DEATH OF THE MARK See Page 2 Y It tii CLOUD'Y WARM11ER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 175 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Tito's Communists Declare Independence x v r Equprneni Workers OK WageStrike ( l(O Group .A sN 3i Cent Inerease NEW YORK, June 30-(P)--A nationwide ballot by the Associa- tion of Communication Equipment Workers (CIO) has authorized the union's bargaining committee to call a strike against the West- ern Electric Company, the union said tonight. inest Weaver, union president, said the members voted four-to- one to authorize the national bar- gaining committee to call a strike "should such be necessary" to en- force union demands for a 31- cent hourly wage increase. Weaver said the union would begin what he called a "cold strike" tomorrow. Union members will carry placards listing their grievances in front of "every prominent telephone exchange ini the country where our members are employed," Weaver said. Thxe union members manufac- ture and install telephone ex- change equipment. The Western Electric Company is a manufacturing subsidiary of the American Telephone and Tel- egraph Company. Weaver said a strike would af- fect 30,000 installers of heavy tele- phone equipment in 44 states and the District of Columbia. He added that the union is free to strike any time after tomorrow under its present contract with the company. Weaver said average hourly wages earned by ACEW members was $1.15 and that more than half of the men receive less than $1 an hour. He said the company had refused "even to make an offer." Weaver said the Federal Con- ciliation Service still is active in the dispute and the service now is "apparently working on the company." Company officials were not im- mediately available for comment. Last of British Quit Palestine HAIFA, Israel, June 30-(RP)- Israel's Star of David banner re- placed the Union Jack over Haifa Harbor tonight as the last of the British troops pulled out of Pal- estine. Britain's 31 years of military power in the strategic Middle East land ended quietly and calmly, in contrast to the years of intermit- tent violence that swept the Holy Land when Arabs, then Jews re- volted and finally fought each other. A selected crowd of 1,000 Jews filed through the port gate this evening and watched the cere- mony of hoisting the blue and white Israel .flag. At the ceremony, David Ben- Gurion, Israel's premier described the evacuation as "one of the greatest days in the State of Is- rael's history." i The evacuation of the last 2,500 British soldiers began before dawn and was completed shortly after -' noon when the British flag was hauled down. Lt. ,Gen. Gordon H. A. Mac- Millan, Britain's last military commander in Palestine, was the last British soldier on leave. He told newsmen: "I am most sad indeed." ,Student Political Groups Activate Three student political clubs- representing as many different shades of opinion--will be active ' on the campus this summer. They are the Wallace Progres- sives, the Young Democrats and the Young Republicans. Student supporters of Justice William Douglas will work through the city group. Talk is circulating that two oth- er clubs are in the process of for- mation, the Dewey for President club and Republicans for Douglas. * Supporters of the latter group hope to attract independent Re- publicans dissatisfied with Gov. EFFECTIVE IN FALL: Sixty- Three Members Of Faculty Promoted Sixty-three University faculty members have received promotions, Provost James P. Adams announced yesterday, The promotions, which will become effective with the opening of the academic year in September, were divided: 16 to the rank of pro- fessor, 22 to the status of associate professor and 25 to assistant pro- fessor. Those becoming full professors are: Prof. Joe Lee Davis, Prof. Leo Goldberg, Prof. Edward B. Ham, Prof. Lewis B. Kellum, Prof. Cecil J. McHale, Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, Prof. Summer B. Myers and Prof. Burton D. Thuma. Others raised to the rank of professor are: Prof. Alan S. Foust, Yugoslavia Bids For West Support Eigit-Poi t Programn Also Seeks Coo perait1n with Soviet I nion BELGRADE, Yugoslavia. June 30-(')-M'arshal Tito's Commun- ists today nailed up another proclamation of Yugoslavia's nationalistic independence of Moscow. They hinted their willingness to deal with the west as well as the east on a basis of peaceful cooperation and equality, and revived the Moscow-derided pirject of a Balkan federation. Outwardly the Yugoslav party leaders continued to hold out the olive branch by declaring they stood for "strengthening and further developing tight cooperation with the Soviet Union" and with the "people's democracies" of the other Soviet satellites. But stoutly, they asserted,, * * * CANDIDATE-Prof. Pr'eston V. Slosson, of the history depart- ment, has announced his candi.- dacy for the Democratic nomi.- nation from the second Michi gan Congressional District. Be.. sides incumbent Republican Rep. Earl C. Michener, who is now on his 13th term, four oth- ers are seeking the post. U.S. To Hold Berlin Position WASHINGTON, June 30--GP)- The United States served a crisp no-surrender notice on Russia. to- day: We intend to stay in Berlin despite Soviet efforts to push 'as and the other Western Powers out. Secretary of State Marshall is- sued the 89-word declaration from: the hospital where he is undergo- ing a physical checkup. He pro- mised to "deal promptly" with questions raised by the Russian blockade of the former German capital. And backing up Marshall's statement : 1, British Foreign Secretary Er- nest Bevin said in London that the western nations are consider- ing a direct approach to the Kremlin in an effort to settle the Berlin crisis. 2. The U.S. Air Force, already doubling its fighter plane strength in Europe, set about boosting the number of B-29 Superfortresses there from 10 to 30-for the time being at least. "We are in Berlin as a result of agreements between the govern- ments on the areas of occupation in Germnany and we intend to stay," Marshall said. -4Prof. Lawrence C. Maugh, Prof. Clarence A. Siebert, Prof. Lars Thomassen, Prof . Robert R . White, Prof. Frank H. Bethell, Prof. Phillip Jay and Prof. Leo A. Schmidt. Those receiving the rank of as- sociate professor include: Prof. Enrique Anderson-Imbert, Prof. John Arthos, Prof. Arthur W. Burks, Prof. Clyde H. Coombs, Prof. Garnet R. Garrison, Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach, Prof. Law- rence B. Kiddle, Prof . John.W . Lederle, Prof. Alfred H. Stockard, Prof. Frederick H. Test, Prof. Robert M. Thrall, Prof. Josselyn Van Tyne and Prof. Benjamin W. Wheeler. Other associate professors are: Prof. John Joseph Carey, Prof. Philip O. Potts, Prof. Reuben L. Kahn, Prof. Byron O. Hughes, Prof. Donald A. Kerr, Prof. Wil- liam J. Schlatter, Prof. James D. Prendergast and Prof. Gordon C. Brown. Those achieving the rank of as- sistant professor are: Dr. Samuel J. Eldersveld, Harold Guetzkow, Philip S. Jones, Dr. William R. Leslie, William C. Parkinson, Dr. Clarence Pott, Dr. Peter A. S. Smith, Dr. Franklin M. Thompson and Dr. Edward L. Walker. Others advanced to the status of assistant professor include: Dr. Joshua McClennen, Cedomir M. Spiepcevich, George Brymer Wil- liams, Dr. Jere M. Bauer, Dr. Ivan F. Duff, Dr. Theodore C. Kramer, Dr. Ruth Lofgren, Dr. Lawrence H. Louis, Dr. Robert S. MacIntyre and Dr. Herbert T. Schmale. Concluding the list of new as- sistant professors are: William C. Morse, Dr. Joseph T. Hartsook, Dorothy Greenwald, John Carow and Elizabeth A. H. Green. How- ard C. Leibee was also raised to the rank of associate supervisor. selective Service T~ll Gather Staff WASHINGTON, June 30-( )- Approximately 57,000 workers, mostly volunteers, will be added to the Setective Service setup in July, officials said today. The wheel .won't turh until President Trun an (1) proclaims the draft, (2) sets the registration date, (3) deterr.;ines what age group will be called first. (4) lists specific deferments, (5) names a national director, and (6) ap- points state directoi s. In Michigan, organizational meetings with war-time local board members have been held in Detroit and Flint, and similar meetings are scheduled tonight in Pontiac and in Grand Rapids Thursday. Directory Sale Begins Today EL(ition Pro~lteedl In Record Time The Summer Directory will g on sale today on the Diagonal an in the Union, League and Studen Publications buildings. Including names, home ad dresses and phone numbers of fac ulty as well as students, the nev Directory will appear for the firs time before the Fourth of Jul holiday. A new reduced price of 75 ent also has been set. The Director: formerly sold for $1.50. Both the low price and th speedy appearance of the Summe: Directof were the result of an ef ficient production line set up 9( minutes after registration close last Saturday. More than 30 typists and proof. readers were employed in culling pertinent information from th( Student Directory coupons whic were ripped from the registratior cards. The batch of 9,000 cards was di- vided into six blocksand appor tioned among the several typists. A dozen proofreaders took over fror the typists to insure that ther would be no misspelling or omis- sions. The whole process required three days and 15Q pages for th more than 9,000 listed names. Ar additional 16-page section of fac- ulty members, student residence and campus information brought the total up to 168 pages. UN Is Peae Step--Bretton The United Nations was not established to secure peace, Hen- ry Bretton, of the political science department, asserted yesterday. Speaking to members of the student's United Nations Council, Bretton said that the UN was meant to act as a forum, a step toward world government. "We can't ask nations to give up their sovereignty at the front door," he stated. The purpose of the Council is to begin at the "back door" by handling phases of world government that can be settled without resistance. Such items as international health, post, transportation, stud- ent exchange, gas warfare (many issues with which the League of Nations dealt) are of interest to all nations. If the UN continues with phases such as these, unco- operative nations, such as Russia, might find in time that it is de- priving themselves of advantiages. "We have given up some sov- ereignties and we will give up more." Bretton pointed out that the "UN cannot stop an armed con- flict at the present time" and that we don't expect it to make peace between any of the big four in case of war. Gov. Sigler, Black Exchange Scorching Verbal Brickbats LANSING, June 30-()-Gov. Sigler and Attorney General Eu- gene F. Black tossed hot words at each other's faces today in their worst break of a stormy associa- ( tion. It resulted because Black asked the State Administrative Board to override State Treasurer D. Hale Brake's refusal to give him about $40,000 for his Flint and Detroit grand juries and his suit against Musical Opens Here T oniot "Of Thee I Sing," first offering in the speech department's sum- mei series of plays, will open at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Cast of the Kaufman-Ryskin- Gershwin musical has been an- nounced as: Don Mitchell, play- ing John P. Wintergreen, James Drummond playing the vice- presidential aspirant Throttle- bottom, Don Kleckner as Mathew Arnold Fulton, Doris Kays as Mary Turner and Joyce Elaine Edgar as Diana Devereaux. The "Chorus of Beauties" in- cludes, besides Miss Edgar, Mary Alice Reed, Shi-rley Loeblich, Mar- garet Paton, Ruth Arrington, Dor- othy Hickman, Jane Hoffman, Beverly Ketcik, Veryle Kinsel, Ruth Livingston, Alice Mikulich, Marilyn Scheel. Important supporting roles are played by James Reiss, Ted Heus- el, Earl Matthews, John Sargent, Mary Alice Reed, Bill Bromfield and Stan Challis. The quartet of French soldiers is made up of C. Douglas Ander- son, Walter Duncan, Robert C. Hauke and Verna Weber. Rex Wilder conducts the 15- piece orchestra which accompan- ies the operetta and Dr. Juana de Laban has arranged and directed all the dance numbers. Dr. William P. Halstead is di- recting the full production, sets are by Oren Parker, and costumes by Frances Schaill Goddman. Harold Ross is Assistant Art Di- rector and Jack E. Bender is tech- nical director. "Of Thee I Sing" will be given four performances, at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. state highway commissioner Charles M. Ziegler. Old Statute Black asked for the money un- der an old statute permitting pay- ment of state litigation expenses from "unappropriated funds in the treasury." Brake said there weren't any.- By a six to two vote, the Board refused to override Brake. Sigler, saying the grand juries must not be "throttled" for lack of funds, said he would call the "little legislature" together July 12 to pass on the request from its emergency funds. Black accused the Board of steadily trying to frustrate the grand juries. "I am a member of the board," Sigler said, "And I didn't fight you." No 'Help' "You certainly didn't give me' any help," Black replied. "You know that's not true," Sig- ler retorted. "Your trouble is that you are too busy popping off to do youi work. If this is going to be a political business we'll adjourn right now. I'm saying the way to run a grand jury is not to go around popping off and criticiz- ing the Supreme Court and the Circuit Courts and everyone else." Sigler said he could not over- ride Brake on a legal question and hence would call the Little Legislature, Brake said he hoped the Little Legislature was called and voted Black the money. The Governor who usually only votes in a tie, did not vote on over- riding Brake at first, but Black demanded his vote and Sigler voted to support Brake. Angell To Speak Dr. James W. Angell, Columbia University professor of economics, will lecture on 'The Major Prob- lems of Readjustment," at 4:10 p.m. today, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Angell, who spoke earlier in the week, will continue the Uni- versity Summer Lecture Series on "The Economic Reconstruction of Europe." Two lectures will be given by Dr. Edward S. Mason, of Harvard University, next week on "The Problem of Germany." SUPER CHIEF WRECKED-The Santa Fe crack Super Chief train plunged off a curve in the rail- road yards in Winslow, Ariz. Seven crew membhers were seriously injured and hospitalized. The four-unit diesel locomotive, a baggage car, a mail car and a lounge car overturned. Two other sleet- ing cars were derailed, but remained upright. "the national independence of the people of Yugoslavia is the condition for their road to so- cialismand their progress in general." They called for a "general strengthening" of the Yugoslav army which they declared "pro- tects the freedom and inde- pendence of the people of Yu- goslavia." These declarations were con- tained in an eight-point program which Yugoslav Communist lead- ers have drawn up for the fifth congress of the party July 21. Its publication in the party organ, Borba, came only a few hours af- ter the Yugoslav Communist Party had denounced as lies and slander a Communist Information Bur- eau statement calling for Tito and his chief aides to change their course or lose their leadership. The fourth flank of the party program espousing a Balkan bloc called for "uniting the Albanian and Bulgarian peoples and the Yugoslav people on the principle of national equality." The eight - point Yugoslav Communist Party progranm de- clared for the continued "co- operation of the federated peoples republic of Yugoslavia in the struggle of democratic, anti-imperialistic forces of the world, headed by the Soviet Union, against anti-democratic imperialistic forces and war- mongers." However, it emphasized its ob- jective of "peaceful cooperation with all countries who wish to co- operate with the federalist peop- les republic of Yugoslavia on a basis of honoring their independ- ence and equality in the frame- work of the principles of the char- ter of the United Nations." This appeared to be a guarded inclusion of the west, as well as the east, in Yugoslavia's relation- ships. Further it dclared its support of "all countries and all move- ments" which are "against inter- fering in the internal affairs of other countries and for respect- ing their independence." In addition it stressed its con- tinued support of "workers movements, democratic move- ments and national liberation. movements" in Yugoslavia The Yugoslav Communists thus ap- peared to be standing their ground against the Comin- form's criticism that the na- tional front, embracing politi- cal and other groups besides the Communists, was not sufficient- ly under the control of the Com- munists. The possibility that the Tito re- volt threatens the whole structure of Soviet-Allied satellite states in eastern Europe is under close study by the state department, said Washington dispatches. Bulgaria Sits On Fence in Balkan Row WASHINGTON, June 30-(A'9 -Bulgaria hopefully assumed the' role of innocent onlooker today in the row between the Communists of Yugoslavia and the Moscow High Command. This was the interpretation most generally placed here on the political double talk which cane out of Sofia. The Bulgarian government, which the Communists control, said the "sound foundation" of Bulgaria's relations with Yugo- slavia are unshaken. But the peo- ple's front, which the Communists also control, approved the Comin- form resolution denouncing the Communist leadership in Mar- shall Tito's Yugoslavia. Sit on Fence Washington diplomats said that it is Bulgaria's evident determ- nation to sit on the fence apd try to wait out the storm in the hope of not being struck by any stray lightning. It is assumed that this perform- ance most likely will be duplicat- ed by other countries in the Rus- sian-Yugoslav field of conflict, That would apply particularly to Albania, for the Communist lead- ership in Yugoslavia today called for creation of a bloc consisting of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania. Critical Phase That proposal along with others will be submitted to the Yugoslav Communist Party meeting July 21 when the showdown between Mar- shal Tito and Marshal Stalin may reach its most critical phase. If the Yugoslavs go through with their suggestions for creat- ing such a Balkan Bloc-contrary to Russia's evident opposition to such sub units in her satellite sys- tem-both Bulgaria and Albania will be placed in the spot of having to choose sides. While their choice would seem to lie on the side of Russia as the great power, Tito, if Moscow can not bring him under control in the meantime, would be a tough opponent to have right on the doorstep for either country. Dewey Talks On GOP' Plans ALBANY, N.Y., June 30-(P)-- Gov. Thomas E. Dewey promised tonight that if he is elected Presi- dent he will "clean house" in Washington and "strengthen the fundamentals of freedom that have made America the greatest nation in the world." Dewey made the pledge in an address to 4,000 Albany and Rens- selaer County Republicans, who gathered in capitol park to we- come him back as the GOP nom- inee for President. Standing halfway up the capi- tol steps, Dewey said that in his five and one-half years as gov- ernor he had cleaned up 20 years' "accumulation" of "cobwebs" of Democratic state administrations. He said he intended to clean up "the cobwebs" of 16 years of Democratic administration i n Albany, Dewey observed. The governor described lasting peace as the "job ahead." "The world is looking to the World News At A Glance By The Associated Press FRANKFURT, June 30-Germans will be told by the three West- ern Powers tomorrow to start forming a German government for all Western Germany. It will leave the Russian occupied Eastern Zone of Germany all by itself in almost complete political and economic isolation from the rest of Germany. - * * . WASHINGTON, June 30 - Western Europe was told today that the United States considers shipping "contraband" war supplies into the Russian sphere a cause for halting Marshall Plan assistance. * * * * FUKUI, Japan, June 30-The quake-set fires are out and ashes cooling tonight in this devastated city of 80,000, stricken Monday in a quake which destroyed six to eight square miles of this west coastal silk center. * * * - ATHENS, June 30-Front advices said tonight three guerrilla battalions in northwestern Greece are seeking to surrender. An official source at Second Corps Headquarters in Kozane said Greek Armv nficers already have crossed into rebel nositions for HIGH POINT IN POLITICS: Daily Recalls 1932 Siege by Students "Socialists Storm Daily To Pro- test Straw Vote Fraud." This head-line, which appeared on the front page of The Daily, for Friday, Nov. 4, 1932, probably marks the high point of a period in University history when politics were a fighting matter for the student body. The incident began at 10 p.m. Thursday night with the descent on the Student Publications Build- victory over Franklin Delano ened again to forcibly prevent The Roosevelt, and that The Daily had Daily from going to press. Gil- knowingly covered up the fact. breth "drew a chalk deadline He demanded that The Daily ex- across the editorial room and or- pose this and other irregularities dered members of the mob to stay of the poll in "an article as long, on their side. They did." in the same position, and with the While the leaders of the mob same size headline as the one that "hurled threats and insults at announced the results of the members of The Daily staff" the vote." others "lolled about on benches Cohen's demands were accom- and chairs, occasionally shouting, panied by "much waving of arms 'isn't this a student newspaper?'" and loud threats of violence" on Gilbreth's "dead-line" apnar: