THlE RAND)OLP~H moo 43IUZ :43 UA6Fti CLOUDY, SHOWERS PROPOSAL See Page 41 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 169 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE ( Adams To Open Summer Lecture Series on Europe The University series of public lectures on the economic reconstruc- tion of Europe will get under way tomorrow when Provost James P. Adams delivers the opening talk on "The Measure of Our Concern" at 8:10 p.m. p.m. in the Rackham Auditorium. Provost Adams. who is also a professor of economics, is the first of seven authorities who will speak on that general topic during the summer lecture series. Each of the succeeding speakers will give two public lectures and will also lead informal discussions of the economic problems of Europe at a faculty luncheon and a seminar open to students and faculty members. ' * * * The second speaker in the series will be James W. Angell, professor of economics at Col- umbia, who will lecture on June 29 on the "Economic Impact of the War" and on July 1 on "Ma- jor Problems of Readjustment." "The Problem of Germany" will be the subject of the lectures of July 6 and 8, which will be de- livered by Edward S. Mason, dean of fhe Graduate School of Public Administration at Harvard. Camille Gutt, chairman of the Board of Directors and managing director of the International Mon- etary Fund, will speak on July 13 and 14 on "European Balance of Payments Problems" and "Mone- tary, Difficulties of European Countries." He will be followed on July 20 and 22 by Clair Wilcox, profes- sor of economics at Swarthmore College. The subjects of Prof. Wilcox' talks will be "American Trade Policy" and "The Inter- national Trade Organization Charter." As member of the State Depart- menit, J. Burke Knapp, will lec- ture on July 27 and 29 on the top- ics "Financing the Supply of Euarope" and "European Econom- ic Cooperation." Knapp is director of the Office of Financial and De- velopment Policy in the State department. ,The final lecturer in the series will be Kenneth C. Wheare, Glad- stone professor of government and public administration at Oxford. and a visiting faculty member in the political science department. His subjects will be "British Eco- nomic Policy and Reconstruction" and "Political Factors in Europ- ean Recovery." U.S., Israel Name Mission Truman Announces Diplomatic Exchange WASHINGTON, June 22-(A)- President Truman tonight an- nounced the exchange of diplo- matic missions between this gov- ernment and the provisional gov- ernment of Israel. Mr. Truman appointed James G~ rover McDonald, of New York. to serve as Special Representative of the nited States in heading the mission to the new Jewish Gov- ernment. Eliahu Epstein has been desig- nated by Israel, the White House statement said, as its Special Rep- resentative in the United States and head of the Israel Mssion. McDonald, 61, was a member of the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry on Palestine in 1946, and is a Trustee of the Twentieth Century Fund. He served as High Commis- sioner for Jewish and other refu- gees coming from Germany be- tween 1933 and 1935. Big Four Ends Currency .Talk BERLIN, June 22- (AP) - The first high level conference between Russian and Western Power rep- resentatives in Germany in more than three months broke up to- night without reaching a decision on currency reform for Berlin. An American official said the meeting ended "unproductively and with no further meetings scheduled for tomorrow." The four powers conducted the two-session conference on the vi- tal problem of whether Berlin should have two competing cur- rencies. Regents T Continue Course Quiz Appoint Faculty, Staff Members The Board of Regents directed the Executive Officers to continue their inquiry into worker's eco- nomicsrcourses offered in Detroit at their meeting in June. The action was taken in res- ponse to a charge by General Motors economist, Adam K. Stricker, that a University-spon- sored extension course was tinged with "Marxism." Make Re-examination The officers were requested to conduct a comprehensive re- examination of the entire pro- gram for a report to the Regents prior to the making of plans for the reopening of classes next fall. The Regents also approved 13 appointments to the faculty and staff, granted 11 sabbatical leaves, and approved a number of com- mittee appointments. Director Named Everett J. Soop, former asso- ciate director of the Extension Service, was appointed full direc- tor, to succeed the late Dr. Charles Fisher. Ernest Browning McCoy was promoted to head basketball coach, in addition to his present duties as associate supervisor of physical education and athletics, and assistant football coach. The new head track coach is Donald Burrell Canham, who was also advanced from assistant to asso- ciate supervisor of physical edu- cation. Appointees In the literary college, Dr. Aus- tin Warren was named visiting professor of English, while Dr. Irving M. Copilowish was ap- pointed to an assistant professor- ship of philosophy for a two-year term. Dr. George G. Cameron will be professor of semitics in the fall term. Dr. William M. Sattler of the University of Oklahoma was named to an associate professor- ship in the speech department. Another appointment was the naming of Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. as an epidemiology professor in the Medical School, in addition to his appointment as professor of epidemiology and chairman of that department in the public health school. Health School Also appointed as an epidem- iology professor in the health school was Dr. Herbert R. Mor- gan. Dr. Morgan will also become a professor of internal medicine in the Medical School. Dr. Hessel E. Yntema's was named research professor of com- See REGENTS, Page Five PROVOST ADAMS . . . special welcome * * * greets Students We extend a special welcome to all students who are pursu- ing their studies at the Univer- sity during this summer session. Your central purpose will be identified with the work which you carry on through formal courses, in the classrooms, lab- oratories, clinics, and libraries of the University. However, we hope that you will also find it possible to take advantage of the other educational resources of the University. The Univer- sity is a vast depository of sign nificant things and a veritable theater of important events. These things can be made an important part of your educa- tional experience this summer. We suggest that you visit the museums and the special librar- ies. You will also find many op- portunities for the broadening of your cultural interests through the lectures, confer- ences, concerts, and dramatic programs which are special fea- tures of the summer session cal- endar. James P. Adams Provost of the University Dewey Coal ( 'Mine Chiefs, UMW Open Conferences Judge Goldsborough UpholdsPension Plan WASHINGTON, June 22-()- Soft coal contract talks began once more tonight just eight days before the present work agree- ment ends. John L. Lewis and soft coal op- erators broke up a negotiating session tonight without comment. They set another meeting tomor- row morning. The lack of comment from either side on the way the taks went may indicate progress. At least the negotiators were smiling when they left and kthere was no sign of a new break in the talks. Lewis and the operators came together at the suggestion of a Presidential Board of Inquiry in- vestigating the dragging dispute. The new talks followed by a few hours a sweeping court victory for Lewis. Federal Judge T. Alan Golds- borough had just upheldthe $100 monthly pension plan that Lewis wants for aged members of his United Mine Workers. The two sides came together first before the Board itself. This group was named by President Truman under the Taft-Hartley Act to determine by tomorrrow whether the contract dispute threatens "national health and safety." If the board so finds, an injunction against a strike is re- garded as likely. Lewis and operator spokesman Charles O'Neill both protested to the Board, headed by Attorney David L. Cole, that each is willing to bargain in "good faith" for a contract to replace the one ex- piring June 30. "Okay, show us," the Board said in effect. Thereupon, after hot wran- gling from seats four feet apart in a steaming hot hotel confer- ence room where the inquiry board was holding its meeting, Lewis and O'Neill agreed to talks tonight. Earlier, Lewis told the Board that the coal miners already are under two Federal Court injunc- tions. He said with considerable confidence that if the government holds off getting another now he can bargain out a new agreement without a complete mine stoppage. The contract negotiations broke off a week ago when the operators walked out saying that Lewis wouldn't talk contract terms. O'Neill said Judge Goldsbor- ough's ruling hasn't changed the operator's position: That the pen- sion battle is up to the trustees once the operators pay their 10- cent tonnage royalty contributions to the disputed welfare fund. Brick Deluge The State Street shopping-row underwent a sudden brick bar- rage Monday when the upper fa- cade* of the Groves Building, 308 S. State St., fell to the sidewalk, leaving a slight cavity in the structure. No one was inJured. Workmen are clearing away the debris. Gains ontract it. Taf.d Sessen SCENE OF BATTLE-This is a view from the front of Convention Hall, in Philadelphia, where dele- gates to the twenty-fourth Republican National Convention are engaged in the preliminary skir- mishes that they hope will result in the nomination of the next President of the United States. The picture was taken just as the Convention opened. Many seats were yet unfilled. LIVING WAR MEMORIAL: Phoenix Project Gathers Momentum SGOP Talks Conference Sigler Says 'Dewey Blitz Slowing Down' CONVENTION HALL, Philadel- phia, June 22-(JP)-Thomas E. Dewey chalked up a triple, major break today in the furious fight for the GOP Presidential nomina- tion. 1. New York's hard running Governor persuaded Senator Ed- ward Martin, Pennsylvania's fa- vorite son, to pull out of the race. 2. He also persuaded Martin to nominate him. 3. And arrangements were made to get Dewey's name in nomina- tion ahead of all rivals at the Re- publican National Convention to- morrow. The Senator has been the "fa- vorite son" candidate of 72 of the 73 Pennsylvania delegates. The other planned to vote for Senator Vandenberg of Michigan on the first ballot. Martin himself said he had no idea of how much of the delega- tion, second largest in the con- vention, he could carry with him into the Dewey camp. But even if he could control only a handful, there was no discounting the psychological impact of his maneuver. Dewey headquarters had prom- ised a "sensational" development within 24 hours. Martin supplied it. Dewey's forces arranged for their man's name to be placed in nomination first. Taft was to be the second man nominated, ac- cording to present plans. * .* * Struggle Resumed The Phoenix Project - living memorial for University of Michi- gan War dead-is gathering mo- mentum. Overwhelming support for the project was voiced at the recent alumni reunion held in Ann A- bor. Sorme former Michigan stu- dents even dug into their jeans and turned over unsolicited con- tributions to the project commit- tee. Need $2 Million It is estimated that $2,000,000 will be needed to get the project well under way into its first stage. RECRUITS WANTED: Daily Calls Out New Talent; Meeting Will Be Held Today Eventually it is hoped that $25,- 000,000 will be raised to finance the memorial. Fred Smith, New York business- man who conceived the idea of a living war memorial devoted to re- search in the peacetime utilization of atomic energy, has expressed the hope that the burden of rais- ing funds will be eagerly shoul- dered by Michigan students them- selves. 'Need the Will' "In an interview with The Daily, he said, "the techniques of getting money are simple and easy to learn. What is needed only is the will to achieve. World News At A Glance By The Associated Press HILLSDALE, Mich., v ne 22-Mrs. Lulu C. Cook, 81, widow of Franklin M. Cook, former Regent of the University, died here today. * * * * BUENOS AIRES, June 22-Argentina today lifted restrictions on sending abroad money representing profits made by foreign companies operating in Argentina. This means many millions or dollars may be taken out of the country by American concerns. * * * * ATHENS, June 23-Press dispatches from the Second Army Corps at Kozane said today Greek Army units moving from Ko- nitsa had been attacked from Albania with heavy artillery and mortars. TEL AVIV, Israel, June 22-Thousands of Tel Aviv residents, fled from the waterfront late today when a munitions-laden LST beached by rebel Irgun Zvai Leumi fighters threatened to explode after being set afire by Israeli army shelling. A brief meeting for all students interested in working on the SummerdDaily will be held at 3 p.m. today in the conference room of the Student Publications Building. The Summer Daily offers val- uable opportunities to gain ex- perence in the publication of a daily newspaper. No experience is required. News, sports, women's and bus- iness staff have openings for in- terested students. The call is also out for political columnists and Subscriptions for The Daily are on sale today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Diagonal and in the Student Publications Building. Orders can be made by calling 2-3241. Delivery rates are $1.50 and mail rates $2. cartoonists. Prospective editorial writers and artists are requested to submit samples of their work. Personnel on the business staff will handle layout design, copy reading, salesmanship accounting and general office work. On the editorial staff, tryouts will have the opportunity to do feature, general news and editor- ial writing. Sports staff tryouts will gain experience in covering local sports events, I-M tournaments editing Associated Press sports news and sports page make-up. Students are needed for wo- men's staff to cover the functions of the League Council, women's sports events, and dances. Wo- men interested in writing columns directed at the married popula- tion on campus are especially needed. U' Summer Figures Given With registration reports not yet complete latest figures indi- cated that 9,175 students en- rolled for the summer session. The number is less than the enrollment figure for last sum- mer, which stood at 9,642 just prior to the opening of classes. In releasing the tentative en- rollment figures, Registrar Ira M. Smith pointed out that the total did not include final reports from all of the five summer camps. The campus total will also in- crease during the first week of classes, he said. Late registration is permitted because many school teachers who attend did not complete teaching duties in time for them for regular registration. Undergraduate enrollment was somewhat less than expected, while graduate registration ex- ceeded expected figures. In an interview with The Daily, Michigan students will go all out in their efforts to put across the Phoenix Project," he added. The project, which will be worldwide in scope, will perform four functions. Rotunda First, a memorial rotunda will be erected in Ann Arbor contain- ing the names of the 558 Michigan alumni, students and faculty members who were killed in World War I. Backing the rotunda will be lab- oratories where scientists will seek applications for atomic energy in the fields of medicine and biology. Other scientists will do research on the sociological and psychologi- cal effects of atomic energy on our civilization. No Other Group It is emphasized that no other agency in America today is at- tacking this particular problem. The project will maintain a clearing house for knowledge gained in the research of peace- time uses for atomic energy. Sci- entists from all over the world will be invited to contribute to this pool. Publish Facts Lastly, the project plans to clas- sify and publish this compendium of atomic knowledge. Authorized scientists will have access to this nformation. Taft-Stassen Move*... Senator Taft of Ohio conferred secretly with Harold E. Stassen tonight amid strong indications that a Taft-Stassen-Warren coal- ition was being sought to stop Thomas E. Dewey. Nobody would say, up to mid- night (EDT) what happened at the Taft-Stassen meeting. Reports of a possible Taft- Stassen alliance came from sources close to both men several hours earlier althoubh both candi- dates had scoffed at the effect of the Dewey-Martin combination on their own chances. These sources said Taft and Stassen might meet during the night in an effort do offset Mar- tin's announcement that he would step aside as Pennsyl- vania's first ballot choice and nominate Dewey himself. A Taft-for-President and Stas- sen-for-Vice-President ticket was proposed publicly yesterday by Col. Robert R. McCormick, pub- lisher of the Chicago Tribune. Stassen said at the time that he still was shooting for the Pres- idency and expected to make it. * * * DAILY ON-THE-SCENE REPORT: GOP Campaigners Stage Huge Convention Shows Other Camps ... Governor Kim Sigler, of Mich- igan, called Martin's move "a great break" for Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, a sign that the Dewey "blitz is slowing down." Taft's campaign manager, Rep. Clarence J. Brown, said in a state- ment that the convention now has seen "the height of the New York Governor's blitz." He said Dewey had been com- pelled to draw on his "last re- serve" and "now must be nomi- nated on the first ballot or not at all." Yet Senator Styles Bridges, of New Hampshire, told report- ers he "wouldn't think" Mar- tin's action was enough to start a Dewey bandwagon. Bridges called it "important but not de- cisive." He said it shows "Dewey has decided to push everything he's got early." The Pennsylvania break failed to stampede neighboring New Jer- sey. Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll told reporters the state still would Circus... (EDITORS NOTE: These are the first in a series of articles on the Repub- lican convention at Philadelphia by two Daily correspondents, supple- curious onlooker it must not be too different from a three-ring circus (the three rings: Dewey, Stassen and Taft). Political Lairs Besides Convention Hall, there ara -urn imnr.,.n-noi'tntrsno fin- ful girls. Not only can you get all the leaflets and campaign buttons you want, but there is free iced tea and soft drinks for all. Tom Dewey's staff is awarding door prizes to women guests-mostly nylons. You can also get Dewey Frictiont... By HAROLD JACKSON, JR. PHILADELPHIA, June 21 (Del layed)-There's only one point on which everyone in this wild city of gate, alternate, visitor and ward- leader. "There'll be an elephant in the White House come January" was the theme of the first session in Convention Hall and grins of victory paper all four walls of every hotel, - bar and nightclub _:,--- - -n-mra c -av -alr nt nn a leases satirizing every other can- didate. A sample statement: "I would demand the immediate res- ignation of the head of the farm bloc, the head of the meat bloc, the head of the butter bloc and the head of the lumber bloc. I be- likm ur nPPHn PntirinP nmset