' - 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY vie Silent Me E LEVEN MEN'S civil liberties were lost in the shuffle of legal technicalities when the Supreme Court denied the leaders of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee the right for further appeal. 'Because these men were courageous enough to refuse to recognize the dubious right of the House Un-American Activitiea Committee to investigate their private rec- ords on the grounds that their organization was "subversive," they were convicted of contempt for that esteemed body. And be- cause of the refusal of "certiorari" by the Court, they will have to pay the fines and serve the jail sentences for their courage. The history of their appeals provides enough of a doubt for the Supreme Court t have reviewed the case. Both of the Circuit Courts were divided on the ques- tion. The conviction of Dr. Edward A. Barsky and the 10 other committee mem- bers was sustained by,' a vote of two to one in the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals. The dissenting Justice Edgerton declared that the very term "un-American' is completely indefinite." The basic issue, he maintained, was "whether Americans may be fined and imprisoned for passive resistance" to the house Committee's "inquest into their political and economic views." Because the Supreme Court is silent on this basicissue, it raises questions about Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are. written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NTGHT EDITOR: PAT JAMES "+ - - - - - -~ --- - ---- -""_ similar cases which have been appealed to the court. Gerhard Eisler, who was con- victed for contempt, has asked review of his conviction. His conviction was also up- held by a split decision of two to one in an appellate court. The "unfriendly wit- nesses" in the Hollywood investigations, two of whom refused to answer "yes or no" to the question ."Are you, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?" will be coming up too. Will the court then choose to remain aloof from the very basic fight for political freedom? If it does, what, then? This week we have heard some hoarse shouting at the Repub- lican convention. Not a little of it was directed towards threats of wiping out the "reds" in this country, dropping them from federal payrolls and eliminating the atmo- sphere which allows them to "bask in Marx- ism." Nor are the Democrats loath to be left off the. "red-hunting" bandwagon-their record is no better on the issue. Allowing men of the caliber of J. Parnell Thomas to define a Communist is a dan- gerous and sickening precedent. Some of us may joke about the broad definition that the word Communist includes, but there have been cases during the 30's when neigh- bors testified in the civil service inquisitions that the unrepresented defendant was' a Communist because he read liberal mag- azines and was suspected of believing in free love. The Supreme Court is the last resort to which men who believe in. liberty can turn. Our country cannot afford to have cowardice and fear running rampant nor can it afford to have nine silent nen ignore their freedom, -Lida Dailes. MATTER OF FACT: Seventeen Vi ce-Presidents By JOSEP1H and STEWART ALSOP PHILA ILPHIA - As these words are written, the sweating delegates are .still tensely balloting for the Presidential nom- inee. Although the main issue is undecided, this seems a good time to put forward a great project of Constitutional reform, the need for which has been clearly disclosed by this convention. In brief, what is needed is to remodel the Federal government on the lines of the Chase Bank, thus remedying its most ser- ious deficiency-the singleness of the Vice- Presidency. A majority of the statesmen here present would unquestionably vote for an amendment providing seventeen Federal Vice-Presidents, or whatever other number may be the Chase Bank's current total. An improved Federal establishment and still more interesting Republican Conventions would be the immediate results of this great refar _,_. . . The happy case of House Majority Leader Charles Halleck and the sad story of Governor Dwight Green of Illinois pro- side proof enough that the need for this great reform is grave and urgent. They also convey more of what can only be called the odor of this convention than any other single episode. To begin with, Representative Halleck, this active, ambitious, busy little man, has always cultivated connections with impor- tant persons; and one of his long-standing connections was with Governor Thomas E. Dewey. It was not clear. It was not definite. But it was nevertheless rather generally understood long mpnths ago, that Repre- sentative Halleck would be for Dewey at Philadelphia, and that Dewey would confer on Representative Halleck the second place on his ticket. Representative Halleck was, a hopeful man when he entered this city at the head of the Indiana delegation, which was pledged to him as the state's favorite son. Unfortunately, there are more votes in Illinois than there are in Indiana, and Gov- ernor Green has long felt that there was something a trifle provincial about life in Springfield. The Dewey managers had the happy but rather foolish idea that Governor Green could defy the terrifying thunder of Colonel Robert R. McCormick and take part of the Illinois delegation away from Senator Robert A. Taft. If this bold putsch or jacquerie of the political peasantry of Illinois could only succeed, Governor Green would have the natural right to a glittering new life, as Vice-President in the nation's capital. With the prize of Illinois dangling be- fore them, the always business-like Dewey management deferred nailing down the smaller, easier prize of Indiana. At first Representative Halleck was a little plain- tive about the absence of an'y reassurance about his own future. He was heard to wonder whether he ought to go to Gover- nor Dewey, to talk things over, or wait for Governor Dewey to talk to him.. Then proper pride asserted itself. Two days before the balloting he joined the councils of the combination which was then forming to stop Governor Dewey. He as- sured Michigan State chairman Arthur Summerfield that he would not go for Dewey and meant to hold the Indiana delegation to their favorite-son commitment to him- self, or twenty-four hours, Halleck was, in truth, an active member of the grand alliance against the New York Governor. Evei in the afternoon of the last day, when rumors had begun to circulate about In- diana being for Dewey, Halleck assured Summerfield that his determination had not weakened. Something else had happened in the in- terval, however. The Dewey bandwagon had roared into Indiana, and almost all the delegates formally committed to Halleck had briskly climbed aboard. Evidently Hal- leck learned of this shortly after his tele- phone conversation with Summerfield, and decided to make the best of a bad bus- iness. At any rate, when Indian caucused on the evening before the balloting, he had experienced a startling change of heart. Representative Halleck stirred the In- diana caucus with an impassioned oration on Governor Dewey's virtues, suddenly but completely recalled to his mind. Indiana voted unanimously to go for Dewey on the first ballot, with ex-favorite son Hal- leck leading the parade. Prior to this event, meanwhile, Governor Green had tried to organize his Illinois jac- querie, and sadly failed. Far from resem- bling an impassioned uprising of the op- pressed, the episode was much more like the brief independence of a rather timid little boy. The stern teacher merely points to the ruler, and the boy shrinks away from the jampot, and bows his little head with a tear in his little eye. Representative Halleck, it is rumored, may still be Governor Dewey's running mate de- spite his flirtations with the anti-Dewey alliance. But if the amendment to remodel the Federal government were only on the statutebooks today, it would also be possible to bring contentment and happiness to Gov- ernor Green, Senator Ferguson, Governor Driscoll, and quite a lot of other people who rather oddly want to be Vice-President too. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: By SAMUEL GRAFTON pHTLAD'ELPHIA--The only thing here that comes near being an issue is "in- ternationalism" versus "non-international- ism." And it is a lucky thing the issue is around, because otherwise this would really be just a school fight between the blues and the golds. The issue of internationalism alone saves the convention from being a week of noise without fervor. Whatever real emotion there may be here, beating against the nickel- plated surface of this convention, is gen- erated by this issue, and on it alone, it is possible for any of the participants here to make an approach to passion. Of course, as compared with the Willkie days of eight years ago, it seems like passion and water, passion reflected in a mirror or heard in an echo, but it is authentic for all that. And yet, for the life of me, I cannot see that this convention is going to, or is able to, take any conclusive action on the issue of internationalism, but a kind of min- gling of the two instead, producing a mish-mash, to use one of Care Booth Luce's favorite words. The two sides, the internationalist and the non-internationalist, have made so many concessions to each other that they are distinguishable only in terms of tend- ency, rather than in terms of position. First, all the internationalist candidates here, and the not-so-internationalist ones and the party itself all base foreign policy on defense. Defense is the first noun to crop up in the typical foreign affairs statement. But defense, the building up of a huge mili- tary power by one nation, is not, strictly speaking, an international concept. In phil- osophical terms it might even be called anti-internationalist. It is a concept which makes for easy agreement, but, to the same degree, it dulls or even obliterates lines. It means there isn't an internationalist here' who can see very far beyond a future of enormous American arms expenditure; and if we think back to Willkie again, it was what he saw that made him important, and not only the programs that were linked with him name. Second, there is general talk here that if an internationalist is nominated, the lower place on the ticket will have to go to a not-so-internationalist, and vice and versa. Again, the mish-mash which is so basic in the structure of this convention and which found one expression in the talk of a Taft-Stassen ticket. Third, there is a kind of disdain here for previous efforts at international agreement. Even if Yalta and Teheran were failures, it is hard to see how real internationalists can enjoy saying so quite as much as they some- times seem to here. Here, too, the question is one of perspective, of what you see ahead when you stand on a chair and peer into the future. Fourth, any candidate nominated will, if elected, have to carry the not-so-interna- tionalist Republican Congress along with him; his pockets will be filled with lead by the same hands which push him forward on his trot toward a different and better world. And so, as I say, I salute the passion that is at work here in favor of interna- tionalism, but there has rarely been a worse setting for the fulfillments of a passion. They are looking for their love where she is not, searching streets down which she has not passed. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) New Liberalism?' THE LAST MINUTE failure of the Senate to pass the Mundt-Nixon Anti-Sub- versive Activities Bill, which the House had approved earlier, points to a liberal attitude on the part of the nation toward suppression of minority and radical viewpoints. The press of other legislation and 'the shortness of time before the GOP Conven- tion were the reasons given for the bill's not reaching a Senate vote. However, other reasons can easily be implied: 1. Senator Taft, of Ohio, and other Re- publicans, opposed the measure, saying it would drive the Communists underground by its close restriction and that the legis- lation was termed in too vague phrases. 2. Attorney General Tom Clark suggested that the bill might be unconstitutional and the cautious Senate hesitates before passing legislation that might be subject to an ad- verse Supreme Court decision. 3. The Senate GOP leaders may have wished to avoid a break with the House over the hot issue by voting down the bill. In all, the House stands rebuked for succumbing to the temptation to approve emotional legislation based on post-war hysteria and the nation. appears Finally ready for anormal concept of maintain- ing national security. That concept involves the prosecution of those who attempt or advocate (with the purpose of inciting others) the immediate and violent overthrow of our system of government by illegal means. If, on the - . AP. ".X_ -;-,. - " r t WasltenwPost Tribune e "SEMANICS" is a good word, though only a few of the 80th Con- gress know what it means. "Semantics" has come into general use only recently. It has to do with words and their meanings. What does "American," "freedom," "red," "socialist" mean to you? Or "Communist" or "foreigner' or any name that might be used in name-calling. A member of the 80th Congress recently namning a man, said that he was a "Communist, a fascist, a. socialist," all of them names only, for surely a man couldn't be ai those con- flicting things in one. But Stalin and Hitler, and whatever socialist he had in mind, were representative of the very worst things he could think of, with similar confusion of ideas. Senator Taft has been called a "Communist" for daring to be back of the public housing bill; we have been called almost everything for being so bold as to speak our mind, though we have mostly quoted, and the "Congres- sional Record" at that, and tried to be wide-awake Americans. The United States people in general, and the Congress in par- ticular, don't like socialism. They don't generally know what it means, but they just don't like it, smacking as it does, of something foreign to what they have been led to believe. They don't like the word. 1IEY FORGET that not so long ago, we had toll bridges and roads run by private enterorise. A few are left, and wve swear every time we meet them in our travels. But now, in the main, we have socialized roads, on which you may travel without cost from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Canadian to the Mexican border. There is some tax income from roads and bi'idges but it goes to the city government or to the state, for the maintenance of the road or structure. We used to have private-enterprise fii'e departments that would let your house burn down if you didn't belong to the association that owned the fire apparatus. We have had private-enterprise water de- partments in our lifetime. Now, even the most ardent adherents of free enterprise would hesitate to have anything but what we have now in Ann Arbor, a "socialized" fire department, and a "socialized" water department. And it is equally true they would hesitate tq call them socialized because they don't like socialism, although that is what they really are. Similarly, when you follow things through, you will find that we now have what used to be called "socialized" education, we have a "socialized" police force, we have a "socialized" army under which everybody without exception is subject to the draft. We have a "socialized" Post Office, even to the sending of packages, which, although the Post Office itself runs back to early times, as to packages was free-enterprise, and expensive. "SOCIAISM'' is a peculiar word. We hate any mention of it, as things are at present. But we wouldn't do without it. The very first graduated income tax law was passed in 1894, and as it was passed was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. It was called by Senator Sherman of Ohio, an "attempt to array the rich against the poor . . . socialism, Communism, devilism."' Mr. Joseph H. Choate of New York, later Senator, said that if the "Communstic march went on, "there might come a time when as high an exemption as $20,000 might be made, and a rate as high as 20% might be imposed. Communism has always been a good red herring to drag across any trail! Actually, twenty-four years later, in 1919, after World War I, the graduated income tax law was finally passed, and the rate was as high as 65% on incomes of $1,000,000. Either times have changed, or Mr. Sherman and Mr. Choate were wrong. Or we became socialists or Communists. Which we very much doubt. The people were just Americans alll the time. As we said in the beginning, "semantics" is a good word, and it is especially good to know it in 1948, when the "red" menace and "Communists" worry us to the point where Mir. Callahan has spon- sored an unworkable law in Michigan and Mundt and Nixon have proposed an unconstitutional law in Washington, pertaining to them. Maybe the trouble is they never have heard of semantics. DAILY FFICIA BULLETIN TIME TO STAND ON HIS OWN FEET Occupational Information: There viola; Oliver Edel, cello; and is an opening for a teacher of Miseha Meller, piano. The pro- Practical Nursing in a large school gram will include selections of system inn Michigan. A Bachelor's Beethoven and Leroy Robertson, degree. with a major 'in Nursing and will be open to the general Education is required. For further public. information call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Et ',ts Tod Bureau ';of Appointments and Graduate Outing Club meet at Occupational Information: We northwest entrance of Rackham have calls for dormitory hostesses Building, Sun., June 27, 2:30 p.m. in some' of our good colleges. Call for hiking and swimming. Sign up at the Bureau of Appointments, at Rack'ham check-desk before 201 Mason Hall, for further de- noon Sat. Graduate students wel- tails. come. Bureau of Appointments International Center: Terrace New Registration: A meeting Pai'ty by Counselor to Foreign will be held on Mon., June 28, 4:05, Students and Director of the Sum- Natural Science Amphitheatre, for mer Session for newly arrived for- all interested in securing positions eign students to meet the Commit- for the coming year. This applies tee of Academic Advisers at the to both students and faculty in- Rackham Assembly Hall June 26 terested in either Teaching or from 8 to 9 o'clock; informal General positions. General place- dancing following reception by In- meit includes positions in busi- ternational Students Association. ness, industry, "and professions - other than education. This is the Radio Program: only registration period that will 10:00 p.m. WHRV-Michigan be held this summer. Profile 6:15 pm. WRV-Journal of _ Married Veterans of World War' the Air (Speeh DReartment) I[-University Terrace Apart- C'nn h i o Events rnents and Veterans' Housingi E Project International Center presents Opportunity will be provided Mr. Ted Malone, Raving Reporter Mon., Tues., Wed., June 28, 29, 30 and Story Teller, 8 p.m., Sun., (8-12 a.m. and 1-5 p.m.) for stu- June 27, Michigan League Ball- dents in the above group to file ap- room: 'It's All One World to Us." plication for residence in the Public cordially invited. Ur ivem',ity Terrace Apartments and the Veteran's Housing Proj- Russian Circle Meeting, Mon., ect. June 28, International Center. Re- To be eligible to apply the ap- freshents served. Fi'further in- plicant must be a Michigan resi- formation: Tatiana Pytkofsky dent, married veteran, and have 1102 Oakland, Phone-2-4914. completed at least two full semes- tels on this campus. Please bring Spanish Club: Regular meetings Military Record and Report of will be Wed. evenings, beginning Separation. June 30, 8 p.m., West Conference Those who filed applications4 Room of the Rackham Bldg. In prior to June 28, 1948 should not i addition there will be afternoon al' 1y again,. meetings at 4 p.m. for the pur- Office of Student Affairs pose of informal .conversation. Room 2, Uuniv'irsity Hall These afternoon meetings will be in the League Cafeteria, Wed., Addtional Spurts Classes for Wom- Spanish House, 1027 E. University en on Tuesday, International Center Tennis-Tues. and Thurs., 4:30 on Thurs. p .m.- Elementary Swimming - Mon. The Michigan League is offering and Wed., 4:30 p.m. the following program during the Posture-Tues. and Thurs., 4:30 Summer Session: p.m. Mon. Square Dancing Lessons, Posture Clinic-Mon., 3:30 p.m. starting June 28, 7:30-9 p.m. and Tues., 2:30 p.m. League Ballroom; Scott Colburn Register at Barbour Gym, Fri., calling. Five lessons, $1.50 or one 9-4 or Sat., 9-12. for $.40. Tues. Ballroom Dancing Classes. Recreational Swimming-Wom- Beginning 7:00 p.m., Intermediate en Students: There will be recre- 8:00 p.m. Six lessons are $2.00. ational swimming, Michigan Un- League Ballroom. ion Pool, Tues. and Thurs. eve- Wed. Bridge Lessons at 7:30 p.m. nings, 7:30-9:30 p.m., and Sat: League Gameroomn. mornings, 9-11 beginning June 29. Thurs. Duplicate Bridge at 7:30 Bring bathing cap. Small fee Fri. Casbah, 9-12 p.m. charged. A check-up at Health Sat. Casbah, 9-12 p.m. Service is required of all who par- - ticipate. _ _AUL HOFFMAN, Administrator of aid to Europe, is discover- Sports 'Tournaments-Women ing that European nations are Students: Tournaments in golf, stepping up requests for consumer archery and tennis are being goods from U.S. and scaling dwn sponsored by the' Women's Physi- their requests for capital equip- cal Education Dept. Small entry ment. Those countries give some fee. Register at the Women's Ath- signs of viewing the aid program letic Bldg. as a relief rather than a recovery program and want to get their Sports for Women: There are share while the getting is good. classes for the beginner or ad- Capital equipment usually involves vanced student in golf, tennis, loans. Consumer goods usually are dance, and swimming. Register gifts. Sat. and Mon., 9-12, Barbour Gym. -U.S. News and Classes begin Mon. World Report. Attention students of French and Spanish: There are still some places available for lunch and din- ner at the French and Spanish Tables of the Maison Francaise SI' and Casa Espanola. For arrange- ments call Mrs. Pauline Elliott, 1027E . University, telephone 25147. Fifty-Eighth Year Academic Notices ..-- .. Philosophy 141s (Social Philoso- phy) meets Tues. and Thurs., 205r/ Mason Hall, 7-9 p.m., not a.m. Math. 327: Statistics Seminar, 3201 Angell Hall. First meeting:- _ Fri., July 2, 3-5 p.m. Subsequent meetiigs: Tues, 3-5 p.m. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the The Engineering Mechanics De- authority of the Board in Control of partment is sponsoring a Sympo- Student Publications. sium on "D7ynamic Stress and Editorial Sta ff Strain" for the Summer Session Lida Dailes ... . , .Managing Editor of 1948. Professor J. P. Den Har- Kenneth Lowe.........Associate Editor tog, Professor of Mechanical En- Joseph R. Walsh, J.....sports Editor gineering, Massachusetts Institute Business Staff of Technology, will speak on the Robert James .......Business Manager "Analysis- of Centrifugal Pendu- Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager lums with large Amplitudes as Ernest Mayefed .Circulation Manager used for Vibration Suppressors," Telephone 23.24-I Fri., Jlne 25, 3 p.m. Room 445 *- - West Engineering Building, and Member of The Associated Press Sat., June 26, 11 a.m., 445 West The Associated Press is exclusively Sat., etitled to the use for re-publication. EngineerIg Building. All who are of all news dispatches credited to it or interested are cordially invited to otherwise credited in this newspaper. attend. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Past Office at Ann Co cer ts - Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matteE. Faculty Concert Series: The Subscription during the regular first in the series of seven Mon. school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, evening recitals scheduled for the --0- Summer Session will be presented Member June 28, 8 p.m., Rackham Lecture Associated Collegiate Press Hall by Gilbert Ross, violin; Emndils1947k48 Raab, violin; Bernard Milof sky, ~ ---,, ii IT SO HAPPENS ... The Wayward Escort C '1 I --- - oorstep Scene ABOUT THIS TIME of the year we recall the stoary of the young man last year who had one of those rare opportunities to take out a native lass. Taking advantage of the situation, he deposited the young lady on the steps of her house at 7:30 a.m. Whereulpon her fuming father opened the door and roared "Young man, what do yo mean by bringing my daughter home at this his letters because all of them were unsealed by the time they reached him. His sus- picions proved justified and he began re- ceiving letters in sealed envelopes after he wrote a terse note and mailed it to himself. The note read: "Why don't you keep your damned nose out of my business?" * * * 'esteryear 4LTHOUGH this is our first year in the Publications in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in type- written form to the Office of the Sum- mer Session, Room 1213 Angeli Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publi- cation (11:00 pm. Saturdays) s * * SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1948 VOL. LVIII, No. 172 Notices Office of the Dean of Women wishes to remind housemothers of women's residences that the regu- lar summer meeting will be Tues., June 29, 2 p.m., Michigan League. Bu eau of Appointments and BARNABY .. I think I have the backyard planned for r- - 1 Lucky your Fairy Godfather took over as , , I , i i