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June 27, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-06-27

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Latest Deadline in the State


Amneicans Fly In
Milk, Food Rations
To BesiegedBerlin
Chuirehidl Warns Against Yielding
To Dietators, 'Nazi or Conmnunist'
By The Associated Press
BERLIN, June 26-The Ameri.cans flew in powdered and canned
milk- and promised Army "C" rations for civilians in the Russian1
siege of Berlin today.
A Plying Fortress brought medical supplies in the first of several
such flights to bring in vitally needed goods to keep the city's economy
But these were makeshift measures and the British commander
called on the Russians to lift theiy week-end food blockade of the
three wesftern sectors at once or .

New Draft Will
Take One Out of
. .
'very 38 Eligible
All Men Between Ages of 18-25
Required To Register oni August 16
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 26-If you fall within the 19 through 25 age
bracket, there's one chance out of 28 that you'll be drafted in the first
12 months.
But between 200,000 and 225,000 young Americans should be put-
ting their affairs in order-they'll be in uniform by the fall of 1949
and stay there 21 months.
Approximately 7,3000,000 others between 18 and 25 should circle
the date "August 16" and arrange with the boss to get off a few hours
so they can register. Eighteen-year-olds must register, though they
. . ',-

take the blame for starving 2,000,-
000 Germans.
Compared to Munich
In England Winston Churchill
declared in a speech that the issue
was as grave as that raised at
Munich 10 years ago and warned
against any "yielding to dictators,'
S:whether Nazi or Communist."
A barge carrying 300 tons of
grain for the Berlin population
and two trains bringing potatoes
reached the city from the west to-
day, but there was no indication
that the Russians were letting up
on their stranglehold.
Milk for Babies
The American flights bringing
in powered and canned milk were
far German babies who can get
no fresh milk now that the .Rus-
sians have stopped the flow from,
dairies in their zone.
# Official sources said the Amer-
ican Air Force beginning Monday
would double its flights to Berlin
to 100 a day to bring in food and
as many other "essential items" as
possible. These will carry about
200 tons a day. But American ex-
perts declared it would be impos-
sible to ring in all the 2,000
to 2,500 tons of food daily needed
by western Berlin's population.
The U.S. Air Force is already
supplying the 10,000 Americans
New Money Exchanged
American, British and French
authorities in Frankfurt an-
nounced that one new western
Deutsche mark will be exchanged
for 10 old Reichsmarks in west-
ern Germany.
Marshal Vassily Sokolovsky, the
Soviet commander, has outlawed
the Deutsche mark in the Eastern
" Zone and in all Berlin, but the
western generals were letting the
new eastern mark circulate freely
in their sectors.
Soviet Ge neral
Drop Speed Charge
After Identification
BERLIN, June 26-(/P)-Ameri-
can soldiers in an armored car
and a jeep chased Marshal Vassily
D. Sokolovsky, Russian command-
er in Germany, for two miles to-
night and arrested him for speed-
As soon as the Soviet leader was
identified his release was ordered
and Gen. Lucius D. Clay, the U.S.
commander in Germany, sent his
personal apologies to him.
The Soviet official was travel-
ing on one of Berlin's super-high-
ways, presumably enroute from
his office to his villa, when a U.S,
constabulary patrol spotted the
speeding car. Russian officials use
the highway through the U.S. sec-
tor to get to their zone from
downtown Berlin.
An account of the incident said
Sokolovsky accompanied by a
bodyguard was riding in a deluxe
American car.
Sokolovsky stepped out of his
car and declared, "I'm Marshal
"This made no impression on
the - GI's," .an American officer
related, "since they didn't under-
Stand Russian."~
Through an interpreter, Sokol-
: ovsky said he was "surprised at
being stopped because he thought
official cars had the right df way,"
the officer said. Sokolovsky "did-
n't seem very pleased about it but
he was patient," an officer said.
Witiesses Charge
Gas Tie-In Sales

I UN Med1 citor
Talks of TPearce
Arab League, Israelis
To Consider Advice
RHODES, June 26-(IP)-Count
Folke Bernadotte is expected to
complete his initial suggestions
for Palestine peace talks this
Jewish and Arab experts, who
are here to give information to
the United Nations mediator, plan
to leave for Tel Aviv and Cairo
Monday. Arab experts said the
Count's suggestions probably will
be carried by members of his staff
who will accompany them.
Special Session
An Arab source said the sug-
gestions will be considered by a
special session of the Arab League
next week. Other staff members
will accompany the returning
Jewish experts to Tel Aviv and
give the suggestions to Israel gov-
ernment chiefs.
A member of Bernadotte's staff
said his initial suggestions are de-
signed to win an agreement from
Arab and Jewish leaders to come
to Rhodes to discuss permanent
settlement of the Palestine ques-
With the four-week truce more
than half over, it may be the end
of next week before Jews and
Arabs decide qn peace talks. In
that event there would be only
one week of the truce remaining.
But if agreement is reached to
hold a peace conference here,
Bernadotte is expected to ask Jew-
ish and Arab military forces to
extend the truce.
Truce Extension
If the Count's suggestions for
talks are rejected, there seems
little likelihood that the Arabs
and Jews would agree to a truce
Col. Count Thord Bonde, Swed-
ish chief United Nations military
observer of the truce, arrived here
today to confer with Bernadotte,
presumably on yesterday's inci-
dent in the, southern Palestine
desert. Aftdr Egyptian forces
stopped a Jewish convoy to Negeb
Desert settlements and fired on a
truce mission plane, the UN Truce
Mission Gold Jewish authorities
they were "free to act as they
thought fit." The Israeli govern-
ment told its general staff to take
suitable action in pushing through
the convoy.
In Tel Aviv, an Israeli army
communique reported the Egyp-
tian army attacked a Jewish
settlement in southern Palestine
with small arms fire last night.
Iiploma t Cab

DOWN AND OUT . .. Jersey Joe Walcott, challenger for the heavyweight crown held by Joe Louis for eleven years and three days,
is shown on the canvas in the eleventh round of their title fight in Yankee Stadium Friday night. The Dark Destroyer caught
up with the dancing Jerseyite, shook him from head to heels with two jolting rights, then blasted him to the floor with a flurry

of punishing lefts and rights for the KO.

It was the Champ's 25 th title defense.

Ted Malone
To Talky Today
International Center
To Present Program
Ted Malone, roving radio re-
porter and story teller, will deliver
an address on "It's All One World
to Us" an International Center
program in the Michigan League
ballroom today at 8 p.m.
Seven foreign students at the
University will also participate in
the program. They are Alberto
Villalon of Chile, William Haung
of China, Nils Enkvist of Finland,
Leslie Goldberg of South Africa,
and Charles Arnade of Bolivia.
Miss Anna Vallone Weeks, for-
merly with the La Scala Opera
company in Italy and Mr. Villalon
and Mr. Roberto Cordillo will
Mr. Malone, who conducts his
own radio program, was a war
correspondent during hostilities
and is also a well-known book
and magazine poetry anthologist.
A pioneer in radio, he has a
wealth of knowledge and back-
ground on world affairs gained
from his many trips around the
world. He spices his talks and nar-
rations with behind the scenes
human interest tales.
Esson M. Gale, director of the
International Center, will direct
the program. The student speak-
ers will discuss current problems
and customs of their native lands.
The public is invited to attend.
No Classes July 5
No classes will be held in the
University on Monday, July 5, a
statement from Louis M. Eich,
secretary of the summer session,
declared yesterday.
r' from Capitol

AEL Will Never Support
GOPTicket, Greent Says

WASHINGTON, June 26-(4P1- -
William Green, president of the
American Federation of Labor,
said today it will "never" support
the new Republican Presidential
ticket of Thomas E. Dewey and
Earl Warren.
But one AFL union, the Inter-
national Brotherhood of Teams-
ters, promptly rushed in to say
that Green was not speaking for
The Teamsters Union "does not
share Mr. Green's views on this
matter," declared Lester M. Hunt,
director of public relations for the
union, which has headquarters at
Open Question
Green's announcement w as
made to reporters at the White
House after he had a 15 minute
chat with President Truman.
Whether the AFL might sup-
port Mr. Truman if he wins the
Democratic nomination, was left
an open question.
Green, a registered Democrat,
didn't say.
But he did express the opinion
that the "Republicans certainly
won't get much labor support."
Green added that Labor's league
for political education, the AFL
political adjunct, "will never sup-
port the Dewey-Warren ticket.;
Only once before, in 1924 when
it supported Robert M. LaFollette
has the AFL been committed pol-
itically as an organization.
No Comment Yet
Daniel Tobin, president of the
Teamsters Union, has left the way
open for both the Democrats and
the Republicans to seek the sup-
port of the union's 1,000,000
claimed members. He said in a
statement at Indianapolis last
Monday the union won't decide
its political course of action until
sometime later in the campaign.
Several times a delegate to
Democratic National Conventions,
Tobin won't go this year because
he explained, he is "too busy."
But he denied that he has quit
the party, and said that he has
neither opposed nor indorsed any
major party candidate.
Rieve Critical
The United Mine Workers and
Old Daily Man
NEW YORK, June 26-Gov.
Thomas E. Detvey's old news-
paper training on the Michigan
Daily came in handy today, ac-
cording to the Associated Press.
The GOP Presidential candi-
date and his party stopped in
New York for a few minutes

the CIO's Political Action Com-
mittee were both non-commital
today but at least one CIO union
leader, Emil Rieve, was critical of
Rieve, in a talk for the Maine
CIO council meeting at Lewiston,
said the country's future "will be
darker than ever before" unless
the 80th Congress is repudiated
by the next administration on al-
most every domestic issue.
"The Republicans have had full
control of Congress for two years,
but they have done nothing,"
Rieve said, about such questions
as housing, health and education.
Directory Put
Ou.t in Record
Time for S ale
This summer edition of the Stu-
dent Directory, which will make
its appearance on the campus
Thursday, will set new records in
local publication history.
Production time has been cut
by more than a week, and the
new directory will sell for 75 cents,
less than since pre-war years.
"Fewer complaints should be re-
ceived this year on misspelledI
names and wrong numbers, be-
cause each of the directory's 168
pages received a double check for
accuracy," John Morris, directory
editor, said.I
A newly-revised faculty section
will be included, in addition to
the usual listing of students'
names, home addresses, local ad-
dresses and phone numbers.
Phi Lambda Theta j
Pi Lambda Theta, education
sorority, will meet Tuesday at
7:30 p.m. in the West Conference
room of Rackham.

World News
.At a G lance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 26-Pres-
ident Truman signed today the
one-year extension of the Recip-
rocal Trade Agreements Act which
Congress sent him in lieu of the
three-year continuation the Ad-
ministration sought.
* -*
BURLINGTON, Vt., June 26
Henry Wallace objected today to
AFL President William Green's
description of him as a "Repub-
lican auxiliary." The former
Vice President, Presidential can-
didate of the New Party, told a
news conference that, on the
contrary, the Republican Party
looks upon him as an enemy
equal to the Democrats.
CHICAGO, June 26 - Fifteen
squads of police-aided overhead
by six planes-were closing in to-
night on a mob of gunmen who
entrenched themselves in a west
suburban quarry.
The mob-surprised in a hi-
jacking attempt of a suburban
Western Springs handbook -
machine -gunned a Western
Springs policeman.
*' * *
The Cruiser Worcester, a mighty
new warship embodying major
changes in United States naval
gunnery and design was com-
missioned here today.
LONDON, June 26-The Man-'
chester Guardian's London dip-
lomatic correspondent said to-
day there are reports of a "seri-
ous political crisis" in Yugo-
* * *
JERUSALEM, June 26-The
Jewish broadcasting station "Voice
of Jerusalem" tonight reported an
alleged plot by the exiled Mufti
of Jerusalem to assassinate King
Abdullah. of Trans-Jordan.

may not be drafted.
September 22 is the earliest
date any one can be actually
drafted, however.
All of this is taking place be-
cause Uncle Sam is building up
his defenses.
In order that the Army, Navy,
Marin es and Air Force can be
sure of having adequate man-
power - 2,005,882 men - Con-
gress passed the Draft Bill June
It became the law of the land
when President Truman signed it
in his study June 24. It remains
the law for two years.
Under the present law, regis-
tration of all men 18 through 25
could start right away. But Selec-
tive Service officials said it would
take about six weeks to organize
some 4,000 local draft boards to do
the job.
Registration should take just a
few days. Officials point out that
16,00,00 men registered in one
day in the pre-war draft.
Then the draft itself comes.
But the bill passed by Congress
says no one can be drafted until
90 days after the legislation be-
comes law. That's September 22.
So Sept. 22 is D-Day-Draft
Day-for men 19 through 25.
Officials figure there are 7,-
500,000 Americans in the draft
age group today. With only
around 200,000 to be drafted, by
the fall of 1949, that's 2.67 per
cent, or around one out of 38.
During the next two years, how-
ever, a maximum of 606,882 men
may be inducted.
What happens when you're
drafted? Well, you're in the Army.
You have certain benefits -
hospitalization, disability com-
pensation, death benefits, and
your old job back. But the
"rights"dgranted World War II
veterans by the GI Bill of Rights
do not apply to the peacetime con-
The draft will mean nothing to
war veterans who served 90 days
in the shooting war between Pearl
Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) and V-J
Day (Sept. 2, 1945) or 12 months
between Sept. 16, 1940 and June
24, 1948 (the day the bill became
Doctors and other medical men,
regularly ordained ministers, stu-
dents studying for the ministry,
and conscientious objectors will be
exempt, too.
Men who were members of the
National Guard or an organized
drilling reserve unit before mid-
night June 24 are exempt.
A "sole surviving son" of a fam-
ily which lost one or more sons in
Saction or insline of duty with the
armed forces will be exempt, too.
High school students are auto-
matically deferred until they
graduate or until they reach the
age of 20, whichever comes first.
College students are deferred for
the current academic year.
Deferment of the other groups is
at the discretion of the President.
He also has the nod over men
engaged in scientific or medical
research and study, and-married


Black Breaks
With Forces
Of Gov._Siler
PORT HURON, Mich., Jue
26-(P)--Attorney General Eu-
gene Black's long - anticipated
break with Gov. Kim Sigler came
today when Black announced he
will support another candidate
for governor.
Black, in an interview with the
Port Huron Times-Herald, rapped
the Michigan delegation at the
Republican National Conventio
and said:
"Th redeem Michigan's honor,
there must indeed be a new and
resolute candidate for governor
of Michigan. I assuredly shall
support him."
Black gave no indication as to
whom he would support.
The Port Huron Republican,
who openly declared for Dewey in
the recent pre-convention man-
euvering among GOP Presidential
hopefuls, said he anticipated no
reward from Dewey.
Clean Up the State
"I don't want anything from
the Administration if Dewey is
elected," Black replied to a, query.
He continued, "I am just trying
to clean up Michigan' govern-
Black, in his interview with the
Times-Herald, renewed his feud
with some of the top Republican
leaders in the state, including Na-
tional- Committeeman Arthur E.
Summerfield of Flint.
Of the recent convention, the
attorney general said:
'Not Rtepresentative'
"The Michigan delegation did
not represent the people of Michi-
gan. It represented the wealthy
motor car dealers and certain mil-
lionaire executives of General
Motors and Chrysler who were de-
termined to buy their way into
the White House.
"If the Summerfield-GM crowd
had ever succeeded in naming a
compromise candidate, we would
have seen another Harding Ad-
ministration with a weak and
aged President absorbed in for-
eign affairs as his sponsors plund-
ered and pillaged an already vac-
illating government.
"Sigler in joining the money-
blooded hands of Mr. Summer-
field, has betrayed his state which
may think its stars that he at least
is not one of her native sons."
Former tate
LANSING, June 26-(IP)-Wil-
Liam C. Stenson, 47, former state
representative from Greenland,
Mich., today was under a two and
a half to 10 year prison sentence
following conviction of false pre-
tenses and fraudulent conversion.
Sentence was imposed by Cir-
cuit Judge Marvin J. Salmon, who
conducted Stenson's trial.
Stensan was accused of falsely
obtaining $7,560 from Lester A.
Davidson, Lansing contractor, on
the promise to purchase four used
bulldozers from the War Assets
Davidson said Stenson failed to
deliver the bulldozers or return
the cash.
Stenson, whose story of graft in
state government precipitated the
Ingham County grand jury, was
arrested by Lansing police last


A "Diplomat Cab," from Wash-
ington, D.C., is buzzing around the
campus this summer although no
one paid a taxi fare from here to
the nation's capitol.
The taxi, a black '46 model with
a yellow band, belongs to Morris
Blakemore, special student taking
a five week course in bacteriology
at the University. After the sum-
mer session, Blakemore plans to
return to Howard University,
Washington, D.C. where he is a
idental student hv day and a cab

bor, so he reported his use of the
cab in the city to local law en-
forcement officers "just for the
"I didn't want the local taxi-
cab companies to think I had
come all the way up here just to
compete illegally with them," he
Blakemore, whose home is in
Anderson, Ind., has been driving
the cab since January. Although
he hadn't any Senators or Army
brass-hats as passengers yet, he
vnvc mona, to 2a rn a "epnidr.

Prof. Angell To Talk on Europe Crisis

James W. Angell, professor of
economics at Columbia University,
will continue the summer term
University Lecture Series on the
topic "The Economic Recovery of
Europe," with two talks this com-
ing week.
Prof. Angell will discuss "The
Economic Impact of the War," at.

named as United States represen-
tative with the rank of minister
to the Allied Commission on Rep-
Earlier he served as a technical
advisor to the U. S. delegation to
the UN Monetary-Financial Con-
ference and as a delegate to the

. ... .. .t. .... .V.... ._.... ......_J

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