and
Warren to head their ticket.
The refusal of the G.O.P. con-
vention to nominate at least on
man who could be easily identified
with the nationalist or reactionary
wings of the party cheats th
Democrats out of their easies'
line of attack.
Democratic National Chair-
man J. Howard McGrath frank-
ly concedes that his party can-
not assail Dewey and Warren as
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of subniitting letters for
publication in this couin. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
betteis exceeding 300 words, repeti-
ttaus lettes and letters of a defama-
tory eharacier or such leters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
desing letters.
* * *
Radio Programs
To the Editor:
I have just finished reading your
effectively as it could have gone
after a ticket including at least
one man with a record on im-
portant legislative issues.
"The ruthless decision to lock
up the Tafts and Martins and
Halle:ks and Brickers like so many
skeletons in a closet," he said,
"was finalized when the Dewey
machine steamrollered Warren
through the convention."
The flavor of sour grapes is
unmistakable in this statement,
but so is the ring of truth. How
much much easier it would have
been for the Democrats to lam-
bast Senator" Taft for his jaun-
diced view of aid to Europe or to
smear the label of reaction on
Bricker, or Halleck or any one of
several vice-presidential candi-
dates who might have been drawn
from House or Senate!
The record of the 80th Congress,
a limping one in several areas, is,
as Chairman McGrath points out,
removed from the direct line of
Democratic fire. Mr. McGrath
tries valiantly to put some of the
blame for congressional short-
comings on Mr. Dewey, charging
that the New Yorker abdicated his
responsibility as titular head of
the party by remaining silent
while Congress "wallowed in its
own mistakes under the Taft-
Martin leadership." Mr. Dewey
can parry such attacks by pointing
to his concentration on his job at
Albany, so he is not likely to be
ruffled by Mr. McGrath's line.
The fact remains, however,
that the record of the 80th
Congress cannot be side-tracked.
in the-months ahead. If the
Dewey-Warren ticket sweeps to
the victory some observers are
predicting, it will carry along
most of the Republicans who
dragged their feet when Con-
gress was considering the Mar-
shail Plan, housing legislation,
universatl training and the like.
I ackteiid by weasel words in the
G.O.P'. platformr planks on reci-
procal trade, public power and
other issues, they will be there
at their' old stand, bolstered
perhaps by a few newcomers
swept in by a Republican land-
The success of Dewey and War-
ren in the convention, then, doe
not mean that the reactionary an
nationalistic wings of the part
are locked up for good. It handi-
caps the Democrats somewhat
but even with the odds agains'
them, they will do the country
service if they continue to harl
on the fact that any administra
tion's record is largely written or
Capitol Hill.
-St. Louis Star-Times
RUSSIA apparently has learnec
what the rest of the Allies
learned in a bitter lesson: tha
Tito is an unreliable lover. Th
Comintern has tossed him out o:
the family of Soviet satellite na-
tiors on the grounds of infidelity
There was a time when Tito wa
a colorful hero to Americans
leading a tattered band of Yugo
slav patriots against the Nazis
headquartering picturesquely ir
mountain fastnesses and givin
'out interviews to hardy corres-
i pondents who risked their lives ti
go to him. This country gladl;
gave his battered regime officiao
recognition after the war. But b:<
the summer of 1946 his army wa
shooting American planes out o:
the sky and killing American pil"
ots. For that Yugoslavia pair
$150,000 in indemnities and earn
ed American contempt.
But the end of the Russian
- Yugoslav honeymoon is more sig
- nificant than the defection of th
will-o'-the-wisp Tito. It is the
I first crack in the Kremlin's line
up of nine police states that serve
- as its buffer against the Wester:
e world.
For his sins Tito has been rea,
Y out of the Communist party, t
e which he has given virtually hi
t entire life, and for which he suf
fered exile and imprisonmen
Will Russia give up Yugoslavia
merely, because Tito has prove+
-St. Louis Star-Times
musical comment:ary by Donald
Anderson. As a fore igne r, I am
surprised by the contrast between
the cultural import ance of Ann
Arbor and the artistie sordidness
of our current radio programs. I
wish it could be possible to provide
us with plenty of good music.
Ann Arbor is almost a perfect
town. Too bad that its radio dial
is so p o o r !- r B
* *
Wallae Convenitvon
To the Editor:
Philadelphia is playing host to
three significant conventions this
year. The first, the Republican, is
now in the past and can be judged
accordingly. The Democrats are
still frantically searching for an
"acceptable" candidate and are
currently deadlocked in an at-
tempt to devise a platform ac-
ceptable to all factions.
The Progressive Party will hold
its founding convention July 23-
25 at which time the American
people will be given a real choice
between two parties which have
demonstrated their alignment
with reactionary policies on the
one hand and a new party dedi-
cated to progressive principles. In
conjunction with the founding of
the new party, a permanent youth
support of the policies and pro-
,gram of this party will be formed.
The youth convention will be
held July 25-27, and a large dele-
gation from Michigan should be
on hand for this significant event.
A caravan of cars will provide
transportatipn to and from Phila-
delphia. All students are welcome
to attend the convention as guests
whether or not they are affiliated
with the Progressive Party. Fur-
ther information can be obtained
by calling Jim Terrell at 2-4806 or
Al Lippitt at 2-4591.
- -James R. Terrell
Chairman Wallace Progressives
C'larif atio ..
lowing paragraph from an edi-
torial in the Ann Arbor News
appeared hi deleted form in
yesterday's Daily. It is reprinted
in full below in order to clarify
any misinterpretation oc ca-
sioned by the deletion:
"In the present world situation,
it is important that we present a
clear-cut majority front-regard-
less of party-on vital issues in-
volving our relations to foreign
It is important that we agree
that we Americans deeply and
sincerely want' peace-but not
peace at any price, not an ap-
peasement peace, not an inse-
cure peace, not a police state
peace at the cost of our Ameri-
can heritage-the rights to life,
liberty, and the pursuit of hap-
Letters to the Editor ..I
Fifty-Eighth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the. University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Lida Dalies ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe ........Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James .......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeid .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
'Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
An rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press
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