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August 15, 1948 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1948-08-15

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Senior Night To Be Capped
By Annual Junior Girls Play

Junior women will climax their
i. year of activities, when they pre-
sent the annual Junior Girls Play,
honoring graduating senior sisters,
to complete the traditional Senior
Night program.
An annual event since 1904, this
year's JGPlay will be the fourth
of the completely original presen-
tations, written, directed and pro-
duced solely by junior women.
The play is presented in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre tire e
times, and according to tradi-
tion, the first presentation of
the play 'for seniors only,' and
the remaining performances to
a regular audience. In formirc
To Apply for
Coeds may apply for a number
of scholarships and prizes award-
ed annually to qualified women
students in the University.
On the basis of good citizen-
ship, scholarship, and need, the
various dormitories award schol-
arships. Although they are or-
dinarily intended to meet the needs
of students who have already
made a record at the University,
they are occasionally awarded to
a new student whose credentials
are exceptional. -
Alumnus Scholarship
Entering freshmen who arce
residents of Michigan are eligible
to apply for the Michigan Alum-
ni Undergraduate Scholarsiips,
valued at the total of the semes-
ter fees. These are renewed as
long as the completion of study in
the University is satisfactory. Ap-
plication should be made to the
secretary of the University of
Michigan Alumni Club in the ap-
plicant's home city or district.
A goal to strive for is the win-
ning of one of the three Ethel A.
McCormick Scholarships which
are awarded each year. These are
given to second semester junior
women who have a scholastic av-
erage of at least 2.7 and have par-
ticipated in extra-curricular ac-
$100 Awards
The awards of $100 each are
payable at the beginning of the
next full semester during which
the recipients are on campus, and
are given for one year unless the
winner fails to meet the require-
ments at the end of the first se-

days, the play traveled to De-
troit to ;1ay for parents of the
coeds. ourig wthe war, the jun-
iors IWerI'imled for visiting army
A banquet' in the League Ball-
room precedes the event and wom-
en attend in caps and gowns. Be-
fore certain time, exerpts from the
lest J011lay are presented by the
N ort ,eat ore of Senior Night
activihts i', tI parade in which
mariled wunwa alight candles, en-
agd ed.suck lemons, pinned
WoWru i er sItaight pins, and
unuatu lhed coeds throw as many
pennies us they are old into the
wishing well.
T "e then e . oftlh play is kept
secret until its initial presenta-
tion for the seiors. The play
is inanced y class dues. A
la s; nwietmeng will be held dur-
ing'the fall smester for all
women who wish to assist in
comititee wo rk or appear in the
Ci Campbell is the chairman
of Lhis year's Junior Girl's Play.
For several years the plays
were written by graduate stu-
dents. alumni, and even profes-
asional writers. "Take It from
There," "There's Room for All,"
and "The Best Years," staged in
P91' through 1917 respectively
were produced solely by junior
woolen, as will be this year's
Tie'first production was a sim-
ple play presented by six junior
coeds in Sarai Caswell Angell Hall
in B::rbour Gymnasium. The fol-
lowing year, "every Senior," was
staged "For the warming and
mcal awakening of the senior
In 1912 a second performance,
whicn was open to all women on
campus, was given. "The Come-
back" in 1915 was performed in
Detroit. The play was not opened
to nmen in Ann Arbor until 1923
when it was staged at a local
From 1922 to 1928 the pro-
ceeds from the play were added
to the League building fund.
JGPlay was very elaborate at
this time, many times having a
week's run. Since 1920 the play
has been presented in Lydia
Mendellsohn Theatre.
Junior Girls' Play is entirely un-
der the direction of junior women.
MViss Ethel A. McCormick acts as

Junior, Senior
Coeds Eligible
For Awards
J unior and eeiu'ornoen stu-
dents at the Unive'sity as well as
graduate students are eligible to
apply for loans according to Mrs.
Mary C. Brornage, Associate- Dean
of Women.
In addition freshmen and soph-
omores who find themselves faced
with unexpected emergencies may
become eligible. Loans are made
after coniside'ation of the stu-
dents' needs a ndresources in re-
lation to t cost of University
"Whereas there was relatively
little demand for loans during the
war years," Mrs. Bromage stated,
":the academic year 1947-48 shows
1 decided increase in the amount
of money which students were
forced to borrow." This can be
attributed to mounting costs and
occasional loss of income due to
unemployment or family crisis.
The Office of the Dean of Wom-
en is able to work out the period
of repayment to fit the students'
program. Application blanks are
available in Barbour Gymnasium
upon request

Today's student should bring aul
inquiring mind and a susceptible
imagination with him when he
comes to college, according to Mrs
Mary C. Bromage, Associate Dean
of Women.
In addition, he should possess
the will to work and should have
the encouragement of his family
and teachers if he is to achieve
the objectives of a modern college
educa ion.
Dean Bromage cited these oh-
jectives as:
First, the acquisition of a new
perspective that comes from the
study of other peoples, places and
times. This should give the stud-
ent an insight into "his own turb-
ulent times."
Second, the increased enjoy-
ment of life which accompanies
the development of familiarity
with literary, musical and artistic
masterpieces. Dean Bromage said
that human nature cannot fulfill
itself unless the individual is stim-
ulated to a greater capacity for
self expression.
Third, the development of an
awareness of social responsibilities

Bromage Asks for Inquiring
Minds in Modern Students

nd the oblatons of citizenship,
liucl; Den l3romage termed "in-
eScapable in a diemocracy."
F;urth, discovery of the stud-
ent's on n field of special interest.
"Only knowledge induces the kind
of self conlicence that betokens a
(siiplnl ofl mind whereby ideas
are loundted on facts not prejud-
ices. ft is this sort of knowledge
self-acquired, and not wealth, in-
lierited position or prestige, which
oIW'1 n dOOrS min America."
Fifth . tihe OPpoirtunity to acquire
a wide ci'cie of friends, represent-
in: other ra 'es, nationalities and
relgiois. Related to this is the
cultivation of a well-rounled self-
development in social activities
and sports
Finl.ly, provision for acquiring
a basis for "that kind of human
relationshnp upon which an en-
duriit ,home life can be built."
,e(m Bromage summarized her
comuiients on what students
should get out of college by ob-
serving that "a college degree no
longer means foar years in ivy
clad towers far from the stress and
strain of world affairs."

POISED FOR THE SWIM-But there's not much room to paddle around for these typically puleh-
ritudinous University women. Campus women are conducting a drive to replace thi ' two-by-four
"Barbour Bathtub" with a really adequate swimming hole of their own. At present, the women
can stretch their muscles full length only by using one of the two pools on which miieii have first

League Holds
Classes for
Men in Dance
Coeds To Receive
Free Instruction
Ballroom Dancing may not be
listed in the University Catalogue,
but that doesn't mean that stu-
dents, both men and coeds, can't
learn to dance or to improve he
two-step that carried them
through their high school days.
Dance classes, sponsored by the
League, offer an opportunity forl
an hour a week of instruction
from an ex-Arthur Murray expert
to men for $4 each eight-week
course. Coeds may receive lessons
free while acting as hostesses and
assistant teachers.
Dancers are divided into three
groups - beginners, intermediate
and advanced, and instruction is
based on the ability and prefer-
ence of the class.
Classes are held in the evening
in the League Ballroom. An-
nouncement is made in The Daily
at the beginning of each session as
to the time and place of registra-
tion and of tryouts for the ad-
vanced class. Casses are limited
to 65 man and an equal number of

Fall Fashions Promise Color fd,
Curved Look for Col ege-Bound

Fall fashions tempt the eyes
and pocketbooks of American
women with their ingenious styles
and imaginative colors, the latter
indicating a geunine feeling tone
for this bright season.
The lady-like look of natural
shoulder-lines, small waists and
curved hips and bosoms remains,
highlighted by a galaxy of exciti
Baby-Sitting Jobs
The Office of the Dean of
Women has issued a call for baby-
sitters-a job that has more
than financial remuneration to
recommend it.
Students whose pet peeves in-
clude an uncomfortable library
nd a noisy house, will find study
appeal in the baby-sitting position.
Parents usually have the young-
ster or youngsters in bed before
the arrival of the baby sitter who
can then sit down to an undis-
turbed evening of book-cracking.
Coeds who wish to baby-sit may
put their names on the list in the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Householders who wish to take
advantage of the baby-sitting
service may call at the same of-
fice. Office hours are Monday
through Friday 8 a.m. to 12 noon,,
and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

ing and unusual colors and rich
Black, the ever-popular, will
stand aside for tones of brown
ranging from coffee to butter-
scotchi to beige. Grey, which en-
joyed a revival last season, has be=
cofm oh-so=versatile, wi l:shades
from cloud to near-black.
Reds, warm and 1hearteniing iii
the autuni coolness will be used
ext-esively. Lipstick,,uf o ai%,e
anid maroon will be rigit up there
in tie best of style. Contrasting
these colors are the variety of deep
shades which will make up a large
part of the fall wordiobe. Mossy
greens, luscious plum and black-
brushed blues will be seen in
sports as well as dress clothes.
After dark clothes will compete
with the mcon and the stars for
rornance. Clothes of gold, irides-
cen,. and metal failles and taffeta
will light up the night. Stiff
moires, and that darling of queens,
brocade will lend themselves to
formal wear par excellence.
As for fabrics, there will be plen-
ty of tweed for the college set.
Carrying out the dictum of dark-
er colors, many tweeds will have
black as a basic color, ofter with
flashes of tangerine, pink or pal-
est green to accentuate them.
11 will be a warm and exciting
fill in women's clothes.






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