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August 15, 1948 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1948-08-15

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4°Y, AUGUST 15, 1948




Local Recreational Facilities'
Provide Fun, Entertainment

Indoor recreation poses the
problem after the -beer kegs and
insect lotion are stored away for
the winter.
For those who are satisfied with
the less sophisticated atmosphere
of the Michigan campus, the Uni-
versity offers a great deal in the
line of recreation-nothing like
Leon and Eddies, but fun none-
Indoor Sports
Except for the skiing in the Ar-
boretum, most of the winter's rec-
reaticn will be confined to the in-
door atmosphere. The University
operates its own ice-skating rink,
the Coliseum, with special student
rates which bring skating up to
the level of a poor man's sport.
University hockey and basket-
ball teams keep the sports fans
busy during the majority of the
winter months. Unfortunately,
the traditional football schedule
runs into the others almost every
Saturday night. It has been said
that sports fans go broke from
wearing out coins by flipping them
to see which games they ought to
The campus male has the
aquatit advantage over the coed
with luxurious swimming pool at
the Union. Coeds have embarked
upon a campaign to raise funds to
build a swimming pool for women
but until that bright day comes
when coeds cease to envy the
men's pool, the Barbour Gymna-
sium bathtub will have to do.
Tradition has it that a railing
had been set up around a chip in
the cement; when a heavy rain
filled the space, the result was the
coed pool. Michigan women find
themselves endowed with a most
phenomenal ability - one magic
stroke in any direction and they
can zoom across the crevice to the
other side. It doesnit make for po-
tential Esther Williams' graduat-
ing from the University.
Dancing will return to the fore

among campus social events when
the Union and the League start
off their Friday and Saturday
night dances. Frank Tinker will
be featured at the Union and the
League's Campus Casbah will
again present its night-clublike
Traditional formal dances will
again make their appearance and
crowd anyone's social calendar.
The Union will present two for-
mais along with its annual Open
Slide Rule, the engineer's Ball,
J-Hop, the junior's debut, Senior
Ball, Odonto Ball, the dentist's
get--together, Caduceus Ball, med
students semi-professional fun,
Crease Ball, the lawyer's sum-
mons to his ladies' fair and many
others will be up and coming.
In addition to all these, sorority
and fraternity house will haul
out their welcome mats for their
pledge formals and private dances.
Fraternities will substitute record
dances for their beer picnics.
The highlight of the season will
be J-Hop,
Outdoor Sports
For those students who are still
inclined to brave the elements,
Palmer Field has concrete tennis
courts which can be used in any
dry weather. A slight fee is
charged for the use of the courts.
The city has golf links and a rid-
ing stable; bicycles can be rented
at several local bike stores.
If there is enough snow, there
will be outdoor skating at nearby
Barton Pond and Burns Park
skis and toboggans will no doubt
be making their outdoor appear-
ance at the Arboretum.
Collectively, recreational facili-
ties are unusually good for a town
the size of Ann Arbor and the
University sports enthusiasts may
find a good deal to occupy them-
selves. Too much, they may real-
ize, come up around mid-semester

3 WE
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SARTORIAL ELEGANCE IN 1941-This self-conscious couple was
among the featured ones at a WAA style show in 1941. The
woman's outfit was considered to be most representative of the
college coed on the University of Michigan campus. Chances are
that this same woman's skirt is an elegant 10 inches longer, the
waistline has been nipped in and the shoulder and hip line more
pronounced but softer.
O - k6
Envious upperclasswomen have always been able to tag the in-
coming freshman-their clothes are always so bright and new.
But it takes a great deal of careful planning on the part of the,
entering coed to choose her basic wardrobe for the next four years
with an astute combination of practicality and imagination.
Fundamental to all coed's wardrobes is the sweater and skirt
combination. College coeds reject the baggy sweater of their high
school days, preferring that trim smart look to the ostentatiously
casual one.
For the more formal occasions, it is best to choose dresses with an
eye to your own personality not particularly the latest rage in styles.
Ann Arbor women a "e not extremists-iheir clothes are tasteful but
simple. The practical coed has to keep in mind that some of her clothes
will have to last for a longer time than it takes for designers to con-
jure up the pronounced pads and doodads that make the fashion
magazines change month in and month out.
Traditional folrmal dances stud the social calendar in Ann
Arbor and these furmals usually call for a minimum of two even-
ing gowns. The best plan is to have an all-out formal and one
which can be chaneed easily to meet the occasion. We would sug-
gest an evening skirt for those that have to keep to a minimum be-
cause these skirts can be so adapted as to present a different
appearance each time,
Ann Arbor is cold in the winter-these "cute" lightweight toppers
should be confined to the advertisements. A warm winter coat is essen-
tial and the ones they have been designing in the last year fit the bill
and have thy additional factor of good looks. If it is raining anywhere
in the world yo. can bet that it is raining in Ann Arbor so the rain-
coat, hat and waterproof boots are staudbys. Some of the matching
combinations being sold are goodlooking and practical, but most
women find that the novelty is trying wren they have to wear the out-
fit so often.
Blue jeans may have been a "must" in the bobby sox set, but
at the University they are strictly functional. Jeans are essentials
for the Arb and Island picnics and the Saturday afternoon bicycle
date. Otherwise, coeds shun their use in classes and libraries.
First impressions at the University o re important and good taste
in clothes can make yours a successful one. But the coed does not dress
up to her outfit, rather the coed's activities dictate the choice of her

Women Qet
Inside Dope
On nVEv'ents
Michigamua, JGP, cuts and
bolts, Union Opera, IFC, Michi-
gras, BMOC-these are phrases
which roll off the tongues of the
University students about to begin
another year and which instantly
force the newcomer to keep mouth
closed, eyes and ears open and
face set in a confident pose of
"What can I do-and quick-"
asks Miss Newcomer, "to be able to
open my mouth without sticking
my saddle shoe in it?"There are
several answers we can give in the
short-answer method.
Daily Subscription
First, subscribe to and READ
The Daily, where complete, stu-
dent-written and published ac-
counts of every campus event will
be found.
Second, take every advantage of
Orientation Week, which is care-
fully planned and carried out by
students themselves not because
they want to start school a week
early, but because they remember
how it felt as freshmen to be given
a week to gain a foothold and
gape to heart's content before the
onrush of complacent returning
Third,plug in the roommate's
radio every Saturday morning and
tune in to the local station WPAG.
"Campus Quarter," produced by
the combined efforts of the Union
and the League (men's and wo-
ien's organizations), presents each
week a story, play or discussion
of some phase of campus tradition.
Subjects of last year's programs
included such topic as "Black
Friday," the traditional freshman
doomsday no longer practiced,
football rallies and snakedances,
famous University faculty mem-
bers and graduates, the various
honorary societies and the history
of Michigan's famed Union Operas,
which were nationally reviewed
and hailed, and which are being
revived after a long lapse.
"Campus Quarter" first made its
debut in the fall of 1946 when it
was entitled "Michigan Maize." It
is now written, directed, acted and
produced by students.
Opportunities are offered to stu-
dents eligible for extra-curricular
activities in the fields of research
for material and details of tradi-
tion and publicity for the show as
well as acting and writing.
Nancy Culligan, publicity chair-
man of the League, is co-chair-
man of the program and leads all
women interested in working on
the program.
Da ily .. .
(Continued from Page 1)
tegral part in all women's campus
activities in reporting news of
campus events. The Woman's page
is not a society page but a news
page containing articles of inter-
est to all coeds.
All second semester freshmen
and undergraduate women are
eligible to sign up for the Women's
Staff tryout program providing
their grades merit an eligibility
card. Previous newspaper experi-
ence is not necessary, but women
who have had experience on high
school or other college papers are
especially urged to come out for
The Daily.

Ah-ah-ah-ah-Don't touch that
Don't turn on your roommates'
radio to your favorite quiz show,
even though you know that an
8 p.m. study break would be good
for her. No, don't drag her by the
hair to the sandwich shoppe. So,
she doesn't want to go. You may
be interrupting her well planned
schedule, even though you have
yours under control.
Someone has said, "it's the little
things that count" and it is "the
little things" that become the big
things in dorm living. Advice on
how to have and hold a good
roommate contain more do's and
don'ts than the familiar parental
parting words to college going off-
spring. But illustration and ex-
planation of some of those im-
portanti"details" of group living
may give the newcomer to the
"house" a better picture of living
with that peculiar creature called
the roommate.
Roommate trouble often stems

Torgouen wnen away aL scnooi.

Dormitory Living Requires Tact,
Consideration for Roommates


from a host of minor irritations Maybe you can live with yourself
grouped under the inoffensive in a continual state of chaos, but
little title of borrowing. EvenromaeayntAtlstkp
though you know she won't missroommate may not. At least keep
it, resist that temptation to take your untidyness on your own half,
that kleenex, lipstick, eyebrow third or fourth of the living quar-
tweezer, tennis ball, bobby pin, ters-and better yet, make it a
toothpaste, water glass, iodine, point to pick up everything now
bubble bath, boot creme, shower
cap, sunglasses and almost any- and then.
thing of "no value." Men-always a problem and
The first violation in this line even a greater one when room-
always comes in a desperate mate horns in. Don't share the
"pinch" but later, borrowing comes same man - notwithstanding all
more easily and soon roommate is advice to the contrary, all such
supplying all those innocent little schemes end in disaster. Do try
needs. When roommate revolts, now and then to get her blind
don't be surprised because those dates-instead of the girl across
little things amount to money and the hall. Don't try intimate con-
amount to trouble. Keep the well versations with her date on the
known "be prepared" motto in phone-even if he wants to know
ymate roubland stay out of room- whether she snores! Do give the
correct information, according to
Neatness her desires, as to where she is or
Another source of stress and isn't-and to the right persons.
strain with living companions is Above all, listen sympathetically
neatness and cleanliness--two old to all her tales of woe and joy-
i fashioned words repeated often and spin a few of your own-and
under parental wings, but easily all should end in peace-or semi-
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Black Sulede with
Gold Piped Bow

Way ahead of the first autumn leaves.. . our advance,


superbly styled 1948 fashions!

New looking, too . .

their flattering unrestricted fullness, glowing



Select clothes now for your every need.

lively hi-steppers
whipping across town *
vivacious, young fashions

* Outstanding Perfume and
Toilet Goods Department y;j>
* Accessories,

it 17 a

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