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June 27, 1948 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1948-06-27

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U I.

merian Generosity?



THE UNITED STATES finally has a bill
on the statute books to admit displaced
persons into the country.
At first glance this is a heartwarming and
welcome statement. The immediate reaction
to it is likely to be, "Well, it's about time we
did something."
However, let's take a look at what we have
done, and see if we've really got a bill that
will deal fairly with almost 1,000,000 home-
less Europeans.
The bill, which was rushed through the
closing session of Congress, represents a
hasty compromise between the House and
., Senate views. Unfortunately, the more strin-
gent Senate bill has taken the ascendancy
in the final measure over the rather more
liberal House legislation.
The new law represents the culmination
of action begun in 1945 when President
Truman asked that displaced persons be
given 90 per cent preference under existing
immigration laws. Through the long period
of Congressional procrastination, shelved
bills, telegrams to Congressmen, articles
both pro and con by prominent Americans
and a certain amount of nationwide inter-
est, Truman continued advocating passage
of legislation that would admit as many dis-
placed persons as possible.
Now that such a bill has cleared Con-
gressional hurdles, the President has of
course signed it into law-but with bitter
and explicit criticism. It is worth under-
standing why a man who has constantly
urged such legislation should vehemently
protest it once it has been enacted.
According to the provisions of the bill the
205,000 persons to be admitted to this
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

i{itor;e dote


country must have entered Germany, Aus-
tria or Italy on or before December 22, 1945.
President Truman cites this restricting
clause as "flagrantly discriminatory" against
both Jews and Catholics. Most Jews who
entered these zones before the prescribed
date have already left, and most of the dis-
placed Jews now in these areas entered after
Dec. 22, 1945. Another restrictive clause
which will neatly bar the majority of the
10 per cent of Jews left eligible after the
time restriction, gives first priority to fam-
ilies engaged in agriculture. Relatively few
Jews are farmers.
Many Catholics also would literally be de-
nied entrance to the United States because
of the same time restriction. And Roman
Catholics constitute 64 per cent of displaced
persons; Jews 22 per cent, and Protestants,
Greek Catholics and Greek Orthodox tol
gether, the remaining 14 per cent. There
is a discrepancy here, all too obvious for our
lawmakers to shrug off.
In addition, the bill stipulates that 50 per
cent of persons admitted must come from
countries annexed by a foreign power, spe-
cifically Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and
Eastern Poland. Far less than half the dis-
placed persons in Europe are in these areas,
and those who are there are for the most
part Protestant.
Neither the Stratton bill nor the Ferguson
bill, up for Congressional consideration last
year, contained the damning time restriction
or area clauses and both bills allowed for
admission of many more persons than does
the present bill. But these measures were
allowed to die and in their stead we have a
law that must be condemned as unrealistic
and ignorant at best or cruel and bigoted
at worst. It seems as if this is a case where
no legislation would have been infinitely
better than the almost worthless law we
now have to pass off on the world as "Amer-
ican generosity."
--Fredrica Winters.



to take on a new

character in the summertime if one is
to judge from the letters column of The
Daily. Or it might be more correct to guess
that the challenging ideas which makes our
Letters to the Editor Column so popular
during the regular semester, melt away in
the summer heat.
This seeming lack of spark is reflected in
almost all activities on the summer campus.
The usually enthusiastic people who work
hard in the political clubs have disappeared
into dark, cool corners. To date, the only
political club registered with the Office of
Student Affairs is the Wallace Progressives.
No one seems to have reminded the Repub-
licans and Democrats attending the summer
session that the all-important presidential
election will take place in the fall.
The same phlegmatic spirit has oozed into
the atmosphere surrounding League, Union
and Student Legislature activities. Because
no one seems to want to do anything, the
few mainstays of these organizations des-
perately seek workers and in the end, wind
up by doing the jobs themselves.
. Many reasons have been advanced to ex-
plain the extraordinary apathy. (Extraor-
dinary, because we are noted for our
apathetic quality in the cooler months too.)
Heat, the long hard pull in classes, fewer
people in campus and the population change
have been offered as the final explana-
To this, we say "baloney." Anytworking
girl will tell you that the work is the same
in the summer as in the other months. The
heat doesn't change the necessity for work.
The fact that there are fewer people on
campus makes it more important that each
one do his share. As for classes, many of
the people we know who are active during
the regular semester hurdle blocks of the
afternoon or evening labs and eighteen hour
programs. That there are more older people
on campus presents a good opportunity for
experienced and mature help.
We're living in an age in which it is of
the utmost importance that each citizen
take an active part in the community. Time
doesn't stand still in the summertime, other-
wise there would be no summer session.

New Repu bilicanism

pHILADELPHIA--In the long run, the
public emergence of a new kind of Re-
publicanism is likely to be considered the
most important event of this convention. It
was because the Republican party lad al-
ready changed greatly, without many peo-
ple really noticing it, that Thomas E. Dewey
and Earl Warren were so quickly chosen
as the standard bearers. Dewey and War-
ren symbolize the final triumph of the mod-
ern-minded Republicans, whose very exis-
tence has sometimes been obscured by the
disproportionate number of men like Re-
presentative John Taber in the Republican
majority in Congress.
The proof of these conclusions is to be
found, curiously enough, in the miscalcu-
lation in the strategy of the small political
underground that proposed to draft Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg for the Presidency.
So astute a politician as Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge firmly believed, until the very
day the convention opened, that the forces
of Governor Dewey and Senator Robert A.
Taft would be so evenly balanced as to pro-
duce a deadlock. It is ancient history that
the idea then was to offer Vandenberg as
a compromise.
WHAT IN FACT happened was that the
forces of Senator Taft, who commanded
the support of the Republican right wing,
turned out to be much weaker than had
been expected. Senator Taft himself comes
out of the convention, as one could have
anticipated, with increased stature. From
start to finish, he showed unfailing strength
of character, good sportsmanship and an
odd attractive kind of impersonal common
No deadlock materialized, not because
Taft failed as a leader, but simply because
of the increasing rarity of the men designed
in the classical image of the old-fashioned
Republicanism-men like Taft's Texan sup-
porter, Colonel R. B. Creager, who became
master of the prty in Texas under Warren
Gamaliel Harding; or old Harrison Spang-
ler of Iowa, or Taft's manager, Clarence
Brown of Ohio. Although very different
from Taft in character, these were the men
vho constituted the Taft bloc. And they
were not only a relatively small minority
of the whole convention; although they are
reputed to be the practical masters of the
political craft, they were also constantly
outsmarted by Dewey's brilliant organiza-
tion, headed by Herbert Brownell.
Look at tle huge Brown, whose natural
habitat seems to be a smoke-filled room.
Then look at the slender, precise Brownell,
who seems to be rather out of place away
from a good law office or modernist pro-
fessor's platform. You see at once the dif-
ference between the "old Republican party
and the new.
** *
The candidates themselves, of course,
express the change in the Republican
prty better than any one else. Of Dew-
ey's record, nothing needs to be said, be-
cause everything has been said so often
already. His character, however, remains
surprisingly puzzling, considering the
length and great importance of his pub-
lie service

this staff, he commands really passionate
loyalty. In short, he must be much more
likeable at close range than on a platform,
and this is important, for a man's personal
staff must inevitably know all his seamy
More important still, Dewey and his
staff possess really remarkable experience
and competence in the art of government.
In this respect, political leadership is a
little like a plumbing fixture-it may be
nice to have it orchid-colored, but what
matters is that it should work. The work-
ing effectiveness of Dewey leadership is,
finally, greatly enhanced by the choice
of Earl Warren as his running mate.
WARREN IS by long odds the most pro-
gressive of all the Republicans of na-
tional stature. He is an easy-tempered,
genial man, but a fighter when aroused.
And the thing that most strongly arouses
his fighting spirit is the greatest danger for
the Republicans-the grabbing for anything
that it not nailed down, by the large special
interests that still regard the Republican
party as their very own. From this, under
Dewey and Warren, there is reason to hope
the country should be safe.
The Republican majority of Congress may
still wish to celebrate a carnival of reaction,
as President Truman charges. But Dewey,
leading his party back to the good fruits of
office after many hungry years, should long
enjoy the same control of Congress that
EFranklin Roosevelt enjoyed for similar rea-
sons from 1936 to 1938.
A Dewey-Warren administration will be
a conservative administration, for if the
word means anything at all, the Republi-
can party is certainly the party of Ameri-
can conservatism. But the Dewey-Warren
brand of conservatism should also be intel-
ligent conservatism, which means that the
Jobs that really need to be done will be
done efficiently, and the messes that really
need to be tidied up will be tidied up neatly.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
THERE will be no weeping, wailing or
gnashing of teeth among males if the
fashion designers carry out their reported
intention of shelving the New Look. Let it
be laid away with the Empress Eugenia hats,
hobble skirts and Grandmother's swim suit,
and without moth-proofing.
And mark up a victory of the men of
America whose combined guffaws between
bitter grumblings changed the face of fa-
shion, euphemiously speaking, in one season.
Ordinarily, the changing fashions are
greeted with indulgence by the men. It givei
a lift to their egos to view the harmless
foibles of their women with amused toler-
ance. From their lofty perch atop their own
fashion world, which has changed by only
the shifting of a button or two in 50 years,
they parade their own superiority in sar-
torial taste by greeting the distaff side as
fanciful little children who do the funniest
things with bits of cloth, feathers and beads.
Then along came this New Look. The
women were little children no longer. Even
the youngest began to resemble something
out of Godey's Lady's Book, of the fading
family album stored in the attic. Kindly
smiles maded on masculine faces and then


VERSITY, by Kent Sagendorph (384 pp.
with illustrations, E. P. Dutton, $4.50).
"complex cross section of the world's so-
ciety, wherein students and researchers from
every corner of America, and 53 foreign
lands, bring to a little colony at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, their problems, their hopes and
their contrasting national personalities."
Beginning with this suggested definition of
the institution, Mr. Sagendorph sets out to
explain how it got that way and in so doing
he has produced a popular, comprehensive
and highly informative account of the Uni-
In following the University's development
from its rustic origins in 1817 in an apolo-
getic-looking building on Bates Street, De-
troit t4 its present eminence, the reader is
made constantly aware ofnthe central theme
of progress and expansion under the guid-
ing intelligence of such early presidents as
Henry Philip Tappan and James Burrill An-
gell. He is impressed by the pioneering and
experimental spirit that led Michigan to
become the first real state university, for
instance, or the first to open its halls to a
coed. He is likewise impressed by the size
and expanse of the University with its
growth in enrollment from six in 1841 to
the present day totals that run into five
figures and its extensive physical plant
that began with an isolated building called
Mason Hall and spread to staggering dimen-
The feature of the old schoo>'s past
which is likely to interest the reader most,
however, is not the recounting of these
great strides forward, but rather the
quaint and colorful episodes that accom-
panied them.
For example, Mr. Sagendorph has includ-
ed in his history details of such interesting
subjects as John Dewey's professorship and
his influence on the campus, the origin of
the rivalry over the Little Brown Jug, the
first Rose Bowl game and the era of Field-
ing H. Yost. And he has dealt adequately
with such much-discussed but little-under-
stood phenomena as Joe's and the Orient
and the "Michigan spirit."
It should be mentioned, however, that
Mr. Sagendorph's history contains a sprin-
kling of inaccuracies, one of the most con-
spicuous of which occurs in his mention of
the 1939 football game between Michigan
and Minnesota inhwhich he credits the
Wolverines with the victory, 20-7. The
score is correct but, as any sports page
addict knows, the Little Brown Jug went
back to Minneapolis that year.

E dito ria.l Rounds
Ann Artor News ... '
'Strong Candidtle'
AGAIN THOMAS E. DEWEY is the Republican candidate for Pres-
ident of the United States. Despite the old party precedent
that a defeated candidate was never renominated, the delegates at
Philadelphia chose him to head the ticket. Perhaps they 'regarded
it as a happy augury that after he had been first defeated for governor
of New York he came back in brilliant form and won not only election'
but re-election.
Perhaps that re-election was a particularly favorable augury, be-
cause it was won largely on the record of ' a particularly sound and
satisfying administration of the governmental affairs of the common-
wealth of New York. As an administrator Dewey has shown himself
outstanding. That was one of the strong arguments for his 'renomina-
tion for President. The United States government needs a sound
administrator in these troublesome, complicated days.
DEWEY is a bigger man, a stronger leader than he was four years
ago. He comes before the people with greater abilities and a more
impressive record. He has growi and developed in the interim. This
is a new Dewey who runs for President. And he runs under greatly
different circumstances.
Michigan may feel proud that one of its sons has been chosen
as a candidate for the highest office in the land. So may the Uni-
versity, as we were reminded when th~e triumphant paean of "The
Victors," his campaign song, greeted the nominee as he entered the
convention hall to give his speech of acceptance. We will hear "The
Victors" often this fall, not alone on the football field but wherever
the struggle for the Presidency wages.
THE REPUBLICANS have chosen a strong candidate from an im-
pressive field of strong candidates, including Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg, who remains in a post where he honestly feels he can
best serve his country.
The Democrats have a job on their hands in trying to pick a,
better candidate at their July convention.
* * * *
Chicago Sun-Times ...,
'Old Guard, New Boss'
C OL. McCORMICK, the renowned strategist and political prophet,
was determined to beat Gov. Dewey, whom he has branded as
un-American. He moved into the Republican convention with all
the grace and finesse of an elephant in a telephone booth.
His master stroke came just before the convention opened. He
said Dewey was too weak to win the election in November. He plumped
for a Taft-Stassen ticket.
Like a raw east wind, the chilling news ran through the
ranks of Stassen supporters and others who were looking for some-
thing fresh and novel by way of a candidate. Nothing could have
been better calculated to quench the spirit and paralyze the, will of
the younger element in the party....
GOV. DEWEY'S nomination was a triumph in the art of political
Dewey the nominee is not a person. He is a manufactured product,
as carefully tailored to the market as the latest shaving cream, as
scientifically put together as a gadget for mass consumption. In
the making of this product, nothing was left to chance. No smallest
element in the formula was overlooked.
His 1944 experience showed that people regarded him as a
character so cool and aloof as to be out of touch with the average
voter. Therefore the Dewey of 1948 went to Phiadelphia with just the
right degree of friendly warmth added to his makeup.
On issues, he managed, as he has done throughout his career,
to keep precisely on the beam of public sentiment. He could look like
a liberal without alarming the conservatives. He could look like a
conservative without unduly frightening the liberals. He could take
a strong internationalist line in such a way that only the die-hard
isolationists distrusted him. His public relations advisers and opinion
samplers cautiously prevented him from getting too far out in front,
or lagging too far behind.
Above all, what nominated Dewey was the expertly nourished'
impression that his was a winning cause. By making the right deals
at the right time-the deal with malodorous Grundyism in Pennsyl-
vania; the deal with isolationist, ultra-reactionary Halleck of Indiana
(which struck right at the heart of McCormick's midwest)-Dewey's
handlers planted in the minds of all the little bosses and patronage-
hungry satraps the terrifying conviction that if they didn't get
aboard the bandwagon soon they'd forfeit a share of the pelf.
TAKING PLATFORM and nominee together, it is clear that the
forces of McCormick isolationism have suffered a disastrous
defeat which is beyond face-saving.

If elected, Gov. Dewey will almost certainly appoint as secretary
of state (unless he bartered that job away in the pre-election huck-
stering) John Foster Dulles, who has been a leading figure in the man-
agement of bipartisan foreign policy under Truman. The main lines
of this country's course in world affairs may be regarded as ratified
by the Republican convention.
Yet it cannot be said that in this historic departure from the

(Continued from age 2)
Posture Clinic-Mon., 3:30 p.m.
and Tues., 2:30 p.m.
Register at Barbour Gym. 9-41
or 9-12.
Recreational Swimming-Wom-
en Students: There will be recre-
ational swimming, Michigan Un-
ion Pool, Tues. and Thurs. eve-
nings, 7:30-9:30 p.m., and Sat.
mornings, 9-11 beginning June 29.E
Bring bathing cap. Small fee]
charged. A check-up at Health
Service is required of all who par-
Sports Tournaments-Women,
Students: Tournaments in golf,
archery and tennis are being
sponsored by the Women's Physi-
cal Education Dept. Small entry
fee. Register at the Women's Ath-
letic Bldg.
Sports for Women: There are
classes for the beginner or ad-
vanced student in golf, tennis,
dance, and swimming. Register
Mon., 9-12, Barbour Gym. Class-
es begin Mon.
Attention students of French
and Spanish: There are still some
places available for lunch and din-
ner at the French and Spanish
Tables of the Maison Francaise
and Casa Espanla. For arrange-
ments call Mrs. Pauline Elliott,
1027 E. University, telephone
The four o'clock lecture listed
for July 7 in the School of Ed-
ucation Program of Activities-
"Men and Women of Tomorrow"
by Prof. Fred S. Dunham-will
be given on June 29. The lecture
listed for June 29 by Prof. Rensis
Likert will be given on July 7.
Meeting of the Executive C;om-
mittee of the American Veterans
Committee, Tues., June 29, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union.
Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Tues., June 29, 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 1084, East Engineering. Busi-
ness: Organization meeting, old
and new members, and guests wel-
Summer Session Lecture Series
Continued: "Effect of the War on
the European Economy," Tuesday,
June 29, 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. James W. Angell, Co-
lumbia University, speaker.
A cademic Notices
Teacher's certificate candidates:
The Teacher's Oath will be given
to all August candidates for the
teacher's certificate on June 28,
29, and 30, between the hours of
1-5 in Rm. 1437 U.E.S. This is a
requirement for the teacher's cer-
Philosophy 141s (Social Philoso-
phy) meets Tues. and Thurs., 205
Mason Hall, 7-9 p.m., not a.m.
Math. 327: Statistics Seminar,
3201 Angell Hall. First meeting:
Fri., July 2, 3-5 p.m. Subsequent
meetings: Tues., 3-5 p.m.
Monday, July 5, Legal Holiday.
No lasses. ____
Faculty Concert Series: The
first in the series of seven Mon.
evening recitals scheduled for the
Summer Session will be presented
June 28, 8 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Hall by Gilbert Ross, violin; Emil
Raab, violin; Bernard Milofsky,
viola; Oliver Edel, cello; and
Mischa Meller, piano. The pro-

gram will include selections of
Beethoven and Leroy Robertson,
and will be open to the general
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club meet at
northwest entrance of Rackham
Building. 2:30 p.m. for hiking and
A tea and reception for the Ed-
ucation staff of the Summer Ses-
sion will be held on Sunday after-
noon, June 27, from four to six
o'clock in the University Elemen-
tary School Library. All members
of the summer staff in Education,
together with husbands and wives,
are cordially invited.
International Center presents
Mr. Ted Malone, Roving Reporter
and Story Teller at 8 o'clock this
evening, Michigan League Ball-
room. "It's All One World to
Us." The public is cordially in-
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price Sun., June 27, 2:15 p.m.
Sacred melodies: Tailis canon,
Sicilian mariners' hymn, Lone-
some Valley (White spiritual).
Percival Price-Sonata for 47


Medical science is at last break-
ing the news to overweigh individ=
uals that the cause of their excess
fat is too much food. It was donk
gently although belatedly, almos
apologetically as though the re-
searchers were reluctant to deF
prive fat folks of their favorite al-
ibis, sublimations and rationali-
Bit by bit the medical men,
through newspaper and magazine
articles, are telling the heavy-
weights that, except inrare in-
stances, heredity, glandular dis-
turbances and other uncontroll-
able individual peculiarities have
nothing to do with the case. The'
simply eat more food than their
bodies need, and it is being store,
as fat in their tissues.
Now, the Army takes cognizance
of the rarity of the brand of will
power that enables one to take it
easy with gravies, butter, pastries
and other tempting but fattening
foods and announces the discovery
of a chemical called gossyp tout
ed to control appetite. After be-
ing given this miracle drug, an-
mals , even though ravenzously
hungry at the outset, eat only a
minimum of food and are satis-
fied. As a result, weight goes
-St. Louis Star-Times
In mad haste, Congress last
week passed many poor bills and
failed to consider many import-
ant measures. This betrays a la-
mentabie weakness for putting
everything except adjournment
off to the last possible minute. e
-The New Yorker

9:15 a.m., WJR, Hymns of Free-
6:15 p.m., WWJ-TV, Televisioti
Science Series. Michigan Fish and
Fishing, Karl F. Lagler.
10:45 p.m., WHRV, Workshop
Drama (Speech Department).
Coming Events
Christian Science Organizatiou
will hold its weekly meeting Tues.,
evening at 7:30, Upper Room of
Lane Hall. All are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Russian Circle Meeting, Mon.,
June 28, International Center. Re-
freshments served. For further in-
formation: Tatiana Pytkofsky,
1102 Oakland, Phone-2-4914.
Spanish Club: Regular meetings
will be Wed. evenings, beginning
June 30, 8 p.m., West Conference
Room of the Rackham Bldg. Irq
addition there will be afternoon
meetings at 4 p.m. for the pur-
pose of informal conversatlin.
These afternoon meetings will be
in the League Cafeteria, Wed.,
Spanish House, 1027 E. University
on Tuesday, International Center
on Thurs.
The Michigan League is offering
the following program during the
Summer Session:
Mon. Square Dancing -Lesson,
starting June 28, 7:30-9 p.m.
League Ballroom; Scott Colburn
calling. Five lessons, $1.50 or one
for $.4U.
Tues. Ballroom Dancing Classes.
Beginning 7:00 p.m., Intermediate
8:00 p.m. Six lessons are $2.00.
League Ballroom.
Wed. Bridge Lessons at 7:30 p.m.
League Gameroom.
Thurs. Duplicate Bridge at 7:30
Fri. Casbah, 9-12 p.m.
Sat. Casbah, 9-12 p.m.
Radio Programs: Monday, June
3:30 p.m., WKAR, Dr. Hal
3:45 p~m., WKAR, Deaon Ed-
monson, "The Teacher Shortage,"
5:45 p.m., WPAG, Preston Slos-


Fi fty-Eighth Year


Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Coiatrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes.........Managing Editor .
Kenneth Lowe.........Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr.S.... ports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James .......Business Managr
Harry Berg......Advertising. Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _-

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
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